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ĐỀ CƯƠNG KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II MÔN : ANH VĂN —NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 LỚP : 10 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 1 Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part 1. A. desert B. preserve C. entertain D. expedition 2. A. reach B. beach C. head D. seat 3. A. pale B. damage C. camel D. plan Choose the word with the different stress pattern

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  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II Trường THPT Bắc Trà My Tổ ANH VĂN MÔN : ANH VĂN —NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 --------***------ LỚP : 10 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 1 Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part 1. A. desert B. preserve C. entertain D. expedition 2. A. reach B. beach C. head D. seat 3. A. pale B. damage C. camel D. plan Choose the word with the different stress pattern 4. A. separate B. destruction C. corridor D. serious 5. A. swallow B. reserve C. survive D. reduce Choose the best answer 6. The director……at the airport. A. must meet B. must to be met C. have to be meet D. must be met 7. She had to help her mother. …, she was often late for school. A.But B.So C.However D.Therefore 8. I did my best. ……, it was not good enough. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Even though 9. You …smoke in here. It’s against the rules. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. may. 10. Why don’t you ask Mary? She …know the b oy’s address. A. may B. might have C. ought D. needn’t 11. The reference book is expensive, so I think I’ll borrow it from the…….., rather than buying it A. bookshop B. newsagent C. library D. school’s shop 12. A big shopping mall ………in the city center. A. will build B. is going to build C. is going to be built D. must being built 13. The reports……… tomorrow as the manager needs it before the meeting. A. will be finished B. ought to be finished C. are finished D. must finish 14. If you have got a certificate in language proficiency, you……….the course. A. needn’t take B. mustn’t take C. mightn’t take D. may not take 15. ……tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice …week if I can. A. The-a B. A-the C . x- a D. A-a 16. Taking soup is easy and fast; just put it in your mouth and………….. A. chew B. taste C. swallow D. digest 17. His application might be……by that company. A.accepted B.accepting C.accept D. have accepted 18. We’ll thank him……..the presents. A. with B. about C. for D. to 19. Today many species of plant and animal are in………of extinction. A. threat B. danger C. need D. plenty 20. This also means that the ………..of animals are being destroyed. A. ways of life B. natural habitats C. lands D. species 21. I do not think Robert…….the gold medal. A. will win B. to win C. is winning D. is going to win 22. Jack Dawson is a person in the film Titanic.A. scene B. character C. decade D. cinema 23. The third World Cup was held in France in 1983. It means France was the…… A. team B. host nation C. FIFA D. organization 24. I went to the library …last night. A. to study B. studying C. to studying D. for studying 25. John this town since he was born. A.lives B.lived living D.has lived 26. I haven’t been to the cinema for a decade.A. ten years B. seven years C. five years D. twenty years 27. Up to the present, many novels ……….by Peter. A. has written B. have been written C. have written D. has been written 28. The examinations…next month. A. was given B. will be given C. will give D. will have given 29. I usually go out for dinner with my friends …Saturday nights. A. in B. for C. at D. on 30. I ....... my house on Saturday next week. A. will paint B. paint C. will be painted D. am painting Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting, write in the letter in the right column 31.Tom has already decided to sell the car what she bought last year.
  2. A B C D 32.It started to rain hard ; therefore we decided not to stay at home. A B C C 33.Don’t worry ! .The train will be arrived soon. A B C D 34.Jane may offer that job, so tell her not to give up so early. A B C D 35.In the years to come, all the trees in this forest will disappear if something is done to protect them. A B C D Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the first one 36. No one has used this room for ages. A. This room has been used for ages by no one. C. There’s no one to use this room far ages. B. This room hasn’t been used for ages. D. There’s hardly anyone to use this room for ages. 37. You ought to do your homework everyday. A. Your homework ought to be done everyday. C. Your homework ought to do everyday by you. B. Your homework ought be done everyday. D. Your homework should to be done everyday. 38. It’s possible that we won’t go camping this weekend. A. We will probably go camping this weekend. C. We may not go camping this weekend. B. We will not go camping this weekend. D. We must not go camping this weekend. 39. It is very hot in the desert. Therefore, few trees can grow there. A. It is very hot in the desert. However, few trees can grow there. B. Although it is very hot in the desert, few trees can grow there. C. Few trees can grow in the desert because it is very hot there. D. Few trees can grow in the desert, so it is very hot there. 40. It rained all day, but we enjoyed ourselves all the same. A. It rained all day and we did not enjoy at all. B. We enjoyed the same way as others because it rained all day. C. It rained all day and we did not enjoy it less. D. It rained all day; however we enjoyed it. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word I love books and reading books. I used to go to the library a lot when I was a student. I (41)……….two or three books a week there and I had to pay a fine whenever I returned them late. Friends often recommend books to me and I also read books reviews in the newspapers. I don’t always agree with them, but anyway they let me know what books are being (42)……. Reading is one of life’s great pleasures. It is the quiet, private relationship between the author and the (43)……that makes a book so special. The richness of English language and the strength of story-telling have always excited me. My brother used to read to me most (44)……before I went to bed, and similarly, I read books to my children. I suppose it was my English teacher, Eric Anderson, who (45)…me feel enthusiastic about novel. 41. A. lent B. lend C. borrowed D. bought 42. A. published B. made C. sent D. produced 43. A. reader B. writer C. viewer D. audience 44. A. days B. time C. night D. nights 45. A. make B. makes C. made D. help Read the passage and choose the best answer In Southeast Asia, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and to clear land for farms and industries. The destruction of forests has reduced the living space of wildlife. Much of Asia’s wildlife is also threatened by over-hunting. Many people kill animals for food or hunt them to sell to zoos, medical researches, and pet traders. Because of habitats destruction and over-hunting, many large Asian animals, including elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers, have become endangered. In China, people have cut down most of the forests for woods, which has caused serious soil erosion. The soil is deposited in rivers and streams, which lowers the quality of the water. The Huang He, or Yellow River, is so named because the light-colored soil gives the water a yellow color. The soil has also raised the riverbed. As the result, the Huang He often floods, causing great property damage and loss of life along its banks. 46. The living space of wildlife in Southeast Asia………. A. is a threat to farmers. B. has been reduced when the forests are cut down. C. is near farms and industries. D. is rebuilt when people destroy forests. 47. The word over-hunting has the closest meaning to……….. A. hunting too much B. hunting in the highlands C. hunting overseas D. hunting for wildlife. 48. Rhinoceroses and elephants are mentioned as an example of……….. A. endangered animals in Asia. B. large animals kept in zoos. C. animals attacked to medical researches D. animal traders want to have 49. The Huang He…. A. is a deep river in china B. receives soil which betters the quality of water
  3. C. has its name from the color of its water D. runs between forests 50. The Huang He often floods because ……….. A. of the low quality of the water B. wood is deposited in rivers C. water from many streams flows into it. D. the river is shallow due to the raised riverbed ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 2 Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world's energy resources are limited. No body knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.However, many people don't approve of using nuclear power because it is very dangerous. What would happen if there were a serious nuclear accident ? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economically as possible 1. According to the passage, using nuclear power is ................ A. dangerous B. interesting C. safe D. cheap 2. Radioactivity from nuclear power ...................... A. the future generations do nothing with it B. alters a new kind of energy C. are necessary to cure diseases D. causes cancer and has bad effect on the future generations 3. How much fuel is left ? A. No one know exactly B. Let's use it as much as we would like C. It will never be used up D. There is a lot of fuel 4. We should use coal, oil and gas ................. A. as economically as possible B. carelessly C. as much as possible D. all are incorrect 5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, ................. A. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas and we have to conserve are incorrect B. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas C. We have to conserve D. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas and we have to conserve are correct Choose one sentence that best rewrites the root one 6. Active: I don't like people telling me what to do. A. People aren't like telling me what to do B. What people telling me to do isn't liked by me C. I am not liked telling what to do by people D. I don't like being told what to do 7. Active: Dangerous driving causes many accidents. A. Accidents are caused by many dangerous driving B. Many are caused accidents by dangerous driving C. Causes many accidents are being driven by dangerous D. Many activities are caused by dangerous driving 8. Active : Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. A. When I arrived, the room was being cleaned B. The room were being cleaned when I arrived C. The room was been cleaning when I arrived D. When I arrived, the room is being cleaned 9. Active : People must not leave bicycles in the hall. A. Bicycles must been not left in the hall B. Bicycles must not be left in the hall C. Bicycles in the hall must not left D. Bicycles in the hall not being left 10. Active : They haven't stamped the letter. A. The letter hasn't been stamped B. The letter hasn't got stamped C. The letter hasn't be stamped D. The letter wasn't been stamped Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 11. This scientific theory .......... to be false. A. has now been proving B. has now to be proved C. has now proved D. has now been proved 12. The earth is being ........... and the future looks bad. A. threatened B. threat C. threatening D. threaten 13. Many animals are ........... for their fur or other valuable parts of their bodies. A. dying B. killing C. killed D. died 14. Wildlife all over the world is in ................ A. death B. danger C. threat D. risk 15. John Aspinal is famous for his progrmame of breeding ............... species. A. dangerous B. dangered C. endangered D. dangerously 16. We ................ him since he moved here.
  4. A. know B. knew C. had known D. have known 17 He ……… a student 10 years ago but now he is a teacher. A. used to be B. didn’t use to be C. didn’t used to be D. use to be. 18. The ..........of forest is destroying the earth's plants and animals. A. lost B. lose C. loose D. loss 19. Without plants, most water would ........... as soon as it falls. A. run by B. run after C. run away D. run off 20.About 5000 species of plants and animals ............ each year. A. are already been eliminating B. has already been eliminated C. are already being eliminated D. have already eliminated 21.We can't clean up our .......... rivers and seas overnight. A. polluting B. pollute C. pollution D. polluted 22.Many laws .............. in nature's defence. A. were being passed B. are passing C. are passed D. have passed 23.Water ............ most of the earth's surface. A. is covering B. being covered C. covers D. is covered 24.The situation is serious. Something .......... before it's too late. A. must be doing B. must do C. must have done D. must be done 25.We managed to climb over the wall without ........... A. being see B. to see C. to be seen D. seeing 26. We.................seen him for two years. A.didn't B.haven't C.don't D.doesn't 27. Trinh Cong Son was a famous….in Vietnamese music. A. designer B. writer C. composer D. singer 28. The farm is famous……. its production of coffee. A. with B. in C. for D. on 29. The coffee…… by the time I got up this morning. A. Was already made B. Has already been made C. Had already been made D. Would have already made 30. It rained all the time,………..was a great pity. A. which B. that C. what D. who 31. The flowers………… bought yesterday are still fresh. A. where B. which C. when D. who 32. I’m bored ………….watching the advertisements on T.V. A. with B. on C. of D. in 33……. that road………? It was badly damaged by the floods last month. A. Is / repaired B. Has/ repaired C. Have/ repaired D. Has/ been repaired 34. I…….. a new house last year, but I…… old one yet. A. buy/sell B. bought/sell C. haven’t bought/sold D. bought/haven’t sold 35. The teacher…… was ill cancelled her maths lessons. A. who B. which C. whose D. what Choose is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B,C or D) 36.Modern zoos want to see as places where rare animals can develop A. to see B. Modern zoos C. where D. can develop 37. Trees of new kind grown well on this soil A. Trees of B. grown C. this soil D.well 38. Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet ? A. changes B. be told C. Have D. yet 39. Campers must be used earth to put out their campfire completely A. to put B. completely C. be used D. their 40. Man and most animals need a constantly supply of water to live A. to live B. of C. constantly D. most Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest 41.A. pubs B. caps C. cooks D. cuts 42.A. bomb B. comb C. climb D. about 43.A. disease B. threaten C. feature D. sea 44.A. cleaned B. stopped C. played D. prepared 45.A. build B. tomb C. black D. cab Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 46.A. defence B. cancer C. species D. damage 47.A. especially B. erosion C. animal D. variety
  5. 48.A. reconstruction B. vegetation C. destruction D. circulation 49.A. natural B. forester C. medicine D. eliminate 50.A. environment B. appearance C. conservation D. pollution ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 3 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest 1. A.cooked B. stopped C. water ed D. finished 2. A. spend B. invader C. solder D. destroy 3. A. plant B. contain C. toxic D. nature 4. A. animals B. tourists C. depends D. seasons 5. A. moved B. missed C. called D. played II. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question Bach Ma National Park is(6)…………… central Vietnam in Thua Thien Hue province, around 700 km south of the country’s capital Hanoi and 1000 km north of of Ho Chi Minh City. The National Park (7)………… area of about 22,000 ha (8)…………. the districks of Phu Loc and Nam Dong. This area is home of a wide veriety of animals and plants. Bach Ma is (9)……………as one of the areas of Indochina with (10)……..biodiversity . 6. A. locating B. located C. locate D. locates 7. A. gets B. has C. covers D. pollutes 8. A. at B. on C. to D. in 9. A. recognized B. recognize C. recognizes D. had 10.A.high B.short C.low D.small III. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the root one 11. He didn't work hard, so he failed the exam. A. If he hadn't worked hard, he would have failed the exam B. He had passed the exam if he would have worked hard C. He would have passed the exam if he had worked hard D. If he worked hard, he wouldn't fail the exam 12. If I had had your address, I would have sent you a present. A. I hadn't had your address; that's why I wouldn't have sent you a present B. I don't send you a present because I wouldn't have your adddress C. I didn't send you a present because I didn't have your address D. I don't have your address, so I won't send you a present 13. I was tired because I stayed up late last night. A. If I had stayed up late last night, I would have been tired B. I hadn't been tired If I wouldn't have stayed up late last night C. I wouldn't be tired if I didn't stay up late last night D. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t have been tired. 14. You wouldn't have made many mistakes if you had been careful. A. You weren't careful, so you made many mistakes B. You were careful, so you didn't make many mistakes C. You made many mistakes because you were mistakes D. You didn't make many mistakes because you weren't careful 15. You didn't do as I told you, that's why you didn't succeed. A. You wouldn't have succeeded if you had done as I told you B. You would have succeeded if you hadn't done as I told you C. If you had done as I told you, you would have succeeded D. If you hadn't done as I told you, you wouldn't have succeeded IV. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following senteces. 16. We were very his success. A. fond B. surprised C. interested D. keen 17. If Lien ........ a raincoat, she wouldn't have got a cold. A. has worn B. had worn C. wears D. wore 18. There is large ........... of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. A. vary B. various C. variety D. varied 19. One species is dependent ........... another for survival. A. at B. of C. on D. to 20. We the beach yesterday if the sun had been shining.
  6. A. would have gone B. had gone C. will go D. would go 21. Cuc Phuong National Park ..........over 200 square kilometers of rainforest. A. hold B. contains C. gets D. covers 22. If I .............that Huong had to get up early, I ..........her up A. had known - would have woken B. know - would wake C. knew – woke D. would have known - had woken 23. We can go to the National Park to learn about the different ..........of animals and plants. A. tyres B. species C. sorts D. means 24. Lots of abandoned animals ..........of in the Orphana ge . A. care taken B. are taking care C. are taken care D. take care 25. If he ........up earlier, he work on time A. had got - would get B. would get - got C. would have got - had got D. got - would get 26. Everglades National Park in the USA has plants and animals from .........tropical and temperate zones. A. both B. among C. either D. between 27. There are toxic level of the water of this lake. A. chemists B. chemics C. chemicals D. chemistry 28. The ........has threatened many of the animals in this park. A. population B. remain C. descrease D. increase 29. They .......the farm if they ........enough money. A. enlarged - would have B. would enlarge - had had C. would have enlarged - had had D. had enlarged -would have had 30. My home village is .......... 40 kilometers north of the capital. A. surrounded B. held C. located D. laid 31. The cinema changed completely at ….end of….1920s. A. the - Ø B. Ø - the C. the – the D. an – the 32. We stayed in Asia Hotel,…..Mr. Thanh recommended to us. A. who B. that C. which/ that D. which 33.The Muong ethenic minority live mainly …..bee keeping and farming. A. in B. on C. with D. at 34. “ ……is it from here to the theatre?” “About 5 kilometers” A. How long B. How often C. How D. How far 35. I couldn’t sleep…..very tired. A. although I was B. despite I was C. in spite of D. despite of being 36. … the traditional music of a country. A. Classical music B. Folk music C. Jazz D. Pop music 37. It was not until I was 15 years old…….I learned how to ride a bicycle. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 38. My village is located …….the northern part of the city. A. at B. in C. of D. on 39. “The Spy Returns” is a very……….film about a wealthy man who visits Italy. A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited 40. If I wasn't working for an accounting firm, I ………. in a bank: A. would have worked B. would be working C. had worked D. will work V. Choose the underlined part that needs correction 41. I had gone to see you if I'd known that you were ill A B C D 42. If Mr.Black weren't late every day , he wouldn't have lost his job A B C D 43. We wouldn't have enjoyed that party because it was very long A B C D 44. My sister has been ill from yesterday and I have to look after her A B C D 45. If I were you, I would have forgotten about buying a new car A B C D VI. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 46. A. butterfly B. wilderness C. national D. abandon 47. A. orphan B. fauna C. ethnic D. explore 48. A. dependent B. minority C. survival D. recognize
  7. 49. A. October B. tropical C. dependent D. establish 50. A. habit B. locate C. chemical D. temperate ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 4 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest 1. A. sight B. listen C. start D. music 2. A. zoo B. zone C. seizure (arrest) D. amaze 3. A. ideas B. feelings C. thoughts D. dreams 4. A. newspaper B. design C. season D. disagree 5. A. noise B. promise C. sense D. purpose Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 6. A. lyrical B. solemn C. compose D. ballad 7. A. celebrate B. integral C. funeral D. emotion 8. A. anthem B. traditional C. communicate D. delight 9. A. imagine B. musician C. festival D. expression 10. A. classical B. occasion C. become D. appreciate Choose the best anwser to complete each of the following sentences. 11. Language and music make humans different .........all other animals. A. by B. from C. with D. of 12. Music can be used to express one's ......... A. friendship B. friends C. befriend D. friendly 13. Music plays a very important our life. A. section B. field C. part D. area 14. Music adds the atmosphere of a festival. A. happy B. sadness C. disappointment D. joyfulness 15. Folk music ..........babies to sleep. A. makes B. wakes C. lets D. lulls 16. Music is general and pop music in particular makes people ................. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement 17. I listen to music ...........feel relaxed. A. as so to B. so as to C. so as for D. in order 18. "........." is your favourite Vietnamese singer ? "Trong Tan and My Linh " A. Whom B. What C. Who D. Whose 19. " you like classical music?" -" Because it helps me relax" A. How B. Why C. Which D. What 20. We started early in order .........miss the first part of the correct. A. not to B. to not C. for no D. no for 21. .............was " Heal the world " written ? A. By who B. Who C. By whom D. Whom 22. it from here to the threatre ? A. How B. How far C. How often D. How long 23. I'm saving money ......... a cassette player. A. for buy B. buying C. in buying D. to buy 24. " ......... are you learning Chinese for ?" " To sing Chinese songs." A. Why B. What C. How D. Which 25. His parents never allowed him…….. A. to smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. smoking 26. What does she practice singing every morning……….? – To become a singer. A. for B. with C. to D. in 27. Nam asks“ Would you like to spend a weekend in my countryside ?’’. Nga replies “…………………..” A. Yes, thanks, that’s a good idea B. Yes , I will C. Yes, thanks D. Yes, that’s right 28. This park was……….. before World War II. A. set B. established C. located D. stationed 29. ……volunteers to help the poor children? - Linh and I do. A. Whom B. Which C. Who D. What
  8. 30. She doesn't like her job. It is so……. A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boringly 31. It was not until 1915 that……….. A. the cinema really become an industry B. the cinema really became an industry C. the cinema had really become an industry D. the cinema has really become an industry 32. The teacher had divided the students…… small groups before they did their task. A. of B. for C. into D. in 33. World Cup is the most popular sporting…… today. A. team B. incident C. series D. event 34.If I……..any friends, I would be lonely. A. won’t have B. didn’t have C. wouldn’t have D. don’t have 35. Music is very much an intergral part of our life. A. unnecessary B. important C. encouraged D. impolite Chope the underlined part that needs correction 36. My brother is studing hard for get scholarship A. is B. for C. scholarship D. hard 37. What does your daughter practise singing all day to ? A. does B. practise C. all D. to 38. Do you know what kind of music does Minh like ? A. know B. does Minh like C. kind of D. Do 39. Lam turned on the radio in order to listening to the news A. listening B. the news C. turned on D. in order 40. Why we don't go to the cinema for a change tonight ? A. for B. change C. to the D. we don't Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question Pop Music has always been influenced by other forms of music. An important form is folk music. Folk songs are the songs composed and sung by country people. The songs may be hundreds of years old, so nobody knows who originally composed them. Modern music is often music for dancing. In Britain it was traditionally played with instrument like flute, accordion, etc. In the 1950s and 1960s the people who wrote songs and played them with acoustic guitars were also folk singers. The songs were often "protest songs", complaining of bad things happening in society. 41. Which form of music is pop music mainly influenced by ? A. classical music B. rock "n" roll C. jazz D. folk music 42. Who were folks songs composed by ? A. modern musicians B. countryside people C. city people D. old singers 43. According to the passage, what is modern music often used for ? A. playing with guitars B. dancing C. singing only D. forming pop music 44.In the 1950s, what did people play folk songs with ? A. flutes B. pianos C. drums D. guitars 45. Why are folk songs called " protest songs"? A. Because nobody knows who originally composed them B. Because they are hundreds of year old C. Because they are sung by country people ? D. Because they complain about bad things happening in society Choose one correct sentence which is built from the words provided 46. apologize / coming / he / me / for / late / telephoned / to // A. He telephoned me to apologize for coming late. B. He telephoned me for apologize to coming late. C. He apologize me for coming late to telephoned. D. He coming to apologize me for telephoned late. 47. will / do / it / this / what / you / if / rains / afternoon// ? A. What will you do if it rains this afternoon ? B. If it rains this afternoon what you will do ? C. If you do this afternoon what will it rains ? D. What will it do if you rains this afternoon ? 48. Job/ to / going / the / to / a /are / capital / you / find //? A. Are you a job to find going to the capital ? B. Are you to the capital going to find a job ? C. Are you going to the capital to find a job ? D. Are you to find a job to the capital going / 49. why / do / Tam / listening / jazz / you / enjoys / to / know //? A.You know why do Tam enjoys listening to jazz? B. Why Tam know do you enjoys listening to jazz? C. Why do Tam know you enjoys listening to jazz ? D. Do you know why Tam enjoys listening to jazz ?
  9. 50. often / go / concert / how / your / to / do / the / family // A. How your family often do go to the concert? B. How often do your family go to the concert ? C. How go to the concert often your family do ? D. How do your family go to the concert often ? ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 5 I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. dear B. clear C. year D. bear 2. A. wear B. where C. pair D. here 3. A. casual B. floor C. usually D. poor 4. A. hea vy B. weather C. idea l D. measure 5. A. four B. course C. tour D. pour II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern 6. A. jellyfish B. herbicide C. carnivore D. entrapment 7. A. challenge B. dolphin C. offspring D. reveal 8. A. mysteries B. satellite C. organism D. submarine 9. A. investigate B. population C. diversity D. technology 10. A. pollute B. maintain C. release D. temperature III. Choose the best answer to complete of the following senteces. 11. The prefix sub in the word submarine means ........... A. none B. under C. again D. above 12. The UK is divided .......... four parts: English, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A. into B. between C. for D. among 13. Carnivores are animals which ......... A. live on the bottom B. eat meat C. eat plants D. swim very fast 14. If I ....... you, I wouldn't buy that coat. A. would be B. were C. am D. was 15. You ...... to go to bed late.It is not good for your health. A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. oughtn't D.may 16. The shrimp is a kind of .......... A. krill B. fish C. plant D. mammal 17. The sea is polluted, which .......... sea plants and animals. A. endangers B. dangerous C. dangers D. dangerously 18. Tam......... more if he ..... more time. A. would read - has B. will read -had C. would read - had D. read - had 19. I think you ............ aplogize for your behaviour. A. shall B. have C. should D. ought 20. Sperm whale populations are now ........... risk due to hunting. A. in B. by C. of D. at 21. The starfish lives on or depend .......... the bottom. A. of B. in C. for D. on 22. Whales, seals are examples of ........... animals. A. river B. tiny C. marine D. land 23. The life ......... of sperm whale can be up to seventy years. A. distance B. period C. length D. span 24. I wonder where Mai is. She should .......... here by now. A. being B. to be C. have seen D. be 25. If I didn't want to go to the party, I ........ go. A. didn't B. won't C. don't D. wouldn't 26.The World Cup is considered as the most popular sporting event in the world. A. competed B. regarded C. witnessed D. organized 27. Don’t be worried so much. I ….you with the exercise, I promise. A. will help B. am helping C. will helping D. am going to help 28. The film opened with a … an apartment and some policemen were examining a body. A. scene B. look C. rest D. shock 29. Peter has practiced playing the piano….. the piano contest next week. A. in order enter B. to entering C. to enter D. to not enter 30. In the final match, our school team defeated the visiting team by 4…3. A. against B. with C. up D. to 31.Music….our hopes and dreams. A. can also convey B. that also convey C. can be also convey D. to convey
  10. 32……….…. did you stay there? – I spent three wonderful weeks there. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often 33. Our actions express our love more than any words we do. A. perform B. show C. create D. help 34. I like…classical music but my brothers prefer….jazz. A. a/ a B. ø / ø C. a/ the D. the/ the 35……breakfast is….first meal of the day. A. The/ the B. A/ ø C. The/ ø D. ø/ the IV. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question People have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no real problems until the 20th century. What happened was that fishing technology became much more efficient and the ships were much faster, so more and more whales were caught. In the 1960s, the main whaling countries were killing more tha n sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to realize that something had to be done. It was environmental groups like Greenpeace that really made things change. They set up to make people aware of the fact the whales were fast becoming extinct. But even now we don't know if all this interest has come too late. Let's take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty metres long is the biggest animal has ever been - now there are perhaps about two thousand or so left. In fact they have been protected for quite a long time, but there is still no sign that the population is growing. 36. How long have people been hunting whales ? A. since the 1960s B. for nearly 200 years C. since the 20th century D. for over 2000 years 37. The twentieth century has brought many dangers to whales due to ......... A. longer nets B. improved methods of technology & faster ships C. improved methods of technology D. faster ships 38. What makes people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct ? A. Main whaling countries B. International agreement C. Greenpeace D. Evironmental groups 39. Approximately how many blue whales are there on earth now ? A. 30,000 B. 40,000 C. 2000 D. 60,000 40. Which of the following statements is Not true about blue whales ? A. They have been protected for quite a long time B. They can grow up to forty metres long C. They are the biggest animals on earth D. Their population is growing fast V. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the root one 41. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can't meet you. A. If I don't have to work tomorrow evening, I can meet you. B. I can meet you if I didn't have to work tomorrow evening. C. I could meet you tomorrow evening if I don't have to work. D. If I don't have to work tomorrow evening, I would meet you. 42 Paul has get up early in the morning. A. He should stay up late B. He should set his alarm clock C. He should drink a lot of strong coffee D. He should watch TV until midnight 43 If I knew her telephone number, I would give her a ring. A. I gave her a ring so I knew her telephone number B. I gave her a ring because I knew her telephone number C. I didn't know her telephone number, so I didn't give her a ring D. I don't give her a ring because I don't know her telephone number 44. You should clean this room evereyday. A. This room should been cleaned everyday B. This room be should cleaned everyday C. This room should is cleaned everyday D. This room should be cleaned everyday 45. People know that some whales move into warm waters to give birth. A. Some whales are known to move into warm waters to give birth B. Some whales are known that move into warm waters to give birth C. Some whales are known of moving into warm waters to give birth D. Some whales are known to be moved into warm waters to give birth VI. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B, C or D) 46. If you sold your house, you didn't get much money for it A. your B. much C. for it D. didn't 47.The government should done more to help homeless people A. done B. The C. homeless D. to help 48. What would you do if you have chance to travel in the submarine A. the submarine B. have C. you do D. to travel 49. Do you think I ought apply for this job ?
  11. A. for B. Do C. ought apply D. think 50. If modern technology didn't exist, we will never have these precious pictures A. these B. exist C. will D. modern technology ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 6 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest 1. A. wear B. here C. where D. pair 2. A. parked B. played C. stayed D. loved 3. A. books B. cuts C. pubs D. caps Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest 4. A. establish B. tropical C. interest D. national 5. A. farmer B. planet C. destroy D. forest Choose the sentence that is similar to the root one 6. I was tired because I stayed up late last night. A. If I had stayed up late last night, I would have been tired. B. I hadn’t been tired if I wouldn’t have stayed up late last night. C. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t have been tired. D. I wouldn’t be tired if I didn’t stay up late last night. 7. Dangerous driving causes many accidents. A. Many are caused accidents by dangerous driving. B. Accidents are caused by many dangerous driving. C. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving. D. Causes many accidents are being driven by dangerous. Read and then choose the correct option to complete each blank Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to (8)______. (9)______ need water for their crops. Hydroelectric dams hold back needed water and provide power (10)______ homes and industries. Trees, grasses, and other plant life play an (11)______ part in the natural circulation of water, and thus help to conserve it. Without plants, most water would run off as soon as it falls, taking away valuable soil. Rapid run off would cause frequent floods and leave (12)______ water during dry seasons. 8. A. learn B. live C. read D. play 9. A. Farmers B. Teachers C. Doctors D. Students 10. A. with B. for C. to D. of 11. A. importance B. important C. importantly D. import 12. A. little B. many C. much D. a lot of Choose the underlined part that needs correction 13. If Mr. Black weren’t late, he wouldn’t have lost his job. A B C D 14. The government should done more to help homeless people A B C D 15. Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet? A B C D 16.My brother prefers science fiction films than horror ones. A B C D 17.The students were interesting in taking a field trip to the National Museum. A B C D Read and then choose the best answer London, which is the capital city of the United Kingdom, was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. It has a population of about 7 million. Situated in Southern England, on the River Thames, the city covers an area of 1610 square kilometers.London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the Houses of Parliament. They also come to visit its theatres, its museums and its many shops. The most famous shop is Harrods, where you can buy almost anything. The best thing about London is the parks. There are five of them in the city centre. They cover a large area of the city, and are ideal places for people to get away from the noisy and busy city life, and relax. 18. What does the word “its” in the second paragraph refer to? A. River Thames’ B. United Kingdom’s C. London’s D. Northern England’s 19. What is the most famous shop in London? A. Houses of Parliament B. St. Paul’s Cathedral C. Harrods D. Thames 20. How many parks are there in the city centre of London? A. 5 B. 3 C. 10 D. 7
  12. 21. By whom was London founded? A. The British B. The Greeks C. The Romans D. The English 22. Approximately, how many inhabitants are there in London? A. seventeen million B. four million C. seven million D. three million Make the best choice 23.They have just bought some paint. They ______ their house this afternoon. A. be going to paint B. will paint C. to painting D. are going to paint 24.Yesterday she heard ______ news. She was so ______ that she couldn’t say anything. A. surprising/ surprising B. surprised/ surprising C. surprising/ surprised D. surprised/ surprised 25.______ at Christmas? – I went home for Christmas. A. What did you do B. For what did you do C. Where did you went D. What did you do for 26.Which do you prefer. Action films ______ love stories? A. but B. and C. with D. or 27. I do not think Robert ______ the gold medal. A. is going to win B. is winning C. will win D. won’t win 28. She has saved a sum of money for her ______. A. retiring B. retire C. retirement D. retired 29. Water ______ most of the earth’s surface. A. covers B. is covered C. being covered D. is covering 30. We sat at the table until all the food ______. A. were eating B. was eating C. were eaten D. was eaten 31. The tickets ______ to you over a week ago. A. are sold B. were sold C. will be sold D. have been sold 32. The United Kingdom is divided ______ 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A. between B. among C. into D. for 33. Carnivores are animals which ______. A. eat meat B. eat plants C. swim very fast D. live on the bottom 34.Today I walk to school because my bicycle______yesterday morning . A. are stolen B. was stolen C. stole D. is stolen 35. If I ______ you, I wouldn’t buy that coat. A. am B. was C. were D. would be 36. You ______ go to bed late. It’s not good for your health. A. shouldn’t B. oughtn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t 37. I wonder where Mai is. She should ______ here by now. A. be B. to be C. being D. is 38. If I didn’t want to go to the party, I ___go. A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t 39. My home village is ______ 40 kilometres to the north of the capital. A. held B. laid C. located D. surrounded 40. There is a large ______ of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. A. vary B. various C. varied D. variety 41. Cuc Phuong National Park ______ over 200 square kms of rainforest. A. contains B. holds C. gets D. covers 42. If Lien ______ a raincoat, she wouldn’t have got a cold. A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. had worn 43. We ______ to the beach yesterday if the sun had been shining. A. will go B. would go C. had gone D. would have gone 44. Henry ______ a rich man if he had been more careful in the past. A. would have been B. would be C. will be D. was 45. Hydroelectric dams in Vietnam have provided power ______ millions of homes and businesses. A. for B. to C. with D. of 46. Trees and shrubs ______ an important part in preserving land. A. make B. keep C. have D. play 47. New York is famous ______ its skyscrapers. A. as B. with C. for D. of 48. Without plants, most water would ______ as soon as it falls. A. run off B. run after C. run away D. run by 49.Germany was the ______ of the World Cup. The 18th World Cup was held there. A. trophy B. host nation C. continent D. tournament 50. Would you mind ______e tomorrow?
  13. A. calling B. if you call C. to call D. call ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 7 I .Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounded differently from the rest. 1. A. high B. height C. weight D. rise 2. A. there B. where C. here D. nowhere 3. A. pine B. psychology C. plane D. pick 4. A. cleaned B. stopped C. played D. prepared 5. A. paul B. usual C. actually D. casual. II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 6. There are various…..and animals in tropical forests.A .plantations B. planter C. plants D. plant 7 .Many plants and animals can be used as medicine .......... Cancer, AIDS and other sicknesses. A . against B. by C .with D. for 8. If we took the 10:30 train we…………arrive early. A. can B. may C. will D. would 9. Without plants, most water would ........... as soon as it falls A. run by B. run after C. run away D. run-off 10. In the class, you shouldn’t……….A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. told 11. If Lien ........ a raincoat, she wouldn't have got a cold A. has worn B. had worn C. wears D. wore 12. One species is dependent ........... another for survival A. at B. of C. on D. to 13.We the beach yesterday if she sun had been shining A. would have gone B. had gone C. will go D. would go 14. We can go to the National Park to learn about the different ..........of animals and plants A. tyres B. species C. sorts D. means 15. If he ........up earlier, he work on time A. had got - would get B. would get - got C. would have got - had got D. got - would get 16. There are toxic level of the water of this lake A. chemists B. chemics C. chemicals D. chemistry 17. Cuc phuong National Park ..........over 200 square kilometers of rainforest A. hold B. contains C. gets D. covers 18. If I were you,I………………harder. A. learnt B. learn C. would learn D. had learned 19. The film opened with a … an apartment and some policemen were examining a body. A. scene B. look C. rest D. shock 20. Peter has practiced playing the piano…….the piano contest next week. A. in order enter B. to entering C. to enter D. to not enter 21.In the final match, our school team defeated the visiting team by 4……3. A. against B. with C. up D. to 22. Music ……our hopes and dreams. A. can also convey B. that also convey C. can be also convey D. to convey 23. If energy….inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different. A. will be B. would be C. is D. were 24……… Pacific is the world's largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth's surface. A. An B. The C. no article D. A 25. About 400 students…….. part in the protest.A. made B. did C. hold D. took 26. They have just bought some paint. They……….. their house this afternoon. A. will paint B. painted C. are going to paint D. paint 27. His parents never allowed him…….. A. to smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. smoking 28. What does she practice singing every morning……..? – To become a singer. A. for B. with C. to D. in 29. If I knew her address, I ……………round and see her. A. will go B. would go C. go D. am going 30. If it …………….yesterday, I would have gone out with my friends. A. wouldn’t rain B. haven’t rained C. hadn’t rained D. rained III . Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question . Parks in our country are wonderful playgrounds and millions of people visit them every year. There are places where you can camp without charge or you can rent a room in a hotel. You can take long walks in the forests, take boat trips, or climb mountains. You are not allowed to hunt in the parks, so there are many wild animals. You can fish in the streams of most of the parks. The park keepers sometimes go with the visitors on
  14. walks to tell them about the animals, plants, and mountains. They also have programmes and talks at the compgrounds and in the hotels so that people many learn all about the park and the things that are in it. 31.The word " them" in line 5 refers to ........A. animals B. visitors C. parks D. park keepers 32.Which of the following statements is Not true ? A. We can walk and have talks with the park keepers B. We can hunt in the parks C. We are allowed to fish in most of the parks D. There are many animals in the park 33.Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage ? A. go climbing B. go by boat C. go for a walk D. go skiing 34.The boad " streams" in line 4 is closest in meaning to ............. A. small rivers B. lakes C . ponds D. big seas IV. Choose the words or phrases that best complete this passage. Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Viet Nam, was (35)………. opened 1960. It (36) …….. 160 kilometers south west of Ha Noi spanning. Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa (37) ……... Cuc Phuong National Park contains over 200 square kilometers of rainforest. It attracts both tourists and scientists. In 2002, nearly 100,000 visitors (38) …….. their way to Cuc Phuong. Tourists come there to study butterflies, visit caves, hike mountains and look at the (39) ……. tree. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According, to scientists, there are about 2,000 different species of flora and 450 species of fauna in the park. 35. A. recently B. probabl C. specially D. officially 36. A. locates B. located C. is located D. is locating 37. A.provinces B. towns C.districts D. cities 38. A. had B. made D.lost 39. A. 1,000-year-old B. 1,000-years-old C. 1,000 year old D.1,000 years V. After each pair of sentences, there are four options which are their combinations. Choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B? C, or D 40. He is introducing some new kinds of computers. A. Some new kinds of computers are introduced by him, B. Some new kinds of computers is being introduced by him. C. Some new kinds of computers are being introduced by him. D. Some new kinds of computers have been introduced by him. 41. His father gave him a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. A. He is given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. B. He was given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. C. He had been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. D. He has been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. 42. They are building a new zoo near my village. A. A new zoo is being built near my village. B. A new zoo will be built near my village. C. A new zoo is built near my village. D. A new zoo is being building near my villa ge. 43. photos / the / take / a / in / London / last week / studio /. A. The photos were taken in a London studio last week. B. The photos was taken in a London studio last week C. The photos have been taken in a London studio last week. D. The photos had been taken in a London studio last week 44. I / if / he / ill / not / absent / school / from / be / yesterday /. A. If I hadn't been ill, I wouldn't be absent from school yesterday. B. If I wasn't ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesterday. C. If I haven't been ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesterday. D. If I hadn't been ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesterday. 45. If / parents / ray / exam / my / pass /I / be / very / happy / last year /. A. If I had passed my exam last year, my parents would have been very happy. B. If I pass my exam, my parents would be very happy last year. C. If I had passed my exam last year, my parents will be happy. D. If I will pass my exam, my parents would be happy last year. VI.Choose a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B,C or D) 46.I think you should done if it's the right thing to do. A B C D 47. Kinds of trees grown well on this soil A BC D 48. Man and most animals need a constantly supply of water to live A B C D
  15. 49.We wouldn't have enjoyed that party because it was very long A B C D 50. If I were you, I would have forgotten about buying a new car A B C D ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 10 -TEST 8 Choose the underlined part that needs correction 1. In order to not miss her bus, Mellani was hurrying. A B C D 2. The boy is very exciting about the football matches. A B C D 3. He didn’t get the job despite of his experience in the field. A B C D 4. If I were you, I didn’t buy that old building. A B C D Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest 5. A. mountain B. rain C. contain D. pain 6. A. arrives B. hopes C. likes D. starts 7. A. naked B. stopped C. loca ted D. needed 8. A. meeting B. weekly C. free D. engineer 9. A. human B. study C. studio D. student Read and then choose the best answer All over the world people listen to classical music. Classical music is difficult to describe. It means different things to different people. Some famous classical composers were Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, and Mozart. In their music, they did not tell a story or show strong emotion. They wanted to make a beautiful, interesting design. They wanted to write lovely sounds. Then composers started to interpret ideas. They told stories about wa rs, armies, and soldiers. They wrote about religion. Sometimes they composed music for holidays. They told love stories and showed strong emotion. Some of these composers were Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Mendelssohn, and Tchaikovsky. 10.Who told love stories and showed strong emotion in their music? A. Schumann B. Beethoven C. Chopin D. all are correct 11. Classical music is famous _________. A. in the western B. all over the world C. in the USA D. in Europe 12. What do people call Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, and Mozart? A. music B. singers C. soldiers D. classical composers 13. The first classical composers wanted to ________. A. write lovely sounds B. tell stories C. show strong emotion D. B & C are correct 14. Haydn is one of the _________ classical composers. A. different B. last C. right D. first Read and then choose the correct option to complete each blank Bobby Charton was an English football player who (15)_____ for Manchester United (1954-1973) and England. He (16)_____ 49 goals for England, more than(17)_____ other player, although his usual position is in midfield, betwwen the attack and defence. He is (18)_____ best remembered for the goals exciting he scored by(19)_____ the ball very hard from a long distance outside the goal area. 15. A. has played B. plays C. play D. played 16. A. scored B. played C. plays D. score 17. A. many B. a few C. any D. some 18. A. an B. a C. one D. the 19. A. kickB. kicked C. to kick D. kicking Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest 20. A.however B. emotion C. Vietnamese D. example 21. A.different B. usual C. energy D. communicate 22. A. physic B. arrive C. repeat D. continue 23. A. library B. history C. biology D. chemistry 24. A. develop B. cinema C. movement D. history Make the best choice 25. It was a nice day, so we decided _____for a walk. A. to go B. to make C. to take D. to have
  16. 26. Ms. Lan enjoys______because she loves working with children. A. teach B. to be taught C. to teach D. teaching 27. We______at the station ten minutes late. A. left B. arrived C. went D. came 28. Did you get good marks in the first semester tests? A. term B. year C. class D. season 29. We sometimes visit our neighbors for a cup of tea. A. come in B. come to see C. come on D. come aw 30. Like language, music is used to______. A. entertain B. communication C. communicate D. entertainment 31. I prefer Jazz______ Rock music.A. more B. than C. to D. over 32. Trinh Cong Son was a famous______ in Vietnamese music. A. designer B. writer C. composer D. singer 33. The farm is famous______ its production of coffee.A. with B. in C. for D. on 34.Mr. More ____________ teaching if he didn’t enjoy it so much. A. gave up B. give up C. will give up D. would give up 35. Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon’. 'They've already _____ sir. They're on your desk.' A. typed B. being typed C. been being typed D. been typed 36. For years, scientists in many countries______ a lot of research to find a vaccine against AIDS. A. are doing B. will do C. did D. have done 37. If I__________ any friends, I would be lonely. A. won’t have B. didn’t have C. wouldn’t have D. don’t have 38. A new building __________ built near my school next June. A. shall be B. will be C. can be D. would be 39. If we had left any later, we would have missed the train. A. We missed the train because it was late. B. We almost missed the train. C. We left too late to catch the train. D. When we arrived, the train had already left. 40. There is no doubt that Germany will host the World Cup 2006 successfully. A. organize B. drop C. work D. welcome 41. Germany was the______ of the 2006 World Cup. The 18th World Cup was held there. A. continent B. host nation C. region D. competitor 42. Thierry Henry is a world famous soccer star. A. football B. movie C. tennis D. swimming 43. She drives______. A. dangerous B. dangerously C. danger D. very dangerous 44. If energy______ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different. A. is B. will be C. would be D. were 45. Contamination is threatening the park and many species of animals living in it. A. population B. elimination C. pollution D. distribution 46. It was not until 1915 that______ . A. the cinema has really become an industry B. the cinema had really become an industry C. the cinema really become an industry D. the cinema really became an industry Choose the sentence that is similar to the root one 47. The film excited us all a lot. A. We were excited about all of the film. B. All of us were excited about the film. C. The film had a lot excitement. D. The film made all of us feel a lot of excited. 48. It is interesting to learn a foreign language. A. We find it not interesting to learn a foreign language B. We find is interesting to learn a foreign language. C. We find it interesting to learn a foreign language D. We don’t find it interesting to learn a foreign language 49. He didn’t work hard, so he failed the exam. A. He would have passed the exam if he had worked hard B. If he worked hard, he wouldn’t fail the exam. C. If he hadn’t work hard, he would have failed the exam. D.He had passed the exam if he would have worked hard. 50. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed. A. She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t be disturbed. B. She locked the door to be not disturbed.
  17. C. She locked the door so that not to be disturbed. D. She locked the door for her not to be disturbed.



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