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Analysis of transient heat conduction in pyinkado (xylia xylocarpa) using finite element solutions

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This paper describes the one-dimensional, transient heat conduction in a rectangular piece of Pyinkado (Xylia xylocarpa) with cross grain and in an orthotropic wooden cylinder. Computerized solutions of a generalized, nonlinear heat equation are derived by discretizing the time domain using finite element techniques.

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Nội dung Text: Analysis of transient heat conduction in pyinkado (xylia xylocarpa) using finite element solutions

AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ANALYSIS OF TRANSIENT HEAT CONDUCTION IN PYINKADO (Xylia xylocarpa) USING<br /> FINITE-ELEMENT SOLUTIONS<br /> <br /> Bui Thi Thien Kim1, Hoang Thi Thanh Huong1, Ho Xuan Cac2<br /> 1<br /> Nong Lam University<br /> 2<br /> Associate Technology And Science Sylvicultre<br /> <br /> Information: ABSTRACT<br /> Received: 10/09/2018<br /> This paper describes the one-dimensional, transient heat conduction in a<br /> Accepted: 11/02/2019<br /> rectangular piece of Pyinkado (Xylia xylocarpa) with cross grain and in an<br /> Published: 11/2019<br /> orthotropic wooden cylinder. Computerized solutions of a generalized,<br /> Keywords: nonlinear heat equation are derived by discretizing the time domain using<br /> Finite element method, finite element techniques. A simplified example of linear heat conduction<br /> distribution of temperature on in cylindrical coordinates illustrates how to apply the finite element<br /> wood. solutions. The accuracy of the solutions for this special case is evaluated<br /> via comparing them with a well-known exact solution. The results could<br /> give significant information for fire-resistant solutions in house<br /> architecture and design.<br /> <br /> <br /> 1. INTRODUCTION The knowledge of transient temperature profiles<br /> In order to analyze an engineering system, a plays an important role in some wood uses, for<br /> mathematical model is developed to describe the instance, for simulating heat conditioning of logs<br /> behavior of the system. The mathematical in veneer and plywood mills and temperature<br /> expression usually consists of differential response of lumber in dry kilns. Since wood is a<br /> equations and given conditions. These hygroscopic and porous medium, heat transfer<br /> differential equations are usually very difficult to may occur by means of several modes:<br /> solve if handled analytically. The alternative conduction, convection and radiation. However,<br /> way to solve the differential equation is using all transfers can be accounted for by using only<br /> numerical methods. The numerical method has Fourier's law of heat conduction associated with<br /> some advantages, not only can it solve an effective thermal conductivity.<br /> complicated equations but also can it reduce the The values of these components can be<br /> cost needed to make experiments. Moreover, determined by knowing the values of the<br /> numerical methods are able to predict the principal conductivities and of the rotational<br /> physical phenomena so it can be studied and angles between the geometric and the<br /> implemented to make some devices. orthotropic axes. The likelihood of obtaining an<br /> Considering the advantage of the numerical exact solution to the problem of heat conduction<br /> method, this paper analyzes physics phenomena in wood is negligible. Therefore, approximated<br /> in a heat transfer problem on Pyinkado materials. solutions using numerical methods have been<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 91<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> developed for special cases. The purpose of this discretization. In each element, a convenient<br /> work is to develop a more general, three- approximate solution is assumed and the<br /> dimensional finite difference solution for heat conditions of overall equilibrium of the structure<br /> conduction in wood that is shaped as a are derived. The derivation is using several<br /> rectangular piece with cross grain or as an mathematical analyses, likewise integration by<br /> orthotropic cylinder. The derivation of a one- or parts, weighted residual. Once this analyses<br /> two-dimensional solution, then, is straight done, each element will form matrix equation,<br /> forward. which resulting in global matrix equations.<br /> 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS These global matrix equations solved by<br /> MATLAB to get the solution for each node. All<br /> 2.1 Materials<br /> this processes are the basic procedures for the<br /> Specimens of green Pyinkado (Xylia Xylocarpa) finite element method. Systematically, each of<br /> (20x40x150mm), which are applied a series of the basic procedures will be discussed separately<br /> experimental runs, were taken from Dong Nai, for conduction and convection problem.<br /> Vietnam.<br /> We use finite element method to determine the<br /> 2.2 Methods transient distribution of temperature on wood<br /> The basic idea in the finite element method is to (Pyinkado). We research of a temperature-<br /> find the solution of a complicated problem by dependent T coefficient with the thermal<br /> replacing it by a simpler one. Since the actual conductivity coefficient k as show in Fig. 1 ,<br /> problem is replaced by a simpler one; the with the t-thickness and z direction (constant),<br /> solution is only an approximation rather than the the amount of heat generated in the element is<br /> exact one. In the finite element method the Q (W/m3). As the amount of heat transferred to<br /> solution domain is divided into small domain the differential volume plus the amount of heat<br /> called elements; these elements connected each generated must be equal to the amount of heat<br /> other by nodes, therefore this method is called transferred, we have (Nguyễn Lương Dũng<br /> finite element. This subdivision process is called (1993) and Phan Anh Vũ (1994))<br /> <br />  q   q y <br /> qx dy t + q y dx t + Qdxdy t + Qsti =  qx + x dx dy t +  q y + dy dx t + Qsti+1 Eq.(2.1) [1,2]<br />  x   y <br /> <br /> qx q y<br /> From equation (2.1), to find out: + −Q = 0 Eq.(2.2)<br /> x y<br /> <br /> To change q x = − k T x ; q y = −k T y , Qsti=Qsti+1 because steady state so we have<br /> heat conduction equation:<br /> <br />   T    T <br /> k  + k +Q = 0<br /> x  x  y  y <br /> Eq.(2.3)[3,4,5]<br /> <br /> <br /> For the two-dimensional case as shown in Figure 1, heat move along the x y axis. Under<br /> constant pressure condition, Luikov (1966) equations<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 92<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> Differential equation described two dimensional conductive process (2.3) was special case of general<br /> equation for Helmholtz’s conductive process. (O.C. Zienkiewicz (2000);Kwon, Y.W. and Bang, H.<br /> (2000);Zienkiewicz, O. C. and Taylor, R.L.(1989)<br /> where T is temperature, t time, K thermal conductivity coefficients, respectively.<br /> Boundary conditions<br /> Equation (2.3) must be solved with certain boundary conditions. We have T = T0 on wallside ST; We<br /> will be used triangular elements to solve conductive problem (Figure 1)<br /> We expressed heating field in element through:<br /> T = T1 N 1 + T2 N 2 + T 3 N 3 Eq. (2.4) [3,4,5]<br /> <br /> or: T = NTe<br /> <br /> <br /> T3<br /> y<br /> 3 =1 3<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2<br /> T(x,y)<br /> <br /> T1<br /> 1 1 =1<br /> T2<br /> 2 Reference element<br /> x<br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 1. first clas triangular elements in this problem<br /> <br /> where:<br /> <br /> N = 1 −  −    was function and T e = T1 T2 T3  was temperature at dots<br /> T<br /> <br /> <br /> which was finding unknown with triangular elements, we have<br /> <br /> <br /> A<br /> A<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> qx<br /> <br /> dy Q<br /> y<br /> A-A<br /> qy<br /> dx (b)<br /> (a)<br /> <br /> <br /> x<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 2. (a). 2D conductive problem model<br /> (b) conductive volume differential<br /> <br /> 93<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> x = N1 x1 + N2 x2+ N3 x3<br /> <br /> y = N1 y1 + N2 y2 + N3 y3 Eq. (2.5) [3,4,5]<br /> <br /> To find out<br /> <br /> T T x T y T T x T y<br /> = + = + Eq. (2.6) [3-5]<br />  x  y   x  y <br /> <br /> Or<br /> <br />  T   T <br />     x <br />  T  = J  T  Eq. (2.7)[6,7]<br />    <br />     y <br /> <br /> J was Jacobian matrix which was defined :<br /> <br /> x y 21 <br /> J =  21<br />  x31 y31 <br /> <br /> Where: xij = xi - xj; yij = yi - yj và det J = 2 Ae , here Ae is the area of the triangle element<br /> <br /> inverse (1.7), to get:<br /> <br />  T   T <br />  x   <br /> −1    1  y31 − y 21  − 1 1 0 e<br />  T  = J  T  = − x  T Eq. (2.8)[5,8]<br />     det J  31 x21  − 1 0 1<br />  y    <br /> <br /> Or :<br /> <br />  T <br />  x <br />  T  = BT T<br /> e<br /> Eq. (2.9)[8]<br />  <br />  y <br /> <br /> Where :<br /> <br /> 1  y21 − y31 y31 − y21  1  y23 y31 y12 <br /> BT = =<br /> det J  x31 − x21 − x31 x21  det J  x32 x13 x21 <br /> Eq. (2.10) [6-8]<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 94<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> Results:<br /> <br />  T <br /> T   x <br /> 2<br />  T   T   T<br /> 2<br /> eT<br />   +   =   T  = T BT BT T<br /> T e<br />  Eq. (2.11) [6-8]<br />  x   y   x y   <br />  y <br /> <br /> Set up functions<br /> As reported, we need to solve equation (2.3) with boundary conditions (i). T = T0 on ST. We<br /> solve this equation similar minimum this function :<br /> <br /> 1   T  <br /> 2<br />  T <br /> 2<br /> <br />  =  k   + k   − 2QT tdA Eq. (2.12) [3-8]<br /> 2 A   x   y  <br /> <br /> <br /> So that T = T0 on ST.<br /> <br /> To change equation (2.11) in two first term in first integral of , we will be had :<br /> <br /> <br /> 1   T   T <br /> 2<br /> <br />  =  k   + k   tdA<br /> 2 A   x   y <br /> 1<br /> = <br /> T T<br /> kT e BT BT T e tdA Eq. (2.13) [3-8]<br /> e 2e<br /> 1 T 1 T 1 T<br /> =  T e ktAe BT BT T e = T e kT T e = T e K T T e<br /> T<br /> <br /> e 2 e 2 2<br /> <br /> Where conductive matrix of element was defined by:<br /> <br /> kT = ktAe BT BT<br /> T<br /> Eq. (2.14) [6]<br /> <br /> And conductive matrix of system:<br /> <br /> K T =  kT Eq. (2.15) [3]<br /> e<br /> <br /> <br /> When Q =Qe was contans in element; thick of element t = const.<br /> <br />  <br />   <br />  Qe NtdA T e = − r<br /> e<br /> − QTtdA = −<br /> T<br /> T Eq. (2.16) [3]<br />   Q<br /> A e  e  e<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1<br /> Vì  N dA = 3 A , so that calory vector :<br /> e<br /> i e<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 95<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> <br /> rQ =<br /> Qe tAe<br /> 1 1 1T Eq. (2.17) [6]<br /> 3<br /> Final, we have this function (2.12) in the form:<br /> <br /> 1<br />  = T T KT − R T T Eq. (2.18) [6,7]<br /> 2<br /> Where :<br /> <br /> K =  kT Eq. (2.19) [6-8]<br /> <br /> <br /> R =  (rQ ) Eq. (2.20) [6-8]<br /> e<br /> <br /> <br /> To minimum functions  must perform so that 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION<br /> satisfy with conditions T = T0 on all the note on The objective of this paper is finding the<br /> ST. From there, to build problem apply the finite temperature distribution in wood as shown in<br /> element method to define heating elements on figure 4. The wood considered natural material,<br /> wood following the footsteps such as: inside the wood consist a solid substance. The<br /> • Elemental meshing initial temperature inside the wood is considered<br /> to 30 . the wood heated on the top sidewall while<br /> • Numbering each elements<br /> the bottom side is keeps at 30 temperature,<br /> • Establish the coordinate system and meanwhile the left and right of the wood is<br /> determine the coordinates of the nodes in remain insulated. Wood board with a thermal<br /> each element conductivity k = 0.17W / m.K have the boundary<br /> • Calculate the thermal conductivity of each conditions. The two opposite sides kept at a<br /> element temperature of 1000C = 373 K and below kept at<br /> 300C = 303K; Left side must be insulated.<br /> + Compute the Jacobi matrix of the element<br /> Determine the temperature distribution on the<br /> + Calculates the matrix B of the element wood section. The face of wood which was<br /> + Calculate thermal conductance ke surveyed to divide 8 elements with 10 dots is<br /> • Calculate the thermal conductivity of the illustrated as Figure 4.<br /> coefficient K<br /> • Solve the equation for determining the<br /> temperature vector at the Te node in the<br /> system KTe = R<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 96<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> T=1000<br /> T=1000<br /> 9 10<br /> 8<br /> 7<br /> 8 7<br /> 6<br /> 5<br /> 0,04m 5 6<br /> 4<br /> 3<br /> 4 3<br /> k=0,17W/m. 2 1<br /> K 1 2<br /> <br /> 0,02m T=300<br /> <br /> Figure 4. Conductive problem model<br /> <br /> <br /> Following the diagram with element divided, we conducted to join many elements<br /> Table 1: Diagram with element divided<br /> <br /> Freedom level 1 2 3<br /> Elements<br /> 1 1 2 3<br /> 2 4 1 3<br /> 3 5 4 3<br /> 4 5 3 6<br /> 5 5 6 7<br /> 6 8 5 7<br /> 7 9 8 7<br /> 8 9 7 10<br /> Following the equation we have:<br /> <br /> 1  y 23 y31 y12 <br /> BT = x<br /> det J  32 x13 x21 <br /> <br /> We calculated:<br /> <br /> − 50 50 0  2 − 50 0 50  3  0 − 50 50 <br /> B1 =   B =  B = <br />  0 − 100 100   100 − 100 0  100 − 100 0 <br /> − 50 0 50  5 − 50 50 0  6 − 50 0 50 <br /> B4 =   B =  B = <br />  0 − 100 100   0 − 100 100   100 − 100 0 <br /> <br />  0 − 50 50  − 50 0 50 <br /> B7 =  B8 = <br /> 100 − 100 0   0 − 100 100 <br /> <br /> <br /> 97<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> Apply the equation kT = kAe BT BT (t=1 unit), we calculated heating matrix of element<br /> T<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />  0,0425 − 0,0425 0   0,2125 − 0,17 − 0,0425 <br /> kT = − 0,0425 <br /> − 0,17  kT =  − 0,17 0 <br /> 1 2<br /> 0,2125 0,17<br />  0 − 0,17 0,17  − 0,0425 0 0,0425 <br /> <br />  0,17 − 0,17 0   0,0425 0 − 0,0425 <br /> kT<br /> 3 <br /> = − 0,17 0,2125 − 0,0425  kT =  0<br />  4<br /> 0,17 − 0,17 <br />  0 − 0,0425 0,0425  − 0,0425 − 0,17 0,2125 <br /> <br />  0,0425 − 0,0425 0   0,2125 − 0,17 − 0,0425 <br /> = − 0,0425 − 0,17  kT =  − 0,17<br />  0 <br /> 5 6<br /> kT 0,2125 0,17<br />  0 − 0,17 0,17  − 0,0425 0 0,0425 <br /> <br />  0,17 − 0,17 0   0,0425 0 − 0,0425 <br /> kT<br /> 7 <br /> = − 0,17 0,2125 − 0,0425  kT =  0<br />  8<br /> 0,17 − 0,17 <br />  0 − 0,0425 0,0425  − 0,0425 − 0,17 0,2125 <br /> <br /> Conductive matrix of system (dimensions 10x10) will be constructed based on join table of this<br /> element. Boundary condition T = 1000C at dot 9 and 10, T = 300C at dot 1 and 2 we have matrix<br /> Table 2. Matrix KT=R<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> We use Matlab programs to solve matrix (KT = R) with results:<br /> T1 = 300C = 303K; T2 = 300C = 303K; T3 = 47,450C = 320,45K ; T4= 47,450C = 320,45K; T5= 64,970C<br /> = 337,97K; T6 = 64,970C = 337,97K; T7 = 82,480C = 355,48K; T8 = 82,480C = 355,48K; T9 = 1000C<br /> = 373K; T10 = 1000C = 373K.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 98<br /> AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol 7 (4), 91 – 99<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 5. Conductive problem model<br /> 4. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES<br /> This paper presents the study and Nguyen Luong Dung, (1993). Finite element<br /> implementation of finite element method to find method in mechanics. Ho Chi Minh City<br /> the temperature distribution inside wood University of Technology, Vietnam.<br /> material (Pyinkado). 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