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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 6

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 6

  1. Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 6 Pronunciation 1. a. supper b. hungr y c. pull d. punish c 2. a. have b. chance c. hand d. stand b 3. a. buck b. duck c. reduce d. structure c 4. a. borrow b. grow c. sparrow d. crowd d 5. a. leave b. weave c. wear y d. steal c 6. a. chief b. thief c. deaf d. leaf c 7. a. smart
  2. b. cracker c. snack d. packet a Find the mistakes 8. If protect, a solar cell lasts for a long time and is a good source of energy. a. protect b. a solar c. lasts d. source of a 9. The growth rate of the Pacific Rim countries is five times fast as comparable areas during the Industrial Revolution. a. growth rate b. times c. fast as d. during c 10. Drug abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems. a. have b. one of c. most d. problems a Grammar and Vocabulary 11. Do you think Spanish is an important language ...................... ? a. for mastering b. to master c. master d. mastering b 12. Don’t worry. I have to pass your house anywa y, so I’ll give you a(n) .................. a. elevator b. lift c. move d. riding b 13. Mark said he ................... 23 the following month. a. was b. is
  3. c. will be d. would be d 14. I’ll recommend you a car with ver y lo w petrol consumption. It’s a ver y .................... car to run. a. fast b. slow c. expensive d. economical d 15. "W hy ................. an extra day in Tokyo?" "I .................. tell you tomorrow. I’m very busy now." a. do you stay / will b. did you stay / will c. have you sta yed / would d. had you stayed / would b 16. They have worked for the company .................. 20 years. a. for b. until c. since d. more than a 17. All applicants should be over twenty years of age. a. people who work as mechanics b. people who ask for jobs c. students d. men who enter the military b 18. He’s not all that interested in politics and ............ affairs. a. actual b. current c. modern d. recent b 19. .................. he gets to the airport, they’ll check in his luggage. a. Wherever b. However c. Although d. As soon as
  4. d 20. This man is as deaf as a post. a. intelligent b. very tall c. not able to talk d. not able to hear d 21. ..................your house painted last year? a. Did b. Was c. Had d. Have b 22. "Did Susan use to be your next-door neighbor?" "Yes, but I .................. like her." a. was b. ever did c. did ever d. never did d 23. ‘’Whose hat is it?’’ ‘’It’s my ..................’’ a. sister b. sisters c. sister’s d. sisters’ c 24. Are you saying you ....................... Sue again? a. never saw b. never will see c. will never see d. would ever see c 25. It’s an hour since he .................., so he must be at the office now. a. is leaving b. was leaving c. has left d. left d 26. W e’ve been waiting for Jean. We wonder if he ................... his wa y.
  5. a. would lose b. will lose c. had lost d. has lost d 27. He .................. book the tickets, but he had not enough time to call at the cinema. a. would have b. might have c. could have d. was going to d 28. "I................. an Chinese course now." "How long ...................... Chinese?" "For three years now." a. am going to take / were you learning b. am taking / had you been learning c. have been taking / did you learn d. am taking / have you been learning d 29. He owes you a lot of money, ..................? a. isn’t it b. doesn’t he c. hasn’t he d. has he b 30. Laws restricting hunting and fishing to conserve .............. have been passed b y many countries. a. the natural environment b. fish c. wild life d. the resources c 31. I am not read y, .................. a. and she isn’t too b. and neither is she c. and so is she d. she is too b 32. If you burn the garbage, it will give off ................. odor. a. poisonous
  6. b. dirty c. pleasant d. awful a 33. He telephoned while I .................. dinner. a. am having b. had c. have had d. was having d 34. M y parents died in an accident, and I was the age of three. a. useless b. careless c. helpless d. thoughtless c 35. ‘’Would you mind turning the fan on?’’ ‘’..................’’ a. Yes, please b. No, thank you c. Not at all d. No, I’m not c 36. Mr. Green outlived his wife b y three years. a. lived outside b. separated from c. lived longer than d. divorces c 37. Mary said, ‘’Book my seat in advance, John’’ (select the correct reported speech form for the following request) a. Mary said to John to book her seat in advance. b. Mary told John book her seat in advance. c. Mary told John that he booked her seat in advance. d. Mary told John to book her seat in advance. d 38. W hen she was a child, she was deprived of fatherly affection. a. not having b. full of c. enjo yed d. played with
  7. a 39. ‘’How often do you go to the movies?’’ "............................................" a. ‘’No, I don’t often go to the movies.’’ b. ‘’Yes, I sometimes go to the movies.’’ c. ‘’I go to the movies twice a week.’’ d. ‘’Yes, I often go to the movies.’’ c 40. In spite of bad weather, the picnic will go ahead. a. be cancelled b. be enjo yed c. travel far d. take place d 41. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday. She wanted have her hair washed. (Select the correct combination of the following pair of sentences) a. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday to wash her hair. b. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday for her hair to be washed. c. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday to have her hair washed. d. She went to the hairdresser’s yesterday for her hair washed. c 42. These tiles are made for .................. purposes only. a. decorate b. decoration c. decorative d. decoratively c 43. All next week the farmer will be ploughing the field. (select the correct passive form of the following sentence) a. All next week the field will be ploughed b y the farmer. b. All next week the field will be ploughing b y the farmer. c. All next week the field will be being ploughed by the farmer. d. All next week the field will being ploughed b y the farmer. c 44. The number of students entering Harvard Universit y ......... over the last few years. a. have raised b. has raised c. have risen d. has risen d
  8. 45. The movie was sad and she wept. If it .................. sad, she .................. a. hadn’t been/ wouldn’t have wept b. wasn’t/ wouldn’t weep c. wasn’t/ would weep d. had been/ would have wept a 46. “I’m terribly sorry for spilling soup over your carpet.” “...................... . I’m going to bu y a new one anyway. ” a. You are welcome! b. No problem! c. I should forgive you ! d. This is all right! b 47. A manager of a large international company is often given a big .................. a. pay b. mone y c. salary d. wage c 48. Think twice before you write down the answer. .................... you may make a mistake. a. However b. Otherwise c. If so d. Nevertheless b 49. It’s nearly two years since I last .................. to Dalat. a. have been going b. have gone c. went d. had gone c 50. He has never had any accident. He is a ................. driver. a. care b. careful c. carefully d. careless b



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