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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề kiểm tra hoc ky ii môn tiếng anh 12 (hệ 7 năm) - mã đề: 001', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HOC KY II MÔN TIẾNG ANH 12 (HỆ 7 NĂM) - Mã đề: 001

  1. Sở Giáo dục và đào tạo Đồng Tháp CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Trường THPT Lai Vung 2 Độc Lập - Tự Do - Hạnh Phúc ------------- Mã đề: 001 ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HOC KY II MÔN TIẾNG ANH 12 (H Ệ 7 NĂM) Thời gian : 45 phút I.NGỮ ÂM Câu 1: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại: 1. A. needed B. worked C. stopped D. booked 2. A. land B. laser C. thrash D. stamp 3. A. match B. chair C. watch D. chemistry Câu 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn lại: 4. A. intimacy B. intensity C. miraculous D. potentially 5. A. together B. associate C. business D. dioxide II. TỪ VỰNG VÀ NGỮ PHÁP 6. The synonym of “get –together” is ___________. A. social reunion C. business associate B. meet D. reunion 7. Nonsmokers have become ___________about smoking in public places A. more militant C. less militant B. militant D. more excited 8. American women will sometimes ______________ A. ask for help men C. ask help for men B. ask men for help D. ask for men help 9. While military scientists test lasers against___________, surgeons use them as miraculously accurate scalpels. A. spaceships C. battleships B. rocket D. satellites 10. The source of acronym WHO is___________________ A. Worldly Healthy Organisation C. World Health Organisation B. World Healthful Organisation D. World Healthy Organizing 11. The government wants to ____________ this training centre. A. military B. militarize C. militarily D. militaristic 12. Jack London quit school at_____________ to become a sailor. A. fourteen C. fifteen B. thirteen D. forty 13. The acronym VAT is _______________ A. valuable added tax C. value added tax B. valued addition of tax D. valuable adding tax 14. The dog followed the man because___________ A. the man spoke to it gently with caresses C. it wanted to be faithful to him B. it wanted to leave the fire- place D. it was afraid of whip-lashes 15. As time goes_______, my memory seems to get worse. A. away B. by C. back D. ahead 16. She employed a secretary _______ type her letters and answer the phone. A. in order that B. to C. so that D. A & C are correct
  2. 17. 6 17 is pronounced___________ 43 A. six and seventeen over four three C. six and seventeen over four third B.six and seventeen over four thirds D. six and seventeen over four and three 18. You used to smoke a pipe, _____________? A. used you B. used not you C. didn’t you D. did you 19. We wore warm clothes__________ we________ get cold. A. so that / can’t C. in order that / wouldn’t B. so that / would D. in order that / will 20. He went into a store ______________ buy a pen. A. to B. so as to C. in order to D. a ll are correct 21. I gave the package to my sister when she__________ me last week. A. had visited B. has visited C. visited D. visits 22. My grandfather died after he _______________ ill for a long time. A. had been B . was C. is D. have been III.Đ ỌC HIỂU Caâu 1: Ñoïc kyõ ñoaïn vaên vaø và chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) If you are invited to someone’s house in America for dinner ,you should bring a gift , such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates. If you give your host a wrapped gift , he or she may open in front of you .Opening a the present in front of the gift-giver is considered polite . It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and wants to show his or her appriciation to you immidiately.Even if the host doesn’t like it ,he or she will tell a” white lie” and say how muchthey like the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad. If your host asks you to arrive at a particular time ,you should not arrive exactly on time or earlier than the expected time ,because this is considered to be potentially inconvenient and therefore rude, as the host may not be ready. 23.The polite host will open the in front of the gift-giver. A. bunch of flowers B.bottle of wine C.wrapped gift D. box of chocolates 24.The host always make the guests A.feel pleasant B.feel bad C.tell a lie anger 25.What will the hosts do if they don’t like the present ? A.give it back it in the front of the giver C.receive it without smiling D.receive it with a lie 26.You should arriveif you are invited to a dinner at a particular time. A.exactly on time B.just on time C.early D.late 27.Which of the following is the closest meaning with the word “rude”: A.sad B.impolite C.angry D.helpful Caâu 2: Hãy chọn từ thích hợp (A, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau. Jack London was born in San Francisco, California, in 1876.He ____(28)_____ a high place in American literature at the beginning of twentieth century. At that time, the library shelves
  3. and bookshops of America were already ___(29)______ books by ___(30)___ writers. But Jack London's stories were new, his characters were not ____(31)___ the ones in the books of those writers, and the pictures he painted were not the same __(32)___ their pictures. 28.A. takes B. has taken C. took D. had taken 29.A. full of B. full with C. filled of D. full up 30.A. notorious B. famous C. fame D. reputation 31. B. as C. same as D. similar 32.A. like B. as C. with D. do IV. VIEÁT Caâu 1: Nhaän dieän loãi 33.They had to sell their house because of they had been broken A B C D 34.Most women used to stay at home and done housework. A B C D 35.The Vietnamese people are not used to drive on the left hand side of the road A B C D 36.When Sam will arrive, we will open the gift A B C D Caâu 2: Choïn caâu dieãn taû ñuùng yù nghóa: 37.The man stamped his feet so that he might get warm A . In order to get warm, the man stamped his feet B. In order to getting warm, the man stamped his feet C. In order that to get warm, the man stamped his feet D . So as he gets warm, the man stamped his feet 38.Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed. A. Before Mike went to bed, he had turned off the light. B. Before Mike turned off the light, he had gone to bed. C. After Mike had gone to bed, he turned off the light. D . Mike turned off the light as soon as he had gone to bed 39.He used to work more effectively than he does now A.He now works more effectively than before. B.He doesn’t work as effectively as he used to. C.He works as effectively as he used to. D .He now works effectively, but he didn’t used to 40.He gets up early in the morning and he is used to it. A.He used to get up early. B.He is used to get up early. C.He is used to geting up early. D .He is used to getting up early THE END


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