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Exploring the behavior patterns of students accessing online learning material using cluster analysis

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Understanding students’ behavior in online courses may provide teachers with useful information to improve their educational design and provide insights for content and instructional designers to develop personalized learning support. This research uses cluster analysis to explore learners’ interaction with online learning materials behavior in an online course at Hung Vuong University and identified three clusters (Less-engaged students, Moderately-engaged students, and Highly-engaged students) which evince different behavior patterns with regards to the time spent interacting with various resources. Based on the findings, several suggestions are also proposed for future research.

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Nội dung Text: Exploring the behavior patterns of students accessing online learning material using cluster analysis

  1. TẠP TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀCHÍ CÔNGKHOA NGHỆHỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Pham Duc Tho TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC HÙNG VƯƠNG HUNG VUONG UNIVERSITY Tập 28, Số 3 (2022): 58-68 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2022): 58-68 Email: Website: EXPLORING THE BEHAVIOR PATTERNS OF STUDENTS ACCESSING ONLINE LEARNING MATERIAL USING CLUSTER ANALYSIS Pham Duc Tho1* 1 Faculyty of Engineering and Technology, Hung Vuong University, Phu Tho Received: 08 Ferbuary 2022; Revised: 10 March 2022; Accepted: 10 May 2022 Abstract U nderstanding students’ behavior in online courses may provide teachers with useful information to improve their educational design and provide insights for content and instructional designers to develop personalized learning support. This research uses cluster analysis to explore learners’ interaction with online learning materials behavior in an online course at Hung Vuong University and identified three clusters (Less- engaged students, Moderately-engaged students, and Highly-engaged students) which evince different behavior patterns with regards to the time spent interacting with various resources. Based on the findings, several suggestions are also proposed for future research. Keywords: Students behavior, online courses, cluster analysis, behavior patterns. 1. Introduction resources for self-reflection [4, 5]. Students It is well recognized that the interaction may demonstrate different levels of with online learning materials is one of the engagement and patterns of behavior when most commonly performed online learning interacting with online learning materials activities [1]. Teachers and students typically for different purposes and based on different publish and create different kinds of online preferences [1, 6]; these levels of engagement resources for learning, and such materials and patterns of behavior may, in turn, affect give different learning advantages. For their learning performance [6, 7]. example, lecture slides give an outline of Consequently, understanding how teaching contents for students and facilitate students interact with different types of students’ note-taking [2], students may learning materials and how their behavior in review challenging concepts and prepare interacting with these materials affects their for examinations through video lectures learning performance may provide teachers [3], while peers’ assignments and messages with useful information to improve their posted in discussion forums are essential educational design and provide insights for 58 *Email:
  2. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Tập 28, Số 3 (2022): 58-68 content and instructional designers to develop how different interaction behaviors affect personalized learning support. However, learning performance. Heffner and Cohen only using statistical methods is not enough [16] examined the relationships between to explore students’ interaction with online the behaviors of viewing online course learning material behavior. Cluster analysis materials (e.g., number of viewing syllabus, (e.g., the K-means method) can be used to number of viewing course information, and investigate the behavior cluster patterns of number of viewing instructor information), a group regarding various indicators (such the individual difference (gender), and final as the frequency of a particular discussion course grade. They found that the number behavior) [8]. Thus, the use of clustering of times course materials were accessed techniques on these behavior sets enables the had a positive relationship with the final potential cluster patterns of learners’ different course grade and that female students more behaviors to be explored when interacting frequently accessed course materials than with online learning materials [1, 9-12]. male students. Lust et al. [17] found that Hence, our study is focused on providing essential information tools (i.e., number of more in-depth perspectives and insightful course outlines viewed and number of Web- information derived from students’ lectures viewed) were the most frequently interaction with online learning material accessed tools. behavior, for instance: their interaction with In addition to using statistical methods, online learning material behavioral patterns several studies have used cluster analysis that occurred during their learning process. to classify students into distinct groups Our research question is proposed as follow: [1, 9] and to investigate their learning What are the students’ clusters of interacting performance [18]. In their study, Lust et with online learning material in an online al. [19] managed to isolate a cluster of class? intensive participants that accessed Web lectures more frequently and intensively in comparison with incoherent-use and no-use 2. Literature review participants. In recent research, Li and Tsai Analyzing students’behavior in interacting [1] concluded that different behavior patterns with online learning materials helped in were associated with students’ motivation identifying learners with poor performance and learning performance. [1, 13], and hence in providing improvement Cluster analysis (e.g., the K-means suggestions [13-15]. Researchers have also method) can be used to investigate the pointed out that correlation analysis can help behavior cluster patterns of a group regarding the instructor to determine the relevance various indicators (such as the frequency between students’ learning behavior and of an individual discussion behavior) [8]. performance [13], as well as assist in By applying cluster analysis, the potential decision-making and improving teaching cluster patterns of learners’ various behaviors and learning processes [13]. can be explored [1, 9, 12, 20](for example, Several studies have used descriptive by analyzing the overall learning process of statistics in order to reveal how students a group of students, questions can be raised: interact with online learning materials and How many potential clusters of learners with 59
  3. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Pham Duc Tho similar behavioral traits are being formed? an introductory class was held in order to What are the characteristics of each cluster?). instruct students on how to interact with an In other words, it provides an opportunity LMS system named HVU LMS and access to discover meaningful data from learners the course-related resources. Students individually [18]. were familiarized with the environment, This study applied the most frequently compulsory class components, and performed interacting learning material evaluation processes. activities, as stated in the previous research Subsequently, from week 2 to week 8 of [1, 6, 21] with a Learning Management the experiment, students were taught 3 hours System (LMS) applied. Therefore, seven a week using the proposed online learning activities were identified and selected: Page system as an environment for submitting Hits on Questions, number of Answers assignments. The students were encouraged Posted, number of Answers Revised, Page to use the learning system after class. Hits on Lecture Slides, number of Comment Posted, number of Discussion Posted, and 3.3. HVU Learning Management System number of Discussion Edited. HVU LMS is an online learning environment, a Moodle-based eLearning platform developed at Hung Vuong 3. Method University. In this system, students are able 3.1. Research Design and Participants to generate questions and discuss with each other by asking, answering questions, and This study aimed to examine the effects of commenting through the provided functions. online learning behavior on online learning Instructors are also able to generate questions, regarding students’ academic performance share learning resources, and develop the in a class with the use of an LMS. The effectiveness of class management. HVU participants were 38 university students LMS main interface can be seen in Figure (33 males and five females) enrolled in a 1. It offers multiple functions that can be course named INT326 English for Computer used to promote online learning as shown in Science. The course was compulsory for Figure 2. all the students, and after passing the final examination, they were awarded three credits Several of its core functions are presented counting towards their graduation. as follows: a) Modern, easy to use interface: Designed 3.2. Experimental Procedure to be responsive and accessible, the HVU The class took place on a weekly basis LMS interface is easy to navigate on both for the duration of 15 weeks, however our desktop and mobile devices. experiment only took 8 weeks of the whole b) Personalised Dashboard: Display class duration. Class time was the main current, past and future courses, along with point of interaction between teachers and tasks due. participants. Each lecture took three hours c) Collaborative tools and activities: and the course is purely online during the Work and learn together in forums, wikis, COVID-19 pandemic. During the first week glossaries, database activities, and much of the experiment (week 1 of the semester), more. 60
  4. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Tập 28, Số 3 (2022): 58-68 Figure 1. HVU LMS User Interface Figure 2. HVU LMS core functions 61
  5. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Pham Duc Tho d) Notifications: When enabled, users can After completing the data cleaning process, receive automatic alerts on new assignments the data were then carefully transformed into and deadlines, forum posts and also send a sav file for SPSS analysis. Importantly, private messages to one another. the student’s behavior was extracted from e) Track progress: Educators and learners log files individually by using SQL queries can track progress and completion with an based on unique user IDs. array of options for tracking individual To differentiate the participants into activities or resources and at course level. groups according to the similarities of their f) Detailed reporting and logs: View and interaction with learning materials behavior generate reports on activity and participation (e.g., questioning, commenting, assignment at course and site level. completion, revision, and access to learning materials) that occurred during their g) Direct learning paths: Design and computer programming learning progress manage courses to meet various requirements. on the proposed online learning system (i.e., Classes can be instructor-led, self-paced, HVU LMS), we extracted a total of seven blended or entirely online. variables for the analysis as listed in Table 1. h) Multimedia Integration: HVU LMS’s A complete enumeration of these variables, built-in media support enables you to easily along with their basic statistical properties, search for and insert video and audio files in can be found in Table 2. All of the time- your courses. related variables are measured in the total i) Peer and self assessment: Built-in number of occurrences. Despite the small activities such as workshops and surveys size of our test group, Box Plots of our seven encourages learners to view, grade and assess crucial variables still revealed numerous their own and other course members’ work cases that were very distant from the IRQ as a group. region, as illustrated in Figure 3. Since these j) Competency based marking: Set up deviations could negatively project onto the competencies with personal learning plans clustering process, we decided to transform across courses and activities. these variables to a scale of 1-3 in order to reduce the bias in the cluster analysis, 3.4. Data Collection and Analysis following the methodology of Li and Tsai [1]. The 33.33% lowest, intermediate, and highest In this study, analyzed data were in access times were allocated a value of 1, 2, the forms of log files, which contain the and 3, respectively, indicating low, moderate, participants’ interactions and all information and high access times. In the following, needed on HVU LMS from a database we will refer to the transformed variables as powered by MySQL. The researcher T tQV ,  t AT ,  tRT , tLT ,  tCT ,  tQP T ,  tQE T . Further, we collected data in a total of eight weeks. The deployed k-means clustering among various number of questioning, comment, revision, subsets of variables as dimensions of the and access to learning materials was Euclidean space to search for learning behavior calculated by simple SQL queries based on patterns. The number of clusters to consider unique user IDs. was decided based on the size of the underlying The data were gathered from an HVU dataset and the dendrogram resulting from its LMS database via phpMyAdmin; luckily, Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC). missing values were not found in the dataset. We proceeded in our analysis with clusters Afterward, they were exported into a CSV that appeared to be consistent, balanced, and file for further transformation. mutually distant. 62
  6. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Tập 28, Số 3 (2022): 58-68 Table 1. Variables Extracted from HVU LMS # Variable Variable Description 1 tQV Page Hits on Questions 2 tA Answers Posted 3 tR Answers Revised 4 tL Page Hits on Lecture Slides 5 tC Comment Posted 6 tQP Discussion Posted 7 tQE Discussion Edited Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation of Variables Extracted from HVU LMS # Variable Variable Description Mean SD 1 tQV Page Hits on Questions 619.42 607.41 2 tA Answers Posted 48.53 17.44 3 tR Answers Revised 34.79 49.37 4 tL Page Hits on Lecture Slides 63.76 35.19 5 tC Comment Posted 59.32 166.9 6 tQP Discussion Posted 4.08 2.78 7 tQE Discussion Edited 6.79 14.58 Figure 3. Boxplot of tQV, tA, tR, tL, tC, tQP, tQE After identifying the participants’ Traditionally, a parametric analysis, such as similarities and clustering them into groups, one-way ANOVA, can be used to analyze data the significant differences, in terms of their if the assumptions are met. The assumptions learning performance, among the generated are as follows: clusters must be revealed statistically. 63
  7. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Pham Duc Tho a) Random independent samples group, k-means cluster analysis was b) Interval or ratio level of measurement performed on the seven transformed variables c) Normal distribution T tQV ,  t AT ,  tRT , tLT ,  tCT ,  tQP T ,  tQE T . As shown d) No outliers in Table 3, three clusters were identified. e) Homogeneity of Variance These clusters evince differences in students’ f) A good amount of sample size learning behavior patterns, and therefore we However, the data used in this experiment assigned them slightly suggestive names: had not met the assumptions mentioned (1) Less-engaged students above. In this case, a non-parametric test can (2) Moderately-engaged students be used to analyze the data [1]. Even though (3) Highly-engaged students non-parametric tests do not have statistical power compared to parametric ones, they are As shown in Table 3, from the variance more conservative. Consequently, this study on the average frequency of the seven implemented a Kruskal-Wallis test as the main behaviors - View Question, Answer, primary data analysis method. Furthermore, Answer Revision, Learning, Comment, if a Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrates at least Generate Discussion, and Discussion Edit one significant difference among the clusters, T tQV ,  t AT ,  tRT , tLT ,  tCT ,  tQP T ,  tQE T as exhibited a Mann-Whitney test will be conducted as a post hoc test [1, 22]. It should be noted that by the three clusters of students, we learned the significance level was set at p = 0.05. that students’ interaction with learning materials behavior patterns in the online class was distinctively different. The three clusters 4. Results and discussions comprise 16,14, and 8 people, respectively, To classify the students with similar accounting for 42.11%, 36.84%, and 21.05% interaction patterns into a homogeneous of the total students. Table 3. Cluster analysis of Interacting Online Learning Material behavior Clusters Less-engaged Highly-engaged Indicators of cluster students Moderately-engaged students F analysis (N=16, 42.11%) students (N=8, 21.05%) (N=14, 36.84%) T tQV 1.19 2.36 2.88 49.461*** t AT 1.25 2.43 3.00 52.991*** tRT 1.88 1.64 2.75 6.169** tLT 1.19 2.43 2.63 29.02*** tCT 1.44 2.29 2.75 13.074*** T tQP 1.19 2.21 2.88 39.003*** T tQE 1.50 1.79 3.00 15.122*** **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 64
  8. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Tập 28, Số 3 (2022): 58-68 More than 20% of the students are centered this course exhibited behaviors with significant in the Highly-engaged students Cluster (N = inactively than the other two clusters. 8, 21.05%), and the average learning behavior After classifying the students into frequency of their behaviors - View Question, homogeneous groups based on similarities Answer,Answer Revision, Learning, Comment, in their course material viewing patterns, Generate Discussion, and Discussion Edit we performed the Kruskal-Wallis test in T tQV ,  t AT ,  tRT , tLT ,  tCT ,  tQP T ,  tQE T - was higher order to compare Less-engaged students, Moderately-engaged students, and Highly- than that of the other two clusters. This suggests engaged students with regards to the set that 21.05% of the students learning this course of collected variables. The test outcome exhibited behaviors with more action than the is depicted in Table 4. We observed a other two clusters. On the other hand, it is to statistically significant difference in all the say that more than 40% of the students learning aspects measured. Table 4. Analysis of Online Learning Behavior Less-engaged Moderately-engaged Highly-engaged Kruskal - students students students Mann-Whitney Var Wallis Test (1) (2) (3) U Test Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD p 278.81 91.09 565.79 124.42 1394.50 972.70 0.000*** 21 tQV 3>1 33.31 8.94 53.64 8.21 70.00 14.22 0.000*** 21 3>1 22.37 22.01 23.50 26.15 79.38 87.73 0.011* 21 37.19 17.98 74.21 16.55 98.63 46.08 0.000*** 2>1 tL 3>1 3.44 7.14 35.00 43.59 213.63 328.74 0.000*** 2>1 tC 3>1 1.62 1.02 4.86 1.66 7.62 2.07 0.000*** 21 3>1 1.56 2.94 2.50 3.11 24.75 24.87 0.000*** 21 *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 Our result is aligned with the previous study Moderately-engaged students and Highly- conducted by Li and Tsai [1], and provide engaged students. However, we cannot evidence that Less-engaged students spent conclude the difference between Less-engaged significantly less effort on most activities, students and Moderately-engaged students namely tQV, tA, tL, tC, tQP, when compared to in the revising activities tR, tQE. On the other 65
  9. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ Pham Duc Tho hand, our results identified a Highly-engaged we cannot conclude the difference between students cluster, which consists of students the Less-engaged students and Moderately- with significantly more effort measured engaged students in the revising activities tR, tQE. in all kinds of learning materials when Moreover, although we could not establish compared to both the Less-engaged students any relationship with regards to the average and the Moderately-engaged students. time spent on Learning and Commenting Moreover, although we could not establish tL, tC by the Moderately-engaged students any relationship with regards to the average and the Highly-engaged students, our results time spent on Learning and Commenting indicate that students from both the Highly- tL, tC between the Moderately-engaged students engaged and the Moderately-engaged and the Highly-engaged students, our results clusters spent significantly more time on reveal that students from both the Highly- average Learning and Commenting than the engaged and the Moderately-engaged Less-engaged students. clusters spent a significantly longer time on average on Learning and Commenting 5.2. Future works access than the Less-engaged students. Based on the findings, this study provides several suggestions for future research: 5. Conclusion and future works Future works can deeply investigate the content analysis of comments and discussions 5.1. Conclusion to students’ engagement and students’ In this research, we explored and revealed behavior. It is also interesting to investigate students’ interaction patterns with regard to the effect of the automated reply feature of online resources based on students’ different HVU LMS on students’ engagement and identified groups of interaction with online students’ behavior. learning material behavior. Based on the For the future development of HVU information gathered, we attempted to LMS, we suggest embedding the automatic answer our research question by identified analysis and instant feedback mechanisms three clusters (Less-engaged students, along with early-detection behavior groups Moderately-engaged students, and Highly- into the learning system as a future trend engaged students) which evince different [23]. Integrating real-time computing behavior patterns with regards to the time with early-detection sequential patterns spent interacting with various resources, i.e. of learning behavior in HVU LMS may tQV, tA, tR, tL, tC, tQP, tQE,.We detected one cluster be enhanced by developing mechanisms of students (Highly-engaged students) that that provide real-time learning feedback as dominated the other two (Less-engaged scaffolding. This approach not only promptly students, Moderately-engaged students) in provides teachers with diagnoses of student all leading variables. This result aligned with misconceptions or bottlenecks in learning a previous study by Li and Tsai [1], who as important reference information but also identified a single cluster on the lower-access offers corresponding real-time guidance end (“low-use-students”) and two clusters regarding the behavior patterns of specific on the higher end (“slide-intensive-students” incorrect manipulations. Such an automatic and “consistent-use-students”). However, feedback design may optimize the learning 66
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