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Ðề Thi Trắc Nghiệm (lần 2) - Trường THPT Lấp Vò 3

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ðề thi trắc nghiệm (lần 2) - trường thpt lấp vò 3', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Ðề Thi Trắc Nghiệm (lần 2) - Trường THPT Lấp Vò 3

  1. Sở GD _ ÐT Ðồ ng Tháp Trường THPT Lấp Vò 3 Ðề Thi Trắc Nghiệm (lần 2) A .Pronunciation I:Pick :out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1 . a. English b . Africa c. C hinese d . America 2 . a. reason b . son c. busy d . easy 3 . a. good b . boo k c. use d . sugar II. P ick out the word which has different stressed syllable from the rest 1 . a. produce b . product c. nation d . chemist 2 . a.rotation b . prevention c. different d . protection B. Grammar I. Vocabulary and expression 1 . Language isn’t …………the private property of those who use it a. necessary b . necessarily c. necessity d . necessitate 2 . English is spoken in many coutries all……..the world a. in b . over c. at d . from 3 . Is English…… a great many people in the world? a. spoke b . spoken c. speaking d . speak 4 . Children born in rich family show a …… get fat a. keenness b . tendency c. problem d . enjoyment 5 . He is very successful ………his job a. for b . with c. in d . of 6 . The……….of the moon for the earth causes tide a. attraction b . attract c. attacted d . attractive 7 . Getting such a well-paid job is beyond our……… a. expect b . expecting c. expected d . expectation 8 . Farmers can enrich the soil by…….. a. distributing mature b . adding fertilizers c. a &b are correct d . a &b are incorrect 9 . The government ……..the flood victim with food, clothes and money a. gave b . provided c. offered d . carried 10. Hunting for meat, burning forest for soil ………wildlife a. conserve b. protect c. destroy d . devote II. Grammar 1 .He used to ……….television every night a. watch b . watches c. watched d . watching 2 . I remember………you somewhere before a. meet b . meeting c. to meet d . met 3 . …..…..a foreign language requires great effort
  2. a. learn b . learning c. to learn d . b &c 4 . I would have helped you if…….. a.there was your asking b . you asked ask me d . you had asked me 5 . Dr. Fleming,…..…discovered penicilin, was awarded the Nobel Prize of medicine in 1945 a. Who b . whom c. that d . which 6 . You have made……mistakes in your writing a. so much b . a lot of c. little of d . much of 7 . Don’t drink…….wine. It’s bad for your health a. many of b . a few of c. so much d . many 8 . I couldn’t sleep last night……I was very tired a. although b . but ` c. if d. a & c 9 . Many workers will be out of work if the factory……..down a. had closed b . would closed c. closes d . closed 10. Iraq is …….oil a. richness of b . rich in c. of rich in d . getting rich in C . Writing I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it 1 . Would you please give me a hand? Would you mind…………………….? 2 . They tended to work hard They had a…………………………… 3 . A new stadium is being built near my house They…………………………………..? 4 . Nam knows little about science Little…………………………………. 5 . It is very necessary to prevent the erosion of the land We find it ……………………………. II Identify the underlined words or phrase that must be change to make the sentence correct 1. We admired his way of do things very much a b c d 2. It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires d uring the drought a b c d 3.We would love to have an opportunity of meet you again a b cd 4. Before went abroad,he had finished his English course at the English - a b c d Speaking Center 5.She is the most beautiful woman who I have ever met ab c d
  3. D. Reading I. Fill in the blank with one suitable word or phrases Plants…(1)…in almost every part of the world. We see such plant as flowers, grass and trees…(2)…every day. Plants grow high on mountaintops, far out in the oceans and in the deserts and polar…(3)….Without plants, there…(4)….no life…(5)…the earth. We could not live …(6)…air or food; so we could not live without plants. The…(7)…in the air we breath…(8)… from plants. The food we eat also comes from plants and from animals that eat plants. We build …(9)… and make many useful things from the wood. Much of our clothing is made …(10)… of the cotton plants 1. a.cut b . develop c. grow d . wither 2. a. near b . nearly c. much d . such as 3. a. regions b . ponds c. swamps d .districts 4. a. has been b . will be c. would be d . may be 5. a. in b . on c. around d . of 6. a. on b . for c. without d . within 7. a. oxygen b . hydrogen c. lead d . carbon 8. a. goes b . extracts c. protects d . comes 9. a. shelter b . holes c. houses d . caves 10. a. synthetic b . fibers c. timber d . silk II. Reading comprehension Read the text carefully and then choose the best answer Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New English Institute of technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative. However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it is too dangerous. What would happen if there is a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations. The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible 1. How much fuel is left? a. there is a lot of fuel b . it will be never used up c. noone knows exactly d . let’s use as much as we like 2. We should use coal, oil, and gas….. a. as much as possible b . as economically as possible c. carelessly d . all are incorrect 3. Acccording to Professor Marvin Burnham,……. a. nuclear power is the only alternative energy b. we have to conserve coal, oil, and gas
  4. c. a and b are incorrect d. a and b are correct 4. Using nuclear power is…….. a. safe b . cheap c. dangerous d. interesting 5. Radioactivity from nuclear power………. a. are necessary to cure diseases b. causes cancer and has bad effect on the future generation c. the future generation do nothing with it d. alters a new kind of energy



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