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A study on hotel management graduates perceptions and preferences of jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city

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This paper focuses on final year hotel management students who are going to join hotels in short span of time. The study finds that the students response are mostly favorable towards hotel jobs with specific choice.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan–Feb 2018, pp. 72–77, Article ID: IJM_09_01_012 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication A STUDY ON HOTEL MANAGEMENT GRADUATES PERCEPTIONS AND PREFERENCES OF JOBS IN HOTEL INDUSTRY IN CHENNAI CITY T.S. Natarajan Ph.D Research scholar, Department of Management studies, SCSVMV University, Tamilnadu, India Prof. G.P. Raman Research Supervisor & Guide, Controller of Examinations, SCSVMV University, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT With growing and better opportunities created by government and interest by multinational hotel companies, there is growing demand for hotels result in demand for qualified and trained human capital. Hence there are lot of opportunities in hotel employment. Hotel management institutes plays major role in providing qualified and skilled people to meet the human capital requirement by the hotels. Hotel jobs are highly stressed and generally there is negative view about taking up employment in hotels. But in practicality, with the competition in job market especially in service industry it is observed that there is more number of students taking up hotel management course. This paper focuses on final year hotel management students who are going to join hotels in short span of time. The study finds that the students response are mostly favorable towards hotel jobs with specific choice. Key words: Human Capital, Hotel Management Graduates, Perception, Preference, Industrial Training, International Career, Job functions. Cite this Article: T.S. Natarajan and Prof. G.P. Raman, A Study on Hotel Management Graduates Perceptions and Preferences of Jobs in Hotel Industry in Chennai City. International Journal of Management, 9 (1), 2018, pp. 72–77. 1. INTRODUCTION There are many number of colleges and institutions provide hotel management program in Chennai City and produce human capitals. Hotels are in constant need of qualified applicants across the world. It is a challenge for the employers to choose among the applicants based on merits. Many hotels provide earning opportunity and career path for the hotel management graduates through various programs like hotel management program, internship, operational 72
  2. A Study on Hotel Management Graduates Perceptions and Preferences of Jobs in Hotel Industry in Chennai City trainees, etc. to develop required skills in the specific area of hotel operation and retain. However, final year graduates face challenges with their preferences and perception while looking to take up the offer by hotels. This study helps institution to understand the final year graduates' perception and preferences and hotels to understand the trend in final year students with regard to perception and preference while seeking a hotel job. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  To study the perception of final year hotel management graduates towards the working in hotel industry in Chennai city; and  To examine the final year hotel management graduates preferences of working in hotel industry in the study area. 3. STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESIS  The Internal Factors are not influencing towards the jobs in hotel industry among the final year hotel management graduates in Chennai city.  The external factors are not influence towards the jobs in hotel industry among the final year hotel management graduates in Chennai city.  There is no significant difference between male and female hotel management graduates with respect to perception towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city.  There is no significant difference among the age group of the hotel management graduates with respect to perception towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city  The final year hotel management graduates are not prefers the hotel industry jobs in Chennai city 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The present study’s core intention is to find out the final year hotel management graduates perception and preferences towards the jobs in Chennai city. The population of the study consists of final year graduates of hotel management programmes. The convenience sampling method was adopted. The data were collected from the period from June 2017 to October 2017. The questions consisted in the questionnaire regarding perceptions and preferences of job in hotels in Chennai city. All the statements regarding the preferences and perceptions of final years hotel management graduates were based on Likert’s five-point scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The primary data collected from target respondents was analyzed using descriptive statistics and test the hypothesis through the one-sample t-test, Independent t-test, ANOVA. The data was analyzed using SPSS 21.0 version. 4.1. Data Analysis and Interpretation Table 1 Respondent’s demographic profile Frequency Percent Gender Male 181 69.9 Female 78 30.1 Total 259 100.0 Age 18-20 Years 78 30.1 21-24 Years 104 40.2 25-27 Years 51 19.7 Above 27 Years 26 10.0 Total 259 100.0 Source: Computed from primary survey 73
  3. T.S. Natarajan and Prof. G.P. Raman The above table shows the demographic profile of the respondents. It is noted from the above table, majority 69.9% of the respondents is male and 30.1% of the respondents are female. As for as age wise distribution of respondents concern, majority 21-24 respondents are in the age group between 21-24 years, followed by 30.1% of the respondents are between 18-20 years, 19.7% of the respondents are between 25-27 years and 10% of the respondents are above 27 years. Null Hypothesis 1 The Internal Factors are not influencing towards the jobs in hotel industry among the final year hotel management graduates in Chennai city. Table 2 One-sample t-test for internal factors towards working in hotels among the final year hotel management graduates Internal Factors N Mean SD t-value p-value I am confident that I will get selected in campus / 259 3.20 1.356 2.429 0.016* hotel interview Industrial Exposure training best prepared me for 259 3.22 1.420 2.494 0.013** hotel career To work in first employment for three years is 259 3.36 1.422 4.064 0.000** vital for future career Working in hotel will prepare me for better future 259 3.23 1.375 2.667 0.008** hospitality career Competition in hotel industry makes many job 259 3.44 1.358 5.216 0.000** openings It involves a great deal of variety, not only 259 3.28 1.291 3.466 0.001** regarding the hours you work but also the work you do during those hours Hotel experience paves way for international 259 3.34 1.481 3.651 0.000** career Taking up job in hotel is well respected by my 259 3.37 1.458 4.050 0.000** family and friends Source: Computed from primary survey The above table shows that the results of one-sample t-test for internal factors towards working in hotels among the final year hotel management graduates. The mean range of all the internal factors is from 3.18 to 3.37. The dispersion range all the internal factors are 1.291 to 1.481. The p-value of all the internal factors is less than 0.01 and statistically significant 1% level of significant. The null hypothesis is rejected and alternated hypothesis accepted .Hence it is concluded that the internal factors significantly influencing among the final year hotel management graduates towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. Null Hypothesis 2 The external factors are not influence towards the jobs in hotel industry among the final year hotel management graduates in Chennai city. Table 3 One-sample t-test for whether external factors influencing the jobs in hotels N Mean SD t-value p-value There is always high demand for hospitality graduates 259 3.38 1.396 4.362 0.000** Industrial training changed my perception of hotel 259 3.31 1.351 3.633 0.000** industry Hotel jobs are attractive in pay package 259 3.37 1.417 4.165 0.000** Hotel jobs are safe even in shaky economic climate 259 3.33 1.340 3.987 0.000** Hospitality industry contains some of the most vibrant, 259 3.19 1.403 2.170 0.031* lively and fun people you’ll ever meet. 74
  4. A Study on Hotel Management Graduates Perceptions and Preferences of Jobs in Hotel Industry in Chennai City There is such enormous scope within the hospitality 259 3.27 1.229 3.590 0.000** industry that there’s never any need for you to get stuck in one niche Hotel work is always challenging and demanding. 259 3.45 1.359 5.351 0.000** Source: Computed from primary survey One-sample t-test for whether external factors influencing among the final year hotel management graduates towards the jobs in hotel industry highlights the above table. Since the p-value of all the external factors is less than 0.1. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significant. Hence it is concluded that the external factors are significantly influencing the final year hotel management graduates towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. Null Hypothesis3 There is no significant difference between male and female hotel management graduates with respect to perception towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. Table 4 Independent t-test for male and female graduates with respect to jobs in hotel industry Gender N Mean Std. Deviation t-value p-value Perception towards Male 181 3.21 0.685 2.775 0.006** working in Hotel Female 78 2.95 0.662 Source: Computed from primary survey An Independent t-test result for male and female graduates with respect to jobs in hotel industry shows the above table. The t-value is 2.775 and p-value 0.006 which is less than 0.01 and statistically significant. Hence it is concluded that there is significant difference between male and female graduates with respect to jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. The male graduates (3.21) significantly influencing the hotel jobs than the female graduates (2.95). Null Hypothesis 4 There is no significant difference among the age group of the hotel management graduates with respect to perception towards the jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. Table 5 ANOVA test for age group of the graduates and perception towards the hotel jobs in Chennai city Age group N Mean Std. Deviation F-value p-value 18-20 Years 78 3.18 0.700 21-24 Years 104 3.14 0.663 3.129 0.026* 25-27 Years 51 3.06 0.674 Above 27 Years 26 2.72 0.851 Source: Computed from primary survey The above table shows the results of ANOVA test for age group of the graduates and perception towards the hotel jobs in Chennai city. The calculated F-value is 3.129 and p-value 0.026 towards the hotel management graduates in Chennai city. The null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significant. Hence it is concluded that there is significant difference among the age group of the hotel management graduates with respect to perception towards the hotel jobs in Chennai city. 75
  5. T.S. Natarajan and Prof. G.P. Raman Table 6 Preference of Hotel among the graduates of hotel management programmes Preference Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Standalone Hotels 21 8.1 8.1 8.1 Group of Hotels 179 69.1 69.1 77.2 Foreign group of Hotels 59 22.8 22.8 100.0 Total 259 100.0 100.0 Source: Computed from primary survey The above table results shows that majority 69.1% of the respondents are prefers to work group of hotels, followed by 22.8% of the respondents are prefer to work foreign group of hotels and 8.1% of the respondents are prefers to work in standalone hotels in the study area. Table 7 Preference of job function among the final year graduates Job function Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Front Office 50 19.3 19.3 19.3 Finance Accounts 69 26.6 26.6 45.9 House keeping 53 20.5 20.5 66.4 Food & Beverage service 49 18.9 18.9 85.3 Food & Beverage Production 38 14.7 14.7 100.0 Total 259 100.0 100.0 Source: Computed from primary survey The Preference of job function among the final year graduates in Chennai city. Majority 26.6% of the respondents are prefers to work in finance accounts department of hotel industry, followed by 20.5% of the respondents are prefers to work in housekeeping department, 19.3% of the respondents are prefers to front office and 14.7% of the respondents are prefer the food and beverage department of hotel industry in Chennai city. Null Hypothesis The final year hotel management graduates are not prefers the hotel industry jobs in Chennai city Table 8 One-sample t-test for preference of hotel jobs among the hotel management graduates N Mean SD t-value p-value Preferences towards the Hotel 259 3.09 0.705 70.631 0.000** Jobs Source: Computed from primary survey The above table highlights the One-sample t-test for preference of hotel jobs among the hotel management graduates in Chennai city. The calculated t-value is 70.361 and p-value 0.000 regarding the preference of hotel jobs among the final year graduates in Chennai city. The null hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significant. Therefore it is concluded that the final year hotel management graduates significantly prefer the hotel management jobs in Chennai city. 5. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS 1. The age group of the majority of the students falls between 21 - 24 Years 2. The student percentage consist of male - 69.88% and the female 30.11% 3. Internal factors significantly influencing among final year hotel management graduates towards the job in hotel industry in Chennai city. 76
  6. A Study on Hotel Management Graduates Perceptions and Preferences of Jobs in Hotel Industry in Chennai City 4. External factors significantly influencing among final year hotel management graduates towards the job in hotel industry in Chennai city. 5. There is significant difference between male and female graduates with respect to jobs in hotel industry in Chennai city. 6. The majority of the students comprising 69.1% prefers to work in group of hotels. 7. The study found that the preference of job among students are Finance - 26.6%, Housekeeping - 20.5% Front Office 19.3% followed by Food and Beverage 14.7%. 8. The study found that in overall the students prefer hotel industry jobs. 6. CONCLUSIONS The study was conducted to know the current trend of perception and preference among final year graduates of hotel management institutions in Chennai city. The study with gathered evidence, concluded that there is a demand for hotel management education, Internal and External factors influence perception and preferences and there will be qualified human capital available to the hotel industry in Chennai city. 7. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1. Hotel Management - Principles and Guidelines by MC Metti - Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd New Delhi 110 002 (India). 2. Exploring the Hospitality Industry - John.r.Walker 3. Strategic Human Capital Management by John Ingham 4. The benefits and challenges hospitality management students experience by working in conjunction with completing their studies - IOWA STATE UNIVERISTY - Donald G.Schoffstall. REFERENCES [1] Dr. Bidyut Jyoti Gogoi. Antecedents of Drivers of Satisfaction in Hotel Industry and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty. International Journal of Management , 6 (8), 2015, pp. 31 - 41 [2] Sanjiv Kumar Srivastava, Bibhas Chandra and Gautam Shandilya, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) On Customer Loyalty and Retention In Hotel Industry of Jharkhand, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 2018, pp. 784–796. [3] P.A Anawade and Prof. Dr. Shilpa k. Bendale, Customer Satisfaction with Reference To Individual Spending Pattern On Hotel Industry: A Case Study For Hotel Silver Palace. International Journal of Management, 7(7), 2016, pp. 336–343. [4] Devlina Das, Udit Chawla and Prof. Santanu Ray , Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in the Boutique Hotel Industry of Kolkata, West Bengal . International Journal of Management, 8 (6), 2017 , pp. 130 – 135 . 77



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