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Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 2

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Ebook Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 2 gồm có 62 bài luận với nhiều chủ đề gần gũi nhất với mọi tầng lớp trong đời sống hằng ngày. Bên cạnh đó, ở mỗi chủ đề, sách lại chọn ra những vấn đề mà toàn xã hội đặc biệt quan tâm. Trong mỗi bài đều có phần từ vựng và bài dịch để người học tham khảo. Mỗi người sẽ có cách diễn đạt của riêng mình, vì vậy bài dịch ở đây chỉ nên xem như là một tư liệu để đối chiếu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 2 sau đây.

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Nội dung Text: Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 2

  1. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay ' 47. EXAMINATION DAY T h e m ost exciting day in the life of a student is the day during the final exam ination for class prom otion. H e prepares himself well for about a m onth before the exam ination. Even a student who neglects his lessons sits up to make his eleventh hour preparation. A boy who studies hard may feel confident on ce inside the exam ination hall for the first paper. Every student is anxious to know w hether the question papers would be difficult or not. Except a few who do not take their lessons seriously, m ost of the children look forward eagerly to exam ination day. Unlike the oth er days, exam ination days are usually quiet. Every one seem s to browse his notes for the last time before going into the hall. Every minute seem s precious before the bell goes as it provides the last chance to check the facts properly. Som etim es the last minute reading may help you to score marks. It is indeed a»day of excitem ent to every child who takes his or her lessons seriously. 1. to sit up (v): th tfc k h u y a 2. confident (adj): t u tin 3. to brow se (v): x e m lu o t, x e m qua 4 . to score (v): g ia n h d u o c (diem , u.u.) t r o n g cu oc k ie m tra h oa c ki th i 111 Download Ebook Tai:
  2. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan TitNq anIi Thong duNQ NGAY THI Cai ngay hoi hop nhat trong ddi hoc sinh la ngay thi kiem tra cuoi nam de xet len lcfp. H oc sinh phai on tap va chuan bi m ot thang trifdc ky thi. Ngay ca mot hoc sinh thifdng hay b6 bg bai hoc cung phai thifc den mi/di mot gid khuya de on thi. Moi hoc sinh hoc hanh cham chi co the cam thay tif tin b m on thi dau tien. Chung deu nong long muon biet xem de thi de hay kho. Ngoai tri/ mot vai ngifdi khong chiu hoc hanh nghiem tuc, con da so hoc sinh deu ham hcf ddi den ngay thi. Khong nhif nhifng ngay khac, ngay thi thifdng rat yen tinh. Difdng nhif moi ngifdi deu dang xem Iifdt qua bai hoc lan cu6i cung trifdc khi vao phong thi. Moi mot phut trifdc khi chuong do hinh nhif rat quy gia vi do la CO hoi cuoi cung de kiem tra lai cac so lieu da dung chua. Doi khi lan doc lai vao phut cuoi co the giup ban kiem difdc diem. Ngay thi qua that la ngay day phan khich doi vdi nhifng hoc sinh nao hoc hanh dang hoang, nghiem tuc. Download Ebook Tai:
  3. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 48. A HUGE WISHING WELL A wishing well is usually a small pool or well with little water in it. People throw coins in the wishing well and m ake a wish. T hey hope that throwing coins in the well will m ake their wish com e true. O n e wishing well is different from m ost because it is a big pool in the Luray Caverns in Virginia. Thousands of visitors com e to this huge wishing well, m ake a wish, and then throw in a coin or two. T he pool is so big. and so many visitors fling coins into it, that the bottom is alm ost always covered with m oney som etim es thousands of dollars! T h e m oney is later collected and given to organizations of people who are looking for new m edicines and new cures for diseases. 1. to throw (v): n e m , uut, q u a n g 2. coin (n): d o n g tie n 3. m ake a wish (v): cau ita c 4. to fling (v): uut, n e m 5. to collect (v): g o m lai, th u lai 6. organization (n): to c h u c 7. medicine (n): t h u o c ud'ng 8. cure (n): p h u o n g th u o c 9. disease (n): can b en h 113 Download Ebook Tai:
  4. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan TitNg Ash Thong dwq c a i g i£ n g u d c k h 6 n g l 6 G ieng ifdc thifdng la mot cai ho hoac gieng nho trong do chi co m ot it nifdc. Ngifdi ta nem tien xuong gieng ifdc va cau mot dieu gi do. Hi vong rin g khi nem tien xuong gieng. m o \Jdc cua ho se thanh sif thifc. C o m ot cai gieng khac biet hon het thay, bcfi vi no la mot cai ho ldn b Luray Caverns, Virginia. Hang ngan du khach den cai gieng ifdc khong lo nay, ho cau nguyen va nem mot hoSc hai dong tien xuong. Cai ho rat ldn va co qua nhieu du khach quang tien xuong do den noi day ho gan nhif luc nao cung phu day tien co khi hang ngan do la! Sau do cac dong tien nay difdc gom lai va tang ch o cac td chifc dang tim kiem difdc lieu va phifdng phap chifa benh mdi. 114 Download Ebook Tai:
  5. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English cssqy 49. TRAPPED IN A LIFT T h e lift door opened. A small girl and I walked in. “T en th floor, please. T hank you ,” the little girl said with a broad smile. S h e was too short to reach the button. I pressed the buttons and the lift door closed. W hen it reached the 5 floor, the lift jerked violently and stopped moving. I was surprised and the little girl was terrified. 1 pressed the button marked “D oor O p e n ” T here was no response. W e were trapped! W e tried to force open but it did not work. Franticaly, 1 pressed the alarm button. T he little girl suddenly burst into tears. I quickly offered her som e sweets and tried to allay her tears, saying that som eon e would hear the alarm and com e to our rescure soon. Sucking the sweets, the little girl forgot her terror. S o o n , we heard loud noises from outside. T here were people talking and working on the lift door. S o o n , we were freed. T h e little girl ran into the arms of her m other who was waiting anxiously outside the lift. 1 thanked the rescure team for helping m e out and w ent hom e to tell my m other about my adventure. 1. to jerk (v): g ia t (cai gi, ai) b at t h i n h lin h 2. frantic (adj): d ie n c u o n g 3. to allay (v): la m b o t di, la m d iu d i 115 Download Ebook Tai:
  6. Tron Bo SGK: C a c b\ i Iuan tic n q an»i lU o n q duNq 4. to suck (v): m u t n ga m (keo) t 5. tear (n): n ud e m d t B| KET TRONG THANG MAY Cite thang may met. Mot co be gai va toi btfdc vao. "Da tang thi/ mi/di, cam dn", be gai noi cung mot nu ciifr tUdi. C o be qua thap nen khong vdi tdi nut bam difdc. Toi an nut va cite thang may dong lai. Khi den tang nam thang may giat m anh va ngimg chuyen dong. Toi ng§c nhien va co be thi hot hoang. T oi nhan nut co chCf "Md cite". C h ln g co k£t qua gi. Chung toi da b| m ac ket! Chung toi da c o gang md ctte bang sifc minh nhi/ng van khong di/Oc. Toi nhan nut bao dong mot cach dien cuong. C o be dot nhien oa len khoe. Toi voi va dua em vai cai keo va co gang lam cho em bdt so bang cach noi rang ai do se nghe tieng chuong va nhanh chong den cl/u chung ta. Ngam keo trong m om, co be quen di noi khiep so cua minh. Chang bao lau, toi nghe nhieu tieng on ao ti/ ben ngoai. Co tieng ngudi noi va lam viec d ctfa thang may. Mot lat sau. chung toi da dUOc ti/ do. C o be lao vao vong tay cua me dang lo lang chd doi d ben ngoai thang may. Toi cam on doi cifu ho da giup toi thoat nan va tro ve nha de ke ch o me toi nghe ve chuyen di m ao hiem cua minh. 116 Download Ebook Tai:
  7. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 50. THE HAPPIEST DAY IN MY LIFE It was Prize-presentatidn Day. I was chosen to be the model student of the year on the recom m endation of my teacher and classm ates. It was happy that they thought so well of me. W hen I w ent up the stage to collect the prestigious medal and cash award, I was filled with pride and joy. All my teachers and friends congratulated me warmly. My parents beam ed widely. They were very proud of me. After the prize-giving cerem ory, my parents bought me to “Toys-R -U s” shop. T h ere, they bought me a rem ote-controlled model aircraft as a reward for being such a good student. I was overjoyed because I had wanted the model for long time. In extrem ely good m oods, we proceeded to Me Donalds for dinner. W e had m any delicious dishes. W hat a treat I was given! T h at right, I played with my model aircraft before going to bed. For o n ce, my puppy was allowed to sleep with me since it was such a special day. Even the night was filled with sweet dream s. It was probably the happiest day in my life. 1. presentation (n): q u a bieu, ta n g 2. recom m endation (n): s u d e cu, s u gi&i th ie u 3. prestigious (adj): u in h d u 117 Download Ebook Tai:
  8. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bk\ Iuan TitNq an^ Tho*q dung 4. to congratulate (v): ch uc m itn g 5. to beam (v): tu&i citcri ra n g r b 6. rem ote-controlled (adj): d a g c d ie u khie’n t i f xa NGAY HANH PHOC NHAT TRONG OOl TOl D o la ngay phat phan thifdng. T oi difdc binh chon la hoc sinh mau mifc cua nam dite vao sif de cif cua thay co va cac ban cung hoc. T oi rat hanh phuc khi biet moi ngifdi da nghi tot ve t6i nhif the. Khi bifdc len buc de nhan huy chifOng danh dif va phan thifdng being tien mat, long toi tran ngap niem vui va niem hanh dien. T at ca thay co va ban be nong nhiet chuc mifng toi. Ba me toi tifOi cifdi rang rd. Ba me rat d6i tif hao ve toi. Sau le phat phan thifdng, ba me dan toi den cite hang do 7 choi T o y s-R -U s/ 0 do, ba me mua mot mo hinh may bay co bo dieu khien tif xa cho toi v£ coi do la phan thifdng cho m ot so hoc sinh xuat sac. T oi rat vui sifdng vi tif lau toi da m ong muon co difOc mo hinh nay. Trong tam trang rat phan khdi, chung toi den nha hang Me Donalds de dung bute tdi. Chung toi goi rat nhieu m on an ngon. Toi da difpc an mot bCte ra tro! T oi hom ay, tdi choi vdi mo hinh may bay tnfdc khi ngu. Lan dau tien chu cho con difOc phep ngu vdi toi bdi le day la mot ngay dac biet. Ngay ca luc ngu toi cung m d thay nhieu giac mO dep. Do la m ot ngay hanh phuc nhat ddi tdi. 118 Download Ebook Tai:
  9. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 51. AN ADVERTISEMENT As it cam e near the co m er, the taxi stopped suddenly. T he driver got out looking very puzzled. A big lorry which had been following the taxi stopped too. T h e taxi driver was now standing at the co m er looking up at the sky and the lorry driver went and joined him. A num ber of cars behind were forced to stop as well as soon large crowed of people had gathered at the com er. T h e cause of all this trouble was a very strange noise. It sounded as if thousands and thousands of birds w ere singing together. T h e noise was quite frightening and many peole looked disturbed. T h e m ost extraordinary thing was that, apart from one or two pigeons, there was not a bird in sight. No one was able to solve the mystery, until two policem en arrived. T hey noticed a large advertisem ent for a film high up on a wall nearby. As the noise seem ed to be com ing from this direction, they climbed up and found that a tape-recorder had been hidden behind the advertisem ent. T he noise made by birds singing was being broadcast over powerful loudspeaker so as to attract the attention of passers-by. T h e police asked the advertisers to take the recorder away because the advertisem ent had attracted so much attention that it was impossible for a great many carts and buses to m ove freely in the streets. 1. puzzled (adj): boi rd i. lu n g t u n g 2. lorry (n): x e tai 119 Download Ebook Tai:
  10. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan TicNQ an U th ong duNq 3. apart from (prep): ngoai ra 4. advertisement (n): q u a n g cao 5. to attract (v): th u h u t, hap ddn QUANG CAO Khi den gan goc difdng, chiec xe taxi dot ngot difng lai. Ngifcrt tai xe bifdc xuong xe vdi ve mat rat boi roi. Mot xe tai ldn chay sau chiec taxi cung ngi/ng lai. Ngifcfi lai xe taxi dang dC/ng d goc difdng va ngifdc nhin len trcfi, ca anh tai xe xe tai cung bifdc den va nhap bon. Nhieu o to d phia sau buoc phai difrig lai va c h ln g bao lau m ot dam dong ldn da tu tap lai goc difdng. Nguyen nhan cua vu Ion xon nay la do mot am thanh rat doi laJlung. Nhif the co hang ngan con chim dang cung nhau hoa ca. Am thanh that dang sd khien nhieu ngifdi rat lo lang. Dieu ki la nha't la ngoai m ot hai chu bo cau, ngifdi ta khong con trong thay mot con chim nao ca. Khong ai co the ly giai ve dieu bi an nay, cho den khi co hai vien canh sat tien den. Ho de y thay co mot bang quang cao ldn cho m ot bo phim treo tren bifc tifdng gan do. Vi am thanh phat ra tif hifdng do, nen ho treo len va phat hien mot may ghi am gia'u phia sau bang quang cao. Tieng chim hot difOc phat ra qua m ot he thong loa cifc manh de thu hut sif chu y cua khach qua difdng. C anh sat da bao nhCfng ngifdi quang cao lay may ghi am xuong. vi viec quang cao nay da thu hut sif chu y cua qua nhieu ngifdi, den mifc mot so lifdng rat ldn xe hai hoac bon banh va xe buyt khong the di chuyen de dang tren difdng pho. 120 Download Ebook Tai:
  11. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 52. MY AMBITION W hen 1 grow up, I would like to be a veterinarian. This is because of my great love for animals. 1 feel that people should be concerned for their feelings especially when they are sick, injured or frightened. I would like to cure diseases and ease the suffering of these animals. W hen 1 was younger, my family lived in a big house in Malaysia. An animal helpd to shape my ambition to becom e a veterinarian. T h e animal was a kitten that I rescued from a shallow canal. 1 took it hom e and looked after the poor animal. 1 named my kitten Ginger. W e b ecam e great com panions. But one day, poor G inger was run over by a car. From that sad day onwards, I decided to becom e a veterinarian so that 1 could help animals in pain. 1. veterinarian (n): th a y th u o c th u y 2. to cure (v): c h u a k h o i 3. to ease (v): la m d iu b ot 4. suffering (n): sif d a u do'n 5. shallow (adj): non g . k h o n g sau 6. canal (n): k e n h . s o ng d a o 121 Download Ebook Tai:
  12. Tron Bo SGK: _________________________________ C ac bAi I uan TiEwq anIi ih o N g d w g HOAl BAO CUA TOI Khi ldn len, toi muon trd thanh bac si thu y. D o la do toi rat doi yeu thifdng dong vat. Toi thay rang moi ngifdi nen quan tam lo lang den cam giac cua chung, nhat la khi chung dau om, bi thifdng, h o ac khiep sd. T oi muon chOa lanh moi benh tat, lam diu bdt nhCfng noi dau cua cac con vat nay. Luc con be, gia dinh toi song trong mot ngoi nha ldn b Malaysia. Mot con vat da giup toi co difdc ifdc md trd thanh bac si thu y. D o la m ot chu m eo con ma toi da cCfu song b con kenh can. T oi m ang chu ve nha va cham soc cho con vat dang thUdng do. T oi dat ten cho chu la Ginger. Chung toi tr6 thanh ban be than thiet. Nhung m ot horn, m eo Ginger toi nghiep bi xe can chet. TCf cai ngay dau buon do, toi da quyet dinh se trb thanh bac si thu y de co the giup dd nhCfng con vat trong con dau ddn. 122 Download Ebook Tai:
  13. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 53. CHICKEN THAT PLAYS THE PIANO Mrs. Little saw an ad on television. It was selling trained chickens, but each chicken cost a lot of money. S o Mrs. Little decided to train her own. S h e w ent to a farm, bought a chicken, and began teaching it. B a Little knew that chickens love to peck. Sh e acquired a toy piano and put food on the keys. T he chicken would pick at the piano keys to get the food. Each time the chicken pecked, it would be playing the piano. S o o n Mrs. Little had the chicken playing without food on the keys. T he chicken knew it would get fed after it finished playing. Mrs. Little had the only piano-playing chicken in Benld, lllions or anywhere! 1. chicken (n): con ga con 2. to decide (v): q u y e t d in h 3. ad (n): h a n h d o n g t h o n g bao, q u a n g cao 4. to train (v): d a o tao, h u d n g d dn 5. to peck (v): m o 6. to acquire (v): co d u o c 123 Download Ebook Tai:
  14. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan t U nq an Ii Thowq duNq GA CON CHOI DAN DI/ONG CAM Mrs. Little da xem mot chifdng trinh quang cao tren ti vi noi ve nhCfng chu ga con difdc huan luyen, nhung gia cua moi chu ga do rat dat. Vi the ba quyet dinh tif minh huan luyen con ga. Ba di den nong-trai, mua mot con ga con va bSt dau day no. B a Little biet rang ga con thich mo. Ba kiem mot cay dan difong cam do choi va dat thCfc an tren cac phim dan. Ga con se md len phim dan de lay thifc an. Moi lan ga con m o, no cung se choi dan. Chang bao lau ba Little da tap cho ga con chcfi dan ma khong can de thifc an tren phim. Ga con biet no se difOc cho 3n sau khi choi dan xong. B a Little co con ga biet choi dan difOng cam duy nhat b • Benld, Illions va d bat cif noi dau. 124 Download Ebook Tai:
  15. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English cssoy 54. A COURTESY CAMPAIGN In February my school organized courtesy cam paign. This cam paign was to m ake students realize the im portance of being courteous. During that m onth, we had an exhibition on the different ways of showing courtesy. T h ere was a picture of a young boy giving up his seat on the bus to an old lady. A nother picture showed a person saying “T h an k you” after receiving a gift from som eone. W e w ere also treated to a film show on the different ways a person could be courteous. W e learnt to greet our teachers politely. I also learnt to be m ore courteous to my friends. I said “Thank you” when I borrow ed som ething from them or when they helped me with my schoolw ork. Most of all, I felt that I had leam t to be m ore courteous to both people 1 knew as well as to strangers. I thought the courtesy cam paign in my school was a success. 1. cam paign (n): cu o c van d o n g , chien d ich 2. courtesy (n): th a i d o n h a nhd n , lich su 3. exhibition (n): cu o c t r u n g bay, trie n lam 4. different (adj): k h a c 5. to learn (v): h o c 125 Download Ebook Tai:
  16. Tron Bo SGK: C a c bAi Iuan t U'n q an U Thong duNq CUOC VAN O0NG t h a n h lic h V ao thang hai, tnfdng toi phat dong mot phong trao thanh lich. Phong trao nay nham giup hoc sinh nhan thifc ditoc tam quan trong cua phep lich sif va le do. Trong suot thang do, chung toi co m ot cuoc tRfng bay ve viec bieu hien phep lich sif theo nhieu cach khac nhau. C o bifc tranh ve m ot cau be nhifdng ch o tren xe buyt ch o mot ba cu. BCfc tranh khac la hinh anh m ot ngifdi dang noi “C am On” sau khi nhan difOc m on qua cua ai do tang. Chung toi cung di/Oc xem phim ve nhieu cach the hien thai do lich sif khac nhau cua m ot ngifdi. Chung toi da hoc cach chao hoi thay co mot cach le phep. T oi cung hoc difdc cach lich sif hon vdi ban be. T oi noi “Cam cfn nhe" khi mifdn cua ban m ot vat gi do hoac khi ban giup toi lam bai tap d trifdng. Quan trong hon ca, tdi hieu minh phai lich sif hon vdi ngifdi quen cung nhif ngifdi la. Tdi nghi rin g cuoc van dong thanh lich d trifdng tdi da thanh cong. 126 Download Ebook Tai:
  17. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 55. SPORTS DAY Yesterday, my school held its annual Sports Day. It was an exciting day for all the students in my school. The events were to be held at two o ’clock in the afternoon. But all the students were told to report to school at nine o ’clock in the m orning." A lot of things needed to be done so that the event would run smoothly. A num ber of us helped to arrange the chairs in neat rows. A few schoolm ates helped to hang up som e decorations. T h e time passed very quickly. Before we realized it, parents and other visitors had begun to arrive. This was the first time I would be participating in a race. I felt really excited and nervous. W hen my race was announced, I went to the track to get ready. I did not win the race, but it was a good experience. By six o ’clock in the evening, all the sports events were over. It had been a very tiring but happy day. 1. to arrange (v): ui t r i 2. to participate (v): th a m d u 3. nervous (adj): ca n g thang, hoi h o p 4. track (n): d u d n g d u a 5. ready (adv): san sang 127 Download Ebook Tai:
  18. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi Iuan Ticwq an U Thong dung NGAY HOl TH^ THAO Horn qua, trifdng toi da td chifc ngay hoi the thao hang nam . D o la mot ngay soi noi nhat doi vdi toan bo hoc sinh cua trifdng. C ac mon thi dau difdc tien hanh vao hai gid tnJa. Nhifng tat ca hoc sinh phai co mat tai trifdng luc chin gid sang. C an phai lam nhieu viec de cuoc thi dau dien ra tot dep. M&t so hoc sinh sap xep ghe ngoi thanh hang ngay ngan. So khac m ang theo mot so' do trang tri. Thdi gian troi qua that mau. Trifdc khi chung tdi nhan ra dieu do, phu huynh va khach khifa da bat dau den. Day la lan dau tien tdi tham dif m ot cuoc chay dua. Tdi that sif cam thay kich dong va cang th in g . Khi cuoc dua cua tdi difOc thong bao, toi di den difdng dua va chuan bi s in sang. Tdi khong th in g cuoc, nhifng do la mot kinh nghiem quy bau. V ao luc sau gid chieu, moi cuoc thi dau deu ket thuc. Do la mot ngay het sifc met nhoc nhifng vo cung vui ve. 128 Download Ebook Tai:
  19. Tron Bo SGK: Commonly used English essay 56. THE REASON WHY THE YOUNG PEOPLE PREFER TO LIVE IN TOWN Young people are always active and keen on learning so m ost of them prefer to live in town. First of all, living in town they have many chances to widen their knowledge. Nowadays many language schools and centers open in town. T hey can go to any evening classes to improve their foreign languages such as French, English, Russian, G erm an, Ja p a n e se and C hinese. Experienced teachers and professors are ready to provide them with what they want to know. Besides that, they can go to public libraries or English speaking clubs to broaden their knowledge and drill their English speaking skills. Secon d , living in town they can keep abreast of current affairs all over the world by reading new spapers, magazines or by watching television or listening to the radio. In the morning, they saw Kuwait occupied by Irag troops but in the evening, they saw them driven out of this oil-producing country by powerful allied forces. Third, our country is open to all foreign investments and town is the cradle of industrial development. T herefore, upon graduating from university, they can have favorable opportunities to m ake full use of their ability. 129 Download Ebook Tai:
  20. Tron Bo SGK: C ac bAi I uan Tieng Awh T h o n g dung Finally, there are many com fortable m eans of com m unication and entertainm ent in town. T hey can go anywhere they like and after a hard day's work they can enjoy minutes of recreation by watching interesting films on a large screen in a m odem and air-conditioned cinema in town. For the above-m entioned reasons, an urban life has always been a fascinating appeal to all young m en in the world. 1. active (adj): n d n g d o n g 2. to be keen on (v): h a m m e I 3. chan ce (n): c o hoi 4 . to widen (to broaden) (v): m o ro n g 5. to improve (v): cai th ie n L? DO TAI SAO THANH Nl£N THICH S6NG 6 THANH THj HON Gidi tre luon luon nang dong va hieu hoc vi vay ho thich song cf thanh pho. Trifdc het, song d thanh pho hp co nhieu cO hoi de md mang kien thCrc. Ngay nay nhieu trifdng va trung tam ngoai ngCf difdc m d tai thanh pho. Hp co the den bat ky mot ldp hoc dem nao de trau doi ngoai nguf nhif Phap, Anh, Nga, DifC. Nhat va Trung Quoc. NhCfng giao vien va giao sif giau kinh nghiem sin sang cung cap cho hp nhCfng gi hp can biet. Ngoai ra. hp con co the den nhCfng thif vien cong cong hay cac cau lac bo noi tieng Anh de me? rong kien thCfc va luyen tap ki nang noi. Thif hai, song tai thanh pho hp co the theo kip cac bien co dang xay ra khap noi tren the gidi bang cach doc bao, xem ti vi 130 Download Ebook Tai:



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