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10 modals

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Nội dung Text: 10 modals

  1. ĐỘNG TỪ KHIẾM KHUYẾT: Là loại động từ cần có thêm một hình thức V0 ở sau nó để hoàn thiện  nghĩa. CÓ 2  HÌNH THỨC SỬ DỤNG MODALS: ACTIVE VÀ PASSIVE ACTIVE: S +  MODAL  +  V0  +  O PASSIVE: S  +  MODAL  + BE +  V3/ED  + BY + O EX:  The room________ oncea day. a. shouldclean b. shouldbecleaning c. shouldbecleaned d. shouldhavecleaned I amnotdeaf.You _______ shout. a. must b. mustn't c. need d. needn’t CÁCH NHẬN DẠNG ACTIVE , PASSIVE ÁP DỤNG GIỐNG VỚI PHẦN PASSIVE  NOTE:   Nếu ta ở hiện tại mà nói về sự việc ở quá khứ  thì ta sử dụng: S +  MODAL  +  HAVE  + V3/ED   +  O 1/ SHOULD(NOT)  + HAVE + V3/ED (lẽ ra đã nên…)Chỉ một sự việc được cho là : o  lẽ ra đã  nên xảy ra ở quá khứ , nhưng vì một lý do nào đó đã không xảy ra . o  lẽ ra đã  không nên xảy ra ở quá khứ , nhưng vì một lý do nào đó đã  xảy ra . Maria shouldn’t have called John too late last night. (thực ra cô ấy có gọi ) 2/ MUST + HAVE + V3/ED: (chắc chắn là đã…) chỉ một sự suy luận hợp lý trong quá khứ. ≠  CAN’T + HAVE + V3/ED : (chắc chắn là đã không…)  Jane did very well on the exam. She must have studied hard.  B  ẢNG SỬ DỤNG VÀ Ý NGHĨA CỦA MODALS:  General  MODAL VERBS MEANING USES EXAMPLE meanings Present Past 1/ SUY  May might - coùleõ - duøngñeåsuy ñoaùn(not - It mayrain tomorrow ÑOAÙ sure) N,  Might might - coùtheå - duøngñeåsuy ñoaùn(not - It mightrain tomorrow sure) Must ≠  - chaéc - chæmoätsöï suy ñoaùn - Mary mustbeat home. chaén chaécchaénvì coùcô sôû. The lightin herroomis on. (sure) - hecan’t beat homenow. I Can’t havejust seenhimin the - chæmoätsöï suy ñoaùn 1
  2. ≠  chaéc chaécchaénkhoângvì coù street. chaén cô sôû. khoâng 2/ SÖÏ  Mustn’t  -khoâng - chæsöï ngaêncaám, - You musn’tridea NGAÊ = be not allowed  ñöôïc khoângñöôïc pheùplaøm. motorbikeuntil you are18 N  + T0­V0 (luaätleä) CAÁM 3/ SÖÏ  Must Had - phaûi - ñeåchæboånphaän,moät - You mustgo now. BAÉT  to söï baétbuoäcôû hieäntaïi BUOÄC hoaëctrongtöônglai. ,  - Theywill haveto come Had - phaûi, NHIEÄ Have to heretomorrow to caànphaûi M VUÏ  4/   Needn’t =  -khoâng - laø moätModal ñöôïc - You neednot give me the không  don’t have to caàn duøngtrongcaâuphuû answerrightnow. cần  = be not necessary   ñònh(Needn’t) thiết 5/  Can could - coùtheå - ñeånoùi ñeánmoätkhaû - hecanspeak5 languages. KHAÛ  naêng NAÊN G 6/ Söï  Should  - neân - ñeånoùi ñeán1 lôøi - you shouldstudyharder. khuyeâ Had better  khuyeân - It’s too late.We’d better n baûo go now. (not) Ought to 7/ Söï  You May… - coùtheå - Duøngñeåcho pheùp ai - You maygo now. xin  laømgì. pheùp,  Could I …? - toâi coù - thöôøngduøngvôùi chuû - You: Could I borrowyour cho  theå töø I ñeàxin pheùp1 bike? May I …? pheùp ngöôøi lôùnhôn,toûyù - May I comein? toântroïng Can I …? - toâi coù - thöôøngduøngvôùi chuû - Can I borrowyour pen? theå töø I ñeàxin pheùp1 ngöôøi nganghaøng 8/ Lôøi  Could you.. - baïncoù - Duøngñeåñeànghò1 - Could you openthedoor, Ñeà  theå.. ngöôùi ngöôøi lôùn hôn please? Nghò laømgì. ­ Can you …? - baïncoù - Duøngñeåñeànghò1 - Can you buy mea paper? ­ Will you…? theå.. ngöôùi ngöôøi ngang ­ Would you  haønglaømgì. - Would you mindbuying mind  +  V­ing mea paper? Shall we../  - Chuùngta - Duøngñeåñeàxuaát1 - Shall we go outfor 2
  3. Let’s haõy…. hoaïtñoängvui chôi giaûi dinner? trí naøoñoù Shall I / Let  Haõy ñeå - Duøngñeåñeànghòmình toâi … laømgì cho ai. Shall I open the window? me 9/ Söï  Would rather  - muoán/ I would   rather go to the mong  (not) khoâng cinemathanstayat home. muoán,  muoán lôøi  ­ Would like /  - muoán - sauWould like / would  I would   like   to go to the môøi would prefer  prefer ta duøngTo-V0 cinema. + To­V0 ­ would you  - môøi baïn - Would you like to go to like + To­V0? …….nheù? thecinema? 10/ Söï  Will Would - seõ - Duøngtrongcaùcthì - If I wereyou, I would stay vieäc ôû  TöôngLai, CaâuÑieàu at home. töông  Kieän,caâuAo Öôùc, … lai  NOTE:  động từ NEEDN’T  mới là MODAL còn các dạng khác của NEED là động từ thường khi  đó nó được dùng như sau: S (someone)  +   NEED  +   TO­V0  S (somthing)  +   NEED  +    V­ING  TO BE + V3/ED You need __________(go) now. Your hair needs ___________(cut). 3. This road is very narrow. It ___to be widened.   A. might B. needs C. mustn’t  D. may 4. They have plenty of time, so they needn’t ___. A. be hurry B. to hurry C. hurry D. to be hurried 5. You’re having a sore throat. You’d better___ to the doctor. A. to go B. went C. go D. going 23. I ___ understand this letter. Will you translate it for me? A. mustn’t  B. may not C. can’t  D. shouldn’t 3
  4. 25. ___ you give me some advice about the language course? A. Might  B. Should C. May D. Could 29. Sit down, please. ___ a cup of tea? A. Do you like B. Can  you like to drink C. Would you like D. Will you like 34. “It ___rain this evening. Why don t you take an umbrella?” ’       “That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?” A. had better B. could be C. must D. might 35. “___taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?”       “Not at all.” A. Can you       B. Why don’t you             C. Would you mind            D. Could you please    42. ___ you speak any foreign languages? A. May B. Must C. Can D. Might 44. A: “You ___ pay the bills today.”  ­  B:  “I know, I promise. I won t forget.” ’ A. would B. shall C. must D. may 45. ___ you mind my staying here for some days? A. Would B. Could C. Can D. Should 1. You had better _____ at home until you feel better. A. stay  B.  to stay C. staying  D. stayed 2. Your house needs __________. A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate 3. I _______ ride a bicycle when I was only 6 years old. A. could B. might C. would D. must 4. You _______ do it now, and do not argue. A. must B. need C. are going to D. may 5. You ______ have been happy when you won the competition. A. can B. must C. may D. could 6. Take this umbrella with you because it _______ rain this evening. A. must B. may C. can D. shall 1. I _______ do that again. It's my promise. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. won't You ___ forgetto learnthelessonby heart.The newteacheris so strict. a. needn't b. mustn't c. mayn't d. mightn't 2. They_______ beawayfor theweekend,butI amnotsure. a. might b. need c. must d. should 3. You _______ now if you wish. a. mustleave b. mayleave c. needleaving d. mustn'tleave 4. You _______ worry so much.I will helpyou. a. must b. mustn't c. mightnot d. needn't 5. If thereis anythingyou _______. Let meknow. a. must b. should c. need d. may 6. Family _______ spendmoretimetalking,insteadof just watchingTV. a. must b. should c. might d. needn't 7. Please,keepsilent.You _______ speakduringtheexam. a. may b. mightnot c. needn't d. mustn’t 8. You _______ driveat morethan70 milesperhourin theUK. a. mustn't b. needn't c. maynot d. mightnot 9. You _______ takeyour umbrellaalongwith you today.It _______ rain lateron this afternoon. a. oughtto / mustn't b. needn't/ will c. will / must d. should/ might 10.The room________ oncea day. a. shouldclean b. shouldbecleaning 4
  5. c. shouldbecleaned d. shouldhavecleaned 11.John is notat home.He _____ go somewherewith Daisy. I amnotsure. a. might b. will c. must d. should 12._______ I havea dayoff tomorrow?- Of coursenot. We havea lot of thingsto do. a. Must b. Will c. May d. Need 13.The computer_______ reprogramming.Thereis somethingwrongwith thesoftware. a. must b. need c. should d. may 14.Susan___ hearthespeakerbecausethecrowdwascheeringso loudly. a. mustn't b. couldn't c. can't d. needn't 1. You have been reading for four hours. This book ___ be very interesting. A. can B. might C. must D. should 8. The machine …………… on by pressing this switch. A. can turn  B. can be turned  C. must turn  D. should be turning  15. You _______ explain that again because I understand everything now. A. needn"t B. can"tC. would rather  D. mustn"t 16. Take this umbrella with you because it _______ rain this evening. A. must B. may C. can D. shall 17. As students, you _______ show your disrespect to your teachers. A. must B. should C. mustn"t D. needn"t 18. He _______ work very hard; he is a millionaire. A. hasn"t to B. mustn"t C. doesn"t have to D. not has to 19. I _______ ride a bicycle when I was only 6 years old. A. could B. might C. would D. must 20. I _______ do that again. It"s my promise. A. mustn"t B. can"tC. needn"t D. won"t 21. You _______ have been absent from that important session. A. mightn"t B. wouldn"t C. shouldn"t D. mustn"t 22.  _______ we go shopping this evening? _ That"s a good idea. A. Will B. ShallC. Might D. Must 23. She _______ have been the one who caused the damage, I think. She was not home then. A. must B. mustn"t C. needn"t D. can"t 24. Your windows need ___________. Would you like me to do them for you?   A. be cleaned B. cleaning C. to clean  D. cleaned  25. I can'tfind my bookanywhere.I _______ haveleft it on thetrain.I amnotsure. a. must b. needn't c. should d. might 26.You _______ lunch.We havealreadyeaten. a. needpreparing b. needn'thaveprepared c. shouldprepare d. shouldhaveprepared 27.Let'sdo somethingto protecttheenvironment,_______ we? a. must b. need c. will d. shall 28.I will do everything.You _______ do anythingunlessyou really wantto. a. may b. needn't c. must d. oughtto 29.You ___ forgetto learnthelessonby heart.The newteacheris so strict. a. needn't b. mustn't c. mayn't d. mightn't 30.They_______ beawayfor theweekend,butI amnotsure. a. might b. need c. must d. should 31.You _______ now if you wish. a. mustleave b. mayleave c. needleaving d. mustn'tleave 5
  6. 32.You _______ worry so much.I will helpyou. a. must b. mustn't c. mightnot d. needn't 33.If thereis anythingyou _______. Let meknow. a. must b. should c. need d. may 34.Family _______ spendmoretimetalking,insteadof just watchingTV. a. must b. should c. might d. needn't 35.Please,keepsilent.You _______ speakduringtheexam. a. may b. mightnot c. needn't d. mustn’t 36.You _______ driveat morethan70 milesperhourin theUK. a. mustn't b. needn't c. maynot d. mightnot 37.You _______ takeyour umbrellaalongwith you today.It _______ rain lateron this afternoon. a. oughtto / mustn't b. needn't/ will c. will / must d. should/ might 38.The room________ oncea day. a. shouldclean b. shouldbecleaning c. shouldbecleaned d. shouldhavecleaned 39.The weatherforecastsaysthat________ tomorrow. a. it will snow b. it will besnowed c. it needssnowing d. it mustbesnowed 40.The garden________. It hasjust startedraining. a. needn'twater b. needn'tbewatered c. needn'tbewatering d. needn'thavewatered 41.People___________ huntandusewhalesfor commercialpurpose A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t needto D. don’t haveto 42.She___ beill. I havejust seenherplayingbasketball in theschool yard. a. needn't b. shouldn't c. mustn't d. can't 43.Peterhasbeenworkingfor 10 hours.He _______ beverytirednow. a. needn't b. must c. hasto d. should 44.I _______ find my own way there.You _______ wait for me. a. should/ can't b. haveto / must c. can/ needn't d. might/ mustn't 45.Frank'swalletis lying on thecoffeetable.He _______ it herelastnight. a. musthaveleft b. shouldhaveleft c. mustbeleaving d. needn'tleave 46.I amnotdeaf.You _______ shout. a. must b. mustn't c. need d. needn’t 47.John failedagain.He _______ harder. a. musthavetried b. shouldhavetried c. cantried d. mayhavetried 48._______ I borrowyour lighterfor a minute?- Sure,no problem.Actually, you _______ keepit if you wantto. a. May / can b. Must / might c. Will / should d. Might / needn’t 49.I do notmindat all. You _______ apologize. a. shouldn't b. needn't c. mustn't d. oughtn'tto 50.It is a topsecret.You _______ tell anyoneaboutit. a. mustn't b. needn't c. mightn't d. won't 51.We haveplentyof timefor doingthework. We _______ behurried. a. needn't b. shouldn't c. mustn't d. mayn't 52.Keepquiet.You _______ talk so loudly in here.Everybodyis working. a. may b. must c. might d. mustn't 53.John is notat home.He _____ go somewherewith Daisy. I amnotsure. a. might b. will c. must d. should 54._______ I havea dayoff tomorrow?- Of coursenot. We havea lot of thingsto do. a. Must b. Will c. May d. Need 6
  7. 55.The computer_______ reprogramming.Thereis somethingwrongwith thesoftware. a. must b. need c. should d. may 56.Susan___ hearthespeakerbecausethecrowdwascheeringso loudly. a. mustn't b. couldn't c. can't d. needn't 1. You have been reading for four hours. This book ___ be very interesting. A. can B. might C. must D. should 4. They have plenty of time, so they needn t ___. ’ A. be hurry B. to hurry C. hurry D. to be hurried 5. You’re having a sore throat. You’d better___ to the doctor. A. to go B. went C. go D. going 8. You ___ ring the bell; I have a key. A. mustn’t  B. needn’t  C. couldn’t  D. shouldn’t Đề Thi TN THPT 2009 Question 28: Endangeredspecies______ by theWorld Wildlife Fund. A. areprotected B. would protect C. beprotected D. will protect Question 34: If I hadthemapnow, I a short-cut acrossthedesert. A. could havetaken B. take C. couldtake D. cantake Question 39: The recyclingof wastepaper savea greatamountof woodpulp. A. hadbetter B. need C. can D. dare Question 46: Shebroughta lot of moneywith herso thatsheneededbuysomeduty-freegoods. A B C D Đề Thi TN THPT 2010 Question 11: He hasmadeso manymistakesin his essaythathe_______ do it all again. A. needs B. ought C. usedto D. hasto Question 12: Unlesswe canfind newsourcesof energy,our life will certainly_______. A. affected B. beaffecting C. affect D. beaffected 7


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