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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử đại học 2011 (số 20)', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC 2011 (SỐ 20)

  1. TRUNG TÂM LUYỆN THI ĐẠI HỌC CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO QSC-45 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC 2011 (SỐ 20) Thời gian làm bài : 90 phút ĐỀ THI GỒM CÓ 80 CÂU Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose main stress differs from the rest. 1. A. material B. intelligent C. alternative D. artificial 2. A. documentary B. individual C. contemporary D. superficial 3. A. information B. television C. liberation D. operation 4. A. electronics B. convenience C. ingredient D. accumulate 5. A. tragedy B. element C. deposit D. socialize Mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 6. “ ____________________ “ – Thanks. I’ll write to you when I arrive there. A. Good luck B. Have a go C. Have a good trip D. Good bye 7. You can stay here ____________ you don’t make noise. A. unless B. if only C. as if D. on condition that 8. The jokes that Jack told us were as old as _____________. A. the earth B. the mountains C. the hills D. the oceans 9. M y boss said that a rise in my salary was out of ________ just then. A. sight B. control C. date D. question 10. High interest rates ___________ people from borrowing money. A. discourage B. decrease C. reduce D. disturb 11. According to a new ________, more and more women are offered posts in the government. A. investigation B. survey C. questionnaire D. examination 12. After 25 years, the town has changed __________ recognition. A. out of B. off C. away D. beyond 13. ________________ the heavy rain, we wouldn’t have come late for the party. A. In spite of B. Unless C. Provided D. Had it not been for 14. Everyone can join our club, _____________ age and sex. A. instead of B. in case of C. in place of D. regardless of 15. Bill ate an enormous breakfast. ___________, he still feels hungry now. A. Even though B. Nevertheless C. Moreover D. Besides 16. One must obey the law, ___________ young or old he is. A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. whether 17. As the full story _____________, public reacted with shock. A. unfolded B. uncovered C. unwrapped D. undone 18. Were you brought ______ in the c ity or in the country ? A. at B. up C. for D. over 19. The doctor recommended that he ______ up smoking. A. give B. gives C. to give D. gave 20. The ________ from the airport was very tiring as we had to drive through the fog A. flight B. voyage C. travel D. journey 21. Everyone has read the news on the website, ______________? A. has he B. hasn’t he C. have they D haven’t they 22. The use of computers aids in teaching, _____ the role of teachers is still very important. A. because B. although C. yet D. so that 23. She doesn’t know ________her father looks like after so many years. A. how B. what C. whether D. which 24. Mary ____________ her mother in many ways. A. takes over B. takes up C. takes off D. takes after
  2. 25. It was in this house ______________________. A. which I was born B. that I was born C. where I was born in D. in which I was born 26. The thief was caught by the police and was trembling _______ fear. A. at B. by C. with D. in 27. I will never forget ___________ and proud when I graduated from college. A. be happy B. to be happy C. being happy D. having happy 28. I don’t like John. His _________ complaints make me angry. A. continual B. continuous C. constant D. permanent 29. The escaped prisoner is still _____________. A. at hand B. at will C. at large D. at last 30. We rarely have our luggage _______________ by porters. A. carry B. to carry C. to be carried D. carried Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 31 to 40. The first human beings probably lived about 2.5 million years ago. But man did not begin to (31)_______ history until he had invented writing only about 5,000 years ago. The period before man began to writ e is called prehistory, and the term “prehistoric man” (32 )_______ to people who lived during that period. Prehistoric man (33) _______ the first step in building civilization. The earliest people were all hunters. In time, many hunters learned to plant crops and (34 ) _________ animals for food, and they became farmers. Prehistoric man invented simple tools, he discovered (35)______ to make fire. He painted the first picture and shaped the first pottery. And he built and governed the first cities. Because early men kept no written (36)_________, scientists search for bones, tools, and other prehistoric (37) ______.They study these objects to learn what early man looked (38) ______, how they lived, and how he developed into (39)________ man. Most of the tools that have been found and studied are made of stone. Then the entire period (40) ______ which early man lived has been called the Stone Age. 31. A. record B. keep C. preserve D. remind 32. A. mentions B. includes C. refers D. implies 33. A. put B. moved C. took D. set 34. A. grew B. bring up C. rise D. raise 35. A. why B. what C. how D. way 36. A. materials B. records C. reports D. files 37. A. symbols B. relics C. remains D. leftovers 38. A. like B. familiar C. similar D. alike 39. A. modern B. present C. current D. new 40. A. within B. during C. in D. among Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction. 41. The book I have just bought and the book you are reading it are alike. A B C (bỏ it) D 42. An increasing number of companies has changed dress codes, allowing employees to wear A B (have changed) C casual clothing in the work place. D 43. It is extremely important that an engineer knows how to use a computer. A B C (know) D 44. What I told her a few days ago were not the solutions to most of her problems. A B (was) CD 45. It was not until 1922 when scientists learned about the existence of dinosaurs. A B ( that) C D
  3. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer t each of the questions from 46 to 55. The air above our head is becoming cleaner. A breath of fresh air has been running right round the planet for the past five years. The planet is apparently purging itself of pollution. Paul Novell of the University of Colorado, the co-author of a report on this phenomenon says, “It seems as if the planet’s own cleaning service has suddenly got a new lease of life. Suddenly, there are a lot of changes going on up there”. Estimates of the death toll from urban smog have been steadily rising, so the new cleaner trend could have significant consequences for life expectancy in cities as well as for the p lanet itself. The sudden and unexpected reversal of several decades of worsening pollution extends from the air in city streets t o the remotest mid-Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. Among the pollutants which have begun to disappear from the atmosphere are carbon monoxide, from car exhaust and burning rain forests, and methane from the guts of cattle, paddy fields, and gas fields. Even carbon dioxide, the main gas behind global warning, has fallen slightly. There are two theories about why pollution is disapp earing. First that there is less pollution to start with due to laws to cut down urban smog and acid rain starting to have a global impact. Second, that the planet may be becoming more efficient at cleaning up. The main planetary clean-up agent is a chemical called hydroxyl. It is present throughout the atmosphere in tiny quantities and removes most pollutants from the air by oxidizing them. The amount of hydroxyl in the air has fallen by a quarter in 1980s. Now it may be reviving for two reasons : ironically, because the ozone hole has expanded, letting in more ultraviolet radiation into the lower atmosphere, where it manufactures hydroxyl. Then the stricter controls on vehicles exhaust in America and Europe may have cut global c arbon monoxide emission, thereby allowing more hydroxyl to clean up other pollutants. 46. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The decreasing pollution of the atmosphere. B. The oxygenation of the atmosphere. C. The changing pollutants in the atmosphere. D. Hydroxyl’s influence on the atmosphere 47. The word “purging” in line 2 is closest in meaning to A. destroying. B. refining. C. filtering. D. ridding. 48. According to the passage, life expectancy partly depends on people having A. recommendations from university research. B. access to details about atmosphere. C. improvement in atmosphere conditions. D. changes in their lifestyle. 49. The word “toll” in line 6 could best be replaced by A. costs. B. count. C. damage. D. loss. 50. The word “it” in line 16 refers to A. urban smog. B. a clean-up agent. C. acid rain. D. the ozone hole. 51. What does the author suggest is the main cause of pollution reduction? A. Less impact from burning forest. B. A smaller number of cars. C. A curtailment of chemicals. D. Fewer cattle and gas field. 52. It can be inferred from the passage that the cleansing of the planet is A. inexplicable B. confusing C. surprising D. predictable 53. The word “reviving” in line 18 is closest in meaning to A. reappearing B. refreshing C. reproducing D. repeating 54. All of the following information referring to hydroxyl is true EXCEPT A. the reduction in the ozone layer is beneficial to hydroxyl. B. Oxidization of pollutants is carried out by hydroxyl. C. there is difficulty in destroying carbon dioxide by hydroxyl. D. ultraviolet radiation increases production of hydroxyl. 55. The passage supports which of the following conclusion? A. The decrease of methane has enabled ultraviolet radiation to enter the atmosphere. B. An expansion in hydroxyl has enlarged the ozone hole. C. The reduction in carbon dioxide has produced a cleaner atmosphere.
  4. D. The beneficial effect of hydroxyl has aided the cleaning process. Mark the letter (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions. 56. ___________________, human beings have relatively constant body temperature. A. Similar all mammals B. Alike all mammals C. Like all mammals D. Liking all of the mammals 57. A few elements exist in ____________ that they are rarely seen in their natural environments. A. such small quantities B. so small quantities C. very small quantities D. quite small quantities 58. When ____ is not known. A. it was invented the wheel B. the wheel was invented C. the invention of the wheel D. was the wheel invented 59. The villagers were told to leave their homes ______________________________. A. when the water began to raise. B. when the water began to rise C. at the time the water raised. D. as soon as the water rises. 60. They stayed on for hours after dinner, ____________________________. A. it made me annoying about B. which I was very annoyed about C. that I was annoyed very much D. what I was very much annoyed. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70. The development of genetically modified (GM) plants and animals had led to a huge global controvers y. Opponents say that GM “Frankenfoods” are a threat to our well-being, and proponents say that the risks are minimal. There is one aspect of the war over GM that is often overlooked. Anyone who wears a cotton shirt these days is using a GM crop. Cotton is the only major non-food GM crop at present, but others are coming. GM cotton plants that is not food has not stopped the most passionate GM opponents from objecting. I f GM cotton is grown in a field next to fields of non-GM cotton, they argue, then how to keep genes from being transferred from field to field. This danger, however, is not as compelling to the public as possible health hazards in food, so there is no great fury over GM cotton. GM cotton seeds produce higher yields, and they do without the need for pesticides. Planting of GM cotton has increased fivefold since 1997; three-quarter of cotton in America, and over half in China, is now GM. Farmers like it because it increases their profits. Other options for non-food GM include new variety of flowers with different colors or scents, tougher grasses for lawns, and plants designed to soak up pollutants from the soil. The paper industry provides another example of potential for GM to help produce better and cheaper products. Paper is made from pulp, and pulp is generally made from trees. Researchers in New Zealand and Chile have been working on insect - resistant pines, and a Japanese firm has combined carrot genes with tree genes to make them grow bet ter in poor soil. Another interesting case is that of tobacco. It is not food crop, but it is consumed, and GM tobacco plants with both more and less nicotine have been created. The tobacco plant, however, is an ideal target for GM, since its genetics are very well understood and it produces a lot of leaves. T he value of the drugs that could be produced by GM tobacco is so high, many farmers could switch from growing tobacco for cigarettes to growing it for medicine. Since medical cost is rising, consumers would also be happy to use drugs produced in bulk by GM tobacco. 61. Why does the author mention a cotton shirt in paragraph 1? A. To show that cotton is one of the most popular materials for clothing. B. To give an example of a common GM product that is not a food. C. To give an example of a controversy surrounding GM products. D. To show that the risk of GM products are minimal. 62. The word “that” in line 3 refers to A. war B. aspect C. GM D. risk 63. The word “compelling” in line 10 is closest in meaning to A. interesting B. annoying C. dangerous D. obvious
  5. 64. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? A. GM cotton is less controversial than other GM products. B. There are several major non-food GM products at present. C. There have been no objection to GM cotton. D. GM cotton has no significant advantage over controversial cotton. 65. Which country plants the most GM cotton mentioned in the passage? A. America B. Japan C. Chile D. China 66. Which options for non-food GM is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. flowers B. grass C. tobacco D. rubber 67. It can be inferred from the passage that GM tobacco A. is already in the market. B. produces drugs that are very expensive. C. makes cigarettes harmless to smokers. D. can have lower or higher levels of nicotine. 68. According to the passage, why are researchers developing GM trees? A. To improve or make paper less expensive. B. To produce more fruit. C. To find a way to make paper without pulp. D. To replace trees cut down for paper. 69. What is the topic of the paragraph? A. Controversial GM products. B. The hazards of GM products. C. Non-food GM products. D. GM cotton and tobacco. 70. The word ”switch” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by A. select B. plant C. change D. repair Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following question. 71. Despite his inexperience, Phillip applied for the job. A. Not be experience, Phillip applied for the job. B. Inexperienced as he was, Phillip applied for the job. C. Though he was inexperienced, but Phillip applied for the job. D. Inexperience helped Phillip apply for the job. 72. Most students but Jane got good marks in the test. A. Apart from Jane, most students did well in the test. B. Jane got good marks in the test among others. C. No students got as good marks in the test as Jane. D. Only Jane did the test well except most students. 73. I find myself at a loss to understand Harold’s behavior. A. I lost contact with Harold, so I couldn’t understand his behavior. B. I find Harold’s behavior quite incomprehensible. C. I understand Harold’s behavior completely. D. I have to lose a lot to understand Harold’s behavior. 74. If I were in your shoe, I would accept his offer. A. I suggest that your accepting his offer. B. I was wearing your shoe and would like to accept his offer. C. I advise you to accept his offer. D. I would like to be in your shoe so I accept his offer. 75. Only if you work hard now can you have the chance of success. A. The chance of success depends on your working hard now. B. Work hard now unless you have the chance of success. C. Without your hard work now, you couldn’t have the chance of success. D. As long as your work is hard now, you can have the chance of success. 76. He is determined to continue working when he is 65. A. Only when he is 65, he is determined to continue working B. Not until he is 65, he is determined to continue working. C. There is a determination of him to stop working when he is 65. D. He has no intention of stopping working when he is 65.
  6. 77. He said: “ Janet may have gone to the cinema”. A. He did not know what cinema Janet had gone. B. He knew that Janet had gone to the cinema. C. He was not sure where Janet had gone. D. He wasn’t sure if Janet had gone to the cinema. 78. I remembered giving you 50 dollars. A. I can’t remember whether I gave you 50 dollars or not. B. Whether I gave you 50 dollars or not, I still remember. C. I did give you 50 dollars and I can remember it. D. I forget if I gave you 50 dollars. 79. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister. A. The death of the Prime Minister was the reason why the bill was prevented passing. B. Had it not been for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed. C. But for the Prime Minister died, the bill wouldn’t be prevented from passing. D. Preventing the passing of the bill was that the Prime Minister’s death. 80. Couldn’t you find a better hotel ? A. Would you mind find a best hotel ? B. Is this the best hotel you could find ? C. I would rather you find a better hotel. D. Is it unable of you to find a better hotel ? Giáo viên ra đề: NGUYỄN TẤN MỸ ( 0908.162.774) E-mail : TRUNG TÂM LUYỆN THI ĐẠI HỌC CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO QSC-45 Số 92, đường NGUYỄN ĐÌNH CHIỂU, phường ĐAKAO, quận 1, TP. HCM



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