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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14

  1. Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 14 Pronunciation 1. a. bear b. heart c. pear d. wear --> b 2. a. jowl b. own c. tow d. crow --> a 3. a. pool b. noon c. look d. fool --> c 4. a. cap b. bark c. fast d. cast --> a 5. a. tomb b. bomb c. prompt d. atomic --> a 6. a. ago b. ascend c. against d. ash d
  2. Find the mistakes 7. Police had better never drinking alcohol on duty. a. had better b. never c. drinking d. on --> c 8. In his opinion, Chinese is a very difficult language to pick out quickly. a. is b. difficult c. to d. pick out --> d 9. Don has alwa ys used to write back as soon as he got my letters, but months can go b y before I get a reply these days. a. has alwa ys used b. as soon as c. can go d. get --> a Grammar and Vocabulary 10. W hen I came to Britain, I had to get used .................on the left. a. driving b. to driving c. to drive d. drive b 11. In spite of his protests, his father ............... him train for the race two hours a day. a. let b. made c. insisted d. caused b 12. Mark is a student at .................... a. London University b. the London University c. the University of London d. both a and c are correct
  3. d 13. It was impossible for Susan to tell the truth so she had to ............... a story. a. invent b. combine c. manage d. lie a 14. W hat a great party! ................. enjo yed it. a. Everybod y b. All c. All of us d. both a and c are correct d 15. The show was ver y long, but there were two ......................... a. intervals b. tests c. interruptions d. gaps a 16. Paul’s a good swimmer. I can’t swim as well as .................. . a. he b. him c. he can d. both b and c are correct d 17. This old hospital is going to be ....................... soon. a. laid out b. run down c. pulled down d. knocked out c 18. The accident was m y fault, so I had to pay for the damage .............the other car. a. of b. for c. to d. on c 19. I phoned her to make an early ............... at the hairdresser's.
  4. a. order b. date c. assignment d. appointment d 20. Sue Chine for five years. Now she lives in France. a. lived b. has lived c. has been living d. had lived a 21. The nurse ............... a rare disease when she was working in the hospital. a. took b. suffered c. infected d. caught d 22. It’s late. It’s time ................. home. a. to go b. to going c. for going d. going a 23. Papermaking began in China and from there it ................. to North Africa and Europe. a. sprang b. spilled c. carried d. spread d 24. I’m thinking .................... a house. Do you think that’s a good idea? a. to bu y b. of to bu y c. of bu ying d. about bu y c 25. W hen we heard his joke, we burst into loud ...................... a. smiles b. laughter c. amusement
  5. d. enjo yment b 26. W hat time ................... on television? a. is the news b. are the news c. is news d. are news a 27. The traffic lights ............... to red, and the pedestrians crossed the street. a. exchanged b. turned c. removed d. shone b 28. The bus service is ver y good. There’s a bus .................. fifteen minutes. a. each b. every c. all d. most b 29. It is a good idea to be ............... dressed when we go for an interview. a. finely b. boldly c. smartly d. clearly c 30. The story was really boring. It was ................ I’ve ever read. a. most boring story b. the more boring story c. the story more boring d. the most boring story d 31. The plane .................... down at Cairo on its wa y to India. a. remained b. landed c. visited d. touched d 32. W hy were you so unfriendly ................ Susan? Have you had a row with her?
  6. a. of b. for c. to d. with c 33. Many accidents in the home could be ............... if householders gave more thought to safety in their houses. a. avoided b. excluded c. protected d. preserved a 34. The bo y sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ........................ before. a. hasn’t flown b. didn’t fly c. hadn’t flown d. wasn’t flying c 35. Smoking is a ver y bad habit but many people find difficult to .................. it. a. break b. beat c. breathe d. cough a 36. I’m sure you’ll have no ......................the exam. a. difficulty to pass b. difficulties to pass c. difficu lties passing d. difficulty passing d 37. W ho is most likely to swing a club? a. a golfer b. a tennis player c. a basketball pla yer d. a cricket player a 38. It took me quite a long time to get there. It was ................. journey. a. three hour b. a three-hours
  7. c. a three-hour d. three hours c 39. He was told to eat all his rice or ................ he would get no ice-cream. a. in case b. else c. instead d. in fact b 40. M y brother likes walking . .................................. . a. Every morning he walks to work. b. He walks to work ever y morning. c. He walks ever y morning to work. d. both a and b are correct d 41. ................ you have no ke y, you will have to get back before I go to school. a. Although b. Provided c. As d. Unless c 42. He’s not very good ............. translating documents. a. at b. for c. in d. about a 43. ................ the time you get to the cinema, the film will have finished. a. Until b. In c. B y d. On c 44. .......................a villa when the y were living in London? a. Had they b. Did they have c. W ere they having d. Have the y had b
  8. 45. Since his mother died, his aunt ……………. him. a. brought up b. brought in c. brought on d. brought after a 46. M y close friend phoned to a fare-well party. a. for invite b. to invite c. for inviting d. for to invite b 47. They took him to the police when he was caught with his hand in the ............... a. register b. till c. accounts d. books b 48. Could you tell me where ....................... is? a. the manager office b. the manager’s office c. the office of the manager d. the office of the manager’s b 49. Have you any objections ................ this plan? a. with b. for c. at d. to d 50. .......................a long time for the train. a. Alwa ys we have to wait b. We always have to wait c. W e have alwa ys to wait d. We have to wait always b



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