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ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ I MÔN ENGLISH 12 - Mã đề thi 135

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ I MÔN ENGLISH 12 - Mã đề thi 135

  1. TRƯỜNG THPT LƯƠNG SƠN ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ I MÔN ENGLISH 12 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút; (40 câu trắc nghiệm) Mã đề thi 135 Họ, tên thí sinh:.......................................................................... Lớp:............................................................................... Câu 1: They have .................. much important measures to gain greater achievements A. carried up B. carried for C. carried on D. carried out Câu 2: I come from a city that is located in the southern part o f the country. A. I come from a city have located in the southern part of the country. B. I come from a city being located in the southern part of the country. C. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country. D. I come from a city be locating in the southern part of the country. Câu 3: He dedicated his life to ............................. the poor A. have helped B. helping C. b e helping D. help Câu 4: Before "Doi Moi" (Renovation) Vietnam was one of the A. under - d evelopment B. under - d eveloping C. under - d eveloped D. low - d eveloping Câu 5: She is too short to reach the book on the bookself A. If she was taller, she could reach the book on the bookself B. If she were taller, she could reach the book on the b ookself C. If she were taller, she could have reached the book on the bookself D. If she were tall, she could reach the book on the bookself Câu 6: Do you know the woman who is coming toward us A. Do you know the woman came toward us B. Do you know the woman have been coming toward us C. Do you know the woman to be coming toward us D. Do you know the woman coming toward us Câu 7: If it doesn't rain, I see you. A. would have come B. came C. will come D. would come Câu 8: People report that many people were killed in the accident A. Many people are reported to be killed in the acccident B. Many people are reported to have been killed in the acccident C. Many people are reported to kill in the acccident D. Many people are reported to have killed in the acccident Câu 9: " Please come and join our party tonight" said Lana. => Lanna ........................ us to come and join our party that night. A. invited B. asked C. told D. advised Câu 10: She accepted the job ........................... the low salary A. although B. in spite of C. b ecause D. b ecause of Câu 11: If he ........................harder, he would have passes the exams A. have studied B. had studied C. studied D. study Câu 12: People think that he is very clever A. He is thought to been very clever B. He is thought to being very clever C. He is thought to be very clever D. He is thought to have been very clever Câu 13: .................... it was cold and rainy. We managed to go to class in time. A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 135
  2. Câu 14: When we came, the film ..................... half an hour before A. was started B. had started C. had been starting D. had been started Câu 15: He couldn't get to sleep ........................... the noise A. because B. altho ugh C. in spite of D. b ecause of Câu 16: The sick man ...................... to the hospital A. took B. is taked C. b eing taken D. was taken Câu 17: She couldn't but the car ..................... she didn't have enough money A. because of B. although C. b ecause D. in spite of Câu 18: " Where do you come from ?" Jack asked me => Jack asked me ................................................................................ A. where do you come from B. Where I came from C. where did I come from D. Where I come from Câu 19: If I had a car, I .......................... drive to work A. would drive B. will drive C. would have driven D. d rove Câu 20: The aim of "Doi Moi" (Renovation) was to .................... the economy of Vietnam. A. reaffirm B. reduce C. restructure D. reform Câu 21: We believe that with the strong commitment to Doi Moi, we will ................ a better life for our people. A. make B. gain C. build D. raise Câu 22: We couldn't find her house because we didn't have her address A. If we had had her address, we could have found her house B. If we had her address, we could have found her house C. If we had had her address, we could found her house D. If we had had her address, we could have find her house. Câu 23: My friends enjoy going to disco .......................... he doesn't like dancing A. because B. even if C. although D. even though Câu 24: The girl ................. was injured in the accident is now in hospital. A. whom B. who C. whose D. whoever Câu 25: "I will never make that mistake again" Robert said => Robert promised ............................... that mistake again A. never to make B. no making C. never made D. not made Câu 26: This building ....................... along time ago A. built B. was built C. will be built D. build Câu 27: He still decided to get married to her ...................his parents disagrred A. because B. although C. even if D. even though Câu 28: The greatest discoveries of technology are said to the 20th century A. be made B. have made C. make D. have been made Câu 29: The economic reforms is one of the most important ..................... to overcome the current stagnance. A. road B. method C. way D. measures Câu 30: The song to .................... we listened last night was interesting. A. when B. where C. which D. whom Choose the correct answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D from the questions 31 to 35 A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred away. As he got out of his car, he noticed a young girl sitting on the curbing sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, " I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but I only have seventy - five cents, and a rose costs two dollars". The man smiled and said, "Come in with me. I will buy you a rose". He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers. Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 135
  3. As they were leaving, he offered the girl a ride home. She said, "Yes, please !" You can take me to my mother. " She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave. The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother's house. Câu 31: . How did the man order the flowers ? A. By e - mail B. By letter C. By telephone D. By wire Câu 32: Why was the girl crying ? A. She missed her mother. B. She wanted to change another rose C. She did not have enogh money to buy a rose D. She lost her money Câu 33: How was the girl's mother ? A. She was living in the cemetery B. She was dead C. She looked after the cemetery D. She was visiting the cemetery Câu 34: Why did the man change his mind ? Because ..... A. his mother's home was near there B. he was moved by the girl's love for her mother C. the flower shop ran out of flowwers D. the flower shop could not deliver the flowers on time Câu 35: The best title for this story is ..................... A. Flowers for mothers B. A man and a little girl C. A dead mother D. The flower shop Find mistakes in the following sentences by circling the letter A, B,C or D. Câu 36: If the weather was nice tomorrow, we will go for a p icnic A B C D Câu 37: It is said that m y classrooms were cleaned everyday A B C D Câu 38: They have lived in this city since five years A B C D Câu 39: It is the building in where I live in the second floor. A B C D Câu 40: she asked where did I came from. A B C D ----------------------------------------------- ----------- HẾT ---------- Trang 3/3 - Mã đề thi 135



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