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ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 - Mã đề thi 207

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 - Mã đề thi 207

  1. ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 Th ời gian làm bài: 45 phút; Họ, tên thí sinh:........................................................................ Mã đề thi 207 Lớp: 12 …….. Hãy tô vào các ô tương ứng A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 1O O O O 11 O O O O 21 O O O O 31 O O O O 2O O O O 12 O O O O 22 O O O O 32 O O O O 3O O O O 13 O O O O 23 O O O O 33 O O O O 4O O O O 14 O O O O 24 O O O O 34 O O O O 5O O O O 15 O O O O 25 O O O O 35 O O O O 6O O O O 16 O O O O 26 O O O O 36 O O O O 7O O O O 17 O O O O 27 O O O O 37 O O O O 8O O O O 18 O O O O 28 O O O O 38 O O O O 9O O O O 19 O O O O 29 O O O O 39 O O O O 10 O O O O 20 O O O O 30 O O O O 40 O O O O Choose the most suitable word or phrase. From 1 to 20 Câu 1: who’s going to look ..........the children while you are away? A. after B. over C. u p D. at Câu 2: I’m going ..........for a few days so don’t send me any more work. A. in B. away C. o ver D. after Câu 3: yesterday I met your brother,................. had taken us to the headquaters of the United Nations in New York before. A. who B. whom C. t hat D. whose Câu 4: The people...........called me yesterday want to buy your house. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose Câu 5: volleyball, basketball, football and handball are ......... games. A. group B. class C. crowd D. team Câu 6: Rowing is the act of propelling a boat with ........... A. clubs B. sticks C. bats D. o ars th Câu 7: FIFA has decided that South Africa will ......... the 19 World Cup in 2010. A. host B. organise C. manage D. arrange Câu 8: The organization was established in 1950 in the USA. A. put on B. made out C. come around D. set up Câu 9: Be careful! The tree is going to fall. A. look out B. look up C. look after D. look on Câu 10: The more I got to know Tom,...............I liked him. A. the less B. least C. t he least D. the fewer Câu 11: The..............we start, the sooner we will be back. A. earliest B. early C. earlier D. more early Câu 12: The rooms in the front.................noisier than those in the back. A. are more B. are very C. are much D. are littler Câu 13: Of all the handbags, which one do you like.......? A. most B. the best C. t he more D. best Câu 14: “where’s the old chicken coop?” “ a windstorm last year.” A. destroy B. is destroyed C. destroyed D. was destroyed Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 207
  2. Câu 15: New Zealand ………………… 1,000 miles southeast of Australia. A. is laid about B. is lain C. is lying D. lies about Câu 16: “don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day,” he said A. He reminded me to feed the chicken twice a day. B. told not to forget to feed the chicken twice a day. C. said don’t foget to feed the chicken twice a day. D. He suggested me to feed the chicken twice a day. Câu 17: He is not old enough to do the volunteer work. A. his youngster prevents him from doing the volunteer work. B. he is too young to do the volunteer work. C. He is very young that he can’t do the volunteer work. D. he can’t do the volunteer work because of his old age. Câu 18: Could you please open the window? A. would you mind open the window? B. would you mind to open the window? C. Would you mind opens the window? D. Would you mind opening the window? Câu 19: The last time I saw Rose was three years ago. A. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago B. I haven’t seen Rose since three years. C. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years. D. I haven’t seen Rose for three years. Câu 20: No one in the class is taller than Dave. A. Dave is taller student in the class. B. Dave is the taller student in the class. C. Dave is tallest student in the class. D. Dave is the tallest student in the class. Fill in each numbered with one suitable word or phrase. From 21 to 25 I had a terrible time last Saturday. It ...(21)....cold, but quite sunny, so after lunch I walked into town. I wanted to bu y a pullover. I was looking in the window of a clothes .....(22).....when someone stole my wallet. While I was walking home, it started ....(23).....and I arrived home cold and miserable. I decided to have a bath. I was getting ready to have a bath....(24)........the doorbell rang. It was a flower seller and it took me a several minutes to make him away. Unfortunately, all the time he was walking ....(25)...... me, the water was running. You can imagine how the kitchen was! Câu 21: A. were B. is C. has been D. was Câu 22: A. shop B. café C. office D. bar Câu 23: A. rains B. to rain C. rained D. rain Câu 24: A. when B. so C. if D. where Câu 25: A. of B. out C. o n D. to Choose the word whose underlined part differently from the rest. From 26 to 30 Câu 26 : A. looks B. laughs C. stops D. lend s Câu 27: A. weather B. threaten C. spread D. earth Câu 28: A. high B. thought C. laugh D. eight Câu 29: A. scholar B. approach C. aching D. chemist Câu 30: A. decided B. expected C. engaged D. attracted Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. From 31 to 35 When rainforests are cleared and burned, millions of tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere affecting climatic conditions and threatening us all with severe flooding, drought and crop failure. The rainforests contain at least half of the Earth’s species. At the current rate of devastation, an estimated 50 species worldwide become extinct every day. One in four purchases from our chemist’s is derived from the rainforests .Scientists rare currently caught in a race against time to find rainforest treatment for cancer, AIDS and heart diseases before they are lost forever. Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 207
  3. Câu 31: When rainforests are cleared and burned, millions of tons of……………………are released into the air. A. smoke B. carbon dioxide C. nitrogen D. o xygen Câu 32: What are the bad consequences of the destruction of rainforests? A. crop failure B. severe flooding C. drought D. all A, B and C Câu 33: According to the passage, the rainforests contain at least ………………….the Earth’s species. A. 30% B. 70% C. 15% D. 50% Câu 34: How many species worldwide are estimated to disappear every day? A. 16 B. 60 C. 1 5 D. 5 0 Câu 35: Scientists are trying to……………………………….before rainforests are lost forever A. do research B. study C. survey D. race against time Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. From 36 to 40 Câu 6: o nly when the famine gets worse world governments will begin to act. A B C D Câu 7: Members of high school clubs learn to participation in teams through their involvement in A B C D community projects. Câu 8: They agreed with waiting for me if I was late. A B C D Câu 9: The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired. A B C D Câu 10: The purposes o f volunteer work is to help poor people how improving their life. A B C D ----------------------------------------------- ----------- HẾT ---------- Trang 3/3 - Mã đề thi 207



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