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Cách xây dựng chương trình PR hiệu quả

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Companies are starting to get it – conscience isn’t just trendy, it’s necessary • “Sustainable development plans” are becoming commonplace • No one wants to be Martha, Enron, etc. • The Bonus: Doing good = Good for business

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Nội dung Text: Cách xây dựng chương trình PR hiệu quả

  1. Creating an Effective  Community Relations Program Presented by Maureen Rich The Edison Group
  2. Spotlight on Community Relations • Companies are starting to get it – conscience isn’t just trendy, it’s necessary • “Sustainable development plans” are becoming commonplace • No one wants to be Martha, Enron, etc. • The Bonus: Doing good = Good for business
  3. A Gradual Shift • PriceWaterhouseCoopers 2002 Sustainability Survey Report – 140 U.S. companies – 70 percent had no broad-based sustainability program in place yet. – 69% were reviewing or revising ethics programs or their corporate-governance process
  4. Top 10 Reasons Companies  Are Getting Involved Competitive Advantage (75%) Cost Savings (73%) Industry Trends (62%) CEO/Board Commitment (58%) Customer Demand (57%) SRI Demand (42%) Top-line Growth (37%) Shareholder Demand (20%) Access to Capital (12%) PriceWaterhouseCoopers
  5. In Their Own Words • More than 7 of 10 Americans say they distrust CEOs of large corporations • 80 percent of surveyed CEOs agree non-financial indicators such as environmental and social performance metrics are essential to characterizing future financial performance – Business Week • 70 percent of investors consider reputation in their decisions – Citizen watch • 91 percent of surveyed CEOs believe CSR management creates shareholder value – Managing CSR Report
  6. Baseline Basics • Determine Goals • Establish Protocol & Criteria • Get Everyone Involved • Incorporate PR Elements • Establish a Metrics System
  7. Determine Goals • What Do We Want Program/Involvement to Accomplish? – Reposition company – Raise CEO profile – Get more press coverage in X community – Establish company as a resource  Community  Media  Government reps – Target a specific audience  Latino community  Teens  Elderly/baby boomers with aging parents
  8. Establish Protocol & Criteria • Establish a process/protocol • Decide how to respond to requests – Relevance: What are our criteria for getting involved? – Budget: What are our constraints? – Always ask: Will fulfilling this request help us fulfill our goal/mission? • Determine level of involvement up front – but get involved! – Be more than a name in a press release – be visible – Provide resources or planning support if possible – Consider pros, cons to partnerships • Weigh short- and long-term benefits
  9. Get Everyone Involved • Encourage employee involvement – Show enthusiasm, participation from the top down – Get departments involved – Provide incentives (e.g., comp day for day spent volunteering) – Create team-oriented events • Volunteer programs • Sponsorships that foster teamwork • Fundraisers • Prepare employees for events – Identify spokespersons (bilingual) – Ensure consistent messaging
  10. Incorporate PR Elements Remember: • Don’t do CR for the PR… • But leverage CR in ways that maximize PR potential • Don’t lose your mission! But don’t forget: not everyone (i.e., media) cares • Offer compelling stories beyond “Company writes check” • Put spotlight on subject, not donation • Offer solutions to timely problems • Have local stories ready
  11. Establish a Metrics System • Establish goals • Understand your impact on quarterly, annual bases • Characteristics of a “good” metric: – Measurable – Easy – Timely – Repeatable – Insightful – Controllable • Pay attention to the data; don’t just tally — measure
  12. Effective CR the SoCal Way A ’70s icon… …combined with the right strategy!
  13. Case Study: 21st Century Insurance When the ’70s Icon Becomes Part of the Strategic Solution • Situation Five Years Ago: – 21st Century Insurance was a leading California auto insurer – Heavily involved philanthropically but without strategic direction – Virtually no press coverage for any goodwill projects • Goals: – Continue philanthropy but with a more targeted approach – Raise 21st’s profile… and get press coverage for their goodwill efforts!
  14. PR Campaign Elements  • Child safety seat program (targeting key demo) – Educate parents on state law, proper use • Unprecedented law enforcement partnership – California Highway Patrol • Spokesperson Erik Estrada – CHiPs connection – Appeals to parent age group – Appeals to Latino community • State-specific, free educational materials – “Child Safety Seats: A Parent’s Guide” – Now in six states, in English and Spanish
  15. Logistics • 21st secures a large, easily accessible, highly visible site (e.g., mall parking lot) • CHP officers set up multiple inspection tents • Families arrive with children in vehicles • Trained officers inspect existing seat for proper fit, installation and use • 21st employees staff event to assist • If seat isn’t right, 21st donates brand-new seat
  16. Community Outreach  • The Edison Group handles all event promotion • Fliers distributed in English, Spanish – Local child care centers – Churches – Schools – Key community groups – Event site
  17. Media Outreach • Pre-Event Promotion – PSAs – Calendar listings – Morning of event media • Law enforcement officer, Erik Estrada provide live demo on-air • On-Site Media Relations – Setting the scene • Great visuals – Providing arc of story, from police to family to corporation • Why are we involved? • Every officer, family, 21st spokesperson has a story
  18. PR in a CR Program • Message Delivery – Media training for company reps, spokesperson – Spanish spokespersons – Talking points – Collateral materials • Press kit, bilingual guides • B-roll package • Leveraging the Message – Local, state or national events (e.g., Nat’l Child Passenger Safety Week) • Op-eds • Silver-platter events
  19. Results by the Numbers Since the 21st Century Insurance Child Safety Seat Program began: • More than 60 events conducted • More than 7,200 seats inspected • More than 2,700 seats discarded • More than 5,800 seats donated by 21st We’ve helped raise company’s profile within: • Key States/DMAs • Media • Industry • Web
  20. Child Safety Seat Campaign  Highlights • 21st continues to distinguish itself through partnerships with state law Child Seat Campaign enforcement and elected officials Media Hits ’02 - ’05 – In 2005, successful launches in AZ, 250 IN, OH & TX 200 – Continued success in CA and IL 150 • These partnerships and collaborations # of hits with Industry Associations (e.g., IIHS), 100 add legitimacy and increase news value 50 • All 35 child safety seat events in 2005 0 garnered media coverage 2002 2003 2004 2005



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