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End-User Experience Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides an enhanced search end-user experience by making it easier to find information through a consistent interface, with improved relevancy of the results that are returned.

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  1. End-User Experience Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides an enhanced search end-user experience by making it easier to find information through a consistent interface, with improved relevancy of the results that are returned. This first section will help you explore the search end-user experience. Accessing Search There are two options when 1. In the high-level Web site, view the Search tab. accessing a search. One option 2. View the Search text box. is to click the Search tab, and the other is to type a search phrase directly in the Search text box in the upper right-hand corner. After the Search tab is selected, 3. Click the Search tab. the Search Center appears. 4. View the Advanced Search link. Search terms can be entered here with results returned.
  2. Performing a Search After a search has been run, the search term is highlighted in the Note: You must have crawled a content source to view results set and an icon appears results. next to the result indicating the document type. 5. Enter the search phrase “SharePoint”. 6. Click the search icon . 7. View the search results and see keywords highlighted in the results. 8. View the icon next to each result returned. If a mistake with the search phrase is entered, the “Did you Note: You must have crawled a content source to view mean?” feature will appear with results. some suggestions. This provides suggestions of what your search 9. Enter a misspelled word. phrase could be to return results. 10. View the “Did you mean?” options.
  3. You can use the new keyword Note: You must have crawled a content source to view syntax to perform additional results. filtering on your search query. Using the property:value 11. Enter “filetype:aspx” and then “SharePoint” into syntax, you can filter the results the Search text box and click the search icon. for any managed property. 12. View the result set of only .aspx files. For example, if filetype:aspx is entered in addition to the search term, then only .aspx files will appear in the search result. In Advanced Search, filtering can be applied to the search to Note: You must have crawled a content source to view narrow the result set returned. results. The Advanced Search page helps the user easily construct 13. Click the Advanced Search button. an advanced query. 14. Enter a search phrase in the All of these words The results can also be filtered text box. based on scope or language, and 15. View the Narrow the Search options. even property restrictions such 16. View the Language and Result Type. as by the author, the description, 17. View the property restrictions. or the last modified date. 18. Click Search. Searching People
  4. Searching for people and their Note: You must have crawled a content source to view expertise is simple. Searching results. for people in an organization requires typing in a name 19. Enter a name in the Search text box. directly in the Search text box. 20. Click Search. 21. View the results.
  5. However, this returns not only people, but documents with the Note: You must have crawled a content source to view same name. To filter the results results. so only people appear, first select the People tab. When a 22. Click the People tab. person’s name is entered, only 23. Click Search Options. people in the organization are 24. Enter a name in the Search text box. returned. These results can be 25. Enter a title in the Title text box. narrowed by selecting the Search Options and entering either a department, a title, responsibilities, skills, or memberships. 26. Click Search. 27. View the results.
  6. After this list of people is 28. Click a person’s name. returned, clicking on a person 29. View their information. provides a view of the user’s 30. Click the Back button. profile and provides extended information that helps you to connect with the person. After a person is found, they can 31. Under the person’s name, click Add to my be added to a “colleagues” list. Colleagues. This decreases their social distance and the person will appear more readily the next time a search is performed. Administration Administering search in Office SharePoint Server 2007 is much easier and more intuitive than in SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Administrators can configure search settings by using the Search Setting page on the Shared Services Provider (SSP) level, the Central Administration pages, and site collection administration pages. The administrator must be both a Shared Services Provider administrator and a farm administrator to access both the Shared Services Provider administration pages and Central Administration. Administrators can set the content sources used for search, file type settings, and crawl schedules settings, determining when content sources are indexed. Administrators also have access to a number of reports reflecting search usage and results. All of these administration options are fully accessible from the Shared Services Provider administration pages and the Central Administration Web
  7. portal, making administration simple and intuitive. This section will help you explore some of the administrative features.
  8. Navigating to Shared Services In Central Administration, 1. Navigate to SharePoint Central search settings are accessed Administration. through the Shared Services 2. Click the Share Services Name (by default, Administration. In this screen, the first one is named: SharedServices1) there are a number of settings under Shared Services Administration. for search. 3. View the links under Search. 4. Click Search settings. The Search Settings page 5. View all settings. provides a number of areas where an administrator can access and configure. There are three main sections on the Configure Search Settings page. The first section focuses on crawling settings, including content sources, crawl rules, and property management. The second section focuses on viewing, creating, and updating scopes. The third section focuses on increasing relevancy of particular sites.
  9. View the Content Source Content sources are created by 6. Click Content sources and crawl schedules. administrators based on the company’s needs and are used to determine what content locations are to be crawled and subsequently indexed. The Content Sources are accessed when a crawl is performed. The Manage Content Sources screen lists all current content sources. The status column shows whether the content source is currently being used to perform a crawl. The next full crawl and next incremental crawl columns provide a quick view of the schedules for your content sources. New content sources can be 7. Click the New Content Source button. added by using the Add Content 8. Click Cancel. Source page. On this page, the administrator can enter a name for the new content source. There are a number of choices for the type of content source. It can be other SharePoint sites, Web sites, file shares, Exchange public folders, or business data. After the content source type is chosen, the administrator can specify the URL of where the content is located and optionally set the crawl schedule. Selecting the Start full crawl of this content source check box at the bottom of the page and clicking OK starts a full crawl of the new content source.
  10. Manage Crawl Rules Administrators can also manage 9. Click Search Settings in the breadcrumb. the crawl rules that apply to all 10. Click Crawl Rules. content sources. The SharePoint 11. Click New Crawl Rule. Central Administration UI allows administrators to specify 12. Click Cancel. what files/folders should be 13. Click Search Settings in the breadcrumb. included/excluded when any crawl is performed. This can also improve performance and search result relevancy. The first screen lists any existing crawl rules that are available for editing. An administrator can add a new crawl rule as well. In this form, the administrator specifies the path that will be included or excluded from the crawl. View Crawl Logs The Search Settings page also 14. Click Crawl Logs. provides an area where 15. Click Search Settings. administrators can view the crawl logs. Here, an administrator can view what was crawled successfully and unsuccessfully in the content source. Furthermore, if a log exists, an administrator can click an error result number to view the specific files that were accessed.
  11. Manage File Types The file type manager gives 16. Click File types. administrators the ability to control exactly which types of documents can be indexed. The New File Type button on the Manage File Types page allows administrators to add file type extensions to the list that the system uses to determine what types of files to crawl. Administrators can also remove certain file types from the list to increase performance by reducing the number of documents to be crawled.
  12. Common file types, like those 17. Click New File Type. belonging to Office products or 18. Click Cancel. Web-based files, are by default. A new file type can easily be added. Select a New file type and then enter the extension of the file to be included. Multiple file types can be added by separating each with a comma; this is useful for document types that have multiple extensions, like HTM and HTML. File type inclusions provide a simple method for including and excluding documents from being indexed, thus providing another way for administrators to fine-tune server performance. If a custom file type is added, an IFilter must also be installed, ensuring the file type can be parsed when crawled. Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides a number of IFilters, and more are available through Microsoft and other third-party vendors. If an IFilter does not exist, software developers will need to create their own IFilter. Manage Shared Scopes
  13. In the Search Settings page, the 19. Click Search Settings. administrator can also add and 20. Click View Scopes. update shared scopes such as the 21. Under Shared Scopes, click People. People scope. Shared scopes are available to all sites configured 22. View the Scope Properties and Rules page. to use a Shared Service Provider. View Relevancy Settings
  14. Another administration tool in 23. Click Specify Authoritative Pages. SharePoint Central 24. Click Cancel. Administration Search Settings is the Specify Authoritative Pages page. This allows administrators to specify particular sites as more authoritative to indicate that these pages are more relevant. In the Specify Authoritative Pages page, there are four levels of granularity for authoritative sites. The first three levels are Most Authoritative pages, then Second-level Authoritative, and Third-level Authoritative pages. Finally, the administrator can also specify which sites should be demoted by adding these sites to the Sites to demote section of the page.
  15. View a Search Queries Report Query reports provide an easy way for administrators and Note: If no content has been crawled and no searches managers to see what is being have been performed, nothing will appear in these searched upon and how results reports. are being returned. These reports show how accurate the results are and provide clues 25. Click the Shared Services name link under about how the administrator can Shared Services Administration heading. improve these results. 26. Click Search usage reports. Open the main reporting page for search queries. Report views are broken into two different categories: queries and results. When the default page loads, it Note: The Search usage reports link is located under displays the queries report. the Search category within the main content area of the Shared Services page. Each view can be exported directly to Microsoft Excel or as a PDF file.
  16. The first two query views show 27. The Search Queries Report page appears. the number of queries over a Point to the Queries Over Previous 30 Days certain amount of time, either chart. 30 days or 12 months. By 28. Point to the Queries Over Previous 12 default, the data is displayed as Months chart. a bar chart, but it can also be 29. Click the forward arrow above the Queries viewed as a list. Over Previous 12 Months chart. Note: The forward arrow is located directly above the chart.
  17. The third view shows the origin 30. Scroll down to the next two charts in the of queries across the server farm browser window. for the last 30 days as a pie chart. In a multi-server enterprise environment, this view would show the breakdown of searches with results for each site collection. This provides a quick measurement of usage. The fourth view shows the queries per scope over the last 30 days. This view is also displayed as a pie chart. Scope usage can help determine the relevancy of scopes that have been created. The last view displayed in the 31. Scroll down until the last table is displayed in queries report is the top queries the browser window. over the previous 30 days table. This table lists the query string, scope, and number of occurrences of the most frequently used search terms. Search Results Report
  18. The Search Results report 32. Scroll up to the top of the page. provides administrators with 33. In the navigation pane, click Search results. five different views that represent the successes and failures of user search queries. All data is displayed from the last 30 days, but as with query reports, all the data can be exported to Excel or a PDF file for archiving or further analysis. The first view lists the most- 34. View Search Results Top Destination visited pages that are returned Pages. from a search query and the number of times each was visited.
  19. The second view shows queries 35. View Queries With Zero Results. that did not return any search results, and also identifies the scope from which they were performed and the number of times the query occurred. This view can be helpful in determining the success of custom search keywords. When a particular search query has a high occurrence rate, administrators can add the full query and the individual words in the query as keywords that bind to a specific document, share, or site collection. By identifying high-occurrence spelling errors, administrators can create custom corrections to commonly misspelled words that the default search system might not capture.
  20. The third and fourth views 36. Scroll down to display the Most Clicked Best provide query analysis on Best Bets and Queries With Zero Best Bets Bets. Best Bets are tables. administrator-configured results that are connected to particular keywords or keyword phrases. These views provide analysis of the success of the Best Bets assigned to user searches. The fifth view shows the click- 37. Scroll down until the last table is displayed in through rates of queries and the browser window. sorts them according to scope, occurrence, and percentage. When cross-compared with the top queries listing (which is viewed in the query report), an administrator can quickly identify whether or not high- volume queries are properly connected to the right documents or sources. View Site Collection Options



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