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Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 2

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Cuốn sách "Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh" đã tổng hợp các cấu trúc và cách sử dụng phổ biến nhất về câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 2 cuốn sách.

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Nội dung Text: Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 2

  1. KEY I. CÂU HỎI CỔ TỪ ĐỂ HỎI - WH- QUESTIONS E xercise 1 1) What do you like best? 2) When does Bill get up in the morning? 3) Why don't you go by bus, Max? 4) What hobbies does Andrew have? 5) Where do they go to every week? 6) How old is Mike? 7) When is Susan's birthday? 8) Where are my exercise books? 9) What are you doing at the moment, Sally? 10) How do the Robinsons live E x ercise 2 1) What is the vveather like today? 2) Why don't you like apple juice? 3) What about a walk through the forest? 4) When do you play volleyball? 96
  2. 5) Where is my red sweat shirt, Mum? 6) How do Anne and Betty get to school every day? 7) When does your father go to work? 8) Where is the dog's bone? 9) When are we going for a holiday by the sea again? 10) How do you like your coffee? E xercise 3 1. what 4. how 2. whose 5. what color 3. how old 6. who E xercise 4 1. Where is my hat?. It’s on the desk. 2. Where is Peter? He is there. 3. Where are your shoes?. They are under the chair. 4. Where is your sister? She is in the kitchen. 5. Where is our car? It’s behind the house. 6. Where are those girls? They are in the class. 7. Where is the cinema? It’s next to the supermarket. 8. Where is the USA? It’s between Canada and Mexico. E xercise 5 1. Where do Ed and Liz live? 2. How long have they been married? 3. Do they go out very often? 97
  3. 4. W hat does Ed do for a living? 5. Does he enjoy his job? 6. Did he arrest anyone yesterday? 7. Have they got a car?/ Do they have a car?/ Have they a car? 8. When did they buy it? 9. How much did it cost? 10. Are they going on holiday next summer? 11. Where are they going? E x e rc ise 6 1. W hat are you going to do this Saturday? 2. Where do your sister and her famìly live? 3. What time do they often have dinner? 4. What are color her eyes? 5. Where is he from? 6. What would you like? E x ercise 7 1. When do they do their homework? 2. Who did Mr. Robertson come to the party with? 3. Where is the car? 4. Which blouse do you like? 5. How did she feel? 6. W hat kind of book is that?/ What is that?/ W hat is th at book? 98
  4. 7. When did your sister call her boyửiend? 8. How long did she talk to him? 9. What does he study at the university? 10. How long did the party last? 11. How much was the check for? 12. What was she doing? E xercise 8 1. How many cars do your parents have? 2. When are they Corning to visit? 3. Where is he going right now? 4. Who is the man with the white hat? 5. Why don't you get up early? 6. How often do you have an English class? 7. What do they like to do on weekends? 8. Where is the club? 9. What is their íavorite kind of music? 10. Why didn't you bring your dictionary today? 11. What kind of songs are they singing? E xercise 9 1. Who’s that (this)? 2. What is your sister? 3. Where are these school - boys going? 4. Where is your English teacher from? 5. How old is John’s grandfather?
  5. 6. Whose shirts are they? 7. W hat colour is your friend’s hat? 8. How many girls are there in your class? 9. W hat size does Mrs White want? 10. How many brothers and sisters have you got? 11. W hat can you see from your windows? 12. Where does your family live? 13. When do they often go on a trip? E xercise 10 1. How are you?-I am not very well,at the moment. 2. How old is your mother? -she is seventy 3. How long is this film? - rather interminable, about 3 hours! 4. How many friends have you got ? - a lot,I am so glad! 5. How heavy is your son's bag? - too much for a slim young boy. 6. How much money has Paris Hilton got? - it is incredible! She is one ot the richest women in the world. 7. How far is Paris from Marseille? - About 800km, I think. 8. How high is the Everest? - more than 8000 m, it is such a gigantic mountain 9. How big is Lyon? - it is the third town in Prance, it is a very interesting place 100
  6. 10. How useful is this exercise? - It is a way to learn a list of questions beginning with how E xercise 11 1. How are you? 2. How do you do? 3. How high is that wall? 4. How old is she? 5. How deep is the lake? 6. How heavy is this box? 7. How many eggs are there in the íridge? 8. How are they? E xercise 12 1. How old are you? I’m eighteen years old. 2. How long is that road? It’s two kilometers. 3. How taỉl is Peter? He is lm70. 4. How heavy is that boy? He is 45 kg. 5. How fat is your son? He is very fat. 6. How cold is today? It’s ten degrees c. 7. How many chairs are there? There are seven 8. How wide is this material? It’s two meters. E xercise 13 1. How much is cheese in the fridge? 2. How many eggs do you want for your breakíast? 3. How often does she go to the movies? 101
  7. 4. How does he go to work? 5. How long are you going to stay in Hue? E x ercise 14 Bill: Where did you go? Who did you go to with? W hat film did you see? W hat was about ? Who are the íĩlm stars? How long did the film last? So when did you get home? E x e r c is e lõ 1. Where do they live? 2. What time does lesson begin? 3. W hat time do they get home every night? 4. W hat does she speak very well? 5. How much do these books cost? 6. How do they travel? 7. Why does she w ant to learn English? 8. Where do they meet every morning? 9. W hat does she teach? 10. When does he get up every morning? E x e rc ise 16 1. W hat does Monica Cox do? 102
  8. 2. When did she start playing tennis with her father? 3. Where did she go two years ago? 4. Where have Monica Cox and her íather travelled? 5. How many tournaments has she won in her life? 6. Who did she start playing tennis with? 7. When did they go to the tournament in Australia? 8. How did she play? E xercise 17. 1. His day usualỉy begins at six thirty. 2. He has breakfast with bread and eggs. 3. He goes to school by bus and on foot. 4. It takes him about twenty minutes to get to school. 5. His íĩrst class is at half past eight. 6. He usually fmishes school at three (o’clock) 7. He sometimes stays late to have a game of volleyball or work in the library. 8. No, he doesn’t 9. (When he gets home) he watches TV. 10. (After dinner) he sometimes watches TV or goes out with his íriends. E xercise 18. 1. He lives on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. 2. He is 60 years old. 3. He has thirteen jobs. 103
  9. 4. Her name is Margaret. 5. (Only) 120 people live there on Gigha. 6. They come there by boat. 7. He drives the islancTs children to school. 8. There is only one (pub) 9. No, they don’t 10. She makes supper. E x ercise 19 1. It opens 7 days a week. 2. It is “Midnight Meeting” 3. It lasts two hours and fĩfteen minutes. 4. He has to bring his student card. 5. It is just íĩve-minute walk. E x ercise 20 1. c 11. c 21. c 31. a 2. c 12. d 22. b 32. a 3. d 13. a 23. b 33. a 4. b 14. d 24. b 34. b 5. b 15. b 25. c 35. b 6. b 16. b 26. b 36. b 7. c 17. c 27. b 37. a 8. b 18. a 28. b 38. c 9. a 19. c 29. c 39. a 10. c 20. a 30. d 40. c 104
  10. E x e r c is e 21 a) When does Helen sometimes go to the concert? b) How many glasses of orange juice do they want? c) Do you often go to class early? d) What time does your baby always have breakíast? e) How much meat do you want? í) What do Daisy and Mary have for lunch? g) How many colored pencils does Peter need? h) When do your parents usually go to the zoo? i) How much bacon does Miss YVhite want? j) Where does Nam often go in the evening? E xercise 22 1. What is John vráting? 2. Who walks home from school? 3. Where are the children sitting? 4. When does Peter run with his dog? 5. What does vour rabbit have in the garden? 6. How do they go to work? 7. Why does David like cats? 8. Who isn't sleeping late today? 9. Where are we going? 10. When are you leaving? 105
  11. E x ercise 23 1. What does she never clean? 2. What are Hai and Hung playing in the garden? 3. Where are they running? 4. Who has been living in Hai Phong for ten years? 5. How does Anne like her new job? 6. Where are the Barnes planning a trip? 7. When will the shop be closed? 8. When does Dave usually get up? 9. Why can't he meet Sharon? 10. Who listens to his new CDs every evening? E x ercise 24 1. Where is the souvenir shop? 2. How far is it from your house to the supermarket? 3. How long does it take Mr Lam to walk to work? 4. How do you go to Ho Chi Minh city? 5. Who/ Whom will Trung mail his letter to? - To whom will Trung mail his letter? 6. How much do the stam ps for my/our letter cost? 7. Why does Minh need a phone card? 8. How many stamps are there in Nam’s collection? 9. What would you like to buy? 10. How often does Tam phone his uncle? 106
  12. E x e r c is e 25 1. How oflen does Minh brush his teeth? 2. Why is Simon in a lot of pain now? 3. How did you feel after eating that food? 4. When did Nga go to see the dentist? 5. Who will check my teeth? 6. How long did it take Dr Phong to fill Van’s tooth? 7. Where is your brother going? 8. What did Mr Cuong do at 5.30 yesterday? 9. Whose letter did Hoa receive ílve days ago? 10. How many students are there in Lien’s class having toothache? E x erc ise 26 1- d 5- b 2- h 6- a 3.-C 7- f 4- g 8- e E x erc ise 27 1. How are you? 2. How often do you go íĩshing? 3. What are you looking for? 4. How much is it? 5. How long have you learned English? 6. Where did you go? 7. How did you come there? 107
  13. 8. How far is it? E x ercise 28 l.f 6 .j 2. c 7. h 3. c 8. d 4. i 9. b 5. a 10. g E x ercise 29 1. i 6. e 2. f 7. c 3 .g 8. a 4. j 9 d 5. h 10. b E x ercise 30 1. f 5. h 2 .g 6. a 3. e 7. i 4. b 8. d E x ercise 31 l.g 5. b 2. f 6. d 3. c 7. a 4. e 108
  14. II. CÂU NGHI VẨN E xercise 32 1. A gentỉeman and a lady were taking in an omini- bus. - “Have vou got anv children. Madam?”- “Yes, I have one boy”- Is he a good bov?” - “A very good boy” - “Does vour son smoke. Madam?” - “No, he doesn’t smoke”- “Does he come late?” - “No, he goes to bed after supper everyday”. - “ Your son must be a very nice young man, Madam, how old is he? - “Six months”. 2. Ellen - Auntie, why do you put powder on your face? Auntie - To look prettier, dear. Eỉlen - (after a while) - Then perhans vou are not using the rieht powder. Auntie? 3. It was said of a young boy who did not look too clever, that if he were offered a sliver sixpence or a copper coin, he woulđ invariably choose the larger coin. Somebody asked him one day: “Why do you always take the penny? Don’t vou know the difference in valuẹ?_ - I do, but If I took the sixpence, they woulđ nevery try me again”. 4. Driving through the foọthills of California I was startled to see a man running down the road ahead of me. Sure he was in deed of help. I stopped to pick him up. Once in the car, his manner did not suggest any 109
  15. urgency. I íĩnally asked: “Are vou running for the doctor?”- No, just going to the next town, replied the passenger, Wife w ants some cold cream. I always run like that when I’m hitch-hiking. People are sure to give me a lift”. 5. An old man found a shilling in the Street. Another man who saw him picking it up, said to him: “Give it back to me. It is mine. I lost it this moring”. - Had vours a hole in it?” asked the old man.- Oh, yes”- Then it is not yours, because there is no hole in this one. 6. - Proíessor. do vou think ĩ shall ever be able to do anvthing with mv voice? - Well, it might come in handy in case of a fire or ship-wreck. 7. A man was charged with robbery, and all the evidence was against him. His solicitor told him: “You are sure to be sentenced, The only chance you have is to pretend to be a lunatic, and to answer all questions with a bark.”. The next day in Court, the judge asked the prisoner: “Do vou plead guiltv or not gụiltv? - “Bow, wow, wow”, answered the prisoner. - “W hat does th a t mean? Will vou answer me or not? - “Bow, wow, wow”- Here the solicitor told the judge th at he felt sure the prisoner was a lunatic. - “Do vou understand what vour solicitor says?” asked the judge. - ““Bow, wow, wow”, answered the prisoner again. He was discharged at 110
  16. once. After they had left the court, the solicitor said to him: “Well, we’d better consider my fee now” - “Bow, wow, wow”, answered the man. E xercise 33 1) Is this your apple? 2) Are you happy? 3) Is your name Josephine? 4) Are the comics old? 5) Is Charlie in your class? 6) Is your sandwich box blue? 7) Are they German? 8) Is the chair red? 9) Am I late? 10) Are the kids clever? E xercise 34 1. Does Peter live with his father? 2. Do you learn Spanish? 3. Do Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school? 4. Do they play in the garden? 5. Does Sandy's hamster live in a cage? 6. Do the cats sit on the wall? 7. Do we work in front of the Computer? 8. Do you play the drums? 111
  17. 9. Does Steve wear pullovers? 10. Do I clean the bathroom? E x ercise 35 1. Do you write with a pencil? 2. Does your father often make breakíast? 3. Do your teachers alvvays check your homework? 4. Do you and your sister feed the pets? 5. Do you send text messages? 6. Does your íriend visit museums? 7. Do your cats climb trees? 8. Do you learn to cook at school? 9. Does your sister play badminton? 10. Do your grandparents go on holiday in vvinter? E x ercise 36 1. Are 2. Is 3. Am 4. Is 5. Are 6. Is 7. Is E x e rc ise 37 1. Are you Italian? Yes, I am. I come from Pisa 112
  18. 2. Does vour father work in that factory? No, he doesn't. He's a carpenter. 3. Ạm I right? No, I'm sorry. You aren't right. The correct answer is "red". 4. Was Peter with you yesterday evening? No, he wasn’t. He was at the library. 5. Were your friends at the cinema with you last Saturday? Yes, they were. 6. Do you think David is a good íootball player? Yes, of course! 7 Is the train station near here, please? Yes, it's next to that bank over there. 8. Was the film good? No, ít wasn't. It was quite boring. 9. Does this handbag belong to Diane? I don't know. 10. Are you doing your homevvork? Yes, I am. E xercise 38 1) Are they new here? - No, they are not. 2) Is your classroom big? - Yes, it is. 3) Are you from Scotland? - Yes, I am. 4) Is your van green? - No, it is not. 5) Are the DVDs in this box? - Yes, they are 6) Is Henry in his room? - No, he is not. 7) Are you ỉootball fans? - Yes, we are 8) Is Tom's mother in the kitchen? - Yes, she is 9) Are Dan and Sue at home? - No, they are not 113
  19. 10) Is the monster ugly? - Yes, it ís. E x ercise 39 1. Is he nice? - Yes, he is. 2. Can they play hockey? - No, they can't. 3. Is she new at our school? - Yes, she is. 4. Are the boys in the garden - No, they aren't. 5) Is John from France? - No, he isn't. 6) Are Ron and Max your friends? - Yes, they are. 7) Has your sister got a cat? - No, she hasn't. 8) Are you from Germany - Yes, I am 9) Have your grandparents got a cat? - Yes, they have 10) Is the cat in her basket? - No, she isn't. E x ercise 40 1. Does Linda read books? - Yes, she does. 2) Has she got a brother? - No, she hasn't 3) Is this your pencil? - Yes, it is 4) Does she play chess? - No, she doesn't. 5) Must we change at Victoria Station? - Yes, we must 6) Do you like swimming? - Yes, I do. 7) Did he paint your room him selữ - Yes, he did. 8) Are you going by bus - No, I'm not. 9) Do the girls take photos? - No, they don't 10) Did they ride their bikes? - No, they didn't 114
  20. E x erc ise 41 1. Do you like ice-cream? 2. Does your sister go to Peter’s class? 3. Is Dave vvorking for his uncle? 4. Was John at the party last Friday? 5. Were Alice and Patty ill yesterday? 6. Am I in Elm Street? 7. Were you írightened after the fílm? 8. Do your parents watch TV in the evenings? 9. Does your brother borrow your clothes? 10. Are you tired of doing exercises? E xercise 42 1) Do you drink mineral water? 2) Do Sarah and Linda feed their pets? 3) Does your teacher check your homework? 4) Do they live in the old house? 5) Does the cat sit on the wall in the mornings? 6) Does Nina pỉay Computer games? 7) Do your parents watch TV in the aíternoon? 8) Does your grandmother answer the phone? 9) Does Andy do the shopping? 10) Do Mary and Linda have a cup of tea in aíternoon?


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