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Các thì mạo từ tiếng Anh và bài tập: Phần 2

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Phần 2 của cuốn Tài liệu Bài tập và các thì mạo từ tiếng Anh do Thanh Huyền biên soạn tiếp tục giới thiệu tới các bạn những bài tập về thì và mạo từ trong tiếng Anh. Với hệ thống bài tập đa dạng, trình bày dễ hiểu sẽ giúp các bạn nắm bắt tốt hơn những kiến thức về thì và mạo từ. Mời các bạn tham khảo Tài liệu để bổ sung thêm kiến thức trong lĩnh vực này.

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Nội dung Text: Các thì mạo từ tiếng Anh và bài tập: Phần 2

  1. TEST 15 I. P u t each verb in brackets into a su itable tense. 1. Over the years she (collect) thousands of stamps. 2. Give him my message as soon as you (see) him. 3. Listen! It (begin) to rain. 4. When I met him, he already (have) his dinner. 5. “I was lonely at first” the old man admitted; “but after a time I got used to (live) and even got (like) it”. 6. Before trains were invented, people used (travel) on horseback or in stage coaches. 7. It used (take) an express coach three days (go) from London to Bath. 8. I meant (buy) an evening paper but I didn’t see any one (sell) them. 9. Tom: I want (catch) the 7a.m train tomorrow. 10. You are not very good at (get) up early, are you? 11. He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid of (complain). 12. He was afraid of (lose) his job. 13. He remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. He remembers (go) to school for the first time. 14. Jane was so interested in (listen) to classical music. 15. Did you remember (lock) the car? No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) back and (do) it now. II. P u t a, an, one the or nothing (X) in the blank. y 1. Will you give m e ................ apple? 2................ might think you are annoying". 3..... Do you need my pencil? No, thanks. I have g o t.................myself 4. Who is th at woman? Which ............ ? The i n ................ brown dress. 113
  2. õ................ day, they fo u n d.............. beautiful box. 6. Sometimes we say that someone is .............. “square peg i n ..............round hole”. 7. He may be .............. book-keeper who really wants to b e ............ actor or ............... mechanic who likes cooking. 8. As ............... result, they probably are not doing ............ very good job and certainly they are not happy. 9. Choosing............ right carrier is very important. 10. Now ............ man, with ........... knowledge of plants and .......... help of machines, can cultivate hundreds of ..............acres. 11. Before ............ invention of postage stamp, it was difficult to s e n d ...............letter t o ................. another country. 12. Collecting stamps is not ............. of ............ most inexpensive hobbies i n 13. There were several other beds in ............ ward, and e a c h ...... .......h a d ............... patient in it. 14. Some people were hurt in ............... accident but o n ly ............ was taken t o ................. hospital. 15............... of .............. girls who worked in that company died. / / / ệ Choose the best answ er (AfByC or D) to complete each sentence. 1. I’ve been working with this puzzle for two hours. It’s must be a hard one.............. A. solve B. solved c. to solve D. solving 2. At the station, we often see the sign:........... for pickpockets. A. Watch up B. Watch on c. Watch out D. Watch at 3. You m u s tn 't...............these difficult exercises; do them all. A. leave off B. leave behind c. leave for D. leave out 114
  3. 4..................... next Sunday. A. I would rather you had come B. I would rather you have come c. I would rather you came D. I should rather you come 5. He said if he................ a millionaire, he would travel round the world once a year. A. is B. was c. were D. would be 6. The office was in an up road. Yes, it was full of..............people. A. complained B. complaint c. complain D. complaining 7. Who’s that man over there. I................. recognize his face, b u t............. remember his name. A. can’t ế..didn’t B. could...didn’t c. did ...can’t D. can...don’t 8. Will your sister be present at the meeting? She will..............she still has a cold. A. because B. whether c. while D. although 9. Do you often hear from John? No, I ............ from him since I .............his last letter three months ago. A. didn’t hear...received B. didn’t hear...have received c. haven’t heard... received D. haven’t heard... have received 10. The earthquake surprised everyone. Yes I was reading paper when it........... A. had hit B. hit 115
  4. c. has hit D. had been hit 11. I wonder how John’s trip was. I don’t know. I haven’t seen him.............. A. Because he arrived B. until he arrived c. since he arrived D. when he arrived 12. You look tired. Well, it w as............... that I feel like going to bed. A. so long test B. very long test c. a long test D. such a long test 13. The traffic was held...............because of the accident. A. over B. down c. up D. under 14. Please help yourself................ whatever you like. A. on B .in c. over D. to 15. These factories were ugly buildings with chim neys..............out black smoke. A. pour B. to pour c. poured D. pouring 16. Why didn’t you attended the concert? I would have gone if I ............ time. A. have had B. have c. would have D. had had 17. Susan is aừeady in bed. She rarely stays up late....................? A. doesn’t she B. will she c. does she D. won’t she 18. Shall we go now? No, let’s not............ 116
  5. A. To leave B. leave c . leaving D. to be leaving 19. I’m sorry you failed the examination. Frankly, I wish................ harder. A. studied B. had studied c. was studying D. did study 20. The weather report said there would be shower activity. Then I must take my um brella............ it rains. A. In spite of B. if c. because D. although IV. W rite a new sen ten ce as s im ila r as p ossible in m ea n in g to the o rig in a l sentence u sin g the w ord in ca p ita l letters. 1. On my birthday I had only my dog for company. OWN Only my b irth d ay ........................................ 2. The manager told his staff that he was pleased, but they could do better. ROOM The m an ag er....................................................... 3. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. CALL He likes............................................................... 4. I don’t know which dress to buy. I can’t decide. MIND I don’t know.................................................. 5. Please pay attention to what I am saying. NOTICE Please ta k e................................................... 6. I hate the winter - it really depresses me. DOWN 117
  6. I h ate.............................................. ............ 7. Susan got married without her parents’ knowledge. UNAWAEE Susan parents.................... ............................ Salaries have doubled in the last eight years. TWICE Salaries a re ................................................... 9. These new students feel the same way about each other. MUTUAL Their feeling.............................. ................. 10. The incident ruined my chances of promotion. PAID The incident ................................................ TEST 16 I. P u t each verb in brackets into a su ita b le tense. 1. Next time we go (house-hunt), remember to ask the agent for clear directions. 2. I wasted hours (look) for this book. 3. Let’s (go) for a swim. 4. I’m not particularly keen on (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead? 5. The hunters expected (be paid) for the snakes they caught. 6. She seemed (expect) me (do) it. 7. I wasn’t anxious (be) the first who died of snakebite. 8. After (spend) two days (argue) about where to go for their holidays, 9. They decided (not go) to the cinema. 10. He is talking about (give) up his job and (go) (live) in the country. 118
  7. 11. I was just about (leave) the office when the phone rang. 12. My wife wanted me (call) at the butcher’s on my way home. 13. He said I’m terribly sorry to (keep) you (wait). 14. Although she said “It doesn’t matter at all” he went on (apologize) for nearly five minutes. 15. The lecturer began by (tell) us where the island was and went on (talk) about its history. II. P u t a, an, the or n o th in g (X) in the blank. l ế Eventually Charlie managed to trap ........... bat in ............... box and went out into .............. front garden clutching ............ box as if it had .............. bomb inside it, took o ff............ lid a n d ..............bat, obviously delighted to be free, flew away in to ............... dark. 2. Eventually Maria, who had been playing ........... guitar while Charlie was upstairs, asked Charlie if he had found out w h a t.............. thing was. 3. Oh, nothing to worry about, he said casually hoping th a t................terror could not be seen in his eyes, “it was ju st............ bat.” 4. To establish Ninh Binh Electricity Company, .......... independent-accounting member enterprise under Vietnam Electricity Corporation, which is organized. 5. Operates in form of one-member limited liability company, on .............. basis of reorganizing Ninh Bmh Electricity, ........... dependent-accounting member unit o f .............. Electricity Company o f .......... Region I. 6............... Indian boy ran swiftly from......... village i n ..............Mexico. 7. Only ................ few moments before, they had been pulled fro m .............. cold w ater o f ...............lake. 8. Suppose there were ............ flood or ........... earthquake 119
  8. a n d ............ people could not be reached by trains or trucks. 9. Active systems, on ............... other hand, consist of components which are to ...............large extent independent of .............. building design and often require .............. auxiliary energy source for transporting .............. solar energy collected to its point of use. 10.............. ecosystem consists of .............. number of living organisms and their physical environment. 11. There is ............... flow of energy from ............... non­ living organisms to ...•.......... living organisms. 12. There are six major components i n ........... ecosystem. 13.............. organic and inorganic substances in ........... ecosystem re g u la te ........... work o f ............... system. 14. They affect a l l ........... processes i n .............ecosystem. 15. English has com language because of its establishment as ............... mother tongue outside England, in a l l ............ continents o f ................ world. /JJẵ Choose the best an sw er (A,B,C or D) to complete ea ch sentence. 1. The lake had ice on it this morning. I t...............very cold last night. A. must have gotten B. could have gotten c. would have gotten D. should have gotten 2. Do you think we should give Mr. John a drink? No, he looks.......... A. comfortable *B. real comfortable c. comfort D. comfortably 3. They’ll be given a meal and then ............ to find out why 120
  9. they fled their country. A. questioned B. so terrified ' c. terrifying me much D. terrified me much 4. In ............... the Trans-Siberian Railway was built and people were encouraged to settle in Siberia. A. Nicholas II reign B. Nicholas’ II reign c. Nicholas II’s reign D. reign of Nicholas II 5. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) ended with the serve defeat of Russia and the almost..............of the Russian navy. A. complete destroying B. complete destruction c. complete destroyed D. complete destroy 6. I couldn’t possibly go there ................. my parents gave me some money. A. if B. because c. because of D. unless 7 .1 am sorry I didn’t see my uncle yesterday, I wish............... A. I had seen him BỗI saw him c . I h a v e se e n h im D. I didn’t see him 8. They made me................ A. working hard B. to work hardly c. work hard D. work hardly 9. He can’t solve this problem, and.................... A. his friend can’t too B. neither can’t his friends c. his friends can’t either 121
  10. D. either can his friends 10. He................ to the last meeting, but he didn't. A. must go B. should have gone c. would go D. had gone 11. These oranges are sold..............the dozen. A. at B. for c . by D. of 12. You speak Italian, don’t you? No, I don’t speak Italian, but I........ speak French. A. do B. must c. ought D. have to 13. Does John need a new car? At moment, he’s A. To buy B. buying c. to buying D. buy 14. She’d rather stay home th an ............ shopping. A. will go B. going c. to go D. go 15. The secretary has been busy typing.... afternoon. A. all B. on c. in D. during 16. G reater efforts to increase production must be made if bread short-ages............... avoided. A. will be B. can be c. are to be D. were to be 17. The settlers at Jamestown lived in wild berries and roots because they h a d ............... to eat. A. nothings B. nothing c. nothings else D. nothing else 18. Did you enjoy the film strip? Yes, it was very................ 122
  11. A. informing B. informative c. informed D. information 19. You didn’t complete the assignment. - I would have if I time. A. had had B. could have c. have D. had 20. Many died starvation or disease because they lived in badly . conditions. A. of/ overcrowded B. with/ overcrowded c. of/ overcrowding D. with / overcrowding /Vằ W rite a new sen ten ce as s im ila r as p o ssib le in m ea n in g to the o rig in a l sentence u sin g th e w ord in ca p ita l letters. 1. I don’t mind discussing it with you. WILLING I’m................................................................... 2. Not many people attended the meeting. TURNOUT There was.................................................... 3. Some people will do anything to lose weight. LENGTHS Some people..................................................... 4. The river Volta overflowed last year. BURST The river.......................................................... 5. The number of the people out of work has been going down little by little. GRADUAL There h a s....................................................... 6 I daren’t turn on the T.v because the baby might wake up 123
  12. FEAR I .................................................................... 7.David never had enough to live on until he married that rich businesswoman. SHORT David w as................................................... 8. Jack decided th at an actor’s life was not for him. CUT Jack ............................................................... 9. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. GET AWAY The b a n k ....................................................... 10. The children made every effort to please their father BEST The children did............................................ TEST 17 I. P u t each verb in brackets into a su ita b le tense. 1. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living, but I mean (show) him that he is wrong. 2. I can’t get my car (start) on cold mornings. 3. Have you tried (fill) that bottle with hot water? That is very funny. 4. Did he manage (carry) the table upstairs? 5. He isn’t strong enough (move) the washing-machine to the other corner of the kitchen. 6. Don’t forget (take) a camera with you. 7. It would be not good (ask) Tom (do) that work. 124
  13. 8. I saw Paul (watch) television when I came to see him. 9. We stopped (talk) when seeing the teacher. 10. I like (have) dinner out with my parents. l l ề Your hair needs (cut). You’d better (have) it done tomorrow. 12. I tried (persuade) him to travel with me. 13. I don’t mind (travel) by bus. 14. I hate (stand) in queues. 15. He kept on criticizing my work till threatened (hit) him. 11. P u t a, an, the o r n othing (X) in the blank. (I ) long, long time ago (2)........... man with (3) elephant came to (4)..............village. This was (5) ............... first time (6) ................ people of (7) .............. village had seen (8) .............. elephant, and they wanted to know (9) .................. weigh of (10) ............... elephant. But (II) everybody had different ideas about it. Each of them said th at he was right and (12) ............... others were wrong. They tried to think of (13)................ plan by which they could know how much (14) ............... elephant weighed. But they could not find any. III. Choose the best a n sw er (A,B,C or D) to com plete each sentence. 1. About a third of the people of Ghana cannot read and write but the number of children in school ............ growing........... A. are/rapid B. is/rapid c. are/rapidly D. is/rapidly 2. Fish................ animals with a backbone and jaw. A. is cold-blood B. are cold-blood c. is cold-blooded 125
  14. D. are cold-blooded 3. - What advice did you give the student? - Well, I recommended that he............. to the dean. A. spoke B. will speak c. speak D. had spoken 4. Who is the new biology professor? - He’s the m an............ to the secretary now. A. which is talking B. talking c. th at he is talkingD. that talks 5. - Why is Charles angry? - The teacher made him................ the verbs. A. study B. to study c. studying D. studies 6. - I’m supposed to catch the afternoon feature. - Then you should leave now..............? A. shouldn’t you B. wouldn’t you c. should you D. might you 7. Last night we................a great deal from the heat. A. had suffered B. were suffered c. suffered D. were suffer 8. Britain h as..............extensive road system. A. a B. the c . an D .X 9. Trees help prevent the erosion of soil by............... it from the wind and the rain. A. protect B. to protect c. protected D. protecting 10. Are you sorry that you didn’t take pictures? - Yes, I regret................any. A. not to take B. that I not take 126
  15. c. not taking D. to not taken 11. She was busy............... a variety of articles to the customers. A. with introducing B. introducing c. not taking D. to not taken 12. Did he make any comments? - Yes, he said it was imperative that we..............on time tomorrow. A. had been B. were c. have been D. be 13. So far three houses.................. A. are built B. were built c . ha ve b u ilt D. have been built 14. What’s taking an entrance ex am ................? A. like B. alike c. likely D. look like 15. The student,................ his lesson thoroughly, was prepared for the exam. A. to study B. studying c. studied D. having studied 16. I’m going out now. - Would you mind................... me the key to the house? A. leave B. leaving c. to leave D. leaves 17. Why are you here and not in the library? - I guess I’m tired...... ....... studying. A. of B. with c. for D. by 18. The Swiss............. ...thrifty and hard-working. A. is B. are c. has D. have 127
  16. 19. Jane said th at you had read the book three times. -Yes, I found it very............... A. amusingly B. amuse c. amusing Dỗamused 20. The students have already gone. - Yes, the teacher let them ...................early. A. to leave B. leave c . le a v in g D . le ft IV. W rite a new sentence as s im ila r as possible in m eanin g to the o rig in a l sentence using the word in c a p ita l letters. 1. He feels bad about cheating them. CRAVING He’s got........................................................... 2. You can avoid tooth decay brushing your teeth regularly. PREVENTED Tooth............................................................... 3. I think cycling is preferable to walking. RATHER ' I’d ................................................................... 4. They share a lot of hobbies and interests. COMMON They h a v e ................................................... 5. He stood no chance of passing the exams. BOUND He w as........................................................... • 6. Bad weather delayed the flight. DUE The flight............................................ ........... 7. What you do with the money is of no interest to me. CARE I ......................................................................................... 128
  17. 8. It’s not convenient to live too far from the supermarket. SUCH L iving........................................................... 9. The rock rolled down with a crash. DOWN Down............................................................... 10. Please don’t give me an injection. I’D RATHER I’d rath e r....................................................... TEST 18 I. P u t each verb in b rackets into a su ita b le tense. 1. I have (stay) here, I’m only duty. 2. You’re free (go) whenever you like. 3. There is no point in (arrivẹ) half an hour early. 4. I always try (come) in quickly but they always hear me (go) upstairs. 5. You’d better (start) early. We don’t want (risk) (get) caught in traffic jam. 6. He suggested (call) a meeting and (let) the workers (decide) the m atter themselves. 7. The children were anxious (camp) out. 8. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people (talk) about it. 9. They let us park motorcycles here but they won’t allow us (park) cars. 10. They don’t allow (smoke) in the petrol-station. 11. Mr. Shaw is (write) his memoirs. 12. W hat about (buy) a new cooker? 129
  18. 13. He asked (see) my ticket and when I wasn’t able (find) it he made me (buy) another. 14. Would you like me (turn) down the radio a bit? 15. I used (eat) a lot of sweets when I was a child. II. F ill in the b la n k s w ith a, an, or the. 1ẺMy name is Mark, and I a m student m Italy. I have been living and studying in Italy for a lm o st..................year. 2. Traditionally, ................. most popular disguises on Halloween were no longer, a long time ago, people believed t h a t .............. sprits o f ............ dead walked ............. !... earth on October 31st. 3. Halloween was originally ............ religious holiday that began in Ireland and Scotland i n ............. year 1,000 BC. 4. Nowadays, in ................ United States, Halloween no longer h a s ................ religious meaning for most people. 5. For most people, Halloween is just ............... day to h a v e ..............lot of fun and g o .................little bit crazy. 6. In 1613, King James VI of Scotland and I of England permitted himself to be entertained in ................ English village with “music and football match” and ............... few years later, ................... English dictator Olive Cromwell played football when he was at university. 7. This is mainly due to ......... remarkable discovery made by ................ country doctor, Edward Jenner, in about 1798 when he published ............... account of his experiments in method called “vaccination”. 8................. pig made .............. mess throughout .............. house. 9. It is .. ....... day to be proud of all progressive people who took .......... active part in winning .............. victory o v e r....... fascists and h elp ed ..............Soviet Army. 130
  19. 10................... only nation that can nowadays be said to rival ................ United States in ............... volume of films produced, money made and numbers entertained is India, which has ............ extremely successful how and export business in films. 11ỆThere i s ............... monument to him i n ............... city. 12. Take ............... baseball game for example, ............ sudden rain storm can halt ............... exciting game sending .............. players and ............... 20,000 persons w running for coverẵ 13. Rain check is also used in social situations, it i s ................ way of accepting..............invitation but f o r .................time. 14ử Passive systems collect and distribute solar energy w ith o u t............ use o f .................auxiliary energy source. 15. Today, when English is one of ................. major languages in ............... world, it requires ............... effort of ............... imagination to realize that this .............. relatively recent thing th a t in Shakespeare’s time. JJ/ẳ Choose the best a n sw er (A,B,C or D) to com plete each sentence. 1. Why are you in such a hurry? - The library said it was important that I ................ this book immediately. A. returned BỄwas returning c. had returned D. return 2. Why is Jan et so spoiled? - She is accustomed to............... whatever she wants. A. have B. had c. she has D. having 3. I don't think we are on the right road. We ............ someone. 131
  20. A. had better ask B. should better ask c. had better asked D. have better ask 4. The development of new crop strains ................ greatly increased yields. A. is B. are c . has D. have 5. Johnny is supposed to visit me this afternoon. If he , tell him I said “hello”. A. coming B. came c. comes D. will come 6. W hat exactly do you want? - 1 would like to see you........... a good job on the project. A. to do B. doing c. having done D. do 7. Are you going to send the letter? - Not now. I must have it............ first. A. to be signed B. signing c. sign D. signed 8. What do you think about the Ư.S? - If I had known it was so industrialized, I ............... come here. A. would never haveB. will never c. would never D. had never 9. Some flowers have............... petals. A. bright colour B. bright coloured c. brightly coloured D. colour-bright 10. There ............... considerable improvements in agriculture since World War II. A. was B. were 132



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