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easier english basic dictionary second edition_part10

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twist 343 tyre write with a computer or typewriter Please type your letters – your writing’s so bad I can’t read it. She only typed two lines and made six mistakes. sion. 2. to spin round Models twirled round on the catwalk. twist /twst/ verb 1. to wind something round something She twisted the string round a piece of stick. 2. to turn in different directions The path twisted between the fields. two /tu / noun the number 2 There are only two peppermints left in the box. His son’s only two (years old), so he can’t read yet. She didn’t come home until...

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  1. Page 343 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM twist 343 tyre sion. 2. to spin round Models twirled write with a computer or typewriter round on the catwalk. Please type your letters – your writing’s twist /twst/ verb 1. to wind something so bad I can’t read it. She only typed twist two lines and made six mistakes. round something She twisted the string round a piece of stick. 2. to turn in typewriter / tapratə/ noun a machine typewriter different directions The path twisted which prints letters or numbers on a between the fields. piece of paper when keys are pressed two /tu / noun the number 2 There are two typical / tpk(ə)l/ adjective having the typical only two peppermints left in the box. usual qualities of a particular group or His son’s only two (years old), so he occasion Describe a typical day at can’t read yet. She didn’t come home school. He’s definitely not a typical until after two (o’clock). bank manager. tying / taŋ/ present participle of tie tying tyre / taə/ noun a ring made of rubber tyre type /tap/ noun a group of people, ani- type which is put round a wheel Check the mals or things that are similar to each pressure in the car tyres before starting other This type of bank account pays a journey. They used an old tyre to 10% interest. What type of accommo- dation are you looking for? í verb to make a seat for the garden swing. This is trial version
  2. Page 344 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM U uncomfortable / n k mftəb(ə)l/ ad- u /ju /, U noun the twenty-first letter of u uncomfortable jective not comfortable What a very the alphabet, between T and V uncomfortable bed! Plastic seats are ugly / li/ adjective unpleasant to look ugly very uncomfortable in hot weather. at What an ugly pattern! The part of uncommon / n kɒmən/ adjective uncommon the town round the railway station is strange or unusual even uglier than the rest. (NOTE: uglier / nkə uncommunicative uncommunicative – ugliest) mju nkətv/ adjective not saying UK UK abbr United Kingdom Exports from much, or not answering people the UK or UK exports rose last year. / n kɒmplketd/ uncomplicated uncomplicated umbrella / m brelə/ noun a round umbrella adjective easy to deal with or under- frame covered with cloth which you stand In children’s books, the writing hold over your head to keep off the rain should be clear and uncomplicated. Can I borrow your umbrella? As it The procedure is relatively quick and was starting to rain, he opened his um- uncomplicated. brella. The wind blew my umbrella in- unconscious / n kɒnʃəs/ adjective in unconscious side out. a physical condition in which you are unable / n eb(ə)l/ adjective not able to unable not aware of what is happening He do something I regret that I am unable was found unconscious in the street. to accept your suggestion. She was She was unconscious for two days after unable to come to the meeting. (NOTE: the accident. be unable to is a rather formal way of uncontrolled / nkən trəυld/ adjec- uncontrolled saying can’t.) tive which has not been controlled unattractive / nə tr ktv/ adjective unattractive under / ndə/ preposition 1. in or to a under not attractive Her husband is a rather place where something else is on top or unattractive man. The house is unat- above We all hid under the table. tractive from the outside. My pen rolled under the sofa. 2. less unbearable / n beərəb(ə)l/ adjective unbearable than a number It took under two so bad that you cannot accept it or deal weeks to sell the house. The train goes with it to Paris in under three hours. Under half of the members turned up for the unbelievable / nb li vəb(ə)l/ adjec- unbelievable meeting. The old table sold for under tive which is difficult to believe £10. unbreakable / n brekəb(ə)l/ adjec- unbreakable underground1 / ndə raυnd/ adverb underground tive which cannot be broken under the ground The ordinary rail- uncertain / n s t(ə)n/ adjective not uncertain way line goes underground for a short sure, or not decided She is uncertain distance. Worms live all their life un- whether to accept the job. He’s uncer- derground. í adjective built under the tain about what to do next. Their ground There’s an underground pas- plans are still uncertain. sage to the tower. The hotel has an un- uncle / ŋk(ə)l/ noun a brother of your derground car park. uncle underground2 / ndə raυnd/ noun a underground father or mother He was brought up This is trial version by his uncle in Scotland. We had a railway in a town, which runs under the surprise visitor last night – old Uncle ground Thousands of people use the Charles. underground to go to work. Take the
  3. Page 345 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM underline 345 unfriendly undo / n du / verb to open something underground to go to Oxford Circus. undo It’s usually quicker to get across town which is tied or fastened The first by underground. (NOTE: The London thing he did on getting home was to Underground is often called the Tube. undo his tie. Undo your top button if In the United States, an underground your collar is too tight. (NOTE: undoes / n d z/ – undid / n dd/ – undone railway is called a subway.) / n d n/) underline underline verb to write a line under a undress / n dres/ verb to take your word or figure He wrote the title and undress then underlined it in red. clothes off underneath / ndə ni θ/ preposition undressed / n drest/ adjective having underneath undressed under She wore a long green jumper just taken off your clothes The chil- underneath her coat. Can you see if dren are getting undressed ready for my pen is underneath the sofa? í ad- bed. Are you undressed yet? verb under He put the box of books uneasy / n i zi/ adjective nervous and uneasy down on the kitchen table and my sand- worried (NOTE: uneasier – uneasiest) wiches were underneath! unemployed / nm plɔd/ adjective unemployed understand / ndə st nd/ verb 1. to understand without a job The government is en- know what something means Don’t couraging unemployed teenagers to ap- try to talk English to Mr Yoshida – he ply for training grants. doesn’t understand it. 2. to have sympa- / nm plɔmənt/ unemployment unemployment thy for someone She’s a good teacher noun a lack of work The unemploy- – she really understands children. 3. to ment figures or the figures for unem- know why something happens or how ployment are rising. something works I can easily under- uneven / n i v(ə)n/ adjective not uneven stand why his wife left him. I still smooth or flat don’t understand how to operate the unexpected / nk spektd/ adjective unexpected new laser printer. (NOTE: understands – understanding – understood which is surprising and not what was / ndə stυd/) expected We had an unexpected visit understanding / ndə st ndŋ/ noun from the police. His failure was quite understanding unexpected. 1. the ability to understand something unexpectedly / nk spektdli/ ad- unexpectedly My understanding of how the Internet works is severely limited. 2. sympathy verb in an unexpected way for someone else and their problems unfair / n feə/ adjective not fair It’s unfair The boss showed no understanding unfair to expect her to do all the house- when she told him about her financial work while her sisters don’t lift a finger difficulties. The aim is to promote un- to help. derstanding between the two countries. unfairly / n feəli/ adverb in an unfair unfairly 3. a private agreement We reached an way understanding with the lawyers. The unfairness / n feənəs/ noun lack of unfairness understanding was that we would all go justice or fairness to the office after lunch. í adjective unfortunate / n fɔ tʃ(ə)nət/ adjective unfortunate sympathetic His understanding atti- tude was much appreciated. which makes you sad It was very un- underwater / ndə wɔ tə/ adjective fortunate that she couldn’t come to see underwater us. below the surface of the water How unfortunately / n fɔ tʃ(ə)nətli/ ad- unfortunately long can you stay underwater? He dived and swam underwater for several verb which you wish was not true Un- seconds. She goes on holiday to the fortunately the train arrived so late that Red Sea to do underwater photography. she missed the meeting. This is trial version underwear / ndəweə/ noun clothes unfriendly / n frendli/ adjective not underwear unfriendly worn next to your skin under other acting like a friend (NOTE: unfriendlier clothes (NOTE: no plural) – unfriendliest)
  4. Page 346 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM ungrateful 346 unnecessary ungrateful / n retf(ə)l/ adjective not team. They were united in their desire ungrateful to improve their working conditions. grateful universal / ju n v s(ə)l/ adjective universal unhappily / n h pli/ adverb in a sad unhappily which is understood or experienced by way everyone in the world There is a uni- unhappy / n h pi/ adjective sad, not unhappy versal hope for peace in the region. happy He’s unhappy in his job be- universe / ju nv s/ noun all space and universe cause his boss is always criticising him. everything that exists in it, including the She looked very unhappy when she earth, the planets and the stars came out of the hospital. The children university / ju n v sti/ noun an edu- had an unhappy childhood. (NOTE: un- university happier – unhappiest) cational institution where students study unhealthy / n helθi/ adjective not for degrees and where students and unhealthy teachers do research You need to do healthy, especially often ill I thought well at school to be able to go to univer- her face was an unhealthy colour. sity. My sister is at university. (NOTE: (NOTE: unhealthier – unhealthiest) The plural is universities.) uniform / ju nfɔ m/ noun special uniform unkind / n kand/ adjective acting in an unkind clothes worn by all members of an or- unpleasant way to someone It was un- ganisation or group He went to the kind of him to keep talking about her fancy dress party dressed in a police- weight. (NOTE: unkinder – unkindest) man’s uniform. Who are those people unkindness / n kandnəs/ noun the unkindness in French army uniform? What colour is her school uniform? The holiday action of treating someone unpleasantly camp staff all wear yellow uniforms. unless /ən les/ conjunction except if unless unimportant / nm pɔ t(ə)nt/ adjec- unimportant Unless we hear from you within ten tive not important days, we will start legal action. I think they don’t want to see us, unless of union / ju njən/ noun the state of being union course they’re ill. joined together, or the process of joining unlike / n lak/ adjective, preposition 1. unlike together We support the union of these various groups under one umbrella or- totally different from He’s quite un- ganisation. like his brother. 2. not normal or typical unique /ju ni k/ adjective different to unlikely / n lakli/ adjective 1. not like- unique unlikely anything else and therefore the only on ly It’s unlikely that many people will of its type The stamp is unique, and so come to the show. 2. which is probably is worth a great deal. He’s studying not true He trotted out some unlikely the unique vegetation of the island. excuse about how his train ticket had been eaten by the dog. unit / ju nt/ noun 1. one part of some- unit unlimited / n lmtd/ adjective with unlimited thing larger If you pass three units of the course you can move to the next lev- no limits el. 2. one piece of furniture which can unload / n ləυd/ verb to remove a load unload be matched with others The kitchen is from a vehicle designed as a basic set of units with unlock / n lɒk/ verb to open something unlock more units which can be added later. 3. which was locked the amount used to measure something unluckily / n l kli/ adverb with bad unluckily Kilos and pounds are units of weight. 4. a single number less than ten 63 has luck six tens and three units. unlucky / n l ki/ adjective not lucky, or unlucky unite /ju nat/ verb to join together into unite bringing bad luck (NOTE: unluckier – a single body unluckiest) This is trial version united /ju natd/ adjective joined to- unnecessary / n nesəs(ə)ri/ adjective united unnecessary gether as a whole Relief workers from which is not needed, or which does not various countries worked as a united have to be done It is unnecessary for
  5. Page 347 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM unoccupied 347 upset up / p/ adverb 1. in or to a high place you to wear a suit to the party. She up makes a lot of unnecessary phone calls. Put your hands up above your head. unoccupied / n ɒkjυpad/ adjective unoccupied What’s the cat doing up there on the not being used by anyone cupboard? (NOTE: up is often used af- unpack / n p k/ verb to take things out ter verbs: to keep up, to turn up.) 2. to unpack a higher position His temperature of cases in which they were sent or car- went up suddenly. The price of petrol ried seems to go up every week. 3. not in bed unpleasant / n plez(ə)nt/ adjective unpleasant The children were still up when they not pleasant There’s a very unpleas- should have been in bed. They stayed ant smell in the kitchen. Try not to be up all night watching films on TV. He unpleasant to the waitress. got up at six because he had an early unreasonable / n ri z(ə)nəb(ə)l/ ad- unreasonable train to catch. It’s past eight o’clock – jective not reasonable or fair you should be up by now. 4. completely, unselfish / n selfʃ/ adjective thinking unselfish entirely The puddles dried up quickly only of other people in the sun. 5. happening in an unpleas- unsightly / n satli/ adjective very un- ant or dangerous way Something’s up unsightly – the engine has stopped! í preposition pleasant to look at She has an unsight- 1. in or to a high place They ran up the ly scar on her face. stairs. She doesn’t like going up lad- unsuccessful / nsək sesf(ə)l/ adjec- unsuccessful ders. 2. along Go up the street to the tive which does not succeed traffic lights and then turn right. The unsuitable / n su təb(ə)l/ adjective unsuitable house is about two hundred metres up not suitable the road. what’s up? what’s the mat- unsure / n ʃυə/ adjective not sure She unsure ter? was unsure whether to go to work or to upon / pɒn/ preposition 1. on upon The stay at home. I’m unsure as to which church was built upon a grassy hill. 2. route is the quickest. likely to happen soon The summer untidy / n tadi/ adjective not tidy untidy holidays will soon be upon us again. (NOTE: untidier – untidiest) upper / pə/ adjective higher or further upper untie / n ta/ verb to open something untie up The upper slopes of the mountain which is tied with a knot (NOTE: unties are covered in snow. He had a rash on – untying – untied) his right upper arm. until / n tl/ conjunction up to the time until upright / prat/ adjective straight up upright when She was perfectly well until she He got dizzy as soon as he stood up- ate the strawberries. He blew his whistle until the police came. í prepo- right. Put the backs of your seats into the upright position for landing. She sition, conjunction up to the time when picked up the vase and placed it upright I don’t expect to be back until after ten on the table. o’clock. Until yesterday, I felt very well. upset1 / p set/ adjective very worried or upset untrue / n tru / adjective not true untrue unhappy His parents get upset if he unusual / n ju υəl/ adjective not nor- comes home late. í verb 1. to make unusual someone worried or unhappy Don’t mal or expected It is unusual to have upset your mother by telling her. 2. to rain at this time of year. She chose a knock something over He upset all very unusual colour scheme for her sit- the coffee cups. (NOTE: upsets – up- ting room. unwell / n wel/ adjective in a bad state setting – upset) unwell upset2 / pset/ noun 1. an unexpected of health (NOTE: not used before a upset noun: the baby was unwell but a sick defeat There was a major upset in the This is trial version baby) tennis tournament when the number unwilling / n wlŋ/ adjective not want- unwilling three seed was beaten in the first round. ing to do something 2. a slight illness because of something
  6. Page 348 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM upside down 348 usually use1 /ju z/ verb 1. to take something you have eaten or drunk a stomach use upset such as a tool and do something with it upside down / psad daυn/ adverb Did you use a sewing machine to upside down make your curtains? The car’s worth with the top underneath Don’t turn quite a lot of money – it’s hardly been the box upside down – all the papers used. Do you know how to use a com- will fall out. The car shot off the road puter? Can I use this knife for cutting and ended up upside down in a ditch. meat? 2. to take a substance and do Bats were hanging upside down from something with it Don’t use the tap the branches. water for drinking. Does this car use upstairs / p steəz/ adverb on or to the upstairs much petrol? Turn down the heating – upper part of something, e.g. a building we’re using too much gas. or bus She ran upstairs with the letter. use2 /ju s/ noun 1. a purpose Can you use I left my glasses upstairs. Let’s go find any use for this piece of cloth? 2. upstairs onto the top deck – you can see the fact of being used The coffee ma- London much better. í adjective on the chine has been in daily use for years. 3. upper floors of a building We have an to make use of something to use upstairs kitchen. We let the one of the something You should make more use upstairs offices to an accountant. of your bicycle. up to date / p tə det/, up-to-date up to date used /ju zd/ adjective which is not new used adverb with the latest information I a shop selling used clothes keep myself up to date on the political used to / ju zt tu / showing that some- situation by reading the newspaper eve- used to ry day. thing happened often or regularly in the upwards / pwədz/ adverb towards the past There used to be lots of small upwards shops in the village until the supermar- top The path went upwards for a mile ket was built. When we were children, then levelled off. we used to go to France every year for urban / bən/ adjective 1. relating to urban our holidays. The police think he used towns They enjoy an urban lifestyle. to live in London. He used not to 2. living in towns The urban fox has smoke a pipe. (NOTE: The forms used in become a menace in parts of London. the negative and questions: He used urge / d / noun a strong wish to do urge to work in London, He didn’t use to something She felt an urge to punch work in London or He used not to work him on the nose. í verb to advise some- in London, Didn’t he use to work in one strongly to do something He London?) urged her to do what her father said. useful / ju sf(ə)l/ adjective who or useful I would urge you to vote for the propos- which can help you do something I al. Our lawyer urged us to be careful find these scissors very useful for open- and avoid breaking the law. ing letters. She’s a very useful person urgent / d ənt/ adjective which is im- urgent to have in the office. portant and needs to be done quickly useless / ju sləs/ adjective which is not useless He had an urgent message to go to the useful police station. She had an urgent op- user / ju zə/ noun a person who uses a user eration. The leader of the council tool or a service We have mailed the called an urgent meeting. This parcel users of our equipment about the possi- is urgent and needs to get there tomor- ble design fault. row. usual / ju uəl/ adjective done or used usual us /əs, s/ object pronoun meaning me us on most occasions She took her usual and other people Mother gave us each bus to the office. Is it usual for him to 50p to buy ice cream. Who’s there? – arrive so late? This is trial version It’s us! The company did well last usually / ju uəli/ adverb in most cases usually year – the management have given us a bonus. or on most occasions
  7. Page 349 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM utensil 349 utilise utensil /ju tens(ə)l/ noun a tool or ob- utilise / ju tlaz/, utilize verb to use utensil utilise ject used when cooking knives, bowls something (formal ) He’s keen to uti- and other kitchen utensils lise his programming skills. This is trial version
  8. Page 350 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM V v /vi /, V noun the twenty-second letter of overnight. í verb to consider something v as being valuable She values her the alphabet, between U and W friendship with him. V /vi / noun the Roman numeral for five V van /v n/ noun a covered goods vehicle van or fifth King George V A delivery van ran into the back of my vacant / vekənt/ adjective empty and vacant car. Our van will call this afternoon to available for you to use There are six pick up the goods. rooms vacant in the new wing of the ho- vanish / v nʃ/ verb to disappear sud- vanish tel. Is the toilet vacant yet? denly The magician made the rabbit vacation /və keʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. espe- vacation vanish. cially US a holiday The family went variation / veəri eʃ(ə)n/ noun a change variation on vacation in Canada. 2. a period from one state or level to another The when the universities and law courts are variation in colour or the colour varia- closed I’m spending my vacation tion is because the cloth has been dyed working on a vineyard in Italy. by hand. The diagram shows the var- vague /ve / adjective with no details vague iations in price over a period of six vain /ven/ adjective very proud of your vain months. appearance or achievements He’s al- variety /və raəti/ noun 1. differences variety ways combing his hair – he’s very vain. Her new job, unlike the old one, doesn’t (NOTE: Do not confuse with vein.) lack variety. 2. a different type of plant valid / v ld/ adjective 1. which can be valid or animal in the same species Do you lawfully used for a particular time have this new variety of rose? Is this a Travellers must have a valid ticket be- new variety of potato? fore boarding the train. I have a sea- various / veəriəs/ adjective several dif- various son ticket which is valid for one year. ferent The shop sells goods from var- He was carrying a valid passport. 2. ious countries. I’ll be out of the office which is acceptable because it is true today – I have to see various suppliers. That is not a valid argument or excuse. vary / veəri/ verb 1. to be different in dif- vary She made several valid points in her ferent situations, or change within cer- speech. tain limits The temperature varies valley / v li/ noun a long piece of low valley from 8 degrees C at night to 18 degrees land through which a river runs Fog C during the day. 2. to be different forms in the valleys at night. A lot of Prices of flats vary from a few thousand computer companies are based in the pounds to millions. (NOTE: varies – Thames Valley. varying – varied) valuable / v ljυəb(ə)l/ adjective 1. valuable vase /vɑ z/ noun a container used for cut vase worth a lot of money Be careful, that flowers, or simply for decoration glass is valuable! The burglars stole vast /vɑ st/ adjective extremely big, of- vast everything that was valuable. 2. useful ten extremely wide vast differences in or helpful She gave me some very val- price A vast ship suddenly appeared uable advice. value / v lju / noun an amount of mon- out of the fog. value vegetable / ved təb(ə)l/ noun a plant vegetable ey which something is worth the fall This is trial version in the value of the yen He imported which is grown to be eaten but which is goods to the value of £500. Items of not usually sweet We grow potatoes, value can be deposited in the hotel safe carrots and other sorts of vegetables in
  9. Page 351 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM vegetarian 351 vigilant the garden. The soup of the day is veg- go very quickly when we were on holi- day. í adjective used to make a noun etable soup. Green vegetables are a good source of dietary fibre. stronger He did his very best to get tickets. The scene takes place at the vegetarian / ved  teəriən/ noun a vegetarian very beginning of the book. person who eats only fruit, vegetables, vessel / ves(ə)l/ noun a ship Vessels vessel bread, eggs, etc., but does not eat meat, and sometimes not fish a range of from all countries crowded into the har- vegetarian dishes Our children are all bour. vegetarians. via / vaə/ preposition through via We vehicle / vi k(ə)l/ noun a machine vehicle drove to London via Windsor. We are which carries passengers or goods, e.g. sending the payment via our office in a car or bus a three-wheeled vehicle London. The shipment is going via the Goods vehicles can park at the back of Suez Canal. the building. vibration /va breʃ(ə)n/ noun a fast vibration vein /ven/ noun a small tube in the body vein and continuous shaking movement which takes blood back to the heart vicious / vʃəs/ adjective cruel and vio- vicious The veins in her legs are swollen. (NOTE: lent a vicious attack on an elderly Do not confuse with vain.) lady verb /v b/ noun a word which shows an verb victim / vktm/ noun a person who is at- victim action, being or feeling, such as ‘to hit’ tacked or who is in an accident The or ‘to thank’ victims of the train crash were taken to verbal / v b(ə)l/ adjective spoken and verbal the local hospital. She was the victim not written down She gave me a ver- of a violent attack outside her front bal account of what had happened. It door. Earthquake victims were housed was a verbal agreement between the two in tents. of us. victory / vkt(ə)ri/ noun the fact of win- victory verdict / v dkt/ noun a decision made verdict ning something, e.g. a battle, a fight or a in a court game the American victory in the Ol- verse /v s/ noun 1. a group of lines ympics They won a clear victory in the verse general election. The guerrillas won a which form a part of a song or poem victory over the government troops. We sang all the verses of the National (NOTE: The plural is victories.) Anthem. She read the first verse to the video / vdiəυ/ noun 1. a machine which class. 2. poetry He published a small video book of verse. (NOTE: no plural in this records TV programmes Don’t forget sense) to set the video for 8 p.m. before you go version / v ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a description version out. 2. a magnetic tape on which you can record TV programmes or films for of what happened as seen by one person playing back on a television set She The victim told her version of events bought a box of blank videos. (NOTE: to the jury. 2. a type of something, e.g. a The plural is videos.) work of art or model of car This is the film version of the novel. He bought view /vju / noun 1. what you can see view the cheapest version available. from a certain place You can get a vertical / v tk(ə)l/ adjective standing vertical good view of the sea from the church tower. We asked for a room with a sea or rising straight up He drew a few view and were given one looking out vertical lines to represent trees. We over the bus depot. 2. a way of thinking looked at the vertical cliff and wondered about something In his view, the gov- how to climb it. ernment ought to act now. very / veri/ adverb used to make an ad- very vigilant / vd lənt/ adjective staying vigilant jective or adverb stronger It’s very hot This is trial version in the car – why don’t you open a win- very aware of possible danger The dow? Can you see that very tall pine disease particularly affects young chil- tree over there? The time seemed to dren, so parents must remain vigilant.
  10. Page 352 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM village 352 vocabulary village / vld / noun a small group of check the program for viruses. (NOTE: village The plural is viruses.) houses in the country, like a little town, visible / vzb(ə)l/ adjective which can often with a church, and usually some visible shops They live in a little village in the be seen Swiss Alps. The village shop sells just visibly / vzbli/ adverb in a way which visibly about everything we need. everyone can see vine /van/ noun a climbing plant which vine vision / v (ə)n/ noun 1. your ability to vision produces grapes see After the age of 50, the vision of vinegar / vn ə/ noun a liquid with a vinegar many people begins to fail. 2. a thing sour taste, usually made from wine, which you imagine He had visions of used in cooking and for pickling himself stuck in London with no pass- port and no money. She had visions of violence / vaələns/ noun action which violence him being arrested for drug smuggling. is intended to hurt someone Acts of vi- visit / vzt/ noun a short stay with some- visit olence must be punished. one or in a town or a country They had violent / vaələnt/ adjective 1. very violent a visit from the police. We will be strong The discussion led to a violent making a short visit to London next argument. A violent storm blew all week. The manager is on a business night. 2. using force to hurt people visit to China. í verb to stay a short Her husband was a very violent man. time with someone or in a town or coun- violently / vaələntli/ adverb 1. with violently try I am on my way to visit my sister physical force, often with the intention in hospital. They are away visiting of hurting This horse threw him vio- friends in the north of the country. The lently onto the ground. She hurled the group of tourists are going to visit the bottle violently across the table. 2. with glass factory. He spent a week in Scot- great feeling She violently rejected the land, visiting museums in Edinburgh accusations made against her. He re- and Glasgow. acted violently to the injection. The visitor / vztə/ noun a person who visitor oysters made her violently sick. comes to visit How many visitors violin /vaə ln/ noun a musical instru- violin come to the museum each year? We ment with strings that hold under your had a surprise visitor yesterday – the chin and play with a bow bank manager! virtual / v tʃuəl/ adjective almost virtual vital / vat(ə)l/ adjective extremely im- vital The company has a virtual monopoly of portant It is vital that we act quickly. French wine imports. His grandfather Oxygen is vital to human life. has become a virtual recluse. vitamin / vtəmn/ noun an essential vitamin virtually / v tʃuəli/ adverb almost virtually substance which is found in food and is These shirts have been reduced so much needed for growth and health that we’re virtually giving them away. vivid / vvd/ adjective 1. very bright vivid It’s virtually impossible to get tickets for vivid yellow sunflowers the vivid col- the concert. ours of the Mediterranean beach 2. rep- virtual reality / v tʃυəl ri lti/ noun virtual reality resenting real events clearly She has a the simulation of a real-life scene or real vivid imagination. I had a really vivid events on a computer dream last night. She gave a vivid ac- count of her experiences at the hands of virus / varəs/ noun 1. a very small liv- virus the kidnappers. ing thing that causes disease by living in vocabulary /vəυ k bjυləri/ noun 1. all vocabulary the bodies of people or animals Scien- tists have isolated a new flu virus. the words used by a person or group of Shingles is caused by the same virus as persons specialist legal vocabulary This is trial version chickenpox. 2. a part of a computer pro- She reads French newspapers to im- gram which is designed to destroy files prove her French vocabulary. 2. a print- on someone else’s computer You must ed list of words There is a German-
  11. Page 353 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM voice 353 voyage English vocabulary at the back of the school relies on volunteers to help with book. (NOTE: The plural is vocabular- the sports day. The information desk is manned by volunteers. í verb to offer ies.) voice /vɔs/ noun a sound made when to do something without being paid or voice being forced to do it He volunteered you speak or sing I didn’t recognise to collect the entrance tickets. Will an- his voice over the telephone. The yone volunteer for the job of washing chairman spoke for a few minutes in a up? low voice. vote /vəυt/ noun the act of marking a pa- vote volcano /vɒl kenəυ/ noun a mountain volcano per, holding up your hand, etc., to show which lava, ash and gas may flow out of your opinion or to show who you want from time to time (NOTE: The plural is to be elected How many votes did you volcanoes.) get? There were only ten votes against volume / vɒlju m/ noun 1. the amount volume the plan. í verb to mark a paper, to hold of sound She turned down the volume up your hand, etc., to show your opinion on the radio. He drives with the car or to show who you want to be elected radio on at full volume. 2. the amount Fifty per cent of the people voted in the which is contained inside something election. We all voted to go on strike. What is the volume of this barrel? 3. one voter / vəυtə/ noun a person who votes voter book, especially one in a series Have or who has the right to vote you read the third volume of his history vowel / vaυəl/ noun one of the five let- of medieval Europe? vowel voluntary / vɒlənt(ə)ri/ adjective 1. voluntary ters, a, e, i, o and u, which represent sounds made without using the teeth, done because you want to do it, and tongue or lips (NOTE: The letters repre- done without being paid Many retired senting sounds which are not vowels people do voluntary work. 2. done will- are consonants. Note also that in ingly, without being forced He made some languages ‘y’ is a vowel.) a voluntary contribution to the fund. volunteer / vɒlən tə/ noun a person voyage / vɔd / noun a long journey, voyage volunteer who offers to do something without be- especially by ship or spacecraft the ing paid or being forced to do it The voyages of Sir Francis Drake This is trial version
  12. Page 354 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM W w / d b(ə)lju /, W noun the twenty-third was woken by the telephone. I banged w on her door, but I can’t wake her. He letter of the alphabet, between V and X asked to be woken at 7.00. 2. to stop wade /wed/ verb to walk through water wade sleeping He woke suddenly, feeling They waded into the sea. drops of water falling on his head. wag /w / verb to move something from wag (NOTE: wakes – waking – woke side to side or up and down The dog /wəυk/ – woken) ran up to him, wagging its tail. The wake up phrasal verb 1. to stop some- grandmother wagged her finger at the one’s sleep He was woken up by the little boy who was picking the flowers. sound of the dog barking. 2. to stop (NOTE: wags – wagging – wagged) sleeping She woke up in the middle of wage /wed /, wages / wed z/ noun wage the night, thinking she had heard a money paid, usually in cash each week, noise. Come on, wake up! It’s past ten to a worker for work done The compa- o’clock. He woke up to find water ny pays quite good wages. She is coming through the roof of the tent. earning a good wage or good wages in Wales /welz/ noun a country to the west Wales the pizza restaurant. of England, forming part of the United wagon / w ən/ noun a railway truck wagon Kingdom There are some high moun- used for carrying heavy loads tains in North Wales. Welsh (NOTE: waist /west/ noun 1. the narrow part of waist capital: Cardiff; people: the Welsh; the body between the bottom of the languages: Welsh, English) chest and the hips She measures 32 walk /wɔ k/ verb 1. to go somewhere on walk inches round the waist or has a 32-inch foot The baby is ten months old, and waist. 2. the part of a piece of clothing, is just starting to walk. She was walk- e.g. a skirt, trousers or dress, that goes ing along the high street on her way to round the middle of your body The the bank. We walked slowly across the waist of these trousers is too small for bridge. The visitors walked round the me. (NOTE: Do not confuse with factory. to walk someone home to go waste.) with someone who is walking home It wait /wet/ verb to stay where you are, wait was getting late, so I walked her home. and not do anything until something 2. to take an animal for a walk He’s happens or someone comes Wait here gone to walk the dog in the fields. She while I call an ambulance. They had walks her dog every morning. í noun 1. been waiting for half an hour in the rain a usually pleasant journey on foot before the bus finally arrived. Wait a Let’s all go for a walk in the park. 2. a minute, my shoelace is undone. Don’t distance which you cover on foot It’s wait for me, I’ll be late. only a short walk to the beach. It’s waiter / wetə/ noun a man who brings waiter only five minutes’ walk from the office to food and drink to customers in a restau- the bank or the bank is only a five min- rant utes’ walk from the office. waitress / wetrəs/ noun a woman who waitress wall /wɔ l/ noun a structure made from wall brings food and drink to customers in a things such as bricks or stones, built up restaurant (NOTE: The plural is wait- to make one of the sides of a building, of This is trial version resses.) a room or to surround a space The wake /wek/ verb 1. to stop someone’s wake walls of the restaurant are decorated sleep The telephone woke her or she with pictures of film stars. There’s a
  13. Page 355 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM wallet 355 wash clock on the wall behind my desk. He ary. 2. pleasant and friendly We had a got into the house by climbing over the warm welcome from our friends. She has a really warm personality. í verb to garden wall. make something hotter Come and wallet / wɒlt/ noun a small flat leather wallet warm your hands by the fire. I’ll case for carrying things such as credit warm some soup. cards and banknotes in your pocket warmth /wɔ mθ/ noun the fact of being warmth wallpaper / wɔ lpepə/ noun paper wallpaper warm or feeling warm It was cold and with different patterns on it, covering rainy outside, and he looked forward to the walls of a room The wallpaper the warmth of his home. was light green to match the carpet. warn /wɔ n/ verb 1. to inform someone warn wander / wɒndə/ verb to walk around wander of a possible danger Children are without any particular aim They wan- warned not to play on the frozen lake. dered round the town in the rain. The group was warned to look out for want /wɒnt/ verb 1. to hope that you will want pickpockets. The guide warned us that do something, that something will hap- there might be snakes in the grass. 2. to pen, or that you will get something inform someone that something is likely She wants a new car for her birthday. to happen The railway has warned Where do you want to go for your holi- that there will be a strike tomorrow. days? He wants to be a teacher. 2. to The weather forecast warned of storms ask someone to do something The in the English Channel. (NOTE: You manager wants me to go and see him. warn someone of something, or warn I want those windows painted. 3. to someone that something may hap- need something With five children, pen.) what they want is a bigger house. You warning / wɔ nŋ/ noun news about a warning want to take some rest. possible danger He shouted a warn- war /wɔ / noun a period of fighting be- war ing to the children. The government tween countries Millions of soldiers issued a warning about travelling in and civilians were killed during the war. some countries in the area. Each In 1914 Britain was at war with Ger- packet of cigarettes has a government many or Britain and Germany were at health warning printed on it. í adjec- war. tive which informs about a danger ward /wɔ d/ noun a room or set of rooms ward Red warning flags are raised if the sea in a hospital, with beds for patients is dangerous. Warning notices were The children’s ward is at the end of the put up round the building site. corridor. She was taken into the acci- wary / weəri/ adjective aware of a possi- wary dent and emergency ward. ble problem with someone or something wardrobe / wɔ drəυb/ noun a tall cup- wardrobe I am very wary of any of his ideas for board in which you hang your clothes making money. (NOTE: warier – wari- He moved the wardrobe from the land- est) ing into the bedroom. was /wəz, wɒz/ past tense of be was warehouse / weəhaυs/ noun a large warehouse wash /wɒʃ/ verb to clean something us- wash building where goods are stored Our ing water Cooks should always wash goods are dispatched from the central their hands before touching food! I warehouse to shops all over the country. must wash the car before we go to the warm /wɔ m/ adjective 1. fairly hot warm wedding. The moment I had washed The temperature is below freezing out- the windows it started to rain. His side but it’s nice and warm in the office. football shirt needs washing. í noun The children tried to keep warm by the action of cleaning, using water playing football. Are you warm The car needs a wash. He’s in the This is trial version enough, or do you want another blan- bathroom, having a quick wash. ket? This coat is not very warm. The wash up phrasal verb to clean objects winter sun can be quite warm in Febru-
  14. Page 356 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM washbasin 356 wave watches) 2. the activity of watching such as dirty cups, plates, knives and something carefully Visitors should forks with water It took us hours to be on the watch for pickpockets. Keep wash up after the party. My brother’s a watch on the potatoes to make sure washing up, while I’m sitting watching they don’t burn. (NOTE: no plural) the TV. washbasin / wɒʃbes(ə)n/ noun a con- watch out phrasal verb to be careful washbasin Watch out! there’s a car coming! tainer for holding water for washing the water / wɔ tə/ noun the liquid which water hands and face, which has taps and is usually attached to the wall of a bath- falls as rain and forms rivers, lakes and room seas. It makes up a large part of the bod- washing / wɒʃŋ/ noun clothes which ies of living creatures, and is used for washing drinking and in cooking; also in indus- have been washed, or which are ready to trial processes. Can we have three be washed Put the washing in the glasses of water please? Cook the washing machine. She hung out the vegetables in boiling water. Is the tap washing to dry. water safe to drink? The water tem- washing machine / wɒʃŋ mə ʃi n/ washing machine perature is 60°. (NOTE: no plural: some noun a machine for washing clothes water ; a drop of water) í verb to pour (NOTE: A machine for washing plates water on the soil round a plant to make and cutlery is a dishwasher.) it grow Because it is hot we need to wasp /wɒsp/ noun an insect which has wasp water the garden every day. She was black and yellow bands of colour round watering her pots of flowers. its body and which can sting waterfall / wɔ təfɔ l/ noun a place waterfall waste /west/ noun 1. an unnecessary waste where a stream falls down a steep drop use of time or money It is a waste of waterlogged / wɔ təlɒ d/ adjective waterlogged time asking the boss for a rise. That waterlogged ground is full of water, so computer is a waste of money – there the surface stays wet for a long time are plenty of cheaper models. 2. things After so much rain, the waterlogged golf which are no use and are thrown away course had to be closed. Most plants Put all your waste in the rubbish bin. í cannot grow in waterlogged soil. verb to use more of something than you waterproof / wɔ təpru f/ adjective waterproof need Don’t waste time putting your which does not let water go through shoes on – jump out of the window now. waterproof clothing These boots We turned off all the heating so as not aren’t waterproof – my socks are soak- to waste energy. (NOTE: wastes – wast- ing wet. ing – wasted) í adjective useless and ready to be thrown away Waste prod- wave /wev/ noun 1. a raised mass of wa- wave ucts should not be dumped in the sea. ter on the surface of the sea, a lake or a Recycle all your waste paper. river Waves were breaking on the watch /wɒtʃ/ verb 1. to look at and no- watch rocks. Watch out for big waves on the tice something Did you watch the TV beach. The sea was calm, with hardly news last night? We went to the sports any waves. 2. an up and down move- ground to watch the football match. ment of your hand 3. a regular curve on Everyone was watching the children the surface of hair His hair has a nat- dancing. 2. to look at something care- ural wave. 4. a sudden increase in some- fully to make sure that nothing happens thing A wave of anger surged through the crowd. í verb 1. to move up and Watch the saucepan – I don’t want the potatoes to burn. Can you watch the down in the wind The flags were wav- baby while I’m at the hairdresser’s? í ing outside the town hall. 2. to make an noun 1. an object like a little clock up and down movement of the hand which you wear on your wrist She when saying ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’ or for This is trial version looked at her watch impatiently. What attracting attention They waved until time is it? – my watch has stopped. the car was out of sight. They waved goodbye as the boat left the harbour. (NOTE: The plural in this sense is
  15. Page 357 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM waver 357 wear way up / we p/ noun a way in which to wave to someone to signal to some- way up one by moving your hand up and down something stands When I saw him I waved to him to we /wi / pronoun used by someone we cross the road. speaking or writing to refer to himself or waver / wevə/ verb to be unable to de- waver herself and others He said we could cide what to do He is still wavering go into the exhibition. We were not al- about whether or not to leave the com- lowed into the restaurant in jeans. We pany. had a wonderful holiday – we all en- joyed ourselves enormously. (NOTE: wax /w ks/ noun a solid substance made wax When it is the object we becomes us: from fat or oil, used for making things We gave it to him; He gave it to us. such as candles and polish She When it follows the verb to be, we usu- brought a tin of wax polish and started ally becomes us: Who is it? – It’s us!) to polish the furniture. weak /wi k/ adjective 1. not strong weak Af- way /we/ noun 1. the direction in which way ter his illness he is still very weak. I something can be found or in which don’t like weak tea. 2. not effective a someone or something is going Do weak leader a weak argument 3. not you know the way to the post office? having knowledge or skill She’s The bus is going the wrong way for the weaker at science than at maths. station. She showed us the way to the French is his weakest subject. (NOTE: railway station. They lost their way weaker – weakest. Do not confuse and had to ask for directions. I’ll lead with week.) the way – just follow me. 2. the means of wealth /welθ/ noun a large amount of wealth doing something My mother showed me the way to make marmalade. Isn’t money and property which someone there any other way of making it? He owns His wealth was acquired in thought of a way of making money business. (NOTE: no plural) quickly. The way she said it implied it wealthy / welθi/ adjective (of a person) wealthy was my fault. 3. to make your way to very rich (NOTE: wealthier – wealthi- go to a place with some difficulty Can est) you make your way to passport control? weapon / wepən/ noun an object such weapon He made his way to the tourist infor- as a gun or sword, which you fight with mation office. 4. the distance between nuclear weapons The crowd used one place and another The nearest iron bars as weapons. bank is quite a long way away. He’s got a long way to go before he qualifies wear /weə/ verb 1. to have something wear as a doctor. 5. a path or road which goes such as clothes or jewellery on your somewhere Our neighbours across body What dress are you wearing to the way. I’ll walk the first part of the the party? When last seen, he was way home with you. 6. a particular di- wearing a blue raincoat. She’s wear- rection from here a one-way street ing her mother’s earrings. She wears Can you tell which way the wind is her hair very short. 2. to damage some- blowing? This way please, everybody! thing or make it thin through using it 7. a space where someone wants to be or I’ve worn a hole in the heel of my sock. which someone wants to use Get out (NOTE: wears – wearing – wore /wɔ / of my way – I’m in a hurry. It’s best to – worn /wɔ n/) keep out of the way of the police for a wear out phrasal verb 1. to use some- moment. I wanted to take a short cut, thing so much that it becomes broken but there was a lorry in the way. and useless Walking across the USA, way in / we n/ noun an entrance way in he wore out three pairs of boots. 2. to This is trial version way out / we aυt/ noun an exit This wear yourself out to become very tired way out through doing something She wore is the way out of the car park. He herself out looking after the old lady. couldn’t find the way out in the dark.
  16. Page 358 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM weather 358 welcome weather / weðə/ noun conditions out- next week. I go to the cinema at least weather once a week. (NOTE: Do not confuse side, e.g. if it is raining, hot, cold or sun- with weak.) ny What’s the weather going to be like weekend /wi k end/ noun Saturday and today? If the weather gets any better, weekend then we can go out in the boat. Sunday, or the period from Friday weave /wi v/ verb 1. to make cloth by evening to Sunday evening We’re go- weave ing to the coast for the weekend. Why twisting fibres over and under each oth- don’t you come to spend next weekend er The cloth is woven from the wool of with us in the country? At weekends, local sheep. The new weaving ma- we try to spend time in the garden. chines were installed last week. 2. to weekly / wi kli/ adjective, adverb which make something by a similar method, weekly but using things such as very thin pieces happens or is published once a week of wood or the dried stems of plants We have a weekly paper which tells us She learnt how to weave baskets. (NOTE: all the local news. The weekly rate for weaves – weaving – wove /wəυv/ – the job is £250. Are you paid weekly woven / wəυvən/) or monthly? web /web/ noun 1. a net spun by spiders weigh /we/ verb 1. to measure how web weigh The garden is full of spiders’ webs in heavy something or someone is Can autumn. 2. the web the thousands of you weigh this parcel for me? They websites and webpages within the Inter- weighed his suitcase at the check-in net, which users can visit desk. I weighed myself this morning. webpage / webped / noun a single file 2. to have a particular weight This webpage piece of meat weighs 100 grams. How of text and graphics, forming part of a much do you weigh? She only weighs website 40 kilos. website / websat/ noun a collection of website weight /wet/ noun 1. how heavy some- weight pages on the Web which have been pro- thing is What’s the maximum weight duced by one person or organisation and of parcel the post office will accept? 2. are linked together how heavy a person is His weight is wedding / wedŋ/ noun a marriage cer- wedding less than it was a year ago. 3. something emony, when two people are officially which is heavy If you lift heavy made husband and wife This Saturday weights like paving stones, you may hurt I’m going to John and Mary’s wedding. your back. (NOTE: Do not confuse with wedge /wed / noun a solid piece of wedge wait.) something such as wood, metal or rub- weird /wəd/ adjective strange in a way weird ber in the shape of a V Put a wedge that makes you feel nervous or fright- under the door to hold it open. ened Wednesday / wenzde/ noun the day Wednesday welcome / welkəm/ verb 1. to greet welcome between Tuesday and Thursday, the someone in a friendly way The staff third day of the week She came for tea welcomed the new assistant to the office. last Wednesday. Wednesdays are al- When we arrived at the hotel we were ways busy days for us. Can we meet welcomed by a couple of barking guard next Wednesday afternoon? Wednes- dogs. 2. to be pleased to hear news I day the 24th would be a good date for a warmly welcome the result of the elec- meeting. The 15th is a Tuesday, so the tion. I would welcome any sugges- 16th must be a Wednesday. tions as to how to stop the water seeping weed /wi d/ noun a wild plant that you weed into the basement. (NOTE: welcomes – do not want in a garden or crop welcoming – welcomed) í noun the week /wi k/ noun a period of seven days, week action of greeting someone There was usually from Monday to Sunday not much of a welcome from the staff This is trial version when we arrived at the hotel. í adjec- There are 52 weeks in the year. The firm gives us two weeks’ holiday at tive met or greeted with pleasure They Easter. It’s my aunt’s 80th birthday made me very welcome. you’re wel-
  17. Page 359 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM welfare 359 what come! a reply to ‘thank you’ Thanks language spoken in Wales Welsh is used in schools in many parts of Wales. for carrying the bags for me – you’re went /went/ past tense of go welcome! went welfare / welfeə/ noun the act or prac- were /wə, w / 1st person plural past of welfare were tice of providing the things which peo- be. 2nd person plural past of be. 3rd ple need and which help them to be person plural past of be west /west/ noun the direction in which healthy The club looks after the wel- west fare of the old people in the town. The the sun sets The sun sets in the west government has taken measures to re- and rises in the east. We live in a vil- form the welfare system. lage to the west of the town. Their house has a garden that faces west or a well /wel/ adverb 1. in a way that is satis- well west-facing garden. í adjective in or to factory He doesn’t speak Russian very the west She lives on the west coast of well. Our business is small, but it’s the United States. The west part of the doing well. Is the new computer work- town is near the river. í adverb towards ing well? 2. very much He got back the west Go west for about ten kilo- from the office late – well after eight metres, and then you’ll come to the na- o’clock. You should go to the Tower of tional park. The river flows west into London – it’s well worth a visit. There the ocean. were well over sixty people at the meet- western / westən/ adjective from or in western ing. She’s well over eighty. í adjec- the west Great Britain is part of West- tive healthy She’s looking well after ern Europe. The Western part of Can- her holiday! The secretary’s not very ada has wonderful scenery. well today – she’s had to stay off work. wet /wet/ adjective 1. covered in water or It took him some weeks to get well af- wet ter his flu. í interjection used for start- other liquid She forgot her umbrella ing a sentence Well, I’ll show you and got wet walking back from the round the house first. Well now, we’ve shops. The chair’s all wet where he done the washing up so we can sit and knocked over his beer. The baby is wet watch TV. í noun a very deep hole dug – can you change her nappy? 2. raining in the ground with water or oil at the The summer months are the wettest bottom as well also When my aunt part of the year. There’s nothing I like comes to stay she brings her two cats better than a wet Sunday in London. 3. and the dog as well. You can’t eat fish not yet dry Watch out! – the paint’s still wet. (NOTE: wetter – wettest) and chips and a meat pie as well! as whale /wel/ noun a very large creature well as in addition to Some newsa- whale gents sell groceries as well as newspa- that lives in the sea You can take a pers. She ate a slice of cheesecake as boat into the mouth of the river to see well as two scoops of ice cream. well the whales. done used for praising someone for what /wɒt/ adjective asking a question what their success Well done, the England What kind of music do you like? What team! Well done to all of you who type of food does he like best? í pro- passed the exam! noun 1. the thing which Did you see well-known / wel nəυn/ adjective well-known what was in the box? What we like to do most on holiday is just to visit old known by a lot of people churches. 2. asking a question What’s well-paid / wel ped/ adjective earning well-paid the correct time? What did he give a good salary you for your birthday? What hap- Welsh /welʃ/ adjective relating to Wales Welsh pened to his car? (NOTE: When what We will be going climbing in the used to ask a direct question, the verb Welsh mountains at Easter. í noun 1. is put before the subject: What’s the This is trial version the Welsh the people of Wales The time? but not when it is used in a state- Welsh are proud of their heritage. The ment: They don’t know what the time is.) í adverb showing surprise What Welsh are magnificent singers. 2. the
  18. Page 360 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM whatever 360 whether í conjunction 1. a huge meal! What beautiful weather! at the time that í interjection showing surprise What! When he was young, the family was liv- did you hear what he said? I won the ing in London. When you go on holi- lottery! – What! day, leave your key with the neighbours so they can feed the cat. Do you re- whatever /wɒt evə/ pronoun 1. it does whatever member the day when we all went for a not matter what (form of ‘what’ used for picnic in the park? Let me know when You can emphasis; in questions) you’re ready to go. 2. after When the have whatever you like for Christmas. speaker had finished, he sat down. She always does whatever she feels like Wash up the plates when you’ve finished doing. I want that car whatever the your breakfast. 3. even if The sales- price. 2. used instead of ‘what’ for em- man said the car was worth £5,000 phasis in questions ‘I’ve sold the car.’ when he really knew it was worth only ‘Whatever for?’ Whatever made him half that. do that? Whatever does that red light whenever /wen evə/ adverb at any time whenever mean? wheat /wi t/ noun a plant of which the that Come for tea whenever you like. wheat We try to see my mother whenever we grain is used to make flour (NOTE: no can or whenever possible. plural) where /weə/ adverb 1. (asking a ques- where wheel /wi l/ noun 1. a round object on wheel tion) in what place, to what place which a vehicle such as a bicycle, a car Where did I put my glasses? Do you or a train runs The front wheel and the know where the restaurant is? Where back wheel of the motorbike were both are the knives and forks? Where are damaged in the accident. We got a flat you going for your holiday? 2. in a place tyre so I had to get out to change the in which Stay where you are and don’t wheel. 2. any similar round object move. They still live in the same house which turns a steering wheel gear where they were living twenty years ago. wheels í verb to push something along Here’s where the wire has been cut. which has wheels He wheeled his mo- (NOTE: After where used to ask a direct torbike into the garage. She was question, the verb is put before the wheeling her bike along the pavement. subject: Where is the bottle? but not The waiter wheeled in a sweet trolley. when it is used in a statement: He wheelbarrow / wi lb rəυ/ noun a wheelbarrow doesn’t know where the bottle is.) large container with one wheel at the whereas /weər z/ conjunction if you whereas front and two handles, used by people compare this with the fact that He such as builders and gardeners for push- likes tea whereas she prefers coffee. ing heavy loads around wherever /weər evə/ adverb 1. to or in wheelchair / wi ltʃeə/ noun a chair on wherever wheelchair any place You can sit wherever you wheels which people who cannot walk want. Wherever we go on holiday, we use to move around a special entrance never make hotel reservations. The for wheelchair users police want to ask her questions, wher- when /wen/ adverb at what time (asking when ever she may be. 2. used instead of a question) When is the last train for ‘where’ for emphasis Wherever did Paris? When did you last go to the you get that hat? dentist? When are we going to get whether / weðə/ conjunction 1. used to whether paid? Since when has he been wear- ing glasses? I asked her when her mean ‘if’ for showing doubt, or for friend was leaving. (NOTE: After when showing that you have not decided something Do you know whether used to ask a direct question, the verb they’re coming? I can’t make up my is put before the subject: When does mind whether to go on holiday now or the film start?; When is he coming? but This is trial version later. 2. used for referring to either of not when it is used in a statement: He two things or people All employees, doesn’t know when the film starts.; whether managers or ordinary staff, They can’t tell me when he is coming.)
  19. Page 361 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM which 361 who must take a medical test. (NOTE: Do not company produces thousands of bottles of whisky every year. (NOTE: The plural confuse with weather.) which /wtʃ/ adjective, pronoun 1. (ask- is whiskies.) which whisper / wspə/ verb to speak very qui- whisper ing a question) what person or thing Which dress are you wearing to the etly, so that only the person you are talk- wedding? Which boy threw that ing to can hear He whispered instruc- stone? 2. (only used with things, not tions to the other members of the gang. people) that The French restaurant She whispered to the nurse that she which is next door to the office. wanted something to drink. í noun a They’ve eaten all the bread which you quiet voice, or words spoken very quiet- bought yesterday. ly She spoke in a whisper. while /wal/ conjunction 1. at the time while whistle / ws(ə)l/ noun 1. a high sound whistle that He tried to cut my hair while he made by blowing through your lips was watching TV. While we were on when they are almost closed She gave holiday someone broke into our house. a whistle of surprise. We heard a Shall I clean the kitchen while you’re whistle and saw a dog running across having a bath? 2. showing difference the field. 2. a simple instrument which He likes meat, while his sister is a vege- makes a high sound, played by blowing tarian. Everyone is watching TV, He blew on his whistle to stop the while I’m in the kitchen making the din- match. í verb 1. to blow through your ner. 3. although (formal ) While there lips to make a high sound They may still be delays, the service is much marched along, whistling an Irish song. better than it used to be. í noun a short He whistled for a taxi. 2. to make a time It’s a while since I’ve seen him. high sound using a small metal instru- in a while in a short time, soon I’ll ment The referee whistled to stop the be ready in a while. match. whine /wan/ verb 1. to make a loud high whine white /wat/ adjective of a colour like white noise You can hear the engines of the snow or milk A white shirt is part of racing cars whining in the background. the uniform. A white car will always The dogs whined when we locked look dirty. Her hair is now completely them up in the kitchen. 2. to complain in white. Do you take your coffee black a loud high voice that annoys other peo- or white? í noun 1. a person whose ple She’s always whining about how skin is pale Whites are in the minority little money she has. (NOTE: Do not con- in African countries. 2. a white part of fuse with wine. Note also: whines – something the white of an egg The whining – whined.) whites of his eyes were slightly red. 3. a whip /wp/ noun a long, thin piece of whip white wine A glass of house white, leather with a handle, used to hit ani- please. mals to make them do what you want white lie / wat la/ noun a lie about white lie The rider used her whip to make the something unimportant, especially a lie horse run faster. í verb to hit someone told in order not to upset someone or an animal with a whip He whipped (informal ) the horse to make it go faster. (NOTE: who /hu / pronoun 1. (asking a ques- who whips – whipping – whipped) tion) which person or persons Who whirl /w l/ verb to turn round quickly whirl phoned? Who are you talking to? She put on her new skirt and whirled Who spoke at the meeting? 2. the person around for every one to see. The chil- or the people that The men who came dren’s paper windmills whirled in the yesterday morning work for the electric- wind. ity company. Anyone who didn’t get whiskey / wski/ noun Irish or Ameri- whiskey tickets early won’t be able to get in. This is trial version can whisky There’s the taxi driver who took us whisky / wski/ noun an alcoholic drink, whisky home last night. (NOTE: After an object, made in Scotland from barley The who can be left out: There’s the man I
  20. Page 362 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM whoever 362 will very wide at this point. 2. including saw at the pub. When who is used to many things The shop carries a wide ask a direct question, the verb is put range of imported goods. She has a after ‘who’ and before the subject: wide knowledge of French painting. Who is that man over there?, but not width í adverb as far as possible, as when it is used in a statement: I don’t much as possible She opened her eyes know who that man is over there. wide. The door was wide open so we When who is used as an object, it is sometimes written whom /hu m/ but just walked in. this is formal and not common: the widely / wadli/ adverb 1. by a wide widely man whom I met in the office; Whom range of people It is widely expected do you want to see?) that he will resign. 2. over a wide area whoever /hu evə/ pronoun (emphatic whoever Contamination spread widely over the form of ‘who’) no matter who, anyone area round the factory. She has trav- who Whoever finds the umbrella can elled widely in Greece. keep it. Go home with whoever you widow / wdəυ/ noun a woman whose widow like. husband has died and who has not mar- whole /həυl/ adjective all of something whole ried again She must have been hungry – she ate width /wdθ/ noun 1. a measurement of width a whole apple pie. We spent the whole something from one side to another I winter in the south. A whole lot of need to know the width of the sofa. people went down with flu. í noun all of The width of the garden is at least forty something She stayed in bed the feet or the garden is at least forty feet in whole of Sunday morning and read the width. 2. the distance from one side to newspapers. The whole of the north of another of a swimming pool She the country was covered with snow. swam three widths easily. Did you watch the whole of the pro- wife /waf/ noun a woman who is mar- wife gramme? (NOTE: Do not confuse with ried to a man I know Mr Jones quite hole.) í adverb in one piece The well but I’ve never met his wife. They birds catch small fish and swallow them both came with their wives. (NOTE: The whole. plural is wives /wavz/.) whom /hu m/ ‘ who whom wig /w / noun false hair worn on the wig whose /hu z/ pronoun 1. (asking a whose head question) which belongs to which per- wild /wald/ adjective 1. living naturally, wild son Whose is that car? Whose book is this? Whose money was stolen? 2. not with people as a pet 2. very angry or of whom the family whose house was very excited He will be wild when he burgled the man whose hat you bor- sees what I have done to the car. The rowed the girl whose foot you trod on fans went wild at the end of the match. (NOTE: Do not confuse with who’s.) 3. not thinking carefully She made a why /wa/ adverb 1. for what reason few wild guesses, but didn’t find the why right answer. They had the wild idea Why did he have to phone me in the mid- of walking across the Sahara. í adverb dle of the TV film? I asked the ticket without any control The crowds were collector why the train was late. 2. giv- running wild through the centre of the ing a reason She told me why she town. couldn’t go to the party. 3. agreeing wildlife / waldlaf/ noun birds, plants with a suggestion ‘Would you like wildlife some lunch?’ ‘Why not?’ and animals in their natural conditions wicked / wkd/ adjective very bad wicked will /wl/ modal verb 1. used to form the will What a wicked thing to say! It was future tense The party will start soon. wicked of them to steal the birds’ eggs. Will they be staying a long time? We This is trial version wide /wad/ adjective 1. which measures wide won’t be able to come to tea. If you from side to side The table is three ask her to play the piano, she’ll say foot or three feet wide. The river is not ‘no’. 2. used as a polite way of asking



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