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3D culture and analysis of the expression of cancer stem cell markers from gastric cancer cell line MKN45

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The result showed that only 6% single cancer cells developed into tumorspheres during culture process. Then, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence analysis was carried out to evaluate the expression of CSC markers CD44 and ALDH in samples taken from tumorspheres which arose from gastric CSCs. The results showed that gastric CSCs formed tumorspheres in 3D culture condition with a high expression of 92% and 40,1% for markers CD44 and ALDH, respectively.

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Nội dung Text: 3D culture and analysis of the expression of cancer stem cell markers from gastric cancer cell line MKN45

JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br /> <br /> 3D CULTURE AND ANALYSIS OF THE EXPRESSION<br /> OF CANCER STEM CELL MARKERS FROM GASTRIC<br /> CANCER CELL LINE MKN45<br /> Ngo Thu Ha¹, Le Thi Thanh Huong¹, La Thi Huyen², Nguyen Phu Hung¹,³<br /> ¹Thai Nguyen University of Sciences<br /> ²Institute of Biotechnology - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology<br /> ³French National Institute of Health and Medical Research U1235, Nantes, France<br /> Gastric cancer is the fourth leading cause of worldwide cancer mortality, Vietnam belongs to the<br /> specified high-risk group of developing gastric cancer. Gastric cancer stem cells (CSCs) are considered<br /> to be the origin of gastric adenocarcinoma. 3D cell culture is an important step of identification of stem<br /> cell as well as CSC. In this study, a non-adherent cell culture model (3D) was developed with a culture<br /> medium that had growth factors selective for the development of gastric CSCs from gastric cancer<br /> cell line MKN45. The result showed that only 6% single cancer cells developed into tumorspheres<br /> during culture process. Then, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence analysis was carried out<br /> to evaluate the expression of CSC markers CD44 and ALDH in samples taken from tumorspheres<br /> which arose from gastric CSCs. The results showed that gastric CSCs formed tumorspheres in 3D<br /> culture condition with a high expression of 92% and 40,1% for markers CD44 and ALDH, respectively.<br /> <br /> Keywords: 3D culture, gastric cancer stem cell, CD44, ALDH, MKN45<br /> <br /> I. INTRODUCTION<br /> Cancer is the leading cause of death<br /> globally. Gastric cancer has the fourth highest mortality, accounting for 723,000 deaths<br /> in 2012 according to World Health Organization [1]. Vietnamese are at high risk of<br /> developing gastric cancer. Important risk<br /> factors for development of gastric cancer include smoked foods, salted fish and meat,<br /> Corresponding author: Nguyen Phu Hung,<br /> Thai Nguyen University of Sciences<br /> Email:<br /> Received: 10 July 2017<br /> Accepted: 09 Octorber 2017<br /> <br /> JMR 111 E2 (2) - 2018<br /> <br /> family history, chronic gastritis, smoking and<br /> Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection [2].<br /> Epidemiological studies show the close relationship between chronic atrophic gastritis<br /> and H. pylori infection [3]. In atrophic gastritis, the reduction of parietal cells and chief<br /> cells lead to decrease HCl secretion which<br /> is a favorable environment for H. pylori development. H. pylori overgrowth increases<br /> genetic mutation in epithelial cells of stomach which can cause gastric cancer [4].<br /> Lauren's gastric cancer classification<br /> system subdivided gastric adenocarcinoma<br /> into two main types: intestinal type accounts<br /> 53<br /> <br /> JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br /> for 54% and diffuse type is about 32%. The<br /> remaining 14% belongs to indeterminate<br /> type (mixture of two main types above) [5;<br /> 6]. While intestinal type tumors are typically<br /> found in the gastric antrum of older individuals, diffuse type tumors are more common<br /> in the gastric corpus of younger individuals<br /> [7; 8].<br /> Recent research indicated that although<br /> cancer stem cells (CSCs) frequency in tumors is low, CSCs are responsible for proliferation and differentiation of tumor cells.<br /> Gastric stem cells which are located in the<br /> isthmus or progenitor zone of gastric gland<br /> and differentiate into mucous, parietal, chief<br /> and endocrine cells can be considered the<br /> origin of gastric CSCs [9]. In in-vitro experiments, if one cell can form tumorsphere in<br /> non-adherent culture condition (3D) with<br /> medium containing growth factors, it can<br /> qualify as a CSCs.<br /> Cancer cells grown in 3D cell culture<br /> condition were more similar to cells in tumors when compared with cells that were<br /> cultured in adherent (2D) condition [10].<br /> CSC identification and culture are important<br /> parts of cancer research; single cell culture<br /> to form tumorspheres (3D culture) is a significant tool in CSCs culture.<br /> CD44 and ALDH are two popular markers used for evaluation and isolation of<br /> CSCs in many different types of cancers<br /> [11]. In gastric adenocarcinoma, these<br /> markers expression identifies gastric cancer stem cell markers and is related to drug<br /> tolerance of tumor [12]. There are many<br /> different methods to identify expression of<br /> CD44 and ALDH markers, but Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence are common<br /> 54<br /> <br /> methods in CSC studies [13].<br /> CD44 (Cluster of differentiation 44), a<br /> receptor of hyaluronic acid, was used to<br /> identify gastric CSCs for the first time by<br /> Takaishi et al. in 2009 [14]. ALDH (aldehyde<br /> dehydrogenase) is an important marker of<br /> CSCs in solid tumors and gastric carcinoma<br /> in particular. It is involved in cell detoxification, regulation of cellular proliferation, and<br /> relates to drug tolerance in cancer [15].<br /> Studies on stem cells and CSCs have<br /> not been done previously in Vietnam, and<br /> 3D cell culture is an emerging technique in<br /> cancer research in general and gastric cancer in particular. In this study, MKN45 gastric cancer cells were seeded in 3D culture<br /> condition. The existence of gastric CSCs<br /> was evaluated by measuring tumorsphere<br /> formation and the expression of CD44 and<br /> ALDH gastric cancer stem cell markers.<br /> CD44 and ALDH expression was measured<br /> using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence analysis.<br /> <br /> II. MATERIALS AND METHODS<br /> 1. Materials: Gastric cancer cell line<br /> MKN45<br /> Gastric cancer cell line MKN45 was a<br /> generous gift from Inserm U1053 Laboratory – French National Institute of Health and<br /> Medical Research in Bordeaux. Cells were<br /> maintained in RPMI media supplemented<br /> with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), and<br /> 1% ampicillin/streptomycin (P/S). The seeding density was 1 x 10⁵ cells/well in 3.8 cm²<br /> wells using adherent cell culture condition<br /> (2D). Cells were incubated at 37oC in the<br /> presence of 5% CO2. After 2 days, culture<br /> <br /> JMR 111 E2 (2) - 2018<br /> <br /> JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br /> medium was replaced. After 4 days, cells<br /> were passaged into a new culture well.<br /> 2. Methods<br /> 3D cell culture method<br /> To create non-adherent culture plates,<br /> 12 well culture plate (area of 3,8 cm² for<br /> each well) from BD Bioscience were supplemented with 500 µM Poly-HEMA solution<br /> (Poly(2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate from<br /> Sigma) and 10 mg/ml of concentration. Culture plates were then dried surface in clean<br /> benches overnight. Plate were washed<br /> 3 times using PBS 1X buffer before commencing cell culture.<br /> 3D culture: Trypsinized cells were collected from 2D cell culture plate and diluted in PBS 1X buffer until reaching the<br /> concentration 1000 cell/µl. A 2 µl solution<br /> containing 2000 cells was resuspended in<br /> 2 ml of specific stem cell culture medium in<br /> a non-adherent plate (treated by Poly-HEMA). This medium contains basic medium<br /> DMEMF12/Glutamax (from Invitrogen) supplemented with 1% P/S, Epithelial Growth<br /> Factor (EGF) 20 ng/ml, Fibroblast Growth<br /> Factor (FGF) 20 ng/ml, glucose 0.3%, and<br /> insulin 5 µg/ml (all components from Sigma). 1 ml of medium was replaced with new<br /> medium each 2 days. Cells were incubated<br /> at 37oC, 5% CO2. The formation of tumorspheres was evaluated for from the 5th day<br /> to 14th day of the culture process. Tumorspheres were collected for cell analysis.<br /> Immunofluorescence<br /> Collected tumorspheres were centrifuged at 1300 rpm for 3 min and washed<br /> 2 times with PBS 1X buffer. Tumorsphere<br /> were stained with anti-human CD44-PE<br /> JMR 111 E2 (2) - 2018<br /> <br /> monoclonal antibody 1:50 (from BD Biosciences) and with ALDH substrate 1:100<br /> in 500 µl ALDEFLUOR buffer (ALDEFLUOR kit from Stem cell Technology) at 37oC<br /> for 20 min. Tumorspheres were washed 2<br /> times with ALDEFLUOR buffer by centrifugation. The second wash used ALDEFLUOR buffer contains 10 µg/ml Hoechst 33342<br /> for nuclei staining (from Sigma).<br /> After tumorspheres were incubated with<br /> CD44 monoclonal antibody or stained with<br /> ALDH substrate in ALDEFLUOR kit, images<br /> were taken using NIKON fluorescence microscope at magnification of 200 and 400<br /> times with specialized software.<br /> Flow cytometry analysis<br /> Tumorspheres collected on the 10th day<br /> of culture were trypsinized and separated<br /> into single cells. Single cells were incubated with CD44-APC specific antibody (from<br /> BD Biosciences) and specific ALDH substrate in ALDEFLUOR kit (from Stem cell<br /> technology, Canada) according to manufactory instruction for 20 min at 37oC. Samples<br /> were washed 2 times by ALDEFLUOR buffer (500 µl for each) before being placed in<br /> specialized 4 ml glass tube (from BD Bioscience) and analysed by FACS Canto II flow<br /> cytometry system (BD - Biosciences) at the<br /> compatible wavelength of APC (Allophycocyanin) and FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) for CD44 and ALDH, respectively.<br /> 20,000 events recorded in flow cytometry<br /> were analyszed using DIVA 6.1 software.<br /> 3. Ethics<br /> All MKN45 cells were provided by Inserm U1053 Laboratory – French National<br /> Institute of Health and Medical Research in<br /> 55<br /> <br /> JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br /> Bordeaux. There is no intervention to patients and animals.<br /> <br /> III. RESULTS<br /> 1. Formation of tumorsphere from<br /> MKN45 single cell in 3D cell culture<br /> condition<br /> Images of the tumorsphere formation<br /> <br /> and percentage of MKN45 single cell that<br /> formed tumorspheres is presented in Figure<br /> 1. The result showed that only 6% ± 1,2%<br /> single cancer cells developed into tumorspheres by the 5th days of culture process.<br /> This means that for every 100 single cultured cells, only 6 of them have ability to<br /> form tumorsphere.<br /> <br /> Figure 1. Tumorsphere formation from a single cell of gastric cancer cell line MKN45<br /> A) Tumorsphere formation at the 1st, 5th and 12th day of observation<br /> B) Tumorsphere forming percentage (estimated in the 5th day of culture process)<br /> Scale bar (to estimate tumorsphere size): 50µm.<br /> 2. The expression of CD44 and ALDH using immunofluorescence method<br /> As shown in Figure 2, the proportion of CD44 marker labeled with red fluorochrome was<br /> high at 90%. Similarly, the proportion of ALDH maker labeled with green fluorochrome was<br /> 50%. The immunofluorescence image indicated that CD44 was expressed in the cell membrane, whereas ALDH was located in the cytosol.<br /> <br /> Figure 2. Tumorsphere immunofluorescence after 7 days of culture process<br /> CD44 (red), ALDH (green) and Hoechst (blue). Scale bar: 50µm.<br /> 56<br /> <br /> JMR 111 E2 (2) - 2018<br /> <br /> JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH<br /> 3. The expression of CD44 and ALDH using Flow cytometry analysis<br /> To determine correctly the number of cells expressing CD44 or ALDH and to confirm the<br /> immunofluorescence result above, we used flow cytometry analysis. The result is shown in<br /> Figure 3. The dot blot data in P7 range shows that most MKN45 gastric cancer cell expressed<br /> CD44 at a proportion of 92,0% ± 2,7% (Figure 3A(b)). On the other hand, the expression of<br /> ALDH was 40,1% ± 2,5%, much lower than CD44 (Figure 3B(b)).<br /> <br /> Figure 3. Result of Flow cytometry analysis<br /> (A) for CD44 and (B) for ALDH marker. (a) Control (cells only)<br /> (b) Sample (CD44 antibody or ALDEFLUOR™ reagent added)<br /> <br /> IV. DISCUSSION<br /> In the 2D cell culture, the connection between cells occurs on one side of the cell (on<br /> the surface of cultured plate). However, in 3D culture condition, cell attachments occur all<br /> around the surface of the cell. This influences the cell proliferation and differentiation [16].<br /> The roles of Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) in stem cell<br /> self-renewal have been demonstrated [17; 18]. Therefore, the single cancer cells which were<br /> cultured in medium supplied with the above growth factors should have self-renewal capacity<br /> allowing cancer stem cells to form tumorspheres. Our result showed that only 6% ± 1,2%<br /> single cancer cells formed tumorspheres, this is compatible with the report of Jianming et al.<br /> in 2013 about tumorsphere formation of gastric cancer cell line MKN45 [19].<br /> Tumor is comprised of different cells which present distinct phenotypic and functional<br /> profiles. The heterogenous tumorsphere which arose from a single cell in 3D cell culture<br /> conditions indicate that different tumor cells can originate from a single unique stem cell.<br /> JMR 111 E2 (2) - 2018<br /> <br /> 57<br /> <br />



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