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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN (TEST 1)

  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – TEST 1 STT M· Néi dung §¸p Ghi c©u ¸n chó hái 1 A001 B I. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. It is…… hear the competititon results A. surprise *B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly 2 A001 2. She is…….in being a nurse. D A. tired B. afraid C. bored *D. interested 3 A001 3. In England if you want to get a job, you’ll have to look through B “Situation…..” column. A. Vacancy *B. Vacant C. Vacation D. Vocation 4 C001 4. …….is a very serious problem in many countries. D A. Employ B. Employed C. Unemployed *D. Unemployment 5 B002 5. She didn’t work hard enough,……..she lost her job. A *A. so B. but C. and D. yet 6 C001 6. She is….of walking alone in the dark. B A. terror *B. terrified C. terrifying D. terrifyingly 7 C001 7. Why was his lecture so………? A *A. boring B. bored C. bore D. boredom 8 C001 8. I always get……when I wear new clothes. D A. excite
  2. B. excitement C. exciting *D. excited 9 C001 9. They couldn’t understand his……. C A. refuse B. refusing *C. refusal D. to refuse 10 C001 10. Their holiday was so……that they didn’t want to go back to work. C A. enjoy B. enjoying *C. enjoyable D. enjoyment 11 A 11 II. Circle the best answer to fill the gap. George Washington (1)…….on Feb 22nd, 1732 in Virginia. His 12 parents were Augustine and Mary Washington. He grew up on a farm in 13 Virginia. He did not go to school. His father taught him at home. His 14 favourite subject (2)…….. math. He learnt to be surveyor of land when 15 he (3)…….up. he joined the army and was a leader during the American Revolution. He later became the first President of the United States. George Washington (4)….by his people the “Father of our country” The American celebrate his birthday on President’s Day in Feb. His picture (5)…….on the one dollar bill. 1. *A. was born D006 B. born C. bear D. to be born 12 D006 2. A. were B *B. was C. is D. are 13 D006 3. A. is growing D B. was growing C. grow *D. grew 14 D006 4. A. is called C B. are called *C. was called D. were called 15 D006 5. A. was C B. has been *C. is D. will be
  3. 16 E003 C III. Circle the mistake in the following sentences. 1. Phuong usually thinks o f hisself as the best student of the class. A B *C D 17 E002 2. He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful for his health. A *A B C D 18 E001 3. He was so tiring that he could not go home. B A *B C D 19 E001 4. My family spent an interested holiday in Europe last summer. B A *B C D 20 E002 5. Would you mind lend me your motorbike until next week? B A *B C D 21 E002 6. Walk in the rain helps him relax. A *A B C D 22 E004 7. Haiphong is the place which I grew up between the age of two and ten. B A *B C D 23 E003 8. She can play the piano more good than her sister. C A B *C D 24 E004 9. They would rather go by air as spend a week traveling by train. D A BC *D 25 E001 10. I have been working for this company 10 years ago. D A BC *D 26 E001 A IV. Circle the best sentences, 1. watching/ do/ what/ enjoy/ you/ films? A. *What films do you enjoy watching? B. What films you do enjoy watching? C. What do you enjoy watching films? D. What you do enjoy watching films? 27 E003 2. 3/ sister/ me/ years/ is/ older/ my. D A. My sister is older 3 years than me. B. My sister is older than me 3 years. C. My sister is 3 older years than me. D. *My sister is 3 years older than me. 28 E003 3. Hanoi/ the/ in/ which/ is/ lake/ famous most? D A. Which is the most lake famous in Hanoi? B. Which is the most in Hanoi most famous lake? C. Which is in Hanoi the most famous lake? D. *Which is the most famous lake in Hanoi? 29 E001 4. music/ listen/ a love/ of/ to/ day/ after/ work/ I/ hard. A
  4. A. *I love listening to music after a day of hard work. B. I love listening to music after a hard work of day. C. I love listening of music after a day to hard work. D. I love listening to music after hard day of a work. 30 E001 5. spending/ do/ your/ how/ holiday/ you/ like/ summer. A A. *How you do like spending your summer holiday? B. How you do like spending your holiday summer? C. How do you like spending you summer holiday? D. How do you like spending your holiday summer? Thomas Edison was born on Feb 11th, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. When he was A 31 E006 31 at school, his teacher considered him to be a slow student. Because of 32 hearing problems, Edison had difficulty following the lessons. But with 33 only 3 months of formal education he became one of the greatest 34 inventors and industrial leaders in history. 35 Edison’s most famous invention was the electric light bulb. He also invented the phonograph, and made improvements to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology. Edison had a special life. He married twice with 5 children. He loved books, kad excellent memory and always showed curiosity about science. Although he had hearing problems, he refused to have an operation for his deafness. He said that silence helped him concentrate. He always worked very hard and often had only fo ur hours of sleep every day. He used to say, “Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration” When he died, on Oct 18th, 1931, he was still working on new ideas. 1. According to the text, Edison sent to school for…. *A. three months B. 3 years C. 13 months D. 13 years 32 E006 2. Why did Edison have difficulty understanding the lessons in class? C A. Because he didn’t pay attention to the teacher’s words. B. Because he was a slow student. *C. Because he couldn’t hear the lessons clearly. D. Because he was in school for only three months. 33 B006 3. Which of the following is Edison’s most famous invention? C A. The phonograph B. The telegraph C. *The light bulb D. The telephone 34 E006 4. Which of the following does NOT describe Edison’s life? A *A. He married five times with two children. B. He slept about four hours a day. C. He loved books, D. He liked silence because it helped him concentrate on his work.
  5. 35 E006 5. The sentence “Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent D perspiration” can be roughly understood as….. A. To be a genius, a person needs to be very intelligent, and working hard is not important. B. To be a genius, a person needs to work hard. C. To be a genius, a person needs to be very intelligent but needs to work hard, too. *D. To be a genius, a person needs to work very hard, and intelligence only plays a small part in the final success. 36 B003 David wanted to buy a Christmast present for a very C 36 special person, his mother. David’s father gave him $5 a week 37 as pocket money and david put $2 a week into his bank 38 account. After three months David took $20 out of his bank 39 account and went to the shopping mall. He looked for a perfect 40 gift. Suddenly he saw a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite animal. He said to himself “ My mother loves iewelry, and the brooch costs only $17”. He bought the brooch and took it hoe,. He wrapped the present in Christmast paper and placed it under the tree. He was excited and he was looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother/s face. But when his mother opened the present, she shouted with fright because she saw a spider. 1. Who did David want to give the Christmast present? A. a special friend B. his father *C. his mother D. his pet 37 B003 2. What is TRUE about David? D A. His mother gave him %5 a week. B. he put $1 a week into his bank account. C. he didn’t want to buy a perfect present. *D. he had $20 in his bank account after 3 months. 38 D003 3. What word in the passage has the same meaning as” present” B A. mall *B. gift C. iewelry D. pet 39 B003 4. How much did the present cost? C A. $5 B. $2 *C. $17 D. $20 40 E003 5. The word “fright” is closet in meaning to C A. excitement B. Amusement*C. scare D. joy 41 E004 The elephant is the largest animal to walk on Earth. An elephant C 41 can carry a load of 1200 pounds. They eat 300 pounds of food a 42 day. An elephant baby can weigh 200 pounds at birth. 43 Elephants can live up to 70 years. Elephants can be trained to 44 carry logs with their trunks. They also use their trunks for 45 drinking water, bathing, eating and communicating. There are 2 kinds of elephants: the African elephant and the Indian elephant. African elephant can be characterized as larger ears. The African elephant grows up to 10 feet tall and weighs as
  6. much as 12000 pounds. The Indian elephant grows up to 9 feet tall, and weighs up to 800 pounds. This elephant is characterized as smaller ears. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant. 1. What is the topic of the passage? A. African elephant B. Indian elephant *C. Elephants D. Elephants’ trunks 42 B004 2. How much does a baby elephant weigh at birth? B A. 70 pounds *B. 200 pounds C. 300 pounds D. D. 1200 pounds 43 E004 3. According to the passage, elephants can use their trunks for C the following activities EXCEPT A. bathing B. communicating C. *sleeping D. drinking 44 B004 4. Which kind of elephant is the largest? B A. the Indian elephant *B. the African elephant C.the Asian elephant D. the India and Asian elephant 45 B004 5. An India elephant has……than an African elephant. C A. a longer tail B. a stronger trunk *C. smaller ears D. bigger teeth 46 E006 Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son learnt to play chess by watching his C 46 parents in their home. His parents were surprised that Son 47 understood how to play because little Truong Son was only 3 48 years old at that time. Although chess is a difficult game, amonth 49 later he beats his parents at their favourite game. At the age of 50 four, Truong Son took part in the national young chess championship. Then at seven, he won a silver medal at the under- nine national chess championship. He was later chosen to take part in the world young chess championship in Spain in 2000. Now he is Vietnam’s youngest champion. Born in Mekong delta of Vietnam, Truong Son is a great surprise to his parents. They are both teachers, earning less than US$100 a month, and cannot explain how their child can play so well. His father thinks that Son was perhaps born with the ability and he simply picked it up. 1. According to the passage, how did Truong Son learnt to play chess? A.He was taught by his parents.
  7. B. He was taught by his teachers. C. *He watched his parents playing chess. D. He watched his friends playing chess. 47 D006 2. When did Son take part in the national young chess B championship? B. *When he was 4 years old. C. When he was 3 years old. D. When he was 7 years old. E. When he was 9 years old. 48 B006 3. Where did the world’s 2000 chess championship take place? C A. in Vietnam B. in China *C. in Spain D. in England 49 B006 How much do Son’s parents earn a month? A *A. less than 100 dollars B. more than 100 dollars C. less than 200 dollars D. more than 200 dollars 50 E006 5. The word “ picked it up” is closet meaning to……. C A. learned it B. taught it C. *enjoyed it D. D. earned it



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