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Đề cương ôn thi Anh văn_ Đại học

Chia sẻ: L Le Dinh Minh | Ngày: | Loại File: DOC | Số trang:6

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Michael Faraday, an English experimental physicist, was the son of a poor blacksmith. After very little schooling he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. The boy worked hard all day and studied at night. One day a man on entering the shop found a boy at work binding an encyclopedia, and at the same time studying hard at the article on electric in it. The man was surprised to see the boy so interested in a very difficult subject and questioned him.

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn thi Anh văn_ Đại học

  1. 1. NỘI DUNG ĐÁNH GIÁ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN Unit 7: Grammar Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense vision Vocabulary Past Participles Bands and music Adverbs Word pairs Skills Reading: Celebrity interview from Hi! Speaking: Interview Listening: An interview with a band Writing: Relative clauses 2 Everyday English Short answers Unit 8: Grammar have (got) to should must Vocabulary Jobs Travelling abroad Words that go together Compound nouns Skills Reading: Problem page Speaking: Jobs Listening: Holidays in January Writing: Writing letters Everyday English At the doctor’s Unit 9: Grammar Time and conditional clauses What’s if…? Vocabulary Hot verbs Hotel Skills Reading: The world first megalopolis – a city of 40 million people. Speaking: What will you do? Listening: Life in 2050 – an interview with Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics Writing: Linking words 2 Everyday English In a hotel Unit 10: Grammar Verb patterns 2 Infinitives Vocabulary Shops Describing feelings and situations Skills Reading: ‘Don’t’ look down’ – walking on a dangerous footpath Speaking: ‘When I was young’ – talking about your childhood Listening: When I was young Writing: Writing letters Everyday English Exlamations Unit 11: Grammar Passives
  2. Vocabulary Verbs and past participles Verbs and nouns that go together Skills Reading: Three plants that change the world Speaking: Exchanging information about the plants Listening: The world most common habit Writing: writing a review of a book or film Everyday English Notices Unit 12: Grammar Second conditional might Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Skills Reading: The vicar who’s ghostbuster Speaking : Giving advice Listening: An interview with a woman who heard voice Writing: Adverbs; Writing a story Everyday English Social expressions 2 2. PHƯƠNG PHÁP ĐÁNH GIÁ: - Tự luận - Hình thức thi viết (90’) 3. NGUYÊN TẮC TỔ HỢP CÂU HỎI LÀM ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN: - Nguyên tắc: : Kết hợp các loại câu hỏi. Mỗi đề thi gồm 50 câu hỏi trong đó có 5 câu hỏi loại 1a, 5 câu hỏi loại 1b, 20 câu hỏi loại 2, 10 câu hỏi loại 3, 10 câu hỏi loại 4. - Thang điểm: Điểm toàn bài: 10 điểm + Câu hỏi loại 1a: 1 điểm (5 câu hỏi đọc hiểu, mỗi câu 0,2 điểm) + Câu hỏi loại 1b: 1 điểm (5 câu đúng sai, mỗi câu 0,2 điểm) + Câu hỏi loại 2: 4 điểm (mỗi câu: 0,2 điểm) + Câu hỏi loại 3: 2 điểm, mỗi câu: 0,2 điểm + Câu hỏi loại 4: 2 điểm, mỗi câu: 0,2 điểm - Loại câu hỏi: o Câu hỏi loại 1: Read the following passage and do the following tasks. o Câu hỏi loại 2: Choose the best answer. o Câu hỏi loại 3: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meanings. o Câu hỏi loại 4: Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 4. NGÂN HÀNG CÂU HỎI 4.1. Câu hỏi loại 1: I. Read the following passage and do the tasks below: Michael Faraday, an English experimental physicist, was the son of a poor blacksmith. After very little schooling he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. The boy worked hard all day and studied at night. One day a man on entering the shop found a boy at work binding an encyclopedia, and at the same time studying hard at the article on electric in it. The man was surprised to see the boy so interested in a very difficult subject and questioned him. He found out that Faraday, working late at night, has already been making experiments of his own, though he was too poor to possess anything but a home-made battery. When a man gave him four tickets for the lecturers which Sir Humphry Davy was the delivering at the Royal Institute, the boy was as much delighted as if someone had given him a fortune. He went to the lectures and made notes of what he heard. At the end of the lectures, he sent his notes to the great scientist and asked him for work. Later, Davy made him his assistant. This began his scientific career. A. Answer these questions
  3. 1. What was Faraday interested in? 2. What did the man find out when he questioned Faraday? 3. Does Michael Faraday possess everything? 4. What did Faraday do at the end of the lectures? 5. In your opinion, what changed Faraday’s life? B. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? 1. Michael Faraday worked as a bookbinder when he was young. 2. While working at the bookbinder’s shop, he paid much attention to electricity. 3. He was too poor to make experiments of his own. 4. He was very happy when he was given the tickets for Davy’s lectures 5. He was not given a chance to work for Davy. 2. Read the following passage and do the tasks below: The Mediterranean has been described as the world’s largest swimming pool. However, it can also be described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds. Unfortunately, most countries bordering the Mediterranean differ greatly in their attitudes to this problem. While some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, others have begun building new ports to develop their oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries have now grown in all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. It will take a century for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean, and be replaced by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all flow into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of pollutants into the sea and making it very dangerous for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who catches fish there. A. Answer these questions 1. Why is the Mediterranean described as the world’s dirtiest sewer? 2. Do the countries bordering the Mediterranean have the same attitude to the polluted Mediterranean? 3. How long may it take for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean? 4. What carries lots of pollutants into the Mediterranean? 5. According to the writer, who can get much harm from the pollution of the Mediterranean? B. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? 1. The Mediterranean is one of the largest oceans in the world. 2. Countries bordering the Mediterranean have the same attitude to the polluted Mediterranean. 3. It will take a decade for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean, and be replaced by clean water. 4. The Mediterranean carries lots of pollutants into three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone. 5. It is not very safe for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who catches fish there. 4.2. Câu hỏi loại 2: 1. Why is the waiter taking so long to …………… us? a. save b. serve c. reserve d. order 2. Have you got enough money to ………… the bill? a. pay for b. pay c. buy d. spend 3. We were prevented …………… going by bad weather a. in b. from c. with d. for 5. If people spent less money on wine and cigarettes, they ……… a lot. a. saved b. would save c. will save d. save 6. ………… you study harder, you won’t pass the examination a. Because b. Unless c. If d. Since
  4. 7. I was told …………… noise in class a. don’t make b. not making c. not to make d. never make 8. Robert isn’t here now, he ………… to the bank. a. has been b. was c. has gone d. is gone 9. He went to the …….. to get some butter and milk. a. greengrocer’s b. grocer’s c. chemist’s d. dairy. 10. I was very angry ……… Tom because he was rude ……me a. about/to b. with/about c. at/with d. with/to 11. She works …… than her friends. a. more hard b. less hard c. not so hard d. b and c are correct 12. When we arrived, the winner of the art competition ……… a prize. a. awarded b. was being awarded c. was awarding d. awards 13. The little girl asked what ……… to her ice-cream. a. happened b. has happened c. had happened d. happening 14. I remember ……….. him once in my life. a. to meet b. meeting c. to have meet d. meet 15. Would you mind ………………. in class? a. my smocking b. I smoke c. If I smock d. a & c are correct 16. I don’t like the cinema. All he films are so …………….. a. boring b. bored c. amusing d. interested 17. My father has given up …………… a. smoke b. to smoke c. smoked d. smocking 18. I ………. a table for four of us, at 7 o’clock a. bought b. had c. asked d. reserved 19. A famous actor in movies is called ……………. a. a film star b. a movie fan c. a blacksmith d. a locksmith 20. She looks happy, she is in ……………… a. trouble b. debt c. danger d. love 21. The waitress put …………. cream and sugar in my coffee. a. too b. too much c. too many d. many 22. These steps are dangerous, I ……… on them several times. a. fell b. have fallen c. felt d. will have fallen 23. I’ve been waiting for you ……………. a. for two hours b. two hours long c. since two hours d. for two o’clock 24. I think it is ………….. problem of them all. a. the most difficult b. most difficult c. the more difficult d. the difficult 25. After you …………….. I felt so lonely a. have gone b. had gone c. go d. are gone 26. We’re flying at a ………………… of 30,000 feet. a. speed b. height c. temperature d. fuel 27. He can climb trees ……………. a monkey a. as b. like c. the same as d. similar as 28. He came to the party ………………. he hadn’t been invited a. in case b. although c. because d. even 29. You can go home, if you …….. your work a. finished b. have finished c. are finished d. finishing 30. We arrived …….. to have some coffee before class. a. enough early b. early enough c. too early d. early too
  5. 31. Father left a message for ……. a. I and you b. you and I c. me and you d. you and me 32. Do what you think is right ………….. they might say. a. however b. whatever c. whenever d. whoever 33. He was so ……… that he couldn’t finish the work a. healthy b. tired c. strong d. angrily 34. How often do you …….. your cat? a. eat b. give c. food d. feed 35. …………… many people are there in the taxi? a. Who b. Which c. How d. What 36. I………. to his house in 1991. a. moved b. have been moving c. have moved d. was moving 37. Do you know …………..? a. what it was wrong b. what’s wrong with it c. what wrong it was d. what wrong is with it 38. It’s very nice ………. you to come to see us a. for b. with c. of d. because 39. The room …………………….. at the moment. a. is cleaned b. is being cleaned c. was cleaned d. has been cleaning 40. Mr. Green …………….. a colour TV set already. a. will buy b. has bought c. buys d. have bought 4.3. Câu hỏi loại 3: 1. Joe plans to buy a new car next year. (Joe ……………..) 2. I didn’t arrive as early as I expected. ( I arrived ………) 3. Paula’s work is less careful than before ( Paula has been working …..) 4. We waste a lot of water. ( A lot of ……………). 5. You are the worst guitarist in the world. (No one …………) 6. Mr Smith spent 4 hours repairing his house. ( It took ………………….) 7. As I didn’t know all the fact, I rang the police ( If …………….) 8. She didn’t work hard enough, so she lost the job. ( The reason …………….) 9. We couldn’t drive because of the fog. ( The fog prevent ………….) 10. She asked John how he liked her new dress. (“How………………….”) 11. The man was too tired to say a word. ( the man was so …………..) 12. He can’t get the job because he isn’t god at English. ( If he were ………….) 13. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. ( She left the room …………….) 14. The cupboard was so expensive that I didn’t buy it (The cupboard was too……) 15. This novel was written by Vu Trong Phung. ( Vu Trong Phung ……………….) 16. We started cooking for the party 4 hours ago. ( We have ……………….) 17. “Which one do you want, the blue or the green?” John asked. ( John asked ……..) 18. My mobile phone is more expensive than yours ( Your mobile phone …………) 19. Ms Lan began teaching Chinese ten years ago. ( Ms Lan has …….) 20. We haven’t visited the museum before ( This is ………………..) 4.3. Câu hỏi loại 3: 1. He felt strongly …………… to her (attract) 2. All ……… must be received before September 15th (apply) 3. The result of the examination will be very ………. (satisfy) 4. The alarm is ringing. You should get out of her …………… (quick) 5. Almost everybody is interested in ……………… (swim) 6. He said “Good morning” in a most ……………way (friend) 7. Playing for the national team for the first time was an ……….. experience for Hong Son ( forget)
  6. 8. It’s a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to ……………it? (modern) 9. Nam and I have been friends since ……….., he used to live next door. ( child) 10. I feel so ……………. that I’m going to bed (sleep) 11. He was too ……………. to tell me about his mistake (shame) 12. Thousands of people was made ………………. by the war (home) 13. She’s ……… .because she failed the exams (happy) 14. Our ……………….. from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city took 4 hours ( fly) 15. The country is very ……………. so travelling by road is difficult. ( mountain) 16. There were over fifty …………… in the orchestra. (music) 17. Thank you very much. You’ve been very …………….(help) 18. Nam is studying to become a ………………. (law) 19. Many people still believe that smoking is …………….. (harm) 20. Women nowadays have more ………… to participate in social activities ( free) Trưởng bộ môn Trưởng khoa CN. Hoàng Thị Thắm TS. Nguyễn Văn Tuấn



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