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Đề thi học sinh giỏi ĐBSCL cấp THPT năm 2010 - 2011

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Mời tham khảo đề thi học sinh giỏi Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long cấp THPT giúp các bạn học sinh ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức đã học và chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi sắp tới được tốt và đạt điểm cao. Chúc các bạn thi tốt!

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  1. Tỉnh An Giang Trường : THPT Chuyên THOẠI NGỌC HẦU ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ĐBSCL - Năm học 2010 - 2011 Môn : HÓA (Đề đề nghị) Số mật mã : Phần này là phách Câu 1 : (2,5 điểm) CẤU TẠO CHẤT 1. Biết năng lượng ion hóa thứ nhất của quá trình Li → Li+ + e (I1), I1 = 5,39 eV và quá trình Li → Li2 + + 2e cần cung cấp năng lượng E = 81,01 eV. Tính I2 và I3 từ đó suy ra năng lượng cần cung cấp để xảy ra quá trình Li → Li3+ + 3e. 2. Dựa vào cấu tạo phân tử, hãy trình bày các lập luận để trả lời các câu hỏi sau: a. Trong dãy các hiđro halogenua HX, chất nào có nhiệt độ sôi thấp nhất? b. So sánh momen lưỡng cực và nhiệt độ sôi của CCl4 và CHCl3. c. Trong các chất sau: CH4 , C2H5Cl, NH3 và H2S chất nào dễ tan trong nước nhất? Giải thích. Câu 2 : (3,0 điểm) DUNG DỊCH – SỰ ĐIỆN LI – pH 1. Tính pH và độ điện li của dung dịch NaCN 0,1M (dung dịch A) 2. pH và độ điện li thay đổi ra sao khi: a. Có mặt NaOH 0,005M b. Có mặt HCl 0,002M c. Có mặt NaHSO4 0,010M d. Trộn 50 ml dung dịch A với 150 ml HCOONa 0,1M Cho Ka(HCN) = 10-9,35, Ka(HSO-4 ) = 1,0.10-2, Ka(HCOOH) = 10-3,75. Câu 3 : (2,0 điểm) TỐC ĐỘ PHẢN ỨNG – CÂN BẰNG HÓA HỌC Ure được điều chế từ phản ứng nhiệt phân amonixianat NH4OCN H2N C NH2 O Lấy 30,0 gam amonixianat hòa tan trong 1,00 lít nước. Lượng urê thu được theo thời gian qua thực nghiệm như sau: t (phút) 0 20 50 65 150 mure (gam) 0 9,4 15,9 17,9 23,2 1. Tính nồng độ mol của amonixianat ở từng thời điểm trên 2. Chứng minh phản ứng trên có bậc 2 và tính hằng số tốc độ k 3. Khối lượng của amonixianat còn lại bao nhiêu sau 30 phút?
  2. Câu 4 : (2,0 điểm) NHIỆT HÓA HỌC – ĐỘNG HÓA HỌC Xét cân bằng 2NOCl(k) 2NO(k) + Cl2(k) Các số liệu nhiệt động cho ở bảng: NOCl NO Cl2 -1 ΔH° (kJ.mol ) 51,71 90,25 0 -1 -1 S° (J.mol .K ) 26,4 21,1 22,3 Cho rằng ΔH, ΔS thay đổi theo nhiệt độ không đáng kể. 1. Tính Kp của phản ứng ở 298K 2. Tính K′p của phản ứng ở 475K 3. Một cách cẩn thận, cho 2,00 gam NOCl vào bình chân không có thể tích 2,00 lít. Tính áp suất trong bình lúc cân bằng ở 298K và ở 475K Câu 5 : (2,0 điểm) HÓA VÔ CƠ Cho từ từ đến dư dung dịch KCN vào dung dịch FeSO4 thu được kết tủa (A) màu vàng nâu, sau đó kết tủa tan dần tạo dung dịch màu vàng, đem cô cạn dung dịch thu được tinh thể ngậm nước (B). Khi phân tích, thấy tỉ lệ nước trong phân tử chất (B) chiếm 12,796% về khối lượng. Đun nóng (B) ở nhiệt độ khoảng 90°C thì nó mất nước biến thành muối khan (C) màu trắng, nếu tiếp tục đun đến 100°C thì (C) bị phân hủy. Ở điều kiện thường, chất (C) bền với oxi trong không khí và với dung dịch kiềm, nhưng tác dụng được với clo tạo chất (D) có màu vàng. 1. Xác định công thức của (B), gọi tên các chất (A), (C), (D) và viết các phương trình hóa học biểu diễn các chuyển hóa trên. 2. Ion phức trong (C) có tính nghịch từ. Hãy cho biết trạng thái lai hóa của nguyên tử trung tâm và dạng hình học của ion phức này. Câu 6 : (2,0 điểm) ĐẠI CƯƠNG HÓA HỌC HỮU CƠ 1. Cho cân bằng sau ở 25°C HX (aq) + RCOO–(aq) RCOOH (aq) + X–(aq) trong đó, HX là một axit mạnh. Hãy xếp thứ tự giảm dần về độ phản ứng của muối của các axit trong bảng sau: axit CH3COOH HCOOH CH2ClCOOH COOH O2N COOH pKa 4,76 3,75 2,87 4,21 3,44 Giải thích. 2. Có 2 axit: Axit – 4 – brombixiclo [2.2.2] octan – 1 – cacboxylic (A) và Axit – 5 – brompentanoic (B) a. Viết công thức cấu tạo của 2 axit trên b. So sánh độ mạnh axit của chúng. Giải thích Câu 7 : (2,5 điểm) TỔNG HỢP HỮU CƠ – CƠ CHẾ PHẢN ỨNG
  3. Phần này là phách 1. Bằng phản ứng SN2 chọn chất nucleophin và chất nền thích hợp để tổng hợp các hợp chất sau: a. CH3OCH3 b. C6H5COOCH2C6H5 c. O d. O O 2. Đixeten là tác nhân thường được dùng tổng hợp hữu cơ bởi cơ chế sau: CH2 CH2 ete R OH RO C CH2 C CH3 O -H RO O H O O O O Hãy giải thích CH2 COCH3 O O O OH O O 3. Từ cumen CH(CH3) 2 viết phản ứng điều chế coumarin O O Câu 8 : (2,0 điểm) AMINO AXIT – HỢP CHẤT DỊ VÒNG 1. Cho một số amino axit CH3 NH2COOH (Gly) HOOCCH2CHNH2COOH (Asp) HOCH2CHNH2COOH (Ser) HOOCCH2CH2CHNH2COOH (Glu) COOH N H
  4. Phần này là phách CH2 NH2[CH2 ]3CHNH2COOH (Lys) (Pro) NH Gọi tên các amino axit trên theo danh pháp thay thế biết có tên là pirolidin. Sắp xếp các amino axit trên theo trình tự tăng dần pHI (không cần giải thích) 2. Từ một nguồn thiên nhiên, bằng phản ứng thủy phân người ta thu được một số amino axit pKa Ile CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH(NH2)COOH 2,33 9,67 Glu HOOCCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH 2,19 4,25 9,67 Lys CH2 NH2[CH2 ]3CHNH2COOH 2,18 8,95 10,63 His N CH2 CH COOH 1,87 6,05 9,15 NH2 N H a. Viết công thức Fischer của các amino axit ở pHI, trên đó có ghi pK bên cạnh nhóm chức thích hợp biết C2H5COOH có pK = 4,8 b. Tính pHI của từng amino axit c. His Histamin. Viết công thức cấu tạo của histamin và so sánh tính bazơ của các nguyên tử N trong phân tử. Câu 9 : (2,0 điểm) CACBOHYĐRAT Hợp chất hữu cơ (A) chứa C, H, O có M(A) = 180. Đốt cháy hoàn toàn một lượng chất (A) thấy nO2 cháy = nCO2 =nH2O. 1. Xác định công thức phân tử của (A). Biết (A) có nhóm chức –CHO còn lại là các nhóm –OH. Xác định số đồng phân quang học của (A).
  5. Phần này là phách 2. Một trong những đồng phân quang học trên là (B). Cấu hình của (B) có thể được xác định dựa vào các dữ kiện sau: Thoái phân Wolh dựa vào biến đổi sau Khi thực hiện thoái phân Wolh, (B) cho chất (C) có 5 nguyên tử cacbon. Oxi hóa (C) bằng HNO3 thu được axit trihiđroxiđicacboxilic có 3 nguyên tử C bất đối và có tính quang hoạt. Tiếp tục thực hiện thoái phân Wolh với chất (C) ở trên, sau đó oxi hóa bằng HNO3 thu được axit D-tactric có tính quang hoạt. Oxi hóa (B) thu được một axit tetrahiđroxidicacboxilic không có tính quang hoạt. Xác định cấu hình của (B). -------------------------------------------------
  6. TỈNH AN GIANG TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN THOẠI NGỌC HẦU ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ĐBSCL _ Năm học 2010 – 2011 __________ Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút ************* Số mật mã : Phần này là phách ______________________________________________________________________________ I. LISTENING : No suggestion II. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ( 7ms) A. Multiple choice : (3 ms) 1. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without ___________ . A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. mistake 2. People who are unemployed can receive the ____________ . A. pension B. dole C. scholarship D. allowance 3. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ________ . any solutions. A. looked into B. thought over C. got round to D. come up with 4. I have never seen _____________ before . A. such good film B. so good film C. so good a film D. such good a film 5. We've got a very good ____ in the local newspaper this morning. They must have liked the play. A. critic B. article C. write-up D. praise 6. The accused man was proved innocent and was ______________ . A. liberated B. excused C. interned D. acquitted 7. As we were driving along a car suddenly ______________ in front of us. A. set out B. put up C. pulled out D. stepped in 8. I know for _________ that he was at the scene yesterday. . A. exact B. certain. C. true D. correct 9. She's certainly a _________ writer; she has written quite a few books this year. A. fruitful B. fertile C. prolific D. successful 10. I’ll _________ the idea with the other members in the family and let you know. . A. discuss B. argue C. explain D. talk 11. The car burst into ________ but the driver managed to escape . A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames 12. I was just ___________ to go out when you telephoned . A. around B. about C. thinking D. planned 13. They live in a very _____________ populated area of Italy . A. sparsely B. scarcely C. hardly D. barely 14. The _________ exam in January prepared pupils for the real thing in June . A. false B. unreal C. untrue D. imaginary 15. Automobile production in the United States _________ A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years B. has been rather erratic recently C. has been erratically lately D. are going up and down all the time 16. While attempting to reach his home before the storm ______________ . A. the bicycle of John broke down B. it happened that John's bike broke down C. the storm caught John D. John had an accident on his bicycle 17. Unless you give up smoking , you’ll _________ the risk of damaging your health . A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run 1
  7. 18. Do you think Ms. Brown will _________ for Parliament in the next. election? . A. sit B. run C. walk D. stand 19. I ________ my best suit - everyone else was very casually dressed. A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear C. needn't have worn D. mustn't have worn 20. He passed the test by the skin of his teeth. A. easily B. with very little margin C. with a very high score D. All are correct 21. It has rained for four days without letting up. A. thundering B. freezing C. increasing in intensity D. slackening 22. Are you sure you told me ? I don’t recall _________ about it . A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told . 23. There are two small rooms in the beach house , ______________ served as a kitchen . A. the smaller of which B. the smallest of which C. the smaller of them D. smallest of that 24. Last year , Matt earned ____________ his brother , who has a better position . A. twice as much as B. twice as many as C. twice more than D. twice as more as 25. The doctor insisted that his patient _____________ . A. he did not work too hard for three months B. take it easy for three months C. take it easy inside of three months D. could take some vacations for three months 26. _______ we have finished the course , we should start doing more revision work . A. For now B. Now that C. Ever since D. By now 27. Some very important issue was __________ all his attention . A. taking up B. taking off C. taking out D. taking in 28. I wish you ‘d stop chatting and ________ with some work . A. get down B. come on C. get on D. come back 29. Jane changed her major from French to business __________ A. with hopes to be able easier to locate employment B. hoping she can easier get a job C. with the hope for being able to find better a job D. hoping to find a job more easily 7. This university's programmes _________ those of Harvard. A. come second to B. are first C. are second only to D. are in second place Answer : 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C 2
  8. B. Word form : (1m) In developing nations, the (1) _____ of food is the primary cause of malnutrition. Famine, drought, war, and (2) ____________ systems of food distribution contribute to the (3) ________ problem of world hunger. Many countries have little or no reserves of (4) _______ land or water: in addition, some, such as Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian nations, cannot afford to buy food from other countries. Some countries have enough resources to grow food but governmental (5) ________ of agriculture and poor policy decisions have resulted in (6) _______ diets. In addition to (7) _______ disorders, there are certain diseases that contribute to malnutrition by (8) _______ with the body's (9) ________ or utilization of (10) ______ . 1. A. availability B. available C. inavailability D. unavailability 2. A. reliable B. unreliable C. reliant D. reliance 3. A. ongoing B. going C. outgoing D. gone 4. A. fertility B. fertilize C. fertile D. fertilized 5. A. neglectful B. neglect C. neglectfulness D. neglecting 6. A. adequate B. imadequate C. unadequate D. inadequate 7. A. dietetic B. dietary C. dietarian D. dietetics 8. A. interfering B. interfere C. interfered D. being interfered 9. A. absorptive B. absorbed C. absorption D. absorbent 10. A. nutrients B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritionist Answer : 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 3
  9. C. Use the correct verb tense / form : (1 m) I heard the sound of children playing in the street outside. I listened more closely. Their words (1) _______ with death, injury and revenge. The names they called out were all from the latest series of so-called children's films (2) ________ in the cinemas. They were in a fantasy world. It (3) ______ that these boys were playing in this way only because of the films they (4) ______ , and that this will encourage them to grow up into violent adults. I disagree with that. It is true that if they (5) _____ these things they (6) _____ these particular games, but I am sure they would be playing other games of equal violence, as young boys(7) _______ . Moreover, if (8) ________ to get this natural violence out of their systems at an early age, they are less likely to grow up into violent adults. To sum up, I would say that violence in the cinema (9) _____ people to be violent, with the exception of a very few. However, it (10) ____ people ideas about how to put violent feelings into practice. 1. A. were all associated B. have associated C. associated D. associate 2. A. showing B. were shown C. to show D. being shown 3. A. can be said B. could be said C. should be said D. would be said 4. A. saw B. were seeing C. had seen D. see 5. A. didn’t see B. saw C. had seen D. had not seen 6. A. would not be playing B. wouldn’t have played C. would not play D. would play 7. A. had always done B. are always doing C. have always done D. always did 8. A. allowing B. allowed C. it allowed D. it allows 9. A. did not encourage B. does not encourage C. encourage D. encourages 10. A. must give B. will give C. is to give D. may give Answer : 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D 4
  10. D. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or article : (1 m) 1. The police wanted Ted to call at the station. They wanted him to call _____ them. A. at B. in C. on D. up 2. The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to ________ A. get down B. get off C. get out of D. get over 3. This is an experiment. The astronauts will be trying something ________ A. on B. out C. in D. with 4. We are appreciative _________ their efforts. A. of B. for C. in D. over 5. She was unequal ___________ the demands placed on her. A. towards B. with C. for D. to 6. You know your problem? You get too wound up _________ things. A. with B. for C. under D. about 7. I was _______ the impression that I had paid you ______ the work you did _______ me. A. on ... for ...for B. under ... for ... for C. under ... on ... for D. under ... for ... with 8. The professor interceded _________ the review board on my behalf. A. at B. on C. with D. for 9. It was _________ January after we went to Greece . A. a B. an C the D. no article 10. Winton Churchill has been called __________ of ________ century . A. the / the B. a / a C. a / the D. the / a Answer : 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5.. D 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A 5
  11. E. Mistake recognition : (1m) 1. Compact discs (CDs) have revolutionized the music industry with surprisingly realistical A B C D 2. sound. The six-inch discs look thin plastic sandwiches with aluminum in the center. They A B C D 3. have digitally recorded material that is read by laser beams so that the sound has none of A B C D 4. the cracking of vinyl records. CDs are also virtually undestructible, and they are lighter and A B C D 5. much smaller than conventional record. Since their introduction, CDs have become more A B C D 6. afford and widely available. In fact, they are now sold in electronics and video A B C D 7. stores that they haven't formally carried records or cassettes. A B C D 8. There has been a phenomenal growth in the sale CDs. Sales climbed dramatically during A B C D 9. the second half of the 1980s. In the 1990s, sales were evenly greater. CDs have all but A B C D 10. replaced LPs in stores and, in spite of their being fewer affordable than cassettes, continue A B C D to gain in popularity. Answer : 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. D 6
  12. III. READING : A. Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer : ( 0.7 m) HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A CAREER IN FILM ? If you asked everyone who works in the film industry how they got there, you will find probably as many stories as there are people. There are literally hundreds of different jobs in the film industry, each one requiring a unique combination of specialist skills. You have only to watch the credits at the end of a film to get an idea of the many different types of jobs there are. The film industry is divided into three key sectors: development, production and post-production. The development stage involves writing, packaging and financing film ideas and scripts. The production stage is where the majority of people are employed. This is the process of setting up and shooting each scene in a film. In the post-production phase, all the shots are assembled, treated and mixed into the final product. Professional film-makers work long hours, sometimes under enormous pressure. Some people in the motion picture industry belong to labor unions, but many others are freelance. Jobs are seldom permanent but begin and end with each production. While movies can be made anywhere, most people in the film business will find they must live close to one of the production centres for the industry. There is tremendous competition in the film production industry but there is also a great shared camaraderie. The nature of the work in some ways sets movie people apart from the people who work "nine to five" jobs. Demand for people in the film-making industry is expected to rise faster than average over the next decade; however, men and women seeking the available jobs in this exciting industry will always exceed the amount of work available. Film schools are vocational training institutions specializing in courses related to motion pictures. The specific curriculum varies rather widely from school to school but in general, in film school teaches the fundamentals of movie making: the dynamics of storytelling, production, and editing. Not only do you study these things in the classroom, but you learn by actually doing them. Making your own movies and helping others make theirs will also reveal your own strengths and weaknesses and will help you discover whether this career is what you really want to have, and if so, what professional path to take. Most film schools have a I-year program that is broken into 3 or 4 sections. If you are interested in a specialized 8-week workshop, you should expect to pay around $4,000. A one-year total immersion program can cost as much as $30,000, not counting supplies and equipment charges. There are even some film schools that charge by the unit (usually around $1,000). Since most film schools are private institutions, they are not eligible for government grants and loans. There are scholarships available for the most deserving students. Nearly all film schools provide a diploma to completing students and some even issue BA degrees. 7
  13. If you are serious about becoming a practitioner, aim for a hands-on course rather than theory. Computer editing and animation offer exciting creative opportunities in areas that have expanded rapidly in recent years. Do your homework when selecting a school, visit the facilities, see what is on offer and talk to students there. They will give you the best insight into the school. Choose ONE phrase from the list below (A-F) to complete each of the following. There are more phrases than questions, so you will not use all of them. 1. Demand for jobs in the film industry …………… 2. Most film-making professionals …………….. 3. Many film schools …………………………….. List of Phrases A. ... are not permanent employment. B. ... work in major production centres. C. ... exceeds the amount of work available D. . ... provides government financial assistance E. . ... work on a freelance basis. F. ... offer scholarships to deserving students. Choose the correct answer A-D. 4. The majority of people employed in the film industry ... A work in the set-up and filming stages. B are involved in the development phase. C work in post-production, creating the final product. D work in all three key sectors. 5. If you want a job in the film industry, be prepared to ………. A. work part-time. B. join a trade union. C. work anywhere. D. accept temporary employment. 6. In film school, the most effective way to learn is ......... A. by studying all the areas of production. B. by imitating successful film-makers. C. by making films. D. by storytelling. 7. Which of the following is NOT given as a recommendation when choosing a film school? A Find out about the school from students attending. B Select a school with a practical focus. C Look at the homework assigned for the courses. D Check into schools offering courses in fast-growing, film technologies. Answer. 1. C 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8
  14. B. Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to answer each of the questions. ( 0.8 ms) "We would like to interview you l..." Joyful words for the job - seeker, but my letter carried a warning: "You will be required to take a psychometric test." More than 70 per cent of companies now use these "objective" tests for potential employees. They are meant to give a true picture of candidates that removes the unfairness that may result from the personal opinions of interviewers. On the day of my interview for the job of assistant to a company Public Relations consultant, my nerves were made worse by finding that the office was close to a hospital with particularly unhappy associations. Luckily, I had deliberately got there early so that I was able to calm myself down before a secretary rushed me upstairs for my test. Keeping to a strict time limit, I had to access groups of adjectives, marking which most and which least matched my ideas of myself at work. Choosing one quality out of four when all seemed appropriate was difficult, more difficult than the interview that followed- though I felt I hadn't impressed in that either. Confirmation of this arrived a week later. My rejection letter was accompanies by a copy of the Private and Confidential Personal Profile Analysis two and a half sides of paper, based on that 10- minute test. The Profile's rude inaccuracy and its judgmental tone were harder to accept than the fact that I had been turned down for a job. Apparently, I have" no eye for detail” ; I am also " a forceful individua1... who leads rather than directs" and I am " motivated by financial reward to pay for good living." The words "impatient", "restless" and "strong-willed" also came up. "A portrait of an ambitious, power-mad person," said a psychologist friend of 15 years old to whom I showed the Profile. She said it didn't apply to me at all. . I know myself to be a careful, industrious checker. I am shy but cheerful and a bit over-anxious to be thought creative. I am not a power-crazed person. What would I do, I worried, if I had to take another test for another job, and this unattractive personality emerged again? I sent the company a polite disagreement with the Profile, purely for the record. Meanwhile, I made a few enquiries . Had my emotional state of mind made the results untypical of me? I had been disturbed to find the office so close to a hospital that held unhappy memories for me. "State of mind will have an impact," says Shane Pressey, an occupational psychologist, " but on the whole its effect will be relatively minor. It appears that the test was an inadequate tool for the amount of information they were trying to get out of it and it is not surprising that there were inaccuracies." Too late for that particular job, I arranged to sit another psychometric test. This one took much longer and was more thorough: the profile was also more detailed arid accurate- it showed my eye for detail and the fact that I have a problem meeting deadlines. But a peculiar result is hard to challenge without seeming unable to take criticism. It is simply not acceptable to refuse to take a test, in case the job candidate seems uncooperative and eccentric. The interview, with its yes / no personal feeling, is here to stay, but so is objective testing. 9
  15. If my experience is anything to go by, the job candidate should be suspicious of 10-minute tests that result in generalized - and possibly wildly inaccurate judgments. I accept that it would be costly to arrange for face-to-face discussions of test results with all job candidates, but a telephone call would be preferable to simply receiving a written "profile" through the post and having no opportunity to discuss its contents. 1. When the writer took the test she thought __________ A. She couldn't understand some of the questions. B. She found that there was not enough time to do it. C. She felt that she had not done it very well. D. She decided that it would not prove anything. 2. What does the writer mean by "judgmental" in the fifth paragraph? A. critical B. impatient C. impersonal D. thoughtful 3. When the writer received the Personal Profile Analysis, she ____________ A. was offended by the comments made about her answers. B. was glad that she had not been offered the job. C. regretted some of the answers she had given in the test. D. realised that her personality would not have suited the job. 4. Why did the Profile worry her? A. It made her feel that she had been too self-confident before. B. It indicated that she might have trouble getting a job in the future. C. It did not show that she was capable of being a creative person. D. it told her things about herself that she hadn't noticed before. 5. What did she find out after taking the test for a job? A. The way she was feeling had badly affected her performance in it. B. Psychometric tests seldom provide reliable information about people. C. Many job candidates are unwilling to take psychometric tests. D. It may have been an unsuitable test for its intended purpose. 6. What does the writer recommend? A. Candidates should be able to talk about their test results with employers. B. Employers should pay no attention to the result of psychometric tests. C. Candidates should not be concerned about taking psychometric tests. D. Employers should stop asking candidates to take psychometric tests. 7. Why does the writer describe her experience? A. It is typical of experiences that a great many other people have. B. It shows that no method of selecting job candidates can ever be fair. C. It is an example of how difficult it can be for someone to get a job. D. It illustrates faults in a new method of assessing job candidates. 8. The writer's attitude towards the psychometric test is __________ . A. positive B. negative C. satisfying D. admiring Answer : 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 10
  16. C. Fill in each blank with one suitable word : (1.5 ms) Every nation has a set of rules, either written or unwritten, which (1) _______ how people act with each other. (2) _______ , written rules are often laws, and they control how we drive, operate a business or run a government. Individuals who (3) ______ laws may be fined or put in jail. Because illegal behavior generally harms other individuals or (4) _____ at large, our court system must punish people who disregard these formal rules. Informal rules, often called "manners" or "etiquette" describe correct and incorrect (5) ____ in such situations as eating in a restaurant going on a date , or working in an office. If one is impolite or (6) ________ in these situations, other people often consider the (7) ________ immature and insensitive. And although we can strongly disapprove of such misconduct, we cannot (8) _____ punish someone for simply being inconsiderate or unpleasant. Neither laws (9) ______ manners are inflexible; both change as society develops. For example, in the early twentieth century, the selling of alcohol was (10) _______ by the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. This law, however, had to be changed because the government found it (11) _______ to force people to drink only nonalcoholic beverages. More recently, many people who were dissatisfied with the imbalance between the rights of men and women worked hard to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. As women became more (12) _______ and took on new roles, a new law was considered necessary to reflect that change. Both laws and manners are important to society. Laws seek to prevent (13) _______ and protect the rights of citizens. A nation without laws (14) ______ be unstable; all citizens would need to actively distrust everyone. While laws protect. us from one another, the "unofficial" rules of (15) _______ help us to show friendliness and kindness toward each other. Both laws and manners help a society run smoothly. 1. A. forces B. determines C. decides D. argues 2. A. Formal B. Solemn C. Important D. Decent 3. A. displace B. disrepute C. displease D. disobey 4. A. band B. disrepute C. society D. group 5. A. action B. thought C. treatment D. behavior 6. A. misbehaves B. violates C. misunderstands D. behavior 7. A breaker B. offender C. doer D. liar 8. A legally B. rightly C. correctly D. really 9. A not B. and C. nor D. or 10. A discouraged B. stopped C. prevented D. prohibited 11. A unable B. impossible C. unlikely D. illegal 12. A. rich B. creative C. independent D. free 13. A. disrespect B. imbalance C. injustice D. inequality 14. A. should B. will C. might D. would 15. A. etiquette B. behavior C. eating D. dating Answer : 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. A 11
  17. IV. WRITING : A. Sentence transformation : (1 m) I. Finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one , using the word in capital letters which must not be altered in any way : 1. “ I don’t mind which program we watch , “ I said . matter I said that ____________________________________ me which program we watched 2. He watched films on television all day . entire He _______________________________________________ films on television . 3. I prefer playing football rather than watching it . opposed I prefer ______________________________________________________ watching it . 4. Their chance of success depends on their hard training . players Only if the ______________________________________________ chance of success . 5. Please don’t start your computer on November 25th every year . rather I ____________________________________________________________ every year . Answer : 1. I said that it didn’t matter to me which program we watched 2. He spent the entire day watching films on television 3. I prefer playing football as opposed to watching it . 4. Only if the players train hard do they have any chance of success . 5. I’d rather you didn’t start your computer on November 25th every year . 12
  18. II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it . 1. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door . Try ___________________________________________________________________ 2. He insisted on as full apology . Nothing but ____________________________________________________________ 3. We weren’t surprised by his success . It came ________________________________________________________________ 4. Under no circumstances should you phone the police . The last ________________________________________________________________ 5. They didn’t get married because their parents were against it . But ____________________________________________________________________ Answer : 1. Try as hard as I might I couldn’t open the door . 2. Nothing but a full apology would satisfy him / was acceptable to him 3. It came as no surprise to us that he was /had been successful . 4. The last thing you should do is to phone the police . 5. But for their parents ‘ objection , they might have got married . 13
  19. B. Composition ( 3ms) It is very important that children should study hard at school. Time spent playing sport is time wasted. Do you agree? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 14
  20. C. Graph : (2ms) C. Describing graphs : The bar chart below shows the Internet usage in Taiwan by age from 1998 to 2000 . Write a report describing the information shown below . ( You should write about 180 words ) Internet Usage in Taiwan by Age Suggested answer : The graph shows changes in the age profile of Internet users in Taiwan between 1998 and 2000. The main users of the Internet in Taiwan are young adults between 16 and 30 years old. In 1998, they accounted for more than half of all users. In 1999 the number dropped slightly to 45%, but even in 2000 they were the biggest group. The second biggest group of users is aged between 31 and 50. They made up 41% in 1998, falling slightly to 37% in 2000. When combined with the 16-30 age group, over 94% of users in 1998 were between 16 and 50. However this number is dropping steadily as more children and older users log on. In 1999, the number of children online quadrupled from 2% to 8%, and it continued to increase in 2000. There were similar increases for older users, rising from 4% in 1998 to 10% in 2000. In summary, while adults between 16 and 50 still represent the great majority of Internet users in Taiwan, their share is declining as more children and older users join the web. _ The end _ 15



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