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Học sinh phải nắm được các kiến thức về phát âm và ngữ pháp trong phần “ LANGUAGE FOCUS” từ bài 1 đến bài 7. - Học sinh phải đọc hiểu được các đoạn văn ( khoảng 150-200 từ) về các các chủ điểm đã học: “ HOME LIFE, CULTURAL DIVERSITY, WAYS OF SOCIALISING, SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM, HIGHER EDUCATION, FUTURE JOB, ECONOMIC REFORM.” và làm được các bài tập đi kèm.

Chủ đề:


  1. a. diverse b. diversity c. diversify d. diversification ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH HỌC KÌ I LỚP 12 2. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford *Phạm vi ôn tập ( từ bài 1 đến bài 7) a house and a car. *Những kiến thức cơ bản : a. decide b. decision c. decisive d. decisively - Học sinh phải nắm được các kiến thức về phát âm và ngữ pháp 3. It is thought that traditional marriage _______ are important basis of limiting divorce trong phần “ LANGUAGE FOCUS” từ bài 1 đến bài 7. rates. - Học sinh phải đọc hiểu được các đoạn văn ( khoảng 150-200 từ) a. appearances b. records c. responses d. values 5. Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to _____ hospital yesterday về các các chủ điểm đã học: “ HOME LIFE, CULTURAL a. a b. an c. the d. Ø DIVERSITY, WAYS OF SOCIALISING, SCHOOL 6. You should not burn _______. You had better dig a hole and bury it. EDUCATION SYSTEM, HIGHER EDUCATION, FUTURE a. dishes b. lab c. garbage d. shift JOB, ECONOMIC REFORM.” và làm được các bài tập đi kèm. 7. He was very respectful at home and _______ to his parents. - Ôn lại từ vựng đã học trong các bài “ Reading” t ừ bài 1 đ ến bài 7 a. responsible b. caring c. obedient d. lovely 8. One of Vietnamese traditions is a belief in _______ families and in preserving their Kĩ năng * cultures. 1. Phonetics. a. wealthy b. secure c. safe d. close-knit 2. Grammar & vocabulary 9. He was _______ when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand 3. Writing ( Re-writing sentences) by me. 4. Reading a. supportive b. exciting c. busy d. dull 10. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time. - Read the passage and do the exercises a. correct b. right c. exact d. suitable - Cloze- reading 11. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.  EXERCISES a. make b. get c. set d. pay I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from 12. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand." the rest. a. Rise b. Lift c. Raise d. Heighten 1. a. naked b. looked c. booked d. hooked 13. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate. 2. a. share b. rare c. are d. declare a. situation. B. attention c. place d. matter 3. a. cooks b. loves c. joins d. spends 14. They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in 4. a. hurry b. under c. pressure d. rush the last few years. 5. a. apply b. university c. identity d. early a. informal b. informally c. informalize d. informality 6. a. choice b. achieve c. each d. chemistry 15. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ….. 7. a. final b. applicant c. high d. decide a. communicate b. communication c. communicative d. communicator 8. a. economy b. industry c. qualify d. priority 16. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to 9. a. measure b. subsidies c. domestic d. hospital questions. 10. a. though b. encourage c. enough d. country a. attention b. attentive c. attentively d. attentiveness II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 17. The functional skills such as fundamentals of agriculture, health and hygiene and 1. a. partnership b. romantic c. actually d. attitude population education have also been incorporated in the primary school _______. a. 2. a. believe b. marriage c. response d. maintain curriculum b. project c. plan d. schedule 3. a. confident b. important c. together d. exciting 18. Regardless of whether schools belong to the government or are independent, they are 4. a. possible. b. university c. secondary d. suitable …… to adhere to the same curriculum frameworks. 5. a. expression b. easily c. depression d. disruptive a. told b. required c. demanded d. taken 6. a. typical b. favorite c. division d. organize 19. In Scotland, students transfer from primary to secondary education at approximately 7. a. computer b. establish c. business d. remember age 12. 8. a. university b. application c. technology d. entertainment a. compound b. base c. change d. move 9. a. certificate b. necessary c. economy d. geography 20. He was so ill that he could not _______ his final examination and cancelled it to the 10. a. economy b. experience c. relationship d. renovation next year. III. Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes a. make b. do c. take d. gain the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one. 21. In Vietnamese schools, English, mathematics, and literature are three _______ 1. London is home to people of many _______ cultures. subjects, which are compulsory in many important national examinations.
  2. a. core b. part c. center d. middle a. was calling / watched b. called / have watched 22. For more than 20 years, the Vietnamese government has pursued the open-door c. called / was watching d. had called / watched _______ and continued to woo foreign investment. 40. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies. a. policy b. way c. export d. guideline a. completes b. will complete c. are completing d. will have completed 23. After a decade of economic liberalization, Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in 41. Last night at this time, they … the same thing. She… and he … the Newspaper. living _______ in urban areas. a. are doing / is cooking / is reading a. surface b. standards c. levels d. backgrounds b. were doing / was cooking / was reading 24. _______ laws and regulations which impose restrictions on any rights should be c. was doing / has cooked / is reading revised to comply with international law. d. had done / was cooking /read a. Domestic b. Program c. Encouraged d. Expanding 42. When I … home last night, I … that Jane ... a beautiful candlelight dinner. 25. These new economic reforms have allowed for international _______ and a. had arrived / discovered / prepared development in the country. b. was arriving / had discovered / was preparing a. pay b. renovation c. investment d. opportunity c. have arrived / was discovering / had prepared 26. The number of the participants in the survey _______ 250 students for Oxford d. arrived / discovered / was preparing University. 43. Peter said that he had lived in London four years _______. a. are b. was c. were d. have been a. ago b. before c. later d. then 27. The grass was yellow because it _______ all summer. 44. The guest told the host that _______. a. does not rain b. has not rained c. had not rained d. would not rain a. I must go now b. he must go now 28. Many people even wonder these days _______. c. he had to go now d. he had to go then a. what marriage is b. what is marriage 45. The teacher told Joe _______. c. what marriage was d. what was marriage a. to stop talking b. stop talking c. stops talking d. stopped talking 29. The lights _______ out because we _______ the electricity bill. 46. She said she _______. a. have gone / did not pay b. will go / did not paid a. was very tired last night b. was very tired the night before c. go / would not pay d. went / had not paid c. had been very tired last night d. had been very tired the night before 30. _______ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _______ it three days ago 47. Emily said that her teacher _______ to London _______. a. Have you ever seen / saw b. Did you ever see / have seen a. will go / tomorrow b. went / tomorrow c. Had you ever seen / would see d. Will you ever see / saw c. would go / the next day d. had gone / the next day 31. In the past, people _______ to the beach more often. 48. She told the boys _______ on the grass. a. have gone b. used to go c. were going d. had gone a. do not play b. did not play c. not playing d. not to play 32. Soon, people _______ most of the time at home. 49. She asked _______. a. will work b. are working c. have worked d. work a. where was her umbrella b. where her umbrella was 33. I _______ a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach. c. where were her umbrella d. where her umbrella were a. see / am walking b. saw / was walking 50. Jason asked me _______ me the book the day before. c. was seeing / walked d. have seen / were walking a. if who gave b. if who has given 34. After all, she _______ him since her childhood. c. who had given d. that who had given a. knows b. knew c. was knowing d. had known 51. Robert said that his father _______ to Dallas the year before. 35. We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago. a. goes b. went c. has gone d. had gone a. lost / have left b. have lost / leave 52. He wanted to know _______ shopping during the previous morning. c. have lost / left d. were losing / had left a. if we had been going b. that if we had been going 36. In the 19th century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by c. we were going d. that we were going covered wagon. 53. _______ by the police. a. took b. had taken c. had taken d. was taking a. The stealing car has just been found b. The stolen car has just been found 37. In the past the trip _______ very rough and often dangerous, but things _______ a c. The stealing car has just found d. The stolen car has just found. great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. 54. _______ students required to wear uniforms at all times? a. was / have changed b. is / change a. Are b. Do c. Did d. Will c. had been / will change d. has been / changed 55. _______ to you yet? 38. Now you _______ from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. a. Are the book been giving back b. Was the book been given back a. are flying b. would fly c. will fly d. can fly c. Has been the book given back d. Has the book been given back 39. When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television. 56. What he has done to me _______.
  3. a. cannot forgiven b. cannot be forgiven 76. _______ some Japanese women are successful in business, the majority of Japanese c. cannot forgive d. cannot be forgiving companies are run by men. 57. The keys _______ somewhere. a. But b. Even if c. If d. As though a. must have been leaving b. must have left IV. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one or choose the c. must be leaving d. must have been left best sentence that can be arranged from the words given. 58. Japanese _______ at the meeting. 1. "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary. a. will speak b. will spoken c. will be spoken d. will be speaking a. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress. 59. Although he tried his best, he could not make his voice _______. b. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. a. hear b. to hear c. hearing d. heard c. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress. 60. I _______ in the lounge for ten minutes. d. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress. a. was told waiting b. was told to wait 2. "Hello, Mary!" Peter said. ' a. Peter said hello Mary. b. Peter said Mary hello. c. was telling to be waited d. was told to be waited c. Peter told Mary hello d. Peter greeted Mary. 61. These students _______ so much that they feel very tired and bored. 3. Julie and Anne had not met each other before he party. a. are made to study b. are made study a. Julie and Anne got acquainted when they were at the party. c. are making to study d. ate made to be studied b. The party prevented Julie and Anne from meeting each other. 62. They _______ time and money doing such a thing. c. The party was the place where Julie and Anne could not meet each other. a. were advised not to waste b. were advised not to be wasted d. Julie and Anne used to meet each other for the party. c. were advising not to waste d. were advising not to be wasted 4. "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me. 63. We'll need more staff _______ we start the new project. a. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help. a. unless b. whether c. in case d. or b. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. , 64. If I _______ 10 years younger, I _______ the job. c. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help. a. am / will take b. was / have taken d. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help. c. had been / will have taken d. were / would take 5. our I will /school / if /access / much/ Internet /we /to /learn/ the/ 65. _______ I had learnt English when I was at high school. better / has a. Unless b. Even if c. If d. If only a. If our school has access to the Internet, we will learn much better. 66. You are not allowed to use the club's facilities _____ you are a member. b. If we will learn much better, our school has access to the Internet. a. unless b. if c. provided d. supposed c. If our school has much access, we will learn better to the Internet. 67. If she _______ the train last night, she here now. d. If we will learn better to the Internet, our school has much access. a. took / were b. were taking / is 6. exchange / allows / computers / and / us / to / the / ideas / connect / to / !other / c. had taken / would have been d. had taken / would be Internet 68. _______ if a war happened? a. The Internet allows us to connect to other computers and exchange ideas. a. What you would do b. What would you do b. The Internet exchange ideas and allows us to connect to other computers. c. What will you do d. What will you do c. The Internet allows us and exchange ideas to connect to other computers. 69. I would send her a fax if I _______ her number. d. The Internet connect to other c9mputers and allows us to exchange ideas. a. know b. knew c. had known d. could know 7. The man suddenly realized that the neighbor was watching him. 70. _______ it were well paid, I would accept this proposal. a. The man suddenly realized that he was -being watched by the neighbor. a. Providing b. Unless c. But for d. If only b. The neighbor was watching the man and he suddenly realized that. 71. The children slept well, despite _______. c. The neighbor was suddenly realized the man and watching him. a. it was noise b. the noise c. of the noise d. noisy d. The man suddenly realized that he was watched by the neighbor. 72. She left him _______ she still loved him. 8. If only I had studied hard enough to pass the final exam. a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite a. I regret not studying hard enough to pass the final exam. 73. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted. b. I had studied hard enough and I passed the final exam. a. In spite b. Even though c. In spite of d. Despite of c. I studied too hard to pass the final exam. 74. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like. d. I studied hard otherwise I would fail the final exam. a. Although b. Even c. Despite d. In spite of 9. John speaks Chinese fluently because he used to live in China for ten years. 75. We are concerned with the problem of energy resources _______ we must also a. Suppose John has lived in China for ten years, he can speak Chinese fluently. think of our environment. b. Provided that John lived in China for ten years, he could speak Chinese fluently. a. despite b. though c. as though d. but c. Unless John had lived in China for ten years, he could not have spoken Chinese fluently.
  4. d. John could not speak Chinese fluently if he had not lived in China for ten years. b. there are a lot of good universities 10. Although sales fell sharply last month, we are on target for the year. c. there is a lack of good universities a. Even though felling sharply in sales last month d. no other careers are better paid than teaching b. In spite of there was a sharp fall in sales last month 4. The third paragraph is about ________. c. Despite the sharp fall in sales last month a. an Indian education satellite d. Even if falling sharply in sales last month. b. the projects to computerize education in developing countries 11. Despite the increase in their salaries, 60 per cent of Japanese workers still spend c. the computerization of African education Saturday at work. d. President Bill Clinton who bought a lot of computers a. In spite of their salaries are increased 5. How many projects are presented in the third paragraph? b. Although they has got the increase in their salaries a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four c. As their salaries have been increased B/ Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. d. Even though their increasing salary The General Certificate of Secondary Education or the GCSE examinations for (1) _____ are the standard school-leaver qualifications taken by (2) _____ all UK students in V. READING the May and June following their 16th birthday. If you come to a UK (3) _____ school A/ Read the two passages carefully and choose the correct answer. In developing countries, people are sometimes unaware of the importance of before you (4) _____ the age of 16, you will study towards GCSE examinations in up to education, and there is economic pressure from those parents who prioritize their 12 subjects. Some subjects are compulsory, including English arid mathematics, and you children's, making money in the short term over any long-term benefits of education. can select (5) _____, such as music, drama, geography and history from a series of Recent studies on child labor and, poverty have suggested that when poor families options. GCSEs provide a good all-round education (6) _____ you can build on at college reach a certain economic threshold where families are able to provide for their basic and eventually at university. needs, parents return their children to school. This has been found to be true, once the AS- and A-levels are taken after GCSEs. They are the UK qualifications most (7) threshold has been breached, even if the potential economic value of the children's _____ accepted for entry to university and are available in subjects from the humanities, work has increased since their return to school. arts, sciences and social sciences as well as in (8) _____ subjects such as engineering, and Other problems are that teachers are often paid less than other professions; a lack leisure and tourism. You can study up to four subjects at (9) _____ same time for two of good universities and a low acceptance rate for good universities are evident in years, (10) _____ AS-level examinations at the end of your first year (called the lower- countries with a relatively high population density. sixth) and A-level qualifications at the end of your second year (called the upper-sixth). India has launched EDUSAT, an education satellite that can reach remote parts of 1. a. short b. long c. big d. long the country at a greatly reduced cost. There is also ail initiative supported by several 2. a. similarly b. fortunately c. approximately d. virtually major corporations to develop a $100 laptop. The laptops have been available since 3. a. dependence b. independence c. independent d. independently 2007. The laptops, sold at cost, will enable developing countries to give their children 4. a. reach b. come c. approach d. go a digital education. In Africa, an "e-school program" has been launched to provide all 5. a. other b. each other c. another d. others 600,000 primary and high schools with computer equipment, learning materials and 6. a. what b. that c. where d. whose internet access within 10 years. Volunteer groups are working to give more individuals 7. a. wide b. widely c. width d. widen opportunity to receive education in developing countries through such programs as the 8. a. practical b. apprentice c. vocational d. physical Perpetual Education Fund. An International Development Agency project started with 9. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø the support of American President Bill Clinton uses the Internet to allow co-operation 10. a. holding b. choosing c. putting d. taking by individuals on issues of social development. 1. In developing countries, ________. a. people all know that education is very important all the time b. all parents are rich enough to send their children to school c. children have rights to get high schooling d. children have to work instead of going to school 2. According to recent studies, when parents are able to overcome their financial difficulty, ________. a. they send their children back to school b. they still make their children continue working c. they have their children work even harder d. they themselves continue their schooling 3. In populous countries, ________. a. teaching is the highest-paid career



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