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Demographic study of incidence and etiologies of anaemia in sheep and goats in and around Namakkal, Tamil Nadu

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The present study was undertaken to record the incidence and etiologies of anaemia in sheep and goats presented to Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal in Tamil Nadu.

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Nội dung Text: Demographic study of incidence and etiologies of anaemia in sheep and goats in and around Namakkal, Tamil Nadu

  1. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(03): 1177-1183 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 10 Number 02 (2021) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Demographic Study of Incidence and Etiologies of Anaemia in Sheep and Goats in and around Namakkal, Tamil Nadu Banka Pushkar Rajendra1*, S. Sivaraman2, G. Senthil Kumar2 and P. Balachandran3 1 Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 2Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, 3 Department of Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal- 637 002, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Anaemia is a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood or a lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen. Keywords 263 sheep and 1836 goats presented to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu were Sheep, Goats, Anaemia, screened for the study from September 2019 to August 2020. Incidence of Incidence, Etiology anaemia was the highest in sheep and goats under 3 months of age and in Article Info the winter season. Various etiologies observed in sheep included ectoparasitic infestation(n=20; 55.56 per cent), endoparasitic infection Accepted: 10 February 2021 (n=7; 19.44 per cent), mixed infection(n=4; 11.11 per cent) and other Available Online: conditions (n=5; 13.89 per cent), whereas in goats ectoparasitic infestation 10 March 2021 (n=84; 63.64 per cent), endoparasitic infection (n=29; 21.97 per cent), mixed infection (n=8; 6.06 per cent)and other conditions (n=11; 8.33 per cent). Introduction million sheep which increased by 14.1 per cent over previous census (Tamil Nadu 4.5 India, being an agrarian economy, has a million, Namakkal 95.48 thousand) and significant proportion of the people depending 148.88 million goats, which increased by 10.1 directly or indirectly on agriculture and per cent over previous census (Tamil Nadu livestock as a source of income. The country 9.89 million, Namakkal 3.65 lakhs) (20th has a huge population of livestock, Livestock census, 2019). Anaemia in small particularly small ruminants, including 74.26 ruminants is a major factor responsible for 1177
  2. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(03): 1177-1183 economic losses through reduction in Namakkal during the period from September productivity and increased mortality. Anaemia 2019 to August 2020 were screened for the in small ruminants is caused by endoparasites study. Out of which 36 sheep (13.69 per cent) (helminths and haemoprotozoa) and and 132 goats (7.19 per cent) were found to be ectoparasites like ticks, lice and fleas (Anumol anaemic (Fig. 1). et al., 2011). Hence, the present study was undertaken to record the incidence and In India, many scientists reported the etiologies of anaemia in sheep and goats incidence of anaemia in sheep and goats as presented to Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary 13.46 per cent (Ramesh and Suryanarayana, College and Research Institute, Namakkal in 1999), 15.38 per cent to 48 per cent (Bhikane Tamil Nadu. et al., 2006) and 35 per cent (Velusamy et al., 2015). The difference in prevalence recorded Materials and Methods by different workers might be due to different geographical locations, difference in vector Sheep and goats brought to Veterinary population, climatic variation and genetic Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and variation of the animals. Research Institute, Namakkal during the period from September 2019 to August The major reason for anaemia was found to be 2020werescreened for anaemia based on external and internal parasitism (Shinde and anamnesis, clinical signs, haemato- Rajguru, 2009). biochemical studies, faecal examination and peripheral blood smear examination. Clinical Age-wise incidence examinations of the animals were undertaken as per standard methods (Constable et al., In sheep highest incidence was recorded in 2003). less than 3 months of age(30.56per cent), followed by 3 to 6 months (27.78per cent), 6 Five millilitres of venous blood was collected to 9 months (11.11 per cent), 1 to 2 years and utilised for study of haematological (11.11 per cent), 3 to 4 years (11.11per cent) parameters including Hb, PCV, RBC count, and 2 to 3 years (8.33 per cent) of age grouped MCV, MCH and MCHC, WBC and animals. differential counts (Weiss and Wardrop, 2010) and biochemical parameters including total In goats highest incidence was recorded in less protein and albumin(Alleman, 1990). The data than 3 months of age (41.67per cent), generated in the present study was analysed followed by 3 to 6 months (20.45per cent), 1 using statistical analysis and presented. to 2 years (13.64per cent), 2 to 3 years(7.58 per cent), 3 to 4 years (7.58per cent), 9 to 12 Sheep with haematocrit of less than 27 per months (6.06per cent) and lowest in 6 and 9 cent (Radostits et al., 2006) and goats with months (4.95per cent) of age grouped animals. haematocrit of less than 22 per cent (Anumol Similar findings were recorded by Ramesh et al., 2011) were considered as anaemic. and Suryanarayana (1999). Results and Discussion Highest incidence in less than 3 months of age grouped animalsin the present study could be A total number of 263 sheep and 1836 goats due to immunosuppression by early separation presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex, of young ones from dam which made them Veterinary College and Research Institute, more prone for deficiency and infectious 1178
  3. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(03): 1177-1183 diseases and increased their possible exposure However, the difference was statistically to ectoparasites. insignificant. Season-wise incidence Non-significant association of sex and incidence of anaemia in small ruminants in the In sheep anaemia was highest in the winter present study were in concurrence with season from December to February (44.44per Goklaney et al., (2012) and Bhatane et al., cent), followed by the pre-monsoon season (2018). from March to May (38.89per cent), post- monsoon season from October to November Haematology (13.89per cent) and lowest in the monsoon season from June to September (2.78per cent). In anaemic sheep, highly significant elevation (p
  4. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(03): 1177-1183 and pulicosis (3.03 per cent). Mixed was higher (61.81 per cent) followed by infestation of pediculosis and acariosis were Trichuris spp. (0.72 per cent) and Eimeria spp. 6.06 per cent and pulicosis and acariosis were (0.54 per cent). 1.52 per cent. Anumol et al., (2011) observed that Yakhchaliand Hosseine (2006) and Bhatane et strongylosis was predominant, followed by al., (2018) reported that ectoparasitism was moneiziasis, strongyloidosis, trichuriosis, the major cause for anaemia in small amphistomosis and incidence of ruminants that leads to major economic loss schistosomosis was the least in small due to poor management practices. ruminants. Animals in poor body condition that were Similar observations were made in goats of improperly fed and exposed to harsh weather Kerala by ArunShaju (2001). Velusamy et al., conditions carried the heaviest infestations of (2015) identified intestinal parasites such as lice. Strongyles, Trichuris, Moniezia, Amphistoma and Coccidia, in which the highest prevalence Climatic condition conducive to the growth was observed with Coccidia, followed by and multiplication of ectoparasites, poor Strongyles, Moniezia, Trichuris and least with management, poor awareness among farmers amphistomes in both sheep and goats. and poor animal health services contributed to the widespread occurrence of ectoparasites Increased incidence of coccidiosis in small (Sertse and Wossene, 2007). ruminants in present study could be due to poor management systems (Animals were kept Anaemia due to endoparasitic infection in confinement for longer periods during rainy season to avoid damage to crops, Incidence of strongylosis was 16.67 per cent consequently, overcrowding in unhygienic and coccidiosis was 2.78 per cent in sheep. pen, predispose the animals to high parasitic Whereas in goats, the incidence of coccidiosis infections (Velusamy et al., 2015). was highest (11.36per cent), followed by strongylosis(7.58per cent) and mixed infection Mixed infection of strongylosis and coccidiosis(2.27 per cent) and trichuriosis and strongylosis (0.76 per Three theileriosis cases were recorded in cent). sheep in peripheral blood smear examination under Giemsa stain. Haemonchuscontortus was the most common species caused blood loss anaemia(Nwosu et Theileriosis was confirmed by detection of al., 2007; Tariq et al., 2008; Baldissera et al., Koch’s Blue Bodies (KBB) using FNAC from 2015). In the present study Strongylespp. were swollen pre-scapular lymph nodes (Banka et more in sheep than in goats (Waruiru et al., al., 2020). 2005; Nwosu et al., 2007; Asif et al., 2008;Jatau et al., 2011) which could be due to In sheep, 5.56 per cent cases had mixed the grazing habit (graze closer to the ground) infection of theileriosis, coccidiosis and of the sheep (Velusamy et al., 2015). Kids acariosis, 2.78 per cent cases had mixed with coccidiosis developed severe infection of theileriosis and stronglyosis and anaemia(Ozlem et al., 2004). Bhatane et al., 2.78 per cent cases had mixed infection of (2018) found that infection of Strongyle spp. pediculosis, stronglyosis and coccidiosis. 1180
  5. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(03): 1177-1183 Fig.1 Overall incidence of anaemia in sheep and goats Fig.2 Etiologies of anaemia In goats, 2.27 per cent cases had mixed ectoparasitic or endoparasitic infection. infection of pediculosis, strongylosis and Anaemia in these cases could be due to coccidiosis, 2.27 per cent cases had mixed nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, infection of pediculosis and strongylosis, 0.76 bone marrow disorders or other such per cent cases had mixed infection of conditions. moneiziasis, strongylosis and acariosis and 0.76 per cent cases had mixed infection of Acknowledgement strongylosis and theileriosis. Haemoparasite s (Theileriaspp.) invade red blood cells and The authors would like to thank the Director causedhaemolysis (Barnett (1978; Alani and of Clinics Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Herbert, 1988). Arulmozhi et al., (2016) found Sciences University, Chennai 600 007 and the Theileria organisms in erythrocytes of sheep, Dean, Veterinary College and Research in the study conducted at Namakkal. Five Institute Namakkal 637 002 for the facilities sheep and eleven goats did not have any provided during the study. 1181
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