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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ TN MÔN ANH (SỐ 1)

  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 1 PHONETICS Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1. A. submitted B. collected C. contributed D. attacked 2. A. exist B. examination C. example D. exercise 3. A. chemistry B. chimney C. teach D. speech Choose one word which has different stress 4. A. currently B. preference C. photography D. institute 5. A. average B. academic C. junior D. medicine 6. A. security B. however C. general D. apartment VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR Choose the best option to complete the sentences 7. Smoking ………… government offices. A. isn’t allowed B. doesn’t allowed C. is allowed D. does allow 8. If I were you I’d a …………… A. tour guide B. English teacher C. engineer D. architect 9. The is no need to leave a tip. Service…………….. in the bill. A. are included B. aren’t included C. is included D. must be included 10. Tom’s success resulted………. his hard work. B.from C.on 11. Mai has apply ...........a job as an accountant at that company. C.on D.for 12. We should have a ……………..checkup at least once a year. A. medicine B. medicinal C. medical D. medication 13. He was punished because he went out without asking……………. permission A. about B. for C. to D. with 14. Your food (still) …………….. A. is .... preparing B. is ... prepared C. is...being prepared D. was …………prepared 15. Children watch too much television. A. can be allowed B. should allow C. shouldn’t allow D. should be allowed 16. We had to go on holiday because our house…………… A. are decorating B. was decorating C. was being decorated D. was decorated 17. Why don’t you concentrate ....your writing? A.on D.for 18. All ……………mustn’t submit official TOEFL scores. A. officials B. applicants C. interviewers D. employers 19. All main courses……………. with vegetables or salad. A. are served B. must be served C. would serve D. will serve 20. Violent scenes …………….form television. A. must be banned B. should be banned C. aren’t banned D. isn’t banned 21. All expeditions must register their equipment and leave a 5000-dollar........... A. depositor B. expenditure C. service D. deposit 22. The candidates ……………carefully. A. can be selected B. are selected C. should be selected D. can select 23. Your application form must be ……………before handing in. A. translated B. focused C. admitted D. certified 24. Her mother is very…………….. about history. A. knowledged B. knowledgeable C. know D. knowing 25. Your application form must be translated ……….....English. A. onto B. into C. in D. with 26. Our journey…………… yesterday because of the heavy rain. A. had to be canceled B. has to be canceled C. was canceled D. was being canceled 27. Traveling broadens your knowledge. You seem very …………about it. A. knowledge B. knowledgeable C. to know D. know 28 …………….applicants can choose up to three universities or colleges. A. He says B. It is said C. Seldom do D. Students want 29. Who was the last applicant ……………. by that interviewer yesterday. A. interviewed B. to be interviewed C. to be interviewing D. to interview 30. Tom was punished because his homework……………. A. hasn’t becn done. B. hadn’t been done C. haven’t been done . D. was done Choose the underlined words or phrases that need correcting 31. In general , careful consideration should give to financial planning while you are preparing to study overseas.
  2. A B C D 32. My children’s school put emphasize on reason and observation. A B C D 33. Most books in this library are systematical arranged . A B C D 34. Since the new road built , traffic has not been a problem. A B C D 35. My sister has talent in photographic and she has won many prizes A B C D Choose the sentence which means the same as the original sentence 36. The clown made us laugh a lot. A. We were made to laugh a lot by the clown. B. We were made to be laughed a lot by the clown. C. We made the clown laugh a lot. D. We were laughed a lot by the clown. 37. People say there are 96 universities in the UK. A. There is said to have 96 universities in the UK B. It was said there are 96 uni versities in the UK. C. They are said there to be 96 universities in the UK. D. There are said to be 96 universities in the UK. 38. People think that many endangered animals have been saved by laws. A. Laws have saved many endangered animals. B. It is thought that most endangered animals have saved by laws. C. It thought most endangered animals have been saved by laws.. D. It is thought laws have saved many endangered animals. 39. Nam went to Hanoi, and so did his parents. A. His parents went to Hanoi as well. B. His parents went to Hanoi too. C. Nam and his parents went to Hanoi. D. Narn or his parents went to Hanoi. 40. Although he lives in Vietnam, he doesn’t know Vietnamese customs well. A. He lives in Vietnam, so he doesn’t know Vietnamese customs well. B. Despite he lives in Vietnam, he doesn’t know Vietnamese customs well. C. He lives in Vietnam, but he doesn’t know Vietnamese customs well. D. However he lives in Vietnam, but he doesn’t know Vietnamese customs well. GAP-FILLING There was little in his childhood background (4…) the remarkable prestige that Confucius (42…… ) achieved. He was born in a small principality in northeastern China, was reared in poverty and had no formal education. Through diligent study, however, he educated himself and became a learned man. For a while he held a minor government post; but he soon resigned that position and spent most of his life as a teacher. Eventually, his most important teaching were gathered together into a book, the Analects, (43- ________) by his disciples. The two cornerstones of his system of personal conduct were jen and Ii. Jen might be defined (44…..) ‘benevolent concern of one’s fellow men.’ Li is a term less easily translated: it combines the notion of iquette, good manners, and dueconcern and virtue rather than wealth (and in his personal life he seems to have acted on that principle). (45- _____), he was the first major philosopher to state the Golden Rule, which he phrased as ‘Do not do unto others that which you would not have them do unto you.’ 41. A. to predict B. predict C. prediction D. predicting 42. A. event B. eventually C. eventual D eventful 43. A. was compiled B. compiling C. which was compiled D. which compiling 44. A. like B. as C. in D.of 45. A. In addition B. In case C. Beside D. On the contrary READING The ideas of John Dewey, philosopher and educator, have influenced American thought for over one hundred years. Dewey was born in Vermont in 1859, and throughout hi life he kept the respect for experience, individuality, and fair play that shaped the character of the nineteenthcentury Vermonter. He viewed his own life as a continuously reconstructive process -. with experience and knowledge building on each other. By the 1930s, Dewey had simplified his theory of experience to its essence. As the intellectual leader of the progressive schools, he asserted that there was danger in rejecting the old unless the new was rooted in a conect idea of experience. He held that experience is an interaction between what a person already knows and the situation at hand. Previous knowledge interacting with the present environment influences future experience. Dewey be1ievd that experience could not be equated with education because all experiences as not necessarily educative. Experience ids educative only when it contributes to the growth of the individual, but it can be miseducative if it distorts the growth of further experience. It is the quality of experience that matters. Thus, productive experience is both the means and the goal of education. Furthermore, since education is a social process, truly progressive education involves the participation of the learner in directing the learning experience. During his long life, Dewey lectured and published prolifically. These writings were influential both during his lifetime and after his death at the age of ninety-two. He viewed his whole life as an experiment which would
  3. produce knowledge that would lead to further experimentation. The range and diversity of Dewey’s writings and his influence on society place him among American’s great thinkers. 46. The passage mainly discusses A. John Dewey’s professional growth B. the educational methods of John Dewey C. the progressive movement in education D. John Dewey’s theory of experience 47. The word “its” in refers to A. progressive education B. theory of experience C. the 1930s D. the old 48. According to John Dewey, the interplay between a person’s previous knowledge and the present situation is A. dangerous B. a rejection of the old C. education D a correct idea of experience 49. All of the following were part of Dewey’s theory of experience and education EXCEPT A. present experience affects future experience B. knowledge and experience interact C. experience is always educative D. experience should develop the individual 50. According to Dewey, progressive education should include A the active participation of the student B. both positive and negative e:perience C. complete rejection of traditional methods D. directing new social processes The end De 2 PHONETICS Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the others 1. A. architect B. school C. machine D. technical 2. A. tolerated B. supposedly C. collected D. looked 3. A. addition B. question C. initial D. nation Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the others 4. A. managerial B. experience C. available D. responsible 5. A. qualification B. certificate C. impression D. department 6. A. vacancy B. possible C. suitable D. addition II. IDENTIFY THE ONE THAT IS CORRECT 7. Personal ________can make a good impression on the interviewer. A. responsibility B. disappearance C. appearance D. punctuality 8. When we are dressed decently, we show our to the interviewer. A. attribute B. respect C. demeanor D. background 9. Interpersonal skill is necessary for a ______________ A. tutor B. soldier C. farmer D. tour guide 10. She has a lot of experience ________ to the job she is applying for . A. accustomed B. relevant C. similar D. contrary 11. I am interested in meeting new people, so I think the job of a salesperson would be _______ for me A. suitable B. necessary C. difficult D. available 12. I would be _________ for work at any time. A. available B. keen C. qualified D. right 13. It is also a nice _________ and a matter of politeness. A. face B. gesture C. service D. demeanor 14. Son didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his teacher. He just couldn’t control his temper. A. showing lack of trust B. showing nervousness C. showing impolite behavior D. showing lack of attention 15. Cooperative activities help students promote their team spirit. A. involving volunteering work . B . related to the task of helping other people C. related to organizing an office D. involving working together with others. 16. When a computer company finally had a vacant post, they offered it to her. A. excellent B. available C. suitable D. Empty 17. We conducted the remedial courses for the weak schoolboys and schoolgirls. A. studied B. read C. taught D. organized 18. Helping the community……….. us to develop our interpersonal skills. A. makes B. does C. forces D. enables 19. During the interview, you should speak ……………… A. slow and clear B. slowly and clearly C. slow and clearly D. slowly and clear 20. After the interview, don’t ……………. the thank- you note or follow-up letter. A. remember B. regret C. mention D. neglect 21. Personal appearance can make a good …………. on the interview. A. arrangement B. appointment C. impression D. decision 22. Let me __________ that we are fully committed to this policy.
  4. A. speak B. reiterate C. conduct D. apply 23. I think that my abilities, personality, and my experience will meet the —— of the job. A. satisfaction B. Information C. requirements D. qualifications 24. _________ in French and German is required for this job. A. Fluent B. Fluently C. Fluentation D. Fluency 25. Those factory closures will mean _____ for more than 600 workers. A. employer B. employment C. employee D. unemployment 26. Not until darkness fell __________ he hadn’t done half of his work. A. that he realized B. that he didn’t realize C. did he realize D. didn’t he realize 27. I know the place very well, so let me be your………………….. A. guided B. guidance C. guiding D. guide 28. The little boy’s ____________ to go to school pleases hismother. A. keen B. keenly C. keenness D. keenness 29. I met three friends, ___________ are teachers. A. one of them B. two of them C. two of who D. two of whom 30. The woman ______the piano well can cook well. A. Whom she plays the piano well B. who she plays C. whose daughter can play D. who daughter can play Error identification 31. I can’t stand make noise in class. Would you please do something more useful ? A B C D 32. Making up your mind to do what is right. A B C D 33. Don’t let him make you doing this . A B CD 34. She used to do speeches on Sunday morning. A B C D 35. There were a time when I used to swim five laps every day, but now I do not have enough time . A B. C D Sentence making 36. Alice’s acting skills / unspoilt personality / he / by both / and her natural. / was impressed /. A. Alice’s acting skills was impressed he by both unspoilt personality and her natural. B. Alice’s acting skills was impressed unspoilt personality by both he and her natural. C. He was impressed by both Alice’s acting skills and her natural, unspoilt personality. D. Alice’s acting skills and her natural he was impressed by both unspoilt personality. 37. Japan / lifetime / large I a / in / companies / tend / for / to give /. A. In Japan companies tend to give large employment for a lifetime B. In Japan companies tend to give employment for a large lifetime. C. Large companies in Japan tend to give employment for a lifetime. D. Companies in Japan tend to give large employment for a lifetime 38. Many retired / feeling that / if / they / do not / for new jobs / left / work / will be / society / the / out of / look for/ A. Many retired look for new jobs, feeling that if they do not work they will be left out of the society. B. Many retired look for new jobs, feeling that if they do not left out the society they will be work. C. Many retired do not work, feeling that they look for new jobs they will be left out of the society. D. Many retired will be left out of the society, feeling that if they do not work they look for new jobs. 39. Japan / often / employees fin / new / holidays / companies / summer/ the / take in / after. A. Japan employees often take in companies in after the summer holidays. B. Japan companies often take in new employees in after the summer holidays. C. In Japan, companies often take in new employees after the summer holidays. D. In Japan, new employees often take in companies after the summer holidays. 40. writing / advertisement / I / complain / which / am / to / about / the I, I gave wrong / about /, / the / English / information / center /. A. I am writing to complain about the advertisement, which gave the wrong English information center. B. I am writing about the advertisement, which gave wrong complain to the English center information. C. I am writing about the English center, which gave wrong complain to the advertisement information. D. I am writing to complain about the advertisement, which gave wrong information about the English center. GAP-FILLING JOB INTERVIEWS Interviewers are an imperfect method of choosing the best people for jobs, yet human beings like to examine each other in this way. One of the many problems of (41- ) as it is commonly practiced is that the forms filled in by (42- _____) often fail to show people as they really are. This means that you can follow all the best advice when
  5. completing your form and still’ find that you are (43- ) at the next stage - the interview. (44- ) in the rare cases where interviews are automatic, a candidate with an inadequate form may do surprisingly well. Of course, your form needs to show that you have confidence in your ability to do the job, (45 ) to turn yourself into someone else - a person you have to pretend to be at the interview. Realism and honesty are definitely the best approach. 41. A. selection B. selecting C. select D. selective 42. A. applying B. applicants C. application D. apply 43. A. succeeding B. success C. successful D. unsuccessful 44. A. Similar B. Similarity C. Similarly D. Dissimilar 45.A.andtry B.butnottry C. But no try D. But don’t try READING Accreditation is a system for setting national standards of quality in education. The United States is unique in the world because its accreditation system is not administered by the government, but rather by committees of educators and private agencies like the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Society of Engineers. Before registering to study in any educational institution in the United States, a student should make certain that the institution is accredited in order to assure that the school has a recognized standard of organization, instruction, and financial support. Foreign students should be particularly careful to check an institution’s accreditation because other governments or future employers may not recognize a degree earned from a school that has not received accreditation. If a college is accredited, catalogs and brochures will usually indicate the accreditation status. If you are not sure about a certain school, don’t hesitate to check its reputation with an education officer at the nearest U.S. embassy. 46. What should students do in order to check the accreditation of a school that may interest them? A. Write to the school. B. Write to the U.S. Ministry of Education. C. Register to study at the school. D. Consult a U.S. embassy official 47. According to the author, all of the following statements are true of the accreditation system in the United States EXCEPT A. The accreditation on status of a school will be listed in its catalogs and brochures. B. Future employers will be influenced by the accreditation of a candidate’s school. C. Accreditation provides information about the standards of instruction and organization of a school. D. The accreditation system is like that of many other countries. 48. The word “unique” in sentence the sentence 2 most nearly means A. unusual B. first C. standard. D. large 49. The word ‘its’ refers to A. school B. status C. embassy D. reputation 50. From this passage, it may be concluded that an unaccredited school A. does not offer a degree B. may close because of financial disorganization C. is administered by the government D. is better than an accredited school ---- The end ---
  6. C©u 1 : Most beer is cheap, but ___ is expensive. A. some B. any C. rest D. little C©u 2 : When I phoned the receptionist asked which door ___ A. d id I want to see B. I want to see C. do I want to see D. I wanted to see C©u 3 : The man who controls the tennis match ___ me to start serving. A. warns B. says C. asks D. makes C©u 4 : The final deliver of the d ay is the importantest. (Find the mistake) A. A BC D C©u 5 : ___ you are refusing to tell me the truth, I shall have to report to the police. A. Unless B. Since C. When D. For C©u 6 : Fire extingishers can contain liquefier gas, dry chemicals or watery. (Find the mistake) A B C D C©u 7 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirently from the other : A. n one B. stone C. ph one D. zone C©u 8 : I don’t mean he is __ but he is not very good with money. A. d ishonest B. h onestly C. honest D. dishonestly C©u 9 : The books that I read was very interesting. (Find the mistake) A. read B. that C. was D. interesting C©u 10 : If Victor h adn’t helped me, I wouldn’t move this table. (Find the mistake) A B C D Choose the word is stressed d iffirently from the other : C©u 11 : A. Disorder B. imitate C. interest D. invalid C©u 12 : Sometimes I dream ___ running on a beach with no one in sight, A. about B. of C. off D. as C©u 13 : You are nothing as clever as you used to ___ . A. be B. intelligent C. d o D. are C©u 14 : Choose the word is stressed diffirently from the other : A. Defend B. empty C. impact D. income C©u 15 : ___ I phoned the police. A. As I arrived B. So I arrived C. By the time I arrived D When I arrived C©u 16 : She promised to get the ticket, and she will do __ as soon as posible. A. this B. like that C. so D. it C©u 17 : When the family arrived at the hotels, ___. A. it was dark already B. it has been dark already C. it is dark already D. it was already dark C©u 18 : It’s important to listen to people carefully, and I usually ___ . A. d oing B. d o C. did D. to be doing C©u 19 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirently from the other : A. oasis B. resort C. desert D. position C©u 20 : I am interesting in problems caused by pollution. (Find the mistake) A B C D C©u 21 : I think we should let her __ on h oliday alone, she’s not a child any more, A. enjoy B. g o C. spend D. leave C©u 22 : I don’t take ___ exercise now, but I played football a lot when I was small. A. many B. much C. quite D. this C©u 23 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffirently from the other : A. g ive B. five C. dive D. hive C©u 24 : This is the first English exam I have __ taken. A. always B. ever C. never D. now C©u 25 : We live ___ a small river that flows into the Thames. A. in B. on C. off D. over C©u 26 : I left in the middle of the film, did they get married __ the end ? A. on B. at C. in D. with C©u 27 : Only George could make a mistake __ that. A. as B. like C. so D. such C©u 28 : __ of the children is capable of looking after the children. A. Either B. Not C. Neither D. No C©u 29 : I will phone you, ___.
  7. A. if I reach London B. as soon as I will reach London C. soon I reach London D. as soon as I reach London C©u 30 : He had been treated as if ___. A. h e is a criminal B. was he a criminal C. h e will be a criminal D. he was a criminal Read the passage and then fill in the gaps with the best word given L ast Friday morning I woke up (31) __. As soon as I realized what time (32) __, I jumped (33) __ b ed, took off my pajamas and (34) __ my school uniform as fast as I could. Then I grabbed my (35) __ and ran out the door. When I got down to the street, I saw a mini-bus. I got on it and took a (36) __ near the window at the (37) __. Just than I remembered that I had forgotten to (38) __ any (39) __ with me before I left the h ouse. I (40) __ my hands in my pockets to see if there was any money in them but they were all (41) __. I didn’t know (42) __ to do. I knew that when I got (43) ___ the mini-bus, I would have to may my (44) __ to the d river. What could I say to him? Just then, the mini-bus stopped to pick up a (45) __. When I saw that it was one of my classmates, I greeted him enthusiastically. My problem was solved. C©u 31: A lately B. later C. late D. latter C©u 32: A already was B. was it C. it was D. then C©u 33: A into B. out of C. over D. down C©u 34: A wore B. d ressed C. put on D. hung up C©u 35: A b ooks bag B. b ag books C. suitcase D. luggage C©u 36: A sit B. chair C. bench D. seat C©u 37: A b ack B. end C. behind D. last C©u 38: A take B. k eep C. hide D. put C©u 39: A thing B. coins C. money D. paper C©u 40: A entered B. picked C. kept D. put C©u 41: A empty B. n othing C. blank D. clean C©u 42: A what B. h ow C. which D. the way C©u 43: A off B. d own C. put D. away C©u 44: A money B. fare C. seat D. price C©u 45: A customer B. rider C. passenger D. pedestrian Read the passage and then choose the best answer If you don’t very often eat out in a restaurant, you may need some advice as the latest issue of the Good Food Guide points out. Several rules for people eating out are given, some of which seem perhaps of favor restaurant staff more then they are likely to help diners. For example the Guide tells its readers to be sure to phone up and cancel any booking they make which they can’ keep. The restaurant may otherwise be h olding a table and turning away customers as its busiest time. Apparently this is a legal requirement, though how anyone could trace a Mr. smith or a ms. Jones who didn’t turn up with a party of six is anyone’s guess. The Guide also advices you to ring up if you’re going to be delayed by more than a q uarter of an hour. If you don’t, your table may be given to someone else and it’s only polite, according to the Guide. C©u 46: This might be from ___ A. a TV program B. a radio program C. a n ewspaper D. a brochure C©u 47: What’s Good Food Guide A. a b ook B. a manual C. a poster D. a newspaper C©u 48: You can find in the Good Food Guide some rules for ___ A. eating in a restaurant B. booking a table in a restaurant C. telephoning a restaurant D. refusing a table booking C©u 49: If you can’t keep a booking, you ___. A. n eedn’t call to cancel B. should call to cancel C. g o to the restaurant to apologize D. phone the manager to cancel C©u 50: If you are late for the booking ___. A. the table will be given to other people B. it’s rude C. y ou will not get your table at all, D. you should call to tell the restaurant
  8. L­u ý: §èi víi mçi c©u tr¾c nghiÖm, thÝ sinh ®­îc chän vµ t« kÝn mét « trßn t­¬ng øng víi ph­¬ng ¸n tr¶ lêi. C¸ch t« ®óng :  01 28 02 29 03 30 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
  9. phiÕu soi - ®¸p ¸n (Dµnh cho gi¸m kh¶o) M«n : anh 12 - de 5 §Ò sè : 1 01 28 02 29 03 30 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27



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