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Đề thi HSG cấp tỉnh lớp 12 môn Anh

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Mời các bạn và quý thầy cô hãy tham khảo đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 cấp tỉnh của THPT Thanh Hóa lớp 2010 - 2011 giúp các em củng cố kiến thức của mình và thầy cô có thêm kinh nghiệm trong việc ra đề thi.

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi HSG cấp tỉnh lớp 12 môn Anh

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 - THPT THANH HOÁ Năm học 2010-2011 Đề chính thức Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề.) Question 1: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. It (1- be) a long day, but by 9 o’clock the children (2- go ) to bed. They ( 3- clear ) away the supper things and now they ( 4- look ) forward to a couple of hours in front of the television. Unfortunately the film ( 5- be ) rather boring. Jim soon ( 6- fall) asleep and Sue ( 7- start ) to think about all her work. She ( 8- be ) sure she ( 9- hear ) a noise outside the window, so she ( 10- look ) up. A shadow ( 11- move ) slowly through the garden. Her heart ( 12- race ). She ( 13- turn ) out the light so that she (14-can ) see better. There ( 15- be ) nobody there. But she ( 16- see ) that it ( 17 - snow ) earlier that evening, and across the grass there ( 18- be ) a line of footprints. A fox (19- walk ) across right in front of their window, and now it ( 20 - look ) at her from the far corner of the garden. Question 2: Fill each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital letters The Cotswolds is an area of great beauty in England. It has a number of ...... ..1........ villages and small towns with DELIGHT lovely old buildings that have remained ............ 2.........since CHANGE the area was a major ........3......centre several centuries ago. COMMERCE The countryside in the area is ...........4.......... and most of the CHARM buildings there are made from an ............. 5 ...............type of ATTRACT light stone that is particular to the Cotswolds. In the summer, the Cotswolds can get rather .........6....... CROWD but it is always possible to find pretty places that do not have the ..........7..... ..... of the more well-known villages and FAMOUS towns. There is no ...........8............ of pleasant hotels and SHORT ............9........... inns for visitors to stay in and the Cotswolds TRADITION area is an excellent place for an ..........10......... weekend. ENJOY Question 3: a- Put in suitable forms which express uncertainly or possibility. OLDER AND WISER ? We make decision all the time, but we .....1...... never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do ....2.... be suitable for you or it ...3.. not. The person you marry ...4.... be a perfect match or ....5.... be the worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the future. You ....6... invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you ....7..... lose the lot in a foolish moment. You think you have a healthy diet, but the food you eat ......8...... actually be very bad for you and .....9...... be the cause of terrible illness. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of them ......10....... be your last. Decision! Decision! But we don’t learn from experience. Exprience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same mistakes with more confidence ! b- Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with the most suitable preposition. 1. We look ................. this town as our real home. 2. I never hold ............... the idea of using force. 3. He fell ................. her the moment he saw her. 4. Let’s try .................... the new washing machine. 1
  2. 5. Let me explain how the situation came .............. Question 4: Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with a suitable word. My father waved me goodbye and the bus set off. The person sitting ......1....... to me was a government engineer going to Peshawar .....2....... inspect the roads. He said that travelling by bus was .....3....... excellent way to test the roads. We passed many villages ........4....... the way and stopped once or ......5....... to buy cold drinks, was very hot and dusty. The countryside was brown and dry and ......7....... were long stretches ....8....... no people or villages in sight. We ......9....... to stop once at some road works, too, .......10........ made my travelling companion ......11....... happy. Most of .......12........ were dozing in the afternoon heat when we were woken by a sudden noise, which .....13...... like a shot from a gun. As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I remembered all the stories I ........14........ heard about bands of robbers who used to attack travellers on deserted roads ........15....... this. Many of the other passengers looked as bewildered and frightened as I ......16....... have looked. My neighbour, however, reassured me, “Nothing to worry ........17....... . Only a burst tyre. But we shall have to wait ........18......... he changes the wheel.” My cousin Anwar met me the bus station, “Well, there you ........19........”, he said, “I was beginning to wonder what had .........20....... to you.” Question 5: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. The most .....1....... car races are the Formula One Grand Prix. These are races between the fastest racing cars driven by the best drivers. These races cover a distance of 500 to 600 km and attract a lot of ...... 2...... . But, have you ever wondered what it’s really .......3....... to drive a Formula One car ? All professional drivers would agree .......4...... one thing. That it’s .....5....... like driving an ordinary car. ........6....... from being extremely fast, a Formula One car doesn’t weigh.......7......, considering how powerful the engine is. The brakes are very responsive. So much so that a car going 100mph can stop in just four seconds. Going at such high speeds plus wearing a helmet.......8......the driver’s head to weigh about 35 kilos! This is the weight they have to carry around for the.......9......race and the thousands of gear changes. To.......10...... themselves, the driver must wear overalls which have four layers and are fireproof. This, plus the hot weather (as the races occur.......11......the summer), combined with the heat coming from the car, make it unbearably hot. Obviously, you have to be a good driver to handle a Formula One car but it’s also a(n) .......12......that you have to be very fit. A driver needs very good upper-body strength since the driver’s arms, shoulders and neck are under.......13......strain during a race. .......14......, why do drivers put themselves through all this ? Maybe they’re just, speeding, races... 1. A- vital B- important C- necessary D- essential 2. A- spectators B- audience C- crowd D- viewers 3. A- similar B- same C- alike D- like 4. A- in B- for C- at D- on 5. A- none B- anything C- not any D- nothing 6. A- Except B- But C- Apart D- Besides 7. A- much B- too C- very D- plenty 2
  3. 8. A- creates B- causes C- affects D- makes 9. A- complete B- all C- entire D- altoghether 10. A- shelter B- cover C- protect D- safety 11. A- for B- during C- when D- while 12. A- fact B- matter C- knowledge D- event 13. A- great B- big C- strong D- large 14. A- At last B- Eventually C- Finally D- At the end 15. A- of B- about C- with D- for Question 6: Use these words and phrases to make complete sentences. These sentences are all part of a letter. Make changes and add any necessary words. Dear Sir, a. I / write / complain / about /work/ your company/ do / last week / my house. b. Three man/ arrive/ Monday / paint/ inside walls. c. They use/ wrong colour/ and spill paint/ over/ carpets. d. They also break/ valuable vase. e. Foreman/ assure me / they / repaint/ walls. f. I go away/ on business/ and not return / until Friday. g. All walls/ still/ same colour. h. Foreman also promise/ company/ pay for/ damage to/ vase. i. I enclose/ bill/ for this. j. I not pay/ your bill/ decorating/ until/ house/ painted properly. Yours faithfully, Martin Spruce Question 7: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Under ............. 2. Let’s go home at the end of the second act. As soon as ..................... 3. Fancy you and I meeting in the middle of Africa like this ! It’s really odd ................. 4. Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book. By the time .................... 5. The painting is thought to have been stolen by one of the attendants One of the attendants .......................... 6. These new machines have put an end to queuing. Before these ........................... 7. It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well . If only ..................................... 8. Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it is bigger and more attractive. Norman’s house may ........................ 9. People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs. Nobody who ..................................... 10. I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward. I have .............................................. 3
  4. Số báo danh: ............................... Chữ ký của giám thị: 1........................................ 2.......................................... SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐÁP ÁN - HDC ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 - THPT THANH HOÁ Năm học 2003-2004 Đề chính thức Môn: Tiếng Anh Question 1: ( 20 points ) 1. was 11. was moving 2. had gone 12. raced 3. had cleared 13. turned 4. were looking 14. could 5. was 15. was 6. fell 16. saw 7. started 17. had snowed 8. was 18. was 9. had heard 19. had walked 10. looked 20. was looking Question 2: ( 10 points ) 1. delightful 6. crowed 2. unchanged 7. fame 3. commercial 8. shortage 4. charming 9. traditional 5. attractive 10. enjoyable Question 3: ( 15 points ) a- ( 10 points ) 1. can 6. could 2. may 7. could 3. may 8. might 4. might 9. might 5. might 10. could b- ( 5 points ) 1. on 2. with 3. for 4. out 5. about Question 4: ( 20 points ) 1. next 6. because/ as / for 11. very 16. must 2. to 7. there 12. us 17. about 3. an 8. with 13. sounded 18. while 4. on 9. had 14. had 19. are 5. twice 10. which 15. like 20. happened Question 5: ( 15 points ) 1. B- important 6. C- Apart 11. B- during 2. A- spectators 7. A- much 12. A- fact 4
  5. 3. D- like 8. B- causes 13. A- great 4. D- on 9. C- entire 14. C- Finally 5. D- nothing 10. C- protect 15. B- about Question 6: ( 10 points ) a- I am writing to complain about the work your company did in my house last week. b- Three men arrived on Monday to paint the inside walls. c- They used the wrong colour and dropped/ spilled paint over the carpets. d- They also broke a valuable vase. e- The foreman assured me they would repaint the walls. f- I went away on business and did not return until Friday. g- All the walls were still the same colour. h- The foreman also promised that the company would pay for the damage to the vase i- I enclose a bill for this. j- I will not pay your bill for the decorating until the house has been painted properly. Question 7: ( 10 points ) 1. Under no circumstances am I to be disturbed. 2. As soon as the second act has finished/ finishes, let’s go home. 3. It’s really odd that you and I should meet in the middle of Africa! 4. By the time Tony had finished reading the book he knew what the answer was. 5. One of the attendants is thought to have stolen the painting. 6. Before these machines were invented people had to queue. 7. If only your sister could come as well. 8. Norman’s house may have been more expensive than mine but it’s smaller and less attractive ( than mine). 9. Nobody who hasn’t been / travelled abroad should criticise (has stayed/ remained in his/ her home foreign customs. own country) 10. I have no intention of replying to that rude letter from Edward. Hướng dẫn chấm: - Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100 points - Thang điểm 20 Tổng những từ điền đúng, những câu viết đúng - Điểm bài thi = 5 5
  6. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 – THPT Thanh Hoá Năm học 2001-2002 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ( BẢNG A) ĐỀ DỰ BỊ Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) Question I: Use correct tenses of the verbs in barackets. 1. After ( stop ) by the police. the man admitted ( steal ) the car but denied ( drive ) at 100 miles an hour. 2. There were many houses ( blow ) in the storm. 3. My father ( work ) in the factory for 30 years and he is not planning ( retire ) yet. 4. The first plane ( explode ) just as our plane ( land ) but the pilot skifully climbed up again before touching the tarmac. All the people who (wait ) for us witnessed the incident. 5. If you ( swim ) this afternoon, you shouldn't eat too much now. 6. By the end of next monh he ( be ) here for ten years. 7. Neither the president nor his representatives ( be ) to attend the meeting. Question II: Choose the best answer 1. The final……..of the play will take place on saturday. A: action ; B: performance ; C: view ; D: sight 2. As it hasn't rained for several months , the war a ………of water. A: waste ; B: shortage ; C: drop ; D: less. 3. The.…..thought of exams makes her feel ill. A: Sole ; B: Only ; C: Little ; D: mere. 4. Mordern buildings should……..with the surrounding area. A: suit ; B: fit ; C: blend ; D: job 5. Does she have a hard time………..English ? A: to speak ; B: speak ; C: speaking ; D: spoken. 6. I'm sure. she is…….lies. A: telling ; B: making ; C: saying ; D: talking. 7. Everything in the supermarket is marked with a price……. A: notice ; B: mark ; C: tag ; D: stain. 8. You ought…..this to me last week. A: to mention ; B: to mentioned ; C: to have mentioned; D:have mentioned 9. The factory…….my father works in is very big. A: which ; B: where ; C: how ; D: when. 10. All work is better than……at all. A: no ; B: none ; C: some ; D: not 6
  7. Question III: use correct forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blanks 1. Linda was very……of what she had done ( shame ) 2. His companny is not taking on any new……this year ( employ ) 3. The thief replaced the diamond with a…….stone ( worth ) 4. Young children are often very..… they can't sit still for a moment ( live ) 5. I'd like to read……stories ( history ) 6. Fresh air and good foot are……to your health ( benefit ). 7. I'm tired of your…….behaviour ( child ) 8. Could you…..the picture over there ? ( straight ) 9. Do you know the……of the river ? ( deep ) 10. She is quite……? she plays the flute and the piano. ( music ) 11. This bottle contains a……..poison ( die ) 12. She left school with good….. ( qualify ) Question IV: correct mistakes in the following sentences 1. On this record twins play piano duet 2. There are going to be fog and a cold weather all next week. 3. I spent very interesting holiday at the lake Coniston in England. 4. There is a wonderful scenery in eastern part of Turkey. 5. The half way through the meal we realized that waiter had said. Question V: finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as sentence writen before it. 1. His passport was no where to be found. No one…… 2. Why didn't i think of that before ? I should……. 3. Couldn't you find a better hotel ? Is this…….. 4. My parents find fault with everything I do. No matter…… 5. There aren't many people who have read this novel to the end but John is one of them. John is one of…… 6. I lent my car to that man That's……. 7. We haven't received confirmation of our hotel booking yet. Our hotel booking hasn't…... 8. I haven't seen that man here before. This……. Question VI: fill in each of the blanks with " a, an, the " if necessary 1. I have…..big supper, I can't sleep at….night. 2. Summer is……warmest season but…….summer of 1971 was unusually cool. 3. Love of money is…….root of all evil. 4. …….statue of liberty war a gift of frendship from France to ……..United States. 5. His father bought him…….bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 7
  8. Question VII: fill in each blank with one suctable word. Every one wants to reduce pollution but the pollution problem is ( 1 ) complicated as it is serious. It is complicated ( 2 ) much pollution is caused ( 3 ) things that bebefit people. For example, exhaust ( 4 ) automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile ( 5 ) transportation for millions of people. Factories benefit much ( 6 ) the material that ( 7 ) air, and water, but factories ( 8 ) employment to ( 9 ) large number of people. Thus to end ( 10 ) greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that ( 11 ) them. Most of people do not want to do that of course. but pollution ( 12 ) be gradually reduced in several years. We can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that ( 13 ) things as automobiles and factories cause. Goverments can pass and enforce law that require business and individuals to stop, or cut down ( 14 ) certain polluting activities . Question VIII: write sentences using suggested words. 1. hight time/ stop smoking/ healthy food. 2. Only/ this way/ law/ effective/ 3. after/ in plaster/ three weeks/ she ? 4. At my age/ I/ not think/ I / find/ journey/ easy. 5. today/ world/ not look/ same/ distant/ future. --------------------------------------- 8
  9. SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 - THPT THANH HOÁ Năm học 2010-2011 Đề chính thức Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 180 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề.) Question 1: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. It (1- be) a long day, but by 9 o’clock the children (2- go ) to bed. They ( 3- clear ) away the supper things and now they ( 4- look ) forward to a couple of hours in front of the television. Unfortunately the film ( 5- be ) rather boring. Jim soon ( 6- fall) asleep and Sue ( 7- start ) to think about all her work. She ( 8- be ) sure she ( 9- hear ) a noise outside the window, so she ( 10- look ) up. A shadow ( 11- move ) slowly through the garden. Her heart ( 12- race ). She ( 13- turn ) out the light so that she (14-can ) see better. There ( 15- be ) nobody there. But she ( 16- see ) that it ( 17 - snow ) earlier that evening, and across the grass there ( 18- be ) a line of footprints. A fox (19- walk ) across right in front of their window, and now it ( 20 - look ) at her from the far corner of the garden. Question 2: Fill each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital letters The Cotswolds is an area of great beauty in England. It has a number of ...... ..1........ villages and small towns with DELIGHT lovely old buildings that have remained ............ 2.........since CHANGE the area was a major ........3......centre several centuries ago. COMMERCE The countryside in the area is ...........4.......... and most of the CHARM buildings there are made from an ............. 5 ...............type of ATTRACT light stone that is particular to the Cotswolds. In the summer, the Cotswolds can get rather .........6....... CROWD but it is always possible to find pretty places that do not have the ..........7..... ..... of the more well-known villages and FAMOUS towns. There is no ...........8............ of pleasant hotels and SHORT ............9........... inns for visitors to stay in and the Cotswolds TRADITION area is an excellent place for an ..........10......... weekend. ENJOY Question 3: a- Put in suitable forms which express uncertainly or possibility. OLDER AND WISER ? We make decision all the time, but we .....1...... never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do ....2.... be suitable for you or it ...3.. not. The person you marry ...4.... be a perfect match or ....5.... be the worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the future. You ....6... invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you ....7..... lose the lot in a foolish moment. You think you have a healthy diet, but the food you eat ......8...... actually be very bad for you and .....9...... be the cause of terrible illness. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of them ......10....... be your last. Decision! Decision! But we don’t learn from experience. Exprience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same mistakes with more confidence ! b- Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with the most suitable preposition. 1. We look ................. this town as our real home. 2. I never hold ............... the idea of using force. 3. He fell ................. her the moment he saw her. 4. Let’s try .................... the new washing machine. 1
  10. 5. Let me explain how the situation came .............. Question 4: Fill each of the numbered blank spaces with a suitable word. My father waved me goodbye and the bus set off. The person sitting ......1....... to me was a government engineer going to Peshawar .....2....... inspect the roads. He said that travelling by bus was .....3....... excellent way to test the roads. We passed many villages ........4....... the way and stopped once or ......5....... to buy cold drinks, was very hot and dusty. The countryside was brown and dry and ......7....... were long stretches ....8....... no people or villages in sight. We ......9....... to stop once at some road works, too, .......10........ made my travelling companion ......11....... happy. Most of .......12........ were dozing in the afternoon heat when we were woken by a sudden noise, which .....13...... like a shot from a gun. As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I remembered all the stories I ........14........ heard about bands of robbers who used to attack travellers on deserted roads ........15....... this. Many of the other passengers looked as bewildered and frightened as I ......16....... have looked. My neighbour, however, reassured me, “Nothing to worry ........17....... . Only a burst tyre. But we shall have to wait ........18......... he changes the wheel.” My cousin Anwar met me the bus station, “Well, there you ........19........”, he said, “I was beginning to wonder what had .........20....... to you.” Question 5: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. The most .....1....... car races are the Formula One Grand Prix. These are races between the fastest racing cars driven by the best drivers. These races cover a distance of 500 to 600 km and attract a lot of ...... 2...... . But, have you ever wondered what it’s really .......3....... to drive a Formula One car ? All professional drivers would agree .......4...... one thing. That it’s .....5....... like driving an ordinary car. ........6....... from being extremely fast, a Formula One car doesn’t weigh.......7......, considering how powerful the engine is. The brakes are very responsive. So much so that a car going 100mph can stop in just four seconds. Going at such high speeds plus wearing a helmet.......8......the driver’s head to weigh about 35 kilos! This is the weight they have to carry around for the.......9......race and the thousands of gear changes. To.......10...... themselves, the driver must wear overalls which have four layers and are fireproof. This, plus the hot weather (as the races occur.......11......the summer), combined with the heat coming from the car, make it unbearably hot. Obviously, you have to be a good driver to handle a Formula One car but it’s also a(n) .......12......that you have to be very fit. A driver needs very good upper-body strength since the driver’s arms, shoulders and neck are under.......13......strain during a race. .......14......, why do drivers put themselves through all this ? Maybe they’re just, speeding, races... 1. A- vital B- important C- necessary D- essential 2. A- spectators B- audience C- crowd D- viewers 3. A- similar B- same C- alike D- like 4. A- in B- for C- at D- on 5. A- none B- anything C- not any D- nothing 6. A- Except B- But C- Apart D- Besides 7. A- much B- too C- very D- plenty 2
  11. 8. A- creates B- causes C- affects D- makes 9. A- complete B- all C- entire D- altoghether 10. A- shelter B- cover C- protect D- safety 11. A- for B- during C- when D- while 12. A- fact B- matter C- knowledge D- event 13. A- great B- big C- strong D- large 14. A- At last B- Eventually C- Finally D- At the end 15. A- of B- about C- with D- for Question 6: Use these words and phrases to make complete sentences. These sentences are all part of a letter. Make changes and add any necessary words. Dear Sir, a. I / write / complain / about /work/ your company/ do / last week / my house. b. Three man/ arrive/ Monday / paint/ inside walls. c. They use/ wrong colour/ and spill paint/ over/ carpets. d. They also break/ valuable vase. e. Foreman/ assure me / they / repaint/ walls. f. I go away/ on business/ and not return / until Friday. g. All walls/ still/ same colour. h. Foreman also promise/ company/ pay for/ damage to/ vase. i. I enclose/ bill/ for this. j. I not pay/ your bill/ decorating/ until/ house/ painted properly. Yours faithfully, Martin Spruce Question 7: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Under ............. 2. Let’s go home at the end of the second act. As soon as ..................... 3. Fancy you and I meeting in the middle of Africa like this ! It’s really odd ................. 4. Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book. By the time .................... 5. The painting is thought to have been stolen by one of the attendants One of the attendants .......................... 6. These new machines have put an end to queuing. Before these ........................... 7. It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well . If only ..................................... 8. Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it is bigger and more attractive. Norman’s house may ........................ 9. People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs. Nobody who ..................................... 10. I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward. I have .............................................. 3
  12. Số báo danh: ............................... Chữ ký của giám thị: 1........................................ 2.......................................... SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐÁP ÁN - HDC ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 - THPT THANH HOÁ Năm học 2003-2004 Đề chính thức Môn: Tiếng Anh Question 1: ( 20 points ) 1. was 11. was moving 2. had gone 12. raced 3. had cleared 13. turned 4. were looking 14. could 5. was 15. was 6. fell 16. saw 7. started 17. had snowed 8. was 18. was 9. had heard 19. had walked 10.looked 20. was looking Question 2: ( 10 points ) 1. delightful 6. crowed 2. unchanged 7. fame 3. commercial 8. shortage 4. charming 9. traditional 5. attractive 10. enjoyable Question 3: ( 15 points ) a- ( 10 points ) 1. can 6. could 2. may 7. could 3. may 8. might 4. might 9. might 5. might 10. could b- ( 5 points ) 1. on 2. with 3. for 4. out 5. about Question 4: ( 20 points ) 1. next 6. because/ as / for 11. very 16. must 2. to 7. there 12. us 17. about 3. an 8. with 13. sounded 18. while 4. on 9. had 14. had 19. are 5. twice 10. which 15. like 20. happened Question 5: ( 15 points ) 1. B- important 6. C- Apart 11. B- during 2. A- spectators 7. A- much 12. A- fact 4
  13. 3. D- like 8. B- causes 13. A- great 4. D- on 9. C- entire 14. C- Finally 5. D- nothing 10. C- protect 15. B- about Question 6: ( 10 points ) a- I am writing to complain about the work your company did in my house last week. b- Three men arrived on Monday to paint the inside walls. c- They used the wrong colour and dropped/ spilled paint over the carpets. d- They also broke a valuable vase. e- The foreman assured me they would repaint the walls. f- I went away on business and did not return until Friday. g- All the walls were still the same colour. h- The foreman also promised that the company would pay for the damage to the vase i- I enclose a bill for this. j- I will not pay your bill for the decorating until the house has been painted properly. Question 7: ( 10 points ) 1. Under no circumstances am I to be disturbed. 2. As soon as the second act has finished/ finishes, let’s go home. 3. It’s really odd that you and I should meet in the middle of Africa! 4. By the time Tony had finished reading the book he knew what the answer was. 5. One of the attendants is thought to have stolen the painting. 6. Before these machines were invented people had to queue. 7. If only your sister could come as well. 8. Norman’s house may have been more expensive than mine but it’s smaller and less attractive ( than mine). 9. Nobody who hasn’t been / travelled abroad should criticise (has stayed/ remained in his/ her home foreign customs. own country) 10.I have no intention of replying to that rude letter from Edward. Hướng dẫn chấm: - Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100 points - Thang điểm 20 Tổng những từ điền đúng, những câu viết đúng - Điểm bài thi = 5 5
  14. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 12 – THPT Thanh Hoá Năm học 2001-2002 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH ( BẢNG A) ĐỀ DỰ BỊ Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) Question I: Use correct tenses of the verbs in barackets. 1. After ( stop ) by the police. the man admitted ( steal ) the car but denied ( drive ) at 100 miles an hour. 2. There were many houses ( blow ) in the storm. 3. My father ( work ) in the factory for 30 years and he is not planning ( retire ) yet. 4. The first plane ( explode ) just as our plane ( land ) but the pilot skifully climbed up again before touching the tarmac. All the people who (wait ) for us witnessed the incident. 5. If you ( swim ) this afternoon, you shouldn't eat too much now. 6. By the end of next monh he ( be ) here for ten years. 7. Neither the president nor his representatives ( be ) to attend the meeting. Question II: Choose the best answer 1. The final……..of the play will take place on saturday. A: action ; B: performance ; C: view ; D: sight 2. As it hasn't rained for several months , the war a ………of water. A: waste ; B: shortage ; C: drop ; D: less. 3. The.…..thought of exams makes her feel ill. A: Sole ; B: Only ; C: Little ; D: mere. 4. Mordern buildings should……..with the surrounding area. A: suit ; B: fit ; C: blend ; D: job 5. Does she have a hard time………..English ? A: to speak ; B: speak ; C: speaking ; D: spoken. 6. I'm sure. she is…….lies. A: telling ; B: making ; C: saying ; D: talking. 7. Everything in the supermarket is marked with a price……. A: notice ; B: mark ; C: tag ; D: stain. 8. You ought…..this to me last week. A: to mention ; B: to mentioned ; C: to have mentioned; D:have mentioned 9. The factory…….my father works in is very big. A: which ; B: where ; C: how ; D: when. 10. All work is better than……at all. A: no ; B: none ; C: some ; D: not 6
  15. Question III: use correct forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blanks 1. Linda was very……of what she had done ( shame ) 2. His companny is not taking on any new……this year ( employ ) 3. The thief replaced the diamond with a…….stone ( worth ) 4. Young children are often very..… they can't sit still for a moment ( live ) 5. I'd like to read……stories ( history ) 6. Fresh air and good foot are……to your health ( benefit ). 7. I'm tired of your…….behaviour ( child ) 8. Could you…..the picture over there ? ( straight ) 9. Do you know the……of the river ? ( deep ) 10. She is quite……? she plays the flute and the piano. ( music ) 11. This bottle contains a……..poison ( die ) 12. She left school with good….. ( qualify ) Question IV: correct mistakes in the following sentences 1. On this record twins play piano duet 2. There are going to be fog and a cold weather all next week. 3. I spent very interesting holiday at the lake Coniston in England. 4. There is a wonderful scenery in eastern part of Turkey. 5. The half way through the meal we realized that waiter had said. Question V: finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as sentence writen before it. 1. His passport was no where to be found. No one…… 2. Why didn't i think of that before ? I should……. 3. Couldn't you find a better hotel ? Is this…….. 4. My parents find fault with everything I do. No matter…… 5. There aren't many people who have read this novel to the end but John is one of them. John is one of…… 6. I lent my car to that man That's……. 7. We haven't received confirmation of our hotel booking yet. Our hotel booking hasn't…... 8. I haven't seen that man here before. This……. Question VI: fill in each of the blanks with " a, an, the " if necessary 1. I have…..big supper, I can't sleep at….night. 2. Summer is……warmest season but…….summer of 1971 was unusually cool. 3. Love of money is…….root of all evil. 4. …….statue of liberty war a gift of frendship from France to ……..United States. 5. His father bought him…….bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 7
  16. Question VII: fill in each blank with one suctable word. Every one wants to reduce pollution but the pollution problem is ( 1 ) complicated as it is serious. It is complicated ( 2 ) much pollution is caused ( 3 ) things that bebefit people. For example, exhaust ( 4 ) automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile ( 5 ) transportation for millions of people. Factories benefit much ( 6 ) the material that ( 7 ) air, and water, but factories ( 8 ) employment to ( 9 ) large number of people. Thus to end ( 10 ) greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that ( 11 ) them. Most of people do not want to do that of course. but pollution ( 12 ) be gradually reduced in several years. We can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that ( 13 ) things as automobiles and factories cause. Goverments can pass and enforce law that require business and individuals to stop, or cut down ( 14 ) certain polluting activities . Question VIII: write sentences using suggested words. 1. hight time/ stop smoking/ healthy food. 2. Only/ this way/ law/ effective/ 3. after/ in plaster/ three weeks/ she ? 4. At my age/ I/ not think/ I / find/ journey/ easy. 5. today/ world/ not look/ same/ distant/ future. --------------------------------------- 8



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