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Ebook Business Chinese for beginner - Speaking (初级商务汉语 口语): Part 1

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Cuốn sách "Business Chinese for beginner - Speaking (初级商务汉语 口语)" dành cho sinh viên nước ngoài chuyên ngành thương mại và kinh doanh với vốn từ vựng 500-800 và dành cho doanh nhân nước ngoài tự học ở Trung Quốc. Tích hợp các tài liệu tiếng Trung sinh động và thực tế, các chủ đề phong phú và cập nhật, các bài tập sáng tạo và thực tế, các hoạt động phong phú và đầy màu sắc, và điều tra kinh doanh tại chỗ hấp dẫn vào nội dung. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 1 cuốn sách tại đây!

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Nội dung Text: Ebook Business Chinese for beginner - Speaking (初级商务汉语 口语): Part 1

  1. Wunsimess +r|5 : #r€ 3"J{fi &&,KK E }.€ ${rg* ffikeffiffiwffi :::,.1 I t,,, ,,,**l .,,,,,r1r ._jill vn hai. g on g thu ,t'8il+-5trntrffi+l un FOREIGN LNGUAGE TEACHINGAND RESEARCH PRESS n gtr tie
  2. ffi W --% ffisnffiffiKKKffiffiffi s*ffi€ # & ffi*,- R $&H4 tk&-nffise rrl II ,:,: ,t:.., ^[Or T\ o ,'.'''"''"' IJ,egtnner vn h ai. g on ,t'Eu+5ffif;sffiit g thu f 6 H r# nixlt,[H€ ullanban, ChiPa FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS tjonricdtby g IbH BEIJING ti en
  3. r E+EftEffi E (CIP)&ffi utzeffi+wjFnffir rR, tKg4ffi# .- JtH ' ffi^n&+5nfrf.-frw+t. 2007.e Gfitr4affiftYtr?rtJ&ffi) rsBN 978 - 7 - s600 - 6982 - I r. uJ... [. er... @tK... r[. ffi+-niB-triF-xtil-tyiB&+-&tt IV. H1es.4 +EffiAElStH crp Wffi&+ (2007) H Ls}4Bz+ H HF ,\: fFE fr,ff'ffi*a,. i+ th *iEii*it: 9K W ftEfiiQif : I M. frffiEfr: ?fE&#5ffinfrffiit il ttt: JLHfiE -fi)f,fr\1e € (looose) m fit : http: / /www. fltrp. com EIr ElJ: f EtitfiHFirElrffilJf X 6: 889 x1194 l/1.6 qJ iK:18.5 ftF lk: 2007 + e Effi r fE 2007 + e EH 1 iiEpffill S €: ISBN 978-7 -5600 -6982-L E llt : 39.90 fi vn *** h ai. * g on 4nt^Elr Frt . i.Tffi E l'{ ru il Hnit fr ft iJ4+fr ffi&'a\E#fEEifr : 010 ) ss817s1e g thu ( u n n gtr tie &
  4. HU + FI +trr., *i{il ttr{x + ffi + H tAffi E !v^f+ H H! ffi 2002 rHtNffiE T (
  5. ilEIE h + il E itiE H, ffi F F H ffi # XiE+i f,Z, l+iE H Iiltlr*,tlE. *€ it fi iR fi! i# [a. +i fiE H! +g fr A E*, E th|,'I,tnlF^iFt * H'[+ . frE&tt #A H + E H'! € tfr * l]r, F H +. )fi + tlt1fr E #, +U,L'iR f Bl5'lEF'f{,, h + 4 EH € E * f! - Frr H, iE il4 - F,rf f f - lbr IieU,t\i)tl%. tX Ef EE E fE Et' iEl E it ?- tr Fs 6# i {i H'! F t H fi+, lI, 8 t It E * = ltt i E IH fi+ 2- o ffi ru t,f.t lr+fi+E E Fr B'# I liFI r' fi!,ff, i[. E ++, #r ffi #txiE, E T fr ri ffi # y{t 4+ fiiJF- €)xiEH4HTH!6#I,f{F!rEffi " ffiX(t#.+H! E fi!4REi€ffit.ftfii.R,, trETj*if + tlF l3A t yIt E*ffrFI I B f+ f! 68, + t H! I'f{H F. ir i,iL{!.2 H! F^ " E + tr .,\ H! E re i- fr E-*' z+, ffiH Wt + z + E tX * T ^A#MtiEl+ rr H # )fr aJi + frE -5 + tr ,,\ it fl E€-iiH'!'aiE-5i;fi. ^#.+t REtrlEH/tFilfE+ , l+EtJ T tliF*#.+5ifffiHfiA&E ffi*0tJ/tFft,+-t){&ixiE H fiF r|itii KV + /r^ fcE 6! tJ: q ++, F {+ ffiIE+XtH . iI th ^Effi+t# =f:tk h *E#t M H fiF E ffi i h& , ftthl;^*Biff " lE Et't!,4+fiUtsi$fx.JA€ffitiffiE'i4i^TdfF+H! &f:ttd" +n{iltrf+€ ft+ftt IF.ffi + HE f+ stj * H 6f r- H fi! E fr Fr[, r\IF.zE # H ts " E I-E 2007+sfl fjbfr vn h ai. g on g thu II u n gtr ?na6#)niE. triE n tie
  6. PREFACE During the fall of 2002, we compiled New Century Eusiness Chinese Series (intermediate and advanced courses) to meet the needs of the foreign undergraduate students majoring in trade and economics. lt has gained wide attention and sound reputation among readers since publication. Five years since, great changes have taken place in the education of business Chinese. On the one hand, with the increasing popularity for Chinese language education around the world, there has been a dramatic increase in the demand for business Chinese language either in diploma education or in trainings designed for learners interested in Chinese language. The kick-off global test for Business Chinese Test (BCT) (October, 2006) symbolized the fact that business Chinese was one of the most popular courses. On the other hand, it is inspiring to have the academic discussions concerning business Chinese education and the compiling of the related teaching materials. The precious comments and suggestions provided by experts and scholars on our text books have urged us to concentrate not only on the perfection of the existing textbooks for diploma education but also on the wider learners and their requirements and interests. Therefore, we compiled the Eusiness Chrnese Series (elementary course) under the support of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. This set of text books is designed for foreign students of the preliminary level (with the vocabulary of 500 words) who plan to study trade and economics. lt can also be used for the seff-study learners working in China. The set of text books includes Busrness Chinese for Beginner' Reading, Busrness Chinese for Beginner' Speaking and Busrness Chinese for Beginner' Listening. This set of text books brings a lot of new features based on the concept of "building up the platform for language learning under the circumstance of trade and economic activities". 1. Basic level for beginners Thanks to the participation of the program "Macro Research on the Promotion of Global Business Chinese and Demand Status" by the Office of Chinese Language Council International, we gained new understanding on business Chinese and its worldwide promotion. As a specialized language teaching, the content should primarily be determined by its objective and target. Actually, there's great difference in the demand of learning vn business Chinese from intermediate-advanced demand to lower one. Distinctions in learning h ai. require the variation and multi-dimension in the compiling of the text books. g on g thu u n u n gtr tie
  7. A survey shows that for the general foreign staffs working in foreign enterprises in China, the most necessary training is basic Chinese language skills and some work-related daily conversations, since most business activities are conducted in English while Chinese is only used to carry out regular communications with other staffs and in other necessary social and economic needs such as going to banks, booking tickets, etc. Busrness Chinese Series (preliminary) has also satisfied the need of foreign students to solve their language problems for the initial days in China and make a smooth transition to their specialized study in Chinese in the future. 2. Being practical and practice-involved Nearly half of the people surveyed chose "to increase employment opportunity" as the intention to study Chinese, which is the ultimate purpose of business Chinese. lt is the combination of language skills training and the delivery of economic knowledge, thus being practical is the major concern. This set of text books is based on the real life of foreign students, highlighting economic elements, to build an actual communicative environment for the training of communication strategies and skills. 3. Integration of commercial culture into language study In the past time, time and distance constituted the biggest barriers to international business, while cultural difference is considered the major one nowadays. Thus, the understanding of the commercial culture within the environment of the language is crucial for learning business Chinese. The aim for cultural education lies not only in the transmission of knowledge but also in the formality of the ability to overcome the obstacles imposed by cultural differences. This textbook integrates the Chinese cultural background, social etiquette and even the Chinese ways of thinking, which will enable learners to communicate more effectively in the real commercial activities with their Chinese counterparts in the future. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Cai Jianfeng, Chief Editor of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Director of Chinese Publishing Mr. Peng Donglin who offered us great support during the process of making the book. We especially acknowledge editors in charge Ms. Li Caixia and Ms. Xu Yang who contributed a lot in the publishing of the book. Special thanks go to each expert who has provided precious instruction for the writing of the book. We're looking forward to the precious comments from different readers and experts to make it better. Dong Jin May 2007 , Beijing vn h ai. g on g thu ry u n gtr lnt&tr-#)xjE. aE n tie
  8. ffiEi,HHE ir.?\+t " +fr ft te6 # )xiB7.5tJ318" t\ 4n2F. tr iE EF //}, E )t E H ra 500-800 iA it H! ft t I ft + tTH !!-ffi + Effi E tr1 +n 28. iE, t, E. r\ 1Hr + xt + 2AH r lF ffi + Z A frrr A + ffi. = M. A+nl.+-IH{Fffi , &nl.5AF.5tJfr\HIb*1MEeAff.H. ei!.€JE EiRH{, iFE-+. -. a#kfEsffiH 1 . riE *H,t+, * + r #tEreil,E 5 #HfriFtH HA H.i + r +.a . A + {+ E H + z € tE + R € * H {f {H *ti9t+ E 2,1tr ff iRH$, } -{6, + 2 A E + u iE t fi iR fi! lE Et' E + +* frA+?rt'*t?fr € rk ia it ru +H X H! * A E fr , )r zAH)xiEKgtJYttE+ HWlh = FqH! + u +fiEff , )r+ tr#r44ffi€rlt+ t FEtr * HlEtt " 2. SEi,tEJ i ps,lt,,HitlEH+>t #Hi tr iF*itfrE,] " +6 ffi ( xf, l. tXiF A{ + X4VJ >>, F fr l.nt&. tr iE #{ + H! ++ tr " tX i |l,r r, HE rn A h 24tl', r\ rn*rk*. ^ ifrtrt 2+tkffiEiRI6JE, LXrjifr . fE€. fl.d+*ifr+ir5} +,birllr.+X iEa " t+ r +ai*1EE E H + z € )fef $Eat + H! t iE. tj,r6E t " ^+n, s. H 4 5'ltf fE n*'lt, f,t|,f Ar+ >l # Ht Xit f s fRt&'lt . n hT H*Yffi.k+z+ffi+ z Xffi , ilfE + ,r *iRI6r 6H6i €.ro , IfiiE'4* H)fr ; ifrfffi Er;ZH-iffi , H'; 2*nflufr*.f*F*,H, KXifffi ; iEH*Eitfrdr+ E{'fti, ^+tr.ffi5 E&Yt, Ef !&E I i: ;ii*ii44566tfr ^H afifxi+Jt, 65'l+. Eall'fttE" -. 4+H!ffit1F,ffi{r|J €lfrEHiRI. HiA*. iEHHtif+. tih#.z" 20iR. €iRHr*-+Eru, ^+fin+ etiRx-fniRl:. fi6fi)i^i , H-ffiiRi{trllEEfiiFE, ff:HiRX 1. iRx, ftffi - ffiixa H! Efit _t # - sJfr ii fr i^ Etr. 2. +\A, EflngtJH 30-35 fei;J , EAt OXiEzK*iditStx?+tfr.xtT) EHfi!" 3. iEHHt+f+' I iEH t1ffitrffi#iqiEHlit+. i'fZHF, 24'yi*siR&tHXH!Hi*, Hd. € *ifffli+. 4. E+7trr&if g qt*Z" @+friEEiEiEf"t, iAiFHlrHEfr+HHE,, Efl€fr frAt*Z, H!61frfnfi8, t'"]€flxfifrffri)tl%,, jgiqFlqfrEqFtFiA+rixl%, iRHiEH*EJa, .'tE|*4€ o ,,/"J g rt v n !it,hai. * g on 2007+4n g thu n V g tru n tie
  9. NOTES Busrness Chinese for Beginner . Speaking, as one of the New Century Business Chi- nese Series, is a course book for those business students who have mastered 500-800 Chi- nese words. lt can also be used as a self-study book for those businessmen who are keen to know more about China. The recommending teaching time for this book is 4 hours per week (totally one year). Busrness Chinese for Beginner. Speakinq has a good combination of Chinese lan- guage skills training and economic knowledge of current China, which aims to enhance learn- er's oral skills and lay a solid foundation for future study at intermediate and advanced levels. Eusrness Chinese for Beginner. Speaking gives prominence to teaching skills of elementary Chinese according to Syllabus for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Through vivid images, dramatic plots, useful topics and characterization of distinct person- alities, the text book helps to enhance the learners Chinese conversation skills in dialogues, question-answer and narration, and foster an interest in spoken Chinese and improve the learners'Chinese spoken ability as soon as possible. In order to stimulate the learner' interest, the text book integrates vivid and down-to- earth Chinese materials, extensive and upto-date topics, creative and practical exercises, rich and colorful activities and attractive onthe-spot business investigation into the content. Paradigm of the book The text book has 20 units together. Each unit consists of two texts, vocabulary, grammar notes and comprehensive exercise in each topic category, Text It consists of two reading materials. The first one brings out topics and the second one gives further discussion and provides relevant materials concerning the topic. Words Based on Syllabus of Graded Words and Characters for Chinese Proficiency, the text lists 30-35 new words for learners. Notes and grammar It explains the social and cultural background of each word, introduces business knowledge and gives English translation. Comprehensive exercise Each unit has such 9 types of exercises as pronunciation, word-matching, sentence substitution, conversation drills, sentence-making, class practice and social investigation. vn Compilers h ai. g April,2007 on g thu u n gtr +nr&6*)xiE. AE VI n tie
  10. Con , t,r.t;i i..,t,,', *f+ffi'tFl'l+ Lbsson Onb. New Term 'New Classmates 01 . #;r8,, , ,, JJJ5 . -f5 rll --tl' r+- -ls--:- Lesson lwo Bookstore'Book Fair 14 H=&- TEIF Lesson Three House Renting ffiwx& jlf ' / fi.- Erl F Lesson Four Account'Bank Card ffiL1X i*€. +€ Lesson Five Fast Food' Chinese Food 51 tr)?{frtb *Ftrd frr 7:'ttr' Lesson Six Medicare ++Jl . +,fi& Ftr il'{7tr' Lesson Seven Mobilephone ' Computer la 4-11 ffirxiL llE tF Lesson Eight Sales Promotion ffi )1,1K "3.15" E Lesson Nine World Consumer Right Day 101 ffi+iF, JT-tr . HfH+ Lesson Ten Public Transportation' Taxi 113 vn h ai. g on g thu un VII n gtr tie
  11. ''igr".", "',diili;,, '*%' :*-,r Eleven Lesson wi,+h Shopping 1Zs ffi+ =ifr- l8-tffiiT Lesson Twelve Online Booking 138 H-lzi(- "xffizifr Lesson Thirteen The Silk Road Trip 152 "#'lwtY XHR .JUHB Lesson Fourteen Job Hunting 167 +:+EiK HeEl Lesson Fifteen Golden Week 180 +:-f ,:1K I^Ht$fr. 4E+ Lesson Sixteen Gym Industry . Olympic Games 193 ffi'r ].,iK r6{R#tr# Lesson seventeen Environmental Protection volunteer 206 ffit^& Lesson Eighteen '.AA.i$it* . Exposition Trade Fair 21g ffiT)LiK ,HftHHiI, Lesson Nineteen Views on Consumption 231 "fr-tiY + trHlArlL Lesson Twenty Chinese Enterprises 245 ,KAz"17. Vocabulary 256 v n hai. g on g thu un gtr 4,ntX6$X\8. =tr VIII n tie
  12. ) iL i I /\ n i.v ha o ng iRTTE {4l g th u gt run n tie
  13. ?!l # ffi ,,'i#*i ( €u+t+.f +fr1lfr+rnffi ) ,i*-+, iEfE, Ej LE€filf;frnh+t9? *. -r.: ErF{ ! {fi{nEEUXHt*f + rE? lRU , riil ! +irrl tr , EZ *-o L>{trffi ;ffii* , ffi iffiffi i" {u, n'l//f 7rw,, ',/r4'/rt l/t, lll'1h v n h ai. g on g thu u n ngtr ffi-ix ffi+ffi .ffi14+ tie
  14. w4 ?-,, )rjhtj#IFT " IT E*-b, +ttfs, ELI#Err, I^Fftr*H!. tuEFtf|J^, rq|]qt+'g" w+4, ftil,Ails F:r2F,Htr=. -+Bf+t*t-X + tr, *HtEtE" n -r.: .E)6? ffiifi,-tEEgEq. E]llt#l3fi, t,Et*fi. €f . y6+h H!XH. W*L, E7i(8, tE Htffi E-lEf tffi if; t Ht rl,{t.fttrlfi'. EE-$, frlsltr' h It tdT * L'EiT X J b F ffi #strz *. -r.: ? E+l,E*, +)xiEiif,EiEii$, EtrEJbF. w4?-, iqfH" ffilraE+trHlEfi|3, E&ia. t4;*. y{L,trtrF,b. IbTlXtfi F!*L, frH tR&€ E+HiSE. 9t *'fi, Wllt/aaFr., EafltH? t -r.: &,{*X, +k4.ltt'It1Jlfr-T " E{nEfr ASZEE&Affi.,f&T {EtxiEiifl+tF, FfiE_xffir, fui.F,EH, flfr&.g, "+EliE" ^'afiFrq{t tl rr[8, friJEfiIfuvtr *7 . Itr,fltl! iliF,{fi,flt{RHx, EE+tH! ah" E*-t, i^iF,{ft+I{tt&fRHx" w+ ?-, +trtriHIf,*gx.flE*. 9t fl,r), iq Etr. fi+Af hW ff..:ltr'Ill E! " *. -L' )rFniif,ifr , F 7 tEt+E^T " fllsfrH &f+rif+, ffi {fl[Eil qttJ, EA++? tl icEAITF.I+JElEil, iF[E ! vn hai. g on g thu ?il*H#XiE . triE u n gtr 2 n tie
  15. . ..: ?tl ,ffi F iftt- (frfitrK+tE ) n _r., zH+, tTLTn, $tqE*7" 'fe- Q-, E*7. Fi{Fi.{fiiqE E , ifFl+-EzFfHnEz lf -r lJ wli,Jil1ffi , -t{Fi..H.E+tx E 4iEa#xit€il z txiF tr iEfr ffi h, #JH,ftJH,,E.frl3)ftH*fiffiH, tb+Et'.EiRtrF9KrFb ! .:io t/t, :h r
  16. 1. rSH ( EU ) jingudn although 2. Ehffiir j)nl'i'6rw6i do the best one can \ - -\ 3. A-E{ ( AI jinr6ng finance 4.rF.* (€ ) vrlb entertainment s. trlk ( e I conyYn food and drink 6. xH ( e ) tiont6ng heaven t. frlrfr ( EtJ ) diqub indeed, surely s. iiffi (at ) ch6ngmdn be full of, fiIl g. )frJJ l, e ) hu6li energy, vigor ro. EiEifr (el pilt6nghud mandarin 11.Eit (fli. & ) sh6uxudn (adj.) be the first chosen/selected; (n.) the first preference tz. J&5, ( M ) youiiil age-old, long-standing rr. €fffiiD mingshbng gUji scenic spots and historical sites r+. 4 triE (e) zh6nggu6tdng China expert rs.4# (d ) chuTniri boast, brag IO. JEF (Ei)su take into account, attend to n.IAl# ( at ) zhooddi entefiain, serve (customers) Tg. JEEU (Yt) zhoudbo considerate rg.*#. ( € ) jiojiao private tutor 20.tffiH ( A ) ldnjibo lie-in* (Ytl ch6ngshf rich, substantial ( € ) ;icnu vn ai. zz. s'ntt basis n.lJnI* (EtJ ) iidbbi doubly g h on g thu u n 4nte6*xiF-. nE n gtr tie *lt;,1 .- ,- -, --,1,---,---.- ..r*...1. ".1'. '. :,. ; .
  17. f;tgu ( 4t ) tonggud pass "!. ).. i zs. Af;l (e) b6nke undergraduate course 26. EF;rl#-E{ ( &) gu6jijlnr6ng internatioanl finance - -.:j, ,7 ' - ' .:H E ttltD\ ( € ) xiooxi information 28 i+ ( ElJ ) sudi (spoken Chinese) quite, rather 29. iffi,€ ( Yt ) mdnyi satisfactory 30 HjL*t5 (Z) yingybbir sales department 3r.:ly.6tLtT (€ ) ybwirjinsli sales manager 32 +,ilt] ( Z ) didny6u e-mail #&+' 'fs6Ear'l Jion6ng G6ngsi Canon (a world-renowned camera maker in Japan and is now a global multimedia corporation) Ei,F New Words and Comprehensive 1. AftLEI,F,SHi,H,. except the frank manner of speakin g.* HI+t^6XEA€ifi, 'o here means o'be free to ask questions unclear". vn h ai. g on g thu u n gtr ffi-ix tr+H .ffitEt+ tien
  18. &n, l) +nEfr,}.6l+ AF"qt nff..+ift #", *,-R.fis,f,fr 2) fr 4+ A . 3) #,&1 , Eoi,{ tr-ttA 6 6" 2. fr-E/Stfi. &M, D+n+X..-rtfivett#tFl+. 2) t#tl+&-R+r. 3) di.& I &ke4r*, t iA$ HSK s ,L" g. Eii[H t."] r Sometimes also " itffHifi,? " W i,t, 1) it4Fl tE ? 4i"4€iEl}il^, .&_Etilrl^. 2) 4A,:uLft**f*f + tJ " iLA ffi+6ti6tsG.n',L"q? 3) A: aA l.'J, !9*4*, tb,* 4rtal6,iL"Er? B: ii.;i6.Fl tE ? di.R.4e t|+nnL, I f*-** 1. vn h ai. g on g thu un t'la6#xiF. triE n gtr tie
  19. ft ttt, 1) *.it. A )+ , FDLiAA 1f,", "6 'ffl t{ * -* 1 " 2) tki\l# + tr++t, fr 1n; 4oiR, -- R. 6E J{ tltgl&fr L+f " 3) &rt+ 4 trk',ftfiK, ft1L4..1+ X-/..f.r+M-*&, iL&iLfrnif4*tr*h, 5. INFJL[Ftr. & lr,l , l)A: ,tlLff,ifl,&-I HSK 6 tfi-, ft"q? B: 4F/1fr, XiErt! 4tfi-. 2) *,fr1ixt*'F+Fl3 )t-fr flF A Afr? 3) 4EF4l3/LsEl 1fr? 6. ieExEH#&EU ffir ;; E;; ipt"p.l irraicates emphasis. It's usually rono*J if '; fl '; .a":iR tt Sc fri, 1) ia+tE*EJr H +, €,J.&*F*o€" 2) di.+.+ & iL'l-itJt ,LM-T " 3) 4i.+.{e'i 4+ A.& 4'6.n4" ;&'nr v n hai. g on g thu u n 7 gtr H-W ffi+S.ffitEt+ I tien li:, I
  20. prehe lu'New worcs"'a$ ! rvo ffi-. H E ffi friiiFgiFtHi*Tr|J fitiF. Read the following words correctly and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. r. -+ ->k -E LT* 2.5 4E -f -fi -a zifil 4:f7 Tn $=. H iEffi HtiiFEiFiIEli*T rtJfrJ+ " Read the following sentences correctly and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. L E 1+AWxE,SEifi'' fi-E.,S hffi *r " 2. ETE TEH!ffi E_ET'ffi'f; HlII,ft TLffifr " 3. i3i5HFlz ' 4tr15*, +'XiEifi,giEifr, E-EEJbtr" 4. EFE, friJEIilbER+1 " s. H{niArE)LWIE At+? 6. nt.{H{fi)qE E , ftH{+-ETirfHrE, ! z. fhfislJ)iffiHH!r{f 7 rg? s FHlz isEE+lr)HF." ffi=. EFTaJiFliFlE4" Choose a proper place for each word. sljEd x I xjbtrl,xEf , +ttg+ )XiE" 2. $r/rrl+L4 fll+t+iT tr+,t+H+sfrz 3. +i tr#tB, zt)friifrif,i#iF7" vn 4. fbtxiEii, lFHifttlJ" h ai. mruEHlFe +7 g on s. XJ o g thu u n iil1&6#XiE. triE n gtr tie


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