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ENGLISH TEST 5 (80 mins)

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  1. ENGLISH TEST 5 (80 mins) I. PHONETICS Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 1. A balloo n B blood C blue D zoo 2. A complete B engine C hea vy D ma ny 3. A clown B cow C p lough D tough 4. A breathe B breath C myth D think 5. A houses B measure C p lease D reason 6. A bear B hear C pear D share 7. A comb B come C dome D ho me 8. A boot B foot C shoot D soot 9. A cheese B choice C chord D chunk 10. A caused B increased C practised D promised II. VOCABULARY 1. Choose the best answer. 11. We have decided to ....... the money for the local secondary school. A beg B collect C raise D rise 12. At present the school cannot…..... to buy all the computers it needed. A afford B have C risk D have enough 13. We hope to set........... a number of fund-raising projects A in B o ut C o ff D up 14. We hope. that the students themselves will enjoy taking ...... in the projects. A advantage B notice C part D. place 15. I'd like to ……….... when I am sixty. A relax B rest C retire D stop 16. Have a good flight and remember to give me a…...... as soon as you arrive. A call B phone C ring D touch 17. She didn't get…….. well with her boss, so she left the company A at B on C through D up 18. By the time we…..... the resort, the rain will have stopped A arrive B come C get D reach 19. Max is not a(n) ………. drinker but he likes a glass of wine occasionally. A addict B drunk C heavy D obsessed 20. Please don't disturb me………. there is something urgent. A if B or C otherwise D unless 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer. Living in the country is something (21) …… peo ple from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both advantages and (22) .……..There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy (23) …… and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier. A further advantage is that there is less (24)…… so it is safer for young children, However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly, because there are (25) …….. people, you are (26)........ to have few friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, (27) ……in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is hard to find (28) ……. In conclusion, it can be seen that the country is (29)…….. suitable for some people than others. On the whole, it is o ften the best place for those who are retired or who have young children. In (30) …..young people who have a career are better provided for in the city. 21. A which B who C whom D that 22. A benefit B difficulty C hardship D disadvantages 23. A peace B peaceful C silent D still 24. A cars B motors C traffic D vehicles 25. A more B fewer C less D little 26. A like B likely C likelihood D possibly 1
  2. 27. A early B particularly C specially D usually 28. A career B job C p lace D work 29. A many B more C most D much 30. A contrary B contrast C convert D conversion III. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer. 31. The cost of the material is…….. in the bill for the work. A include . B included C including D includes 32. The bus company has ....... .. the fare by 20%. A raised B risen C raising D arisen 33. "You were late for your dental appointment" "I know I shouldn't ....... so long at the library " A be staying B have stayed C bad stayed D stay 34 The police ......... to report to the headquarters immediately. A require B required C is required D are required 35. He was advised ... .... singing lessons. A take B taken C taking D to take 36. Magazines are usually weekly or monthly, but newspapers are ........... A every day B daily C day D day after day 37. There isn't……… foreign news in the paper. A a lot B lots C many D much 38. I read in one paper that they are ........... married. A getting B got C being D having 39. I wish I………. some Jeans I really like, I must have tried on ten pairs. A find B can find C could find D should find 40. Everyone ..…….. what they have to do, don't they? A k now B knows C do know D have known 41. She used to work here as a typist, ............ she? A d id B d idn't C used D wouldn't 42. Tom is not used to ............ up early . He is late for school very often. A get B got C getting D having got 43. Can you help me.………. in this application form? A fill B to fill C filling D A&B 44. Please invite ....... you like to the reception. A o ne B anyone C o nes D all 45...... ..... you do, please don't tell Mary that we've lost her book. A Anything B What C Whatever D It's better 46. I'd rather you .......... smoke in here. A don't B d idn't C not D shouldn't 47. I feel rather cold, I wish I……… my pullover with me. A bring B brought C had brought D would bring 48. It's high time you .......... to look after yourself A learn B learned C will learn D would learn 49. Don't phone between 8,00 and 9.00.1 shall......... then. A study B be studying C be studied D have studied 50. Let me know as soon as Linda …….... here. A gets B got C will get D would get IV. USE OF ENGLISH Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 51. Animals and (A) man use the energy (B) finding in food (C) to operate (D) their body and muscles. 52. People had much (A) to, learn (B) before (C) they became (D) civilization. 53. Sorry, (A) could you say (B) that again? I (C) haven't listened (D) for you. 54. (A) In the end of the party, Jane found (B) herself (C) doing the washing-up again, (D) as usual. 2
  3. 55. Many women (A) have reached high positions (B) in business but there are still (C) little women in (D) government. 56. Each of the (A) cars in the showroom (B) was quickly (C) sold to (D) their new owner. 57. She is (A) no longer young (B) enough (C) to entering a beauty (D) contest. 58. Visits (A) to the zoo (B) is a (C) delight to (D) any child. 59. The (A) o ld house were (B) pulled down to (C) make room for a (D) block o f flats. 60. The football (A) match was (B) televised (C) lively from the (D) National Stadium. V. READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the passage and choose the best answer. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is primarily a result of mankind's burning of fuels, is thought to act like the glass of a greenhouse. It absorbs heat radiation from the earth and its atmosphere, heat that otherwise would dissipate into space. The possibility that the greenhouse effect could alter the earth's temperature has been debated for many years. Scientists have agreed that carbon dioxide is increasing but there has been uncertainty about whether temperatures are also increasing. The major difficulty in accepting the greenhouse effect has been the absence of observed warming coincident with the historic carbon dioxide increase. 61. The principal consequence of the greenhouse effect is assumed to be an increase in A g lobal temperatures. B the building of greenhouse C the burning of fossil fuels. D the sun's radiation reaching earth 62. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is believed to produce the greenhouse effect by A being burned on the ground. B d issipation into outer space C being widely used for agricultural purposes in greenhouses D preventing heat radiation from escaping the earth's atmosphere 63. What does the scientific community think about the greenhouse effect? A It regards it as an established scientific fact B It considers it a promising scientific theory. C It sees it as a useful agricultural technique. D It finds it an important mechanism for removing carbon dioxide from greenhouse. 64 One thing that all atmospheric scientists apparently agree about is that A g lobal temperatures are continually rising B the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. C greenhouses affect the earth's temperature significantly. D the glass of greenhouses has reduced the need to bum fuel. 65. Doubts about the greenhouse effect seem to centre on the fact that A the earth is steadily cooling down B growing produce in greenhouses has been only marginally profitable C it is difficult to locate and identify carbon dioxide in the atmosphere D past increases in carbon dioxide volume and global temperatures have often not corresponded. 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer. The ecosystems of the earth provide an array of free public services that are essential for the support of civilizations. They maintain the quality of the atmosphere, provide food from the sea, manufacture and replenish soils, recycle wastes and nutrients, control the overwhelming majority of crop pests and disease vectors, and so on. People have no idea how to take over these activities satisfactorily. They do know, however, that the theory once advanced in the nineteenth century that the productivit y of the land can be infinitely increased by the application of capital, labour, and science is wrong. History has shown that once the natural life support system of a civilization have been sufficiently damaged, they cannot usually be repaired. The ancient deforestation and overgrazing of the Mediterranean region is a famous example, And today, a global civilization is ruining the global environment. 66. What is the main topic of this passage? A Free public services. B Support needed for civilization. C The value of ecosystems. D The vastness of the Earth. 3
  4. 67. Which of the following could not be included under the "free public services" listed in the first four lines of the passage? A Preventing overgrazing by domestic animals. B Providing natural enemies for harmful insects. C Creating and enriching material for plant growth D Supplying air for breathing. 68. The author mentions the Mediterranean region as an example of A The ability of nature to remedy human destruction. B The ability of people to make use of natural resources. C The manner in which people replenish the e nvironment. D. The effect of human abuse of natural resources. 69. The author suggests that civilizations can survive B do not destroy the balance of natural processes. C replant the forests in the Mediterranean region D invent new procedures to replace obsolete ecosystems. 70 The author suggests that the difference between the ancient and modern situation is that today t he problem is A worldwide. B better understood. C more manageable. D economic. VI. STRUCTURES Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. 71. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise. A Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there. B We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it. C Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there. D Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel. 72. The first national park in the world, Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872. A YNP was established in the world's national park in 1872. B People established the first national park in the world, YNP, in 1872 C It was in 1872 that YNP was established as the first park in the world D 1872 was the year when the first park in the world was established. 73. George is going to work in New York for the summer. A George decided not to attend summer school in New York. B George is working and studying at the same time in New York. C George is working hard to afford to go to New York D George is working in New York this summer 74. / was astonished that she didn't pass her exam. A That she failed in her exam astonished me B I was astonished that her exam is not over C I was astonished that she did pass her exam. D She didn't pass her exam, which astonished her 75. The trip was boring but we enjoyed it a lot. A We enjoyed boring trips. B We are bored with the trips C The trip bored us D We liked the trip very much even though it was boring. 76. / used to work as a telephone operator. A I am used to working as a telephonist. B I worked as a telephone operator and I am used to it. C I no longer work as a telephone operator. D Working as a telephone operator is useful. 77. I can't stand this weather. It's getting worse and worse. A The weather is making me worse. B The weather is not better but I can stand it C I can't bear this bad weather any more. D I can't stand up in this bad weather. 78. The police questioned two men but neither of them could speak English. A The police questioned two Englishmen in English. B The police questioned two men who could not speak English. 4
  5. C. Neither of the Englishmen was questioned by the police D Either of the men could answer the police questions in English 79. No sooner had they found her number than they called her. A They called her as soon as they found her number. B They found her number sooner or later C They called her number sooner or later. D They found her number as soon as they called her. 80. Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting. A Martin thought part two of the film was not as interesting. B Martin liked the second film because it was interesting. C Martin thought past one of the film is not as interesting as part two. D Martin only saw the second part of the film, which is interesting 5



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