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Báo cáo khoa học: "News"

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[ vol.5 no.2, November 1958; pp.49-50] The translation has been authorized by staff members of the Institute of which Prof. Honda is a member. Since finishing electronic computers ETLMark III and IV last fall, we have been working on the English-to-Japanese electronic translator and reader for English, and we have just completed pilot models of both machines.

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo khoa học: "News"

  1. [Mechanical Translation vol.5 no.2, November 1958; pp.49-50] News 6. To identify the sentence pattern, the sub- The following report was received from Prof. ject, verb, object and complements must be Ichiro Honda of the Department of Psychology sorted out. The logical process is carried on at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan. The trans- until the fundamental structure of the sentence lation has been authorized by staff members of conforms to any one of the following five funda- the Institute of which Prof. Honda is a member. mental sentence patterns, setting aside modi- fiers consisting of unneeded words and phrases Since finishing electronic computers ETL- such as the adjective preceding the noun and the Mark III and IV last fall, we have been working prepositional phrase following the noun. on the English-to-Japanese electronic transla- tor and reader for English, and we have just I. S-ga V-suru. completed pilot models of both machines. With Kare-ga Benkyo-suru. these machines, sentences typewritten in Eng- (He studies.) lish are automatically translated into Japanese. The machine is instructed to translate English H. S-ga V-da C. into Japanese in the following manner. Kare-ga da Gakusei. 1. For each English sentence, one Japanese (He is a student.) sentence is processed. (Sentence-for-sentence translation.) III. S-ga Vt-suru O-o. 2. After each word of a sentence has been Kare-ga Ai-suru Musume-o. identified in the dictionary, a decision is made (He loves a girl.) about the part of speech of the word. 3. Suffixes such as -s denoting plural and -ed IV. S-ga Vt-suru IO-ni DO-o. denoting past are handled according to suffix- Kare-ga Hasso-suru Ototo-ni Kozut- processing orders. sumi-o. 4. We do not work out a corresponding Japa- nese word directly from an English word, con- (He sends a parcel to the brother.) sidering required rearrangement of word order. 5. Because there are four kinds of sentences, V. S-ga Vt-suru O-o C-ni. declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and Karera-ga Senkyo-suru Kare-o imperative and because there are many types Shicho-ni. of declarative sentences, sentence types and (They vote him major.) sentence patterns must be identified. This process is called "classification of sentence 7. When it happens that there is more than one p atterns." part of speech for a word, the first part of
  2. speech is tested. If the pattern of the sentence relative pronoun are not handled in our program, cannot be identified, we proceed to the second. Outline of the Apparatus. There is only one corresponding Japanese word for each part of the English word. For example, 1. Input: It reads 73 letters, including the capi- kono for 'this' (adj.) and kore for 'this' (pro.). tals, lower case letters, comma, question mark, 8. After the pattern has been identified, ga. is etc.. A letter consists of 8 bits (units). added to the subject, -o to the object, and -ni 2. Output: 75 letters of 'kana' (dakuten, han- to the complement; the verb is moved to the end dakuten, and soukon), and the capitals of the Ro- of the sentence; and a roughly corresponding man alphabet, etc. 8 bits per letter. Japanese sentence is constructed. 3. Letters inside the apparatus: After being re- 9. The "near sentence* mentioned above is ferred to the "dictionary" all letters are repre- supplemented with pre-excluded modifiers and sented by word numbers, thereby avoiding in- all words of the original English sentence are convenient processing of English words of vary- inserted. In prepositional phrases the noun is ing lengths such as very short ones (I, is) and placed before the preposition. much longer ones (dictionary, representative, 10. Each English word is replaced by the cor- etc.). This representation is used until just be- responding inflected Japanese word. fore the Japanese translation. 11. The Japanese sentence is written entirely 4. Memory: We installed a. magnetic drum con- in 'Katakana' and a space is left between words taining 820, 000 bits of information on English as in the English sentence, except the 'Kaku- g rammar, parts of speech, idioms, translation joshis' of -ga, -ni, and -o. of each word, Japanese grammar, etc. . The in- 12. A word not stored in the memory is process- formation is arranged in 200 columns. Besides ed as a noun and typewritten just as it was in these 200 columns, there are 10 extra columns English. for the various translation operations, and each 13. Because 'Kanji' is not used, 'On' phonetic word can be processed at the speed of 1ms. reading is limited to a minimum in the Japanese 5. Outline of the main apparatus (translator): sentence produced, and 'Yamato-Koto-ba" (tra- It looks very much like the electronic computer ditional Japanese not derived from Chinese) is and consists of about 650 packaged circuits pat- preferred, for example, saiwai for kofuku and terned after the ETL-Mark IV electronic compu- sare for kanojo. ter. There are 46 orders for the operations 14. For the time being, sentences containing a inside the machine.



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