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Customize Photoshop for Your Projects- P2

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Customize Photoshop for Your Projects- P2: Using Photoshop CS5 you can improve photographs, repurpose them, or start with a blank canvas to create original designs. Because printed images and Web images have different limits on the range of colors that they can represent, you need to set the working color space for your project.

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  1. The Adjustments panel returns to the adjustment layer list. 6 Click another adjustment such as Hue/Saturation. 6 ● Another adjustment layer appears in the Layers panel and the Hue/ Saturation adjustment options appear in the Adjustments pane. 7 Click and drag the sliders to change 7 the values. 8 Click the Eye icon to toggle the 9 visibility of the adjustment layer 8 ! on and off. 9 Click the View Previous State button to temporarily view the adjustment 0 before the slider changes you made. 0 Click the Reset button to reset the adjustment layer to the default settings. ! Click the trash button to delete the adjustment layer. More Options! Did You Know? All adjustment layers include a layer mask, The Hue/Saturation and the Black & White represented by a white thumbnail in the adjustment layers include an option for Layers panel. You can click the layer mask clicking and dragging directly on specific thumbnail and paint with black in the image areas in the image to make the changes. to limit where the adjustment affects the Click the On-Image Adjustment tool ( ) underlying photo. If you accidentally reveal to select it. Click and drag on an area in the too much of the underlying image, you can photo to modify the hue/saturation. Click change the foreground color to white and again to return the tool to the paint in the mask or use the eraser tool to Adjustment panel. reapply more of the adjustment. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 39
  2. BLEND TWO PHOTOS TOGETHER with an automatic layer mask Layer masks open a world of imaging possibilities that the top layer and paint with black on the layer mask you just cannot create with traditional tools. Using a to blend the images. To hide some of the area you layer mask to hide parts of an image, you can easily just revealed, simply reverse the colors and paint blend one photograph into another and create designs with white. that are sure to grab a viewer’s attention. For You can also have Photoshop create the layer mask example, you can blend a photograph of a wedding for you automatically. By copying one photo to the couple into a photo of the bride’s bouquet or blend a clipboard and creating a selection on the other photo, photo of a potato with a photo of a person lying on a you can use Photoshop’s Paste Into command. You couch. can then use the Brush tool to add or remove areas Generally, to blend a photo on one layer into the if necessary. You can also adjust the way the images photo on the layer below, you add a layer mask to blend using the opacity slider on the Layers panel. 3 4 1 With the two photographs you want to blend open, click the 6 Move tool. 1 5 2 Click the photo that will be blended into the other to 2 target it. 3 Click Select. 4 Click All. 5 Click Edit and click Copy. 6 Click the close button on this photo. 7 Click the main photo to target it. 7 0 8 Click the Quick Selection tool or any other selection tool. 9 Click and drag on the areas to 8 select them. @ Note: You can adjust any selection with the current tool by pressing ! Ô+Option (Ctrl+Alt) as you click and drag to remove from a 9 selection and pressing Shift as you click and drag to add to a selection. 0 Click Edit. ! Click Paste Special. @ Click Paste Into. 40
  3. ● The first photo appears in the active selection. # # Click the Move tool. $ Click and drag in the area to reposition it. $ Note: You can optionally resize the photo in the selection to fit better by clicking Edit and selecting Free Transform. Press and hold Shift as you move the corner handles of the bounding box. % Click Opacity and drag to the left to reduce the Layer Opacity to blend the images more naturally. % Try This! Customize It! Did You Know? You can make When you use a pen tablet to paint You can add a layer mask to a layer by two images blend on a layer mask, you can easily clicking the Layer Mask button ( ) in together with a control how much of the image you the Layers panel or by clicking the smooth transition reveal with each brush stroke by Pixel Mask button ( ) in the Masks by using the setting the brush opacity to respond panel. Ô+click (Ctrl+click) a mask Gradient tool ( ) to pen pressure. Click the Brushes button to add a white layer mask that to apply a black- thumbnail to open the Brushes reveals all on that layer. Option+click to-white gradient Presets. Click Shape Dynamics and (Alt+click) a mask button to add a on the layer mask. set Size Jitter Control to Pen black layer mask that conceals Pressure. everything on that layer. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 41
  4. Add a design with a CUSTOM SHAPE LAYER Custom shapes are resolution-independent vector vector mask. The mask is the shape’s outline. You shapes, meaning that they maintain crisp edges when can choose the fill layer’s color in the Options bar resized or saved in a PDF file. You can select any of before you draw the shape, or you can click in the fill Photoshop CS5’s predesigned custom shapes or box for the shape layer in the Layers panel and select create your own shape with the Pen tools. You can a different color for the shape. You can also set the fill also load custom shapes you purchase from third- color to a zero opacity fill. party vendors. You can add shapes to any image as a You can add special effects such as a drop shadow or design element or to alter the shape of a photo. a stroke to a shape layer by clicking the Layer Style Shapes are applied as separate layers, and each button (fx) at the bottom of the Layers panel. shape layer has two parts: the fill layer and a linked 1 Press Ô+J (Ctrl+J) to duplicate the Background layer of an image. 4 5 2 Click the Shape tool. 3 Click the Custom Shape tool in the Options bar. 6 4 Click here and double-click a shape in the menu. 5 Click here. 2 6 Double-click a style button in the menu. 3 Note: You can optionally click the Color panel menu to close the tab group. 7 Click and drag in your image to 7 draw the shape. 8 Ô+click (Ctrl+click) the shape thumbnail. The shape changes to a selection. 9 Click the layer thumbnail and 8 drag it to the trash. The selection remains on the image. 0 Press D to reset the foreground and background colors. 42 9 ! Press X to make the foreground color white.
  5. @ Press Ô+J (Ctrl+J) to duplicate the selection onto its own layer. # Click Layer 0 (the duplicated layer) to select it. $ Click the Adjustment Layer button in the Layers panel. % Click Gradient. % # $ The base image is covered with a white-to-transparent gradient fill. ^ Click OK in the Gradient Fill dialog box or change the attributes. The shape highlights the subject of the photo. ^ More Options! Try This! You can access more custom shapes Create a gradient fill with than the default set by clicking the a color from your image. Custom Shape button ( ) in the Click the Foreground Options bar and clicking the Shape arrow Color box to open the to open the menu. When you click the Color Picker. Move the arrow on that menu, you can select one cursor outside of the of the shape groups at the bottom of the Color Picker dialog box menu or select All to see all the installed and click a color from shapes at once. Then double-click a your image. Click OK to shape thumbnail to select it. close the dialog box. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 43
  6. ACCENTUATE A SKY with a gradient fill layer You can give a scenic photo a more dramatic look or a stylized image. You can adjust how much of the simply increase the colors in a sky with a gradient fill photo to cover with added color. Because you are adjustment layer. The colors you see are often better using a fill layer, you can go back and increase or than what your camera captures, particularly when decrease the amount of color after you apply the you photograph a sunset or a sunrise. You can easily gradient fill layer. You can even change the color that increase the intensity of the sky with a gradient fill. you applied to get a different effect or to create a You can enhance the existing colors by using a black more dramatic look. This technique is most effective foreground color, using a more intense version of the on a photo with a large sky area and an open horizon. same color, or even selecting another color to create 1 Open an image that has a large 1 area of sky. 2 Click the Default Colors icon to set the foreground to black. Note: Optionally, click to select a color to use a gradient for a creative effect. 3 Click the New Fill or Adjustment Layer button. 2 4 4 Click Gradient. 3 The Gradient Fill dialog box appears, and a foreground-to- transparent gradient is applied to the image. 5 Make sure that the angle is set to 90 degrees. 5 44
  7. 6 Click Reverse ( changes to ). The gradient reverses to black or the selected color at the top, changing to transparent 8 at the bottom of the image. 7 Position the cursor over 9 the image. 8 Drag upward in the image until the gradient 7 covers only the sky. 9 Click OK. 6 0 Click here and click Overlay. ! Double-click the layer thumbnail for the gradient fill. The Gradient Fill dialog box @ reappears. @ Position the cursor over the image. 0 # Drag downward in the image to # increase the darkened sky or drag upward to lessen the effect. ! Each time that you drag in the image with the Gradient Fill layer selected, the look of the sky changes. Did You Know? Try This! Multiple layers increase the file size of You can apply a gradient your image. Because Photoshop requires fill layer on a photo more memory to work on larger files, you showing a large body of should merge layers that will not be water such as a lake or changed later. Pressing Ô+E (Ctrl+E) the ocean. Experiment merges a selected layer with the layer with different foreground below. Pressing Ô+Shift+E (Ctrl+Shift+E) colors for the gradient fill merges all the visible layers. Click Layer for both dramatic and and then Flatten Image to flatten all the creative effects. layers into a new Background image. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 45
  8. Make a selection with the QUICK SELECTION TOOL The Quick Selection tool in Photoshop CS5 enables you paint, or using the Subtract from Selection tool in you to easily select broad areas of an image by the Options bar. simply painting over them. You can use the Quick This task shows the basic steps for selecting a subject Selection tool to remove a background and isolate the and putting it on a separate layer. You can also select main subject. the background on a duplicated layer and press You can brush over different parts of a photo, varying Delete (Backspace) to remove the background from the brush size as you work, or just click areas for a the image, leaving just the subject on the layer. With more limited selection. Once you have made your first any active selection you can click Layer in the menu selection, the tool automatically changes to the Add and click Inverse to invert the selection. to Selection tool, so you can easily add areas without For most selections, you will need to use the tools in pressing any additional keys. You can subtract from the following two tasks to refine the selection. the selection by pressing and holding Option (Alt) as 3 1 Click the Quick Selection tool. 2 2 Click here to open the Brush picker. 1 3 Click and drag the Size slider to make the brush tip small. ● If you have a pen tablet attached, you can click here to set the brush size with pen pressure. 4 Press Ô+spacebar (Ctrl+spacebar) and click to zoom in or click and drag in the image to dynamically zoom in. Note: Although on a Mac the Spotlight feature momentarily opens with the same keystrokes, using Ô+spacebar in Photoshop CS5 still zooms in. 5 Click and drag inside the part of the image you want to select. 5 6 Click and drag in another area to be selected. ● The tool changes to the Add to Selection option. 6 46
  9. 7 Continue changing the 7 brush size and clicking and dragging in the image to select more areas. 8 Press and hold Option ! (Alt). ● The tool temporarily changes to the Subtract from Selection tool. 9 Click in areas that you want to remove from the selection. 9 0 Press and hold the spacebar and click in the image to move to a different area. ! Click any other areas to remove them from the selection. @ Press Ô+J (Ctrl+J) to put the selection on its own layer. ● The selected area appears on a new layer above the Background layer. Enhance It! Keyboard More Options! You can click the Auto-Enhance Shortcuts! To quickly zoom in and option in the Options bar To quickly change out of the photo to make ( changes to ) to reduce the brush size as you it easier to select the the roughness of the selection work, you can use the subject, press Ô+spacebar boundary and extend the keyboard. Press the left (Ctrl+spacebar) to zoom selection toward the edges it bracket key to decrease in and Option+spacebar detects. Depending on the the brush size or the (Alt+spacebar) to zoom speed of your computer, adding right bracket key to out as you select different the Auto-Enhance option may increase the brush size. areas. slow the selection process. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 47
  10. USE REFINE EDGE to improve any selection The Refine Edge floating panel is accessible in the selection, regardless of the tool used to create the Options bar whenever any selection tool is selected. selection. The Refine Edge tool is particularly useful Using Refine Edge, you can clean up selections, soften when selecting very irregular edges, such as the fur or feather the edge outlines, and remove edge on a bear or a dog. Whenever there is a selection in artifacts or jaggies. The panel offers various the image, the Refine Edge button appears in the previewing options, showing the selection on a white Options bar. or black background, against a red overlay, or on an With the subject selected as in the previous task, you empty layer to help you see the edges of the areas can use the tool to fine-tune the details in the edges you are selecting and the changes you are making. of your image to get the best selection possible. You can use the Refine Edge panel with any active 2 1 Open another image and repeat steps 1 to 11 in the previous task to make a selection. ● The foreground subject is selected. Note: Depending on the image, you might click on the background and then invert the selection to show the subject matter in the selection marquee. 2 Click the Refine Edge button in the Options bar. The subject appears against a solid background. 6 3 Click the Zoom tool and click in the image to enlarge certain 3 4 areas. Note: Click the Hand tool ( ) and click and drag to move around the 5 image. 4 Click and drag the Radius slider to refine the edge selection. 5 Click and drag the Contrast slider to remove edge artifacts and to sharpen edges. 6 Click here to select another view mode from the menu that 48 appears.
  11. 7 Click and drag the Smooth slider to create a smoother selection outline. 8 Click and drag the Feather slider to create a softer-edged transition. 9 Click and drag the Shift 7 Edge slider to adjust the 8 selection edges. 9 0 Click Decontaminate 0 Colors ( changes to ). ! Click and drag the Amount slider to replace ! the color fringes with the color of the subject. @ Repeat steps 4 to 11 to make the best selection possible. # Click here to have the selected area appear as a selection or a mask on the current layer or placed on a new layer. $ Click OK to save the selection. ● Your refined selection appears on the image as a New Layer or as a New Layer with Layer Mask. # $ Try This! Did You Know? Important! You can use a keyboard Moving the Radius slider Clicking the shortcut to quickly change improves the edge of the Decontaminate the preview mode when selection and helps in areas Colors option in step using the Refine Edge with more detail. Increasing the 10 requires the panel. Press F to cycle Contrast amount sharpens the selection to be through each preview edges of the selection. The placed on a new mode. Press X to Smooth slider removes jagged layer or document temporarily view the edges of a selection, and the because it changes original image. Feather slider adds a uniform the colors of pixels. blur to the selection edge. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 49
  12. PAINT A QUICK MASK to make a detailed selection You can select a rectangular or oval area with the to make the selection more precise. The quick mask marquee tools or select free-form or geometric areas covers the area with a translucent red so you can see with the lasso tools, or make other selections with the what you are selecting. You can also specify a Quick Selection tool. You can also use the Brush tool different masking color if the area you are selecting in the Quick Mask mode to make a detailed selection has a lot of red in it. or use the Brush tool in Quick Mask mode to adjust Using this masking technique, you are actually any previously selected area. masking the areas you paint, so you must invert the The Quick Mask mode is an editing mode in which selection before making any adjustments. The areas protected areas are covered with a translucent you painted over are then selected, and the colored mask. You paint directly on the areas you remainder of the image is now masked. want to select, adjusting the brush size as you work 5 1 Click the Zoom tool and click and drag to enlarge the area you want to select. 2 Click the Default Colors icon to set the foreground color to black 4 and the background to white. 3 Click the Quick Mask Mode button. 4 Click the Brush tool. 2 5 Click here to open the Brush picker. 1 3 7 6 Select a hard-edged brush. 7 Click and drag the Size slider to adjust the size. 8 Paint over the areas you want to select. ● The painted areas are covered 6 with a red translucent mask. Note: Click the left bracket key to reduce the brush size as you work in detailed areas. 8 50
  13. 9 Click the Switch Colors icon to reverse the foreground and background colors and 0 make white the foreground color. 0 Paint over any areas that you do not want @ selected. ! Click the Switch Colors icon to make black the 9 foreground color. ! @ Continue painting until the whole area is # covered in red. # Click the Quick Mask Mode button to turn off the Quick Mask mode. $ ● Dashed lines indicate the areas that were covered with the red overlay and are not selected. Note: You can optionally press % Option+spacebar (Alt+spacebar) to zoom back out to see the edges of the image. $ Click Select. % Click Inverse. The selection now includes only the area you painted in the Quick Mask mode. Caution! Important! More Options! Remember that you are You may need to If the image you are painting on is creating a mask, which feather a selection very red, change the masking actually selects the before you make color. Double-click the Quick Mask inverse of the area you adjustments. After you Mode button ( ) and click the are painting over. You invert the selection, color box in the Quick Mask must invert the selection click Select and click Options dialog box to pick a new by clicking Select and Refine Edge to adjust color. You can also reduce the selecting Inverse before the selection using the default mask opacity of 50% if you make adjustments to Refine Edge panel as in necessary to see the selected area the selected area. the previous task. below the mask more clearly. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 51
  14. ADD LAYERS as Smart Objects for flexible changes A Smart Object layer is a special type of layer used However, if you open the same photograph as a for non-destructive editing. This type of layer gives Smart Object layer, or convert the layer to a Smart you creative flexibility because the original pixel data Object layer, you can scale the layer without any of the image, or vector data in some cases, is image data loss. preserved. You can edit a Smart Object layer and You can open a document as a Smart Object, convert then change the adjustment you applied without one or more layers in Photoshop to Smart Object altering the image quality. layers, or move a Smart Object layer into another For example, when you transform or scale a regular document, maintaining its quality as a Smart Object. image layer to reduce the size, some pixels are You can also place an Illustrator or other vector file removed. If you then transform the layer back again, into a document as a Smart Object and maintain the you lose image quality because your previous vector’s sharp edges or forms even when resizing. changes permanently altered the actual pixels. 1 Open an Image as a Smart Object 1 Click File. 2 2 Click Open As Smart Object. The Open dialog box appears. 3 Navigate to and click a file to 3 open. 4 Click Open. The file opens as a Smart Object. 4 1 Convert an Open Image Layer to a Smart Object Layer 1 With an image already open, click Layer. 2 Click Smart Objects. 3 Click Convert to Smart Object. 2 3 ● The layer is changed to a Smart Object layer and appears in the Layers panel with the Smart Object button. The layer is also renamed to Layer 0. Note: You can also click the Layers panel menu button ( ) and select Convert to Smart Object. 52
  15. Open an Image as a Smart Object and Copy 3 1 It to Another Document 1 Open a new blank document. 2 Open an image as a Smart Object as in the first section of this task. 2 3 Click the Arrange Documents button and click the 2 Up button so that you can view both images on-screen. 4 Note: You can also click Window and then Float All in Windows. Then click Window and Tile. 4 Click and drag the Smart Object layer 5 from the first document to the blank document. The Smart Object layer appears in the other document. 8 5 Click Edit. 6 Click Free Transform. 7 ● Handles and a bounding box appear on the Smart Object layer. 6 7 Shift+click and drag an anchor point to reduce the photo size. 8 Click the Commit button to apply the transformation. The image on the layer is scaled down, but can be resized back up to its original size without any data loss. More Options! Try This! Did You Know? You can edit the contents of You can create duplicates of You can open a RAW file any Smart Object layer. Click a Smart Object layer in a (such as a DNG, CR2, or NEF Layer, Smart Objects, and document and link them. file) as a Smart Object by Edit Contents. Click OK in the When you replace the Shift+clicking the Open warning dialog box that contents of one Smart Object Image button in Camera appears. Edit the original file layer, all the duplicates are Raw. You can then return to and press Ô+S (Ctrl+S). The automatically updated at the Camera Raw even after Smart Object image is same time. making edits to the image to updated. make more changes without any data loss. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 53
  16. APPLY FILTERS AS SMART FILTERS for dynamic adjustments Filters in Photoshop are used to add blur, reduce noise, You can add multiple Smart Filters one on top of sharpen, or style an image. When you apply a regular another and then change the order of the Smart filter you permanently alter the pixels. By applying a Filters to change the resulting effect. You can also Smart Filter instead, you can edit and change the add a mask to a Smart Filter. You can then paint on settings of the filter at any time, even after the the mask with black to hide or white to reveal document has been saved and reopened. Any filter different areas of the filter and create detailed edits applied to a Smart Object layer becomes a Smart Filter. on specific areas, all without altering the image data. You can apply a Smart Filter to the entire Smart Most Photoshop filters, with the exception of Liquify Object layer or to a selection on a Smart Object layer. and Vanishing Point, can be applied as Smart Filters. You can remove or hide Smart Filters at any time. 1 1 Open or convert an image as a Smart Object as shown in the previous task. 2 Click Filter. 2 3 Click a filter such as Radial Blur. 4 Click and drag the sliders and adjust any options in the dialog 3 box that appears. 5 Click OK. 5 4 ● The Smart Filter appears below the Smart Object layer in the Layers panel. ● A layer mask is automatically 7 applied to the Smart Filter. 6 6 Click the Brush tool. 7 Click here to open the Brush picker. 54
  17. 8 Click the first soft-edge brush in the Brush 8 picker. 9 9 Click and drag the Size slider to adjust the size. 0 Click the Smart Filter layer mask thumbnail to select it. ! Click Default Colors @ icon to restore the default black and white foreground and ! 0 background, making sure black is the foreground color. @ Click in the image to paint with black to remove the filter from specific areas. ● The painted areas appear black in the layer mask, and the filters are removed from those areas in the photo. # Double-click the filter name to reopen the dialog box and adjust the filter’s settings. $ Click OK. $ # Try This! More Options! Did You Know? Click the triangle ( ) by the Smart To change the effect when using You can copy a Smart Object layer to reveal the Smart multiple Smart Filters, click and drag Filter or a group of Smart Filters or any layer effects applied to one Smart Filter above or below Filters to another Smart the layer. Double-click the Edit another one in the Layers panel. To Object layer in the Layers Blending Options button ( ) next delete an individual Smart Filter, click panel by pressing Option to the Smart Filter. A blending mode its name and drag it to the Layers (Alt) and dragging the dialog box appears. Click Mode to panel trash ( ). To delete all the Smart Filter. However, select a different blending mode. Smart Filters on a layer at once, click you cannot drag a Smart Click Opacity to drag the slider to a and drag the text Smart Filters on the Filter onto a regular different percentage. Smart Object layer to the trash. layer. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 55
  18. AUTOMATICALLY BLEND multiple images to get the best color You can easily combine two or more separate The Auto-Blend Layers command helps you create photographs of the same subject and let Photoshop composites of a scene from multiple images with over- CS5 blend these to achieve a better image. You can or underexposed areas or even content differences. combine images that do not have identical alignments Auto-Blend Layers creates masks to each layer and to and Photoshop can automatically align them. You can hide or show different areas from each image to combine images photographed with different create a better and seamless composite image. exposures, making some too light and others too Using the Auto-Align and Auto-Blend Layers commands dark, and Photoshop CS5 blends these to achieve as in the following technique is an automated, easy-to- better color and tone. use technique and is not the same as creating an HDR The Auto-Align Layers command aligns layers based on (High Dynamic Range) image. similar content in different layers, such as corners and edges, and automatically generates the required masks. 1 Open multiple images to combine. 2 Click the Arrange Documents button and select a window 1 2 4 1 layout so you can see all the images. Note: Only two images are shown in this task; however, you can use multiple images. 3 Shift+click and drag each image onto one image to make multiple layers on one document. 4 Close all the other open images. 3 6 5 Shift+click all the layers in the Layers panel. 6 Click Edit. 7 Click Auto-Align Layers. 8 Click an alignment option in the dialog box that appears. 8 9 9 Click OK. 7 56
  19. ! Photoshop automatically aligns the layers based on the content. 0 Shift+click all the layers 612651 fg0247 in the Layers panel. ! Click Edit. % is missing; this @ Click Auto-Blend layers. # Click Stack Images is here as a @ # in the dialog box ( changes to ). placeholder. $ $ Click Seamless Tones and Colors in the dialog box ( changes to ). 0 % Click OK. Photoshop automatically blends the layers. ^ Click the Crop tool. ^ * & Click and drag in the image to select the finished composite. * Click the Commit button to apply the crop. & Note: You can optionally click Layer and click Flatten Image to combine all the layers into one composite image. Did You Know? More Options! Try This! The Auto-Align After applying the Auto- Ô+click (Ctrl+click) command Align command, you can directly on one of automatically click Edit and Free the layer masks in changes the locked Transform and then use the Layers panel to Background layer the anchor points to fine- see what areas were into a regular layer tune the alignment or added or removed and changes the even to make tonal from one layer. name to Layer 0. adjustments by changing exposure differences between layers. Chapter 2: Work with Layers, Selections, and Masks 57
  20. Straighten, Crop, and Resize A well-balanced image, free from odd-looking composition of an image. You can also distortions, can mean the difference between a straighten and crop several crookedly scanned snapshot and a good photograph. The overall photos in one step. You can even make layout of the image, how it is cropped, and multiple photos from one original image or where the main subject is placed in relation to create a panorama from several separate the background are essential visual elements in images. Using Photoshop and Camera Raw, you any image. Your digital photo may have can fix various types of camera lens distortions buildings that appear top heavy or out of and correct the perspective on buildings; the perspective. A crooked horizon or unbalanced software does most of the work for you. subject matter can make even a great image look like the work of a beginner. Your digital Photoshop CS5 makes all such previously time- photos almost always need to be resized to fit consuming or difficult tasks quick and easy. your projects. Even the best photographers Tools and resampling algorithms help you have images that require some cropping or straighten, crop, adjust, and resize images, resizing. You can follow similar guidelines in saving hours of tedious work to make all your both design projects and photographs. images look better. With Photoshop CS5, you can use a variety of straightening and cropping tools to improve the



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