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Báo cáo khoa học: "Information about studies on Hungarian forest ecosystems. Selected research-papers and future investigations of Síkfõkút long-term project"

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  1. Reçu à la redaction Information about studies on Hungarian forest ecosystems. Selected research-papers and future investigations of Síkfõkút long-term project (1973-1998) b Kiss J.A. Tóth T. Bodea Gy. a Bruno C. O’Heix Peter Vig’ P. Jakucs P. Dizengremel’ a a Lajos University, Ecological Department, P.f. 71, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary Kossuth b Lajos University, Meteorological Department, Debrecen, Hungary Kossuth c Soproni University, Forestry department, Sopron, Hungary d Laboratoire de biologie forestière, Université Henri Poincaré, U.A. Inra, Nancy, France Project’ was initiated in 1972 by the Institute of Botany of the Kossuth Abstract - The ’Síkfõkút Lajos University (KLTE) in Debrecen (second largest city in Hungary). The project followed the Paris meeting of UNESCO in 1971 (’Research on the temperate zone forest’). Since 1979, the Insti- tute of Ecology (first to be established in the history of the country), has continued the project. An appeal to ecology specialists (botanists, meteorologists, soil scientists, geographers, zoologists, etc.) was made to solve goal tasks and collaborate in research. Therefore, 72 researchers from 23 disciplines volunteered and began their investigations according to the coordinated work plan. Dur- ing the first period of research the Project was related to the globally advertized IBP (International Biological Program). At the time of inauguration of the ’Man and Biosphere Program Project’ (UNESCO Program) in the 1970s, Síkfõkút become one of the most important research areas with the most characteristic hardly disturbed forest of Pannonia and surrounding cultivated areas. More recently, several national and international institutes and universities dealing with envi- ronmental protection or scientific research have been carrying out measurements on the area, thus aiming to contribute to the study of the accrue Hungarian forest decline. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris) Résumé - Le programme à long terme Síkfõkút. Hongrie (1973-1998). Initié en 1972 par l’Institut de Botanique de l’Université Kossuth Lajos (KLTE) à Debrecen (deuxième ville de Hongrie), le programme Síkfõkút Project faisait suite à la réunion de l’Unesco « Research on the temperate zone forest»à Paris en 1971. Depuis 1979 le programme est dirigé par l’institut d’écologie de KLTE. Afin de réaliser les objectifs de recherche, 72 chercheurs regroupant 23 dis- ciplines se sont portés volontaires et ont participé au programme de recherche, partie intégrante du IBP (international biological program). Ainsi, au moment de l’inauguration du programme * Correspondence and reprints E-mail:
  2. de l’Unesco « Man and Biosphere », le programme Síkfõkút était-il un des plus importants en recherche forestière d’Europe centrale. Plus récemment, plusieurs universités et instituts étrangers, engagés dans la protection de l’envi- ronnement ou menant des recherches scientifiques se sont joints aux programmes contractuels de coopération. Ils contribuent ainsi aux recherches visant à étudier les causes du dépérissement croissant de la forêt hongroise. 1. INTRODUCTION the site external environmental condi- • tions should be homogeneous; , 2 km Hungary With of 93 000 an area the mesoclimate should be the same • represents about 1 % of Europe. Its natu- over the whole area. The soil horizon ral landscape is very diverse because of should be equally deep. different relief type regions (plains, hills, To ensure long-term undisturbed inves- mountains). Deviating climatic effects tigations, the ’Síkfõkút Project’ forest was (central-European, sub-Atlantic, sub- declared ’environmental area research an Mediterranean, sub-continental, etc.) reach the resolution 9/1976 of the purpose’ by the country in the basin-feature of the National Environmental Protection Office. Carpathian ring. The 65 hectares of protected forest are In 1896, before industrialization and today part of the National Park of Bükk large-scale human intervention, 31.5 % of Mountain region. The ’Síkfõkút Project’ the country was covered by forest. In lies along a latitude of 47"90’, longitude 1978, most parts of the hill and lower cen- 20"46’ and altitude of 320-340 m above tral mountain regions (19% of the coun- sea-level. The research area (6.3 ha) is try) were covered by oak forests (Querce- located 6 km from the next city (figure 1). tum petraea-cerris) which could be the most typical of Hungar- regarded as ian mountain region species. These have SIKFÕKUT 2. FACILITIES AT been reduced to around 2.2 % nowadays as the total Hungarian forest surface has been A basic square of100 by 100 m form- reduced to 16.7 % of the territory, of ing the central part of the area was divided which 9 % is the proportion of man-made into several plots of different sizes by forest. This is leading to changes in the means of nylon cords. These plots facili- tree species, giving rise to non-indigenous tate the separate investigations of various ones. biological or ecological parameters. In this way, all quantitative results obtained can At the time of selecting the forest to be easily be calculated on the basis of area studied, the following considerations were units. taken into account: Meteorological instruments are the forest of the sample should be • area mounted partly on a 35 m high tower at least 60 years old; erected in the forest, partly located near it should be homogeneous, in agree- • the soil surface at different heights or ment with the average climazonal Hun- buried in the soil at different depths. Con- garian turkey-oak forest; trol measurements of radiation, tempera- it should have been little disturbed as ture, air humidity, precipitation and wind • as possible (forest close to the natural are carried out also in the open, 300 m state); from the sample area. Beside the sample
  3. biomass, production food chains and area, two wooden houses, of 30 m have , 2 degradations; been constructed to protect the instru- ments. the chronological change within and • between the trophic levels of element Smaller plots ( 10 by 10 cm) are cycles under different abiotic effects; reserved for the study of certain groups of living organisms (e.g. meso- and micro- the input-output element balance of • fauna, soil fungi and bacteria), for differ- ecosystems; ent kinds of soil analyses, essays relating the efficiency of organic matter binding, • to carbon cycle, migration of labeled com- and energy flow through food chains pounds, etc. in space and time; tolerance limits to external pollution of • partially wholly anthropogenically 3. AIMS OF RESEARCHES or regulated community; Practically, the research goals of ’Sík- modelling the processes and interac- • fõkút Project’ can be grouped around the tions of the structural and functional main problems of synecology. The levels of an ecosystem by systems anal- researches with interdisciplinary studies ysis; hoped to solve the following: establishment of scientific regularities • • the which may be generalized incrementing quantitative and qualitative pro- planning on the investigated landscape. cesses of autotrophic and heterotrophic
  4. 4. INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS Continuous recording of precipitations, - OF RESEARCHES humidity of air, fog, wind, etc. Heat balance of the forest and its soil - For the realization of the listed goals, Study of pollutants in the forest air - intensive researches have been going on in (particulate and gaseous components). the selected forest and its environs since Production studies in the neighboring - 1972, within the following themes: agroecosystems. A) Autotrophic organisms, phytostructure, Decomposition of pesticides in the for- - phytomass and in nearby agroecosystems. est Number of tree species and individu- - and projection map, als, crown cover height, stem diameter, leaf number. 5. FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS Tree phytomass and its fractions - B) Primary production (phytoproduction) First results obtained in Hungary from Annual production of trees. ecological investigations of the endan- - Annual dynamics of tree leaf area and gered sessile oak and its environment sup- - leaf weight. port the views presented by Ulrich et al. Growth analysis of the assimilating [6] and Jakucs [4]. From the late 1970s - shoots of dominant plants. the dying-off of sessile oak stands has caused the heaviest shock [3]. All the C) Mass of organic and inorganic matter. potential factors that may be involved in Element and water cycles the forest decay have not been invest- Seasonal changes of bioclement con- - igated. If the ones already indicated (e.g. in trees and their fractions. tent acid depositions, biotic factors, virus pest, Study of photosyntethis and respiration - mesoclimatic changes, etc.) are unequiv- of tree leaves. ocal, they do not explain all the phenom- Seasonal dynamics of inorganic sub- - ena and can not be ascribed as the only stances in precipitation reaching or hav- reasons for the huge forest damages [7]. ing crossed canopy. Seasonal dynamics of inorganic sub- Ozone has been studied abroad for - stances in stemflow-water. many years, and remains (in many places) Changes of bioelement content in the one of the main incriminated aggravating - course of litter decomposition. factor of forest decay [1, 2]. Until recently, the technological equipment, scientific content and energy flow D) Energy knowledge and budget availability pre- Measurement of solar radiation and - vented investigations on ozone in the energy balance of the forest. region. Energy content of trees and shrubs and - Thus, currently, atmospheric pollution of their fractions. remains one of the factors to be investi- E) Decomposition of organic matter. Com- gated in the frame of a global ecosystem plex investigation of soil study. Field measurements must be car- litter Estimation of litter production; - ried out at a large scale. In addition to in fractions. situ analyses, complementary conclusions Study of soil bacteria and their frac- - on in vitro experiments on the effect of tions. photo-oxidants on native Hungarian tree Study of the qualitative changes of soil - species must be established. Protocols humus. (involving phytotronic chambers) are cur- F) Other investigations rently under development at the Ecologi-
  5. in waldokösystemen im Solling, Schrift. cal Department of the University Kossuth Forstl. Fak. Univ. Göttingen 58 (1979) 1-291. Lajos in Debrecen [5]. Ulrich E., Le réseau Renecofor : Objectifs et [7] In addition to specific researches, a VII 2 réalisation, Rev. For. XL (1995) global ecosystem analysis should be per- 107-124. formed in order to attempt to find remedy solutions to the occurrence of pollution or to allow species and phenotype selection in SELECTED PUBLICATIONS ABOUT «SIKFÕKUT the purpose of reforestation. The only pos- sible means of alleviating this widespread PROJECT»(1973-1998) problem is by concerted international cooperations that aim at both the transfer Jakucs P., Síkfõkút Project. Environmental- [1] biological research of an oak forest ecosystem of knowledge and technologies as well as within the framework of the biosphere pro- an exchange of experiences. Thus, attuned gram, MTA Biol. Oszt. Közl., 16 (1973) protocols can allow results for compari- 11-25. son into future investigations. Tóth J.A., Papp B. L., Study of litter decom- [2] position within the Síkfõkút oak forest ecosys- tem I. Estimation of litter decomposition rate, Bot. Közlem. 60 (1973) 177-181. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jakucs P., Papp M., Production investigations [3] of the undergrowth (herbaceous layer) of a Thanks are due to M. Serge François of the Quercetum petraea-cerris forest ecosystem, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for his Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 20 (1974) 295-308. financial support. Aid was also provided by OMFB (contract no. UNDP-HUN/95/002- Papp B.L., Lenkey B., Litter Tóth J.A., [4] 0129) and OTKA (contract no. T 013137). decomposition in oak forest ecosystem (Quercetum petraeae-cerris) of northern Hun- gary studied in the framework of Síkfõkút Project, In: Kilbertus, G., Reisinger, O., REFERENCES Mourey A., Cancela da Fonesca J.A. (Eds), Biodegradation et Humification ( Pierron Edi- teur, Sarreguemines, p. 41-58, 1975. Bonneau M., Landmann G., Pollution atmo- [1] et dépérissement des forets dans sphérique Kárász I., Shrub-layer phytomass investiga- [5] les montagnes françaises, Programme tions in the Quercus petraea, Quercus cer- Deforpa, Rapport 1992, Institut national de ris ecosystem of the Síkfõkút research area, la recherche agronomique, Nancy, 1993, p. Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22 (1976) 79-84. 365. Tuba J., Németh V., Légrády G., Comparative [6] Citerne A., Dizengremel P., Changes in res- [2] investigations on photosynthetic intensity of piratory metabolism in relation to forest plants of beech and oak forests, Acta Acad. decline, XIV International Botanical Paed. Agriensis, Nova Ser. 16 (1982) Congress, Berlin, Abstracts, 1987, pp. 404, 511-525. 6-112-2. Nagy L., Kurzwellige Strahlungsinterzeption [7] IUCN, Forest Management and Nature Pro- [3] des Eichenwaldes bei Síkfõkút, in: Unger K., tection in Hungary, 1997, p. 42. Schuh J. (eds), Umwelt-Stress, Martin Luther. Univ, Halle-Wittenberg, Wissenschaftliche (Ed), Ecology of an oak forest in Jakucs P [4] Beitr. 35 P.17 (1982) 298-302. Hungary. Results of Síkfõkút Project, Akademia Kiadó, Budapest 1985, pp. 545. Mészáros L.I., Water content and water sat- [8] uration deficit of leaves of dominant species O’Heix B.C., Tóth J.A., Mészaros L.I., Dizen- [5] in an oak forest, Acta Biol. Debrecina 19, gremel P., Morphological and physiological 1983. responses of young Quercus robur seedlings exposed to ozone stress, in: Int. Sem. Envi- Suba J., Légrády G., The proportions of the [9] ronment Protection: Modem Studies in Ecol- incorporation of photosynthetically fixed 14C ogy, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, vol. 3, 1997 (in into the sugars and free amino acids in species press). of a Quercetum petraeae-cerris Assoziation, Acta Acad.Paed.Agr., NS. 17 (1984) Ulrich B., Mayer R., Khanna P.K., Deposition [6] Luftvereinigungen und ihre Auswirkung 783-807. von
  6. Jakucs P., (ed.), Ecology of an [10] oak forest in Mészáros I., Módy I., Marschall M., Effect [16] Results of Síkfõkút Project., of air pollution on the condition of sessile Hungary. Akadémia Kiadó, Budapest, 1985. oak forest in Hungary, In: Vernet, J.P. (Ed) Environmental Contamination: Studies in Jakucs P., Mészáros L.I., Papp B.L., Tóth [11] Environmental Science, 55, Elsevier Sci. J.A., Acidification of soil and decay of sessile Publ., Amsterdam 23-35, 1993. oak in the Síkfõkút project area (N-Hungary), Bodea T., Tóth J.A., O’Heix B.C., Forest lit- [17] Acta Bot.Hung. 32 (1986) 303-322. decomposition in relation to climatic ter Justyák J., Energy balance measurements in [12] changes. Studies in the framework of Sik- a forest of oak (Síkfõkút Project), Idõjárás fõkút Project, Proc. of the Annual Scientific 91 (1987) 131-147. Seminar of Oradea-Romania- (under press), 1997. [13] Papp M., Jakucs P., Tóthmérész B., Herb O’Heix B.C., Kiss Gy., Bodea T., Tóth J.A., [18] layer deterioration in a forest (North Hun- gary), Bohac J., Ruzicka V (Eds): Proc. Vth Berki I., Dizengremel P., Forest decline in Hungary -Síkfõkút Project-. Relation with Int. Conf. Bioindicatores Deteriorisationes monitored microclimate changes, Proc. of the Regionis, Ceske Budejovice, 47-71, 1989. nd 2 Conference on Forest and Climate. Tóth J.A., Microbial ecological studies in the [14] Sopron -Hungary-(under press), 1997. soil subsistem of a declining oak forest, In: O’Heix B.C., Tóth J.A., Bodea T., Berki I., [19] Lázár G. (Ed), Advances in biological Dizengremel P., Possible pathways of ozone research in Hungary 1986-1990. Ecology. leading to ecosystem disturbances in a Budapest, 38-40, 1991. Turkey-Sessile oak forest stand in North Hun- Béres Cs., Raschi A., Ridder H.W., Concur- [15] gary, In : Proc. Inter. Conf. on Pathways and rent measurements of sap velocity, ultrasound consequences of the dissemination of pollu- emission and computer tomography on forest tants in the Biosphere. Prague, Czech Repub- trees, J. Exp. Bot. 44 (1993) sppl.47. lic (Under press), 1998.



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