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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 12 Mã đề thi số 001

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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN _12__ M· đề thi số 001 MÔN:TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 THỜI GIAN: 90 mn. (Đề thi này gồm: 4 .trang. Học sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm.) PHONETICS. Find the word that has different pronunciation in the underlined. 1. A. fatal B. fatigue C. face D. failure 2. A. ideal B. idle C. idiot D. idea 3. A. feather B. creature C. reason D. heat 4. A. sour B. honour C. flour D. hour 5. A. envy B. enrich C. ensure D. enslave Which word has different stress pattern? 6. A. tertiary B. miserable C. obstinate D. improvement 7. A. enjoyable B. comparison C. magical D. enslave 8. A. position B. poisonous C. character D. positive 9. A. precious B. spectator C. security D. marathon 10. A. exclusive B. restaurant C. specialist D. prejudice Grammar and vocabulary . Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 11. Problem like this always _____ even in a well run factory. A. rise B. raise C. arouse D. arise 12.The accident was due to the car having _____breaks. A. spoilt B. decay C. defective D. deficient 13. The scene______me of my childhood. A. recalled B. convinced C. reminded D. recollected 14. Would you like to ______ this costume to see if it fits you? A. try on B. experiment C. try out D. get over 15. John and Peter are _____ twins . They look just like each other. A. equivalent B. genuine C. parallel D. identical 16. I should be very _____ if you would post this letter for me. A. pleasant B. grateful C. cheerful D. considerate 17. We had a marvelous holiday ; only the last two days were slightly_____by the weather. A. damaged B. ruined C. spoiled D. wasted 18. At midnight the train crosses the _____and we were at a foreign country. A. border B. margin C. surroundings D. edge 19. When he was a student his father gave him a monthly _____towards his expenses. A. salary B. allowance C. wage D. pension 20. He was a much old tennis player but he had the great _____ of experience. A. profit B. talent C. value D. advantage. 21. Camel drivers have to ____ the extreme heat of the desert . A. endure B. cope C. put up D. attain -1-
  2. 22. You can be made eligible by ____ the entry form. A. filling B. writing C. completing D. answering 23. The damage from the explosion _____ to over $ 50 million. A. amounted B. cost C. estimated D. added 24. The party was so good that it continued on into the _____hours. A. tardy B. little C. tiny D. early 25. He’s at the _____ of his career at twent y five. A. summit B. peak C. tip D. sky 26. The police didn’t use the violence because there wasn’t any ____ for it. A. notice B. call C. order D. use 27. Several houses were pulled down to make a(n) ____ for a new bypass. A. road B. way C. area D. hole 28. The police have ______ my stolen car .They found it in a back street. A. recovered B. noticed C. utilized D. preserved 29. She expressed her ______ for certain kinds of chiefly produced movies. A. disapproval B. dissatisfaction C. distaste D. disloyalty 30. Thank you for your ______to our seminar last week . A. enrichment B. contribution C. participation D. investment 31. The book contained a lot of _____ about how little petrol the car used. A. examination B. facts C. news D. information 32. Where can I get a good rate of _____ for my money? A. credit B. interest C. debt D. bargain 33. The air we breathe mainly consists _____oxygen and nitrogen. A. of B. in C. off D. with 34. Do you know what time the train ______ to Birmingham ? A. reaches B. gets C. arrives D. comes 35. You can see all the tourists slowly _____ around the town. A. marching B. running C. wandering D. rushing. Find the mistake in one part of the following sentences. 36. The coach was depending for his team to win the game so that they would have a A B C chance to play in the Super Bowl. D 37. Because it was faster, John insisted in my taking the plane to Miami instead of the A B C D train. 38. His highly imaginary composition won the judges’ approval and the first prize in the A B C D high school essay contest. 39.Paris has been well known for famous monuments , beautiful music and wonderful A B C D restaurants for over 100 years. 40.Scientists believe there have more than 350,000 species of plants but no one knows A B C D for sure. READING. -2-
  3. Read the passage then choose the best answer for each question. Passage I. The Telephone in the U.S. The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman who became a U.S citizen. The word ‘telephone’ had been (41) existence since the 1830s and had been (42) to a number of inventions designed to produce sound. Bell had become interested in the possibility o f long –distance speech (43)his work with the deaf. He was twenty – eight and his assistant, Thomas Watson, was (44) twenty – one when they (45) their great success on 10th March 1876. Despite their long and ( 46) association, Bell’s first communication by telephone was not ‘Tom, come here, I want you’, (47) ‘Mr. Watson, come here, I want you’.(48) with excitement, Bell and Watson demonstrated their invention to a US telegram company. The company wrote to Bell, (49)that his invention was interesting. However, after (50) it careful consideration, they had (51) to the conclusion that it had ‘no future’. Fortunately for Bell, others could see the possibilities. (52) four years of its invention, the US had 60,000 telephones. In the next twenty years that (53) increased to over 6 million. Today, ninety-three per cent of US homes have a phone, a (54) of phone ownership no other nation comes near to equaling. Each US household makes or receives (55) Average 3,516 call per year, an astonishing statistic. 41 A in B with C to D out 42 A joined B named C employed D applied 43 A through B as C because D along 44 A quite B just C simply D lately 45 A managed B achieved C succeed D fulfilled 46 A narrow B attached C close D near 47 A but B otherwise C instead D although 48 A Whole B Deep C Entire D Filled 49 A saying B informing C describing D referring 50 A regarding B giving C taking D bearing 51 A reached B come C arrived D brought 52 A Under B From C Within D About 53 A figure B count C measure D extent 54 A grade B height C level D rank 55 A on B by C at D for Passage II. Why do people drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other countries? The reason for this goes back to the days when people traveled by horse. Most people are right handed, and thus the left is the natural side to ride on if you are on home back and need your right hand to hold a sword in case of trouble. So why didn't the rest of the world do the same ? Because of Napo Leon Bonaparte. He insisted that his armies marched on the right and he marched through Europe, he imposed this rule wherever he went. The question suggests that only the British drive on the left, but in fact, out of 178 countries in the world, there are about 50 that drive on the left, including Japan. However, most of them are former British colonies. 56. Most people in the world_________ A. drive on the right. B. don’t like to drive on the left. -3-
  4. C. Find it inconvenient to drive on the left. D. dove on the left in the past. 57. The reason for left - handed rule was dated back from the past when A. people carried sword on horse back. B. people didn't travel by vehicles. C. people used their right hands to do other things. D. most people were right- handed. 58. It's natural for one to use the left hand to ride on if he's on horseback because A. he is right handed. B. only his left hand can ride a horse . C.The right hand is used to take the sword to protect himself. D. both A and C. 59. It was Napoleon__________ A. who forced his army to march on the right. B. who laid the foundation for the left - handed traffic rule. C. who imposed the rule everywhere in Europe. D. used to ride on the left hand. 60.The countries where people drive on the left _________ A. are in Europe. B. do not use vehicles. C. were once ruled by British colonies. D. are very backward. Passage III. Every year students in many countries learn English . Some are young , others are teenagers , many are adults. They not only learn at school but also in the office or among friends . A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on T.V or by study themselves. But not many people are lucky enough to do this. Most of them must work hard to learn it. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their main subjects. They study their own language , mathematics and English. In England or America , or Australia , students study their own language , which is English and mathematics and another language perhaps French , German or Spanish. Many adults learn English because it is important for their work. Teenagers o ften learn English for their higher studies ,because so me of their books are in English at the college or university . Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English . 61. According to the writer___________ A. only adults learn English . B. no children like learning English . C. English is popular in much of the world. D. English is useful only to teenagers. 62. Many people learn English by__________ A. watching videos only B. hearing the language in the office. C. talking with the films stars. D. working hard on their lessons. 63. Many students learn English because__________ A. English can give them a job. B. it is included in their study course. C. their parents make them. D. they have to study their own language. 64. Many adults learn English because __________ A. their work is useful. B. they want to go abroad. C. most of their books are in English . D. it helps them in their work. 65. In America and Australia many school children study __________ A. English as their foreign language. B. their own language, no foreign language. -4-
  5. C. English and mathematics only. D. such foreign language as French , German and Spanish. Passage IV. The real problem with population is people – the way people think about their environment . We all reluctant to accept the fact that our natural resources are fixed , in fact, since the earth was created. We want to go on using virgin materials . We aren’t educated to refusing resources or even placing a value on: “waste” product . We are a crisis society currently ; we are fearful of losing the use of our water and air to pollution . In one context , it is probably a good thing that we are so concerned because now we’ll begin to adjust our thinking on the values of natural resources and reuse . We once thought of water and air as free . They are not any more than land if free . People haven’t wanted to be educated on the part that must play in solving our environmental problems. 66. The environmental crisis can be turned around and solved if people________ A. insist on using virgin materials. B. change their basic attitude. C. adjust shortages and high prices. D. clean up their water and lake. 67. An important conclusion which can be drawn from the reading concerns ________ A. mass education. B. government financing . C. political responsibility. D. strict control. 68. It can be concluded from the statement : “ We are now a crisis society” that_________ A. American are pessimistic . B. American is a warlike people . C. American must be provoked to action. D. pollution is here to stay. 69. Water and air was once regarded as _________ A. precious B. unlimited C. something that one can take. D. ownerless. 70.”Unlimited natural resources” -the thought of many people has been in existence: A. Only in America. B. since the date birth of the earth. C. since people were not educated in time. D. because land was too plentiful. WRITING. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the first one. 71. Do you want any more tea? A. Would you like any more tea? B. You like some more tea, don’t you? C. Is some more tea good for you? D. I’ll give you some more tea if you like. 72. Is this the right way to the supermarket? A. Isn’t there any other way to the supermarket? B. Am I going in the right way to the supermarket? C. Is it the only way to the supermarket? D. Is it impossible to get to the supermarket in this way? 73. Do they sell goods at the exhibition? A. Are goods displayed at the exhibition? B. Can we buy goods at the exhibition? C. Are goods part of the exhibition? D. Are goods present at the exhibition? 74. Did you pay a lot for that coat ? A. Was that coat very valuable? B. Did you afford that coat? C. Was that coat very expensive? D. Was the price of that coat expensive? 75. Our house must be rebuilt , mustn’t it? -5-
  6. A. Someone must rebuilt our house , mustn’t he? B. We must rebuild our house, mustn’t we ? C. Rebuilding our house is good , isn’t it? D. We must have our house rebuilt , mustn’t we ? Choose the best part to complete each of the following sentences. 76. I met her ………………… Paris last summer. A. the time I was B. during my stay C. when I came D. with my stay 77. I couldn’t remember …………when I got into the taxi. A. which my hotel was called B. how people called for my hotel C. what my hotel was called D. the name my hotel called 78. All of us …………….. when she suddenly left the job. A. found ourselves surprising B. found it surprised C. found it surprising D. found it surprises 79. The receptionist asked ……………to the club . A. whether I was belonged B. if I had belonged C. whether I belonged D. If I was belonging 80. Is it ………….. stay open late in this country? A. often for shops B. frequent for shops C. ready for shops D. usual for shops LẦN 12. MÔN:TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 Mã đề thi số 00 1. 1.B 2C 3A 4 B 5A 6 D 7 C 8A 9 C 10A 11D 12C 13C 14A 15D 16B 17C 18A 19B 20D 21A 22C 23A 24D 25B 26B 27B 28A 29C 30B 31D 32B 33A 34B 35C 36A 37B 38A 39C 40B 41A 42D 43A 44B 45B 46C 47A 48D 49A 50B 51B 52C 53A 54C 55A 56A 57B 58D 59A 60C 61C 62D 63B 64D 65D 66B 67A 68A 69B 70B 71A 72B -6-
  7. 73B 74C 75D 76B 77C 78C 79C 80D -7-



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