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ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ II NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 Môn TIẾNG ANH - Mã đề thi 132

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  1. ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ II NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 Mã đề thi 132 Môn : TIẾNG ANH – Khối :12 – Chương trình : CƠ BẢN Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Đề có 50 câu trắc nghiệm Họ, tên thí sinh:.......................................................................... Số báo danh:............................................................................... + Choïn phöông aùn thích hôïp öùng vôùi A (hoaëc B, C , D ) ñeå hoaøn thaønh caùc caâu sau: Câu 1: The Asian Games is one o f the most important ________________ in Asia. A. incidents B. events C. news D. points Câu 2: Xaùc ñònh töø coù gaïch döôùi caàn phaûi söûa, ñeå caâu sau trôû thaønh chính xaùc: Everyone likes reading more better than usual when they like the subject. A B C D A. C B. D C. B D. A Câu 3: It …………………yesterday after it ……………… dry for months. A. rained / was being B. has rained /has been C. rained /had been D. rains/will be Câu 4: The car is old ………for him ………… sell. A. too / to B. such/ that C. enough/to D. so/that Câu 5: The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _________ institution. A. humanitarian B. humanization C. humanity D. human Câu 6: Xaùc ñònh töø coù gaïch döôùi caàn phaûi söûa, ñeå caâu sau trôû thaønh chính xaùc: Among many other program, UNICEF also supports the international Child Rights Information Network A B C D A. A B. C C. D D. B Câu 7: Choïn töø maø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi nhöõng töø coøn laïi : A. books B. hats C. stamps D. clubs Câu 8: Choïn töø maø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi nhöõng töø coøn laïi : A. proved B. performed C. trained D. impressed Câu 9: Choïn caâu ( öùng vôùi A hoaëc B, C, D ) ñeå dieãn ñaït ñuùng nghóa caâu sau: You can look up this word in the dictionary. A. The dictionary contains a lot of words except the one you need B. You can find the meaning of the word in the dictionary. C. There are a lot of words in the dictionary for you look at. D. You should buy this dictionary to find the word you need. Câu 10: Pupils should have their eyes _________________ regularly. A. tested B. to test C. testing D. test Câu 11:Never before ___________________ such a beautiful waterfall.. A. that I have seen B. do I see C. I have seen D. have I seen Câu 12: Shall we go for a walk? A. What about go for a walk? B. What about to go for walk? C. What about going for a walk? D. What about going a walk? Câu 13: “ Let’s go to the movie now.” “ Oh! _______” A. Good idea ! B. Why’s that? C. I don’t D. I need it Câu 14: The club _________ last year. A. was opened B. was being opened C. has been opened D. had been opened Câu 15: Mary: “Whose bicycle is that?” Tom: “______” A. It’s Jane’s B. It’s just outside C. No it’s over there D. It’s Jane Trang 1/4 - Mã đề thi 132
  2. Câu 16: In 1951 he went to Boston University, ……… he studied for four years. A. that B. when C. where D. which Câu 17: Choïn töø coù troïng aâm chính nhaán vaøo aâm tieát coù vò trí khaùc vôùi nhöõng töø coøn laïi: A. marathon B. maximum C. formally D. effective Câu 18: They cancelled the match ____________. A. due to it rained heavily B. because of the heavy rain C. because the heavy rain D. due to it rained heavily Câu 19: He apologized ________________ able to finish the project on time. A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being Câu 20: Mary is __________in our class. A. the prettiest B. most pretty C. p rettier D. more pretty Câu 21: ___________________ ? _ I like football, but I really love volleyball! A. What do you think of volleyball B. When do you play football C. Who do you play volleyball with D. What sport do you like Câu 22: Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country. A. successful B. succeed C. success D. successfully Câu 23: Some high school students …………… in helping disadvantaged or handicapped children. A. take part B. take care C. visit D. give care Câu 24: The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted b y the same country where the SEA Games took place. A. organized B. participated C. impressed D. d efended Câu 25: This school is only for children ________ first language is not English. A. of whom B. who is C. who D. whose Câu 26: If I had worked harder at school, _____________. A. I would have sat in a comfortable office now B. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now C. I will be sitting in a comfortable office now D. I will sit in a comfortable office now Câu 27: He ______ in London at the moment.. A. studies B. has studied C. is studying D. will study Câu 28: The factory is said ______________ in a fire two years ago. A. being destroyed have been destroyed C. to have destroyed D. to destroy Câu 29: We were made ______________ hard when we were at school. A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied Câu 30: Did you consider ………………… part in a volunteer program? A. to take B. take C. took D. taking Câu 31: I ……… Greenhill College from 1997 to 2001. A. had attended B. attended C. attend D. will attend Câu 32: “- I’m really grateful to you.” “ – ……………………………” A. It’s very kind of you B. You’re welcome C. Thanks D. I agree with you. Câu 33: The man ________ on the plane talked all the time. A. who I was sitting next him B. that I was sitting next to him C. that I was sitting next to D. who I was sitting next. Câu 34: The conical leaf hat is one of the typical features of the Vietnamese ________________. A. education B. society C. culture D. language Câu 35: Choïn caâu ( öùng vôùi A hoaëc B, C, D ) ñeå dieãn ñaït ñuùng nghóa caâu sau: No one in our club can speak English as fluently as Mai. A. Mai speaks English more fluently than no one in our club. B. Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in our club. C. Mai is the worst English speaker in our club D. Mai speaks English the most fluently in our club. Trang 2/4 - Mã đề thi 132
  3. Câu 36: The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and homeless A. imprisoned B. suffered C. poor D. injured Câu 37: Hurry ________ . The train is coming. A. o n B. up C. o ff D. out Câu 38: Tom: “How did you get here?” John: “__________” A. I cam here last night B. Is it far from here? C. I came here by train D. the train is so crowded Câu 39: The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. A. turned off B. put on C. went off D. got out Câu 40: Choïn töø coù troïng aâm chính nhaán vaøo aâm tieát coù vò trí khaùc vôùi nhöõng töø coøn laïi: A. benefit B. understand C. engineer D. u nderpaid 41-45/ Choïn phöông aùn thích hôïp öùng vôùi(A hoaëc B,C, D ) ñeå ñieàn vaøo choã troáng trong ñoaïn vaên sau: Deserts have come to symbolize for us p laces of extreme heat. The fact is most of the famous deserts______41___________the world are places where the thermometer goes bubbling away and where the sun beats down without mercy. But this does not mean that a desert must be a place where it is always ____42_______________. If you find out the definition of a desert you will understand why this is so.. A desert is a region where only spacial forms of life can exist because there is a ________43_________ of moisture. In a “hot” desert, there simply is not enough __________44__________.So the difinition holds true. But suppose there is a region where all water is frozen solid and cannot be used by plants.. This satisfies the definition _______45__________. Only it would make this a “cold” desert. Câu 41 : A. of B. on C. out of D. over Câu 42: A. extreme B. hot C. dried D. humid Câu 43: A. shot B. few C. shortage D. little Câu 44: A. water B. waterfalls C. rainfalls D. rainfall Câu 45: A. too B. so C. also D. either Ñoïc kyõ baøi khoùa sau vaø choïn phöông aùn ñuùng ( öùng vôùi A hoaëc B,C,D) cho caùc caâu töø 46 ñeán 50 Montreal in Canada is the largest French- speaking city in the world next to Paris. It has a population of 2.8 million, of which two thirds have French anc estry. French is the official language, but English is almost as common. There are language laws that require French writing in puplic places to be twice as large as English. Montreal is situated on the Saint Lawrence Seaway and is a vital port for ships travelling to the Great Lakes and the Atlantic. It lies below Mont Royal, the ancient volcano after which the city is named. It was “discovered” in 1535 by the French explorer Jacques cartier and is a wonderfull mix of old and new- ancient stone buildings alongside modern, glass and steel. The climate is one of extremes; summers are hot, 27oC, but winter temperatures average only -10 oC and winter lasts four to five months. However,in order that you don’t have to suffer such cold, they have built an underground city called “La Ville Souterrain”. This is one of Montreal’s most amazing sights with nearly 20 miles of walkways below street level. You can shop, have lunch, watch a movie, and enter a hotel without ever going outside. The city celebrates the arts in a big way. Visitors from over the world travel to Montreal for its many film and jazz festivals. It’s also the gourmet capital of North America. Not only can you find some of the world’s finest restaurants ( over 5,000), but on nearly every street coener you can buy “poutine”, a delicious dish of French fries served with hot cheese and brown gravy. All in all Montreal has much to offer.It is one of the most interesting cities in North America. Câu 46: What can we say about Montreal? A. Its population is two thirds of 2.8 million B. Its population can speak French only Trang 3/4 - Mã đề thi 132
  4. C. It has 2.8 million people D. It is the largest French- speaking city in the world Câu 47:What are the buildings in Montreal like? A. They are old- ancient stone buildings B. They are new- ancient stone buildings C. They are modern, glass and steel buildings D. All A, B, C Câu 48:How long does the winter last? A. over four months B. less than four months C. half a year D. a quarter Câu 49:Why is “La Ville Souterrain” called an underground city? A. Winter temperatures are vey low B. Montreal inhabitants don’t want to suffer the cold. C. People can do everything in this place. D. This is one of Montreal’s most amazing sights. Câu 50:What mainly attracts visitors from all over the world? A. “La Ville souterrain”- an amazing underground city. B. The great number of restaurants- over 5,000. C. The availability of ‘poutine’, a delicious French dish. D. Montreal’s many film and jazz festivals. ----------------------------------------------- ----------- HẾT ---------- Trang 4/4 - Mã đề thi 132



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