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Evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) genotypes for yield and quality parameters

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An experiment entitled Evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) genotypes for yield and quality parameters was conducted in the Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru, Karnataka during the year 2018-19. In present study, twenty one cherry tomato genotypes were evaluated for yield and quality parameters. Among different cherry tomato genotypes, maximum number of fruits per cluster was recorded in COHBT (8.75). Genotype COHBT-198 recorded maximum average fruit weight (43.90 g). The maximum fruit yield per plant was recorded in genotype COHBT-198(2.30 kg). COHBT-70genotype recorded maximum total soluble solids (8.55 ˚Brix) and minimum acidity was recorded in COHBT-31 (0.30%). Among all genotypes pericarp thickness varied between 2.50mmand 5.50 mm.

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Nội dung Text: Evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) genotypes for yield and quality parameters

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 467-472<br /> <br /> International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences<br /> ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 3 (2020)<br /> Journal homepage:<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Original Research Article<br /> <br /> Evaluation of Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme)<br /> Genotypes for Yield and Quality Parameters<br /> <br /> Najibullah Anwarzai*, Jyothi Kattegoudar, M. Anjanappa, Meenakshi Sood,<br /> Anjaneya Reddy and S. Mohan Kumar<br /> <br /> Department of vegetable science College of Horticulture, UHS campus, GKVK,<br /> Bengaluru-560065, India<br /> <br /> *Corresponding author<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ABSTRACT<br /> <br /> An experiment entitled Evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.<br /> var. cerasiforme) genotypes for yield and quality parameters was conducted in the<br /> Keywords Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru, Karnataka<br /> during the year 2018-19. In present study, twenty one cherry tomato genotypes<br /> cherry tomato were evaluated for yield and quality parameters. Among different cherry tomato<br /> genotypes genotypes, maximum number of fruits per cluster was recorded in COHBT (8.75).<br /> lycopene<br /> Genotype COHBT-198 recorded maximum average fruit weight (43.90 g). The<br /> Article Info maximum fruit yield per plant was recorded in genotype COHBT-198(2.30 kg).<br /> COHBT-70genotype recorded maximum total soluble solids (8.55 ˚Brix) and<br /> Accepted: minimum acidity was recorded in COHBT-31 (0.30%). Among all genotypes<br /> 05 February 2020<br /> Available Online: pericarp thickness varied between 2.50mmand 5.50 mm. The maximum number of<br /> 10 March 2020 locules per fruit was recorded in COHBT-208 (4.00).Genotype COHBT-209<br /> recorded maximum chlorophyll (mg/g) content (9.90mg/g). The maximum<br /> lycopene content was recorded in COHBT-44 (13.5mg/100g).<br /> <br /> Introduction Mexico and Florida. It is a warm season crop<br /> reasonably tolerant to heat and drought and<br /> Tomato (Solanum lycopresicum L.) is one of grows under wide range of soil and climatic<br /> the most important solanaceous vegetable conditions. (Anon., 2009a)<br /> crops grown widely all over the world and is<br /> native to South America (Rick, 1969). Cherry tomato is grown for its edible fruits<br /> Botanically cherry tomato is called Solanum which can be consumed either fresh as a salad<br /> lycopersicum var. cerasiforme having of after cooking as snacks. They are perfect<br /> chromosome number 2n=24. It is thought to for making processed products like sauce,<br /> be the ancestor of all cultivated tomatoes. It is soup, ketchup, puree, curries, paste, powder<br /> widely cultivated in Central America and is and sandwich. Unripe green fruit are used for<br /> distributed in California, Korea, Germany, preparation of pickles and chutney. The fruit<br /> <br /> 467<br /> Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 467-472<br /> <br /> <br /> size range from thumb tip to the size of a golf Results and Discussion<br /> balland can range from being spherical to<br /> slightly oblong in shape (Anon., 2009b). Number of fruits per cluster<br /> <br /> Materials and Methods This might be due to the prevalence of micro<br /> climate with better environmental condition<br /> An experiment was carried out to study with optimum temperature would helped in<br /> Evaluation of cherry tomato (Solanum the better pollination and ultimately leads to<br /> lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) genotypes fruit set. The maximum number of fruits per<br /> for growth and yield was under taken during cluster was recorded in COHBT (8.75) and<br /> Jun2018(Kharif season)at Department of minimum was recorded in COHBT-191<br /> Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture (3.00).<br /> Bengaluru, University of Horticultural<br /> Sciences, Bagalkot. The experiment site is The results are similar with Singh et al.,<br /> located at an of 930 meters above mean sea (2000) reported number of fruits per cluster<br /> level (MSL) at 12.97˚ N latitude and 77.56˚ E ranged from 4.30 to 8.70 with over all mean<br /> longitudes in the Eastern Dry Zone of of 5.90 and Mohanty (2003), Prashanth<br /> Karnataka (Zone-V). The 19 genotypes (2003), Mehta and Asati (2008) and Prema et<br /> maintained at Department of Vegetable al., (2011a) also reported similar results.<br /> Science, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru<br /> are taken for the present study. Average fruit weight<br /> <br /> Two varieties namely Yellow Round and Red Significant differences among the different<br /> Round from Suvarna Hybrid seeds were taken cherry tomato genotypes are presented in. The<br /> as check.Cherry tomato seeds were sown in maximum average fruit weight was observed<br /> plastic pro- trays having 98 cells. Regular in COHBT-198 (43.90g) which was followed<br /> irrigation and plant production measure were by COHBT-70 (38.90g) and minimum was<br /> taken to raise the good quality seedlings using observed in COHBT- 262 (3.50g).This<br /> growing media like mixture of coco peat and variation in average fruit weight might be due<br /> farm yard manure in 2:1 ratio. pro-trays are to inverse relationship existing between<br /> kept in green house. average fruit weight, and number of fruits per<br /> cluster. This was conformity with the findings<br /> Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) of Renuka et al., (2017).<br /> was adopted with two replication and 15<br /> plants in each replication. During July 2018, Fruit yield per plant<br /> field was brought to fine tilth by ploughing<br /> and harrowing. Farm yard manure was The average fruit weight directly contributes<br /> incorporated to the soil and bed covered by towards the fruit yield per plant. This was in<br /> plastic mulch. The 25 days old seedlings were agreement with the finding of Deepa and<br /> transplanted at the spacing of 90cm × 60cm. Thakur (2008) in tomato. The fruit yield per<br /> The experiment plots were kept free from plant showed significant differences among<br /> weeds by hand weeding at frequent interval. the different cherry tomato genotypes. The<br /> All agronomic practices were taken as per the maximum fruit yield per plant was recorded<br /> recommendations of package of practices of in COHBT-198 (2.30kg) which was followed<br /> University of Horticultural Sciences, by COHBT- 70 (2.20kg) and minimum was<br /> Bagalkot. recorded in COHBT- 270 (1.00kg).<br /> <br /> 468<br /> Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 467-472<br /> <br /> <br /> Total soluble solid (°Brix) Number of locules per fruit<br /> <br /> High total soluble solid (TSS) is the major Tomato fruit with less locules are preferred<br /> factors considered for manufacture of for processing industries as it gives better<br /> processed products. One per cent increase in firmness and indirectly better storability.<br /> TSS content of fruits results in 20 per cent Presence of limited number of locules in<br /> increase in recovery of processed product cherry tomato (2-3) is preferred then fruit<br /> (Berry et al., 1988 and Shivanand, 2008). The having more locules as a cherry tomato is<br /> data pertaining to the total soluble solid (°B) generally preferred as table fruit vegetable.<br /> showed significant differences among the The data pertaining to the number of locules<br /> different cherry tomato genotypes. The per fruit showed significant differences<br /> maximum TSS (°B) was observed in among the different cherry tomato genotypes.<br /> COHBT-70 (8.55°B) which was followed by The maximum number of locules per fruit<br /> COHBT- 27 (6.85°B) and minimum was observed in COHBT- 208 (4.00) which was<br /> observed in COHBT- 208 (4.20°B). Similar followed by COHBT-36 and COHBT- 44<br /> results were observed by Bajaj et al., (1990), (3.40) and minimum was observed in<br /> Jasmine and Ramadass (1994), Saimbhi et al., COHBT- 253, COHBT- 70 and COHBT-262<br /> (1995), Sharma et al., (1996), Rathod (1997), (2.00).The results were in consonance with<br /> Sivakumar (2000) and Sheferaw (2001). the finding of Kamimura et al., (1985), Dundi<br /> and Mandalageri (1991) in tomato, Renuka et<br /> Acidity (%) al., (2014) and Renuka et al., (2017) in cherry<br /> tomato.<br /> Acidity (%) showed significant differences<br /> among the different cherry tomato genotypes. Chlorophyll (mg/g)<br /> The maximum acidity (0.70%) was observed<br /> in COHBT- 208 and COHBT- 206 which was The chlorophyll (mg/g) among the different<br /> followed by COHBT- 199 (0.65%) and cherry tomato genotypes. The maximum<br /> minimum acidity was observed in COHBT- chlorophyll (mg/g) content was observed in<br /> 31 (0.30%).The low values of titrable acidity COHBT-209 (9.90mg/g) which was followed<br /> were because of red tomato fruits used for by COHBT- 27 (9.00mg/g) and minimum was<br /> analysis (Rana et al., 2014). observed in COHBT-36 (3.25mg/g). The<br /> variation in chlorophyll content observed due to<br /> Pericarp thickness (mm) genotypic variability. Similar results are<br /> supported by the results of Alley et al., (1976).<br /> Pericarp thickness showed significant<br /> differences among the different cherry tomato Lycopene (mg/100g)<br /> genotypes. A numerically maximum pericarp<br /> thickness was recorded in COHBT- 46, Lycopene pigment in cherry tomato fruit<br /> COHBT- 262 and COHBT- 206 (5.00mm) decided the optimum stage of ripening and<br /> and minimum was recorded in COHBT-70 also an important criterion for processing.<br /> (2.50mm).Similar results were reported by Hence, breeding for high lycopene would also<br /> Joshi et al., (1998a) in tomato. Higher help in developing tomato varieties or hybrids<br /> pericarp thickness and firmness also improves which would improve the general health<br /> the shelf life of fruit. Present findings status of consumers. Lycopene pigment in<br /> supported by the results obtained by tomato fruit decides the optimum stage of<br /> Shivanand (2008) in tomato. ripening and also an important criterion for<br /> consumed as a salad and processing.<br /> 469<br /> Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 467-472<br /> <br /> <br /> Table.1 Variation of cherry tomato genotypes for yield and quality parameters<br /> <br /> Treat Genotypes No. of Avg. Fruit yield TSS(°B) Acidity Pericarp No. of Chlorophyl Lycopene<br /> ment fruits fruit per plant (%) thickness locules l (mg/g) (mg/100g)<br /> per weight (kg) (mm) per fruit<br /> cluster (g)<br /> T1 COHBT-253 5.25cd 26.25gh 2.00b 4.75ghi 0.40efg 4.00 2.00f 5.40hi 5.78 j<br /> T2 COHBT -46 4.00f 31.55e 1.30fgh 5.55ef 0.45def 5.00 2.80cd 7.05cd 7.68ef<br /> T3 COHBT-27 4.50def 35.70c 1.30fgh 6.85b 0.55bcd 4.50 3.30b 9.00b 9.12d<br /> T4 Red Round 6.55b 20.90kl 2.10ab 5.15fgh 0.50cde 4.00 2.00f 4.80 j 8.81d<br /> T5 COHBT-68 5.10cde 14.00n 1.50def 5.45efg 0.60abc 4.00 2.30ef 8.55b 3.70k<br /> T6 COHBT-270 5.50ced 22.75j 1.00i 4.45hi 0.50cde 4.50 2.10ef 6.40ef 5.80 j<br /> T7 COHBT -262 4.50def 3.50op 1.25gh 6.60bc 0.50cde 5.00 2.00f 5.70gh 12.10b<br /> T8 COHBT-217 4.00f 23.50j 1.75c 5.90cdef 0.35fg 4.00 2.50de 5.00ij 10.83c<br /> T9 COHBT-70 4.00f 38.90b 2.20ab 8.55a 0.45def 2.50 2.00f 6.85de 1.40l<br /> T10 COHBT-44 4.00f 26.95fg 1.40efg 5.85cdef 0.60abc 3.50 3.40b 5.55hi 13.50a<br /> T11 Yellow Round 5.25cd 20.25l 1.70cd 5.50efg 0.50cde 4.50 2.00f 6.25df 1.40l<br /> T12 COHBT -198 6.60b 43.90a 2.30a 6.40bcd 0.60abc 4.50 2.50de 8.45b 6.54gh<br /> T13 COHBT-209 4.75def 34.95c 1.40efg 5.20fgh 0.60abc 4.00 3.10bc 9.90a 3.90k<br /> T14 COHBT -71 4.75def 15.50m 1.10hi 5.65def 0.40efg 4.50 2.50de 7.55c 7.50fg<br /> T15 COHBT -48 5.75bc 20.85kl 1.20ghi 6.10bcde 0.40efg 4.00 2.20ef 5.60h 7.35fgh<br /> T16 COHBT-31 4.00f 21.70k 1.15hi 5.90cdef 0.30g 3.50 2.50de 6.40ef 12.00b<br /> T17 COHBT-36 4.25ef 25.20i 1.55cde 5.25fg 0.50cde 4.00 3.40b 3.25l 12.75ab<br /> T18 COHBT -199 8.75a 33.35d 2.20ab 6.40bcd 0.65ab 4.50 2.40def 6.65df 6.20ig<br /> T19 COHBT-208 5.00cde 25.55hi 2.00b 4.20i 0.70a 3.50 4.00a 4.05k 7.44fg<br /> T20 COHBT -206 4.00f 34.85c 1.40efg 4.45hi 0.70a 5.00 3.20bc 3.75kl 8.36de<br /> T21 COHBT -191 3.00g 27.65f 1.50def 5.45efg 0.55bcd 4.00 2.40def 3.60ef 6.71ghi<br /> Mean 4.90 26.08 1.58 5.69 0.51 4.14 4.14 6.30 7.56<br /> S.Em± 0.31 0.94 0.09 0.26 0.03 0.59 0.16 0.20 0.28<br /> CD at 5% 0.92 2.80 0.22 0.78 0.10 NS 0.48 0.59 0.85<br /> CV 8.96 5.24 6.61 6.54 9.21 11.80 8.96 4.52 5.39<br /> <br /> <br /> 470<br /> Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(3): 467-472<br /> <br /> <br /> Recently it has been identified as a nutritional of diallele progenies for yield and its<br /> factor because of its antioxidant. 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