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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi mẫu môn tiếng anh thi tốt nghiệp thpt 2011', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ THI MẪU MÔN TIẾNG ANH THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT 2011 Bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo (Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following question s. Question 1: A.clea n B.head C.beat D.teach Question 2: mise B.devise C.surprise D.realise Question 3: A.thu mb B.themselve s C.think D.tho rough Question 4: A.tooth B.boot C.smooth D.loo k Question 5: A.vis ited B.decided C.engaged D.disappo inted Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 6: During t he lecture yesterda y, he the impo rtance o f a good educatio n. A. has stressed B. have stressed C. stressed D. stresses Question 7: Mar y the co untry b y t he t ime t his letter reaches her. A. is go ing to leave B. will lea ve C. is lea ving D. will ha ve le ft Question 8: -“What’s yo ur hobb y, Ho a?” -“ .” A. Well, I like co llect ing stamps B. Oh, with co mputers C. Well, I want stamp s D. Oh, o n the pho ne. Question 9: Our teacher came in w he n we no is ily. A. had talked B. were talking C. are talking D. have been talking Question 10: Wo rking as a tourist guid e invo lves . A. a lo t to travel B. many o f the trave l C. a lo t o f traveling D.any trave ling Question 11: Mo st Americans do n’t object being called b y the ir first names. A. for B. to C. in D. about Question 12: I remember to the ho sp ital bu t nothing after t hat. A. taking B. to take C. to be taken D. being taken Question 13: Let’s go to the librar y, ? A. shall we B. will we C. would we D. should we Question 14: I have to anno unce that t he manager canno t attend our part y today, is a p it y. A. that B. who C. whic h D. what
  2. Question 15: the rise in unemp lo yme nt, people st ill seem to be spend ing mo re. A. While B. Desp ite C. Meanwhile D. Altho ugh Question 16: “We can’t go no w. Let’s wait the rain sto ps.” A. until B. when C. after D. as Question 17: This librar y card will give yo u free access the Internet 8 hours a da y. A. fro m B. o n C. in D. to Question 18: - “You loo k nice today. I like yo ur new ha irst yle.” -“ .” A. It’s nice o f yo u to sa y so . B. Shall I? T ha nks. C. Oh, we do ne! D. I feel interest ing to hear that. Question 19: -“A motorbike kno cked Ted do wn.” -“ ”. A. What is it no w? B. Poor Ted! C. Ho w terrific! D. What a mo to rbike ! Question 20: -“I have bought yo u a to y. Happ y bir thda y to yo u! ” -“ ” A. The same to yo u! B. Have a nice da y! C. What a pit y! D. What a lo vely to y! T ha nks. Question 21: The exhibit io n is not open to the general . A. public B. public it y C. publica n D. public ist Question 22: App licant s fo r the public relat io ns p o st should have stro ng skills. A. perso nable B. perso nal C. interperso nal D. imperso nal Question 23: Jack was my in t he tennis match. A. oppo sing B. oppo nent C. oppo sit io n D. oppo site Question 24: To be successfu l, an art ist must so great . A. o rigina lit y B. o rigin C. o rigina l D. o rigina lly Question 25: These mu shroo ms are . A. eaters B. eaten C. eating D. edible Question 26: The charit y rece ived £50,000 fro m an a no nymo us . A. vo lu nteer B. pro vider C. do nor D. o ffer Question 27: The bo mb in a cro wded street. A. went out B. went o ff C. came o ff D. came out Question 28: - “ ” - “Oh, it’s great !” A. Ho w is the Englis h co mpet itio n like ? B. Would yo u like the E nglis h co mpet itio n? C. What do yo u like about the Englis h co mpet it io n?
  3. D. What do yo u think o f the Englis h co mpet it io n? Question 29: All o f us agree that a wo man s hou ld her so cial re lat io ns after marr iage. A. preserve B. mainta in C. protect D. prevent Question 30: I’m so rr y fo r such a fuss about the unfru it fu l p la n. A. making B. do ing C. paying D. taking Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. Question 31: Bill is o ften late fo r class, whic h makes his teacher angr ily. A B C D Question 32: In t he end o f the part y, Mar y fou nd herself washing t he d is hes a lo ne aga in, A B C as usual. D Question 33: The o ceans, whic h co ver two-thirds o f earth’s surface, are the o bject o f A B C study fo r o ceano graphers. D Question 34: He is n’t go ing to the co nfere nce in March and neit her the y are. A B C D Question 35: His knowledge o f phys ics enable him to assist the d irecto r in ma ny wa ys. A B C D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 36 to 40. If yo u like to bu ild yo ur ho lida y ro und a theme or particu lar act ivit y, t here are many oppo rtunit ies o pen to yo u. The Scottish To urist Bo ard publis hes a n exce lle nt (36) , Ad venture and Special Interest s Ho lida y in Sco tland, (37) do zens o f ideas fo r “d iffere nt” ho lid a ys to get her w ith addresses to co ntact. Write fo r a cop y to any o f the ir o ffices. You can, fo r examp le, go o n an archaeo lo gica l ho lida y a nd be (38) to many prehisto ry s ite s o n t he So lwa y Co ast and the E arly C hr ista in rema ins at Whit lo w. For creative peop le, there are a nu mber o f arts and crafts (39) that o ffer instructio n as well as re la xat io n. Pr ices var y, dep end ing o n t he qualit y o f teac hing a nd acco modatio n. Subjects range fro m paint ing and music to wood -carving, silver-smit hing a nd sto ne- cutting. Outdoor (40) can c hoo se fro m a wide range too – fro m bird-watching to camp ing, fro m glid ing to go lf Question 36: A. story B. bro chure C. no vel D. letter Question 37: A. co nsist ing B. invo lving C. co ntaining D. mainta ining Question 38: A. sho wn B. refered C. intro duced D. presented Question 39: A. courses B. studies C. careers D. practices
  4. Question 40: A. sports B. activit ies C. enthusiasts D. experts Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45. Almo st all the e nerg y o n the earth co mes fro m the su n. Heat fro m the su n makes t he earth warm eno ugh fo r life. Pla nts use the sun’s energ y to live a nd gro w. Plants give o ff a gas ca lled o xyge n. Anima ls eat p lants and breathe o xyge n. Anima ls need p lants in o rd er to live, and p lants need the su n. You use p lant s to creat heat and energ y. Yo u can burn wood fro m trees.You can burn fo ssil called co al, gas, and o il. Fo ssil fuels fo rmed d eep underground fro m p lants and anima ls that d ied millio ns o f years ago . The su n’s energ y ca n also do harm. Too much sunlight can burn yo ur skin, causing sunburn. Harmfu l ra ys fro m the su n can a lso cau se a d isease called skin ca ncer. Loo king right at the su n can harm yo ur e yes. You need to be carefu l o f the su n. The center o f the sun is called the co re, whic h is e xtreme ly hot. All the energ y o f the su n co mes fro m the nuclear reactio ns in it s co re. It takes a lo ng t ime fo r the energ y fro m the co re to reach the surface o f the earth-about 170,000 years ! Question 41:Acco rding to the passage, the sun is vita l because . A. it has its ho t core B. plants live and gro w better with the sun’s energy C. plants, anima ls a nd people need energ y fro m the sun D. fo ssil fuels w ill be used up and peop le turn to the sun’s energ y Question 42: Fo ssil fuels fo rmed deep u nderground fro m . A. heat fro m the su n B. earth and ro ck C. o il a nd gas D. dead plants and anima ls Question 43: The tit le fo r this passage could be . A. “Energ y fro m the su n” B. “Oxyge n and Pla nts” C. “Anima ls and Pla nts” D. “The Sun and Fo ssil Fuels” Question 44: Harmfu l ra ys fro m the su n ma y cau s e . A. fever B. skin cancer C. pain D. headache Question 45: All o f the fo llow ing statements are NOT true EXCEPT . A. the sun’s heat do es no harm to people B. loo king right at the sun is a wa y to make yo ur eye s better C. the sun is a lo ng wa y fro m the Earth D. the center o f the sun is no t ver y ho t Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 46: Nam stud ies hard . A. in o rder to passing the exam B. so that he will pass the exam C. in o rder pass the exam D. so as that he will pass the exam Question 47: Geo metry is a branc h o f mathemat ic s the properties o f lines, curves, shapes, and surface. A. it is co ncerned B. whic h co ncern C. co ncern wit h D. that is co ncerned wit h
  5. Question 48: The earlier she lea ves, . A. the soo ner she will arr ive B. the soo nest she will arr ive C. she will soo n arrive D. she will arr ive soo ner Question 49: Sue has been our next-door neighbour fo r years; . A. and we hard ly e ver see her B. therefo re, she ne ver sees us C. so we hard ly e ver see her D. ho wever, we hard ly e ver see her Question 50: , he wouldn’t have missed the train. A. If he liste ned to me B. Unless s he had listened to me C. If he had liste ned to me D. If he d id n’t liste n ĐÁP ÁN Câu Câu Câu Câu ĐA ĐA ĐA ĐA 1 15 29 43 B B B A 2 16 30 44 A A A B 3 17 31 45 B D D C 4 18 32 46 D A A B 5 19 33 47 C B B D 6 20 34 48 C D D A 7 21 35 49 D A B D 8 22 36 50 A C B C 9 23 37 B B C 10 24 38 C A C 11 25 39 B D A 12 26 40 D C C 13 27 41 A B C 14 28 42 C D D Nguồn: Cục Khảo thí và Kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục (Bộ GD-ĐT).



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