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Annual Report

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Vision & Guiding Principle Executive Director Report Organisational Structure Regional Manager’s Report Avoided Deforestation Regional Projects Australia Cambodia Fiji Maldives Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu Finances Board of Trustees Partners 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 31 .Vision & Guiding Principles Live & Learn Environmental Education’s mission is to reduce poverty and foster greater understanding and action towards a sustainable future through education, community mobilisation and supportive partnerships. Our Purpose and Aims • Develop and implement projects and programs for teachers, schools, communities and other target groups in the field of environmental and development education. • Encourage individual and ...

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Nội dung Text: Annual Report

  1. Live&Learn environmental education Annual Report
  2. Annual Report 2008 Contents Vision & Guiding Principle 4 Executive Director Report 5 Organisational Structure 6 Regional Manager’s Report 7 Avoided Deforestation 8 Regional Projects 10 Australia 12 Cambodia 14 Fiji 16 Maldives 18 Papua New Guinea 20 Solomon Islands 22 Vanuatu 24 Finances 26 Board of Trustees 30 Partners 31
  3. Vision & Guiding Principles Live & Learn Our Purpose and Aims • Live & Learn emphasises the importance of linking schools, Environmental Education’s • Develop and implement projects school managers and teachers mission is to reduce and programs for teachers, schools, with the community, chiefs, communities and other target poverty and foster greater groups in the field of environmental elders, parents and NGOs so that communities in their entirety are understanding and action and development education. involved with environmental and towards a sustainable • Encourage individual and development education. future through education, community attitudes, values • Live & Learn promotes attitudes, and actions that are ethical and community mobilisation policies, institutions and practical environmentally sustainable. and supportive actions that support community- • Share knowledge, skills, learning based education and sustainable partnerships. experiences and resources with development. others for the benefit of the • Live & Learn advocates physical and human environment. and promotes peaceful and • Promote the integration of humanitarian activities and actions environmental, human, cultural and in recognition that peaceful and peace concepts in all education cooperative partnerships are a projects and programs. fundamental foundation for building sustainable futures. Guiding Principles • Live & Learn strives to work in We believe that local knowledge appropriate partnerships with local and global understanding are the teachers, communities, NGOs, and starting points in developing an ethic government agencies, respecting in environmental and development their position and addressing their education. Local ownership of needs. environmental and development education programs, open participation • Live & Learn shares knowledge, and equality remain the foundation of information and lessons learnt with our organisation. We aim to strengthen national partners and colleagues this foundation through the following along with the wider regional and guiding principles: international community. • Live & Learn seeks to establish • Live & Learn does not discriminate action-based, effective and creative between gender, race, political learning models and teaching opinions, age, sexual preferences methodologies of environmental or religion and does at all times and development issues in the promote equality and fairness developed and developing world. among staff, beneficiaries and partners. 4 Vision & Guiding Principles
  4. Executive Director’s Report Building on strengths and commitment This past year Live & Learn sustainable livelihoods, providing gender training in the Maldives; has focused on diversifying our sound environmental management, protection of forest and reef systems support base and networks while construction and maintenance of in Papua New Guinea and the continuing to ensure our work is water and sanitation infrastructure, Solomon Islands; climate change grounded in community-based and developing youth leadership. and avoided deforestation in institutions and organisations. One of the most significant Vanuatu and peace building and The expansion of many local achievements of the past year was waste management in Fiji. economies has seen an increased the provision of safe drinking water The most valuable asset of Live & interest for natural resources, in and sanitation to more than 30,000 Learn is the immense commitment particular; timber, fish and palm oil. people in rural island communities from our staff and network partners This–often unsustainable–extraction in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Trials towards improving living conditions of resources, especially forest on the development of composting for thousands of people living in poor resources, has escalated risks toilets, both in PNG and in Cambodia, and resource-constrained areas. associated with climate change were also carried out with promising This commitment has strengthened and provision of safe drinking water. preliminary results. with new realities of climate change, Communities need to be able to 2007 has also seen a wealth of lack of food security and conflict continually assess the broad range education resource development; and my greatest acknowledgement of risks that large-scale developments significantly strengthened by our goes to our staff and managers can bring and–based on such use of local artists to ensure relevant that are working and living many knowledge and analysis of those and familiar illustrations, coupled with hours in the field with communities risks–be then able to take charge professional graphic design to ensure facing difficult challenges. This of their own development. that Live & Learn is at the forefront commitment will pave the way for for meeting high standards and further achievements in the coming Live & Learn has continued to expectations for education materials. years and we will continue to put advocate and provide support All our education resources, research communities and people at the centre for organising and mobilising findings and technical reports are of everything we do. communities towards counteracting available via our website www. increased pressure on natural and we welcome their resources. This includes aligning use to support other programs and community structures and organisations in their work. processes with participatory Christian Nielsen principles, transparency and Climate change, water and forests Executive Director accountable leadership alongside are three big thematic areas for the empowering all groups within year ahead. New programmes will communities, especially women, to commence on sustainable livelihoods be advocates for action and change. and rural learning on the Tonle Sap In the context of Live & Learn’s work in Cambodia; community-based this particularly relates to mobilising environmental management and Executive Director’s Report 5
  5. Organisational Structure of Trustees Board VANUATU MALDIVES NAURU CAMBODIA AUSTRALIA FIJI Asia Regional International Pacific Regional Office Office Office VIETNAM PAPUA NEW GUINEA AUSTRALIA SOLOMON Indigenous ISLANDS Programs Tec ees nica h l Advisor y Committ Regional Office Country Office In-country Program 6 Organisational Structure
  6. Regional Manager’s Report Growing in a Sustainable Way Live & Learn’s long-term goal is to community-based organisations, other countries that are seeking establish Regional Management communities, special interest a more sustainable quality of life. Teams to encourage greater regional groups, and students. Our Strategic Over the past year the first steps co-operation, networking and the Vision covers a very diverse scope towards setting up Live & Learn in conscious development of a regional of thematic areas and to effectively Vietnam were taken and potential identity and focus. The Asian regional cover these we have developed opportunities in South Asia, program has a focus on Cambodia strong partnerships to strengthen our particularly in response to specific and the Maldives. Over the past approach rather than to duplicate the requests from Sri Lanka, Bhutan and 12 months both country programs work of others. Ultimately we hope India, will be pursued. have grown exponentially, now with that through such partnerships the From its early Pacific focus Live & more projects and larger teams of communities we work with can gain Learn now truly has an Asia Pacific skilled and committed staff that will increased benefits as the activities of focus, but it is not just geographical continue to work on a range different organizations become more –it is philosophical: we are unified of challenging issues. coordinated. by a desire to work toward reducing The Live & Learn Strategic Vision In the Maldives we have formed poverty and fostering greater 2020, completed last year, has helped some mutually beneficial corporate understanding and action towards a to coordinate and focus our approach. partnerships such as with ecotourism sustainable future through education The Maldives and Cambodia Live & resorts where we work with their community mobilization and Learn teams have made significant staff and local communities on supportive partnerships. It is certainly progress on developing their individual environmental management issues. challenging work but it is important to country strategies that complement One of our larger organizational remember that you are part of a large and build upon the organisations partnerships has developed for and growing team of like-minded Strategic Vision. The thematic areas the specific focus of developing people who are there to support of priority in the Asia program a ‘Floating Latrine Design’ in you. I wish you all lots of success in include: water sanitation & hygiene, collaboration with Engineers Without your activities for the future and look sustainable use of biodiversity, Borders (EWB) as well as other forward to continuing to strengthen environmental governance, natural partners. This partnership helps us Live & Learn through our collaboration resource-based conflict management, to maximize the use of action-based with all the offices. sustainable energy options, and approaches: merging the technical waste management. engineering skills of EWB with Live & Learn’s education and community Live & Learn strives to work in mobilization skills. appropriate partnerships and we Jady Smith are working with a wide range of Live & Learn is expanding in Regional Manager: Asia partners including: Government, response to interest from individuals, non-government organisations, government and organizations in Regional Manager’s Report 7
  7. Avoided Deforestation Protecting livelihoods and tackling climate change T hose working in the climate Governments, NGOs and international their access and rights to forests change arena are looking at organisations are turning their become increasingly restricted by ways of mitigating dangerous attention to Avoided Deforestation ranchers, loggers, public and private climate change through curbing as a way to speed climate change expansion. Poorly managed Avoided the manner in which we treat our mitigation, conserve forest Deforestation projects could continue forests. There exists a key relationship ecosystems, pursue sustainable this pattern of disenfranchising and between forests and climate change. development objectives and involve further marginalising local, forest Deforestation and degradation developing nations further in the dependent communities. There is the accounts for approximately 20% of climate change agenda. possibility that once large amounts global anthropogenic greenhouse of money become available through While Avoided Deforestation projects gas emissions (Mollicone et al., 2007). these projects, corruption and abuse provide an avenue for climate change While this loss of forests contributes of community rights will increase as mitigation, few examples of their to emissions, forest ecosystems land speculation, land grabbing and implementation and overall success are also important for sequestering increased state and expert control are currently available. Current and storing carbon. Forests, as large over forests ensues. debates about how to structure stores and potential emitters of and manage these projects focus Conversely, well managed Avoided carbon are therefore a key element on technical, political and financial Deforestation projects can of the climate change debate. issues. The involvement of local forest recognise the important role of local Among the many and varied tools dependent people is, however, one communities in sustainable forest for mitigating climate change is of the most important but under management by providing an avenue that of Avoided Deforestation. The emphasised issues in this debate and for their continued or increased central idea is to create an economic deserves much attention. stewardship. A well managed project incentive to curb the need for deforestation by forest dependent If locals do not understand why international investors are sending people. For each tonne of carbon money, or even what the climate change issue is, it will be very difficult not released through avoiding to ensure that deforestation and degradation are avoided. deforestation and degradation of the world’s forests, one carbon Much of the world’s remaining credit (equivalent to one tonne) can will create income generation, social forests exist in developing nations, be produced and sold into the ever capital and raise living standards especially tropical forest ecosystems. growing carbon market. through generating meaningful The numbers of people dependant involvement with local communities. This idea is gaining increasing on these forests for their livelihoods attention in both voluntary carbon is immense. A report by the World Involvement needs to start very early markets and in mandatory schemes. Commission on Forests and on in the process where land rights These projects, otherwise Sustainable Development states that and general project viability is being known through the Reduced over 350 million of the world’s poorest discussed. Conflicts over land to be Emissions through Deforestation people rely almost entirely on forests used under these projects can only and Degradation (REDD) policy for their subsistence and survival be resolved with the consultation and mechanism, are on the table for needs (Salim & Ullsten, 1999). involvement of locals. implementation within the post- These least developed communities 2012 Kyoto Protocol framework. face continuing challenges as 8 Avoided Deforestation
  8. An important aspect of the investors. This gap is often seen environmental needs. Whether these involvement issue is that of through power imbalances translated needs are effectively responded knowledge transfer. If locals do through language, knowledge and to requires an understanding not understand why international information. In failing to address that environmental, social and investors are sending money, or this inequity, these projects have economic issues are intrinsically even what the climate change issue produced poor outcomes for local linked. By ensuring the meaningful is, it will be very difficult to ensure communities and have damaged the involvement of local forest dependent that deforestation and degradation project overall. communities, Avoided Deforestation are avoided. This knowledge NGOs can play an important role projects may be highly successful. transfer to local communities in generating and supporting local This meaningful involvement will is especially important where community involvement. Donor require trust, responsibility and contracts will be signed between agencies and NGOs may be central in partnership on behalf of all players local communities and companies. ensuring that the benefits of Avoided but the projected outcomes more Without education and involvement Deforestation projects reach local than justify this commitment. of local communities, these projects peoples. These organisations are could produce extremely negative often highly experienced in projects References outcomes. within the developing world and bring Mollicone, D. et al., (2007) Elements for High level involvement from local high-level experience and technical the expected mechanisms on ‘reduced knowledge. In addition to this, they emissions from deforestation and communities will provide greater are generally not seeking large profits degradation REDD’ under UNFCCC, opportunity for communication for projects and come with a pro- Environmental Research Letters, vol.2, and information exchange. In less pp.1-7 successful Avoided Deforestation sustainable development mandate. projects, there has been a large As project developers, they can Salim, E. & Ullsten, O., (1999) Our represent the rights of locals and in Forests, Our Future, Report of the World communication gap between cases be objective intermediaries. Commission on Forests and Sustainable local communities and other key Development, Cambridge University Press players such as project developers, Avoided Deforestation projects governments and international address real and very necessary Written by Anjali Brown Avoided Deforestation 9
  9. Regional Projects Biodiversity Conservation Project T he Education for Biodiversity The completed resource contains: The ‘Discovering Biodiversity’ Conservation Project is a resource was launched in Vanuatu, • A teachers guide including a ‘How European Union funded Solomon Islands and Papua New to Use the Resource’ section; an regional project that aims to Guinea on May 22nd to coincide with introduction to student centred strengthen the capacity of teachers local celebrations for the International learning; Teaching Techniques and educational institutions to deliver Day for Biological Diversity. and definitions of best practice; quality education about biodiversity Environmental Education; and key The next phase of the project will conservation to communities across biodiversity conservation concepts see the Biodiversity Education team the Pacific. running training workshops across • Teacher’s pre-reading, a short text The major achievement for the region aimed at strengthening the that introduces the concept of the Education for Biodiversity capacity of teachers and educators each learning outcome in detail for Conservation Project for this year to use the resource and become preparation for each of the learning was the completion of the teaching effective facilitators of action based activities. and critical biodiversity education. and learning resource to support the integration of Biodiversity • 35 learning activities following the Another significant achievement for Conservation Education across the Inquiry Learning Model, designed this year was the regional project region. ‘Discovering Biodiversity – to teach the key concepts and being showcased at the 8th Pacific An Educators Guide to Exploring learning outcomes in each module. Islands Conference on Nature Natures Variety’ provides teachers and Conservation and Protected Areas, • Schools Action Project section students with an opportunity to learn in October 2007 in Alotau, Papua , designed to give teachers about, investigate, and take action to New Guinea. The Conference is a inspiration and clear instruction as conserve the amazing variety of life in key regional meeting of government to how to carry out focused action the Pacific. agencies, NGOs, community based projects to complement their organisations, and donor bodies to The resource was developed to fulfil students learning. discuss and develop a joint vision for the following criteria; Along with Live & Learn’s Biodiversity conservation in the Pacific islands. • Complement existing curricula, Education team, this resource was At this conference Live & Learn’s developed with assistance and Biodiversity Education project was • Challenge educators to adopt support from many organisations, selected by the conference drafting student centred methods of teachers, government departments committee as one of the success teaching and learning, and individuals. Considerable effort stories of biodiversity conservation • Be relevant to address the National has been made to ensure the final projects in the whole Pacific Region. Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan resource is effective, appropriate and This acknowledgement in front of priorities, and adequately reflects the educational regional biodiversity conservation • Be conducive to increasing needs, practical constraints and peers will contribute significantly to youth participation in sustainable biodiversity issues, which exist across the success and acceptance of this biodiversity management. the region. project across the region. 10 Regional Projects
  10. Building a Sustainable Future B uilding a Sustainable Future and Fiji, communities have explored programs beyond the project cycle, is a regional project funded sustainable development concepts, has been a major outcome and by NZAID, which aims to good governance and taken action success of the project to date. promote education for sustainable to develop alternative and more As part of the Building a Sustainable development (ESD) within learning sustainable ways to earn income. Future project, Live & Learn also institutions and communities in the Innovative actions initiated by aims to develop a module for South Pacific. communities have ranged from teacher training institutions that Communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, soap making, to establishing a focuses on Education for Sustainable Solomon Islands and Papua New native tree nursery, and creation Development. The ESD module will Guinea have been involved in pilot of ‘compost piggeries.’ In Papua give pre-service teachers (student activities since the beginning of 2007, New Guinea, communities have teachers) an understanding of ESD and will continue into 2008. The explored development issues goals, and provide them with the pilot activities are designed to test through ‘inquiry learning,’ and have knowledge and skills to deliver ESD different and innovative approaches to established sustainable development in schools when they enter the sustainable development using ESD committees, which have focused their workforce. Live & Learn staff from the as a central activity. activities around improving water four target countries are working in and sanitation, including building pit partnership with education ministries Pilot activities have included latrines. and teachers colleges to develop the establishment of a Catchment ESD module, which will be available Group in Vanuatu, which mobilises The lessons learned from the pilot for use in 2009. community learning and involvement activities are being developed into in land and water management toolkits, which provide opportunities using principles of integrated for replication. The willingness and water resource management interest of government, NGO’s and (IWRM). In the Solomon Islands communities to continue with the Regional Projects 11
  11. Australia The international office, Melbourne provides a base for technical skills, organisational governance and managerial support. D uring 2007 the International Steven Andrews of Carbon Balance year our research capacity will be Office, Melbourne team Consulting who guided us through the expanded to incorporate monitoring have continued the focus technical terms of climate change and and evaluation, and in particular on strengthening organizational led discussion on our direction and to strengthen the use of Most governance including full revisions of vision for pioneering climate change Significant Change methodology, the Live & Learn Best Practice Manual mitigation activities through Live & which collect stories straight from the and Finance Procedures Manual Learn programmes. The final day at intended beneficiaries of Live & Learn (FPM). Managerial and finance CERES (the Centre for Education programmes. support visits have been conducted and Research into Environmental The production of tools and resources in each country where Live & Learn Strategies) provided a timely practical continues to be a growing area has a presence. In addition two demonstration of climate change and of expertise for Live & Learn. The Australian Volunteer International (AVI) environmental education in action. graphic design team has been accountants have assisted in the roll- The closing ceremony held in a hard at work designing numerous out of the FPM in Papua New Guinea, traditional aboriginal meeting place manuals, toolkits, posters and other Solomon Islands and Cambodia. reminded us all of the importance of resources for all the country offices our work; to maintain and strengthen In November 2007 the Melbourne to use in the field. It is important that the environment of our forefathers office hosted the International these materials are relevant for their for the nurture and benefit of future Forum on Climate Change 2007: a intended audience and are robust generations. stimulating two weeks, full of energy, for the environment where they are passion, debate and laughter: a time Research, Monitoring and Evaluation being used. The aim of the centralised to be remembered by all and to guide have taken a leap forward. A majority graphic design team is to provide and strengthen the work of Live & of Live & Learn programmes a consistent and ongoing technical Learn throughout the Asia Pacific commence with community capacity supporting the production region. In addition to the core Live & consultation and participatory of high quality materials that provide Learn participants, we were delighted research in order to ensure our work clear and effective communication to welcome representatives and ‘starts where the community is at’. whilst being inspiring and informative. input from International Women’s Whilst all research is conducted in the The international office maintains Development Agency (IWDA), field through the individual country the Live & Learn website, an integral International Development Support offices, having a central research component for communicating the Services (IDSS), Australian Volunteers advisor to ensure rigour in study outcomes of our work to the global International (AVI), Melbourne design, develop detailed facilitator community. Live & Learn maintains University and Oxfam. Of particular guides and support the analysis and a policy of broad dissemination of note was the excellent management reporting of findings ensures Live our resources and these are made skills based training provided by & Learn maximizes the time and available for download via the website David Fair which will undoubtedly energy given by the community support our move towards rising members who participate in research to the challenge set down by activities. In the forthcoming 12 Australia
  12. Live & Learn, Northern Territory In May 2008, Live & Learn opportunity and life expectancy than in Papua New Guinea, Solomon established an office in Katherine in the Australian average. Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji to guide the Northern Territory (NT), which is innovation. Live & Learn was established in the approximately 320km south of the NT to assist indigenous communities Initial work undertaken in the state capital, Darwin. The Northern to become more sustainable and Northern Territory has included Territory is a vast area of Australia self-reliant, and in doing so improve establishing networks and with a very low population density well-being and opportunities for partnerships with government and and a significant proportion of the community members. In order to indigenous organisations. Progress population living in remote areas. achieve this aim, Live & Learn has has been made toward establishing The NT office has been established developed a sustainable development pilot activities with several remote primarily to provide services and model, which provides an alternative indigenous communities. The project opportunities to the Indigenous to the dominant and failing ‘service involves a partnership between Live (Aboriginal) people, who constitute delivery’ led approach to provision of & Learn, local communities and the approximately one quarter of the basic services such as water, energy Australian Government to establish NT population, and make up 44% of and housing. Our approach is ‘people- community development plans. The Australia’s indigenous population who centred’ and focuses on empowering plans aim to mobilise community live in remote communities. communities to be actively involved activities and to provide guidance to Aboriginal people are Australia’s in education, decision-making, Government on community needs for first people, and represent a wide planning, and actions for sustainable resources and services. diversity of different cultures. development. Development of Live & Learn’s commitment to the However, Aboriginal people are also livelihood opportunities is also a NT will be long term, and we expect Australia’s most disadvantaged, with core focus of our work. Live & Learn our projects and reach to grow in the much lower levels of education, NT draws from experiences and coming years. healthcare, employment, economic approaches successfully implemented Australia 13
  13. Cambodia Environmental Education, Human Rights and Sustainable Development O ver the past 12 months, our vision for the country strategy. resulting in 64 articles and 39 media the Cambodia program has Through group discussion, key issues broadcasts through TV and radio. nurtured a strong place as were highlighted and a common The project is successfully moving a national NGO working towards vision for Live & Learn Cambodia towards its aim and strong networks sustainable development. The focus was drafted: “Education and Action have been formed with other Human has been on the development of the for Empowerment: Environmental, Rights NGOs. National Human Rights Education Economic and Social Well Being in Campaign, promoting Community the Sustainable way” . Domestic NGO Services Fisheries through investments, This project aims to establish relevant, developing community-based Human Rights Education practical and benefit-generating ecotourism, and most recently Campaign community based natural resource working with upland communities management (CBNRM) activities in on the development of Learning This project aims to heighten national community fisheries organizations Community models. Geographically awareness of the links between (CFOs) around Tonle Sap Lake, the our coverage is becoming quite human rights and safe access to project has worked closely with comprehensive with work in 10 of the land and forests. During the last NGOs and CFOs. An Inception Report 21 provinces in Cambodia, including 12 months the focus has been in has been developed including the the lowlands, uplands protected areas 4 specific areas: community, women, selection of 5 Subcontract Provincial and work with fishing communities, schools and journalists. Many NGOs and 25 CFOs. A CFO Appraisal agricultural communities, vulnerable Human Rights based materials have Report and field awareness raising groups and ethnic minorities. been developed: A curriculum for for the selected NGOs and CFOs It has been an important year for women and schools, fact sheets and has been completed. We also strengthening Live & Learn at an media guides for journalists, land developed the CFO Investment international and national level. In law publications and a community Manual and conducted training November 2007 key members of flip chart. We have also conducted on it which consists of four main the Cambodia team attended the training on Basic Human Rights for themes (infrastructure, conservation Live & Learn Management meeting 80 teachers and 162 women, and and natural resource management, in Australia. More recently in April training on child rights, gender livelihoods and social). The Project 2008, the national Cambodia country concepts and domestic violence for Implementation Unit (PIU), 5 NGOs team had a staff retreat in Ratanakiri. 160 women. Journalist training has and 25 CFOs were given skills to During the staff retreat, we discussed included 4 field trips for 59 journalists develop CFO Investment Proposals 14 Cambodia
  14. to support natural resources commercial exploitation of forest MAFF-PSU and Live & Learn). We also management around Tonle Sap. products. Our training program developed RAP tools and conducted Moreover we also developed the CFO covers the areas of eco-awareness, the first RAP in 2 communes in Management Guidelines to manage hospitality, first aid, eco-guiding, Ratanakiri province. The innovative the CFO investment activities. and mountain biking. A total of 76 nature of the project requires an participants, 26 of whom are women, adaptive management approach, Community Based are currently involved in training. resulting from ongoing negotiation Ecotourism We are developing and trialling an with the donor to allow for such innovative two-way communication freedom. Live & Learn has ventured into tool to assist non-Khmer speaking supporting ecotourism initiatives with Live & Learn staff have been involved tourists to communicate their needs an innovative IUCN-funded project to in some short term consultancies. to their home-stay and guesthouse deliver ecotourism and mountain bike They have worked on the promotion hosts. A fleet of 12 good quality training to a small commune located of the Community Livelihood Fund, mountain bikes have been purchased in the Cardamom Mountains, in south development of project information and delivered to site. These bikes will west Cambodia. The Cardamoms are centres and coordination with other be used for training and will become a global biodiversity hotspot, being projects. They have also trained the fleet that can be hired by tourists. one of the last remaining elephant Bunong Facilitators on how to use corridors and large predator ranges in The project is a collaboration the Community Environmental the region. They host more than half between Live & Learn and Wildlife Awareness Flip chart. These of Cambodia’s 2300 bird species and Alliance, who have a long-term facilitators will incorporate the are home to 14 globally threatened Community-Based Ecotourism (CBET) different modules on environmental mammal species. The Cardamoms development commitment at awareness in their literacy program in comprise nearly 20,000 km2 of Chi Phat. different villages in Mondulkiri. contiguous forest cover including a In the year ahead we will continue to vast rainforest ecosystem and 16 Learning Community focus on our current projects, start different vegetation types, ranging Development Project new work on protection of natural from dense evergreen rainforest to resources; a component of the Tonle The LCDP project aims to develop lowland forest to coastal mangrove Sap Sustainable Livelihoods Project. innovative models for learning ecosystems. The mountains are a This project includes working with communities from six pilot mountain-biking and hiking paradise. Engineers Without Borders on latrine communes in three targeted They are criss-crossed with trails and design. The Cambodia office is provinces in Cambodia: two in Preah tracks, numerous rivers and streams, working toward producing a country- Vihear, two in Ratanakiri and two waterfalls and caves and cultural specific strategy following from the in Kratie. During the last 4 months, artifacts such as funerary jars and organisational Strategic Vision 2020. we developed and published the coffins. Cambodia will also be working closely Inception Report including detailed The ecotourism project is an initiative workplan and travel schedules to with the new Vietnam office to assist to provide an alternative livelihood present and distribute to the board in its establishment in the region. option and reduce the destructive members of the project (UNDP , Cambodia 15
  15. Fiji Live & Learn Fiji team has had a busy year with our schools and community education programs. We saw the completion of a 12 month project and the beginning of another that takes environmental & development education to the outer islands, a first for Live & Learn Fiji. Developing Sustainable be sustained. The identification of and teacher training workshops, the roles of various groupings in community outreach sessions and the Communities the community in promoting and strengthening of district networks. T he Developing Sustainable mainstreaming sustainable living also Schools have received training in Communities project, funded took place. The RAP informed the water quality monitoring and have by Fiji Forum of Non State development of learning tools and adopted waterways within their Actors (FFONSA), was designed formed the basis for evaluation. schools locality and also together to support the needs identified by as a network of schools. In Suva, the communities to strengthen Extensive training programs schools have adopted the Nabukalou and build the capacity of the delivered to target communities saw Creek and have been active in raising Turaga- ni- koro (Village Headman) the establishment of Community public awareness on the importance as village administrator, initiate Administration Centres for the of maintaining the health of this actions to address their limited administration and coordination waterway through improved waste sources of income and address of community-directed projects. management practices. Research, poor management of resources and These centres also provide a focal regular water quality monitoring particularly, waste disposal practices. point for coordination of further It complemented the integrated water and awareness campaigns with training programs; documentation management approach that was communities along the adopted of village affairs and; dissemination undertaken as part of the Governing waterways have been initiatives led of information and the Community Water Programme in over 45 by students throughout the year. Handbooks that were developed communities. The project began with RiverCare schools are also engaged on village health, micro-finance and a rapid assessment of perceptions in addressing waste management village administration. (RAP) that established community issues together with reforestation attitudes towards sustainable and beautification of their school’s RiverCare Fiji development, opportunities and environments. In Sigatoka, the constraints. It also identified the RiverCare Fiji is funded by Vodafone establishment of the “River to Reef” role education played in sustainable ATH Fiji Foundation. The last year Network has involved schools along practice, and how this practice should has seen progress with student the Sigatoka River and coastal area. 16 Fiji
  16. Imagining Tomorrow: environmental awareness raising World Water Day 2008 activities. HOPE for Peace The International theme for World Districts networks have been Water Day 2008 was “Sanitation” . The Imagining Tomorrow: HOPE for actively involved in setting up whole In partnership with the Pacific Islands Peace project was launched in 2006 school initiatives which include Applied Geo Science Commission, and funded by the European Union. peace gardens, peace tokens, Live & Learn Fiji developed The last year was an eventful year complimentary quilts and peace educational and awareness resources with a mobile team of educators ambassadors. The highlight of peace promoting hand washing based on traveling on the Peace Bus. The initiatives and an outcome of the the regional theme of “Sanitation colorful bus carrying the message Imagining Tomorrow: HOPE for Peace for Healthy Pacific Communities” . of peace has caught the attention project was the formation of a group This was promoted on radio, the of many. Games and puppet of peace ambassadors, a group of children’s television program, Get shows, in addition to peace and students trained by the HOPE for Set, in the newspapers and in environmental education activities, Peace team. The Peace Ambassadors school materials. The “Wash Hands” have been undertaken in over use peace and environmental resource pack with stickers, posters 100 schools focused on building activities to empower their peers. and a Sanitation Fact Sheet have peace and multicultural dialogue. been distributed regionally and many Community outreach sessions were Water Education for schools participated in the water also facilitated and this ensured links and sanitation activities (many from were made between schools and Teachers (WET) Project WET) during the celebrations communities. The goal of Project WET Fiji is to organized on World Water Day, 22nd facilitate and promote awareness, March, in Suva. HOPE for Peace teacher training appreciation, knowledge and workshops held during the year The year ahead will see us continue stewardship of water resources in Fiji. focused on the theme of “Weaving our work and also begin work Project WET is currently being funded in Peace” echoing the importance on the Improving Drinking Water by AusAID. of peace education woven into Quality in rural schools in Fiji project, environmental sustainability. Project WET promotes critical funded by the Fiji Education Sector thinking, learning through Program – European Union (FESP- Students from HOPE for Peace participation, and creating a sense EU). This project aims to improve schools participated in Student’s of ownership and values toward the living conditions for students and Peace Painting Workshops. The importance of clean water sources, community members in resources- paintings showcased the students’ sanitation and sustainable livelihoods. constrained rural and remote island perception of peace. Schools in Suva also celebrated World Peace Activities for the year included the communities. Day. The annual Peace Camp – development of WET resources, It is set to be another busy yet which is a celebration of peace – WET training forums for a variety of rewarding year. involved youngsters congregating stakeholders and conducting Water and participating in peace and Education Student Fair Days. Fiji 17
  17. Maldives The Maldives office has had a busy and productive year whilst also reflecting on their approaches. The staff constantly strive to improve community engagement and empowerment. Mobilising communities disempowerment of the community. 1. strengthening capacity at Atoll This is of particular concern when level (capacity), through community based community mobilisation is a key goal 2. benefits would be sustained facilitators for the actions. The new approach L at local level (sustainability) ive & Learn Maldives, through involves community facilitators, the Environmental Awareness 3. links the community and trainers trained as a core group of personnel, component of the Regional (empowerment) and to deliver training in the respective Development Project (phase 2), is–for 4. significantly reduced travel costs communities and report back to the first time–trialing community (time & money). Live & Learn. based facilitators to mobilise the Two Community Facilitators have While the field time of the Live & communities into action on issues regarding water and sanitation, waste been resourced by Live & Learn on Learn team will be slightly reduced, and land and beach management. each island to deliver training. The the support role to the community criteria used to select facilitators facilitators will significantly increase. Live & Learn discussed the approach were; having a teaching and In terms of quality, Live & Learn with stakeholders and considered facilitation background; being well will ensure that they up-skill the the proposed approach for a number respected by the members of the facilitators and also monitor their of reasons. Reflection on past communities in which they work performance. This approach will activities identified some weaknesses and live and their motivation and require increased monitoring and in previous approaches centered enthusiasm to conduct training evaluation to ensure quality control on using only trained, employed in their own communities. These but the sustainability of such an facilitators. Whilst there are benefits approach is higher as more skills are to using trained and experienced community facilitators will receive developed within the community Live & Learn staff to conduct training intensive training on how to deliver and there is less reliance on external sessions there are also some and effectively use the training inputs. disadvantages; namely high travel materials and resources. This costs and lost time through travel, approach is considered to be much The modified approach is strongly but most significantly there is the more aligned with the aspirations of linked with adaptation of materials methodological weaknesses of ‘regional development’ with multiple and specific development of skills reduced sustainability and potential benefits, including: in local community facilitators 18 Maldives
  18. and is aimed to increase the local teach environmental studies in 2. Increase Women’s participation in capacity and support community primary schools. decision making and leadership empowerment. and increase awareness and Chilli project understanding of gender and Training materials will be developed The chilli project is a joint venture environment issues in target based on the community toolkits from between the International Women’s community. the TA 4614-MLD Promoting Sound Environmental Management in the Development Agency (IWDA) The activities looming ahead in Aftermath of the Tsunami Disaster. in Australia, the Live & Learn this “Hot Project” includes among Overall the programme incorporates a Environmental Education Maldives others, a recipe competition for the wide variety of methods for planning, (LLEE) and Soneva Fushi Resorts. chilli sauce, development of the action, record keeping, reflection This project, officially titled “Towards chilli production facility, training with and monitoring and evaluation–from Environmentally Sustainable Equitable women’s group on processing chilli the beginning of the project to the and empowered communities” is sauce and community training on end. The methodology itself has funded via IWDA Board Member environment and gender. application in project implementation Trisha Broadbridge’s annual Tsunami as well as management. anniversary fundraising event and National Public Awareness donations made to IWDA’s tsunami Campaign on Waste appeal from the Australian public. National Environmental The National Public Awareness Studies curriculum The purpose of the project is to Program has successfully utilized enhance the strategic development of For the latter half of 2007 Live print and electronic media to convey women through capacity building in & Learn staff in the Maldives messages about waste management. livelihood opportunities and increasing concentrated on finalising the Furthermore sectoral and community participation in decision making curriculum materials developed for training were also conducted. through gender and environment the Educational Development Center During 2008 we will concentrate training. The livelihood opportunity under the UNICEF funded project. The on monitoring and evaluating the comes in the form of chilli cultivation materials have been finalised with the campaign through training and other and the development of chilli sauce support of the respective staff from mediums. which would be the first of its kind the Educational Development Center in the Maldives as chilli sauce is We have recently signed a and other stakeholders. imported from other countries rather Memorandum of Understanding with An e-learning course has been than processed locally. The island of the Ministry of Information Arts and developed by Live & Learn for Kelaa in H. A Atoll has been selected Legal Reform and have embarked on for the pilot phase of the project. The a joint venture of producing a weekly the teachers in the outer island activities of the project for the years TV program called “Asseyri” which is communities to familiarise 2008 – 2009 will be based on the aired on the local Television channel. themselves with the approaches used following objectives. in the materials developed for the The year ahead looks promising and Environmental Studies curriculum. 1. Provide sustainable opportunity the team is very much inspired by the Web and CD-based-courses have to women farmers in target work carried out in the Live & Learn been developed for teachers who communities in Maldives; Maldives Office. Maldives 19
  19. Papua New Guinea Live & Learn PNG has continued to raise awareness of local and regional environmental and social issues amongst the communities where we work. It has been a very challenging but productive year. Our staff and partners RiverCare experiences and lessons learned O with people from organizations ne of the pioneer members The current RiverCare program was from other parts of the Asia Pacific of our staff, Mrs. Elyne successfully completed this year. We regions funded under the Poverty Jonda, has returned to plan to continue the work in our pilot Environment Partnership Program. secondary school teaching. We schools together with the Education This project is due to be completed would like to extend a warm thank for Biodiversity Conservation project. in mid-2008, however, we would you for her contribution towards There is interest and desire to extend like to see it expanded into other the establishment and expansion of the program into other schools in communities. Live & Learn PNG, since it started in the province and indeed throughout 2004. A smooth transition took place PNG, however, such expansion is Education for Biodiversity in January as the reigns of Country dependent on funding. Manager were passed to Ben Ngava. Conservation (EBC) During 2007 the PNG office has , Community-based Water This has been a very busy and been fortunate to have had the exciting year for the project in PNG. Management and Education support from several volunteers. Siwa Kupe and the PNG EBC team Robert and Kate, (Australian To date this programme has seen the have worked tirelessly over the past Volunteers International (AVI)) have completion of 20 tanks and over 66 year in a coordinated effort with EBC provided immense technical input youths from the target communities officers from Vanuatu and Solomon and capacity building in the areas trained in the construction and Islands and the regional coordinator of finance and administration. The maintenance of ferro-cement tanks. to develop and produce the Education Rural Water Supply and Sanitation To record the success, a film crew for Biodiversity Teachers Manual Project (RWSSP) is greatly assisted from Asia Works Television visited to which is now completed and printed. by “Engineers Without Borders” and make a documentary of the project. Awareness workshops and meetings also New Zealand Volunteer Services In addition we were delighted with an were held between stake-holders, Abroad (VSA) volunteer, Paul, who invitation for Ben Ngava to attend the partners and teachers from our pilot will assist our national engineer with 13th Poverty Environment Partnership schools throughout the period. project implementation. Conference, Manila and share 20 Papua New Guinea



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