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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề kiểm tra học kỳ ii năm học 2010 - 2011 môn : anh văn - khối 10', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 MÔN : ANH VĂN - KHỐI 10

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC - ĐÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN TRÃI MÔN : ANH VĂN - KHỐI 10 ---------------------------- Th ời gian làm bài: 90 phút .........Lớp .................. SBD Họ và tên ................................................ ...........................................STT......... Mã đề thi : 355 Phần trắc nghiệm khách quan: chọn phương án trả lời A, B, C hoặc D tương ứng với nội dung câu hỏi: Choose from the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence. When life (1)......... (change) so fast, it is certain that the family (2) ........ (change), too. So what will a family b e like after a hundred tears ? No one can say for sure but we can make some guesses. Thanks to d evelopments in biolo gy, parents will have healthier babies. They even (3) ........ (be able, choose) their child’s hair or eye colour. The mother will be busy and will not take over all the housework. It (4) ........ (be) possible that she (5) ........ (get) help from some friendly house-robots. When the family (6) ........ (go) out together, they (7) ........ (travel) on flying cars. These cars will be much faster and there (8) .. ...... (be) traffic jams because each flying car can have its own way. Many aspects of family life can change. But no matter how technology (9) ........ (develop), one thing (10) ........ (stay) the same; that’s the love and care family members have for one another. 1. A. change B. changes C. changing D. will change 2. A. change B. changes C. will change D. is changing 3. A. will even be able choosing B. are even able choosing C. are even able to choose D. will even be able to choose 4. A. has been B. is going to be C. will be D. is 5. A. has got B. gets C. will get D. is getting 6. A. will go B. are going C. have gone D. go 7. A. are travelling B. have travelled C. will travel D. travel 8. A. will no longer be B. will be no longer C. is no longer D. no longer is 9. A. is develop B. develops C. develop D. developing 10. A. is staying B. stay C. will be staying D. will stay Grammar 11. It soon became ........ that on one was going to come to her party. A. clearing B. clear C. clearly D. cleared 12. There’s a long way to go before we can finish our big project ........ we have started to study the matter for only month. A. In fact B. Even so C. Again D. As a result 13. ........ she didn’t understand any words that he said, she kept smiling. A. Despite B. Even though C. In spite D. Even although 14. Harry looked at me ........ before he turned and walked away. A. sad B. sadder C. sadly D. saddenly 15. I’m very tired now. I can’t go any ........ Let’s find some place to rest. A. more far B. farther C. more farther D. farer 16. I have known a person ........ hometown is famous for grapefruits. A. whom B. whose C. who D. that 17. There are some spelling mistakes ........, this is a good piece of writing. A. In fact B. Eventually C. Even so D. As a result 18. How many pencils ........ we can buy ice cream at a low price. Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 1 / 7
  2. A. which B. in where C. where D. what 19. I know a place ........ we can buy ice cream at a low price A. what B. which C. where D. in where 20. The river ........ with chemicals from factories and rubbish from households nearby. A. poisons B. is poisoned C. contaminates D. is contaminated 21. We are bored ........ the same activities in English lessons. A. to doing B. at doing C. to do D. with doing 22. The weather has turned ........ A. coldly and windy B. cold and windily C. coldly and windily D. cold and windy 23. She didn’t appear ........ at the bad news. A. surprisedly B. surprisingly C. surprised D. surprising 24. He turned ........ to the man behind him. A. angrily B. angerly C. angry D. anger 25. Because they were nervous, the band played ........ than they could have done. A. more badly B. worst C. worse D. badlier 26. As the speaker of the TV programme “Wheel of Fortune”, Long Vu appears ...... on TV. A. regulately B. regular C. regularly D. regularity 27. This kind of flowers grows ........ in areas where there is much sunlight A. beautifying B. b eautifully C. beautilly D. beautiful 28. We have not had ........ interesting talk to each other for a long time. A. so an B. such C. such D. so 29. How many pencils ........ to draw that picture ? A. were used B. used C. use D. were using 30. ........ it is very cold outside, we still like going out in the evening. A. Although B. Moreover C. But D. Despite 31. Many children spend hours playing computer games every day ........ their eyes become weaker. A. On the other hand B. However C. As a result D. In fact 32. I’m ........ in reading romantic novels than scientific books. A. more interested B. more interestingly C. more interestedly D. more interesting 33. You look so ........ What’s the matter ? A. sadly B. sad C. sadder D. sadden 34. She became a teacher ........ after graduating from university. A. immediated B. immediate C. immediately D. immediatedly 35. The closer a friend is to you, ........ (s)he is to you. A. much dear B. the dearest C. the dearer D. dearer 36. Jack felt ill yesterday. He went to class, ........, and tried to understand the lectures. A. then B. on the other hand C. however D. as a result 37. Why don’t you use my motorbike ? ........ you’ll be able to visit the places more conveniently, and at any time you like. A. Again B. However C. In fact D. Then 38. Cheetahs run ........ than any other animals. A. more fast B. more fast C. more fastly D. faster 39. After waiting for half an hour, I started to grow ........ A. patiently B. patient C. impatiently D. impatient 40. White sharks are in ........ of extinction. Their number is decreasing rapidly. A. time B. danger C. circumstance D. situation 41. The more he kept himself to himself, the ........ friends he had. A. more few B. fewer C. less D. more little Vocabulary 42. in A. depth B. fact C. particular D. His passion is reading books. He loves all kinds of books, science fiction in ........ 43. would have allowed A. They ........ to America yet. I saw them in the market this morning. Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 2 / 7
  3. B. can’t have moved C. would not move D. must move 44. make A. These new ideas will certainly ........ about changes to our working environment. B. cause C. bring D. make 45. returning A. endingly B. She changed a number of jobs before ........ deciding to work as a tailor. C. eventually D. lastly 46. reason A. It is possible that in the ........ of time an effective way to treat AIDS will be found. B. length C. course D. amount 47. mustn’t have phoned A. must be B. can be C. might have been D. He went out with a woman I didn’t know. It ........ his sister because he looked like her. 48. followed A. I ........ her because she called me shortly afterwards. B. needn’t have phoned C. needn’t phone D. mustn’t phone 49. up to A. era B. Japan is often taken as an ........ of modern industrial country. C. example D. aspect 50. out A. I’m not going to put ........ their smoking any longer. B. down with C. up with D. down to 51. short A. usage B. need C. use D. At Trang Tien Plaza not many people take the staircases, but the lifts are in constant ........ 52. year A. face B. hand C. part D. I enjoy being a teacher. On the other ........, I want to try other careers as well. What if I can be a successful business person ? 53. own A. on B. over C. At the moment he is studying business at a university. But when his father retires, he will take ........ the company. D. off 54. sensible Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 3 / 7
  4. A. on B. by C. at D. A person needs eight hours of sleep a day ........ average. 55. merried A. make B. have C. Since the beginning of this school year haven’t seemed to ........ much progress in English. D. create 56. occasionally A. sensual B. sensitive C. Rachel is very ........ to other people’s feelings. D. senseless 57. along A. attempts B. answers C. Who do you think I saw yesterday ? You can only make three ........ D. guesses 58. is A. allowed B. would allow C. would be allowed D. If he attended the class regularly, he ........ to sit for the exam. 59. purpose A. cause B. part C. He made one big mistake, as a ........, he lost the game. D. result 60. take A. follows B. would follow C. had followed D. If he ........ his father’s advice, he would not have lost his money. 61. ideas A. Putting the table next to this window does not ........ a very useful purpose. You still have to turn on the lamp to get enough light. B. do C. help D. serve 62. study A. married B. Monica and Chandler are getting ........ on Sunday. C. merry D. marry 63. Choose from the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence. A. He is ........ next year after 30 years with the company. B. retiring C. receiving D. reducing 64. period A. age B. end C. He left school at the ....... of 18. D. period 65. idea A. with B. The young couple went ........ arguing for hours about who should do the housework. Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 4 / 7
  5. C. on D. into 66. side A. result B. You should make better ........ of the English books you have. C. advantage D. use Phonetics Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently 67. A. parliament B. environment C. responsible D. accompany 68. A. spread B. threaten C. earth D. weather 69. A. Germany B. government C. gather D. game 70. A. constant B. basic C. irate D. obvious 71. A. charity B. garden C. farm D. harm 72. A. whales B. apes C. seal D. insect 73. A. possession B. animal C. pyramid D. pharaoh 74. A. continue B. disappear C. imagine D. inhabit 75. A. sale B. serve C. sure D. sort 76. A. government B. interesting C. dangerous D. bacteria 77. A. change B. alto gether C. age D. college 78. A. obvious B. constant C. modern D. robot 79. A. believe B. hap pen C. attack D. defeat 80. A. likely B. continue C. industry D. finish 81. A. capacity B. eventually C. particular D. altogether 82. A. sentence B. system C. suggest D. species 83. A. average B. b asic C. annual D. cap acity 84. A. river B. result C. robot D. region 85. A. so me B. to mb C. so n D. to n 86. A. certainty B. adventure C. industry D. holiday writing 87. On/brain/bigger/grow/hand/other/our/the/will/ A. On our brain, the other hand will grow bigger. B. On our hand, the other brain will grow bigger. C. On the other hand, our brain will grow bigger. D. On the other brain, our hand will grow bigger. 88. Life/2100/be/different/from/in/in/is/ti/the/today/very/Vietnam/what/will/year/. A. Life in the year 2100 will be in very different Vietnam from what it is today B. Life in what it is today will be very different from Vietnam in the year 2100. C. Life in Vietnam will be very different from what it is in the year 2100 today. Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 5 / 7
  6. D. Life in Vietnam in the year 2100 will be very different from what it is today. 89. When/a/disappear/hair/it/longer/no/purpose/servers/useful/will/ A. When hair no longer serves it, a useful purpose will disappear. B. When hair no longer serves, it will disappear a useful purpose. C. When hair will no longer disappear, it serves a useful purpose. D. When hair no longer serves a useful purpose, it will disappear. 90. As/a/arms/become/people’s/result/weaker/will/ A. As a result, p eople’s arms will become weaker. B. As people’s arms, a result will become weaker. C. As a result, arms will become weaker people’s. D. As arms, a result will become weaker people’s. 91. When/eyes/get/glasses/have/our/to/we/weaker/wear/ A. When we wear glasses, our eyes have to get weaker. B. When our eyes wear glasses, we have to get weaker. C. When our eyes get weaker, we have to wear glasses. D. When our eyes have to wear glasses, we get weaker. 92. Nam was not at home either. Perhaps he went out with his girlfriend. A. Nam must go out with his girlfriend B. Nam probably goes out with his girlfriend. C. Nam might have gone out with his girlfriend D. It is sure that Nam went out with his girlfriend. 93. I am certain he finished all his exercises and went shopping. A. He finishes his exercises and goes shopping. B. He can finish his exercises and go shopping. C. He must have finished his exercises and gone shopping. D. He might have finished his exercises and gone sho pping. 94. It/certain/die/future/is/learn/people/that/they/until/will/ A. It is certain that future people will die until they learn B. It is future people that will die until they learn certain. C. It is certain that future people will learn until they die. D. It is certain that people will learn future until they die. 95. Our/because/become/fingers/in/life/modern/more/much/sensitive/them/use/we/ will/ A. Our fingers will become more sensitive because we use them much in modern life. B. Our fingers will become more sensitive because we use modern life much in them. C. Our fingers will become more sensitive because modern life in we use them much. D. Our fingers will become more modern because we use them much in sensitive life. 96. People/and/in/industry/make/more/much/progress/science/technology/will/ A. People will make progress in much more industry, science and technology. B. People will make much more in industry, science and technology progress. C. People will make indu stry, science and technology in much more progress D. People will make much more progress in industry, science and technology. 97. It would have been better if she had bought some sugar. A. She must have bought some sugar. B. She must have bought some sugar C. She might have bought some sugar. D. She should have bought some sugar. 98. I’m sorry I wasn’t in the office when you phoned. I know I promised to be. A. I should have been in the office when you phoned. B. I might be in the office when you phoned. C. I must have been in the office when you phoned. D. I should be in the office when you phoned. 99. In/50/age/and/at/future/is/it/likely/men/of/retire/that/the/the/will/women/ A. In the future, it is likely that men and women will retire at the age of 50. B. In the age of 50, it is likely that men and women will retire at the future. C. In the future, likely it is men and women that will retire at the age of 50. D. In the future, it is likely that the age of 50 will retire at men and women. 100. Perhaps trees in the garden were watered. They were all wet. A. Trees in the garden might be watered because they were all wet. B. Trees in the garden might have been watered because they were all wet. C. Trees in the garden might have watered because they were all wet. D. Trees in the garden must have been watered because they were al wet. 101. Robots/and/cleaning/cooking/house/in/over/take/the/the/will/ A. Robots will take the cooking and cleaning over in the house. Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 6 / 7
  7. B. Robots will take over the house in the cooking and cleaning. C. Robots will take over the cooking and cleaning in the house. D. Robots in the house will take the cooking and cleaning over. ------------------------------------------ Hết ----------------------------------------------- Anh 355 5/5/2008. Trang 7 / 7



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