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Developing Large Web Applications- P27

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Developing Large Web Applications- P27:This book presents a number of techniques for applying established practices of good software engineering to web development—that is, development primarily using the disparate technologies of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side scripting languages. Whereas there are many books on how to use languages, how to use libraries, and how to approach software engineering, this is the first book to codify many of the techniques it presents. These techniques will make the components of your own web applications more reusable, maintainable, and reliable....

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  1. An additional approach for managing sprite files is to create one per CSS file. This way, whenever the sprite changes, you know that only its associated CSS file needs to be updated to reflect the new sprite file and changes to offsets. Again, a naming convention can help document this approach. For example, for the CSS file newcars_20090731.css (containing the CSS for one section of the application), you can create a sprite file called newcars_20090731.jpg that contains all the JPEG images for just that section. Control Over Site Metrics Although not directly related to performance from the standpoint of how fast a page loads, the ability to capture metrics about how visitors are using your web application does tell you a great deal about other aspects of how your application is performing with regard to the overall user experience. In this section, we’ll look at an easy approach for adding Google Analytics to a large web application. Google Analytics is a free service that provides great tools for analyzing how visitors are using your web application. Once you register for the service, enabling metrics for your site is simply a matter of adding a snippet of code to the right place on all pages that you want to track. As we have discussed several times throughout this chapter, the SitePage class that you define for use by all pages across your application offers a logical place to manage this code. Example 9-10 illustrates this. Example 9-10. Adding Google Analytics across an entire web application class SitePage extends Page { protected $google_site_id; protected $google_site_nm; ... public function __construct() { // You get the ID for your site once you've signed up with Google. $this->google_site_id = "..."; $this->google_site_nm = "..."; } ... public function get_all_js() { // First, get all the JavaScript that was assembled for the page. $js = parent::get_all_js(); // This is the snippet of Google Analytics code from registering. $analytics =
  2. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker($this->google_site_id); pageTracker._setDomainName($this->google_site_nm); pageTracker._trackPageview(); EOD; } // Append Google Analytics to the JavaScript that was assembled // otherwise for the page. return op_environment = "..."; } 242 | Chapter 9: Performance
  3. ... public function get_all_js() { // First, get all the JavaScript that was assembled for the page. $js = parent::get_all_js(); $analytics = ""; if ($this->op_environment == "production") { // Add the Google Analystics code here for production tracking. $analytics =
  4. To use a test data manager, require its include file in place of the include file for the real one, but use the same name for the data manager class. The only difference is something in the name of the include file to distinguish it, such as a _test suffix. Ex- ample 9-12 illustrates the key goal: using the test data looks exactly like using the real data later, except for the name of the include file. Example 9-12. Using a test data manager
  5. // This appears exactly like it will with the real data manager. $mod = new NewCarResults ( $this, $this->load_data["new_car_listings"] ); $results = $mod->create(); ... } ... } ?> Creating Test Data An important aspect of creating test data managers is that they can actually serve as a contract of sorts between the user interface and backend for how the two will exchange data for real. Ideally, once the data manager is ready, you should be able to remove the test data manager, replace it with the real one, and have a working system with relatively minor tweaks. Example 9-13 illustrates a simple test data manager, which populates a data structure with some hardcoded test values. This defines the data structure that will be used for the real data later. Example 9-13. Defining a test data manager class NewCarReviewsDataManager extends DataManager { ... public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ... } public function get_data($load_args, &$load_data, &$load_stat) { // Populate the data structure explicitly with data for testing. // This also defines the contract between the backend and user // interface for how the real data eventually should be handled. $load_data = array ( "0" => array ( "name" => "2009 Honda Accord", "price" => "21905", "link" => "http://.../reviews/00001/" Modular Testing | 245
  6. ), "1" => array ( "name" => "2009 Toyota Prius", "price" => "22000", "link" => "http://.../reviews/00002/" ), "2" => array ( "name" => "2009 Nissan Altima", "price" => "19900", "link" => "http://.../reviews/00003/" ) ); } } 246 | Chapter 9: Performance
  7. CHAPTER 10 Application Architecture The architecture of a large web application has many facets, and we’ve already touched on many of these in previous chapters. In this chapter, we’ll focus on one of the most prominent reflections of application architecture: organizing classes and files on the server so they reinforce the modularity established in your large-scale HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side scripts. We’ll also look at how this structure in a large web application helps with its maintenance down the road; you’ll see how important it is to make sure the organization you choose reflects the scope in which you expect each class or file to be used. Tenet 10 (from Chapter 1) addresses this issue: Tenet 10: The organization of files on the server for a large web application reflects the architecture of the application itself, including clearly demarcated scopes in which each file will be used. We’ll begin by examining the design of a sample web page in terms of the modules it contains, because thinking modularly about web pages is a key part of envisioning the architecture for a large web application overall. We’ll then go into more detail about how to organize the classes we presented in earlier chapters into files. Finally, we’ll explore how the architectural discussion in this chapter, coupled with the techniques discussed earlier in the book, help you manage certain common situations that are likely to arise while maintaining a large web application. This will demonstrate further how a modular implementation improves reusability, maintainability, and reliability in a large web application over its lifetime. Thinking Modularly As mentioned in Chapter 3, when you develop a large web application, you should plan on ways to reuse as many of its components as possible. Even if you cannot find much that you expect to reuse, building a page as a set of individual components, or modules, will make a page easier to maintain and more reliable. 247
  8. What constitutes a good module will often be fairly obvious; at other times, certain better divisions will reveal themselves as you build things. Figure 10-1 illustrates some examples of modules that appear to be rather natural divisions of the page into func- tional units: a search box, an ad unit, and a module for selecting new cars, for example. These are rather intuitive divisions. On the other hand, you might find it better in the end to break the module for selecting new cars into two modules: one including the Go button and everything above it, and the other including everything below this point. This division would give you flexibility to use each of the smaller units independently elsewhere. Components that implement the overall structure for a page may not seem as easy to break into modules at first, but because components for this purpose offer a good means of abstraction and have a strong potential for reuse, they can be very good modules as well. Figure 10-2 shows a layout, which is the generic template that defines the over- arching structure of a page. Figure 10-3 shows a container, which is a generic grouping of modules that you can place within layouts to support common organizations. It’s good to implement layouts and containers as modules because they each require their own HTML and CSS, and we shouldn’t have to duplicate this code each time we need the same structure. Designers tend to think in terms of these reusable patterns as well, so layouts and containers also provide a good opportunity for engineers and de- signers to work together to establish standard guidelines for the overall structure of pages. Chapters 4 and 7 show how to implement layouts and containers using HTML, CSS, and PHP. Organizing Components As you build up a library of pages, modules, layouts, and containers in your architec- ture, it’s important to look at how and where you intend to use each as you decide how to organize them. In the sections that follow, we’ll explore a directory structure that presents one way to organize the components we’ve discussed for large web applica- tions in previous chapters as an example. A reasonable place to start for most web applications is to decide where in the architecture each component belongs. Is it site- wide, section-specific, or page-specific? Sitewide Architecture In most large web applications, there are many components that you’ll want to share across the entire application. These belong at a point in your directory structure that conveys this sitewide importance. 248 | Chapter 10: Application Architecture
  9. Figure 10-1. Some of the modules on a web page Organizing Components | 249
  10. Figure 10-2. A reusable layout for a web page 250 | Chapter 10: Application Architecture



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