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Ebook Korean grammar in use - Intermediate: Part 2

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Nội dung cuốn sách"Korean grammar in use - Intermediate" sẽ bao gồm: Nhiều điểm ngữ pháp và cách diễn đạt xuất hiện trong TOPIK Trung cấp Cấp độ 3 và 4; Giải thích chi tiết các điểm ngữ pháp và bài tập thực hành để tự học tiếng Hàn dễ dàng; So sánh các điểm ngữ pháp có ý nghĩa và hình thức tương tự để làm nổi bật sự khác biệt của chúng; Các mẫu ngữ pháp và bài tập thực hành được thiết kế đặc biệt để chuẩn bị cho TOPIK Trình độ Trung cấp. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo "Ebook Korean grammar in use - Intermediate: Part 2" để biết thêm chi tiết.

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Nội dung Text: Ebook Korean grammar in use - Intermediate: Part 2

  1. 7~ ~~ »-1 ~ .AcJW 0 }~ :111Bt ~ .:;:! ~o}Ji.. Hoyeong really seems to know a lot. q ~-o}Ji.. ~ ~ 1f:io1 ~i ~ ~lil- o}yt!f uH ~ --8-g.S:. llll}~ ~ 01 5!}!--j .:L tS .:;:! ~0 1-Jl. You're right. I think it's because he not only reads a lot of books, but he also reads the paper every day without fail. 7~ 7J-%l£.£ 01~~ ~ ~7!} ~H=-t=l1 e>l ~7!}Ji.? I'm thinking about taking a trip to Gangwondo. What do you think (about such a trip)? q %-;A1Jl. 7J-%l£~ {1-oj Bt ~ ~1i} o}yt!} tl}r:}£ l.A-1 01~~~}71011 °}? ~~ :£- 0 ]oj]Jl. I like it. Gangwondo not only has a lot of mountains, but it also has beaches, so it's a very good place to travel visit. OI.R~~ ·~'@~2.1 LH-§12.!"01 o~LI .JJ. ~'@~2.1 LH-§OI 7 ~2.1 7 1:::: ~77~:AI~ cio~O:I'2.~ ::: 2.101 ~ LfE~~ [H .A.~ ~Liq. '12.)"'~ {!l~o~O:I '-( 0 )2 ~ O~LI2.F2.1 ~EH~ .A.~gLiq. This expression is used to indicate that "not only what is stated in the preceding clause, but also what is stated in the following clause". This expression can also be used without ~ as in -{.£)2 ~ OfLI2.f. -(.2.)2 ~'2_1- O~LI2.~ .3.q ~~ ~'2! O~LI 2.~ Qj ~~ ¥'2! O~LI2.~ AN ~ ¥'2! o~LI2.~ Qj ~ ¥'2! O ~LI2.~ ·····------ '' -···· --------·--·--------- ---------·-' '' ~------- -- ····---·-- --------------- --- ---- -- ' '' NOiq ····--- ---------- ' ----·--- - - - ------.----- --·---------------- - - - - - -- . ' - - -- N 0~~ ~-----·------------------------ --------.!..----·· --~------...!----------- 1 92 Korean Grammar ut CZI...·e •Intermediate
  2. 7f 7J\f~oj].Ai tt}';t77}Jl? Shall we meet at Gangnam Station? q 7i 7]~ ~ ~ttl- o}y2f .ii?)~-5:. .J0Ji>}L-]77} t:.J-:=
  3. 1 'ElCf I l::ll.!:t. 't'JOI2.Cf ~101~ JJ.I ~01 717~ ~~ .=~.q 717~ .=~.q I ~i:!!~Cf Xi~.!:t.-l= ~:XI7 ~ ~~ O~E:f"Cf ~:XI7 ~ O~Ejq I l::lfCf.!:t_ 7J~5fCf 'l'!Aitt J "quick" courier service l::,. ~~fC.f p recise XIOt JJ.I AH£~l! ~A~ ~Ail::ll.6 194 Korean Grammar ri1 U ·e-· Intermediate
  4. (1) 7f .2..~ 211 ~~ ~-2--5BJi..? (7J~oJ ~ ~q 1 IJic.]_s:_ opiq) Lf ll.lf-01 at -t~ ~DJ: ot-1-let- Di~x or=~ 'i! '.torH {]o]l ~~ 7}e;J.Jl -5BJi... (2) 7f Al ~~o] 01Ui1Ji..? (g~o] 3!-~q 1 7}z=]S:. »-}q) q A~ 7}Ji... (3) 7f 0] *0 1 Alojl7Jl ~ 01%24Ji..? (~ 01%2-]t:f I ~Jtl-5B _!rl_o]q) q lil. (4) 7f 211 4-~ »-1 ~ ~ ~Y.Ji..? (A}7] o] oj:7]~ i>}q I A}cJ"S:. ?J-o] i>}q ) Lf 4-~ »-1::::= ~J-'-J otq.Jl .AlA] oJ-o}Ji.. • ~ n \.0 (5) 7f o] 7}nJlo]l"'l ~~ ~ -5BJi..? (.!f-~ ~E-llJl ~ o]%W 4- ~q I S:%t>}q) q lil. 0 l 7}llll ::::= o:j7]oj]Al ~~~A~ -5BJi... 2 '¥'CJ O~LI2fL~ ·~ ¥'C! O~LI2.V~ ..q~t>HAi c~~ CH:2:~ ~{:if>~AiiR. (1) 7f A 7}1'::::= l ~7] 7} ?J"AlJi..? (~~ I -5B~) q .::::L~Ji... ~41~DJ: Ot-1-ler c)H2.1DiiH!C. ~7] 7} ?J-orJi... (2) 7f .:::r
  5. How was your trip? q \t»-]7} ~~TI I:l]'Cf7} l:l]77}7-] W0 ] Q}J-i ~~e>l]li!­ ~ e>-1 J-i :AHa1~ Si e>-1 . Not only was it chilly, but it also rained a lot, so I was bored just stayi ng inside the hotel. 7~ Qlj .::1.~7]] ~~ ~{} %~ ~ ~o}Jl? Why did it take you so long to pick up the phone? q %o] ~ !::: I:ll'Cf7} ~7-}7] f-7} ~o}Q.}J-i * ~91-e>lJl. The water was boiling, and moreover, I had a visitor, so I couldn't answer it. Ol3:!~ t!~~2.1 ~o1q ~EHOil.$~~2.1 §:Qolq ~EH7 ~ c-JoH:A~Ai ~Ol 'a~ qE~~ rrHA~~Li q. '-( 0 Lj~ Cilq'~ W~ * ~~Lj q_ This expression indicates t hat t he action or state in the following clause occurs in addition to t hat stated ~ the preceding clause. The form -{2.)L / E [ilq can also be used. -2 Cilq7~ A :Q~ CiiCP~ \-----··-············-·---··-·----·-----~---········---- ··-···-···~---········-------- .z! cilcm ~ ~ CiiCP~ v 7 f-E Cil cp ~ ~ ~ CiiCP~ ~o1q ~CZJc-ncm ~{!!O i q 2t{!l'Z.! cilcm '-'-----''-·------ ---··· ... - --------·------· ·-----·-·- - · - 1 96 Korean Grammar ;, 'l/.w!-· Intermediate
  6. 7f 7-1 ;,4 %mJ:§:J-~ Oi17}C;j .Jl -oN::-r:-11 -it ~o1 ~'2J1.fl_? I'm about to go to Seoul Department Store. Would you like to go, too? Lf ::2 m]:§:j-~ ,'?_ i):01 l:l1{1- ~Jlq7} ~5:. ~.£..
  7. 1 7f q 7}77}-g. o}E.£ lf:lo1 ~~t;l] .2)1 t:H~ ~
  8. (1) 7f .:::?-~ »-17} ~717} W,
  9. 7~ _AjW 0 1 l-}'E}-~ .2. 2 J.i1R? So you don't really know who that person is? q J.;]1, 7--] ~ :1. l-}'E}- 0 1~ S-7.} %2.}R. Nope. I don't even know his name. 7~ l:l1il~71 l-}.Jl7} J;tq~ if"' ~ Sd_o-]R? Did you hear the news about the plane accident? q o}yR, _8_~~1l:j.Y l:l}t1Hy77}
  10. 1 Ol .R~~ ~.£ !f.~~
  11. 2 7f 1-?~ :A j.£ l:lfl~'E_ ~:A~~ 9
  12. These days, you seem to have a lot of meetings. q 1.:]1, ~woJi:!.fA~ ~ W't:J]Jl . ..2.~ 1t} t>llS.. £Jlg 7}~ "&J-~~o ] u } rl us-"1 .Jl E..Ol r-JI Jl . 2M~ Regarding going backpacking to Europe during summer vacation, I heard a lot of students do that. q t:J1. wor Jl. 7-1] ~F? ~ 1t} t>lls.. ~ »-1 o:J Ci o L§ 1 c} t4 ~o-j Jl. Yes, you're right. Even just among my friends (without having to consider anyone else), many have done so. OI .H~~
  13. • iL~,
  14. (1) 7~ -tL71 .2..
  15. 1 G) 9J7]~7.} ® It} 1:-j] t:f 7} @ 9J Ej]y77} @ 9J7] n:Jl.g.Oi] 2 G)¥ .2. \3 s:. ® _!f-.2_\:JO]Lf @ ¥.2. \3-¥-EJ @ ¥ .2. \37-i ~ 3 7~ R~ 0~251--E l§OI U~ 7~ !i!.~R. q Ll, - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - i G) o]Jti ?~7.} t;J] Jtio]L.f oJ:2 ~ ~o-j.R ® o]Jti ? Oi]t:f7} t;J] Jtio]L.f oJ:2 ~ ~oi.R @ o]Jti ?~ -5HS:. t;J] Jtio]L.f oJ:2 ~ ~o-j.R @ o]Jti ?Oi] l:l]-5H).i t;J] Jtio]L.f oJ:2 g ~o-j.R 4 7~ 2H2:,1-.lil 2j:10JIA.i ~A:I ?JO ~R? q 2:,1-.J:il 2j:1~ - - --------------------------- G) {l{(ojl:l]-tl )!-011 ~ x£ ~lf- i'J"0 }Ai ~¥-6}7] 7} ~ ~71 ~ ii. ® 1]{(ojl:l]»+ 7]-7-].Jl ~ x£ ~lf- f£oJ-;.i ~.!f-5]-7] 7]- ~ ~7-] ~ii. @ 1]{(oj l:l]-tl EJ]t:f7} ~ x£ t=llf- f£oJ-;.i ~..!f-5]-7]7]- ~ ~71 ~ii. @ 1]{(ojl:lj».}7] ~ 5]-7.]~ ~ x£ ~ lf- f£oj-).i ~¥5}7]7} ~ ~7-] ~ ii. 5 G) J ;.}'if ~ 7]-~~ oj-yc} l:lH~o ] 7] £ -5Hii.. ® ~7]7]- t:f 1.-j-% ~~ otyc} 7] ~£ ~o]-~o-Jii.. ® ;z}o]:».]~ .Aj~ o] *~~o]-yc} ~o]-7] 77]-;zj -5Hii.. @ ;zi~~ ~~ o]-y2.} oj-~ 7J};z] * ~o-J;.i l:lH 7l- t-i lf- .JlTij-ii.. 6 G) J u]-E ~ 7]-~oj -tlJ:i]t:f7]- %~£ f£o}J,i 7.}? 7}ii.. ® 1QA]7} '8-E- 1:-j]t:f7} ~».] £ 4:-%1 .Ai -2\:Jo]
  16. 7~ * '%] _2__£ o:j H::- ~o]ojl..fl. . !f-1 ~Jl~ 7-j ~_2_ ~ J.} ~77}Jl? Mom, I'm on my way out of the office. Is there anything you need me to pick up (buy)? q :r'%:1. ~ojJ _2_ ~ ~Oll fr-:rr:JojJ 7}J.1 H% J.} 9-l-. In that case, stop by the supermarket on the way home and get some tofu. Ol IE~ ~ Ol-§of-E. .l!~ g O Oi't! JI q~ ~§~ ~ [[H '"q§gLiq. This expression is used when t he speaker does an action while in the process of going somewhere. :: ~011 7~q 7f-E ~011 v ~12-o~q ~12of-E ~011 ---------------------~------·- -- - -- - - ···········--· - - - - -- - • ~-2-i>J-E ~ofl -Aji>}~ o]] J-i ~ca_i>j ~ 7 ~ ~X]:o-J.fL. I met a friend by chance on the subway on my way home. • {)011 ~1-.2.. ~ ~ofl 6J~01Vi ¢1J.}-i>}-.:il ~o-J.fL. I ate at a restaurant on my way home . JE£. o:j ~ 7)-E ~ofl ~%£ ~ ~ 7-jcj].fL. • .!jl-A I will also visit Andong on my trip to Busan. 208 Korean Grammar ul/ Vsl!/ · Intermediate
  17. 1 01 .H.~~ · :::: ~olq'.£.£C. £li"OI J...f§oi-Ec~l OIU/1:::: Ol§oi-E ~01
  18. (1) 7~ oj-{loJl oj-o]7]- ~:7.]- "§:}.ll!.oj] 7]-..9..? (~J.j-oj] 7]-q) q Oj-'-]_9._, Al]7j- ~f..toillrJe- 1 .l0ll t:1]C;jq ~..9... L IL J t.J=O _ _ _ _ __ __ E. a-] n.l _9._ • 2M~I (3) 7~ ~o]-, Jlj-~g_ QjJ .:::Z.\'-~1 t!J:o] J.j-~o-]..9..? (~oJl %oJ-_2_q) q 7]-~] oj] J.-j »-]-~] ~j-J.-j t!J:o] 1J:oJ. (1) 7~ oj~oj] 7]-Ai]il? (~ '8-6]-cj 7]-L:}) q ~%t>~ lr.!e- 1 .lOIO!I.2. . q (4) 7~ ::z.]~ o] J.]{l-oj] ojt:.] 7]-y? (~.:;z.Qj



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