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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D NĂM 2010-2011 Môn : Tiếng Anh - Mã đề 258

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D NĂM 2010-2011 Môn : Tiếng Anh - Mã đề 258

  1. SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D NĂM 2010-2011 Môn : Tiếng Anh Mã đề 258 TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ( Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài 90 phút I. PHONETICS. 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 01. a. brother b. mathematics c. think d. depth 02. a. break b. wake c. steal d. hate 03. a. interview b. ink c. independent d. income 04. a. musket b. muscle c. muscular d. business 05. a. barter b. banker c. hand d. cash 06. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. comb 07. a. practice b. device c. service d. office 08. a. power b. tower c. flow d. flour 09 a. fame b. tame c. table d. farm 10. a. gravity b. physics c. discover d. history 2. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 11. a. redundant b. harmony c. grammatical d. essential 12. a. absolute b. accuracy c. obvious d. original 13. a. machine b. enthusiast c. replace d. fortune 14. a. unemployed b. necessity c. generosity d. represent 15. a. furious b. wonderful c. reaction d. honesty II. VOCABULARY 1. Choose the best answer. 16. I was just ___ to go out when you telephoned. a. round b. about c. thinking d. when 17. You will become ill ____ you stop working harder. a. until b. when c. unless d. if 18. When he heard the noise he asked me what was ____ on. a. happening b. being c. getting d. going 19. I don't think that red dress ____ her. a. suits b. matches c. cheers d. agrees 20. The three friends all for the same job. a. requested b. applied c. intended d. referred 21. The dentist told him to open his mouth ____. a. broad b. much c. greatly d. wide 22. His parents never allowed him ____. a. smoking b. smoking c. to smoke d. some smoke 23. Do you ____ my turning the television on now? a. mind b. disapprove c. want d. object 24. Paris lies ____ the river Seine. a. over b. next c. on d. at 25. I'll have to ____ to you, otherwise he will hear. a. shout b. say c. whistle d. whisper 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period (75 0-338 B.C). Both had a city-state type of (26) ____, and both took slaves from the peoples they (27) ____. However, the differences outweigh the (28) ____ in these two ancient civilizations. Sparta was hostile, warli ke (constantly fighting the neighboring cities), and military, while Athens (29) ____ more towards the democratic and cultural (30) ____ of life. The latter city left its mark in the (31) ____ of art, literature, philosophy, and science, while the (32) ____ passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions. The present (33) ____ of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is (34) ____ on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan system, on the other hand, was concerned only with military(35) _ ___. Trang 1/4 - đề 258 26. a. government b. conquered c. power d. right 27. a. settled b. conquered c. left d. discovered 28. a. coincidence b. similarities c. differences d. identities 29. a. catered b. came c. delivered d. diverted 30. a. road b. method c. way d. matter 31. a. regions b. ways c. farm d. fields 32. a. invader b. enemy c. latter d. former 33. a. system b. method c. curriculum d. way
  2. 34. a. based b. found c. kept d. affected 35. a. preparation b. education c. speculation d. exercise III. GRAMMAR. Choose the best answer, 36. My teacher arrived after I ____ for her for ten minutes. a. waiting b. was waiting c. had waited d. have waited 37. Nobody is ready to go ____? a. isn't he b. is he c. are they d. aren't they 38. Those books cost more than these ____. a. have b. are c. do d. were 39. I think this bus leaves before that one ____. a. has b. is c. shall d. does 40. If you are selfish, you ____ the lives of many people. a. would endanger b. will endanger c. were endangered d. are endangered 41. Did the rest of the spectators ____ at the mistake? a. laugh b. laughed c. laughs d. laughing 42. There appears ____ a mistake; I will have the matter deal with immediately. a. be b. being c. to been d. to have been 43. I should prefer ____ if you don't mind. a. to be not going b. to not have gone c. not to be go d. not to go 44. Why was Peter absent yesterday? He ___ a bad cold. a. had had b. was having c. had d. is having 45. Ten miles ____ a long hike for a hot day. a. is b. are c. have been d. were 46. I hope you're not getting ____ with listening to my story. a. bored b. amusing c. boring d. interesting 47. M y grandfather is ____ to walk without stick. a. enough old b. old enough c. quite old d. too old 48. The prime Minister ____ to Paris several times. a. has been b. is c. has visited d. visits 49. I never smoke while I ____ a car. a. drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving 50. Mr. Goldsmith ____ in his office when somebody threw a stone through the window. a. worked b. is working c. has worked d. was working 51. I ____ very fast when the accident happened. a. wasn't driving b. hasn't driving c. hasn't driven d. hadn't driven 52. I felt asleep when I ____ television. a. am watching b. was watching c. am being watched d. all are correct 53. I'm learning English. I started learning English in December. I ____ since December. a. am learning b. being learned c. have been learned d. have learned 54. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ____ for two hours. a. has rained b. is raining c. has been raining d. had rained 55. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____ a. are eating b. were eating c. had been eating d. have been eating IV. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 56. When you come after class this afternoon, we discussed the possibility of your writing a research paper. a b c d Trang 2/4 - đề 258 57. Monrovian conducted the orchestra gracefully and with style to the delight of his appreciative audience, a b c d 58. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before the class. a b c d 59. After learning all the details about the project, the contractor told us them at the planning meeting. a b c d 60. The new student's progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed. a b c d 61. After Mr. Peabody had died, the money from his estate reversed back to the company which a b c he had served as president for ten years. d 62. In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered adobe houses and a b c d red, clay-tile roofs. 63. Although the weather was not perfect, a bunch of people turned out of for the annual parade.
  3. a b c d 64. After she had dressed and ate breakfast, Lucy rushed off to her office for a meeting with her a b c d accountant. 65. After the rain had let out, the Mitchell continued their hike up the mountain. a b c d V. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage and choose the best answer. An old man was walking to the market. He had two baskets of straw hats which he wanted to sell. It was very hot and soon he grew tired. He put down his baskets and sat down under a tree. Before long he fell asleep. At the same time, an old monkey brought a troop of small monkeys out to play. It saw the old m an asleep against the tree. It crept softly up to him, picked up a straw hat and put in on. When the small monkeys saw this, they copied what the old one had done. Then they all climbed up the tree and screamed and laughed till they woke the old man up with their noise. The old man opened his eyes. Good gracious! Where had his hats gone? He jumped to his feet and hunted high and low. The naughty monkeys found this very funny and b urst out laughing. The old man looked up and saw the monkeys wearing his hats. "You mischievous monkeys! Give me back my hats at once!" the old man shouted angrily. When the monkeys saw how cross he was, they screamed even louder. The old man shook his fists and stamped his feet at the monkeys. They imitated him but did not give him back the hats. The old man did not know what to do next. He took off his hat and scratched his head. The monkeys copied him again. "I know! I know!" the old man thought. He threw his hat on the ground as hard as he could and said. "Ah! This is really too much!" When the monkeys saw this, they all threw down their hats from the top of the tree. The old man quickly picked up the hats. He put them into his baskets and immediately went on his way to the market, this time without stopping to rest. 66. What did the old man want to sell? a. Two hats in a basket c. Two baskets of straw b. Hats in two baskets d. Straw and baskets 67. What happened on his way? a. His baskets fell off his shoulders b. He put his hats round a tree c. He felt tired and sat down to rest d. An old monkey stole all his hats 68. Why did the old man fall asleep very soon? a. He was tired c. He was lazy b. He was cross d. He was hungry 69. Why did the old monkey bring the small monkeys out? a. To creep near the old man and annoy him b. To play among the trees c. To steal the old man's hats d. To play a trick on the old man Trang 3/4 - đề 258 70. The monkeys burst out laughing because. a. they thought the surprised old man looked funny b. they were happy with their hats c. they liked to play among the trees d. they liked to see the old man running around VI. STRUCTURES. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. 71. I didn't listen to him, and I didn't succeed. a. If I listened to him, I would succeed. b. If I had listened to him, I would succeed. c. If I listened to him, I would have succeed. d. If I had listened to him, I would have succeeded. 72. Though he tried hard, he didn't succeed a. However hard he tried, he didn't succeed. b. However he tried hard, he didn't succeed. c. However he didn't succeed, he tried hard d. However he tried hard, but he didn't succeed. 73. I like to play tennis in the summer. a. I am very interested on playing tennis in the summer. b. I am very keen in playing tennis in the summer. c. I am very interested to playing tennis in the summer. d. I am very fond of playing tennis in the summer. 74. They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time. a. They are used to having a big meal at lunch time. b. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. c. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time.
  4. d. They used to having a big meal at lunch time. 75. Despite feeling cold we kept walking. a. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking. b. Although we felt cold, we kept walking. c. However cold we felt, but we kept walking. d. However we felt cold, we kept walking. 76. "I'm sorry I have to leave so early," he said. a. He apologized for having to leave early. b. He apologized to have to leave early. c. He apologized that he has to leave early. d. He apologized to have left early. 77. He got over his illness in three months. a. It took to get over his illness in three months. b. It took three months to him to get over his illness. c. It took him three months to get over his illness. d. It took three months for his illness to get over. 78. She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone. a. She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone. b. She was too busy to answer the phone. c. She was too busy not to answer the phone. d. She was very busy so that couldn't answer the phone. 79. Our newspaper reporter in Paris sent this report. a. This report was sent by our newspaper reporter in Paris. b. This report was sent to Paris by our newspaper reporter. c. This report was sent for Paris by our newspaper reporter. d. This report was sent to our newspaper reporter in Paris. 80. The train driver's strike made it hard for us to get to work. a. We were impossible to get to work because of the train driver's strike. b. We found it impossible to get to work because the train driver's c. We couldn't get to work because of the train driver's strike. d. We couldn't get to work because the train driver's strike. THE END Trang 4/4 - đề 258 SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh Mã đề 371 TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ( Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài 90 phút I. VOCABULARY 1. Choose the best answer. 01. I was just ___ to go out when you telephoned. a. round b. about c. thinking d. when 02. You will become ill ____ you stop working harder. a. until b. when c. unless d. if 03. When he heard the noise he asked me what was ____ on. a. happening b. being c. getting d. going 04. I don't think that red dress ____ her. a. suits b. matches c. cheers d. agrees 05. The three friends all for the same job. a. requested b. applied c. intended d. referred 06. The dentist told him to open his mouth ____. a. broad b. much c. greatly d. wide 07. His parents never allowed him ____. a. smoking b. smoking c. to smoke d. some smoke 08. Do you ____ my turning the television on now? a. mind b. disapprove c. want d. object 09. Paris lies ____ the river Seine. a. over b. next c. on d. at 10. I'll have to ____ to you, otherwise he will hear. a. shout b. say c. whistle d. whisper 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period (750 -338 B.C). Both had a city-state type of (11) ____, and both took slaves from the peoples they (12) ____. However, the differences outweigh the (13) ____ in these two ancient civilizations. Sparta was hostile, warlike (constantly fighting the neighboring cities), and military, while Athens (14) ____ more towards the
  5. democratic and cultural (15) ____ of life. The latter city left its mark in the (16) ____ of art, literature, philosophy, and science, while the (17) ____ passed on its totalitarianism and superior military tra ditions. The present (18) ____ of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is (19) ____ on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan system, on the other hand, was concerned only with military (20) ____. 11. a. government b. conquered c. power d. right 12. a. settled b. conquered c. left d. discovered 13. a. coincidence b. similarities c. differences d. identities 14. a. catered b. came c. delivered d. diverted 15. a. road b. method c. way d. matter 16. a. regions b. ways c. farm d. fields 17. a. invader b. enemy c. latter d. former 18. a. system b. method c. curriculum d. way 19. a. based b. found c. kept d. affected 20. a. preparation b. education c. speculation d. exercise II. PHONETICS. 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 21. a. brother b. mathematics c. think d. depth 22. a. break b. wake c. steal d. hate 23. a. interview b. ink c. independent d. income 24. a. musket b. muscle c. muscular d. business Trang 1/4 - đề 371 25. a. barter b. banker c. hand d. cash 26. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. comb 27. a. practice b. device c. service d. office 28. a. power b. tower c. flow d. flour 29 a. fame b. tame c. table d. farm 30. a. gravity b. physics c. discover d. history 2. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 31. a. redundant b. harmony c. grammatical d. essential 32. a. absolute b. accuracy c. obvious d. original 33. a. machine b. enthusiast c. replace d. fortune 34. a. unemployed b. necessity c. generosity d. represent 35. a. furious b. wonderful c. reaction d. honesty III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 36. When you come after class this afternoon, we discussed the possibility of your writing a research paper, a b c d 37. Monrovian conducted the orchestra gracefully and with style to the delight of his appreciative audience, a b c d 38. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before the class. a b c d 39. After learning all the details about the project, the contractor told us them at the planning meeting. a b c d 40. The new student's progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed. a b c d 41. After Mr. Peabody had died, the money from his estate reversed back to the company which a b c he had served as president for ten years. d 42. In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered adobe houses and a b c d red, clay-tile roofs. 43. Although the weather was not perfect, a bunch of people turned out of for the annual parade. a b c d 44. After she had dressed and ate breakfast, Lucy rushed off to her office for a meeting with her a b c d accountant. 45. After the rain had let out, the Mitchell continued their hike up the mountain. a b c d IV. STRUCTURES. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. 46. I didn't listen to him, and I didn't succeed.
  6. a. If I listened to him, I would succeed. b. If I had listened to him, I would succeed. c. If I listened to him, I would have succeed. d. If I had listened to him, I would have succeeded. 47. Though he tried hard, he didn't succeed a. However hard he tried, he didn't succeed. b. However he tried hard, he didn't succeed. c. However he didn't succeed, he tried hard d. However he tried hard, but he didn't succeed. 48. I like to play tennis in the summer. a. I am very interested on playing tennis in the summer. b. I am very keen in playing tennis in the summer. c. I am very interested to playing tennis in the summer. d. I am very fond of playing tennis in the summer. Trang 2/4 - đề 371 49. They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time. a. They are used to having a big meal at lunch time. b. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. c. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. d. They used to having a big meal at lunch time. 50. Despite feeling cold we kept walking. a. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking. b. Although we felt cold, we kept walking. c. However cold we felt, but we kept walking. d. However we felt cold, we kept walking. 51. "I'm sorry I have to leave so early," he said. a. He apologized for having to leave early. b. He apologized to have to leave early. c. He apologized that he has to leave early. d. He apologized to have left early. 52. He got over his illness in three months. a. It took to get over his illness in three months. b. It took three months to him to get over his illness. c. It took him three months to get over his illness. d. It took three months for his illness to get over. 53. She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone. a. She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone. b. She was too busy to answer the phone. c. She was too busy not to answer the phone. d. She was very busy so that couldn't answer the phone. 54. Our newspaper reporter in Paris sent this report. a. This report was sent by our newspaper reporter in Paris. b. This report was sent to Paris by our newspaper reporter. c. This report was sent for Paris by our newspaper reporter. d. This report was sent to our newspaper reporter in Paris. 55. The train driver's strike made it hard for us to get to work. a. We were impossible to get to work because of the train driver's strike. b. We found it impossible to get to work because the train driver's c. We couldn't get to work because of the train driver's strike. d. We couldn't get to work because the train driver's strike. V. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer, 56. My teacher arrived after I ____ for her for ten minutes. a. waiting b. was waiting c. had waited d. have waited 57. Nobody is ready to go ____ ? a. isn't he b. is he c. are they d. aren't they 58. Those books cost more than these ____. a. have b. are c. do d. were 59. I think this bus leaves before that one ____. a. has b. is c. shall d. does 60. If you are selfish, you ____ the lives of many people. a. would endanger b. will endanger c. were endangered d. are endangered 61. Did the rest of the spectators ____ at the mistake? a. laugh b. laughed c. laughs d. laughing 62. There appears ____ a mistake; I will have the matter deal with immediately. a. be b. being c. to been d. to have been 63. I should prefer ____ if you don't mind. a. to be not going b. to not have gone c. not to be go d. not to go
  7. 64. Why was Peter absent yesterday? He ___ a bad cold. a. had had b. was having c. had d. is having 65. Ten miles ____ a long hike for a hot day. a. is b. are c. have been d. were 66. I hope you're not getting ____ with listening to my story. a. bored b. amusing c. boring d. interesting Trang 3/4 - đề 371 67. My grandfather is ____ to walk without stick. a. enough old b. old enough c. quite old d. too old 68. The prime Minister ____ to Paris several times. a. has been b. is c. has visited d. visits 69. I never smoke while I ____ a car. a. drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving 70. Mr. Goldsmith ____ in his office when somebody threw a stone through the window. a. worked b. is working c. has worked d. was working 71. I ____ very fast when the accident happened. a. wasn't driving b. hasn't driving c. hasn't driven d. hadn't driven 72. I felt asleep when I ____ television. a. am watching b. was watching c. am being watched d. all are correct 73. I'm learning English. I started learning English in December. I ____ since December. a. am learning b. being learned c. have been learned d. have learned 74. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ____ for two hours. a. has rained b. is raining c. has been raining d. had rained 75. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____ a. are eating b. were eating c. had been eating d. have been eating VI. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage and choose the best answer. An old man was walking to the market. He had two baskets of straw hats which he wanted to sell. It was very hot and soon he grew tired. He put down his baskets and sat down under a tree. Before long he f ell asleep. At the same time, an old monkey brought a troop of small monkeys out to play. It saw the old man asleep against the tree. It crept softly up to him, picked up a straw hat and put in on. When the small monkeys saw this, they copied what the old one had done. Then they all climbed up the tree and screamed and laughed till they woke the old man up with their noise. The old man opened his eyes. Good gracious! Where had his hats gone? He jumped to his feet and hunted high and low. The naughty monkeys found this very funny and b urst out laughing. The old man looked up and saw the mo nkeys wearing his hats. "You mischievous monkeys! Give me back my hats at once!" the old man shouted angrily. When the monkeys saw how cross he was, they screamed even louder. The old man shook his fists and stamped his feet at the monkeys. They imitated him but did not give him back the hats. The old man did not know what to do next. He took off his hat and scratched his head. The monke ys copied him again. "I know! I know!" the old man thought. He threw his hat on the ground as hard as he could and sa id. "Ah! This is really too much!" When the monkeys saw this, they all threw down their hats from the top of the tree. The old man quickly picked up the hats. He put them into his baskets and immediately went on his way to the market, this time without stopping to rest. 76. What did the old man want to sell? a. Two hats in a basket c. Two baskets of straw b. Hats in two baskets d. Straw and baskets 77. What happened on his way? a. His baskets fell off his shoulders b. He put his hats round a tree c. He felt tired and sat down to rest d. An old monkey stole all his hats 78. Why did the old man fall asleep very soon? a. He was tired c. He was lazy b. He was cross d. He was hungry 79. Why did the old monkey bring the small monkeys out? a. To creep near the old man and annoy him b. To play among the trees c. To steal the old man's hats d. To play a trick on the old man 80. The monkeys burst out laughing because. a. they thought the surprised old man looked funny b. they were happy with their hats c. they liked to play among the trees d. they liked to see the old man running around THE END Trang 4/4 - đề 371
  8. SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh Mã đề 634 TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ( Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài 90 phút I. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage and choose the best answer. An old man was walking to the market. He had two baskets of straw hats which he wanted to sell. It was very hot and soon he grew tired. He put down his baskets and sat down under a tree. Before long he f ell asleep. At the same time, an old monkey brought a troop of small monkeys out to play. It saw the old m an asleep against the tree. It crept softly up to him, picked up a straw hat and put in on. When the small monkeys saw this, they copied what the old one had done. Then they all climbed up the tree and screamed and laughed till they woke the old man up with their noise. The old man opened his eyes. Good gracious! Where had his hats gone? He jumped to his feet and hunted high and low. The naughty monkeys found this very funny and b urst out laughing. The old man looked up and saw the monkeys wearing his hats. "You mischievous monkeys! Give me back my hats at once!" the old man shouted angrily. When the monkeys saw how cross he was, they screamed even louder. The old man shook his fists and stamped his feet at the monkeys. They imitated him but did not give him back the hats. The old man did not kno w what to do next. He took off his hat and scratched his head. The monkeys copied him again. "I know! I know!" the old man thought. He threw his hat on the ground as hard as he could and said. "Ah! This is really too much!" When the monkeys saw this, they all threw down their hats from the top of the tree. The old man quickly picked up the hats. He put them into his baskets and immediately went on his way to the market, this time without stopping to rest. 01. What did the old man want to sell? a. Two hats in a basket c. Two baskets of straw b. Hats in two baskets d. Straw and baskets 02. What happened on his way? a. His baskets fell off his shoulders b. He put his hats round a tree c. He felt tired and sat down to rest d. An old monkey stole all his hats 03. Why did the old man fall asleep very soon? a. He was tired c. He was lazy b. He was cross d. He was hungry 04. Why did the old monkey bring the small monkeys out? a. To creep near the old man and annoy him b. To play among the trees c. To steal the old man's hats d. To play a trick on the old man 05. The monkeys burst out laughing because. a. they thought the surprised old man looked funny b. they were happy with their hats c. they liked to play among the trees d. they liked to see the old man running around II. VOCABULARY 1. Choose the best answer. 06. I was just ___ to go out when you telephoned. a. round b. about c. thinking d. when 07. You will become ill ____ you stop working harder. a. until b. when c. unless d. if 08. When he heard the noise he asked me what was ____ on. a. happening b. being c. getting d. going 09. I don't think that red dress ____ her. a. suits b. matches c. cheers d. agrees 10. The three friends all for the same job. a. requested b. applied c. intended d. referred 11. The dentist told him to open his mouth ____. a. broad b. much c. greatly d. wide Trang 1/4 - đề 634 12. His parents never allowed him ____. a. smoking b. smoking c. to smoke d. some smoke 13. Do you ____ my turning the television on now? a. mind b. disapprove c. want d. object 14. Paris lies ____ the river Seine. a. over b. next c. on d. at 15. I'll have to ____ to you, otherwise he will hear. a. shout b. say c. whistle d. whisper
  9. 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Helle nic period (750-338 B.C). Both had a city-state type of (16) ____, and both took slaves from the peoples they (17) ____. However, the differences outweigh the (18) ____ in these two ancient civilizations. Sparta was hostile, warli ke (constantly fighting the neighboring cities), and military, while Athens (19) ____ more towards the democratic and cultural (20) ____ of life. The latter city left its mark in the (21) ____ of art, literature, philosophy, and science, while the (22) ____ passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions. The present (23) ____ of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is (24) ____ on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan system, on the other hand, was concerned only with military (25) ____. 16. a. government b. conquered c. power d. right 17. a. settled b. conquered c. left d. discovered 18. a. coincidence b. similarities c. differences d. identities 19. a. catered b. came c. delivered d. diverted 20. a. road b. method c. way d. matter 21. a. regions b. ways c. farm d. fields 22. a. invader b. enemy c. latter d. former 23. a. system b. method c. curriculum d. way 24. a. based b. found c. kept d. affected 25. a. preparation b. education c. speculation d. exercise III. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer, 26. My teacher arrived after I ____ for her for ten minutes. a. waiting b. was waiting c. had waited d. have waited 27. Nobody is ready to go ____? a. isn't he b. is he c. are they d. aren't they 28. Those books cost more than these ____. a. have b. are c. do d. were 29. I think this bus leaves before that one ____. a. has b. is c. shall d. does 30. If you are selfish, you ____ the lives of many p eople. a. would endanger b. will endanger c. were endangered d. are endangered 31. Did the rest of the spectators ____ at the mistake? a. laugh b. laughed c. laughs d. laughing 32. There appears ____ a mistake; I will have the matter deal with immediately. a. be b. being c. to been d. to have been 33. I should prefer ____ if you don't mind. a. to be not going c. to not have gone b. not to be go d. not to go 34. Why was Peter absent yesterday? He ___ a bad cold. a. had had b. was having c. had d. is having 35. Ten miles ____ a long hike for a hot day. a. is b. are c. have been d. were 36. I hope you're not getting ____ with listening to my story. a. bored b. amusing c. boring d. interesting 37. My grandfather is ____ to walk without stick. a. enough old b. old enough c. quite old d. too old 38. The Prime Minister ____ to Paris several times. a. has been b. is c. has visited d. visits Trang 2/4 - đề 634 39. I never smoke while I ____ a car. a. drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving 40. Mr. Goldsmith ____ in his office when somebody threw a stone through the window. a. worked b. is working c. has worked d. was working 41. I ____ very fast when the accident happened. a. wasn't driving b. hasn't driving c. hasn't driven d. hadn't driven 42. I felt asleep when I ____ television. a. am watching b. was watching c. am being watched d. all are correct 43. I'm learning English. I started learning English in December. I ____ since December. a. am learning b. being learned c. have been learned d. have learned 44. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ____ for two hours. a. has rained b. is raining c. has been raining d. had rained 45. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____ a. are eating b. were eating c. had been eating d. have been eating IV. STRUCTURES. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
  10. 46. I didn't listen to him, and I didn't succeed. a. If I listened to him, I would succeed. b. If I had listened to him, I would succeed. c. If I listened to him, I would have succeed. d. If I had listened to him, I would have succeeded. 47. Though he tried hard, he didn't succeed a. However hard he tried, he didn't succeed. b. However he tried hard, he didn't succeed. c. However he didn't succeed, he tried hard d. However he tried hard, but he didn't succeed. 48. I like to play tennis in the summer. a. I am very interested on playing tennis in the summer. b. I am very keen in playing tennis in the summer. c. I am very interested to playing tennis in the summer. d. I am very fond of playing tennis in the summer. 49. They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time. a. They are used to having a big meal at lunch time. b. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. c. They used to have a big meal at lunch time. d. They used to having a big meal at lunch time. 50. Despite feeling cold we kept walking. a. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking. b. Although we felt cold, we kept walking. c. However cold we felt, but we kept walking. d. However we felt cold, we kept walking. 51. "I'm sorry I have to leave so early," he said. a. He apologized for having to leave early. b. He apologized to have to leave early. c. He apologized that he has to leave early. d. He apologized to have left early. 52. He got over his illness in three months. a. It took to get over his illness in three months. b. It took three months to him to get over his illness. c. It took him three months to get over his illness. d. It took three months for his illness to get over. 53. She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone. a. She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone. b. She was too busy to answer the phone. c. She was too busy not to answer the phone. d. She was very busy so that couldn't answer the phone. 54. Our newspaper reporter in Paris sent this report. a. This report was sent by our newspaper reporter in Paris. b. This report was sent to Paris by our newspaper reporter. c. This report was sent for Paris by our newspaper reporter. d. This report was sent to our newspaper reporter in Paris. Trang 3/4 - đề 634 55. The train driver's strike made it hard for us to get to work. a. We were impossible to get to work because of the train driver's strike. b. We found it impossible to get to work because the train driver's c. We couldn't get to work because of the train driver's strike. d. We couldn't get to work because the train driver's strike. V. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 56. When you come after class this afternoon, we discussed the possibilit y of your writing a research paper, a b c d 57. Monrovian conducted the orchestra gracefully and with style to the delight of his appreciative audience, a b c d 58. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before the class. a b c d 59. After learning all the details about the project, the contractor told us them at the planning meeting. a b c d 60. The new student's progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed. a b c d 61. After Mr. Peabody had died, the money from his estate reversed back to the company which a b c he had served as president for ten years. d 62. In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered adobe houses and a b c d red, clay-tile roofs.
  11. 63. Although the weather was not perfect, a bunch of people turned out of for the annual parade. a b c d 64. After she had dressed and ate breakfast, Lucy rushed off to her office for a meeting with her a b c d accountant. 65. After the rain had let out, the Mitchell continued their hike up the mountain. a b c d VI. PHONETICS. 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 66. a. brother b. mathematics c. think d. depth 67. a. break b. wake c. steal d. hate 68. a. interview b. ink c. independent d. income 69. a. musket b. muscle c. muscular d. business 70. a. barter b. banker c. hand d. cash 71. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. comb 72. a. practice b. device c. service d. office 73. a. power b. tower c. flow d. flour 74. a. fame b. tame c. table d. farm 75. a. gravity b. physics c. discover d. history 2. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 76. a. redundant b. harmony c. grammatical d. essential 77. a. absolute b. accuracy c. obvious d. original 78. a. machine b. enthusiast c. replace d. fortune 79. a. unemployed b. necessity c. generosity d. represent 80. a. furious b. wonderful c. reaction d. honesty THE END Trang 4/4 - đề 634 SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh Mã đề 963 TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ( Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài 90 phút I. PHONETICS. 1. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 01. a. redundant b. harmony c. grammatical d. essential 02. a. absolute b. accuracy c. obvious d. original 03. a. machine b. enthusiast c. replace d. fortune 04. a. unemployed b. necessity c. generosity d. represent 05. a. furious b. wonderful c. reaction d. honesty 2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 06. a. brother b. mathematics c. think d. depth 07. a. break b. wake c. steal d. hate 08. a. interview b. ink c. independent d. income 09. a. musket b. muscle c. muscular d. business 10. a. barter b. banker c. hand d. cash 11. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. comb 12. a. practice b. device c. service d. office 13. a. power b. tower c. flow d. flour 14. a. fame b. tame c. table d. farm 15. a. gravity b. physics c. discover d. history II. VOCABULARY 1. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period (750 -338 B.C). Both had a city-state type of (16) ____, and both took slaves from the peoples they (17) ____. However, the differences outweigh the (18) ____ in these two ancient civilizations. Sp arta was hostile, warlike (constantly fighting the neighboring cities), and military, while Athens (19) ____ more towards the democratic and cultural (20) ____ of life. The latter city left its mark in the (21) ____ of art, literature, philosophy, and science, while the (22) ____ passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions.
  12. The present (23) ____ of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is (24) ____ on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan system, on the other hand, was concerned only with military (25) ____. 16. a. government b. conquered c. power d. right 17. a. settled b. conquered c. left d. discovered 18. a. coincidence b. similarities c. differences d. identities 19. a. catered b. came c. delivered d. diverted 20. a. road b. method c. way d. matter 21. a. regions b. ways c. farm d. fields 22. a. invader b. enemy c. latter d. former 23. a. system b. method c. curriculum d. way 24. a. based b. found c. kept d. affected 25. a. preparation b. education c. speculation d. exercise 2. Choose the best answer. 26. I was just ___ to go out when you telephoned. a. round b. about c. thinking d. when 27. You will become ill ____ you stop working harder. a. until b. when c. unless d. if 28. When he heard the noise he asked me what was ____ on. a. happening b. being c. getting d. going 29. I don't think that red dress ____ her. a. suits b. matches c. cheers d. agrees 30. The three friends all for the same job. a. requested b. applied c. intended d. referred Trang 1/4 - đề 963 31. The dentist told him to open his mouth ____. a. broad b. much c. greatly d. wide 32. His parents never allowed him ____. a. smoking b. to smoking c. to smoke d. some smoke 33. Do you ____ my turning the television on now? a. mind b. disapprove c. want d. object 34. Paris lies ____ the river Seine. a. over b. next c. on d. at 35. I'll have to ____ to you, otherwise he will hear. a. shout b. say c. whistle d. whisper VI. STRUCTURES. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. 36. I didn't listen to him, and I didn't succeed. a. If I listened to him, I would succeed. b. If I had listened to him, I would succeed. c. If I listened to him, I would have succeed. d. If I had listened to him, I would have succeeded. 37. Though he tried hard, he didn't succeed a. However hard he tried, he didn't succeed. b. However he tried hard, he didn't succeed. c. However he didn't succeed, he tried hard d. However he tried hard, but he didn't succeed. 38. I like to play tennis in the summer. a. I am very interested on playing tennis in the summer. b. I am very keen in playing tennis in the summer. c. I am very interested to playing tennis in the summer. d. I am very fond of playing tennis in the summer. 39. They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time. a. They are used to having a big meal at lunch time. b. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. c. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time. d. They used to having a big meal at lunch time. 40. Despite feeling cold we kept walking. a. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking. b. Although we felt cold, we kept walking. c. However cold we felt, but we kept walking. d. However we felt cold, we kept walking. 41. "I'm sorry I have to leave so early," he said. a. He apologized for having to leave early. b. He apologized to have to leave early. c. He apologized that he has to leave early. d. He apologized to have left early. 42. He got over his illness in three months.
  13. a. It took to get over his illness in three months. b. It took three months to him to get over his illness. c. It took him three months to get over his illness. d. It took three months for his illness to get over. 43. She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone. a. She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone. b. She was too busy to answer the phone. c. She was too busy not to answer the phone. d. She was very busy so that couldn't answer the phone. 44. Our newspaper reporter in Paris sent this report. a. This report was sent by our newspaper reporter in Paris. b. This report was sent to Paris by our newspaper reporter. c. This report was sent for Paris by our newspaper reporter. d. This report was sent to our newspaper reporter in Paris. Trang 2/4 - đề 963 45. The train driver's strike made it hard for us to get to work. a. We were impossible to get to work because of the train driver's strike. b. We found it impossible to get to work because the train driver's c. We couldn't get to work because of the train driver's strike. d. We couldn't get to work because the train driver's strike. III. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer, 46. My teacher arrived after I ____ for her for ten minutes. a. waiting b. was waiting c. had waited d. have waited 47. Nobody is ready to go ____? a. isn't he b. is he c. are they d. aren't they 48. Those books cost more than these ____. a. have b. are c. do d. were 49. I think this bus leaves before that one ____. a. has b. is c. shall d. does 50. If you are selfish, you ____ the lives of many people. a. would endanger b. will endanger c. were endangered d. are endangered 51. Did the rest of the spectators ____ at the mistake? a. laugh b. laughed c. laughs d. laughing 52. There appears ____ a mistake; I will have the matter deal with immediately. a. be b. being c. to been d. to have been 53. I should prefer ____ if you don't mind. a. to be not going b. to not have gone c. not to be go d. not to go 54. Why was Peter absent yesterday? He ___ a bad cold. a. had had b. was having c. had d. is having 55. Ten miles ____ a long hike for a hot day. a. is b. are c. have been d. were 56. I hope you're not getting ____ with listening to my story. a. bored b. amusing c. boring d. interesting 57. My grandfather is ____ to walk without stick. a. enough old b. old enough c. quite old d. too old 58. The prime Minister ____ to Paris several times. a. has been b. is c. has visited d. visits 59. I never smoke while I ____ a car. a. drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving 60. Mr. Goldsmith ____ in his office when somebody threw a stone through the window. a. worked b. is working c. has worked d. was working 61. I ____ very fast when the accident happened. a. wasn't driving b. hasn't driving c. hasn't driven d. hadn't driven 62. I felt asleep when I ____ television. a. am watching b. was watching c. am being watched d. all are correct 63. I'm learning English. I started learning English in December. I ____ since December. a. am learning b. being learned c. have been learned d. have learned 64. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ____ for two hours. a. has rained b. is raining c. has been raining d. had rained 65. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____ a. are eating b. were eating c. had been eating d. have been eating
  14. IV. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 66. When you come after class this afternoon, we discussed the possibility of your writing a research paper, a b c d 67. Monrovian conducted the orchestra gracefully and with style to the delight of his appreciative audience, a b c d 68. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before the class. a b c d Trang 3/4 - đề 963 69. After learning all the details about the project, the contractor told us them at the planning meeting. a b c d 70. The new student's progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed. a b c d 71. After Mr. Peabody had died, the money from his estate reversed back to the company which a b c he had served as president for ten years. d 72. In the distance could be seen the sleepy little village with their closely clustered adobe houses and a b c d red, clay-tile roofs. 73. Although the weather was not perfect, a bunch of people turned out of for the annual parade. a b c d 74. After she had dressed and ate breakfast, Lucy rushed off to her office for a meeting with her a b c d accountant. 75. After the rain had let out, the Mitchell continued their hike up the mountain. a b c d V. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage and choose the best answer. An old man was walking to the market. He had two baskets of straw hats which he wanted to sell. It was very hot and soon he grew tired. He put down his baskets and sat down under a tree. Before long he fell asleep. At the same time, an old monkey brought a troop of small monkeys out to play. It saw the old m an asleep against the tree. It crept softly up to him, p icked up a straw hat and put in on. When the small monkeys saw this, they copied what the old one had done. Then they all climbed up the tree and screamed and laughed till they woke the old man up with their noise. The old man opened his eyes. Good graciou s! Where had his hats gone? He jumped to his feet and hunted high and low. The naughty monkeys found this very funny and b urst out laughing. The old man looked up and saw the monkeys wearing his hats. "You mischievous monkeys! Give me back my hats at once!" the old man shouted angrily. When the monkeys saw how cross he was, they screamed even louder. The old man shook his fists and stamped his feet at the monkeys. They imitated him but did not give him back the hats. The old man did not know what to do next. He took off his hat and scratched his head. The monkeys copied him again. "I know! I know!" the old man thought. He threw his hat on the ground as hard as he could and said. "Ah! This is really too much!" When the monkeys saw this, they all threw down their hats from the top of the tree. The old man quickly picked up the hats. He put them into his baskets and immediately went on his way to the market, this time without stopping to rest. 76. What did the old man want to sell? a. Two hats in a basket c. Two baskets of straw b. Hats in two baskets d. Straw and baskets 77. What happened on his way? a. His baskets fell off his shoulders b. He put his hats round a tree c. He felt tired and sat down to rest d. An old monkey stole all his hats 78. Why did the old man fall asleep very soon? a. He was tired c. He was lazy b. He was cross d. He was hungry 79. Why did the old monkey bring the small monkeys out? a. To creep near the old man and annoy him b. To play among the trees c. To steal the old man's hats d. To play a trick on the old man 80. The monkeys burst out laughing because. a. they thought the surprised old man looked funny b. they were happy with their hats c. they liked to play among the trees d. they liked to see the old man running around
  15. THE END Trang 4/4 - đề 963 SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ĐỀ 285 ĐỀ 371 ĐỀ 634 ĐỀ 963 01. A 41. A 01. B 41. B 01. B 41. A 01. B 41. A 02. C 42. D 02. C 42. C 02. C 42. B 02. D 42. C 03. B 43. D 03. D 43. B 03. A 43. D 03. D 43. B 04. D 44. C 04. A 44. A 04. B 44. C 04. B 44. A 05. A 45. A 05. B 45. B 05. A 45. C 05. C 45. C 06. D 46. A 06. D 46. D 06. B 46. D 06. A 46. C 07. B 47. D 07. C 47. A 07. C 47. A 07. C 47. C 08. C 48. C 08. A 48. D 08. D 48. D 08. B 48. C 09. D 49. B 09. C 49. A 09. A 49. A 09. D 49. D 10. A 50. D 10. D 50. B 10. B 50. B 10. A 50. B 11. B 51. A 11. A 51. A 11. D 51. A 11. D 51. A 12. D 52. B 12. B 52. C 12. C 52. C 12. B 52. D 13. D 53. D 13. B 53. B 13. A 53. B 13. C 53. D 14. B 54. C 14. A 54. A 14. C 54. A 14. D 54. C 15. C 55. C 15. C 55. C 15. D 55. C 15. A 55. A 16. B 56. B 16. D 56. C 16. A 56. B 16. A 56. A 17. C 57. B 17. D 57. C 17. B 57. B 17. B 57. D 18. D 58. C 18. A 58. C 18. B 58. C 18. B 58. C 19. A 59. C 19. A 59. D 19. A 59. C 19. A 59. B 20. B 60. A 20. B 60. B 20. C 60. A 20. C 60. D 21. D 61. B 21. A 61. A 21. D 61. B 21. D 61. A 22. C 62. C 22. C 62. D 22. D 62. C 22. D 62. B 23. A 63. B 23. B 63. D 23. A 63. B 23. A 63. D 24. C 64. A 24. D 64. C 24. A 64. A 24. A 64. C 25. D 65. B 25. A 65. A 25. B 65. B 25. B 65. C 26. A 66. B 26. D 66. A 26. C 66. A 26. B 66. B 27. B 67. C 27. B 67. D 27. C 67. C 27. C 67. B 28. B 68. A 28. C 68. C 28. C 68. B 28. D 68. C 29. A 69. B 29. D 69. B 29. D 69. D 29. A 69. C 30. C 70. A 30. A 70. D 30. B 70. A 30. B 70. A 31. D 71. D 31. B 71. A 31. A 71. D 31. D 71. B 32. D 72. A 32. D 72. B 32. D 72. B 32. C 72. C 33. A 73. D 33. D 73. D 33. D 73. C 33. A 73. B 34. A 74. A 34. B 74. C 34. C 74. D 34. C 74. A 35. B 75. B 35. C 75. C 35. A 75. A 35. D 75. B 36. C 76. A 36. B 76. B 36. A 76. B 36. D 76. B 37. C 77. C 37. B 77. C 37. D 77. D 37. A 77. C 38. C 78. B 38. C 78. A 38. C 78. D 38. D 78. A 39. D 79. A 39. C 79. B 39. B 79. B 39. A 79. B 40. B 80. C 40. A 80. A 40. D 80. C 40. B 80. A MA TRẬN ĐỀ Thang bậc nhận thức Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng TN TL TN TL TN TL Mạch kiến thức phonetics 15 5
  16. (1,25) (1,25) 5 6 14 24 Vocabulary and structures: (1,5) (1,25) (3,5) (6,25) 10 10 Reading comprehension: (2,5) (2,5) 12 14 14 40 Tổng (3) (3,5) (3,5) (10) SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh Mã đề 374 TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ( Đề có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài 90 phút I. PHONETICS. 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 01. A. spoon B. flood C. cook D. soon 02. A. looked B. moved C. rained D. carried 03. A. show B. power C. low D. snow 04. A. bound B. cough C. ground D. round 05. A. invite B. site C. decide D. visit 2. Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest. 06. A. complete B. company C. commit D. comical 07. A. comedy B. command C. comfortable D. compass 08. A. register B. regular C. request D. reference 09. A. famous B. curious C. suspicious D. numerous 10. A. volcano B. compulsory C. necessity D. stationary II. VOCABULARY 1. Choose the best answer. 11. All these leaflets must be d elivered ____. A. in hand B. at hand C. to hand D. by hand 12. You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no -smoking compartment. A. let B. allowed C. obliged D. commanded 13. The price of fruit has increased recently ____ the price of vegetables has gone down. A. when B. whether C. whereas D. otherwise 14. It's high ____ you stopped smoking all those cigarettes. A. reason B. sense C. opportunity D. time 15. Electric storms are of certain parts of the world. A. special B. characteristic C. curious D. native 16. Some people feel that life in the countryside offers more and quiet ____ than life in a town. A. silence B. relaxation C. peace D. rest 17. They ____ down all the trees in the area to make way for the new motorway. A. cut B. broke C. set D. put 18. After spending large sums of money redecorating their house, the Browns found themselves ____. A. in common B. in debt C. in time D. in public 19. I can't lend you this bicycle. It belongs ____ my brother. A. at B. for C. with D. to 20. Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain ____. A. release B. liberation C. killing D. relief 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Advice for travellers who may fall ill while abroad Most British people go abroad on holiday, to visit family, or on short business trips. People are (21) ____ to find out how to get urgent treatment before leaving the UK. They have to (22) ____ a form which explains what they (23) ____ do if they fall ill or (24) ____ an accident, and what country for medica l treatment. The regulations people do not have this information, they may arrangements exist in (25) ____ are fa irly simple but (26) ____ (27) ____ that private medical care is extremely expensive. It is not unusual f or people to discover that they do not have (28) ____ money with them to (29) ____ such circumstances an already the total costs and (30) ____ difficult situation becomes even more complicated.
  17. 21 A. advised B. suggested D. spoken C. said 22 A. put B. bring D. get C. fill 23 A. ought B. will D. may C. should 24 A. have B. get D. take C. happen 25 A. their B. each D. this C. one 26. A. because D. if B. whether C. as 27. A. look D. know B. want C. find 28 A. enough D. full B. little C. few 29 A. pay D. have B. give C. spend 30 A. on D. up B. in C. at III. GRAMMAR. Choose the best answer, 31. It is in this house ____. A. where I was born B. I was born C. that I was born D. that I was born in Trang 12/4 - đề 374 32. I don' t know to call him, Mister or Doctor. A. what B. how C. when D. whether 33. The train will be leaving in five minutes so you ____ better hurry up. A. had B. should C. will D. would 34. I have been looking for this book for months and ____ I have found it. A. at last B. in time C. at the end D. at present 35. ____, the lion is a member of the cat family. A. Like the tiger B. Alike the tiger C. Liking the tiger D. It is like the tiger 36. He said that he ____ his homework since 7 o'clock. A. had done B. did C. has done D. was doing 37. Does the grass need ____? A. cutting B. be cut C. cut D. to cut 38. He did not know ____ to the party. A. why Kay hasn't come B. why hasn't Kay come C. why Kay hadn't come D. why hadn't Kay come 39. They had to work late yesterday, ____? A. hadn't they B. didn't they C. they hadn't D. they didn't 40. I don't want to go out tonight ____ Ann phones. A. so that B. even though C. when D. in case 41. Mrs. Wood always talks to her baby as though he __ an adult. A. is B. were C. has been D. will be 42. ____ to find stars in pair. A. Being very common B. Very common is C. That is very common D. It is very common 43. The phone ____ b y a Scottish scientist in 1876. A. was invented B. invented C. has invented D. is inventing 44. I wish I had a car ____ yours. A. alike B. like C. as D. look like 45. The streets are crowded with a population which has no interest _ ___. A. learn B. being learnt C. learning D. learnt 46. I would rather Jane ___ my brother so much money. I know for sure that I will have to pay his debt. A. not lend B. would not lend C. had not lent D. did not lend 47. In the 1960s ____ was concerned about pollution. A. hardly everyone B. hardly anyone C. rarely anyone D. rarely someone 48. You should take regular exercise ____ sitting in front of the television all day. A. in spite of B. instead of C. without D. even 49. If he ____ harder last year, the result would be better now. A. has worked B. worked C. were working D. had worked 50. Why was his boss so angry with him? - Because of ____ late. A. him to be B. his being C. he was D. he is IV. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 51. The fossil remains of much extinct mammals have been found in the tar pits at Rancho La Brea in A B C D Los Angeles. 52. Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges coming from its prey. A B C D 53. A dark nebula consists of a cloud of interstellar dust enough dense to obscure the stars beyond it. A B C D
  18. 54. Commercially honey is heated and filtered in order to stabilize and clarify it. A B C D 55. The various parts of the body require so different surgical skills that many surgical specialities A B C D have developed. 56. One reason birds have been so successful is because of their able to escape from danger quickly. A B C D 57. The wood of the rosewood tree is used to do fine musical instruments. A B C D 58. Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics. A B C D 59. Ballet performers must be believable actors and actresses as well as experts. A B C D 60. Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is exactly almost the same size as the Earth. A B C D Trang 2/4 - đề 374 V. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1. When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to introduce more women to the sport, to show them how much fun it can be and to give them the confidence to get out and run. I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed b y the attitude of many race organizers. They complained about the lack of women in the sport but also used this as an excuse for not providing separate changing facilities. I put up posters and 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined. All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but 1 don't think they had really thought about running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didn't think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like b y a river. At first they ran only for a minute - now they can run for thirty minutes. They've also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general. I want to do something for women's running and I have had so much pleasure watching their progress - almost as much as they've had themselves 61. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text? A. to describe her own running career B. to complain about race organizers C. to talk about women runners D. to describe good running method 62. What would a reader find out from the text? A. the best kind of places for running B. how runners can avoid injuring themselves C. the progress made by the women in the club D. the teaching skills of the writer 63. What is the writer's opinion of the runners she trained? A. They were too serious. B. They needed encouraging. C. They couldn't develop their skills. D. They were difficult to train. 64. Why did the women join the running club? A. to have a good time B. to meet other people C. to help them lose weight D. to become top runners 65. Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster? A. Discover the Pleasures of Running B. Riverside Running Club for Women C. Athletics Competition: How to Win D. Keep Fit by Training Hard 2. After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony. Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes. 66. When did the first award ceremony take place? A. 1895 B. 1901 C. 1962 D. 1968
  19. 67. Why was the Nobel prize established? A. to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity B. to resolve political differences C. to honour the inventor of dynamite D. to spend money 68. In which area have Americans received the most awards? A. literature B. peace C. economics D. science 69. Which of the following statements is not true? A. Awards vary in monetary value B. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Noble’s invention C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners D. A few individuals have won two awards 70. In how many fields are prizes bestowed? A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 10 Trang 3/4 - đề 374 VI. STRUCTURES. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given on e. 71. Seeing that he was so angry, she left the office From this sentence we understand that A. she didn't want to make him angry, so she left. B. she left the office when she saw how angry he was. C. he grew very angry when he saw her leaving the office. D. he wouldn't have been so angry if she hadn't left. 72. It's unlikely to rain this afternoon. This sentence means that A. it will rain this afternoon. B. there's no chance of rain this afternoon. C. the afternoon will probably be wet. D. the afternoon looks like being dry. 73. Mary might have phoned while we were out. The speaker of this sentence meant that A. unfortunately they were out when Mary phoned. B. she hoped Mary had phoned while they were out. C. possibly Mary had phoned while they were out. D. Mary ought to have phoned while they were out. 74. She would have sung for us if he had asked her. From this sentence we know that A. he didn't ask her to sing, and she didn't sing. B. she was going to sing for us but then changed her mind. C. she sang for us although he didn't ask her. D. he asked her to sing but she refused. 75. By next August Charles will have worked here for seven years. From this sentence, it is true to say that A. Charles no longer works here. B. Charles has now worked here for seven years. C. Charles is going to work here for the next seven years. D. Charles is at present working here. 76. I've persuaded Tom to become the new secretary at the club. From this sentence we know that A. the speaker is considering Tom for the job of secretary. B. the speaker asked Tom to be the secretary and Tom agreed. C. Tom is wondering whether to accept the job of secretary. D. Tom has begged to become secretary of the club. 77. She said she would go to the police unless she was given her money back. This sentence tells us that she A. went to the police because she hadn't got her money back. B. wasn't given her money back because she had gone to the police. C. was given her money back and then went to the police. D. hasn't yet got her money back or gone to the police. 78. There 'II be a bus later on, but we might as well "walk. The speaker of this sentence A. meant that they had to walk because the bus was late. B. would much prefer to wait for the bus. C. was quite ready to walk.
  20. D. thought they would be late if they walked. 79. At the factory he likes people to let him have his own way. The person described in this sentence A. doesn't like it when people tell him what to do. B. often needs the help of other people in his work. C. doesn't accept help from people he dislikes. D. likes people to think all good ideas are his own. 80. I'd have bought Sam's car if I'd known he was selling it. Which of these sentences about Sam's car is true? A. I knew Sam wanted to sell his car. B. I didn't buy Sam's car. C. I bought the car without knowing it was Sam's. D. I'll buy the car as soon as Sam decides to sell it. Trang 4/4 - đề 374 THE END SỞ GD&ĐT PHÚ THỌ ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 KHỐI D Môn : Tiếng Anh TRƯỜNG THPT PHÙ NINH ĐỀ 285 ĐỀ 371 ĐỀ 634 ĐỀ 963 01. A 41. A 01. B 41. B 01. B 41. A 01. B 41. A 02. C 42. D 02. C 42. C 02. C 42. B 02. D 42. C 03. B 43. D 03. D 43. B 03. A 43. D 03. D 43. B 04. D 44. C 04. A 44. A 04. B 44. C 04. B 44. A 05. A 45. A 05. B 45. B 05. A 45. C 05. C 45. C 06. D 46. A 06. D 46. D 06. B 46. D 06. A 46. C 07. B 47. D 07. C 47. A 07. C 47. A 07. C 47. C 08. C 48. C 08. A 48. D 08. D 48. D 08. B 48. C 09. D 49. B 09. C 49. A 09. A 49. A 09. D 49. D 10. A 50. D 10. D 50. B 10. B 50. B 10. A 50. B 11. B 51. A 11. A 51. A 11. D 51. A 11. D 51. A 12. D 52. B 12. B 52. C 12. C 52. C 12. B 52. D 13. D 53. D 13. B 53. B 13. A 53. B 13. C 53. D 14. B 54. C 14. A 54. A 14. C 54. A 14. D 54. C 15. C 55. C 15. C 55. C 15. D 55. C 15. A 55. A 16. B 56. B 16. D 56. C 16. A 56. B 16. A 56. A 17. C 57. B 17. D 57. C 17. B 57. B 17. B 57. D 18. D 58. C 18. A 58. C 18. B 58. C 18. B 58. C 19. A 59. C 19. A 59. D 19. A 59. C 19. A 59. B 20. B 60. A 20. B 60. B 20. C 60. A 20. C 60. D 21. D 61. B 21. A 61. A 21. D 61. B 21. D 61. A 22. C 62. C 22. C 62. D 22. D 62. C 22. D 62. B 23. A 63. B 23. B 63. D 23. A 63. B 23. A 63. D 24. C 64. A 24. D 64. C 24. A 64. A 24. A 64. C 25. D 65. B 25. A 65. A 25. B 65. B 25. B 65. C 26. A 66. B 26. D 66. A 26. C 66. A 26. B 66. B 27. B 67. C 27. B 67. D 27. C 67. C 27. C 67. B 28. B 68. A 28. C 68. C 28. C 68. B 28. D 68. C 29. A 69. B 29. D 69. B 29. D 69. D 29. A 69. C 30. C 70. A 30. A 70. D 30. B 70. A 30. B 70. A 31. D 71. D 31. B 71. A 31. A 71. D 31. D 71. B 32. D 72. A 32. D 72. B 32. D 72. B 32. C 72. C 33. A 73. D 33. D 73. D 33. D 73. C 33. A 73. B 34. A 74. A 34. B 74. C 34. C 74. D 34. C 74. A 35. B 75. B 35. C 75. C 35. A 75. A 35. D 75. B 36. C 76. A 36. B 76. B 36. A 76. B 36. D 76. B 37. C 77. C 37. B 77. C 37. D 77. D 37. A 77. C 38. C 78. B 38. C 78. A 38. C 78. D 38. D 78. A



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