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  1. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 105. Prior to getting off the plane, please ------- 101. Sales on the winter clothing line ------- next week. the in-flight service questionnaire provided by the flight attendants. (A) begin (A) complete (B) began (B) completion (C) will begin (D) has begun (C) completed (D) completely 102. The managing editor of Global Explorer 106. Molly Fischer, who has worked hard at has asked chef Travis DeRouge to write about ------- recommended restaurants. the company for five years, is ------- suited for the position of production (A) he supervisor. (B) his (A) gradually (C) him (D) himself (B) slowly (C) heavily 103. Please forward this letter ------- (D) perfectly headquarters to Mr. Brooks in accounting as soon as possible. 107. As a result of the economic recession, the CEO ------- to cut travel expenditures by (A) from reducing the frequency of business trips. (B) as (A) like (C) out (D) of (B) would like (C) is liking 104. It is company policy for programmers to take (D) was liking ten-minute breaks every two hours, no matter 108. If you visit our store, a product specialist ------- busy they are. will give you a demonstration ------- the massage chair's relaxation capabilities. (A) where (B) how (A) along (C) if (B) during (D) so (C) of (D) into Copyright All rights reserved.
  2. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 109. Manila branch moved offices ------- after 113. Employees applying for overseas branches months of preparation and planning. need to attend ------- the Monday and Wednesday workshops. (A) ease (B) eased (A) which (C) easy (B) some (D) easily (C) both (D) where 110. Plastics Inc. signed a five-year ------- with an American automobile maker to provide all of 114. Duke County Hospital has the best surgical the carmaker's plastic needs. team in the nation, for which it ------- numerous awards and recognitions over the (A) contract past ten years. (B) contracts (C) contracted (A) receives (D) contracting (B) is receiving (C) would receive 111. Although Mr. Chang ordered a laptop (D) has received computer last Sunday, it was not delivered until the ------- Thursday. 115. The cost of fruit rose ------- after a series of rainstorms that destroyed many orchards (A) upcoming and farms. (B) available (C) frequent (A) sharp (D) following (B) sharpen (C) sharply 112. ------- Mr. Lundquist has an excellent sales (D) sharpness record, he has a high likelihood of winning the Employee of the Year award. 116. The staff members are required to work efficiently and meet the company’s goals on (A) As -------. (B) So that (C) Besides (A) their own (D) Due to (B) they (C) themselves (D) their Copyright All rights reserved.
  3. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 121. Metalwork Productions just added new 117. Skin Deep Cosmetics made producing protocol for assembly workers to its ------- environment-friendly products the highest regulations. ------- of the year. (A) safe (A) adjustment (B) safety (B) priority (C) safeties (C) change (D) safely (D) provision 122. ------- honor the rebate, you must provide 118. Owing to the ------- of its marketing team, Coast the product number located on the bottom Magazine rose to become the most read travel of your new espresso machine. magazine this year. (A) expand (A) Even as (B) expanded (B) Since (C) expansion (C) Unless (D) expansive (D) In order to 119. The company cafeteria now offers drinks with 123. Here at Communication Solutions, we ------- blends of vegetables and fruits. strongly feel that we have a ------- to uphold ethical corporate standards. (A) presented (B) immediate (A) responsible (C) physical (B) responsibly (D) healthy (C) responsibility (D) responsibilities 120. Future IT's ------- use of its building space has been featured in the most recent issue of Smart 124. The country library has made a successful Business. ------- to a digital archive and book check- (A) economy out system. (B) economist (C) economize (A) transition (D) economical (B) location (C) cooperation (D) suspension Copyright All rights reserved.
  4. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 129. The online customer survey demonstrated 125. Assistant director James Krueger will present that those who shopped with PlusFlowers on the ------- vacation policy at this month's once will not ------- choose that company meeting. again. (A) revise (A) vitally (B) revised (B) decidedly (C) revision (C) necessarily (D) revising (D) importantly 126. The new documentary, Behind the Lens, is 130. Due to ------- disputes between the supposed to offer amateur ------- simple companies, the planned merger is unlikely techniques to enhance their skills. to go through. (A) photographs (A) considerate (B) photography (B) ongoing (C) photographers (C) dissolved (D) photographic (D) restrained 127. The project leader requested that all team members turn in their performance self- 131. The client ordered the table set to evaluations ------- Wednesday morning. match the style of the one ------- in the magazine. (A) by (B) with (A) informed (C) toward (B) sampled (D) between (C) pictured (D) exposed 128. To avoid breaking down, only unused paper should be ------- into the printers. 132. The managerial team will meet to (A) invited decide on strategies to increase ------- (B) prepared among separate departments. (C) commended (D) loaded (A) cooperation (B) cooperative (C) cooperate (D) cooperated Copyright All rights reserved.
  5. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 137. In order to promote customer -------, Easy 133. The last day to report expenditures for the past Cable offers significant discounts on long- fiscal year is quickly -------. term cable services. (A) assigning (A) brands (B) approaching (B) honesty (C) setting (C) loyalty (D) declaring (D) locations 134. As a result of busy schedules, the board of 138. ------- the inclement weather, the company directors ------- gathers in the evening after held its annual family outing at the city's office hours. central park. (A) originally (A) Even though (B) spaciously (B) In spite of (C) approximately (C) Consequently (D) frequently (D) On the contrary 135. Compared to other companies in the industry, 139. Solar power devices are scheduled to be -- Cellron Mobile puts ------- emphasis on the ----- in early March to offset the costs of quality of customer service. electricity. (A) greater (A) put down (B) greatly (B) given out (C) more greatly (C) set up (D) as great as (D) taken to 136. For the contract to be -------, it must be signed 140. Ryerson Educational Consulting offers by both parties in front of a court-assigned study abroad packages, but ------- most lawyer. other consulting agencies, only charges commission on completed transactions. (A) valid (B) validate (A) except (C) validity (B) aside (D) validates (C) despite (D) unlike Copyright All rights reserved.
  6. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 141 to 143 refer to the following announcement. The San Francisco Community Center is sponsoring a series of summer concerts in Green Day Park. The theme of the first concert, which will be held this Friday evening at 6:30 P.M., is band music. The entertainment will start with a ------- of classic band favorites and Broadway show tunes by the 141. (A) curriculum (B) requirement (C) performance (D) position Golden Gate Jazz band. ------- a newcomer to the big band music scene, the Gary Mills Band, will play 142. (A) Therefore (B) Usually (C) Since then (D) Afterward some original jazz pieces from its first record album. Those who wish ------- should come at least 143. (A) attended (B) to attend (C) attend (D) attending 30 minutes before the concert begins. Since no chairs will be provided, attendees are asked to bring mats and blankets on which to sit. Food stalls will sell beverages and snacks, and concertgoers will be allowed to bring their own food. Copyright All rights reserved.
  7. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 144 to 146 refer to the following letter. VISTA APARTMENTS 200-250 Oak Drive Los Angeles, California Dear Mr. LeBron, We would like to congratulate you on your recent ------- to rent a 2-bedroom unit at Vista Apartments. 144. (A) decisive (B) deciding (C) decided (D) decision This letter certifies that we have received a copy of the rental contract you signed. We hope that you will enjoy moving into our newly remodeled apartments, conveniently located ten minutes from the downtown area. You will be residing ------- walking distance from the subway station, supermarket and other facilities in 145. (A) within (B) beside (C) among (D) onto your community. This letter serves to remind you that as a new tenant, you have the responsibility to get in touch with utility service providers before you move in. You may schedule the connection of electricity, phone and Internet services on your moving-in date. Should you experience any maintenance problems, Vista Apartments has service personnel that are available 24 hours a day. We look forward to serving you! Thank you once again for ------- at Vista Apartments. 146. (A) applying (B) renting (C) occupying (D) visiting Copyright All rights reserved.
  8. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following letter. August 4 Mr. Claude Hudson Manager Donnelly Networks, Inc. 350 Fourth Street Washington, DC Mr. Hudson, Thank you very much for your ------- for the position of assistant projects coordinator for the 147. (A) return (B) acceptance (C) offer (D) admission technology department of the Donnelly Networks, Inc. After ------- consideration of the opportunity 148. (A) carefully (B) care (C) cared (D) careful and my current career goals, I, unfortunately, have decided to decline. I do appreciate the hospitality your company has given me, but I have agreed to accept the position of chief director of the research department of Milton and Sons Company already. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting together with you as a candidate, and do hope we will have the opportunity to work ------- in the future. 149. (A) unless (B) nearly (C) certainly (D) together Sincerely yours, Maria Castro Copyright All rights reserved.
  9. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 150 to 152 refer to the following e-mail. From: Louise Walsh To: Staff Date: April 7 RE: Agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting The agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting -------. I have attached a final, detailed version to this e-mail. 150. (A) has been updated (B) will be updated (C) be updating (D) will update Last Friday, I had meetings with some of our clients, and I want to give you some notes on their requests. I hope this will give you a chance to think about what needs to be done. Winston Company’s general manager, in particular, asked that ------- include changes to the renovation plans for his office. 151. (A) themselves (B) we (C) us (D) they Mac & Moens has expressed satisfaction with our second set of blueprints, but would like an updated schedule for the newest design. Caitlin Firm needs a ------- layout for the first floor. It should have a 152. (A) cheaper (B) more involved (C) simpler (D) more recent cleaner, more functional scheme with less focus on decorative elements. Please keep our clients’ desires in mind as you get ready for the meeting. I will see all of you at 4:00 P.M. in the conference room on the third floor. Copyright All rights reserved.
  10. 2009년 1월 토익 기출 변형 정답 101 C 102 B 103 A 104 B 105 A 106 D 107 B 108 C 109 D 110 A 111 D 112 A 113 C 114 D 115 C 116 A 117 B 118 C 119 D 120 D 121 B 122 D 123 C 124 A 125 B 126 C 127 A 128 D 129 C 130 B 131 C 132 A 133 B 134 D 135 A 136 A 137 C 138 B 139 C 140 D 141 C 142 D 143 B 144 D 145 A 146 B 147 C 148 D 149 D 150 A 151 B 152 C ※ 해설은 에서 확인하세요. Copyright All rights reserved.



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