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Collocation in use

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Collocation in ise. Learning about collocations, grammatica laspects of collocations, sapecial aspects of collocation, basic concepts, functions.

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Nội dung Text: Collocation in use

CAMBRIDGE<br /> <br /> Collocations in<br /> Ise<br /> <br /> o<br /> <br /> How words work<br /> together for<br /> fluent and<br /> natural English<br /> Self-study and<br /> classroom use<br /> <br /> Suu tam & chia se tai: IELTS SHARE<br /><br /> <br /> Michael McCarthy<br /> Felicity O'Dell<br /> <br /> Contents<br /> Acknowledgements<br /> To the student (and the teacher)<br /> <br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> <br /> Learning a b o u t collocations<br /> 1<br /> 2<br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> 5<br /> <br /> W h a t is a collocation?<br /> Finding, recording and learning collocations<br /> Using your dictionary<br /> Types of collocation<br /> Register<br /> <br /> Grammatical aspects of collocations<br /> 6<br /> 7<br /> 8<br /> 9<br /> <br /> Intensifying adverbs<br /> Everyday verbs 1<br /> Everyday verbs 2<br /> Everyday verbs 3<br /> <br /> highly unlikely, utterly ridiculous, strongly object<br /> make a mistake, do your best, do damage<br /> go bald, become extinct, fall ill<br /> have fun, take action, pay a compliment<br /> <br /> Special aspects of collocation<br /> 10 Synonyms and confusable words 1<br /> 11 Synonyms and confusable words 2<br /> 12 M e t a p h o r<br /> <br /> close a meeting, antique furniture, only child<br /> gain power, achieve your goals, defeat an opponent<br /> sunny smile, ideas flow, heated discussion<br /> <br /> Topics: Travel and t h e e n v i r o n m e n t<br /> 13<br /> 14<br /> 15<br /> 16<br /> <br /> Weather<br /> Travel<br /> Countryside<br /> Towns and cities<br /> <br /> strong wind, blanket of fog, river bursts its banks<br /> tiring journey, aisle seat, family-run hotel<br /> surrounding countryside, well worth seeing<br /> lined with shops, sprawling city, volume of traffic<br /> <br /> Topics: People and relationships<br /> 17<br /> 18<br /> 19<br /> 20<br /> 21<br /> <br /> People: character and behaviour<br /> People: physical appearance<br /> Families<br /> Relationships<br /> Feelings and emotions<br /> <br /> have a vivid imagination, lose your patience<br /> slender waist, immaculately groomed<br /> distant cousin, expecting a baby, stable home<br /> casual acquaintance, love at first sight<br /> lasting happiness, worried sick, emotional wreck<br /> <br /> Topics: Leisure and lifestyle<br /> 22<br /> 23<br /> 24<br /> 25<br /> 26<br /> 11<br /> <br /> Houses, flats and rooms<br /> Eating and drinking<br /> Films and books<br /> Music<br /> Sport<br /> Health and illness<br /> <br /> move into a flat, spacious living room<br /> nourishing meal, spoil your appetite, dying of hunger<br /> film critic, go on the stage, renew a library book<br /> give a performance, go on tour, strum a guitar<br /> go snowboarding, take a penalty<br /> catch a cold, vigorous exercise, be taken ill<br /> <br /> Topics: W o r k and study<br /> 28<br /> 29<br /> 30<br /> 31<br /> <br /> Computers<br /> Study and learning<br /> Work<br /> Business<br /> <br /> forward a message, e-mail bounces<br /> do research, attend a lecture, first draft<br /> high-powered job, hand in your notice<br /> set up a business, launch a product, rival company<br /> <br /> Suu tam & chia se tai: IELTS SHARE<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> English Collocations in Use<br /> <br /> I<br /> <br /> 32 Academic writing 1: giving opinions<br /> 33 Academic writing 2: structuring<br /> an argument<br /> <br /> key factor, challenge a theory, carry out research<br /> make reference to, argue convincingly, research<br /> suggests<br /> <br /> Topics: Society and institutions<br /> 34<br /> 35<br /> 36<br /> 37<br /> 38<br /> 39<br /> <br /> Laws and punishments<br /> Crime<br /> News<br /> Money<br /> War and peace<br /> Global problems<br /> <br /> break the law, bend the rules, fair trial<br /> hardened criminal, juvenile crime, tackle crime<br /> hit the headlines, hold talks, take hostage<br /> squander money, price soars, go cheap<br /> war breaks out, restore order, call a truce<br /> irreparable damage, eradicate poverty,<br /> earthquake hits<br /> <br /> Basic concepts<br /> 40<br /> 41<br /> 42<br /> 43<br /> 44<br /> 45<br /> 46<br /> 47<br /> 48<br /> 49<br /> 50<br /> <br /> Time<br /> Sound<br /> Distance and size<br /> Colour and light<br /> Texture<br /> Taste and smell<br /> N u m b e r and frequency<br /> Movement and speed<br /> Change<br /> Ways of speaking<br /> Ways of walking<br /> <br /> save time, ungodly hours, from dawn till dusk<br /> break the silence, excessive noise, almighty bang<br /> within commuting distance, painfully thin<br /> bright colour, beam of light, shed some light on<br /> choppy sea, soft pillow, ice melts<br /> fragrant perfume, have a taste, smell danger<br /> significant number, come to a total of, rare species<br /> prompt payment, painfully slow, lose your balance<br /> make an adjustment, break a habit, change the subject<br /> brief chat, raise a subject, drop a hint<br /> pace up and down, wander aimlessly, faltering steps<br /> <br /> Functions<br /> 51<br /> 52<br /> 53<br /> 54<br /> 55<br /> 56<br /> 57<br /> 58<br /> 59<br /> 60<br /> <br /> Starting and finishing<br /> Talking about success and failure<br /> Talking a b o u t cause and effect<br /> Remembering and sensing<br /> Agreeing and disagreeing<br /> Talking about beliefs and opinions<br /> Deciding and choosing<br /> Claiming and denying<br /> Liking and disliking<br /> Praising and criticising<br /> <br /> Key<br /> Index<br /> <br /> promising start, bring something to an end<br /> make a breakthrough, fail miserably<br /> cause alarm, adverse effects, have a major impact<br /> vaguely remember, blot out a memory, have a feeling<br /> settle a dispute, agree to differ, heated argument<br /> firmly believe, colour someone's judgement<br /> arrive at a decision, have second thoughts, tough choi<br /> make the point that, contradictory evidence<br /> have a liking, state a preference, take offence<br /> offer your congratulations, speak highly of<br /> <br /> 126<br /> 159<br /> <br /> Suu tam & chia se tai: IELTS SHARE<br /> 2<br /> <br /> English Collocations in Use<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> W h a t is a collocation?<br /> A collocation is a pair or group of words that are often<br /> used together. These combinations sound natural to<br /> native speakers, but students of English have to make a<br /> special effort to learn them because they are often<br /> difficult to guess. Some combinations just sound 'wrong 1<br /> to native speakers of English. For example, the adjective<br /> fast collocates with cars, but not with a glance.<br /> <br /> We say ...<br /> <br /> We don't say ...<br /> <br /> fast cars<br /> fast food<br /> <br /> quick food<br /> <br /> a quick glance<br /> a quick m e a l<br /> <br /> a fes* glance<br /> a fest meal<br /> <br /> Learning collocations is an important part of learning the vocabulary of a language. Some<br /> collocations are fixed, or very strong, for example take a p h o t o , where no w o r d other than<br /> take collocates with photo to give the same meaning. Some collocations are more open,<br /> where several different w o r d s may be used to give a similar meaning, for example keep t o /<br /> stick to the rules. Here are some more examples of collocations.<br /> You must m a k e an effort and study for your exams ( N O T de an effort)<br /> Did you watch TV last night? ( N O T look at TV)<br /> This car has a very powerful engine. It can do 2 0 0 km an hour. ( N O T strong engine)<br /> There are some ancient monuments nearby. ( N O T antique monuments)<br /> Sometimes, a pair of words may not be absolutely wrong, and people will understand what<br /> is meant, but it may not be the natural, normal collocation. If someone says / did a few<br /> mistakes they will be understood, but a fluent speaker of English would probably say<br /> I m a d e a few mistakes.<br /> <br /> C o m p o u n d s and idioms<br /> C o m p o u n d s are units of meaning formed with t w o or more words. Sometimes the words<br /> are written separately, sometimes they have a hyphen and sometimes they are written as one<br /> w o r d . Usually the meaning of the c o m p o u n d can be guessed by knowing the meaning of<br /> the individual words. Some examples of c o m p o u n d s are car park, post office, n a r r o w minded, shoelaces, teapot.<br /> It is not always easy to separate collocations and c o m p o u n d s and, where they are useful for<br /> learners or an important part of the vocabulary of a topic, we include some c o m p o u n d s in<br /> this book t o o .<br /> Idioms are groups of w o r d s in a fixed order that have a meaning that cannot be guessed by<br /> knowing the meaning of the individual words. For example, pass the buck is an idiom<br /> meaning 'to pass responsibility for a problem to another person to avoid dealing with it<br /> oneself. We deal with idioms in detail in the book English Idioms in Use in this series.<br /> <br /> W h y learn collocations?<br /> Learning collocations is a good idea because they can:<br /> a) give you the most natural way to say something: smoking is strictly forbidden is more<br /> natural than smoking is strongly forbidden.<br /> b) give you alternative ways of saying something, which may be more colourful/expressive or<br /> more precise: instead of repeating It was very cold and very dark, we can say It was<br /> bitterly cold and pitch dark.<br /> c) improve your style in writing: instead of saying poverty causes crime, you can say<br /> poverty breeds crime; instead of saying a big meal you can say a substantial meal. You<br /> may not need or want to use these in informal conversations, but in writing they can<br /> give your text more variety and make it read better: this book includes notes a b o u t<br /> formality wherever the collocations are especially formal or informal.<br /> 6<br /> <br /> English Collocations in Use<br /> <br /> Suu tam & chia se tai: IELTS SHARE<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Exercises<br /> I. I<br /> <br /> Read A and B and answer these questions.<br /> 1 What is a collocation?<br /> 2 Which of these words does fast collocate with: car, food, glance, meal?<br /> 3 Which of these are c o m p o u n d s : computer, narrow-minded, teapot, ancient monument,<br /> car park ?<br /> 4 W h a t do we call expressions like pass the buck and be over the moon}<br /> <br /> 1.2<br /> <br /> Make ten collocations from the words in the b o x .<br /> an effort<br /> engine<br /> pitch<br /> <br /> 1.3<br /> <br /> bitterly<br /> mistakes<br /> strictly<br /> <br /> make<br /> breakfast<br /> have<br /> make<br /> substantial<br /> TV<br /> <br /> dark<br /> monument<br /> <br /> Learning collocations will m a k e your English sound m o r e natural.<br /> Learning collocations will help you to express yourself in a variety of ways.<br /> Learning collocations will help you to write better English.<br /> Using collocations properly will get you better marks in exams.<br /> You will not be understood unless you use collocations properly.<br /> <br /> Put the expressions from the b o x into the correct category in the table below.<br /> make a mistake<br /> a storm in a tea cup<br /> live music<br /> pull somebody's leg<br /> heavy snow<br /> valid passport<br /> <br /> compound<br /> <br /> 1.5<br /> <br /> cold<br /> meal<br /> watch<br /> <br /> Are these statements a b o u t collocations true or false?<br /> 1<br /> 2<br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> 5<br /> <br /> 1.4<br /> <br /> ancient<br /> forbidden<br /> powerful<br /> <br /> collocation<br /> <br /> checkpoint<br /> key ring<br /> teapot<br /> bitterly disappointed<br /> <br /> idiom<br /> <br /> Underline the collocations in this text.<br /> When I left university I made a decision to take up a<br /> profession In which I could be creative. I could play the<br /> guitar, but I'd never written any songs. Nonetheless I<br /> decided to become a singer-songwriter. I made eome<br /> recordings but I had a rather heavy cold so they didn't<br /> sound good. I made eome more, and sent them to a<br /> record company and waited for them to reply.<br /> So, while I was waiting to become famous, I got a job<br /> in a fast-food restaurant. That was five years ago.<br /> I'm still doing the same job.<br /> <br /> Suu tam & chia se tai: IELTS SHARE<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> English Collocations in Use<br /> <br /> 7<br /> <br />



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