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Đề thi đại học tiếng anh - đề số 25

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi đại học tiếng anh - đề số 25

  1. ÑEÀ SOÁ 25 TRÖÔØNG CAO ÑAÚNG SÖ PHAÏM TRAØ VINH – NAÊM 2003 MOÂN : Tieáng Anh – Khoái D (Thôøi gian laøm baøi : 180 phuùt) Caâu 1: (0,5 ñieåm) Choïn moät töø coù phaàn gaïch döôùi ñöôïc phaùt aâm khaùc caùc töø coøn laïi. Vieát A, B, C hoaëc D vaøo phaàn traû lôøi. 1. A. house B. hour C. hundred D. head 2. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. wanted 3. A. sugar B. sister C. sign D. singer 4. A. after B. advice C. agree D. alone 5. A. settle B. bed C. letter D. even Caâu 2: (1 ñieåm) Choïn moät töø/nhoùm töø thích hôïp cho moãi choã troáng trong nhöõng caâu sau. 1. There are some reports…………………now. A. typing B. to type C. that should type D. need to be typed 7. Mary doesn’t have…………………. Money in her purse. It’s just enough for a light breakfast. A. some B. any C. much D. no 8. “How about……………………… away for a couple of weeks?” I asked her. A. going B. to go C. be going D. us to go 9. That tall woman, ……………………. career was very successful, had retired before she was fifty. A. that B. what C. which D. whose 10. I ……………………. bread and eggs every morning. A. use to eat B. am used to eat C. used to eating D. am used to eating 11. I got to class on time ………………. I had missed the bus. A. although B. however C. because D. despite 12. He used to sell traditional handicrafts ………………..? A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. wasn’t he 13. The house where there was a small Art Exhibition was crowded ……………. the students. A. by B. to C. with D. for 14. I love this small village, ……………….. I used to live for two years in any childhood. A. where B. at which C. which D. that 15. My niece, whose doll ………………… by her brother, started to cry for a new one.
  2. A. had broken B. breaking C. had been breaking D. had been broken Caâu 3: (2 ñieåm) Xaùc ñònh daïng thích hôïp cuûa töø cho saün trong ngoaëc ( ) vaø vieát caùc daïng töø ñoù vaøo phaàn traû lôøi. 16. The alarm is ringing. You should get out of her ……………… (QUICK) 17. Do parents get …………………. from their children’s studies? (SATISFY) 18. Conservation also includes the ………… of waste. (PREVENT) 19. Does the latest fashion ………………….. all of you ? (ATTRACTION) 20. Do people know the ……………… influences of air pollution? (HARM) 21. I have little …………………. of going abroad this year. (EXPECT) 22. Almost everybody is interested in ……………. (SWIM). 23. Don’t make mistakes in your next ………….. (WRITE). 24. Water is an ……………. liquid. (ODOUR) 25. The banks in this city are very efficient and give a speedy ……………. (SERVE) Caâu 4: (2 ñieåm) Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên sau ñaây roài choïn moät töø trong nhöõng töø cho saün ñeå ñieàn moãi choã troáng ñöôïc ñaùnh soá töø 26 ñeán 35 vaø vieát töø ñoù vaøo phaàn traû lôøi. Something – made – later – before – on – it – anything sausage - sandwiches - talked - with - left - them - phoned One morning last summer Jessie (26) …………. some sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. They were sausage sandwiches. There was one small– sausage (27) ………… over, so Jessie gave (28) …………. to Henry, her little dog. Henry ate it up. Half an hour (29)………… the dog got ill. He kept (30) …………. shaking his head, and rubbing it (31) ……………… his foot. Jessie thought, “ He’s ill. He must have eaten (32) …………… that didn’t agree with him. Maybe that (33) ……………….. was bad. “ Then she remembered her husband’s (34) ……………. She ran to the telephone and (25) …………. Jim at his office in town. Caâu 5: (1,5 ñieåm) Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên döôùi ñaây vaø vieát caâu traû lôøi ngaén goïn cho moãi caâu hoûi töø 36 ñeán 40 vaøo phaàn …………. Sau moãi caâu hoûi. The Mediterranean has been described as the world’s largest swimming pool. However, it can also be described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds. Unfortunately, most countries bordering the Mediterranean differ greatly in their attitudes to this problem. While some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, others have begun building new ports to develop their oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries have now grown in all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. It will take a century for all the water in the
  3. Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean, and be replaced by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all flow into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of pollutants into the sea and making it very dangerous for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who catches fish there. 36. Why is the Mediterranean described as the world’s dirtiest sewer? -...................................................................................................... 37. Do the countries bordering the Mediterranean have the same attitude to the polluted Mediterranean? -...................................................................................................... 38. How long may it take for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean? -...................................................................................................... 39. What carries lots or pollutants into the Mediterranean? -...................................................................................................... 40. According to the writer, who can get much harm from the pollution of the Mediterranean? -...................................................................................................... Caâu 6: (2 ñieåm) Vieát laïi caùc caâu töø 41 ñeán 48 sao cho nghóa cuûa chuùng vaãn khoâng thay ñoåi. Moãi caâu vieát laïi ñöôïc baét ñaàu baèng (nhöõng) töø cho saün. 41. Women nowadays no longer depend on their husband. - No longer..................................................................................... 42. We haven’t had any intention of having a vacation so far this year. - We haven’t .................................................................................. 43. My mobile phone is more expensive than yours. - Your mobile phone ...................................................................... 44. Nobody here thinks learning English is easy. - Everybody here thinks it.............................................................. 45. They have bought that old villa by the sea. - That old villa................................................................................ 46. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table. - If .................................................................................................. 47. “Is your little son good at computer?” said the teacher to Mrs. Johnson. - The teacher asked ....................................................................... 48. The gate will be widened to let the cars run into the yard easily. - The gate will be widened so that................................................. Caâu 7: (1 ñieåm)
  4. Söû duïng nhöõng töø/cuïm töø cho saün trong caùc caâu töø 49 ñeán 53 ñeå vieát thaønh caùc caâu hoaøn chænh veà ngöôøi phuï nöõ Myõ hieän ñaïi. Anh/chò coù theå duøng theâm töø vaø thöïc hieän nhöõng bieán ñoåi caàn thieát nhöng khoâng ñöôïc boû baát kyø töø naøo ñaõ cho. 49. American women/ have/ their independence/ a long time. -...................................................................................................... 50. Since/ women’s movement/ start/ they/ do/ many things/ themselves. -...................................................................................................... 51. They/ usually/ not want/ be protected. -...................................................................................................... 52. Sometimes they/ ask/ men/ help/ if/ want. -...................................................................................................... 53. American women/ even/ can/ start/ conversations/ men. -...................................................................................................... ÑAÙP AÙN TRÖÔØNG CAO ÑAÚNG SÖ PHAÏM TRAØ VINH – NAÊM 2003 Caâu 1: (0,5 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 0,1 ñieåm) 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D Caâu 2: (1 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 0,1 ñieåm) 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D Caâu 3: (2 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 0,2 ñieåm) 16. quickly 17. satisfaction 18. prevention 19. attract 20. harmful 21. expectation 22. swimming 23. writing 24. odourless 25. service Caâu 4: (2 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 0,2 ñieåm) 26. made 27. left 28. it 29. later 30. on 31. with 32. something 33. sausage 34. sandwiches 35. phoned Caâu 5: (1,5 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 0,3 ñieåm) 36. Because it is full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds 37. No, they don’t 38. A century 39. Three great rivers: the Nile, Po and Rhone (do) 40. Everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who eats fish caught there Caâu 6: (2 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 0,25 ñieåm)
  5. 41. No longer do women nowadays depend on their husbands 42. We haven’t intended to have a vacation so far this year 43. Your mobile phone isn’t as expensive as mine. (Hoaëc: Your mobile phone is cheaper than mine) 44. Everybody here thinks it is not easy/ it is difficult to learn English 45. That old villa by the sea has been bought 46. If Jack hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table 47. The teacher asked Mrs. Johnson if/ whether her little son was good at computer 48. The gate will be widened so that the cars will/ can run into the yard easily Caâu 7: (1 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 0,2 ñieåm) 49. American women have had their independence for a long time 50. Since the women’s movement started, they have done many things by themselves 51. They usually don’t want to be protected 52. Sometimes they ask men for help/ ask men to help them if they want (to) 53. American women even can start conversations with men



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