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Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET- P23

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  1. Chapter 11 How It Works In this example, take note of several things: ❑ Two div tags have been added. The IDs for the div tags are lblValid, which contains the text to display when all validators are satisfied with the input, and lblInValid, which contains the text to display when one or more validators are invalid. ❑ A validationGroup has been defined in the xml-script section. The validation group defines the controls that will be validated together. ❑ The lblValid and lblInValid tags have been added to the xml-script section. A set of bindings is defined for each. Figure 11-6 shows the output of the group validation process. 306
  2. Atlas Controls Figure 11-6 Why would you want to group validators together? Obviously, each individual validator will fire. However, there may be situations where the validation should be done together. For example, it would be valuable for checking required fields when a user signs up for a new service. This is what the validationGroup control in Atlas is for. Behaviors A behavior is the name of the set of actions that can be performed based on events in DTHML. These events might be click, hover, mouseover, or other client-side events. These sets of actions that are performed comprise features such as auto-completion and Drag and Drop. In other words, behaviors are used to provide a more sophisticated UI and behavioral features beyond standard DHTML In Atlas, behaviors are defined as a collection on a client-side control. In other words, the individual behaviors are attached to a client-side control. Try It Out Using Behaviors Take a look at some code that incorporates behaviors. In this example, a click behavior is set on the lblHide label so that when it is clicked, the visibility of the displayData label is set to false, and the displayData label is hidden from view. When the lblShow label is clicked, the visibility of the display Data label is set to true, and the displayData label is displayed on the screen, if it is not already viewable. This is the text that will be hidden and shown based on clicking the text below. Pretty cool. 307
  3. Chapter 11 Hide  Show Figure 11-7 shows the output of the preceding code. Clicking Hide will hide the text, assuming that the code is visible. Clicking Show will display the code, assuming that it is hidden. The advantage to using behaviors in this way is that no programming must be done in the preceding code. You don’t have to set up any JavaScript onclick events or anything to that effect. Figure 11-7 308
  4. Atlas Controls Resources Used ❑ Wilco Bauwer — Wilco Bauwer, a intern on the Microsoft Atlas team provided significant assis- tance in answering questions regarding many features in Atlas. Wilco’s web site and blog are located at ❑ Nikhil Kothari — Nikhil provided several helpful articles on his blog regarding how to prop- erly use several features of Atlas. Nikhil’s web site and blog are located at ❑ Atlas Quickstarts — The Atlas web site is ❑ Forums on ASP.NET site — The forums are located at Summar y In this chapter, you have been introduced some very new and important concepts. These are ❑ Programming controls through Atlas ❑ Working with server controls ❑ Using data binding ❑ Using behaviors From these you have seen that there is a lot of functionality in the server controls. Along with that func- tionality is the ability to extend the server control and add new functionality to the server controls. The integration with the server controls is very important as it brings the server-side methodology of ASP.NET and allows it to provide significant client-side functionality. Now that you have looked at how to integrate Atlas with server controls, in the next chapter, you are going to look at integrating Atlas with membership, profiles, and other services provided by ASP.NET. 309
  5. 12 Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Ser vices Microsoft Atlas provides a mechanism to integrate with the services provided by ASP.NET. The integration is provided for services such as: ❑ Authentication — Applications must be able to integrate with the ASP.NET authentication services if they are to let only the correct people in and to keep the incorrect users out. ❑ Authorization — Applications must be able to control where a user is allowed to go within an application. Authorization is the process of deciding if an application user is allowed to access a portion, or all, of an application. It is typically based on authentication within an application as well as the roles that a user is assigned to. ❑ Roles — Applications must be able to provide client-side role-based security. Roles are typically used along with authorization. ❑ Profiles — Applications must be able to provide integration with the ASP.NET profile services. In this chapter, we are going to look at how the client-side focus of Atlas integrates with the server- side ASP.NET services. We’ll start by doing a little bit of background on the ASP.NET services and then moving into code and an explanation of how these services integrate with Atlas. The Atlas examples and code are based on the March/April CTPs of Atlas. The March CTP is the first version of Atlas that comes with a “Go-Live” license for actual usage in a production applica- tion. The April CTP is basically a set of bug fixes to the March CTP. It is our intention to update these files with new versions as changes are made to Atlas. The site for the files is http://
  6. Chapter 12 Examining ASP.NET Ser vices Before you dive into how Atlas supports authentication, some quick background on the ASP.NET ser- vices provided in version 2.0 of ASP.NET is in order. These services are defined and provided by the ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Model. It is possible for a developer to extend these services. Although it is possible to extend these services by creating custom providers, the examples in this chap- ter will use the default providers unless otherwise noted. Authentication In an ASP.NET application, authentication is the process of verifying that a user is who the user states that he or she is. Typical authentication has two parts — a mechanism to request credentials, such as a set of text boxes for inputting a user ID and password, and a data store, such as a database, to check those cre- dential against. The user ID and password are checked against the data store on the initial request. If the initial request is granted, the user is typically granted a token in the form of a browser-side cookie. This browser-side cookie shows that the user has been granted access. Subsequent checks involve examining the validity of the cookie. ASP.NET supports four types of authentication. These are: ❑ Windows-based authentication — Windows-based authentication is controlled by IIS. It is used mainly for internal web applications that run over an intranet, and provides authentication through a Windows-based server. ❑ Basic authentication — Basic authentication is similar to Windows-based authentication from the user’s standpoint; however, it transmits its information in clear text. ❑ Forms-based authentication — Forms-based authentication is a catchall type of authentication that is primarily used to authenticate information against various data sources when a nonstandard data source is used. It is used in a majority of non-intranet ASP.NET applications. Forms authentica- tion provides a mechanism to authenticate users based on custom requirements and code and to then maintain the authentication token (browser cookie, munged URL, or something else). ❑ Passport authentication — With Passport authentication, the Microsoft Passport Service is used. If you have used the Microsoft Hotmail service, you are using the Passport Service. With the Passport Service, the user ID and password are stored in a central location on the Internet. This information is managed by Microsoft. With Passport authentication, an application will pass the user ID and password to the Passport system for testing. If successful, the Passport service will hand a token back, similar to forms-based authentication. Windows Authentication Windows authentication, also referred to as integrated Windows authentication, uses the Windows oper- ating system account to test the user ID and password (also knows as credentials) against a Windows- based user store, such as Active Directory. If a user makes a request against a web resource that requires Windows authentication, the user must either be logged into the domain that the server is running on, or they must log on to the domain when they attempt to access a protected page. With Windows authenti- cation, the credentials used to test are stored in the Microsoft Active Directory database. The validation 312
  7. Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services is performed using the Kerberos protocol. A major advantage to this authentication scheme is that the password is not sent over the wire. If a user is not already authenticated to a resource, the user is pre- sented with a browser pop-up style window for inputting a user ID/password combination. Although this is a fairly secure scheme it has several downfalls. The main ones are: ❑ Users must be authenticated against the domain that the server is running against. This would be a large problem for remote users that are not logged on to the network. ❑ Windows authentication is tightly associated with Windows and Internet Explorer. While recent versions of the Mozilla Firefox web browser support Windows authentication when running on Windows, most developers identify Windows authentication as running only on Windows with Internet Explorer. Basic Authentication From the user’s standpoint, basic authentication is very similar to Windows authentication. If a user is not authenticated to a resource (page, image, or such) that requires authentication, the user is presented with browser pop-up style windows for inputting a user ID/password combination. Behind the scenes, there are significant differences between the two. With basic authentication, passwords are sent over the network using base64 encoding, are embedded within HTTP, and are not encrypted in any way. While not being quite as secure as Windows authentication, basic authentication is supported across multiple major web browsers and server products. Forms Authentication Forms authentication is similar to basic authentication. The major difference is that Forms authentication allows a developer to define their own login pages, error pages, and resources to validate users against. With Forms authentication, a login form is created for inputting user IDs and passwords. A button on that form will call a routine to test for the user having the rights to access the resource. ASP.NET pro- vides some built-in methods to test whether or not a user may get to a resource. In addition, the devel- oper may substitute his or her own routines to validate the user. Passport Authentication Passport authentication uses the Microsoft Passport system. This is a centralized authentication service provided by Microsoft. It provides a single logon and profile services for member web sites. Passport uses Triple DES encryption. Unfortunately, the Passport authentication system has not been widely accepted outside of the Microsoft family of web sites and is no longer available as public service or for signup by non-Microsoft web sites. Authorization/Roles Once a user has been authorized to use a web resource, the next step is authorization. This allows devel- opers to specify which resources application users are allowed to access within an application. Grouping users together to manage which resources they may access is referred to as role-based security. This allows for users to be grouped as necessary within an application, for example users, directors, application administrators, and other roles. 313
  8. Chapter 12 Within ASP.NET, the authorization rules may be stored within the Web.Config file, database, external files, custom objects, or other locations. Membership One of the “new” features of ASP.NET 2.0 is that user management capabilities are included in the box. This new feature eliminates the need for writing all of the code necessary to manage users and passwords. With ASP.NET 2.0, the logon controls provide the default implementation of the membership service. The membership service provides two methods that are of significance. These are: ❑ login — The login method will validate the user against a data store and return the appropri- ate Forms authentication cookie. ❑ validateUser — The validateUser validates the users against a data store; however, it does not return a forms authentication cookie. Profiles The profile service is a “new” feature of ASP.NET 2.0. The profile service provider supports the storage and retrieval of user-specific data within an application. Profile information is stored within the Machine.Config or the Web.Config. Once the application’s profiles have been defined, the profile information is available through IntelliSense in Visual Studio .NET 2005. Web Part Personalization Web Parts are a new feature of ASP.NET 2.0 that moves web applications one step closer to acting like desk- top applications. Web Parts allow an application to be customized by users at runtime. This customization may include the layout of elements on the page as well as the selection of elements that actually appear on a page. The personalization service provides support for persisting Web Part configurations and support for storing the layout and location of Web Parts between sessions for individual users. Using Atlas to Integrate with ASP.NET Ser vices Now that you have looked at the basics of the services provided by ASP.NET, you can look at how these services are provided by Atlas. Authentication Atlas provides support for Forms-based authentication. This support is provided by the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService static class. Inside of that class, there are two methods: ❑ login — This method maps to the configured membership provider’s login method. It contains several additional parameters. The complete calling syntax is: 314
  9. Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services login(username, password, OnLoginComplete, OnTimeOut, onError); ❑ validateUser — This method maps to the configured membership provider’s validateUser method. This method is different from the previous method in one way. In this method, the only thing that is not done is that if the username and password are accepted, a cookie is not set on the client web browser. In addition to the username and password parameters, there are some additional parameters. The complete calling syntax is: validateUser(username, password, OnLoginComplete, OnTimeOut, onError); Try It Out Using Atlas to Perform Authentication Take a look at some source for performing authentication: User Id: Password: function AuthTest() { var UserId = document.forms[0].txtUserId.value; var PassWord = document.forms[0].txtPassword.value; var authObj = Sys.Services.AuthenticationService; authObj.login( UserId, PassWord, OnAuthTestComplete, OnAuthTestTimeOut, OnAuthTestError); } function OnAuthTestComplete(result) { if (null == result) { alert(“Auth Test Complete. Null Result”); } else { alert(“Auth Test Complete. Result: “ + result); if(true == result) 315
  10. Chapter 12 { alert(“You are now logged in.”); document.forms[0].txtUserId.value = “”; document.forms[0].txtPassword.value = “”; } else { alert(“You are not logged in.”); } } } function OnAuthTestTimeOut(result) { alert(“Auth Test TimeOut. Result: “ + result); } function OnAuthTestError(result) { if (null == result) { alert(“Auth Test Error. Null Result”); } else { alert(“Auth Test Error. Result: “ + result.get_message()); } } How It Works Now take a walk through the code and take note of these important items: ❑ Add in the ScriptManager so that the Atlas scripts are properly set up on the client web browser. ❑ Set up the UserId and Password input elements. It is important to remember to use the type of password for the input element so that the “*” character is used to display input and the input value is not cached at the client. ❑ This example creates an instance of the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService. ❑ Call the login method of the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService class. When calling the login method, all of the options are handed to the method. These include the user ID, password, callback method on success, callback method on timeout, and callback method on an error. ❑ The user authentication cookie is set automatically for the code. ❑ If a user is successfully authenticated, the user ID and password for that user are removed from displaying on the web page. While not a requirement, zeroing out the form elements is a good idea given that some browsers might have security problems. Now that the application code has been written, there are several security-related issues (issues that occur because of the security requirements of the various web servers) that you must deal with: 316
  11. Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services ❑ ScriptFolder — In this code example, the ScriptFolder has been set to allow anonymous access. The Atlas scripts must be available to anonymous users so that the authentication pro- cess may be started from the client. ❑ ScriptServices/Microsoft/Web/Services/Standard folder — This folder is currently the virtual folder that contains the Atlas authentication web service. For authentication to properly call the web service, the web service must be available to the anonymous user. This may be done by adding the following lines to the Web.Config file for the application: ❑ The noted security issues will most likely be dependent on the version of the web server that is being used. For example when dealing with anonymous versus named user access, this applica- tion has been developed with the Visual Studio 2005 development–oriented web server and not with IIS 5 or IIS 6. As a result, these security requirements are designed for the application to function properly under it. IIS 5’s or IIS 6’s security requirements and services are different and will require a different setup. With IIS 5/6, security will need to be set through the IIS manage- ment console because IIS, not .NET, controls the access to folders. IIS 7, which is currently under development, will have security services that are different from what is in IIS 6. IIS 7 will have a security modem more inline with the security model and requirements of the web server that ships with Visual Studio 2005. Figure 12-1 shows the result of calling the login routine. Figure 12-1 317
  12. Chapter 12 Authorization/Roles Once the problems of authenticating a user to an application has been completed, the next step is to work with the roles that are assigned to a user. While there are no prebuilt web services that are avail- able for a developer to use, it is still possible to use web services to provide this integration. The basic steps are: 1. Create a web service that returns the roles that a user is assigned. 2. Call the web service as needed. 3. Process the returned results and perform any settings on the client that are necessary. Try It Out Working with Roles In the example code, there are two roles set up — admin and users. Assume that there are two types of users of the application — the admin users, who have application-level administrative duties, and the users, who are merely regular users of the application. The following web service code returns a list of roles: [WebMethod] public string[] GetRoles() { return ((RolePrincipal)HttpContext.Current.User).GetRoles(); } This code returns an array of strings. Each element in the array consists of a string representing one of the various roles assigned to the user that is logged in. Although this example shows the return of all of the roles associated with a user, the other methods for a RolePrincipal, or any other object, may easily be called also. The only requirement is that a string array be returned. Take a look at code on an .aspx page to call this web service: function GetRoleInfo() { var authObj = Sys.Services.AuthenticationService; var UserId = “.....”; var PassWord = “.....”; authObj.validateUser(UserId, PassWord, OnValidateUser); } function OnValidateUser(result) { if(null != result) { if (result == true) 318
  13. Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services RoleService.GetRoles(OnGetRolesComplete, OnGetRolesTimeOut, OnGetRolesException); } } function OnGetRolesComplete(result) { var i = 0; var bAdmin = false; var bUser = false; if (null != result) { for(i=0; i
  14. Chapter 12 Figure 12-2 Accessing Profiles via Atlas As was mentioned earlier in this chapter, profiles are a mechanism to easily provide users with a custom experience while they use a web application. In this example, you are going to use a fairly simple exam- ple of a user’s name, address, city, state, and zip code. Microsoft’s Atlas framework provides the Sys.Profile class, which is used to directly access profile information. The class is “static/shared” — it does not require an instance for its methods and properties to be called. For the ASP.NET profiles in this chapter, your profile will be defined as follows in the Web.Config. In this example setup, the properties fall into two groups. The Name, Address, City, AddressState, and ZipCode fall into the area of an address for a user. The DragNDropLocation property is used by the Drag and Drop property example later in this chapter. Profile Property Names Atlas provides the ability to get a list of profile names through a standard asynchronous request; how- ever, the semantics of making the call are slightly different from that of making a standard request. 320



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