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Xin nhớ rằng bài viết này có thể mang đến cho bạn một số kiến thức để kiểm tra xe cũ và tránh mua phải xe có hỏng hóc, trục trặc. Thế nhưng, những thông tin này cũng không thể thay thế cho việc kiểm tra toàn diện bởi thợ chuyên nghiệp. Để bảo vệ cho bản thân, bạn nên đưa xe đến thợ sửa xe mà bạn tin tưởng để kiểm tra thật kỹ lưỡng trước khi mua.

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  1. Giao cho em Chung. How to inspect a used car - illustrated used car checklist Cẩm nang kiểm tra xe cũ - có hình ảnh minh họa Please note, this article is designed to give you basic knowledge about how to inspect a used car and can possibly help you to avoid used cars with potential problems. However, this information cannot substitute for detailed mechanical inspection performed by a professional. To protect yourself, take a car to a mechanic of your choice for detailed mechanical inspection prior purchase. Xin nhớ rằng bài viết này có thể mang đến cho bạn một số ki ến th ức đ ể kiểm tra xe cũ và tránh mua phải xe có hỏng hóc, trục trặc. Thế nhưng, những thông tin này cũng không thể thay thế cho việc kiểm tra toàn diện bởi thợ chuyên nghi ệp. Đ ể bảo v ệ cho bản thân, bạn nên đưa xe đến thợ sửa xe mà bạn tin t ưởng đ ể kiểm tra thật k ỹ l ưỡng trước khi mua. Check the car history records Kiểm tra lịch sử của chiếc xe Check the used car history report - even though it will not give you 100 percent guarantee that the car is perfect, it's well worth the money spent. The car may turn out to be not even worth a look. A history report can help you to uncover problems the car might have in the past such as accidents, flood damage, rolled back odometer, rental use, etc. Kiểm tra bản báo cáo lịch sử của chiếc xe - cho dù nó không b ảo đảm 100% là chi ếc xe ok, bạn vẫn nên bỏ ra chút tiền để mua thông tin này. Chi ếc xe đôi lúc còn không đáng để đi xem. Bản báo cáo lịch sử xe có thể cho bạn bi ết nh ững vấn đ ề chi ếc xe đã có thể bị ví dụ tai nạn, ngập nước, đồng hồ cây số bị quay ngược, bị dùng cho thuê, v.v. Visit How to check used car history to learn more. Xem thêm tại Cẩm nang kiểm tra xe cũ Research common problems Almost any vehicle has some problems or weak spots specific to that make and model. Before going for a test-drive, research common problems and complains. You can check owner reviews, enthusiasts forums, NHTSA website and other sources. This will
  2. give you a good idea what other owners are having problems with and what to pay particular attention to during a test-drive. Tìm Hiểu những hỏng hóc thường gặp Hầu hết các xe đều có vấn đề hoặc điểm yếu nào đó tạo nên đặc trưng c ủa dòng xe đó. Trước khi kiểm tra, hãy cùng tìm hiểu các vấn đề thường gặp của xe. B ạn có th ể xem qua đánh giá của các chủ sở hữu, ý kiến trên các diễn đàn, trang NHTSA và nhiều nguồn khác. Điều này sẽ mang cho bạn những ý kiến hay nh ững vấn đ ề mà ng ười dùng gặp phải và những điểm cần chú ý khi kiểm tra xe. What you may need to take with you for a used car inspection 1. A paper and a pen - Make notes about every car you check, writing down the VIN number, asking price, mileage, car features, what you like, and what you don't like. These notes will help you in the selection process as well as in the final deal negotiation. 2. Printed copy of Used car checklist 3. Small flashlight - A flashlight could be very handy when checking under the hood or looking for leaks and corrosion. 4. Small magnet - The magnet can help you to find hidden repaired corrosion spots. 5. Paper towel - To check the engine oil or transmission fluid. 6. CD-disk - To check the stereo. Những thứ cần mang theo khi kiểm tra xe cũ 1. Giấy và bút – Ghi lại các chú ý cho từng xe bạn kiểm tra, chép lại s ố Vin, giá c ả, quãng đường đã đi, tính năng, và điều khiến bạn không thích. Các ghi chú này sẽ giúp bạn chọn xe và trả giá cuối cùng. 2. Coppy danh sách các chủ sở hữu trước. 3. Một chiếc đèn pin nhỏ - Kiểm tra dưới nắp capo hoặc những chỗ bị rò rỉ và bị ăn mòn. 4. Một cục nam châm nhỏ - Giúp bạn tìm thấy những chỗ ăn mòn kín đã được s ửa chữa. 5. Khăn giấy – Kiểm tra nhớt động cơ và nhớt hộp số. 6. Đĩa CD – Kiểm tra âm thanh First Step - checking the car body Bước 1: Kiểm tra thân xe Đầu tiên, đi xem toàn bộ đánh giá chiếc xe First, take a walk around the car and look for được chăm sóc thế nào. Đánh giấu bất kì general appearance that is an indication of lỗi nào bạn tìm thấy: Vết nứt trên kính chắn how well the car was taken care of. gió, vết trầy xước, vết lõm, vết bị ăn mòn, Mark down any defects you find: kính vỡ, gương mờ, cần gạt nước mưa, cracks on the windshield, scratches, dents, mất mâm … Sau đó yêu cầu người bán corrosion spots, broken lenses, faded sửa hỏng hóc như một phần của hợp đồng mirrors, worn wipers, missing wheel covers hoặc giảm giá cho phù hợp. (hubcaps), etc. Later you may ask the dealer to fix these problems as a part of the deal or
  3. Nhìn các dấu hiệu xe đã từng bị tai nạn negotiate the price down accordingly. hoặc ăn mòn. Không nên chọn một chiếc Look for signs of previous accidents or xe từng bị tai nạn nghiêm trọng dù trông nó corrosion. I don't recommend to buy a car còn tốt. Tất cả các vấn đề xảy ra sau này that has been involved in a serious accident, có thể do vụ tai nạn trước đó – lốp xe bị even if otherwise it seems to be in good mòn, hỏng hệ thống điều hòa, ăn mòn condition. All sorts of problems may arise sớm, các vấn đề căn chỉnh, tiếng ồn từ ổ bi later as a result of previous accident - bánh xe…. excessive tire wear, problems with the air conditioner, premature corrosion, alignment Sự thật là vết ăn mòn sẽ nhanh chóng bị rỉ problems, noisy wheel bearings, etc. sét trở lại dù đã được sửa chữa. The same is true about badly corroded cars; even if repaired, the rust will reappear again Kiểm tra toàn bộ than xe thường mất từ 30 later. -40 phút.Nhìn bên hông xe. Các đường Take your time; normally it takes 30 - 40 thẳng dọc thân xe gần như thẳng tuyệt đối. minutes to inspect a whole car body all around. Nhìn tấm hình đầu tiên, chiếc Mercedes- Look alongside of the car. The lines of the car Benz chưa hề bị tai nạn, bạn thấy các body should be perfectly straight. Look at the đường thẳng trên thân xe gần như thẳng top image, this Mercedes-Benz hasn't been tuyệt đối. Nhìn vào hình ảnh phản chiếu: in an accident, and you can see the body thật hoàn hảo, không có gợn sóng và chất lines are perfectly straight. Look at the lượng sơn hoàn toàn giống nhau. Gợn reflection: it is perfect, no ripples and paint sóng cho thấy thân xe đã bị sửa chữa – quality of all panels looks the same. Try to xem hình thứ 2, chắn bùn phí sau xe check the entire car this way. Ripples indicate Toyota có gợn sóng vì đã được sửa sau possible body repair - check the second một vụ tai nạn từ phía sau. image, the rear fender of this Toyota has ripples because it was repaired after a rear- Nhìn màu sơn từ phía xa ở các góc độ end accident. khác nhau. Màu sơn có đồng màu với nhau không? Nhìn vào hình – cửa bên phía tài Look at the paint from a distance and from xế chiếc Corolla đỏ đã được sơn lại. Bạn different angles. Does the color of different có thể nói đây là sự khác biệt màu của cửa panels match? Look at the picture - the driver's door of this red Corolla is repainted. và chắn bùn trước. You can tell that by the difference in color of Kiểm tra chất lượng màu sơn. Có phải có the door and the front fender. một phần (cửa hoặc chắn bùn) nhìn sáng Check the paint quality. Does one of the hơn phần còn lại của xe? Chỗ đó có thể đã panels (door or fender) look shinier than the rest of the car? - Then it might be freshly được sơn lại. painted. Kiểm tra khe hở giữa các tấm trên thân xe. Check all the gaps between the body panels. Tất cả các khe hở phải có cùng độ rộng và All gaps should be of the same width and thậm chí phải đều trên toàn bộ chiều dài. even along the entire length. If any gap Nếu bất cứ khe hở nào quá nhỏ hoặc quá seems too narrow or too wide, go to another lớn, hãy sang bên kia thân xe để so sánh. side of the vehicle and compare. Is it notable Chú ý có khác biệt gì không? Có thể chiếc different? - Then it's possible the car has been involved in an accident like this white xe đã bị tai nạn như chiếc Mazda trắng
  4. trong hình. Mazda in the picture. Does the car have lots of rusty spots like the on the image? - I Xe có nhiều đốm hoen rỉ như trong hình wouldn't even look any further. Even if you không? Không cần nhìn thêm. Dù bạn có repair these spots, the corrosion will sửa những điểm này thì vết hoen rỉ sẽ bị reappear later. Plus, it's probably even worse lại nhanh chóng. Thêm vào đó, các phần ở underneath; brake lines, fuel lines and many dưới có thể tệ hơn, đường dây phanh, other components might be badly corroded đường nhiên liệu … có thể bị ăn mòn making the car unsafe to drive. To discover nghiêm trọng hơn làm cho chiếc xe không repaired corrosion spots try to stick the còn an toàn. Để phát hiện chỗ ăn mòn đã magnet at the most common places where được sửa hãy đặt nam châm ở những vị trí the corrosion starts: around wheel arches, khởi tạo sự ăn mòn: Quanh vòm bánh xe, lower door panels, etc. If the magnet won't dưới mép cửa…Nếu nam châm không bị stick - there is no metal under the paint, only hút – dưới lớp sơn không có kim loại, chỉ có the body filler. Open the driver's door and try lớp sơn bao phủ. Mở của bên phía tài xế to lift it up on the hinges. The hinges should và thử nhấc lên các bản lề. Bản lề không not have excessive free play. được lỏng lẻo. Look for the trailer hitch. If the car was using for towing a heavy trailer, the engine Tìm rơmoc kéo. Nếu xe kéo tải lớn, độngc and transmission may be excessively worn. cơ và hộp số có thể mòn quá mức. To learn more follow the link: How to inspect car body for an accident Tìm hiểu thêm : How to inspect car body for an accident Đường dọc thân xe thẳng – xe chưa bị tai nạn * Body lines are straight - no accidents
  5. Chắn bùn phí sau có gợn song – kết quả của 1 vụ tai nạn * Rear fender has ripples - after acciden . >> Màu không đồng bộ - cửa sang hơn chắn bùn * Mismatched color - the door is lighter than the fender Độ rộng khe hở không đều – sau khi bị tai nạn * Uneven gap width - after accident
  6. Vết hoen rỉ (ăn mòn) sẽ xuất hiện lại sau khi sửa chữa. * Corrosion will reappear after repair Tires Nhìn gần vào lốp xe. Có phải lốp có thương Have a close look at the tires. Are they of hiệu nổi tiếng như Michelin, Goodyear, well known reputable brand like Michelin, Bridgestone, hay lốp “vô danh”. Cùng Goodyear, Bridgestone, or "no-name" kind thương hiệu hay khác nhau. Nhìn vào gân of product? Are they all the same or lốp. Nhìn Lốp mới của xe khách có độ sâu different? Look at the tread wear. The new gân khỏang 10/23 inch (8 mm). Khi gân lốp tires for a passenger car have original tread chỉ còn 2/32 inch ( 1.5 mm) lốp cần được depth about 10/32 inch (8 mm). When only thay. Ngoài ra lốp cũng phải được thay khi 2/32 inch (1.5 mm) of the tread depth left, bị phá hoại cơ như bị cắt (trong hình), bong the tire must be replaced. Also the tire must bóng, vết nứt… Nhìn vào phần bị mòn, một be replaced if there is any mechanical bên bị mòn bất thường hơn những phần damage like cuts (see the picture), bubbles, khác có thể nguyên nhân do cân chỉnh lái cracks, etc. Look at the wear pattern, hoặc hệ thống treo irregular wear when one side (e.g inner) is worn more than the other could mean alignment or suspension problems. Một bên lốp bị phá hại * The sidewall of this tire has a damage
  7. Check vehicle manufacturer's label Kiểm tra nhãn hiệu nhà sản xuất Check the manufacturer's label (see photo), which is usually located on the driver's door or door jamb. Are there any signs of altering? Check the VIN number. Also check the exact date (highlighted in the photo) when the vehicle was manufactured. A car advertized as 2004 model could be manufactured, for example, in August 2003 or July 2004, which is almost a year difference. As you can see in this photo, this vehicle was manufactured in * August 1996 but it's sold as 97 model. Manufacturer's label Kiểm tra nhãn hiệu của nhà sản xuất ( trong hình), nhãn hiệu thường được đặt ở cửa phía lái xe hoặc dầm cửa. Có dấu hiệu của sự thay đổi không? Kiểm tra số Vin. Cũng có thể kiểm tra được chính xác ngày sản xuất (tô nổi trong hình). Một chiếc xe được quảng cáo là đời 2004 có thể được sản xuất tháng 8/2003 hoặc tháng 7/2004, thường khác biệt 1 năm. Bạn có thể thấy trong hình, chiếc xe được sản xuất tháng 8/1996 nhưng vẫn được bán là đời 97. Interior *
  8. The condition of the vehicle interior is another good indicator of how the vehicle was taken care of. Look at the driver's seat, is it excessively worn like the one in the picture? Check all the seat belts paying particular attention to the one at the driver's seat. Test all doors, are they open and close freely? Try to lock and unlock the driver's and passenger's doors and the trunk with the key. Be alerted if you notice excessive use of the air freshener, it could be used to block some bad odor, and some of them are hard to get rid of. Open the trunk, does it have musty odor? Then it's possible water is leaking somewhere. Check the spare tire, wheel wrench and the jack. If the spare tire is located under the car, check if the holding mechanism is working properly, often it gets corroded and seizes up. If the car has wheel locks installed make sure there is the key available. Check the instrument panel: Do all the gauges work? Any warning lights such as "Check Engine", "Airbag", "ABS" stay on after the engine started? If the car has "Check Engine" or any other warning light comes on or flashing while driving, have the proper diagnostic done before deciding to buy it; in some cases the problem could be very costly to repair. Electrical features Check all the electrical accessories. Test operation of power windows locks and other features. Test wipers and windshield washer function. The rear wiper is the part that often fails. If the seats are heated try if they are working; many cars have problems with heated seats. Try seat adjustments. If the car has a sunroof, test all its functions. If the car has an alarm system ask to demonstrate how it works. Test all remote control functions. Try the stereo functions. The CD-player often has some problems and it's quite expensive to fix; try if it plays your CD. Heater and air conditioner It's very important to check operation of the heater and the air conditioner. To do so, start the engine and let it warm up for a few minutes. Turn the A/C on. Unless it's very cold outside, the air conditioner should start working immediately after you switch it ON. Within a few seconds you should be able to feel really cold air blowing from vents. If this is not happening, it's very possible the air conditioner doesn't work. Be aware, besides the fact that the A/C problem might be quite expensive to fix, this also may indicate that the car possible has been involved in a frontal collision. Check the heater. Try if all heater fan speeds work. One of the possible problems with the heater may be a leaking heater core that is very expensive to repair. If you feel moist air is coming from the vents with antifreeze smell, and windows become foggy when the heater is turned ON, that may indicate leaking heater core. If the car has rear air-conditioning unit test its operation.
  9. Look for signs of flood damage If a car has been flooded in the past, even if it looks and runs good now, it will develop many expensive-to-fix problems later. This is because water gets inside many components where it shouldn't be and eventually, the corrosion will cause a component to fail later. Look for mildew smell, water stains on the seats, roof liner and door covers. Inspect door covers and trunk covers for possible signs of water level. If it's possible, look for moisture under the carpet. Check lower edges of the door covers for water damage, look for corrosion and water debris in the spare tire well. look for badly corroded metal parts under seats. Check all door speakers - water could damage the speaker diaphragm. Coffee-with-milk color of the engine oil or transmission fluid may indicate presence of water. History report can also reveal flood. Be suspicious if the history report indicates that the car came from another state or province. Engine It's very important to verify that the oil changes were done regularly. Why is this so important? - it's a fact that if the oil was not changed regularly, the engine, even the most reliable one, won't last long. For example, I saw the three-year old Nissan Maxima in need of serious engine repair at 35,000 miles (56,000 km). This, despite the fact that the Maxima's 3.5L VQ engine is one of the most reliable in its class. The reason was simple - the owner drove 12,000 miles (19,000 km) without an oil change. One way to verify that the car was properly maintained is to check its service records, although they are not always available. There are also few things under the hood that may indicate that the car was maintained poorly: Extremely dirty engine (like on the upper image), burnt oil smell under the hood, badly corroded battery terminals, oil leaks, are all signs of poor maintenance, though if the engine looks clean and shiny, it doesn't yet mean it was well maintained; dealers almost always shampoo the engine before showing the car to the potential buyers. With the engine off, open the oil filler cap and look at the internal side of the cap and inside the
  10. engine. If the oil cap and the parts you see in the oil filler neck covered with thick black deposits, it may be an indication that the engine wasn't maintained regularly. Check the engine oil. Unless it was changed recently, the oil condition is an indication of the engine shape. To check the oil level, the car should be on a level spot with the engine OFF. Locate the engine oil dipstick (usually it has a bright color handle saying "Engine oil"). Pull the dipstick out, wipe it off and insert it back fully in place. Pull it out again and check the oil level. The dipstick usually has two marks on it or simply a crossed area (about 1 inch). Upper mark indicates "FULL", lower mark stands for "LOW". Normally, the oil level should be between "LOW" and "FULL" marks on the dipstick. If the oil level is lower than "LOW" mark and the oil appears very dirty, like in the left picture, it's a really bad sign; the car may have excessive oil consumption or the oil hasn't been changed for a long time. Look at the dipstick itself. If the part of the dipstick that goes inside the engine is dirty and covered with black deposits, this may also indicate that the engine was maintained poorly. Look for a smoke from the exhaust - the blue smokes indicates that the engine is worn and consumes oil. Black smoke means excessive fuel consumption. For more details, check How to check the engine - detailed guide * Poorly maintained engine, oil leaks
  11. * With the engine OFF, look under the oil filler cap * Dirty oil, low oil level Oil condition and level are OK * Blue smoke - the car consumes oil Automatic transmission
  12. Problems with an automatic transmission are very common and costly to repair. While it's impossible to thoroughly inspect the transmission without taking the car to a professional repair shop, there are few signs that can help you to spot a potential problem: If the car has the transmission fluid dipstick, check the automatic transmission fluid. If you're not sure how to do this, follow this link: How to check the automatic transmission fluid. The transmission fluid should not have a burnt smell. It should be clean and transparent. Dirty transmission fluid indicates internal problem with the transmission. Another indication of transmission problem is delayed engagement. It's easier to note delayed engagement after a car was sitting for a while: With the transmission in "P" (Park) start the car. With your foot holding down the brake pedal, shift to the "R" (Reverse) position. Almost immediately the transmission should engage - it feels like the car wants to creep backward. This should happen very smoothly, without a strong jerk or jolt. Shift to "N" (Neutral), and the transmission should disengage. Now, again holding the brakes, shift to the "D" (Drive) position. Again, the transmission should engage without a delay - you will feel the car wants to creep forward. This also should be without a strong jerk or jolt. If there is a notable delay (more than 1 seconds) between the moment you shift and the moment the transmission engages, such a transmission is either too worn or has some problem, avoid this car. Similarly, during a test-drive the transmission should shift between gears very smoothly without delays, jolts, slipping or shudder. For more details, check How to check automatic transmission - detailed guide Manual transmission Try to drive the vehicle in each gear. All gears should shift smoothly and easily without any noises, jerks or shudder. While driving at the second or third gear, try to accelerate suddenly. The clutch should not slip. If you feel slipping (the engine rpm increases but the vehicle speed remains the same), the clutch may need to be replaced. Try to drive with acceleration and deceleration - there should be no whining or humming noise under any condition. All the gears should shift easily and noiselessly. Try to shift into reverse; there should be no grinding noise. Test-drive The vehicle should start easily even if it's cold. It shouldn't shake, make excessive noise, or smoke. If you see a cloud of blue smoke (see the picture above) at start-up, be
  13. ware, it's the first sign of possible engine problem - avoid this car. During a test-drive look for anything irregular such as vibrations, noises, etc. Pay particular attention to check the automatic transmission. How to check the transmission - detailed guide. Test drive a car for as long as you need to get the feeling, try to drive on bumpy road and if it's possible, take the car on a highway. Try to accelerate - there shouldn't be any hesitations. Does the engine make any irregular noises? Any smoke? Is the steering responsive? Does the car feel stable at a highway speed? Any shudder, jerks, harsh shifting? Does it make knocking or creaking noises when driving over bumps? Is it too "bouncy"? Does the car hold straight direction or pulls aside? Is the steering out of center? Any humming noise? Any pulsation while braking? Afterwards Don't sign a contract and don't give a deposit until you are completely satisfied with the car. If you have any hesitation be prepared to leave, you always can find another car or come back later. Consider to test-drive another vehicle of the same model to have something to compare with. If you find any problem with the car and the salesperson promises "to take care of it" make sure to discuss in details - what exactly will be done. For example, if the car needs new tires, what kind of tires will be installed - cheapest possible or of reputable brand? If they offer you an extended warranty, thoroughly study the contract first. While this guide may help you to avoid cars with potential problems, I strongly advise to have the vehicle inspected by a mechanic of your choice prior purchase; there are many components that can only be properly inspected in a professional service facility. Check our Step-by-step used car buying guide for more tips. by Vlad Samarin



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