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11 Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh 12

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Nội dung Text: 11 Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh 12

  1. TRƯỜNG THCS&THPT LÊ QUÝ ĐÔN – LÂM HÀ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA MÔN Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Mã đề 132 Họ và tên :.......................................................................... Lớp :........................................................................... Câu 1: Children will work hard if the lessons are _____. A. expressing B. inquiring C. disappointing D. interesting Câu 2: I gave up the job, _____ the attractive salary. A. because of B. although C. because D. despite Câu 3: Don’t ask me anything about sports. I like ______ football _____ tennis. A. either / or B. not only/ but also C. both / and D. neither / nor Câu 4: Life here is very ______. A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceful D. peacefulness Câu 5: _____ quarrelled with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn’t want to answer his phone call. A. Having not B. Because having C. Because hadn’t D. Having Câu 6: Chọn câu trả lời A hoặc B hoặc C hoặc D ứng với từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa She left her house in a hurry without to say goodbye to us A B C D Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 7 đến 11 TELEVISION Here in Egypt, television has a powerful hold over people's minds. It is an instrument of leisure, of information and - to a very limited extent - of culture. It does not stop people reading newspapers or books, going to the cinema or theatre or watching videos. But these activities are occasional, irregular and ultimately of secondary importance. Television is one of the main subjects of conversation, at school, in offices, at home and in the street, as well as being written about in all the newspapers. It might be said that the main objective of television is to persuade the maximum number of people to watch it for the maximum amount of time. And how effectively the sitcoms and soap operas do that! I do not think that I have ever seen any other country so totally dominated by these shows. Some of them are Egyptians productions but the majority is American. Each episode, each programme, is a talking point for everyone, young and old alike. Câu 7: Which is the main idea of the passage? A. Television, the main subjects of conversation. B. Television and its use. C. Television, an instrument of leisure. D. Television, the rest of the media and American soaps. Câu 8: What might the main objective of television be? A. To get people away from their free time. B. To allow much time for many people to watch it. C. To waste time. D. To get people away from their work. Câu 9: At school or in offices, television is considered as a topic _____. A. for people to talk about B. for learning C. for entertainment D. for discussion Câu 10: How often are the sitcoms and soap operas shown on TV? A. Never. B. Rarely. C. A lot. D. Sometimes. Câu 11: What does television have over people's mind? Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 132
  2. A. An influence. B. A picture. C. A limit. D. An impression. Câu 12: Chọn câu trả lời A hoặc B hoặc C hoặc D ứng với từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa She isn’t old enough to done this job. A B C D Câu 13: _____ Long has finished his work, he will go home. A. As quickly as B. As far as C. As soon as D. As long as Câu 14: Jack can speak two languages. One is English. ______ is Vietnamese. A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others Câu 15: It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him _____ he wouldn’t get wet. A. in order to B. so as to C. so that D. in order Câu 16: Lomonosov was not _____ a great scientist but also a very talented poet. A. fairly B. merely C. hardly D. scarcely Câu 17: Your last job was a bank manager, _____ it? A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. wasn’t D. didn’t Câu 18: Chọn câu trả lời A hoặc B hoặc C hoặc D ứng với từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa This in the place which I was born and grew up. A B C D Câu 19: My daughter often says that she won’t get married until she _____ 25 years old. A. will be B. is C. has been D. will have been Câu 20: Mr Gibbon usually drinks mineral water, but in this party he _____ champagne. A. drinks B. is drinking C. has drunk D. will drink Câu 21: He keeps working _____ feeling unwell. A. in spite of B. although C. because of D. unless Câu 22: The old manager has just retired, so Jack takes _____ his position. A. on B. out C. in D. up Câu 23: All of us are waiting the man ______ son was lost. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose Câu 24: Please don't be so ______ I can't do all the work by myself. A. reason B. reasonable C. unreasonable D. reasonably Câu 25: My father asked me _____ of the film. A. what I thought B. what do you think C. what I think D. what did you think Câu 26: Ken asked Barbara_____ she would like to go to the cinema. A. in case B. regarding C. unless D. whether Câu 27: The girl ______ is our neighbor. A. was talking to the lady over there B. talking to the lady over there C. is talking to the lady over there D. talks to the lady over there Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ câu 28 đến câu 32: FRIENDS To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (28)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someome you have grown (29)______ with. There are all sorts of things that can (30)________about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences.Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well (31)_______to consider your best friend. To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (32)________understands us better than anyone else. It’s the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets . Câu 28: A. share B. give C. spend D. have Câu 29: A. on B. in C. through D. up Câu 30: A. cause B. bring C. provide D. result Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 132
  3. Câu 31: A. enough B. such C. too D. so Câu 32: A. who B. whom C. whose D. which Câu 33: The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy ______. A. view B. sight C. presence D. appearance Câu 34: Dogs are good traveling companions. They will go _____ you take them. A. whatever B. wherever C. whichever D. whenever Câu 35: Her eyes were red and puffy _____ she had been crying a lot last night. A. even if B. since C. despite D. because of Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi ô trống từ 36 đến 40 Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But actually the idea for a computer had been worked out over two centuries ago by a man (36)_____ Charles Babbage. Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines which he called "engines". But despite the fact that he (37)_____ building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued (38) _____ his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building (39) _____ engine based on one of Babbage's designs. (40) _____ has taken six years to complete and more than four thousand parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work. Câu 36: A. called B. recognized C. written D. known Câu 37: A. missed B. made C. wanted D. started Câu 38: A. why B. though C. whether D. until Câu 39: A. an B. that C. some D. the Câu 40: A. One B. He C. It D. They Câu 41: He talked as if he ______ where she was. A. knew B. would know C. were knowing D. had known Câu 42: Chọn câu trả lời A hoặc B hoặc C hoặc D ứng với từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa I used to getting up late when I was small. A B C D Câu 43: Chọn câu trả lời A hoặc B hoặc C hoặc D ứng với từ (cụm từ) cần phải sửa If I had money, I will buy a car A B C D Câu 44: Everyone was asleep when the enemy ______. A. was attacking B. had attacked C. attacked D. attacking Câu 45: _____ the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I couldn’t understand him at all. A. Although B. Since C. If D. Because ----------------------------------------------- ----------- HẾT ---------- Trang 3/3 - Mã đề thi 132
  4. LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL 7. Which statement is wrong? FIRST-SEMESTER ENGLISH EXAM A. The compiler is very important. CLASS 12D B. Sometimes the fieldwork and the creation of the map Student’s full name: ____________ are done by the same person. Class: …….. C. Maps are the accumulated work of many people. D. Compilers can come up with the most accurate data. CODE 122 8. What does a compiler most likely do? A. represent information Choose the best answer to fill in each blank: B. select the information About 35% of all high school graduates in America C. correct the information continue their education in an institution of higher learning. D. draw The word ‘college’ is used to (I)______ to either a college or a university. These institutions offer four-year programs 9. Which of the following procedures is the most common that lead to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science of cartography? (II)______ . Some students attend a junior college before A. The cartographers draw, and the explorers and entering a four-year college as a sophomore or junior. surveyors go out to check the information of their drawing. It is generally easier to be admitted at a state university B. The cartographers draw from the information the than a private one. Most private schools require explorers and surveyors collect while going out measuring. (III)______ entrance examinations and a high grade point C. The explorers and surveyors go out, make average (GPA), as well as specific college preparation classes in high schools. Private schools cost (IV)______ measurements, gather information and then draw maps for more than colleges, and famous private schools are very cartographers. expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however D. The explorers and surveyors collect information and , by earning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to then go out to measure and draw. get master or doctoral degrees. Since college costs are 10. What is the main idea of the passage? very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Although A. The compiler’s task is more important than that of the college and work demands (V)______ the great part of a student’s time, most still enjoy social activities. explorers and surveyors. 1. (I) B. Maps are the product of a group effort brought together A. refer B. aim usually by one person. C. infer D. denote C. Not all of the information initially compiled for maps is 2. (II) accurate. A. certificate B. qualification D. The definition of cartography is the drawing or compiling C. diploma D. degree of maps. 3. (III) A. strict B. arduous C. rough D. intense Choose the best word or phrase to complete the 4. (IV) following sentences: A. subsequently B. absolutely 11. Who will pay _______ the camping trip? The school or C. considerably D. allegedly the parents? 5. (V) A. to B. in A. take up B. bring up C. at D. for C. catch on D. account for 12. Different cultures ________ dreams in different ways. A. express B. interpret Read the following passage and choose the correct C. interfere D. associate answers: 13. Linda insisted ______ making a trip to the Lake District, Strictly speaking, cartography is the drawing or compiling but nobody agreed ______ her. of maps. The explorers and surveyors go out and make A. in-about B. in-with measurements and gather the information from which the C. on-with D. on-to cartographers draw their maps. Sometimes the fieldwork 14. Parents tend to have little credit ______ their children’s and the creation of the map are done by the same person. performance. But when the scope is broad and the sources of A. for B. with information many, maps are more often a compilation of C. by D. in that information. They represent the accumulated work of 15. She _______ a small business and _______ a good many people, brought together under the supervision of living. one person, the compiler. The value of maps depends, of A. put up-made B. did – made course, on the expertise of the compiler, who must sift C. got – had D. set up - earned through available information, select the most accurate 16. Though Helen is much younger than Rita, she is much data, and come up with a thoughtful and accurate more _______. synthesis of the geographic knowledge of the region. A. mature B. attentive 6. What does it mean “scope”? C. sympathetic D. respectful 17. Youths are the _______ force behind many social and A. range B. problem technological advances. C. expense D. result 1
  5. A. pushing B. driving 34. My grandparents are those who ______ the most C. encouraging D. processing influences on me. 18. The boss blamed me _______ the loss of the contract. A. make B. impose A. for B. on C. have D. bring C. about D. over 35. The room was too small and I felt as if I ______ in a 19. I read the contract again and again __________ lift. avoiding making spelling mistakes. A. would be B. had been A. with a view to B. in view of C. were D. was C. in terms of D. by means of 36. The immigrants, _______ are under 15, are going to be 20. Everybody working in the bank was ______ suspicion put in this school. after the robbery. A. half of them B. whose half A. on B. in C. of D. under C. half of which D. half of whom 21. Carla is believed _______through the next round of the 37. You can always rely _____us. We are ready to help. interview easily. A. with B. in C. on D. by A. to go B. having gone 38. The new painting has ______ wonder for the living C. going D. to have gone room. 22. _______ Mount Everest is _______ highest peak of A. brought B. made ______ Himalayas. C. done D. taken A. O- the-the B. The-the-the 39. Yolanda just walked into the race ______ what her C. The – the – O D. O – the - O parents might think of it. 23. If you ________ the teacher’s advice in the first place, A. because of B. as for things would be different. C. regardless of D. apart from A. took B. take 40. The interviewer asked me ________ for any other job. C. had taken D. have taken A. had I applied 24. It is time we ______ the shopping for Xmas. B. if I have applied A. did B. had C. whether I had applied C. made D. took D. that I applied 25. Talking loudly and staring at someone older than you may mean _______ for him or her. Identify the mistake in each of the following A. informality B. attention sentences: C. astonishment D. disrespect 41. A million of tourists from all over the world visit New 26. Deforestation has resulted _______ floods in many York every year. provinces. A. A B. of C. the D. visit A. for B. from 42. Susan, my best friend, has been chosen being the only C. by D. in representative of this non-benefit organization. 27. What a surprise! Rita _______ the chairwoman of the A. has been B. being club after 12 years. C. of D. non-benefit A. maintains B. sustains 43. Unless you know the truth, things would be easier for C. exists D. remains you, at least for now. 28. The people living in the countryside should be stopped A. know B. things _______ burning forests for cultivation. C. for D. for now A. off B. from 44. This brochure, which I received from your agency, C. at D. by gives wrong informations about the tour. 29. Don’t keep nagging the child _______ his forgetfulness. A. which B. gives A. about B. on C. informations D. the C. over D. at 45. I have never met him before we were put in one group 30. It is imperative that every parcel on board ______ during a field trip for high school seniors. before the flight. A. have never B. put in A. were checked B. is checked C. field trip D. seniors C. must be checked D. be checked 31. If you _______ such an important appointment Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different tomorrow, we ______ fishing together. 46. A. peninsula B. economy A. haven’t had – could go C. economics D. advisory B. don’t have – will go 47. A. demeanor B. mechanize C. didn’t have- could go C. energy D. concentrate D. hadn’t had- would have gone 48. A. attribute B. address 32. ______ yourself in the job and see how well you can C. access D. asset do it. 49. A. profound B. witness A. Do B. Put C. Make D. Set C. pursue D. career 33. We will try to make different TV programs to _______ 50. A. individual B. responsible the needs of viewers. C. environment D. equipment A. fill in B. answer C. satisfy D. attend to 2
  6. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI HK 1 MÔN ANH – 12D MÃ ĐỀ 122 1. A 11. D 21. A 31. C 41. B 2. D 12. B 22. A 32. B 42. B 3. A 13. C 23. C 33. C 43. A 4. C 14. A 24. A 34. C 44. C 5. A 15. D 25. D 35. C 45. A 6. A 16. A 26. D 36. D 46. C 7. D 17. B 27. D 37. C 47. A 8. B 18. A 28. B 38. C 48. B 9. B 19. A 29. A 39. C 49. B 10. B 20. D 30. D 40. C 50. A 3
  7. Trường THPT Lạc Long Quân Đề Kiểm Tra –Năm học 2010 -2011 Họ & Tên : ________________ Môn : Tiếng Anh lớp 12 ( Chuẩn) Lớp : SBD: Phòng: Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) _______//________ Mã đề: 134 (Đề gồm 50 câu trắc nghiệm. Học sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm) Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: Câu 1: A. bats B. dates C. photographs D. days Câu 2: A. walked B. arrested C. missed D. jumped Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others: Câu 3: A. signal B. attract C. discuss D. police Câu 4: A. student B. instance C. suppose D. walking Câu 5: A. chemistry B. cinema C. primary D. statistics Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting: Câu 6: They asked me what had I seen , but I was unable to tell them. A B C D Câu 7: I can go with you if I will get my work finished A B C D Câu 8: Jane would have joined a music band if her parents allowed her to A B C D Câu 9: We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle. A B C D Câu 10: I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work. A B C D Read the passage and choose the correct options to fill in the blanks: When my parents married, they rented a small house and they didn’t have a lot of money for furniture. The kitchen had a sink for washing up and a cooker, but that was all of the things they had. They _____(11) ____ an old table and chair from the market. They borrowed a sofa which was _____(12) _____ old, but they covered it with modern materials so it was bright and cheerful. Outside, there was a small garden ____(13)____ the house, and in front of the house there was only the road. Luckily the road wasn’t busy, so I could cross it to reach the park on the opposite side. We lived there ___(14) ___ I was ten and we were very happy. We had to move house because it was too small when my twin sisters were born. We all _____(15) ____ sad when we left. Câu 11: A. bought B. sold C. became D. brought Câu 12: A. more B. also C. few D. little Câu 13: A. next B. through C. by D. behind Câu 14: A. when B. after C. until D. to Câu 15: A. spent B. thought C. had D. felt Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences: Câu 16: The national curriculum consists _____ more than 10 subjects. A. of B. in C. about D. at Câu 17: My father is a very good ______ but he rarely has time to cook. A. cookery B. cooking C. cook D. cooker Câu 18: His parents would not be upset if he ________ harder. A. had worked B. worked C. has worked D. works Câu 19: He has bought his motorcycle ______. A. for last ten years B. ten years ago C. since ten years D. for ten years Câu 20: It is _____ that many people are homeless after the floods. Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 134
  8. A. was reported B. reports C. reporting D. reported Câu 21: The doctor ____ him to take more exercise. A. tell B. have told C. told D. are telling Câu 22: Tom : “How did you get there ? - John : “___________” A. I came there last night B. The train is so crowded C. I came there by train D. Is it far from here ? Câu 23: Judy ______ going for a walk, but no one else wanted to. A. admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested Câu 24: Look ! That man ______ to open the door of your car . A. try B. tried C. is trying D. has tried Câu 25: She asked me _____ I liked pop music. A. when B. if C. what D. where Câu 26: The boy_____ by the teacher yesterday. A. punish B. punished C. punishing D. was punished Câu 27: People were busy playing games and didn’t notice my ________. A. existed B. existing C. existence D. exist Câu 28: Wearing a uniform to school is ______ in our country. A. public B. compusory C. primary D. acceptable Câu 29: Children begin their _____ education when they are 11 years old. A. secondary B. primary C. high D. kindergarten Câu 30: If he hadn’t been sick, he ________ out with me to the party. A. would have gone B. went C. will go D. would go Câu 31: Where _____ you at 9.00 last night , Mr Green ? A. will be B. are C. have been D. were Câu 32: She takes the responsibility ______ running the company. A. in B. at C. for D. to Câu 33: If the weather ______ worse, we won’t go to the beach. A. will get B. got C. gets D. would get Câu 34: My father did not agree ______ my suggestion. A. about B. from C. of D. with Câu 35: My sister rarely ______ responsibilities in the family, which makes my father really angry. A. takes B. gets C. receives D. puts on Câu 36: What is more important to you, intelligence or ________? A. attractiveness B. attract C. attracting D. attractive Câu 37: -“I have passed my driving test.” -“____________”. A. Do you? B. It’s nice of you to say so. C. Congratulations! D. That’s a good idea. Câu 38: After he ______ the house , he wrote a letter . A. has cleaned B. was cleaning C. had cleaned D. cleans Câu 39: Helen : “ Where do you come from ? “ - Ann : “ _________” A. Yes, I have just come here B. In London C. I’m living in London D. I come from London Câu 40: -“Would you like to have dinner with me ?” -“_________”. A. Yes, so do I B. Yes, it is. C. I’m very happy. D. Yes, I’d love to. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question: In the United States and Canada, it is very important to look at a person in the eyes when you are having a conversation with him or her. If you look down or to the side when the other person is talking, that person will think that you are not interested in what he or she is saying. This of course, is not polite. If you look down or to the side when you are talking, you may appear hiding something, that is, it might seem that you are not honest. However, people who are speaking will sometimes look away for a few seconds when they are thinking or trying to find the right word. But they always turn immediately back to Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 134
  9. look the listener in the eyes. These social rules are the same for two women, two men, a woman and a man, or an adult and a child. Câu 41: These social rules are used for _____. A. two men B. a man and a woman C. everybody D. two women Câu 42: When you are talking to an American or Canadian, you should _____. A. look directly at him or her B. look to the side C. avoid looking directly at him or her D. look down Câu 43: Looking down or to the side when you are spoken to means _____. A. you respect him or her B. you are afraid of him or her C. you are paying attention to him or her D. you feel bored with his or her words Câu 44: It is very _____ of you not to look in the eyes of the listener while talking. A. impolite B. polite C. honest D. dishonest Câu 45: People can look away for a few words while speaking _____. A. to find something B. to find the correct word C. to hide something D. to hide their feelings Choose the correct sentence having the same meaning as the given one Câu 46: People don’t use this road very often. A. This road is not used very often. B. Not very often this road is not used. C. This road very often is not used. D. This road not very often is used. Câu 47: Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.” A. Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous month B. Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month C. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous month D. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month Câu 48: Tom bought that book yesterday. A. That book was bought by Tom yesterday. B. That book was bought yesterday by Tom. C. That book yesterday was bought by Tom D. That book was bought yesterday. Câu 49: “Have you heard of their marriage?” A. He asked me if I hear of their marriage B. He asked me whether I had heard of their marriage C. He asked me if I heard of their marriage D. He asked me if I have heard of their marriage Câu 50: He can’t apply for the job because he is old. A. If he isn’t old, he can apply for the job B. If he weren’t old, he could apply for the job C. If he hadn’t been old, he could have applied for the job D. If he were old, he couldn’t apply for the job _____The end _____ Mã đề 134 Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ĐA D B A C D B C C B B A B D C D A C B Câu 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ĐA D D C C D C B D C B A A D C C D A A Câu 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ĐA C C D D C A D A B A D A B B Trang 3/3 - Mã đề thi 134
  10. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO QUẢNG TRỊ ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 BAN CƠ BẢN TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN HUỆ Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút Họ tờn thớ sinh:………………………………Lớp 12B…SBD:…….. Đề thi số : 357: Choose the best option among A,B,C,D and write it in the answer box on page 2 1). It's possible to read different types of books.................. different ways. a). with b). by c). in d). on 2). I want to work as an interpreter in the future. ................ , I am studying Russian at university. a). But b). So c). Therefore d). However 3). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. a). The room was being cleaned when I arrived. b). The room was cleaned when I arrived c). The room was been cleaned when I arrived. d). The room was being cleaning when I arrived. 4). Books can't bring you stories............... action like television. a). with b). in c). to d). along 5). Governments have enacted laws to protect wild life................ overhunting. a). against b). from c). off d). cut 6). I turned on the fan............... the room was hot. a). due to b). despite c). because d). although 7). Did Janet get.................. job she applied for. a). the b). an c). a d). X 8). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Farewell b). Fairy c). Farmer d). Factory 9). Find out the mistake: Do not start(A) a book unless(B) you can see from the first little(C) pages that it is one you easily(D) read and understand. 10). Find out the mistake Marilyn Monroe, who was(A) a famous(B) actress, was died(C) of drug overdose(D). 11). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Because of working hard , she fell ill. a). She worked so hard that she fell ill. b). She didn't work , so she fell ill. c). She was too ill to work hard. d). She wasn't ill although she worked hard. 12). We took............... taxi to.............. airport. a). a / the b). a/ an c). the / the d). the/ an 13). The primary cause............... species extinction is habitat destruction. a). for b). with c). to d). of 14). You aren't considered to know well about the book if you ignore the information about its.............. a). owner b). price c). author d). title 15). A.................. book tells stories through pictures. a). novel b). biography c). craft d). comic 16). The family was................... after the war. a). returned b). removed c). revealed d). reunited 17). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Reads b). Ploughs c). Meets d). Helps 18). The Vietnamese students enjoy.............. team sports such as football and volleyball. a). play b). to play c). played d). playing 19). In the past , people.................. to the beach more often. a). have gone b). were going c). used to go d). had gone 20). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Mark has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a stomachache. a). If Mark didn't eat much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. b). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have had a stomachache. c). Mark has a stomachache because he hadn't eaten lots of ice cream. d). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. 21). If she................... English well , she would be offered that job. a). will speak b). speaks c). spoke d). is speaking 22). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night.
  11. a). I wasn't allowed to go out last night. b). My mother and I usually go out alone at night. c). My mother never lets me go out alone at night. d). My mother never goes out alone at night. 23). When you................... a book , you read it slowly and carefully. a). " swallow " b). " taste " c). " chew " d). " eat " 24). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. The picnic was cancelled because it rained. a). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. b). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. c). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. d). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. 25). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Physicist b). Inventor c). President d). Gardener 26). It's................. to see how people approach the problem. a). fascinate b). fascinating c). fascinated d). fascination 27). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Jumped b). Smiled c). Picked d). Laughed 28). The children all have very different.................... a). personalize b). personal c). person d). personalities 29). How many cars.................. this month from this show room ? a). are sold b). have sold c). will sell d). have been sold 30). If you enjoy reading stories about crime or spies , a............. is the right book for you. a). cartoon b). romance c). fiction d). thriller 31). Would you like............... apple ? a). a b). the c). an d). X 32). When we.................. at the party , Mary............... for us. a). will arrive / is waiting b). arrived/ will/ wait c). arrived/was waiting d). had arrived / was waiting 33)..................... books tell stories from the author's imagination. a). Picture b). Fiction c). Colored d). Long 34). If the book is so good , you can't put it................... a). up b). down c).out d). in 35). The professor told me that I was doing well,............ my final grade was awful ! a). So b). Therefore c). Yet d). In spite of 36). Find out the mistake The primary causes of(A) species extinction or endangerment are(B) habitat destruction , commerce(C) exploitation and pollution(D). 37). There are millions of.............. stars in............... space. a). the / the b). X/ X c). X / the d). the / X 38). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Daughter b). Decide c). Provide d). Enjoy 39). Find out the mistake: Much(A) people agree that(B) we should protect(C) the environment(D). 40). Find out the mistake Rice(A) was grown(B) in Vietnam thousand(C) of years ago(D). ANSWER BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 Đề thi số : 357 Họ tờn thớ sinh:……………………………………Lớp 12B… SBD:………... SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO QUẢNG TRỊ ĐỀ THI MễN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 BAN CƠ BẢN TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN HUỆ Thời gian làm bài: 45 phỳt
  12. Họ tờn thớ sinh:…………………………Lớp 12B…SBD:…….. Đề thi số : 452 Choose the best option among A,B,C,D and write it in the answer box on page 2. 1). Governments have enacted laws to protect wild life................ overhunting. a). against b). off c). from d). cut 2). Books can't bring you stories............... action like television. a). with b). in c). to d). along 3). If she................... English well , she would be offered that job. a). will speak b). speaks c). is speaking d). spoke 4). You aren't considered to know well about the book if you ignore the information about its.............. a). owner b). author c). price d). title 5). The professor told me that I was doing well,............ my final grade was awful ! a). So b). Therefore c). Yet d). In spite of 6). When you................... a book , you read it slowly and carefully. a). " eat " b). " swallow " c). " chew " d). " taste " 7). When we.................. at the party , Mary............... for us. a). arrived/ will/ wait b). will arrive / is waiting c). arrived/was waiting d). had arrived / was waiting 8). I turned on the fan............... the room was hot. a). Due to b). Despite c). Because d). Although 9). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Daughter b). Decide c). Provide d). Enjoy 10). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Farmer b). Fairy c). Farewell d). Factory 11). The family was................... after the war. a). returned b). removed c). revealed d). reunited 12). We took............... taxi to.............. airport. a). the / the b). a/ an c). a / the d). the/ an 13). If the book is so good , you can't put it................... a). up b). down c).out d). in 14). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. The picnic was cancelled because it rained. a). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. b). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. c). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. d). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. 15). How many cars.................. this month from this show room ? a). are sold b). have sold c). have been sold d). will sell 16). In the past , people.................. to the beach more often. a). have gone b). were going c). used to go d). had gone 17)..................... books tell stories from the author's imagination. a). Picture b). Fiction c). Colored d). Long 18). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Because of working hard , she fell ill. a). She didn't work , so she fell ill. b). She worked so hard that she fell ill. c). She was too ill to work hard. d). She wasn't ill although she worked hard. 19). It's................. to see how people approach the problem. a). Fascinate b). Fascinated c). Fascination d). Fascinating 20). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. a). The room was being cleaned when I arrived b). The room was cleaned when I arrived c). The room was been cleaned when I arrived d). The room was being cleaning when I arrived 21). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Physicist b). President c). Gardener d). Inventor 22). If you enjoy reading stories about crime or spies , a............. is the right book for you.
  13. a). romance b). thriller c). fiction d). cartoon 23). The primary cause............... species extinction is habitat destruction. a). For b). To c). Of d). With 24). I want to work as an interpreter in the future ,.............. , I am studying Russian at university. a). But b). So c). Therefore d). However 25). There are millions of.............. stars in............... space. a). The / the b). X / the c). The / X d). X/ X 26). The Vietnamese students enjoy.............. team sports such as football and volleyball. a). Playing b). To play c). Play d). Played 27). Did Janet get.................. job she applied for. a). A b). An c). X d). The 28). A.................. book tells stories through pictures. a). Comic b). Biography c). Craft d). Novel 29). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night. a). I wasn't allowed to go out last night. b). My mother never lets me go out alone at night. c). My mother and I usually go out alone at night d). My mother never goes out alone at night. 30). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Helps b). Ploughs c). Reads d). Meets 31). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Smiled b). Jumped c). Picked d). Laughed 32). The children all have very different.................... a). Personalize b). Personal c). Person d). Personalities 33). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Mark has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a stomachache. a). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. b). If Mark didn't eat much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. c). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have had a stomachache. d). Mark has a stomachache because he hadn't eaten lots of ice cream. 34). Would you like............... apple ? a). A b). The c). An d). X 35). Find out the mistake: Much(A) people agree that(B) we should protect(C) the environment(D). 36). Find out the mistake: Rice(A) was grown(B) in Vietnam thousand(C) of years ago(D). 37). It's possible to read different types of books.................. different ways. a). With b). By c). In d). On 38). Find out the mistake: Do not start(A) a book unless(B) you can see from the first little(C) pages that it is one you easily(D) read and understand. 39). Find out the mistake: Marilyn Monroe, who was(A) a famous(B) actress, was died(C) of drug overdose(D). 40). Find out the mistake: The primary causes of(A) species extinction or endangerment are(B) habitat destruction , commerce(C) exploitation and pollution(D). ANSWER BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 Đề thi số : 452 Họ tờn thớ sinh:……………………………………Lớp 12B… SBD:………...
  14. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO QUẢNG TRỊ ĐỀ THI MễN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 BAN CƠ BẢN TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN HUỆ Thời gian làm bài: 45 phỳt Họ tờn thớ sinh:…………………………Lớp 12B…SBD:…….. Đề thi số : 524 Choose the best option among A,B,C,D and write it in the answer box on page 2 1). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Mark has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a stomachache. a). If Mark didn't eat much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. b). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have had a stomachache. c). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. d). Mark has a stomachache because he hadn't eaten lots of ice cream. 2). It's possible to read different types of books.................. different ways. a). With b). By c). On d). In 3). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Decide b). Daughter c). Provide d). Enjoy 4). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Reads b). Ploughs c). Meets d). Helps 5). A.................. book tells stories through pictures. a). Novel b). Comic c). Craft d). Biography 6). The primary cause............... species extinction is habitat destruction. a). For b). Of c). To d). With 7). When you................... a book , you read it slowly and carefully. a). " eat " b). " swallow " c). " chew " d). " taste " 8). We took............... taxi to.............. airport. a). The/ an b). A/ an c). The / the d). A / the 9). Find out the mistake The primary causes of(A) species extinction or endangerment are(B) habitat destruction, commerce(C) exploitation and pollution(D) 10). Find out the mistake Do not start(A) a book unless(B) you can see from the first little(C) pages that it is one you easily(D) read and understand. 11). Find out the mistake Marilyn Monroe, who was(A) a famous(B) actress, was died(C) of drug overdose(D). 12). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Fairy b). Farewell c). Farmer d). Factory 13). When we.................. at the party , Mary............... for us. a). Will arrive / is waiting b). Arrived/was waiting c). Arrived/ will/ wait d). Had arrived / was waiting 14). If she................... English well , she would be offered that job. a). Spoke b). Speaks c). Is speaking d). Will speak 15). You aren't considered to know well about the book if you ignore the information about its.............. a). Owner b). Price c). Author d). Title 16). In the past , people.................. to the beach more often. a). Have gone b). Used to go c). Were going d). Had gone 17). How many cars.................. this month from this show room ? a). Are sold b). Have been sold c). Have sold d). Will sell 18). The Vietnamese students enjoy.............. team sports such as football and volleyball. a). Playing b). To play c). Play d). Played 19). I want to work as an interpreter in the future ,................ , I am studying Russian at university. a). Therefore b). So c). However d). But 20). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. The picnic was cancelled because it rained. a). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. b). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. c). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. d). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled.
  15. 21). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. a). The room was cleaned when I arrived. b). The room was been cleaned when I arrived. c). The room was being cleaned when I arrived.d). The room was being cleaning when I arrived. 22). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Physicist b). President c). Inventor d). Gardener 23). The children all have very different.................... a). Person b). Personal c). Personalities d). Personalize 24)..................... books tell stories from the author's imagination. a). Long b). Picture c). Coloured d). Fiction 25). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night. a). I wasn't allowed to go out last night. b). My mother and I usually go out alone at night. c). My mother never lets me go out alone at night. d). My mother never goes out alone at night. 26). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Because of working hard , she fell ill. a). She didn't work , so she fell ill. b). She worked so hard that she fell ill. c). She was too ill to work hard. d). She wasn't ill although she worked hard. 27). If the book is so good , you can't put it................... a). Up b). Down c). In d). out 28). If you enjoy reading stories about crime or spies , a............. is the right book for you. a). Fiction b). Romance c). Thriller d). Cartoon 29). I turned on the fan............... the room was hot. a). Due to b). Despite c). Because d). Although 30). Did Janet get.................. job she applied for. a). A b). An c). The d). X 31). Governments have enacted laws to protect wild life................ overhunting. a). Against b). Off c). From d). Cut 32). Books can't bring you stories............... action like television. a). With b). In c). To d). Along 33). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Jumped b). Smiled c). Picked d). Laughed 34). The professor told me that I was doing well,............ my final grade was awful ! a). So b). Yet c). In spite of d). Therefore 35). There are millions of.............. stars in............... space. a). X/ X b). X / the c). The / the d). The / X 36). Would you like............... apple ? a). A b). An c). The d). X 37). It's................. to see how people approach the problem. a). Fascinate b). Fascinated c). Fascinating d). Fascination 38). The family was................... after the war. a). Returned b). Removed c). Revealed d). Reunited 39). Find out the mistake: Much people agree that we should protect the environment. 40). Find out the mistake: Rice was grown in Vietnam thousand of years ago. ANSWER BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 Đề thi số : 524 Họ tờn thớ sinh:……………………………………Lớp 12B… SBD:………...
  16. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO QUẢNG TRỊ ĐỀ THI MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 BAN CƠ BẢN TRƯỜNG THPT THỊ XÃ NGUYỄN HUỆ Thời gian làm bài: 45 phỳt Họ tờn thớ sinh:…………………………Lớp 12B…SBD:…….. Đề thi số : 564 Choose the best option among A,B,C,D and write it in the answer box on page 2 1). It's................. to see how people approach the problem. a). fascinate b). fascinated c). fascinating d). fascination 2). You aren't considered to know well about the book if you ignore the information about its.............. a). owner b). title c). price d). author 3). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group a). Laughed b). Jumped c). Picked d). Smiled 4). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Because of working hard , she fell ill. a). She worked so hard that she fell ill. b). She didn't work , so she fell ill. c). She was too ill to work hard. d). She wasn't ill although she worked hard. 5). In the past , people.................. to the beach more often. a). Have gone b). Were going c). Used to go d). Had gone 6). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night. a). I wasn't allowed to go out last night. b). My mother and I usually go out alone at night. c). My mother never lets me go out alone at night. d). My mother never goes out alone at night. 7). If the book is so good , you can't put it................... a). Up b). Down c). In d). out 8). The professor told me that I was doing well,............ my final grade was awful ! a). So b). Yet c). In spite of d). Therefore 9). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Inventor b). President c). Physicist d). Gardener 10). It's possible to read different types of books.................. different ways. a). With b). By c). On d). In 11). I turned on the fan............... the room was hot. a). Due to b). Because c). Although d). Despite 12). Find out the mistake: Do not start (A)a book unless(B) you can see from the first little(C) pages that it is one you easily(D) read and understand. 13). Find out the mistake Marilyn Monroe, who was(A) a famous(B) actress, was died(C) of drug overdose(D). 14). Find out the mistake: Much(A) people agree that(B) we should protect(C) the environment(D). 15). Governments have enacted laws to protect wild life................ overhunting. a). against b). off c). for d). from 16). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. The picnic was cancelled because it rained. a). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. b). If it didn't rain , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. c). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't be cancelled. d). If it hadn't rained , the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled. 17). If you enjoy reading stories about crime or spies , a............. is the right book for you. a). romance b). thriller c). fiction d). cartoon 18). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. a). The room was cleaned when I arrived. b). The room was been cleaned when I arrived. c). The room was being cleaning when I arrived. d). The room was being cleaned when I arrived. 19). We took............... taxi to.............. airport. a). the / the b). a/ an c). a / the d). the/ an 20). The family was................... often the war. a). revealed b). removed c). reunited d). returned 21). The children all have very different....................
  17. a). personalities b). personal c). person d). personalize 22). If she................... English well , she would be offered that job. a). will speak b). speaks c). is speaking d). spoke 23). The Vietnamese students enjoy.............. team sports such as football and volleyball. a). play b). playing c). to play d). played 24). When you................... a book , you read it slowly and carefully. a). " swallow " b). " taste " c). " chew " d). " eat " 25)..................... books tell stories from the author's imagination. a). Colored b). Picture c). Fiction d). Long 26). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Provide b). Decide c). Daughter d). Enjoy 27). How many cars.................. this month from this show room ? a). Are sold b). Have been sold c). Have sold d). Will sell 28). When we.................. at the party , Mary............... for us. a). will arrive / is waiting b). had arrived / was waiting c). arrived/was waiting d). arrived/ will/ wait 29). Choose the correct sentence among A,B,C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Mark has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a stomachache. a). If Mark didn't eat much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. b). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have a stomachache. c). If Mark hadn't eaten much ice-cream , he wouldn't have had a stomachache. d). Mark has a stomachache because he hadn't eaten lots of ice cream. 30). Did Janet get.................. job she applied for. a). a b). an c). the d). X 31). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. a). Reads b). Ploughs c). Meets d). Helps 32). Would you like............... apple ? a). a b). the c). an d). X 33). There are millions of.............. stars in............... space. a). X/ X b). X / the c). the / the d). the / X 34). Books can't bring you stories............... action like television. a). to b). in c). with d). along 35). The primary cause............... species extinction is habitat destruction. a). for b). with c). to d). of 36). Find out the mistake The primary causes of species extinction or endangerment are habitat destruction , commerce exploitation and pollution. 37. Find out the mistake: Rice was grown in Vietnam thousand of years ago. 38). Choose one option A,B,C,D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. a). Farewell b). Fairy c). Farmer d). Factory 39). A.................. book tells stories through pictures. a). novel b). comic c). craft d). biography 40). I want to work as an interpreter in the future ,................ , I am studying Russian at university a). But b). Therefore c). However d). So ANSWER BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 Đề thi số : 564 Họ tờn thớ sinh:……………………………………Lớp 12B… SBD:………...
  18. LE HONG PHONG HIGH SCHOOL scholarships. Some college graduates go on to get FIRST-SEMESTER ENGLISH EXAM master or doctoral degrees. Since college costs are CLASS 12AB very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Student’s full name: ____________ (V)______ college and work demands take up the Class: …….. great part of a student’s time, most still enjoy social activities. 11. (I) CODE 121 A. list B. refer C. aim D. name 12. (II) Pick out the word whose stress pattern is A. qualification B. degree different C. certificate D. diploma 1. A. concentrate B. energy 13. (III) C. mechanize D. demeanor A. appointed B. submitted 2. A. responsible B. equipment C. admitted D. graduated C. environment D. individual 14. (IV) 3. A. profound B. witness A. of course B. however C. career D. pursue C. thus D. therefore 4. A. economics B. peninsula 15. (V) C. advisory D. economy A. As B. When 5. A. access B. asset C. Because D. Although C. attribute D. address Choose the best word or phrase to complete the Identify the mistake in each of the following following sentences: sentences: 16. You can always rely _____us. We are ready to 6. I have never met him before we were put in one help. group during a field trip for high school seniors. A. by B. with C. on D. in A. have never B. put in 17. Deforestation has resulted _______ floods in many C. field trip D. seniors provinces. 7. This brochure, that I received from your agency, A. in B. for C. by D. from gives wrong information about the tour. 18. The people living in the countryside should be A. that B. gives stopped _______ burning forests for cultivation. C. information D. the A. by B. off C. at D. from 8. Susan, my best friend, has been chosen being the 19. She _______ a small business and _______ a only representative of this non-benefit organization. good living. A. has been B. being A. put up-made B. got – had C. of D. non-benefit C. did – made D. set up - earned 9. Have you given me back the guidebook which I lent 20. In order to get a scholarship, you have to submit it to you the month before last? your school _______ at the admissions office. A. Have you given B. back A. procedure B. description C. lent it D. before last C. transcript D. certificate 10. Unless you know the truth, things would be easier 21. We will try to make different TV programs to for you, at least for now. _______ the needs of viewers. A. know B. things A. answer B. satisfy C. for D. for now C. fill in D. attend to Choose the best answer to fill in each blank: 22. Youths are the _______ force behind many social About 35% of all high school graduates in America and technological advances. continue their education in an institution of higher A. pushing B. driving learning. The word ‘college’ is used to (I)______ to C. encouraging D. processing either a college or a university. These institutions offer 23. The interviewer asked me ________ for any other four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts or job. Bachelor of Science (II)______ . Some students attend A. if I have applied B. had I applied a junior college before entering a four-year college as C. that I applied D. whether I had applied a sophomore or junior. 24. Linda insisted ______ making a trip to the Great It is generally easier to be (III)______ at a state District, but nobody agreed ______ her. university than a private one. Most private schools A. on-with B. in-with require strict entrance examinations and a high grade C. in-about D. on-about point average (GPA), as well as specific college 25. ______ yourself in the job and see how well you preparation classes in high schools. Private schools can do it. cost considerably more than colleges, and famous A. make B. do C. put D. perform private schools are very expensive. Poorer students 26. If you ________ the teacher’s advice, things would can sometimes attend, (IV)_______ , by earning have been different. 1
  19. A. take B. had taken C. made D. took C. took D. have taken 43. Who will pay _______ the camping trip? The 27. After _______ Second World War, ______ United school or the parents? Nations was formed. A. at B. in C. for D. to A. O- the B. The-the 44. Unless there is a change in the agenda, we C. A – the D. The- O _______ difficulty ________ meetings. 28. I usually take a walk after dinner, but today I A. have – arranging _______ TV. B. would have – to arrange A. am watching B. watch C. may have – to arrange C. will be watch D. have watched D. will have- arranging 29. Don’t keep nagging the child _______ his 45. If you _______ such an important appointment forgetfulness. tomorrow, we ______ fishing together. A. about B. at C. on D. over A. haven’t had – will go 30. The applicants ________ are clear and well- B. hadn’t had- would have gone focused are likely to be chosen. C. didn’t have- could go A. whose answers B. who’s answers D. don’t have – could go C. of whom answers D. of which answers Read the following passage and choose the 31. Though Helen is much younger than Rita, she is correct answers: much more _______. Dateline is the computer dating service that takes the A. mature B. respectful chance element out of man-woman relations. In a C. attentive D. sympathetic single flash of electronic brilliance it provides a supply 32. The final test was _______ easy; all of the of partners who are absolutely right for you – students had been very worried. partners whose looks and conversation appeal to you A. decidedly B. repeatedly from the first and with whom you feel quite at ease, C. unexpectedly D. supposedly friends who are likely to grow closer with every 33. Different cultures ________ dreams in different meeting. ways. How’s it done? Simple. By taking careful note of what A. interfere B. express you are like and following your guidance on the kind of C. associate D. interpret man or woman you get along best with, we select, 34. It is time we ______ the shopping for Xmas. from the tens of thousands of profiles in our store A. did B. took exactly those who are destined to be your kindred C. made D. had spirits. 35. Yolanda just walked into the race ______ what her There is nothing magic about it. It’s a matter of parents might think of it. applying science to nature. By the laws of probability A. because of B. as for there are certainly people in the world who are C. apart from D. regardless of physically and mentally right for you, just as there are 36. The boss always _______ us formally using our stars in the universe similar to ours. All one has to do surnames. is to find them. Dateline has the unique power – A. recalls B. presents thanks to modern computer science – of finding the C. addresses D. speaks few-in-thousands who can communicate with you at a 37. The meeting will start ______ at 9am. Please be deep level of understanding. on time. 46. What is the purpose of the passage? A. correctly B. specifically A. To apply science in dating service C. precisely D. accurately B. To help to communicate well 38. My grandparents are those who have the most C. To explain the success of a business influences ________ me. D. To advertise a dating service A. on B. for C. in D. with 47. What is wrong about Dateline? 39. Talking loudly and staring at someone older than A. It grows closer to clients you may mean _______ for him or her. B. It helps to supply partners A. informality B. astonishment C. It applies science in its business C. attention D. disrespect D. It uses computers 40. Carla is believed _______through the next round 48. What law is Dateline’s work based on? of the interview easily. A. Computer science B. Laws of nature A. going B. to go C. Laws of probability D. Astronomy C. having gone D. to have gone 49. Dateline compares you and the people who are 41. The boss blamed me _______ the loss of the suitable for you in the world as contract. A. stars in the universe B. magic A. over B. for C. about D. on C. unique power D. science 42. Fiona _______ me a favor when she lent me her 50. What does it mean ‘absolutely’? car yesterday. A. finally B. certainly A. did B. brought C. completely D. luckily 2
  20. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI HK 1 MÔN ANH – 12A MÃ ĐỀ 121 1. D 11. B 21. B 31. A 41. B 2. D 12. B 22. B 32. C 42. A 3. B 13. C 23. D 33. D 43. C 4. A 14. B 24. A 34. A 44. D 5. D 15. D 25. C 35. D 45. C 6. A 16. C 26. B 36. C 46. D 7. A 17. A 27. B 37. C 47. A 8. B 18. D 28. A 38. A 48. C 9. C 19. D 29. A 39. D 49. A 10. A 20. C 30. A 40. B 50. C 3



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