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Đề thi Omlympic cụm môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2021-2022 - Cụm trường THPT Hà Nội

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  1. SỞ GD&ĐT HÀNỘI ĐỀ THI OLYMPIC CỤM NĂM HỌC 2021-2022 CỤM TRƯỜNG THPT MÔN: ANH VĂN LỚP 10 THANH XUÂN- CẦU GIẤY Thời gian làm bài:120 phút THƯỜNG TÍN- PHÚ XUYÊN (Đề thi gồm 08 trang) ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Họ và tên thí sinh: ……………………………………………………………………..... Số báo danh: ……………………………………………………………………………. * Học sinh chuyển đáp án vào ANSWER SHEET. * Đề thi có 08 trang, thang điểm 20. * Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu kể cả từ điển. * Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm. I.PHONETICS (2/20 points) Part 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. teenage B. dosage C. voyage D. carriage 2. A. supply B. typhoon C. viola D. biannual 3. A. naked B. stopped C. finished D. kissed 4. A. dais B. raise C. release D. base 5. A. thank B. than C. month D. youth Part 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 6. A. police B. discuss C. signal D. attract 7. A. certificate B. remember C. compulsory D. information 8. A. begin B. reduce C. escape D. export 9. A. preservation B. inspiration C. disposable D. popularity 10. A. questionnaire B. Japanese C. engineer D. practical II. LEXICO- GRAMMAR (8/20 points) Part 1: Choose the best answer from the four options to complete each sentence below. (4/20 points) 11. I really must go and lie down for a while; I’ve got a _______ headache. A. cutting B. splitting C. ringing D. cracking 12. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the _________. A. nose on his face B. back of his hand C. tip of his tongue D. hair on his head Trang 1/8
  2. 13. The floor was so rotten that it almost gave ________ under Tommy’s weight. A. way B. away C. back D. up 14. I think my car needs________. It stops running every five or six miles. A. to repair B. repairing C. to be repairing D. repaired 15. ________ to her cousin’s wedding party, she would not have met her old friend, Bob. A. If Sarah didn’t go B. If Sarah hasn’t gone C. Had Sarah not gone D. Has Sarah not gone 16. The long journey in an ________ car made the little boy tired out. A. air-condition B. air-conditioned C. air-conditioner D. air-conditioning 17. The reporters thought that the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal, but he just ________. A. ran it down B. called it off C. laughed it off D. turned it down 18. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I ________ and decided to stay in Britain A. pulled my finger out B. held my horses C. got cold feet D. called it a day 19. The inexperienced teacher tried_______ to control the unruly class. In the end she had to call for the headmaster. A. in season B. in vain C. in cash D. in the red 20. I like your new car. What ________ is it? A. brand B. name C. made D. label 21. _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. A. What the woman was B. That the woman was C. The woman was D. When was the woman 22. Jimmy’s feeling a bit under the weather t oday, but I expect he’ll be as right as _______by the weekend. A. an athlete B. sunshine C. rain D. roses 23. He is very happy because he passed his exam with __________ colors. A. flying B. failing C. imagining D. changing 24. “Frankly speaking, I don’t believe this strange new fashion will ________ with young people,” said the manager. A. catch on B. show off C. turn up D. care for 25. We know that mushrooms are delicious. However, it can be difficult for us to ________ between poisonous and edible mushrooms. A. differ B. separate C. distinguish D. solve 26. It is no use crying over spilt milk. We’ve got to ________ the truth now. A. bargain for B. come up against C. get down to D. face up to 27. The coach, together with his players, _______ not attending the press conference tomorrow. A. is B. are C. will be D. is about to Trang 2/8
  3. 28. We regret _______ you that we can’t approve your suggestion. A. informing B. to inform C. inform D. having informed 29. Nothing ever seems to bother Colin. No matter what happens, he always seems to remain as cool as ________. A. cold feet B. ice-cream C. a cucumber D. an Eskimo 30. I usually buy my clothes _______. It’s cheaper than going to dressmaker. A. off the peg B. on the house C. in public D. on the shelf Part 2: Identify one of the four underlined parts in each sentence that is incorrect. (1/20 points) 31. Thanks to (A) the Internet, businessmen do not hardly have (B) to travel as much as (C) they used to (D). 32. Fertilizers are used (A) primarily (B) to enrich soil (C) and increasing (D) yield. 33. It is a fact (A) that each country has their own traditions(B), some of which (C) have existed (D) for hundreds of years. 34. Eric doesn’t care how much (A) does the motorbike cost (B) because he is going (C) to buy it anyway (D). 35. Surrounded (A) by the forested mountain slopes are (B) the town of Cornel, a former (C) silver mining town 2,357 meters above sea level (D). Part 3: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given in brackets. (2/20 points) Congratulations to all involved with the school (__36__ produce) of The Woman Next Door. The (__37__ advertise) was carried out by the Art Department, and the posters were very (__38__ imagine). We certainly have some very (__39__ art) students in our school! Many people helped with building and painting the (__40__ scene) and the play was written by the English Department, who managed to create an (__41__ amuse) story, with excellent songs. The music was written by Sue Porter, who also (__42__ company) the singers on the piano. Everyone enjoyed a thoroughly (__43__ entertain) evening, and there was a long round of (__44__ applaud) at the end. Jim Barrett gave a brilliant performance as Sergeant Moss, and Liz Aiken was a (__45__delight) Mrs. Jump. Well-done everyone! Part 4: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions. (0,6/20 points) 46. Dissemination of information is frequently carried out via satellite - through local or national TV networks. A. Dedication B. Dispersal C. Compilation D. Condensing 47. The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous . A. publicized B.identified C. followed D.unknown 48. You have to be on your toes if you want to beat her. Trang 3/8
  4. A. get involved in what she is doing. B. upset her in what she is doing. C. make her comply with your orders. D. pay all attention to what you are doing. Part 5: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions. (0,4/20 points). 49.Traffic congestion in big cities deters many people from using their private cars at peak hour. A. prohibits B. protects C. limits D. encourages 50. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity. A. cover B. conserve C. presume D. reveal III. READING (7/20 points) Part 1. There are FIVE blanks in the passage below. From the options given in the box, choose the most suitable for each blank. There are THREE EXTRA OPTIONS that you do not need to use. A. moreover, you will be asked to discuss E. regard geology as an academic subject B. not necessarily the Earth F. enjoy the geological museum C. earthquakes and volcanoes G. that is relevant to everyday life D. however, you will discover that H. and more importantly, the moon To many people, the word “geology” conjures up a rather dull image of lumps of rock in glass cases. People tend to (51) ________ that you don’t need to know about unless you have to study it at school. If you visit the Earth Galleries at London’s Natural history museum, (52) ________ this image couldn’t be further from the truth. The aim of the exhibition is not to procedure future geologists, but rather to inspire interest in a subject (53) ________. The Earth Galleries turn the traditional idea of geological museum upside down literally because you begin at the top. The central space in the museum is a glass-topped atrium. As you enter, you run up to the top of this by escalator. On the way, the escalator passes through a massive revolving globe, measuring eleven meters in diameter. This represents a planet, (54) ________. Once at the top, you work your way down through the six different exhibitions that make up the museum. The individual exhibitions explain natural phenomena such as (55) ________ as well as looking at the Earth’s energy resources and where our most common building materials come from. These exhibitions allow everyone to appreciate the fascination of geology. Part 2: Choose the best answer from the four options to complete each of the numbered blanks in the following passage (from 56- 65). Write your answer in the right box below. (2/20 points) Music is universal - it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech and (56) ________ as a development of making calls. In fact, there is (57) ________ theory that the earliest languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, Trang 4/8
  5. music is a form of (58) ________ history. The Aboriginal Australians, for example, use music as a means to (59) ________ on histories of the land and spirits to the next generation. New evidence suggested that music does not just satisfy the feel-good factor but it is also good for the brain. A study of intellectually (60) ________ children showed that they could recall more (61) ________ after it was given to them in a song than after it was read to them as story. Researchers also report that people score better on a standard intelligence (62) ________ after listening to Mozart. The so-called “Mozart effect” has also been (63) ________ by findings that rats (64) ________ up on Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths or passages, known as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most instances people who suffer from any form of mental (65) ________ benefit from listening to music. 56. A. was B. swelled C. reacted D. arose 57. A. one B. every C. such D. that 58. A. enjoying B. making C. recording D. stating 59. A. move B. pass C. hand D. happen 60. A. disabled B. inactive C. incapable D. disordered 61. A. facts B. knowledge C. memory D. information 62. A. form B. scheme C. examination D. test 63. A. supported B. given C. marked D. remembered 64. A. held B. brought C. stood D. set 65. A. badness B. hurt C. illness D. pain Part 3: Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the questions that follow (from 66-75). (2/20 points) It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight problems. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension but rather the act of chewing. A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food than non-obese people. When deprived of the variety and intensity of tastes, obese people are not satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people. Trang 5/8
  6. In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and hunger for carbohydrates subsides. Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, it has been found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many people find difficult to continue over long periods of time and which also increases appetite. (Adapted from Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Jolene Gear) 66. “Subscribe to” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________. A. disagree with B. agree with C. object to D. like 67. The word” crave” in bold in paragraph 2, can best be replaced with __________. A. devour B. absorb C. season D. desire Question 68: It can be inferred from the passage that __________. A. overweight people are tense B. thin people don’t eat when under stress C. weight watchers should chew on something inedible when tense D. 56 percent of the population isn’t overweight 69. It can be inferred from the passage that __________. A. thin people don’t enjoy food B. a variety of foods and strong flavors satisfy heavy people C. overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste D. deprivation of food makes people fat 70. According to the passage, insulin __________. A. increases in the bloodstream when people eat large amounts of food B. can be used to lessen the appetite C. causes a chemical reaction when food is seen D. levels don’t change in average-weight people who see food 71. It can be inferred that for certain people __________. A. eating carbohydrates eliminates hunger B. carbohydrates biologically induce hunger C. carbohydrates don’t satisfy a hungry person D. carbohydrates subside when serotonin is produced 72. What can be said about serotonin? A. It is a chemical that increases the appetite B. Only certain people produce it in their brains C. It tells the brain when a person is full D. It neurotransmits carbohydrates to the brain 73. The word ‘mild’ in the last paragraph can best be replaced with __________. A. important B. hard C. heavy D. light Trang 6/8
  7. 74. In order to lose weight, it would be a good idea for heavy people to __________. A. jog 3 miles daily and chew on carrot sticks B. walk up stairs and look at pictures of food C. eat plenty of chewy carbohydrates D. avoid stressful situations and eat spicy foods 75. Which one of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to engage in daily? A. 10-mile bicycle rides B. cross- country skiing C. a long swim D. an evening walk Part 4: Read the text below and fill the missing space with ONE word only (from 76- 85). (2/20 points) As swimming became a popular recreation in England during the 1860s and 1870s, several (76) ______ sports developed, roughly patterned after land sports. (77) ______ them were water football (or soccer), water rugby, water handball, and water polo, in which players rode on floating barrels, painted to look (78) ______ horses, and struck the ball with a stick. Water rugby became most popular of these sports, but somehow the water polo name became attached to it, and it's been attached (79) ______ since. As played in England, the object of the sport was for a player to touch the ball, with both (80) ______, at the goal end of the pool. The goaltender stood on the pool deck, ready to dive on any opponent who was about to score. Water polo quickly became a very rough sport, filled (81) ______ underwater fights away from the ball, and it wasn't unusual for players to pass out for lack of air. In 1877, the sport was tamed in Scotland by the addiction of goalposts. The Scots also replaced (82) ______ original small, hard rubber ball with a soccer ball and adopted (83) ______ that prohibited taking the ball under the surface or, "tackling" a player unless he had the ball. The Scottish game, which emphasized swimming speed, passing, and (84) ______ work, spread to England during the early 1880s, to Hungary in 1889, to Austria and Germany in 1894, to France in 1895, and (85) ______ Belgium in 1900. Water polo was the first team sport added to the Olympic program, in 1900. IV. WRITING (3/20 points) Part 1: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (2/20 points) 86. Jenny entered the room quietly so that she would not disturb the lecturer.  So as.………………………………………………………………………………………….. 87. The price of crude oil has decreased sharply in recent years.  There ………………….…………………………………………………….………………… 88. I don’t think it’s a good idea to invest all your money in the property market.  Were …… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Trang 7/8
  8. 89. Ben was too exhausted to complete the marathon race.  So ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 90. We breathe a lot of polluted air and our health gets bad. The more….…………………………………………………………………………………….. 91. “ Nothing will persuade me to apply for that kind of job.” She said.  She flatly...................................................................................................................................... 92. All that stood between John and a gold medal was Jim's greater speed  But for ........................................................................................................................................ 93. It was a mistake of mine to park outside the police station.  I shouldn’t................... ............................................................................................................... 94. The decorators have finished our first floor.  We have ...................................................................................................................................... 95. You can ring this number whenever there is any difficulty.  Should.…………………………………………………………………….…………………… Part 2: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to it. Use the word given in capital letter, and this word must not be changed in any way. (1/20 points) 96. To this day no one has equaled his achievements in the field of technology. (unsurpassed) To this day.…………………………………………………………………………………... 97. Peter grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (pulled)  Peter.…………………………………………………………………………………………. 98. It’s unfortunately that the construction of the building will not be finished as originally planned. (longer)  The construction of the building.…………………………………………….......................... 99. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the history. (appetite)  What he told me.……………………………………………………………………………… 100. Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to exist on the money they earn. (ends)  Many people nowadays ………………………………………………………………………. --------------------------The end----------------------------- Trang 8/8



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