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Báo cáo khoa học: " The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy"

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  1. Original article The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy F Bussotti P Grossoni F Pantani 1 Dept of Plant Biology, Laboratory of Forest Botany, University of Florence, Piazzale delle Cascine, 28, I-50144 Florence; 2 Dept of Public Health, Epidemiology and Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Section of Analytical Chemistry, University of Florence, via G-Capponi, 7, I-50100 Florence, Italy March 1994; (Received 22 accepted 6 September 1994) Summary — The decline of coastal vegetation is a phenomenon affecting some areas of the Mediter- ranean region and Australia; it is due to the presence of surfactants in marine aerosols, a conse- quence of sea pollution by detergents. This paper gives some observations made at various sites along the Tyrrhenian coast in Italy. The authors show that the presence of surfactants in the environ- ment correlates with the presence of sea salt, and that the impact of surfactants on vegetation is local and occurs only in association with strong sea winds. The study of the synergistic effect of surfac- tants and sea salt on the crowns of trees exposed to aerosols suggests that the surfactant can cause direct damage, while the absorption of sea salt is enhanced by the presence of the surfactant only when exposure to aerosol is prolonged, or if it is administered in very high concentrations. Pinus pinea L / marine aerosol / surfactant / NaCl / leaf absorption / crown damage Résumé — Le rôle du sel marin et des agents tensio-actifs dans le dépérissement de la végé- tation côtière tyrrhénienne en Italie. Le dépérissement de la végétation côtière est un phénomène qui concerne un certain nombre de zones de la Méditerranée et de l’Australie; il est dû à la présence d’agents tensio-actifs, engendrés par la pollution hydrique de détergents dans les aérosols marins. Notre recherche fait le point de 10 années d’observations d’un certain nombre de localités italiennes du lit- toral tyrrhénien. II en ressort que la présence d’agents tensio-actifs dans l’environnement dépend de la présence de sel marin ; leur impact sur la végétation est local et il est limité aux périodes de vent de mer fort. L’étude de l’action synergique des agents tensio-actifs et du sel marin sur les houppiers des plantes exposées aux aérosols suggère l’existence d’un dommage direct dû à l’agent tensio-actif en question, tandis que l’absorption de sel marin n’est favorisée par la présence de l’agent tensio-actif que dans des conditions d’exposition prolongée à l’aérosol ou s’il est administré en fortes concentrations. Pinus pinea L / aérosol marin/ tensio-actifs / NaCl / absorption foliaire / dommages au houppier
  2. INTRODUCTION that many kilometres from the coast are (Grossoni et al, 1990; Raddi et al, 1992). However damage of this type is always Since the early 1960s the vegetation in a num- extremely localized. According to the major- ber of coastal areas has been affected by a ity of the authors mentioned above this dam- kind of decline which, in terms of both quality age is primarily due to the fact that the crown and intensity, is very different from the nor- absorbs an excess of sea salt, which then mal damage caused by salt. In actual fact the accumulates in the leaf tissues. In fact, the spontaneous coastal vegetation has adapted damage always appears to be associated to the action of salt, so that natural marine with high quantities of Na and Cl in the + - sprays only cause rather limited damage, con- leaves. In coastal species, in normal condi- sisting primarily of changing the shape of the tions, the absorption of sea salt is limited by crown or in the death of external branchlets. the normal defence mechanisms of the More severe damage can be caused occa- leaves, but in the cases examined here the sionally by violent sea storms (Franzén, 1990). absorption is enhanced by the presence of The environmental factor usually blamed for surfactants (Greene and Bucovak, 1974). this type of decline (besides salt) is the pollu- Based on our findings, and also referring to tion of the sea by synthetic surfactants and the vast literature that exists on the subject, oil, ie organic substances that accumulate we cannot rule out that surfactants may exert primarily in the spray. a direct effect on chloroplasts and other cel- The first studies on this topic date back to lular organs (Itoh et al, 1963; Ogawa et al, the 1960s (Lapucci, 1968; Gellini and Paiero, 1966; Deamer and Crofts, 1967; Helenius 1969; Lapucci et al, 1972) and concentrated and Simmons, 1975) or on the epicuticular primarily on the death of the coastal vege- (Gellini et al, 1985; 1987; wax structures tation in the forest at San Rossore (Pisa), Noga et al, 1987; Wolter et al, 1988). while Gisotti (1979) and Gisotti and De Rossi The aim of this report is to give the results (1980) studied the conditions of the forest of some research work carried out over a at Castelporziano (Rome). A second set of vast area of the Tyrrhenian coastland in research studies followed in the 1980s Italy, including the 2 estates belonging to (Gellini et al, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987; the presidency of the Italian Republic (San Bussotti et al, 1984; Guidi et al, 1988; Rossore (Pisa) and Castelporziano (Rome)) Innamorati et al, 1989; Grossoni et al, 1990), and the pinewood of Cecina (Leghorn), also focusing on San Rossore. In the mean- where severe damage to the vegetation has time studies were also carried out in Aus- been observed. The report will also illus- tralia (Pitman et al, 1977; Dowden et al, trate the results of a number of experiments 1978; Grieve and Pitman, 1978; Truman and the aim of which was to measure the toxic- Lambert, 1978; Dowden and Lambert, 1979; ity of the various components of polluted Moodie et al, 1986), in France (Devèze and spray, both in isolation and in synergy. sea Sigoillot, 1978; Sigoillot et al, 1981;Sigoillot, 1982; Garrec and Sigoillot, 1992; Badot and Garrec, 1993) and, more recently, in Spain MATERIALS AND METHODS along the coast near Barcelona (Astorga et al, 1993). In all the areas studied the damage is located near urban zones or near waste- Determination of surfactants water collector tanks and extends inland for and chlorides in sea aerosol a stretch of a few hundred metres or at most 1 km. After especially violent wind storms The determination of surfactants and chlorides the damage can occasionally reach zones (the latter are useful as indicators of the pres-
  3. Experimental tests on the toxicity of sea salt) in aerosols was carried out at ence San Rossore, Cecina and Castelporziano, pri- of the aerosols marily in 2 matrices, rainwater and deposits on the vegetation, which normally contain such pol- were performed by spraying the crowns of Tests lutants when situated near the coast. young trees of P pinea L, Quercus ilex L, Pitto- Rainwater samples were collected both near sporum tobira L and Acer opalus Mill with solu- the coast and 2-3 km inland. Samples of bulk tions containing surfactants and NaCl in varying deposits were taken from pine trees (Pinus pinea concentrations, thus simulating the composition of L) from the section of the crown exposed to the sea aerosols. The efficacy of this treatment was sea and also from the opposite side. Table I assessed by ascertaining the percentage of dam- shows the characteristics of the different sam- aged leaves (ie leaves with yellowing) and the plings. Rainwater samples were collected on a quantity of NaCl absorbed through the leaves weekly basis, while the deposits were gathered shown by the increase of the Cl ion. - only after strong sea wind events. Twenty grams of needles (about 150 needles) In order to extract the deposits from the sur- from P pinea trees, or 20 leaves from broadleaves, face of the needles, 20 g of fresh needles, mea- collected from each treated tree and the suring about 12.5-14 cm in length and giving an were sample was used to calculate both the per- overall surface area of about 850 cm were , 2 same centage of damaged needles and the content of rinsed in 200 cm deionized water for 20 min. 3 The solutions thus obtained were then analysed. . - Cl For each tree, the sampling was repeated twice MBAS Anionic surfactants measured were as (methylene blue active substances), according In order to chlorides in the P pinea measure to Longwell and Manièce’s colorimetric method needles, the needles were rinsed before testing for (1955); chlorides were measured by potentio- about 5 min in deionized water. The chloride metric titration with 0.1 N silver nitrate. extraction was performed according to the method described by Grieve and Pitman (1978); the ana- Analytical values are given in ppm for rainfall lytical method used is potentiometric titration with and in mg/kg of needles (fresh weight) for 0.1 N silver nitrate. The absorbed salt is expressed between MBAS and Cl - deposits. The correlation as mg of Cl per gram of dry matter. The signifi- - in the different matrices was calculated according cance of the differences has been tested by Stu- to Kendall’s non-parametric test (rank correla- dent’s t test. tion), and the software used was Statgraphics.
  4. The following is description of the tests car- in pots (5 individuals per species) were sprayed a ried out: continuously for 4 h a day for 3 d. The treatment was done in September and the monitoring the following month. This test simulated exposure treatment of P pinea 1 st experiment &mdash; conditions that similar to what are more occurs in the open field in nature. The following sets of tests were made: RESULTS NaCl in varying concentrations (0, 30, 60 and - 120 g/l); NaCl in a single concentration (30 g/l) com- - bined with an anionic surfactant (ABS alkyl ben- Chemical analysis of rainwater sam- = zene sodium sulphonate) in varying concentra- ples and deposits tions (10, 50, 100, 250 and 500 mg/l); ABS in a single concentration (100 mg/l) com- - When interpreting the results of the chemi- bined with NaCl in varying concentrations (10, cal analysis of rainwater and deposits it is 15, 20, 30, 60 and 120 g/l). necessary to bear in mind the interactions The experiment was carried out on trees that between the matrix and aerosol composi- were about 2 m high, belonging to a reforested plot within the San Rossore estate. Each test was tion. For example, in deposits on needles repeated on 4 different trees; the treatment was part of the surfactant binds to the epicuticular repeated twice, in July and in September, and wax structures since it is lipophilic, and is consisted of spraying the crown with a motorized therefore not removed by rinsing. However atomizer. Each treatment lasted a few minutes, as part of the chlorides absorbed by the needle long as was necessary to soak the crown to drip- are released during rinsing. In the rainwater ping point. Monitoring was done 1 month after samples there can be interferences with the second treatment. atmospheric dust and dry deposits of non- marine origin. experiment &mdash; treatment of P pinea 2nd In any case, the highly significant (P < seedlings growing in pots 0.001) correlations between MBAS and chlorides (table II) evident in needle deposits The seedlings were sprayed with NaCl alone (30 g/l), with ABS (500 and 1000 mg/l) and with and in rainwater samples collected near the non-ionic surfactants (alkyl phenol ethoxylates, coast suggest that both substances origi- Lerolat 40 and Lerolat 300, which differ by the nate from the sea. This is also confirmed length of their alkylic chains) at a concentration of by the low level of significance between 1 000 mg/l. The experiment was carried out at MBAS and chlorides in the rainwater sam- the Faculty of Agrarian Studies at the University ples collected further away from the coastal of Florence, on pot-grown trees measuring about 1.5 m in height, using a methodology similar to area. that described above. The trees were sprayed Tables III and IV show the levels of con- once only, in June, and monitoring was done the centration of MBAS in rainwater samples following month. Each test was repeated on 4 and in deposits on needle surfaces. It is different trees. interesting to note that most findings are in the lower concentration classes, while there 3rd experiment &mdash; treatment are relatively few high values and they were in the nebulizing chamber all recorded during episodes of strong sea winds (cf, Gellini et al, 1987). Tests were done using NaCl 30 g/l, ABS 250 mg/l, The highest value of MBAS in rainwa- or NaCl 30 g/l + ABS 250 mg/l. Young trees of ter collected along the coast is 29.2 ppm, P pinea, P tobira, Q ilex and A opalus growing
  5. the system because of the amount of but MBAS concentration levels only reach on salt and surfactants they transport, occur 1 ppm or above in 32.5% of cases, and only rather infrequently within the total number go above 10 ppm in 2.9%. Inland, MBAS of samples examined. Finally, the ratio concentrations reach a maximum of 0.9 MBAS/Cl is interesting because it varies - ppm and only go above 0.1ppm in 13.1 % of considerably according to the matrix in which samples. As far as surface deposits are it is measured. There are probably many concerned, in needles exposed to the sea factors that influence the quantities of these the highest value recorded is 514 mg of 2 substances (biological, metereological, MBAS per kg of fresh needles, but the con- chemical, physical, etc). The ratio that is centration only goes above 50 mg in 18.5% most probably the closest to the original of samples. In needles from the side of the ratio in the aerosol is that recorded in the crown not exposed to the sea the highest rainwater gathered near the coastline, ie concentration of MBAS is 53 mg per kg of the one closest to the source. Here the fresh needles, but only 11.7% of cases MBAS/Cl ratio is 0.007, which is about - have values higher than 10 mg. 1:143, similar to that found in aerosols by Gellini et al (1987) and by Loglio et al (1985, This trend shows that ’noteworthy 1986, 1987a,b, 1989). events’, ie those with the greatest impact
  6. Experimental reproduction In the 3rd experiment (prolonged expo- of the damage in a nebulizing chamber) dieback of sure the apical needles was achieved with an ABS concentration of 250 mg/l adminis- In the 1 st experiment P pinea appeared to be tered with 30 g/l of salt, while ABS alone quite susceptible to the absorption and accu- only causes yellowing. The results of this mulation of NaCl. The levels of Cl in the - experiment, illustrated in figure 2, also show pine needles are related to the concentra- the different responses to the treatment by tion of salt in the solution, whether the solu- the 4 different species tested. P tobira was tion also contains surfactants (fig 1 b) or not the most resistant species, while the decid- (fig 1 a). Salt absorption does not appear to uous broadleaf A opalus suffered the most be influenced by the presence of the sur- damage. P pinea and Q ilex gave interme- factant (the differences between needles diate responses: the former was more sus- treated with and without surfactants are not ceptible to surfactants, and the latter to significant, P > 0.05). There is no correla- NaCl. In all cases the combination of sur- tion between the percentage of damaged factant plus NaCl caused the worst dam- needles and level of Cl (P > 0.05). Con- - age. At the concentrations and conditions of versely, the concentration of the surfactant exposure used in this experiment, the same plays a very important role in the appear- pathological manifestations as observed in ance and extent of damage. The differences broadleaves (necrosis of the edges) were between tests with surfactants in concen- reproduced. tration up to 100 ppm and without are very significant (P < 0.01). It is interesting to note that the percentage of damaged needles DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS increases abruptly when the concentrations of ABS are 100 mg/l or higher (fig 1c). The damage observed during this experi- The results obtained confirm the fact that ment consisted of patches of yellow nee- the damage to coastal vegetation caused dles. In no case did the treatment repro- by marine aerosols polluted with surfac- duce the typical drying of the top of the tants is fairly limited in both time and needle. If we compare these data with those space, although it can occasionally pro- of previous studies (cf, Gellini et al, 1985) we duce catastrophic results. In space, the notice that the damage recorded in this damage is limited because large sea-salt experiment can be attributed to the action of aerosols are rapidly deposited. Apart from the surfactant. exceptionally violent storms the damage only affects the first few hundred metres of In the 2nd experiment, in which pot- vegetation. In time, it appears that aerosols grown P pinea were treated with NaCl and produced only during surfactants, the response was more marked specific are some events in winter and surfactants in large (apical drying of needles) with a consider- able accumulation of Cl in the needles at quantities were detected only in a small - ABS doses of 500 mg/l (fig 1 d). At higher percentage of the samples studied. The concentrations of the surfactant (in this surfactants in the inland rainwater sam- experiment we also used non-ionic surfac- ples are only found in very low concen- tant) the results are more or less identical. trations (always below 1 mg/l) and at these Differences between treatments B (NaCl levels no synergistic action with either without surfactant) and A (control), C, D, E, marine salt or other substances of F (NaCl with surfactants) are significant with anthropic origin, such as acidity or pesti- P < 0.01. cides, has been demonstrated (Paoletti et
  7. al, 1989; Rinallo and Raddi, 1989; Bot- is a species characterized by a consider- tacci et al, 1990; Paoletti, 1992). able genetic uniformity), but rather to the different stand conditions (trees grown in The experiments performed confirm that pots, for example, were more suceptible), the synergy brought about by the combina- vegetational status, macro- and micro- tion of surfactants and sodium chloride is climate conditions experienced during the the main cause of the decline of coastal treatment period, as well as treatment vegetation. However, we still need to explain modalities. why similar treatments administered to indi- viduals of the same species (P pinea) have We would like to stress the following. yielded different results (cfGellini et al, 1987; When the trees were subjected to a treat- Guidi et al, 1988; Loglio et al, 1989). In our ment consisting of a brief exposure to simu- opinion these differences are not so much lated marine aerosol (1st experiment) the due to genotype differences (the stone pine damage they suffered was always less
  8. administered. Our at which treatment than when they were subjected to was severe those done in the experiments, especially prolonged exposure (3rd experiment). more field, were all carried out in the summer, for This last type of treatment is more similar to obvious experimental reasons. Treatments natural exposure conditions. This observation carried out in late autumn and winter, espe- is also confirmed by the results obtained by cially surfactant treatments, generally cause Guidi et al (1988) in their ’wind tunnel’ experi- ments. From a practical point of view this less severe damage (our unpublished data), means that if we want to reproduce the dam- but it is precisely in late autumn and winter age as it appears in nature using only short that ’normal’ exposure to these substances treatments, we must resort to concentrations would take place. that are much higher than those of natural Further observations arising from the aerosol. Empirically, we can refer to the results of this study concern the toxicity deposits found on the needles. In order to of non-ionic surfactants and the different experimentally obtain deposits that are quan- levels of resistance exhibited by the vari- titatively similar to those found in nature we ous species. The results of the 2nd exper- need to spray the crowns with solutions con- iment suggests that (at least at the higher taining at least 1 000 mg/l of surfactant. concentrations) non-ionic surfactants also The results obtained also highlight the act synergistically with salt, exactly like direct action of the surfactant alone, which anionic ones. Since about 30% of all sur- appears to exert its action before the syn- factants available on the market today are ergistic effect of surfactant plus salt. This is non-ionic (Olori and De Fulvio, 1989), it is suggested by the fact that the damage highly likely that they have a large eco- caused by fairly low doses of ABS (1st toxic effect although they are probably not experiment), even in the presence of salt, being properly monitored, since we do not are mainly attributable to the surfactant, and possess suitable monitoring methodolo- there is no correlation between the degree gies. of leaf damage and the Cl levels in the - Finally, the comparison between the dif- leaves. Only above a certain level of con- ferent behaviour of the species tested sug- centration does the surfactant begin to act gests that resistance to the action of synergistically with the salt. In our experi- aerosols is the result of the strength of the ments this threshold appears to be around structures protecting the leaf, and increases 250 mg/l in the case of prolonged expo- with sclerophyllia and with the thickness of sures, and 500-1 000 mg/l for short expo- the cuticle. sures. Above these thresholds the damage observed is identical to the damage found in nature and is associated with the high con- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tent of chloride in the foliar tissues, thus reproducing a type of damage similar to typ- The authors would like to thank all those who ical salt-induced damage (cf Dobson, 1991). have worked actively on this research project, It is interesting to note that the response and especially E Cenni, R Adversi, A Ceppatelli, of P pinea to treatment does not appear to M Guglini, V De Cristofaro, C Sequi and G Pistoia. Thanks are also due to technicians F Gigli and be proportional to the treatment, but rather S Del Panta for their invaluable assistance and to seems to be influenced by a ’sensitivity F Maselli for help with the statistics. We would threshold’. also like to express all the gratitude we feel for be useful in Another element which can the late R Gellini who originally suggested understanding our results is the time of year research studies in this field.
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