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Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET- P28

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Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET- P28:Thank you for purchasing Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET. We know that you have a lot of options when selecting a programming book and are glad that you have chosen ours. We’re sure you will be pleased with the relevant content and high quality you have come to expect from the Wrox Press line of books.

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Nội dung Text: Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET- P28

  1. document.getElementById() function (JavaScript) Index D network traffic, 351–353 web browser tools, 347–351 data binding decimal-format element (XSLT), 364 declarative, 297–299 declarative data binding, 297–299 defined, 297 default-collation() function (XSLT), 367 directions, 302 defensive programming, 48 programmatic, 299–302 delete keyword (JavaScript), 38, 43–44 Sys.BindingDirection enumeration, 302 DetailsView control (ASP.NET), 132 transformations, 302 development history validation of data input, 303–310 Ajax, 7 data(item, ...) function (XSLT), 366 JavaScript, 30 DataSet datatype, 168 XML, 104–105 datasets, 258–260 XMLHttpRequest object, 78 DataTable datatype, 168–169 development trends datatypes Ajax, 1, 5–7 Ajax.NET Pro, 167–169 ASP .NET, 2–5 Atlas, 257–262 client-server development, 1 JavaScript, 36 intelligent client-server development, 1 Date class, 267 terminal-style development, 1–2 DateTime datatype, 168 DHTML (Dynamic HTML) dateTime(date,time) function (XSLT), 367 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 11 day-from-date(date) function (XSLT), 368 defined, 11 day-from-dateTime(datetime) function HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 11 (XSLT), 368 JavaScript, 11 debug.dump command, 281–282 support, 8 debugger keyword (JavaScript), 342–344 direct scripting debugging Anthem.NET server-side framework, 242–244 ASP .NET (server-side) MagicAjax server-side framework, 226–231 breakpoints, 331–332 directions for data binding, 302 ease of, 329–330 display attribute, 24 Visual Studio .NET 2005, 330–332 distinct-values((item1, item2, ...), Atlas, 281–283 collation) function (XSLT), 370 defined, 329 div element, 23–24 Fiddler network traffic monitor, 353–361 document function (XSLT), 366 JavaScript (client-side) Document Object Model (DOM). See DOM Alert statements, 333 (Document Object Model) breakpoints, 336–337 document tree, 57–62 Command window, 346–347 Document Type Definition (DTD), 108–109 debugger keyword, 342–344 documentation for Microsoft Atlas project, difficulties of, 332 273 stepping through code, 340–342 document.getElementById() function Visual Studio .NET, 334–347 (JavaScript), 21–22 Watch window, 344–346 381
  2. document-uri(node) function (XSLT) document-uri(node) function (XSLT), 366 document.write() function (JavaScript), 14 E DOM (Document Object Model) Easy Search component (ASP.NET), 9 browsers, 30–31 ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers camel case naming convention, 70 Association), 30 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 70–74 ECMAScript, 30 defined, 51–53 Eich, Brendan (creator of JavaScript), 30 document tree, 57–62 element element (XSLT), 364 levels, 53–57 element-available function (XSLT), 366 nodes elements (HTML) appending, 63 div, 23–24 cloning, 63–64 script, 13–14, 32–33 copying, 63 select, 21–22 creating, 62 span, 23–24 inserting, 63 elements (XML), 105 properties, 64–69 elements (XSLT) removing, 63 apply-imports, 363 replacing, 63 apply-templates, 363 object collection support, 69 attribute, 363 parsing XML, 111 attribute-set, 363 standardization, 31 call-template, 363 Double datatype, 168 choose, 115–116 double quotation marks in JavaScript, 16 comment, 363 do/while loop (JavaScript), 41–42 copy, 364 downloading copy-of, 364 Ajax.NET Pro library, 180 decimal-format, 364 code samples, 13, 29, 77, 103 element, 364 ComfortASP .NET server-side framework, 208 fallback, 364 Venkman (Firefox debugging tool), 350–351 for-each, 115 Drag and Drop extender control, 328 if, 115 drop-down lists, 21–22 import, 364 DTD (Document Type Definition), 108–109 include, 364 Dynamic HTML (DHTML) key, 364 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 11 message, 364 defined, 11 namespace-alias, 364 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 11 number, 364 JavaScript, 11 otherwise, 364 support, 8 output, 364 dynamic typing in JavaScript, 37 param, 364 preserve-space, 365 382
  3. forms-based authentication Index processing-instruction, 365 events sort, 115 onclick, 34–35 strip-space, 365 onError, 172 stylesheet, 365 onLoading, 172–173 template, 114–115 onStateChanged, 172 text, 365 onTimeout, 172 transform, 365 exists(item1, item2, ...) function value-of, 115 (XSLT), 370 variable, 365 exposing web services from a web form, when, 365 265–266 with-param, 365 expressions, 39–40 empty(item1, item2, ...) function extend property (response object), (XSLT), 370 164–165 enabling pages for callbacks, 145–146 extender controls (Atlas) encapsulation, 46 AutoComplete, 294–297 endless loops, 15 Drag and Drop, 328 end-with(string1, string2) function functionality, 294 (XSLT), 372 Extensible Application Markup Language entity references in XML, 108 (XAML), 5 enumerations, 280–281, 302 Extensible Markup Language. See XML error() function (XSLT), 369 Extensible Stylesheet Language error handling for callbacks, 141–142, 144 Transformations. See XSLT error property (response object), 164–165, extensions (XSLT), 120 173–174 error(error, description, error- object) function (XSLT), 369 F error(error, description) function fallback element (XSLT), 364 (XSLT), 369 false() function (XSLT), 367 error(error) function (XSLT), 369 Fiddler network traffic monitor, 353–361 escape codes, 16, 36–37 Firefox escape-uri(stringurl, escres) function DOM Inspector tool, 349–350 (XSLT), 372 Venkman debugging tool, 350–351 European Computer Manufacturers Association Flash, 5 (ECMA), 30 floor(num) function (XSLT), 370 event handlers flow control statements (JavaScript), 40–41 defined, 34–35 for loop (JavaScript), 14–15, 41–42, 283 onclick, 18–19 for-each element (XSLT), 115 onload, 16–17 for/in loop (JavaScript), 42 onsubmit, 19 format-number function (XSLT), 366 preventing events from bubbling up, 19 forms-based authentication, 312–313 383
  4. frameworks frameworks confirm(), 17–18 Ajax.NET Pro CreateCustomObject(), 43 activating, 163 CreateXmlHttpRequestObject(), 80 Ajax/AjaxSettingsSectionHandler defined, 20–21 .cs, 188–191 document.getElementById(), 21–22 AjaxHandlerFactory, 191 document.write(), 14 AjaxPro.AjaxMethod() attribute, HandleClick(), 35 163–164, 191–192 hasOwnProperty(nameOfProperty), 45 Compiled Library, 160 isPrototypeOf(obj), 45 downloading, 180 OnServerCallError, 142 HTTP page handlers, 182–183 parameters, 34 JavaScript, 192 prompt(), 17 Library Source Code, 160, 180 propertyIsEnumerable(nameOf preparing applications to use it, 160–161, Property), 45 174–175, 180–182 RegisterCommonAjax(), 184–186 references, 160–161 RegisterTypeForAjax(), 183–184 registering page class, 163, 183–186 RenderControl(), 167 using in applications, 161–164 return values, 34 Web.Config settings, 182, 186–188 ShowHide(), 25–26 client-side toLocaleString(), 44 defined, 195–196 toString(), 44 HTMLHttpRequest, 199–201 Type.registerNameSpace(), 273 MochiKit, 201–203 UpdateText(), 25–26 Sarissa, 196–199 valueOf(), 44 server-side frameworks functions (XML DOM) Anthem.NET, 231–246 selectNodes(), 87–88, 91–92 architectural distinctions, 203–207 selectSingleNode(), 87–88 ComfortASP .NET, 208–219 functions (XMLHttpRequest object) MagicAjax, 219–231 abort(), 92 FrontPage (Microsoft), 3 getAllResponseHeaders(), 92 function keyword (JavaScript), 45 getResponseHeader(“headername”), 92 function literals (JavaScript), 45–46 open(“method”, “URL”, “async”, function-available function (XSLT), 366 “uname”, “pswd”), 92 functions (JavaScript) send(content), 92 alert(), 13–14 setRequestHeader(“label”, arguments, 34 ”value”), 92 BuildHtmlTable(), 169 functions (XSLT) BuildMultiplicationTable(), 169 abs(num), 370 calling, 33 adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(date ChangeImage(), 162 time, timezone), 369 ChangeMe(), 20–21, 165–166, 170–171 adjust-date-to-timezone(datetime, timezone), 369 384
  5. functions (XSLT) Index adjust-time-to-timezone(datetime, hours-from-duration(datetime timezone), 369 duration), 368 base-uri(), 366 hours-from-time(time), 368 boolean(blarg), 367 implicit-timezone(), 367 ceiling(num), 370 index-of((item1, item2, ...), codepoint-equal(item1, item2), 371 searchitem), 370 codepoints-to-string(int1, insert-before((item1, item2, ...), int2, ...), 371 position, inserts), 370 compare(item1, item2), 371 key, 366 compare(item1,item2, collation), lang(lang), 369 371 last(), 367 concat(string1, string2, ...), 371 local-name(), 369 contains(string1, string2), 372 local-name(nodeset), 369 current, 366 lower-case(string), 372 current-date(), 367 matches(string, pattern), 372 current-dateTime(), 367 minutes-from-dateTime(datetime), current-time(), 367 368 data(item, ...), 366 minutes-from-duration(datetime dateTime(date,time), 367 duration), 368 day-from-date(date), 368 minutes-from-time(time), 368 day-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 month-from-date(date), 368 default-collation(), 367 month-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 distinct-values((item1, item2, months-from-duration(datetime ...), collation), 370 duration), 368 document, 366 name(), 369 document-uri(node), 366 name(nodeset), 369 element-available, 366 namespace-uri(), 369 empty(item1, item2, ...), 370 namespace-uri(nodeset), 369 end-with(string1, string2), 372 nilled(node), 366 error(), 369 node-name(node), 366 error(error), 369 node-set, 366 error(error, description), 369 normalize-space(), 371 error(error, description, error- normalize-space(string), 371 object), 369 normalize-unicode(), 372 escape-uri(stringurl, escres), 372 not(blarg), 367 exists(item1, item2, ...), 370 number(arg), 370 false(), 367 position(), 367 floor(num), 370 remove((item1, item2, ...), format-number, 366 position), 370 function-available, 366 replace(string, pattern, generate-id, 366 replacement), 372 hours-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 resolve-uri(relative, base), 372 385
  6. functions (XSLT) (continued) functions (XSLT) (continued) year-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 reverse((item1, item2, ...)), 370 years-from-duration(datetime root(), 369 duration), 367 root(node), 369 round-half-to-even(num), 370 round(num), 370 G seconds-from-dateTime(datetime), Garret, Jesse James, Adaptive Path, 8 368 generate-id function (XSLT), 366 seconds-from-duration(datetime generating proxy classes, 175–177, 191–192 duration), 368 getAllResponseHeaders() method seconds-from-time(time), 368 (XMLHttpRequest object), 92 starts-with(string1, string2), 372 getElementById() function (JavaScript), static-base-uri(), 367 21–22 string(argument), 371 getResponseHeader(“headername”) string-join((string1, string2, method (XMLHttpRequest object), 92 ...), separator), 371 Google string-length(), 371 GMail, 9, 78 string-length(string), 371 Google Maps, 7, 9, 78 string-to-codepoints(string), 371 Google Suggest, 7, 9 subsequence((item1, item2, ...), GridView control (ASP.NET), 129–131 start, length), 371 group validation, 308–310 substring-after(string1, string2), Guthrie, Scott (blogger), 283 372 substring-before(string1, string2), 372 H substring(string, start), 371 HandleClick() function (JavaScript), 35 substring(string, start, length), hasOwnProperty(nameOfProperty) 371 function (JavaScript), 45 system-property, 366 Hello World example timezone-from-date(date), 368 Anthem.NET server-side framework, 232–233 timezone-from-time(time), 368 ComfortASP .NET server-side framework, tokenize(string, patternstring), 210–211 372 MagicAjax server-side framework, 221–222 trace(value, label), 369 Hotmail Kahuna update (Microsoft), 9 translate(string1, string2, hours-from-dateTime(datetime) string3), 372 function (XSLT), 368 true(), 367 hours-from-duration(datetime unordered((item1, item2, ...)), 371 duration) function (XSLT), 368 unparsed-entry-uri, 366 hours-from-time(time) function (XSLT), upper-case(string), 372 368 year-from-date(date), 368 386
  7. JavaScript Index HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) inserting nodes, 63 DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 11 integers, 168 JavaScript, 14 intelligent client-server development, 1 HTML injection attacks, 18 interfaces HTMLHttpRequest library, 199–201 ASP .NET HTTP handlers ICallbackContainer, 133, 154–156 custom, 94 ICallbackEventHandler, 133–137 WebResource.axd HTTP handler, 250 Atlas, 277–280 XMLHttpRequest object, 94–97 International Organization for Standardization HTTP page handlers, Ajax.NET Pro library, (ISO), 30 182–183 Internet Database Connector (IDC), 3 HTTP status codes, 91 Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar, 348–349 HTTP traffic, 351–353 interpreted programs, 11–12 HTTP web services, 103 Invert transform, 302 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) invisible postback, 88–91 Dynamic HTML (DHTML), 11 invoke page method (Anthem.NET server-side JavaScript, 14 framework), 239–242 ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 30 I isPrototypeOf(obj) function ICallbackContainer interface, 133, (JavaScript), 45 154–156 ICallbackEventHandler interface, 133–137 J id attribute, 21 Java IDC (Internet Database Connector), 3 JavaScript, 12, 30 if element (XSLT), 115 user experience, 5 if-else statement (JavaScript), 40–41 JavaScript images, 19–20 Ajax, 8 implicit-timezone() function (XSLT), 367 Ajax.NET Pro library, 192 import element (XSLT), 364 arrays, 38 include element (XSLT), 364 Atlas index-of((item1, item2, ...), extensions, 267–268 searchitem) function (XSLT), 370 files included, 250–251 inheritance, 50–51, 276–277 browser support, 30–31, 33 initiating the asynchronous callback process case-sensitivity, 13, 35 from the browser, 138 code, 35–36 innerHTML property, 23–26 code blocks, 12, 34 insert-before((item1, item2, ...), composite types, 37–38 position, inserts) function (XSLT), constructors, 47–48 370 context menus, 26–27 387
  8. JavaScript (continued) JavaScript (continued) HandleClick(), 35 datatypes, 36 hasOwnProperty(nameOfProperty), 45 debugging isPrototypeOf(obj), 45 Alert statements, 333 OnServerCallError, 142 breakpoints, 336–337 parameters, 34 Command window, 346–347 prompt(), 17 debugger keyword, 342–344 propertyIsEnumerable(nameOf difficulties of, 332 Property), 45 stepping through code, 340–342 RegisterCommonAjax(), 184–186 Visual Studio .NET, 334–347 RegisterTypeForAjax(), 183–184 Watch window, 344–346 RenderControl(), 167 defensive programming, 48 return values, 34 defined, 12 ShowHide(), 25–26 development history, 30 toLocaleString(), 44 DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 11 toString(), 44 drop-down lists, 21–22 Type.registerNameSpace(), 273 dynamic typing, 37 UpdateText(), 25–26 ECMAScript, 30 valueOf(), 44 encapsulation, 46 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 14 escape codes, 16, 36–37 images, 19–20 event handlers inheritance, 50–51 defined, 34–35 Java, 12, 30 onclick, 18–19 keywords onload, 16–17 case, 41 onsubmit, 19 debugger, 342–344 preventing events from bubbling up, 19 delete, 38, 43–44 expressions, 39–40 function, 45 function literals, 45–46 new, 38 functions return, 19 alert(), 13–14 this, 19 arguments, 34 var, 35, 37 BuildHtmlTable(), 169 loops BuildMultiplicationTable(), 169 breaking, 42–43 calling, 33 continuous, 43 ChangeMe(), 20–21, 165–166, 170–171 do/while, 41–42 confirm(), 17–18 endless loops, 15 CreateCustomObject(), 43 for, 14–15, 41–42, 283 CreateXmlHttpRequestObject(), 80 for/in, 42 defined, 20–21 while, 41–42 document.getElementById(), 21–22 object literals, 46 document.write(), 14 objects, 38–39, 43–44 388
  9. libraries Index operators, 39–40 properties K constructor, 44 key element (XSLT), 364 prototype, 44, 49–50 key function (XSLT), 366 prototype chaining, 50–51 keywords (JavaScript) prototypes, 46–49 case, 41 quotation marks, 16 debugger, 342–344 script element, 13–14, 32–33 delete, 38, 43–44 standardization, 30 function, 45 statements new, 38 Alert, 333 return, 19 break, 42–43 this, 19 continue, 43 var, 35, 37 flow control statements, 40–41 Kothari, Nikhil (blogger), 283 if-else, 40 switch, 41 syntax, 12 L writing, 13–14 lang(lang) function (XSLT), 369 syntax, 12, 33–34 language attribute, 32 user input, 17–18 last() function (XSLT), 367 variables, 35 libraries weak typing, 37 Ajax.NET Pro library JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) activating, 163 Ajax, 8 Ajax/AjaxSettingsSection converting objects between .NET and Handler.cs, 188–191 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), AjaxHandlerFactory, 191 193–194 AjaxPro.AjaxMethod() attribute, defined, 103, 124 163–164, 191–192 example, 125 Compiled Library, 160 layout, 124–125 downloading, 180 web services, 103 HTTP page handlers, 182–183 .js filename extension, 14 JavaScript, 192 JScript (Microsoft), 30 Library Source Code, 160, 180 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) preparing applications to use it, 160–161, Ajax, 8 174–175, 180–182 converting objects between .NET and references, 160–161 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), registering page class, 163, 183–186 193–194 using in applications, 161–164 defined, 103, 124 Web.Config settings, 182, 186–188 example, 125 Anthem.NET layout, 124–125 client functions, 237–239 web services, 103 complex controls, 234–235 389
  10. libraries (continued) libraries (continued) custom attributes, 235–237 M Hello World example, 232–233 MagicAjax server-side framework invoke page method, 239–242 call helper, 224–226 micro-content, 242–244 delay message, 222–224 server exceptions, 244–246 Hello World example, 221–222 setup, 231–232 micro-content, 226–231 ComfortASP .NET setup, 219–220 complex controls, 211–212 Manager control (ComfortASP.NET server-side downloading, 208 framework), 213–216 Hello World example, 210–211 March CTP (Atlas project), 249 Manager control, 213–216 matches(string, pattern) function PanelUpdater control, 216–219 (XSLT), 372 setup, 208–209 membership service, 314 HTMLHttpRequest, 199–201 menus, 26–27 MagicAjax message element (XSLT), 364 call helper, 224–226 methods delay message, 222–224 overloads, 171 Hello World example, 221–222 signature, 171 micro-content, 226–231 methods (JavaScript) setup, 219–220 alert(), 13–14 MochiKit, 201–203 arguments, 34 Sarissa, 196–199 BuildHtmlTable(), 169 Library Source Code (Ajax.NET Pro library), BuildMultiplicationTable(), 169 160, 180 calling, 33 listView control, 287 ChangeImage(), 162 (Microsoft), 9 ChangeMe(), 20–21, 165–166, 170–171 local-name() function (XSLT), 369 confirm(), 17–18 local-name(nodeset) function (XSLT), 369 CreateCustomObject(), 43 loops (JavaScript) CreateXmlHttpRequestObject(), 80 breaking, 42–43 defined, 20–21 continuous, 43 document.getElementById(), 21–22 do/while, 41–42 document.write(), 14 endless loops, 15 HandleClick(), 35 for, 14–15, 41–42, 283 hasOwnProperty(nameOfProperty), 45 for/in, 42 isPrototypeOf(obj), 45 while, 41–42 OnServerCallError, 142 lower-case(string) function (XSLT), 372 parameters, 34 prompt(), 17 390
  11. methods (XSLT) Index propertyIsEnumerable(nameOf concat(string1, string2, ...), 371 Property), 45 contains(string1, string2), 372 RegisterCommonAjax(), 184–186 current, 366 RegisterTypeForAjax(), 183–184 current-date(), 367 RenderControl(), 167 current-dateTime(), 367 return values, 34 current-time(), 367 ShowHide(), 25–26 data(item, ...), 366 toLocaleString(), 44 dateTime(date,time), 367 toString(), 44 day-from-date(date), 368 Type.registerNameSpace(), 273 day-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 UpdateText(), 25–26 default-collation(), 367 valueOf(), 44 distinct-values((item1, item2, methods (XML DOM) ...), collation), 370 selectNodes(), 87–88, 91–92 document, 366 selectSingleNode(), 87–88 document-uri(node), 366 methods (XMLHttpRequest object) element-available, 366 abort(), 92 empty(item1, item2, ...), 370 getAllResponseHeaders(), 92 end-with(string1, string2), 372 getResponseHeader(“headername”), 92 error(), 369 open(“method”, “URL”, “async”, error(error), 369 “uname”, “pswd”), 92 error(error, description), 369 send(content), 92 error(error, description, error- setRequestHeader(“label”, object), 369 “value”), 92 escape-uri(stringurl, escres), 372 methods (XSLT) exists(item1, item2, ...), 370 abs(num), 370 false(), 367 adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(date floor(num), 370 time, timezone), 369 format-number, 366 adjust-date-to-timezone(datetime, function-available, 366 timezone), 369 generate-id, 366 adjust-time-to-timezone(datetime, hours-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 timezone), 369 hours-from-duration(datetime base-uri(), 366 duration), 368 boolean(blarg), 367 hours-from-time(time), 368 ceiling(num), 370 implicit-timezone(), 367 codepoint-equal(item1, item2), 371 index-of((item1, item2, ...), codepoints-to-string(int1, searchitem), 370 int2, ...), 371 insert-before((item1, item2, ...), compare(item1, item2), 371 position, inserts), 370 compare(item1, item2, collation), key, 366 371 lang(lang), 369 391
  12. methods (XSLT) (continued) methods (XSLT) (continued) seconds-from-time(time), 368 last(), 367 starts-with(string1, string2), 372 local-name(), 369 static-base-uri(), 367 local-name(nodeset), 369 string(argument), 371 lower-case(string), 372 string-join((string1, string2, matches(string, pattern), 372 ...), separator), 371 minutes-from-dateTime(datetime), string-length(), 371 368 string-length(string), 371 minutes-from-duration(datetime string-to-codepoints(string), 371 duration), 368 subsequence((item1, item2, ...), minutes-from-time(time), 368 start, length), 371 month-from-date(date), 368 substring-after(string1, string2), month-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 372 months-from-duration(datetime substring-before(string1, duration), 368 string2), 372 name(), 369 substring(string, start), 371 name(nodeset), 369 substring(string, start, length), namespace-uri(), 369 371 namespace-uri(nodeset), 369 system-property, 366 nilled(node), 366 timezone-from-date(date), 368 node-name(node), 366 timezone-from-time(time), 368 node-set, 366 tokenize(string, patternstring), normalize-space(), 371 372 normalize-space(string), 371 trace(value, label), 369 normalize-unicode(), 372 translate(string1, string2, not(blarg), 367 string3), 372 number(arg), 370 true(), 367 position(), 367 unordered((item1, item2, ...)), 371 remove((item1, item2, ...), unparsed-entry-uri, 366 position), 370 upper-case(string), 372 replace(string, pattern, year-from-date(date), 368 replacement), 372 year-from-dateTime(datetime), 368 resolve-uri(relative, base), 372 years-from-duration(datetime reverse((item1, item2, ...)), 370 duration), 367 root(), 369 micro-content root(node), 369 Anthem.NET server-side framework, 242–244 round-half-to-even(num), 370 MagicAjax server-side framework, 226–231 round(num), 370 Microsoft seconds-from-dateTime(datetime), Active Server Pages (ASP), 3 368 ASP .NET development, 2–5 seconds-from-duration(datetime FrontPage, 3 duration), 368 Hotmail Kahuna update, 9 392
  13. Microsoft Atlas project Index Internet Database Connector (IDC), 3 requiredFieldValidator control, Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar, 348–349 303–305 JScript, 30 ScriptManager control, 252–253, 9 server controls, 288–292 MSN Virtual Earth, 78 Sys.UI.Data namespace, 287 Passport Service, 312–313 timer control, 292–294 VBScript, 30 typeValidator control, 303, 305 Microsoft Atlas project UpdatePanel control, 288–292 Ajax support, 249, 251 validationErrorLabel control, 303 April CTP 249 , validationGroup control, 308–310 asynchronous operations, 251 data binding blogs, 283 declarative, 297–299 classes defined, 297 adding, 274–275 directions, 302 Array, 267 programmatic, 299–302 Boolean, 268 Sys.BindingDirection enumeration, Date, 267 302 inheritance, 276–277 transformations, 302 Number, 268 validation of data input, 303–310 Object, 267 datatypes, 257–262 RegExp, 268 debugging, 281–283 registering, 273–274 documentation, 273 String, 268 enumerations, 280–281, 302 Sys.Data.DataColumn, 269–271 integration with ASP .NET services Sys.Data.DataRow, 272 authentication, 311–313, 315–319 Sys.Data.DataTable, 270–272 authorization, 311, 314, 319–321 Sys.Net.WebRequest, 268–269 Drag and Drop implementation, 328 Web.Enum, 280 membership service, 314 client-side components, 250 profiles, 311, 314, 322–328 client-side scripts, 283 roles, 311, 314, 319–321 control extenders Web Parts, 314 AutoComplete, 294–297 interfaces, 277–280 Drag and Drop, 328 JavaScript extensions, 267–268 functionality, 294 JavaScript files, 250–251 controls March CTP 249 , button control, 285–286 Microsoft.Web.Atlas.dll server-side custom validators, 306–307 assembly, 250 customValidator control, 303 namespaces functionality, 285 adding, 274–275 listView control, 287 registering, 273 rangeValidator control, 303, 305 Sys.Data, 269 regexValidator control, 303, 305–306 Sys.Net, 268 393
  14. Microsoft Atlas project (continued) Microsoft Atlas project (continued) .NET Framework passing parameters, 257–258 converting objects between .NET and resources, 283 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), server-side support, 250 193–194 synchronous operations, 251–252 reflection, 176–177 UTC encoding for dates and time, 264 network traffic, 351–353 web services new keyword (JavaScript), 38 caching, 263–265 nilled(node) function (XSLT), 366 communicating with, 253–257 node-name(node) function (XSLT), 366 exposing from a web form, 265–266 nodes WebResource.axd HTTP handler, 250 appending, 63 minutes-from-dateTime(datetime) cloning, 63–64 function (XSLT), 368 copying, 63 minutes-from-duration(datetime creating, 62 duration) function (XSLT), 368 inserting, 63 minutes-from-time(time) function properties, 64–69 (XSLT), 368 removing, 63 mismatching parameters, 193 replacing, 63 MochiKit client-side framework, 201–203 node-set function (XSLT), 366 month-from-date(date) function (XSLT), normalize-space() function (XSLT), 371 368 normalize-space(string) function month-from-dateTime(datetime) (XSLT), 371 function (XSLT), 368 normalize-unicode() function (XSLT), 372 months-from-duration(datetime not(blarg) function (XSLT), 367 duration) function (XSLT), 368 Notepad, 12 MSN Virtual Earth, 78 Number class, 268 number element (XSLT), 364 number(arg) function (XSLT), 370 N numeric character references in XML, 108 name() function (XSLT), 369 numeric processing with XSLT, 118–120 name(nodeset) function (XSLT), 369 namespace-alias element (XSLT), 364 namespaces O adding, 274–275 Object class, 267 registering, 273 object literals (JavaScript), 46 Sys.Data, 269 object model standardization, 31, 53 Sys.Net, 268 objects System.Data, 258 Browser object Sys.UI.Data, 287 SupportsCallback property, 132–133 namespace-uri() function (XSLT), 369 SupportsXmlHttp property, 132–133 namespace-uri(nodeset) function (XSLT), ClientScript object (ASP .NET), 134–135 369 custom objects, 169–170 394
  15. Passport Service (Microsoft) Index JavaScript, 38–39, 43–44 obtaining a callback reference, 135–136 request object onclick event, 34–35 onError event, 172 onclick event handler (JavaScript), 18–19 onLoading event, 172–173 onError event, 172 onStateChanged event, 172 onload event handler (JavaScript), 16–17 onTimeout event, 172 onLoading event, 172–173 response object onreadystatechange property context property, 164–165, 171–172 (XMLHttpRequest object), 93 defined, 164 OnServerCallError function (JavaScript), error property, 164–165, 173–174 142 extend property, 164–165 onStateChanged event, 172 request property, 164–165, 173 onsubmit event handler (JavaScript), 19 value property, 164–165, 167–169 onTimeout event, 172 XML Document Object Model, 87 open(“method”, “URL”, “async”, XMLHttpRequest object “uname”, “pswd”) method abort() method, 92 (XMLHttpRequest object), 92 asynchronous requests, 82–84, 88–92 operators in JavaScript, 39–40 browser support, 78–80 otherwise element (XSLT), 364 development history, 78 output element (XSLT), 364 functionality, 8, 77–78 overloads, 171 getAllResponseHeaders() method, 92 getResponseHeader(“headername”) method, 92 P HTTP handlers, 94–97 page class, registering, 163, 183–186 onreadystatechange property, 93 PanelUpdater control (ComfortASP.NET open(“method”, “URL”, “async”, server-side framework), 216–219 “uname”, “pswd”) method, 92 param element (XSLT), 364 passing parameters, 93–94 parameters readyState property, 93 JavaScript functions, 34 responseText property, 84–87, 93 mismatching parameters, 193 responseXML property, 84, 87, 93 passing Sarissa client-side framework, 196 Atlas, 257–258 security, 84 XMLHttpRequest object, 93–94 send(content) method, 92 parsing XML setRequestHeader(“label”, Document Object Model (DOM), 111 “value”) method, 92 Simple API for XML (SAX), 112 status property, 91–93 passing parameters statusText property, 93 Atlas, 257–258 synchronous requests, 81–82 XMLHttpRequest object, 93–94 web services, 97–102 Passport authentication, 312–313 XMLHTTP protocol, 78, 80–81 Passport Service (Microsoft), 312–313 395



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