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Air-plasma treatment of bamboo fiber for polypropylene composite application

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In this study, the air-plasma generated by radio-frequency was used to treat bamboo fiber. The treatment parameters were studied to find the suitable condition. The testing on tensile strength, tensile modulus, module Weibull and elongation to break of the fiber, the measurement of contact angles and the SEM analysis showed that at the high frequency of 12 kHz, power 50 W and treatment time of 5 minutes, after air-plasma treatment the tensile strength and tensile modulus of bamboo fiber increased more than double (101.1% and 101.5%), the contact angles increased remarkably and treated fibers have cleaner surface.

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Nội dung Text: Air-plasma treatment of bamboo fiber for polypropylene composite application

Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 45 (5A), P. 196 - 200, 2007<br /> <br /> <br /> Air-plasma treatment of bamboo fiber<br /> for polypropylene composite application<br /> Received 16 August 2007<br /> Ta thi Phuong Hoa, Do Thi Cuc, Nguyen Hoang An<br /> Polymer Centre, Hanoi University of Technology<br /> <br /> <br /> summary<br /> In this study, the air-plasma generated by radio-frequency was used to treat bamboo fiber.<br /> The treatment parameters were studied to find the suitable condition. The testing on tensile<br /> strength, tensile modulus, module Weibull and elongation to break of the fiber, the measurement<br /> of contact angles and the SEM analysis showed that at the high frequency of 12 kHz, power 50 W<br /> and treatment time of 5 minutes, after air- plasma treatment the tensile strength and tensile<br /> modulus of bamboo fiber increased more than double (101.1% and 101.5%), the contact angles<br /> increased remarkably and treated fibers have cleaner surface. The adhesion between bamboo<br /> fiber and polypropylene (PP) as well as PP containing maleic anhydride grafted PP evaluated by<br /> droplet method showed that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of the treated fiber increased<br /> 18.2% at PP and 39.4% at PP-MA-PP compared with untreated fiber; SEM image showed a<br /> better adhesion between fiber and polymer. Compared to treatment by silane coupling agent, air-<br /> plasma treatment can improve both the mechanical properties of fiber and adhesion while silane<br /> coupling agent only the adhesion.<br /> <br /> <br /> I - Introduction treatment, which is environmental friendly, is<br /> considered as a promising physical treatment<br /> In recent years there has been renewed the method to modify the fiber surface for a better<br /> interest in using the natural fiber to replace glass adhesion. In this paper air-plasma has been used<br /> fiber to get polymer composite which is eco- to treat bamboo fiber surface for PP-composite<br /> friendly. Vietnam is the country where bamboo application. The mechanical properties,<br /> is abundantly available and of diversified morphology of fiber and adhesion between fiber<br /> species, polypropylene (PP) has a wide range of and PP have been investigated and compared<br /> application and a high value of property/price with that of silane treatment [1, 2, 4].<br /> therefore there is a good potential to use<br /> bamboo fiber for polypropylene composite II - Experimental<br /> application to get a motivated combination of<br /> environmental friendliness and economical 1. Material<br /> feasibility. However, due to very different<br /> - Bamboo fiber was separated from bamboo<br /> natures of natural fiber and polymer there is a<br /> using mechanical method.<br /> poor wet ability and weak interfacial adhesion<br /> between fiber and polymer which leads to poor - Polypropylene.<br /> mechanical properties of composite. Surface - Yeniosil Silane GF31.<br /> treatment of reinforcement fiber is one of the<br /> effective solutions. Recently cold plasma 2. Plasma treatment<br /> 196<br /> Usually surface treatment is under low- 4. Tensile test of fiber<br /> pressure. However this study is carried out at<br /> atmosphere pressure and room temperature in Bamboo fibers were separated from bamboo<br /> order to simplify as much as possible the and cut approximately 40 mm in length. Both<br /> technology for application. fiber ends were glued on the pieces of paper<br /> (paper tabs of size 40x40 mm) for handing<br /> Plasma is generally created by supplying a purposes. During pulling, the specimens were<br /> sufficient amount of energy to a volume handled only by paper tabs and the working<br /> containing a neutral gas. The energy may be zone of the fiber was not touched. Before<br /> supplied in the form of electrical energy, heat, experimenting, fiber diameter was measured on<br /> ultra violet radiation or particle beams. In optical microscope with an optical objective of<br /> technical plasma device, the input energy is 4-40 times magnification. The test was carried<br /> generally supplied as electrical energy [1, 2]. out on a computer connected LLOYD LRX Plus<br /> The major structural components of self- machine. Measurements of load and<br /> made plasma device for this study are a bell displacement were used to compute stress strain<br /> (chamber) and an excitation source (Fig. 1) curves for the fibers. All tests were<br /> connecting with gas line, vacuum pump and displacement controlled with the loading rate of<br /> pressure controller. 2 mm/min.<br /> 5. Determination of Fiber to Resin Interfacial<br /> Shear Strength<br /> The mechanical adhesion between<br /> reinforcing fibers is usually characterized by the<br /> interfacial shear strength (IFSS) determined by<br /> such test methods as fiber pull-out,<br /> microdebond test, fiber fragmentation test etc.<br /> In this study droplet pull-out test was conducted<br /> to evaluate the interfacial shear strength (IFSS)<br /> between the fiber surface and resin.<br /> Fibers were dried to allowable moisture<br /> content and mounted on the cardboard. Drops of<br /> Fig. 1: Plasma treatment device<br /> PP resin was heated to melting point and then<br /> dripped directly on the fiber. It would solidify in<br /> Bamboo fibers reside directly in the<br /> several seconds. The maximal dimension of the<br /> chamber housing the plasma. The chamber was<br /> drops and embedded length of the fiber were<br /> filled by air. Plasma excitation sources in this<br /> measured using an optical microscope with a<br /> test having high frequency of 12 KHz with the<br /> gratitude.<br /> plasma power of 50 W. The investigation was<br /> carried out at room temperature, atmospheric The separation of the droplet from the fiber<br /> pressure. surface was made possible by use of two blades<br /> adjusted laterally using vernier gauges.<br /> 3. Silane treatment Resistance of the droplet against the blades<br /> The bamboo fibers were treated with a provided the necessary force for generating the<br /> silane solution (the ratio 10 water to 90 shear stress between the resin droplet and the<br /> methanol, 0.5% dicumine peroxide, 3% silane fiber surface.<br /> by weight). CH3COOH solution was used for The IFSS, , is estimated as :<br /> adjusting the pH of around 3.5 to 4. After 1 hour<br /> .d<br /> treatment fibers were dried at room temperature =<br /> and then heated for 1 hour at 120 degree 2 lC<br /> Celsius.<br /> <br /> 197<br /> where: d is the fiber diameter, m; is the The results show a significantly increase of<br /> average fiber strength at critical, MPa; lC is the tensile property of fibers after air-plasma<br /> critical length related to the average fiber length treatment. Namely, mean tensile stress of<br /> at saturation fragmentation process, l as: untreated fiber was 181.84 MPa and of treated<br /> were 357.87 MPa (after 1 minute) and 365.77<br /> 4<br /> lC = l MPa (after 5 minutes), respectively. Thus, stress<br /> 3 increased more than double after treated 5<br /> minutes (up to 101.1%)<br /> with lC is the average embedded length [3].<br /> In the same conditions, Young’s modulus<br /> increased 101.5% and elongation decreased<br /> 25.6%.<br /> The tensile fracture surface of bamboo fiber<br /> was observed in the scanning electronic<br /> micoroscope and shown on the figure 2. We can<br /> see that each bamboo fiber was even if small<br /> (the average diameter was about 0.1 to 0.4 mm)<br /> also set from many single fibers. The fiber<br /> bundles arranged quite tightly and isotropic so<br /> that sensating as a single fiber. However, the<br /> orientation and bond on the whole fiber wasn’t<br /> Fig. 2: Pull-out test the same and fiber would be demolished at the<br /> point that the bond was weakest.<br /> III - Results and discussion<br /> <br /> 1. Effect of plasma treatment on the<br /> mechanical properties of fiber<br /> Table 1 presents some mechanical properties of<br /> bamboo fibers after plasma treatment with<br /> various times.<br /> <br /> Tab.1: Effect of plasma treatment on the Fig. 3: SEM image of the tensile fracture<br /> mechanical properties of bamboo fiber surface of bamboo fiber<br /> Plasma treatment time, min When producing plasma, there are not only<br /> charged and neutral particles bombarding<br /> 0 1 5 7 samples, but it also produced light, such as UV<br /> and others which may cause the polymerization<br /> Mean stress of lignin, making a significant increase in<br /> ( ), MPa 181.8 357.8 365.7 235.9<br /> mechanical properties of fiber due to<br /> Young’s polymerized lignin- cellulose composite fiber<br /> modulus, GPa 19.72 27.79 39.73 26.32 structure.<br /> ,% 2. Contact angle<br /> 2.00 1.84 1.48 1.55<br /> It can be seen that plasma treatment can<br /> Weibull improve the contact angle of fiber with ethylene<br /> modulus (m) 1.54 1.52 1.44 1.38<br /> glycol at nearly the same level as silane<br /> Normalizing treatment, however less in the case of water.<br /> stress ( 0), kPa 15.57 16.81 25.38 98.15<br /> <br /> 198<br /> Tab. 2: Contact angle of bamboo fiber with untreated fiber surface (a), plasma treated (b)<br /> water and ethylene glycol and silane treated (c). Plasma treatment caused a<br /> cleaner and smoother fiber surface as showed in<br /> Ethylene<br /> Water Fig. 4.<br /> glycol<br /> Untreated 39.3 39.1 Tab. 4: IFSS between bamboo fibers with PP<br /> 1 56.4 42.4 grafted MAPP<br /> Silane<br /> treatment, 2 64.5 43.2 Plasma<br /> %silane treatment time, Silan<br /> 3 66.9 44.5 Adhesion Un-<br /> treatment<br /> Plasma treated min<br /> 49.4 44.0 (3%w)<br /> treatment, 1min 1 5 7<br /> <br /> 3. Interfacial Shear Strength (IFSS) Specific<br /> The results in the table 3 show the slightly shear<br /> 2,08 2,1 2,27 2,94 2.76<br /> strength,<br /> increasing of IFSS value between bamboo fibers<br /> MPa<br /> with resin after air plasma treatment.<br /> Tab. 3: IFSS between bamboo fibers with PP IFSS,<br /> 3,12 3,31 3,41 4,35 4.13<br /> Plasma MPa<br /> Adhesion Un- treatment time, min Silan<br /> treatment In addition, plasma treatment lost the sets of<br /> treated<br /> 1 5 7 (3% w) non-orientation on the fiber’s surface.<br /> Specific Therefore, the single fibers in the fiber’s bundle<br /> shear would be oriented more closely. That’s fit to<br /> 2,06 2,25 2,28 2,18 2.72 increase significantly strain strength of fiber<br /> strength,<br /> MPa after treated. Simultaneously, the interstice<br /> between very close two single fibers also<br /> IFSS,<br /> 3,09 3,38 3,41 3,09 4.3 became wider and deeper creating conditions<br /> MPa<br /> adherence better with resin but unremarkably.<br /> With un-modified PP, IFSS between fiber Silane treatment also lost the sets of non-<br /> and resin increased from 3.085 MPa of orientation on the surface of fiber but the effect<br /> untreated fiber to 3.38 MPa after 1 minute got lower at plasma treatment. Silane treatment<br /> treatment, to 3.41 MPa after 5 minutes treatment only made fiber’s surface changed but without<br /> and then decreased to 3.09 MPa (plasma treated changing the inner fiber’s structure, therefore,<br /> for 7 minutes). strain strength of silane treated wasn’t almost<br /> changed.<br /> With PP grafted MAPP (5% MA),<br /> adherence increased from 3.12 MPa to 3.31 IV - Conclusions<br /> MPa of 1 minute treatment, to 3.41 MPa at 5<br /> minutes and got the highest value of 4.35 MPa Air plasma treatment has increased<br /> with plasma treated for 7 minutes, higher than remarkably the tensile properties of bamboo<br /> that of silane treatment. It can be seen that for fiber. Both mean stress and Young’s modulus in<br /> PP plasma treament can increase IFSS only suitable condition increased more than 101.15<br /> 9.7%, however for PP grafted MAPP 39.52%. and 101.5%.<br /> 4. Bamboo fiber surface morphology Plasma treatment also has changed the<br /> There was clear difference on the plasma surface of fibers for a better adhesion.<br /> <br /> 199<br /> PP grafted MAPP is higher than at PP, however<br /> less than that of silane treatment at suitable<br /> treatment condition of 5 minutes.<br /> <br /> References<br /> <br /> (a) (b) 1. Essay (2005). Low-Temperature Plasma<br /> Processing of Materials: Past, Present and<br /> Future. Plasma Processes and Polymers,<br /> Vol. 2: 7 - 15 (2005).<br /> 2. D. Sun, G. K. Stylios. Textile Research<br /> Journal. Vol. 75(9), P. 639 - 644 (2005).<br /> (c) 3. Arnold N. Towo, Martin P. Ansell. Third<br /> International Workshop on Green<br /> Fig. 4: SEM showing the surface of fiber Composites. P. 190 - 194 (2005).<br /> untreated (a), plasma treatment (b) and silane 4. X. J. Dai, L. Kviz. Study of Atmospheric<br /> treatment (c) and Low Pressure Plasma Modification on<br /> the Surface Properties of Synthetic and<br /> The adhesion between bamboo fiber and PP Natural Fibres, Textile and Fibre<br /> has improved. The effect of plasma treatment at Technology (2001).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 200<br />



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